Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1929, p. 14

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Senior Rugby Supremacy PUNTS and PrtTTee ; And CI Told Them All About It Phere 1s an opinion which prevalent among all sporting elireles that when you participate in & game you do not know what happens In the game, Tust in case such u thing hed happened in Bt, Kitts last Baturday, Conch Pound told the hays just whit did happen, He didn't Just tell them but whit is mere important he impressed it upon them, Whit he did net say was (now boys, you had & little tough luck on Baturduy but as long as you play as good as thet sgsinst Londen it will be all right), In ease you are wondering why 1 am telling you what he didn't say and not what he did say, Ul tell you, They don't allow you to publish such interviews, Very discreet, LJ LJ] LJ w This Bhould Make the "Blue Devils" Bore 'The following is a clipping taken from the London Frese Press) "Oshawa Blue Devils, Intermediate ©, 1, F, U, finalists Inst year, hive priwtically clinched the eastern group title of the ORFU, and will mest the winner of the Barnia-Londen series, The Cas House Gang would weleame Oshawa as opponents Win the finals, as there are several players on the London team who contend that Oshawe should not have beaten them a year ago," that capacity again this year, Fre: What do you think of that? This should mike the "Blue Devils" views to that he played with the work harder than ever Laksfisl Fron Ned is ane $ the 0» . ¥ best tacklors on the team, Youn and fast, he 1s in excellent sendi And It's Rughy==Not Cricket ; tion all year round, He is abeslute: Up In Woodstock they have & team that Is ereating quite & stip i fonvioss and when he hits them | with their ability to score points and win games, It is the Woods they ay hiv He are ed 1 stock Collegiate yughy team, Yes, they are i team: They have plays praitise - AL pro he in oy od five ganies and in five games they have had only ene point scored they have scored three hundred and twenty-one points for themselves, An average of 64 points to a game and 4 re ing hard to heat "Lig" Walker for the honor of sarning singles points cord average of a lite better than one point & minute for every mine That's what you eall searing points, Here are far the team by bringing his op I'his will give the local hd Asi NED BOULTBEE Abave we have Ned Boulthes, ane ather valuable member of the Gen: oral Maters "Blus Devils" He ha ane of the youngest players on the squad being only 10 years of age He welghs 180 pounds and stands Bf, IT inshes In his holeproafs, He wa ing wing st year for the "Blue bovis and is nsting In Hamilton Tigers, Canadian ehnm pong, who dominated the Big Four for the last two years and are fa varites to vepeat again this season, #oam al the end of thelr suecesses with Montreal and Avgonaults hid ding strongly for the henors, OL twa wan In cammand previous to the Tigars when Jos Miller, Jos Tubman, Wd, Kmevson, Hama Btare and Charles Lynch wera al the peak of thelr power, holding the erown in 1086 and 1086, The against them and ponent down hehind his awn line To veally appresiate Ned's gual a Hes you must seme aul A see some ob the searesi 87 to 0, Bl to 0, B to 0 him perform along with his team: rugby teams something to think about mates on Saturday when the "Bluse % ' * * fevile® entertain the plucky Wrestling on Baturday Night Guelph Royale I'he Mth Regiment have deelded 1a hold thelr next wrestling show me Baturday night in the Armouries, Renate Gardinl, the favourite of the Oshawa fans, will be seen In section as well as many others, Haturday night should he a good night ta held this show and the Arm Cet your tiekels early . LJ * LJ Notice to Nationals' Supporters The Oshawa Nationals journey te Toronto on Saturday to play Congas in a league fixture, The Nationals have only twe more games oh beoken low tn the Fame with to play and this is one of them, Th e National players are asked to he Dart WAY that WHA WL ane point .' a. 's present at the Motor City stadium on Thursday night at 7,30 sharp, hut apparently tmproving nl : : : " thangh it will he some time hefore dhe boys fAafinite progress will ha known Ad wide M Hrnde Crowhurst In alin In the \i petition fagies, bil Western hospital with Amer, hut horri fein not know how long he will Mt Dlanahi have ta vemiln, although he hopes tithes he Uh (0 gel In the game analinst Barna Ay | a SUR Wii's 4 the finals on Thanksgiving day and JG LJ The Heachers play Bt, Michael's oollege on Baturday at Ulster Bia Alum, the frst meeting of the olty teams this season ute they have played, MIE, waa In thera Anyway last night andl was working hard with the rest of the hays, " LJ " No chances will he taken on the nuteame of the game here with the Royal Clty Gridders next Baturday and when the whistle hlows at 81h pm, the gang will he thers and ready to gn, » Protly soon will have tune ul these Tudy bh them ta the une ol wiles & higher weekly sgove than the men » * - eraowded Hadmy Beach only held # warn should be in Avlll Monday night, to loosen wp SUE Joints, and most of the play Ars reported In goad eandition, The Wg worry at the Paddlers' Gump Wil shout Nin Amer, wha sustain Fhe Parts and Bervies h led Muonda ight Thursday night hes lowe'en Fel Marquette who ha heen the | fell lagt night and only managed 1 Longue in lew wi | of the Hal IT and Outside Wing, Welght 145 | io Age 87, A star player with Guelph Collegiate and OAC, teams and for several years Rughy coach at the 0,A0, "Henle ving duwn when wil YOurs were Spin them ta Lin the special Higiing, Melt \ n, How Lula -- nd Matt Button all ol Mal ion ll QUEEN'S TO HAVE #4 GOOD "CAGE" TEAM Kingston, Oot, B0,==Queen's In» tend to make & strong bid for the Interpollogiate basketball ahams plonahip, which was won by Varsity nat winter, The Tricolor will have Yike" Hutton, "Herb" Dickey, Hoe win Carter and Hob Eliott of last YOAME team avaliable, as well aa Jimmy Hose and others who have made thelr names in the baskets hall world, The first senior basketball game of the Interenlleminte season will he played at MoGil when Western | | play there on Jan, 34, The next {night the Londoners play Queen's hare, Queen's firgl game AWAY from home will he on Feb, 1, at MeGiil, ny . . White Hnapbaek, Walght 168, Age #0, Was alse anapback on 1ast year's team, "Niek'" Hoshooley----Inside Wing, Welght 100, Age RL, No previous experience, 'Gerry! HRedford-~Inside Wing Welght 178, Age 17, No previous experience, "Jim" Kay = Middle Wing, Welght 200, Age 27, Formerly of Petrolia Collegiate, Played Middle wing last year and also did the punting and will do it again this yaar, "Ahe" Tantarvdini iddle wing 'Welght 108, Axe 20, Played fop Bt, Jeromis College and was a middle wing an last year's squad, "Copp" Lark--Outslde wing, Welght 170, Age 24, Formerly of Tiger Intermediates and Kitchener, "Regia" Lavole--Outside wing, Weight 160, Age 17, Previous ex perience at Guelph Collegiate, Fred Rishardson---Outside wing, Welght 170, Age BH, Star player and assistant coach at O.AQ, for wavaral years, "Tam Boutelllar =~ Outside wing, Welght 142%, Age 15, Pre. vious expevience at Guelph Gol leginte, "Harney! Gemmell----Half-hack, Welght 108, Age 80, A converted soeoer player, Halt-haok, Welght Joe Hough 189, Age B83, Also a converted #0008 or, Onell Hetherington w= Middle Hamilton's hah powered squad diy hi Remember the Hallowe'sn Fete tomorrow, sooms about through as the play urs not petting any while Montreal and Argonauts are developing what appear potential champions (Miawn faded after » two-year term in offies and Is now pehullding for the future, hut un loss some wtoek [8 tmported ta hols far the team 1 will take some vime hefars renohing ohamploanship ptranpth npain he sama applies tn the Intereolleniate In whieh To ronto, Queen's and Metiill have all RGen turns at setting the pace al though Queen's with the Leadlay Batstone combination, was su prema for four sucessslva ROARS Taranto also had eharge for 1HOH to 1811 Pate Camp h Gall were prc fre yOUngar GODERICH TO HAVE JUNIOR HOCKEY TEAN rer foes Annie Aine help pd her ws, with a high alngle of 248 and a high double al Aix Fhe Whirl Winds took the gh tem Wud aw In the Ladies Major League Reeve eopped the honors Goderigh, Oct, 30s=At & wall at tended meeting in the Town Hall, th Goderich Mos key Club was rex n ived for the coming season, Otfieor were elected an follows: Hon, Presi dents, Dr, J, B, Whitely, C, A, Rob eran, Mayer H, I, Ay MacEwan President, 8, , Croft) Vies: Presi dent, Div J, A Graham) key team, the Hlack ( nf Vavalty Orphans and funiors held a stiff praotion at the stadium While the Intevenllesiate squad haa | HWM REE TE A day off and the intermediates sought other acoupations for the Anather new Inte afternoon hours as they eam fie plated thelr season on Haturday with a victory over Western On tarin The Orphans entertaln Windsor here next saturday and Ara determined to hreak into the win ootumn, They lost the apening game of the season ta the MieMaos | | fare with Uh whieh has the Chose hey have or the year sid captaing have WHE 18 BOINK City Alleys Phin 18 thelr leagw started In Friends Howling elected thelr altiver the teams hoon to bowl at Friday City Is and League A similar term fram when Jack Maynard hell, Billy Hall and Hu At the helght of thal reers RK Darrow Treasurer, J, B, Rey nolds) Executive, Reeve R, Turner M, O'Brien, G, L, Taran | Wigging, P, Carey, D, I, Hill, W Hisset, Capt, KE, Robinson, F, E, Hib hert George Jenner, H, Aturdy W, Wallace and a Fepredentative 1 be appointed by the hockey team, ARR | | MILL zl eh °oH Ap a AAA ooo Coming Thursday Dovothy Mackall in the eam ih I the Motor ind ehosen colorful en avery nig lenge Chosen Friends Bowling League Hon, reas A, Lyoett 1 | Arehery Couch, We M, retary, George La Manager, Will Dennison Sehedule Seay, Juek rensurer, Mrs, A, VV, Hell, the team names Taronte, Queen's and MeO had successive ohamplonships In the last three years hut 8 new threat has come Into thelr elvoult tn wes arn University, which after a pony Sart 1a making a great finsh, The Londoners may revolutionize Cana lan rughy following thely Inno vations tn the game ngainst Varsity On Baturday, when the Taranto stu dents ware almost sent ta defeat Conch Joe Hreen has developed a | strange style af interference, sams thing now In staviing plays ana masking them, which proved a de And are out ta get revenwe vi, Hate Poland | the following are and the Captains hilver Nias Wild Cats UO, Kaya Maple Loats Never Dies | Strikes, Spares, and Blows | ng of the A, Y, M, OO, was held ¥ri day night, Beveral naw members Joined wp, Mr, A, (Art) Cates wan appoainted oftielal hookey res presentative ta the new Industrial Athletio Assoolation vecantly form ad, He will work in conjunction with Mr, BE, Stmmons, softball ve Art Greenfield Tack Tosland o Hilda Gillespie Chuck Tamblyn Ray Forrest Heavers Frank Leo Meet every Feiday night in the Ls SE LL Le ge AAS b= SR A dG Here With P - Indicatio ten ame riere t resent ications TT halt-huck last year and has heen Claws of the Tigers Are Get: Give the "Blue Devils" Grented the extra interest and lo Welght 161, Age 84, No previous derided deb ord PY nt than) fag cored 4H nny' Like Next Leaders--West. Weight 140, $0 dhe tiem tising Hard Every Night 4 quad, uniform practice singe last weel, g ---- "Iake' Kad well Inelde wing, . plying on the Balmy aah and spirit of the Blue Devils, AVEOnRY ve holstered thelr the General Motors oantre-half, Wolke 168, Age 86, LI History in apparently shout to | staff with hive of the Junior 0 al burn shout way, Binee | Kedwell assure suceess, Last Baturday the " the general turn a / on BIBUghion, Seott Member of last year's Guelph han Chat famons , y vietory home, When the ehearink | git, oe FU oh CUSSV OI | DeGray, . tm APL OF the Last century there ak | houkh (HEY muy ob kel & cliange p J lot weluning only to fuller for a | will gals 7 aged to win hy the score of four 0 ; ' Kali aerialn Amount of ses YORE Sling Lett-half, | that Drayton feelin g-=Well---u few fons eperating tn MWastern Canada | next | . ness for the season Is not aver hy lous experience unknown, but was peagon, Joa Wright, who Is wats fay PRA too rough a Kame for a lsorosse mambers and from Indieations this fr A utlan absent from rae. Oshawa for a litle afternoan ten | YEH Alo ae forms Irpo the advent of Mp, DeGray Inet [Bue™Smns' ortain in the next hp 11 LLB 1 J | Guelph have heen dogmed by hard "Hrnle" Tate = Quarterback, d caution y " AWAY Ih the face of heavy odd | 16st year, and has heen shifted to donned the pads again last night, Mm 10 he as nesr parfeation ard liar to vughy fans, After Satur. [decison to turn out again may have In dnylight to tune up on kicking reward, hag not heen anything 10 boast the nenson And PlEht on OshEWA's familiar to the Oshawa fang be Balls Instead of taliing the aval in formidable aggregation, The fol. | Pressing thelr names on the minds have made the Aifference hetween dardest to get a regular berth on Oshawa, Hanntors rose Lo supremacy hy dis { will give the fans an idea of just had a chance to see the "Rlue Hed Hatton, Fhrimp Coehrane WRI Hamilton--Quarterhaek and there Is no doubt that there | that they would have thelr strong: | machine Mantreal was In ohare dates mixed Haturday afternoon | have healed---alded hy the lay off | as they did the union wae and your leaves can stay on the Tt 1s also expeoted theav will he | during the intervenin grid atars=whn hive heen aut tn ( Viel TOURNAMENT GETS |" $o. eolumn would ha the hetter for It night In the A, Y, M, J, Hadmin would make it easier for some Kelth and D, Bmith; Thompson and "HE GY defeated Newhall and Trotter] Fordham defeated Brookville and oy A] Prepares For | up the team in oases where the night are as follows) Orothers va, Jeary and Hlore| meet the Barnia Wanderers at Te The regular Friday night meet intermediate. On RF Us Western ised when the locals take the field ta turn back the Londen entry in B PORT SNAPSHOT Guelph This Saturday Will Soon Change Hands re ld ' Wy hifted to middle Wing ting Worn: With Age == wl tans are il anxious to sen Their First Defeat of See Woluht 11 parion ' f Alvin Bnaphaak, | JA8L RIEL twenty-one players the popiinr Hed Moore, product of yoRr's # en University Will Be p / Meld tn the Canadian tinal of 108% {ght 800, Ake 86, Formerly of| TH number appenring for duty Bal 0 Wmariing under the bitter pili | SVOIERE B06 CARS A Hi ardor, fie' ave practising with And who do you think was out | PeReRt dwell fn vughy with the | team, eliminated from the ol He. Devile' ave p Played with Hamilton Tiger Inters ( Mm the champs Motoy City Inds entered the Care team, None other the gama of the grid came under | Bievenson aud Carmen Hichardson ml Right-half stick wislder--Ielly eon A conslutent change tn cham | for ae 3 had subsided and the dust cleared, Guelph. Collegiate, Hamilton Tiger Weleame, Kelly, and It vunning Ti Manto op Thiportant fet p hile another fores held lar ax 4 to nevhiny 1" h foW years w mov experience and wel wo igint Toe "ive Devils"! have every Capers' Anderson nhs at hy Ahold, have ®ll experienced the same 6x | husy With his new tnsurance huss a lon vy and on this coming |" Guelph team Inst year, 0 player to play And vies vera, NASI ecgeon™s vodionl switoh oan he ox | ton Wany night, althouh wel don't think, There will be erly with Guelph Collegiate and 4 mh We RMPAIEN, a Tuok all through the present sea: | Welkht 188, Age 80, Made hiy des ; oe . an possible on Baturday, and will and It's Just abolit time for sue Quarterback, He was up to see the Bi, Cathp and eatehing, "The |) ni 1) The Guelph team are determined | 4%, socerding to reports fram the hoa prompted hy nilmont Anything lpn" ponr-gAP @haut this season, valunhls ground own mrounds at that, Ta do this onnee they are coming tn Oshawa the aly The detanece lost hy lowing in & Mit of the members of of the Oshawa fang hy defeating victory and defeat in both thelr the team that 1s going to For the last three weeks the placing Argonauts, who held it for \ i" Davils'" In aetlon at home, They hd the late Jimmie Dauglos ang Moss | "Who's Who and Why' on the | will be a record crowd at the game [est team of the year hers Hatuy when the Interpravineial resumed 18 the day you go to the park to|of last Saturday fivet sta Ted in 1007, while the 1 ground until another day strengthened hy the addition of practices the past week Hreing 'ew OFF TO GOOD START Ita eartain MP, (J) would not today---ar mayhe (on his part) ton Tournament! HE Buys Merriok defeated Cook and Fits HOPRN Himmons and Evans defeated Cope Burnett, members did not turn up i " ol Hard Tussle Gibhile and Hakogeorge ve, Tier -- Thompson and Merriek Alm oumseh Park on Baiurday Aternaon group, Hach team has a game to i against their eld rivals, the Tunnel the rugby series and this year the THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1929 By Geo, Cameesir, Bports Editor o-- oh -- ---------- wing, Welght 180, Age 25, A Royals Are Determined to ! y Wheelars aver Hamilton "Tigers has "he Dopestey Frank Howard = Middle wing, A Argos or Montreal Look] Whitv, whose trusty ton seared hl) son--Oshawa Team Prac-| the Ago 17, WAS on last | Ore 0ub at the I! (he Hench whe played & i ijor pat : In the Viger rimming iy H Heard From Next Year hy sure speaks well for the enthusiasm Bl . wreserrry they were forced to swallow On| "Tuee™ yoyo rteine captain and a vim and winooveness chat whould | CHATS FRAC ER TEE Nave, [Viet night! © CC LC | AwRy of supremacy switehing In | onship ves hy Malvern rade, Bil den y expecting to take an easy oA Bmith Irish mutted vegular legislation In the Iatier | being th players promoted ang ale . long, With first one club ov owe | with Me " they found that they had just man 1 trenl op Balurday they Intermadintes and wag on last to Work at 8 hin. WOR'S take off : the throne, The theese major une | ad wit) ; y good rouson to ket down to huis | WelEht 100 pounds, Age B1, Prove | SASOr SOMRRAY Tov hervice i I : The eld saying that rughy was ohange of laurels among thelr | ness @n 011 Darling were the Haturday the Guelph Royals viel | o HEA" Bharpe == Firingwing fare heen exploded wide open with gated soon, perhaps not this year, Hraown petiene after an absence nothing woft about this . Ame, Intermediate squads, n AVE i " won bus they Nave kept plugsing | Put In football us an outside wing | The diminutive Milf, Eagleson Onauts will take avery pre most Hkel hel t lens A" Siehting spirit to met its Just | HOMe of these names are fame |INes wame with the havi And his hk hold nf lonst two drills Punts hy the Houle re | ta give Oshawa thier first defeat of | Guelph camp, all the names wil he gE Ep Wy Boing lost by walting for bounding 1ittle thing have Mned up p very | WIth the express purpose of im: Wilting for the ball ta hounes may the locals who are trying theiv [the "Blue Devils" vight here in ane-polnt reverses battle the "Hiue Devils," Thin] IMEWY fans of Oshawa have not three years with ldanel Conacher Guelph squad have heen walting for thig battle The Royals "phoned yesterday | MeCormiok the malin cogs In the this Saturday Don't pet your | day All Injuries In thely eamn | In 1000 after the wa furl wee the "Hue Devils" In aetion ' ather teams had un thr at the top ' two or threa former well-known AYM.C, BADMINTON mix his polities and practices, this Results of games played ¥reilday parler ta hed and earlier tn rise Atkinson and Crothers defeated gerald; Gibhble and Hakogeorge i v land and HKllegeti| Tierney and London Team Substitutes weve used to make | Games soheduled for next Friday ney and Fordham; Atkinson and rhe London Gas Hous Gang will | mans and Kans, at 230 o'ologk, tn the thivd game ol eredit and plenty of astion is prow City orew, Samia has long been ably Landon hays are making a determin QUALITY { coa Phone 3060 MALLETT'S presentative of the Club During the Minstrel Bhiw Prae tion whieh followed, Mr, W, Hnell, new Musioal Director, was intro duced to the Club hy H, HSmith, Director, Mr, B, Tierney la now Assistant Musioal Director, Rulgaria has just apened a new ras dio station at Sofia, NEW i A' Love {Tender 'Me GR a LOVER'S DELIGHT "OH DIDN'T I.CE CI."AM" 3 MARTIN | pve =~ ISPERING WINE Whe Chooses a Mate = Man 'or Woman? Now Stormy, Now in This Drama of Two Women Wha Loved the Same PATSY RUTH MILLER -- MALCOLM ~ BVE SOUTHERN Directed by James START. 2 THURSDAY -------- ) " Wan, he tay 3 weak valve in the audience, ed effort to break the jinx Last night at Thames Park the in termediates were out XN sirong wi dor the direetion of Coach Goods man, and a good hour of signal and taokling practice was put ny ihe London boys are planning a line plunging game against the Wanders ers and with the London bhagktield able 10 take care of themselves in any company, sHEE opposition will await Sarnia on A Ellyatt, Little, Dale, were not in vuinitarm but are expected to he oul tonight, Ellyatt will be given plenty ol work in the game and will be valled an to earry his share of the line plunging duties, Little and Dale on the line have turned in some goad games and will he given plenty of work this week, Capt, Churehill is still confined to his home in Petrolia nd will nat he able 10 he in the me-up for Saturday, but it 8 hoped he will bo able to he on the bench 10 assist in directing the game, Local rugby fans are looking fog ward with interest 10 the ganie, as they are still walking of the wondepinl display of the fall pastime that they saw here London the last time these two agsregations clashed, High sohoal students will be admitted to the game for 23 cents, and the three callegiates and Technieal school pra mises to have a large evowd on hand, SARNIA DY Sarnia, Oct, 2-Luke Cusner and his Wandered intermediates get dawn to hard work again this week pre paring far their important ORR. clash with Jerry Goodman's Gas House Gang in Londen next Satur \ Sines Noking Gi Londoners hove a week amo Saturday, and knotting wp the district race, the worth enders have pepped wp considerable and there 1 nothing but confidence in he eamp over the outcome of next aturday's battle, Workouts will he held every even: ing this week, according 10 the coach, whe calls his ghavges to knock oft the Londoners in two straight games to oop the district woe and qualify to meet the Oshawa Blue Devils in the finals, ---------------------- "The man who gives in when he is wrong" sald the orator, "is a wise wt tho wan who gives in when ht fee" SMarviedt said olded asset to the team an the of fensive, Hreon's Mustangs had the Varsity players battled most of the game, with thelr unique style of stepping up to the line of sorm mage, Western will he a foros that will mean watehing in the neay future, wRh the axperience gamed In WMAIOY company this year and prospects of high elass materia from Western Ontario, Halmy Beach had a long vewmn in the ehamplonship ehale of the senior O, RW, t, only ta he stopped abruptly hy Varsity Op phans last year, while Sarnia has # chance to prevent the Paddlers turn tn the ourvent oampalan 'he Beach has hettar prospects fap future than most of the ather ses nla teams tn the eountry, with A system of developing plavers from early sohool dave, and theve 18 & oropn ready now far promotion that shows exceptional promise, Windsor and 8, Miohael's, news comers to senior company, shawld also command attention, Hike West. orn, In the near futube, while Kit ehener has heen hovering around the chawptonshin olass and will Iikely got fntoa the Haal stage he fare long, While Monday ts generally a day of vest around raphy onmps, Aw gonants did not waste any we, most of the players helug In wn form for a long workout tn prepa ation far thelr game with Mont rol on Saturday at Varsity sta. alum, With a win Avges will he back In the Big Four race again and an they only lost hy ane point to the Winged Wheelers in Monts real, mostly through thelr awa mistakes, thay have all hopes of re. veraing tha result, To help thelr oanse Hank Sinolair, former stay secondary defense half, returned fram retirement last night, donned Als ald uniform and will most likely start against Red Moore, Wally Whitty and the ather Mont TORl meteors an Saturday, Prospects are for a capaoity orawd, for there has heen a hig demand for seats, althoush thay do NOt 80 on sale watll today, Most Hkely there will be a svand stam: peda far tiokets and (ha prospects are far a camplete sell aut. The sensational win of the Winged At Loeal Alleys I'he most inveresting bit of news to Oshawa bowlers this week 1s the manner dn whieh the Oshawa entry the Karry's Major League 1 sweeping all apposition biove them On Saturday they got the headlines the bowling story in the weekly Star and Monday night just ta show that they really could howl they grabs bed aft four points to HO MR Intn Rood place, Just twa paints behing the leaders, hd Gard Creamer was the high man of the Oshawa team with 729 tor three Names, Peg Maokio was second with 00d, Manny Swartz had the high single for the Oshawa hays, He howl ed AH The totals tor the three NAMES were yy 1089 and 113, Wi Soh soores as these being turned in Ida ne wonder that the Nik Naks are dotng so wel The people of Oshawa are going to S00 some real olassy bawling if they hited the Halonen oe which 13 wing given hy \W, LES and KR FRASER, on Thursday, MAT R one o'olock in the afternoon, With seh attractive prises helng offered there will be same of the best bowl ors in the provinee toying their skill at this carnival And all the god howlers won't came from outside Oshawa . MOTOR CITY ALLEYS Wallie Myles stated yesterday that he did the heat business on Monday that he has ever done on & Monday sive he became manager of the al loys, OF course there were we leagues howling Monday night ba oven at that it shows fwst 4 pap Whar the rolling game 8 beaming wn Oshawa, . . The names on the board for the ton high men for the month is chang me every night, Monday night twa Mure entered their names in the "roll of honor" and as a result there is no orton on the hoard with & sear of a1 than #02 \What a sweet tine there will he when these hays yell off, OF powrse same of them will fall down fn the voll aff while others will "wo oraay" and how! aver their head That's the same . Mis, Lane shoved Via Novis off the board hy two ping, She spilied Matar City Alleys at 2.30 pm Anything the Oshawa Chosen Friends undertake goes over the top with a bang: waleh this league! Rach team 18 made up of two wirks and four boys, Hil Dennison's in struetions were Put two gels ty oneh team and the hall of Oshawa would not keep " hoya Away, At the Central Alleys Jack Purdie offered a brise for the hgh singles for ladies and men during the week and already the name on the hoard has heen chang od four times Laat night when the Dally Times held thelr weekly session, KB, Ward Ywant ovasy' and hetare anybody sould step him he had shoved Ohuek Mason off the hoard and had put his own name on with a soore of 842, Ineldentally, In doing this, Ward AlEo went nto the lead in the Times lene, Kitohen had been leading al week, Frank Duffield still holds the hah monthly soore with a nls game of 481, This will take some hanting and 1 don't mean perhaps, The Duca Baya were out ia full strength on Monday night and all the hoya wera hitting 'em, (Prae tee makes perfect), Ohas, Spih stead load the Patni Dahbers with L 8 TT ---- The Duea Hoya have heen cams patning of leaving the corner plas Wi Well, when you handle "thine nora" all day, how oan you help hitting om thin? That goes top you "Dib The W, B, Phillips league asema 10 he atoadfast, The same team still leads and the same team ail holds the cellar pasition, The Alley Cats are keeping the reit of the bowlers awake at nights with their high searing, They have WON elaven games aut of twelve for a total af 13 polnts, The Diehards and the Duplates are next tn Hae The Rookies ave still at the how 100% TALKING N Most Are Hard To Gat" v is just about the snaps Jon you've ever ard, e Wire you see itl with DOROTHY MACKAILL Charles Delaney and Jack Oakie am, Come on you Rooks, Get arganiaed,

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