Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1929, p. 13

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ELECTION EXTRA!!! r---- To o------ I The Oshawa Baily Times = Succeeding The Oshawg Daily Reformer : id : OL, 5==No, 102 ay Huson § nt ule Slots ; A, ONTA OCTOBER30, 1929 ; DACA i nn bLbul] Mason's Oshawa Majority Not Sufficient to Give Him Seat Sms --r RS TE AE I 5 SETTAB SS Liberal Leader Recclected VOTE IN SOUTH ONTARIO ws Details OF Vote In South Ontario [ruven MANY YEARS, Th Athol Mt EER EELLE ) (RR ' "ee 1e=W. Powell's .... . ; 110 rath 70 | TH Durk BL @ WH A, Boe PlOKOPINE vio vvrnnrioriney BY ' vie 140 | Last Minute Rush Noticed Between Six and Seven O'Clock Mill Hiroal ' '" rr GemblVOrPOOl +1... er i1| Swells Total Vote--Morning Vote Was Also Notice. Millor & Libby's LH] '" dC, Toyne's house LARRY § w | ably Heavier Than Usual--Both Parties Were Well Or. ganized, and Fleets of Cars Carried Voters to the Booths Throughout the Day Albert Ht, Hohool ' hb be=Cherrywood 10 Albany Mi \ ' LL LL ¥ Sd: f=Kinsnle King And Ritaon Rah, 2 + dig : ' £6 To=RBrougham ,,, TE 'a A { Fhe vesult In Oshawa In the elec the polls, Large fleets of cars were Oly Na) y n ] " Hom WRIAYAIE cv vintv inning ' . 4 tid coos fren today, showed that interest in Kept bury " the uy and, indeed Me, Oregory's Mehae) yy pvive Ab R the election here was keener than in WOREHGOH 16 riding : PMount Wom Livia As the afternoon wore on, the vale wot heavier, and at times steady 11 Miglin Wt Was ERE ' ' ' 10w=Claremont tia { many years, The vote in this oity | streams of voters were wilting at eh heavier than expected, ess | many of the polls, Serutineers and aciall) when the drissly nature of athers in touch with the situation 81 Aloe Bt '" Cv oe | diay wus considered sid that it was the heaviest vote, ; i Pldkering Tp, Totals it ' ven this morning, many polls ins fin many of the polls in the city. ex Lies? 54 Bimoon Si . : Coa i that the vote would be heavy, | perienced in some time, and the Ig sally, the morning poll 1s lght | ures hore out their contention | But both parties were well organ Right up until seven o'elack, the ni " fod tn thin viding, and this morning | line of voters kept up steadily, and . WHITBY TOWNSHIP hent their efforts to get out all the | there was a noticeable last-minute - TOWN OF WHITBY vote that they knew was for their | rush between six and se ven o'elagk roll Mason Atnelate | vandidate, This cleared the decks inf The vesult might therefore, ho said to oll Mason Sinclair No, 4% Mason Ninelaly Ma) Ma) A measure for the afternoon, when | indieate, about as well as any elec No, Mason Rinelaty Maj Mal), ; hundreds of requests were received | tion can, the trend of publio opinion Lewd, MH, QUIVEOM'S soon nnns ' LT "ey by telephone for transportation ta' in the riding, any legislative assembly contest In Mary Ht, Hohool 'oy fae { ' 1 Total Unhinwa Loe Reld-Nash Motors LAAN JWilllam Honnetta's Bed, Bowman's OMe dooavnes voi \ \ Wer : hb BDA "ee ARE ' ; onl hain} 1 SeRrooklin-J, Graham's ,, Hem "hh t's WOR Fl h 0 R sCounell Chamber ivvrnin 30 1 . " ! en DPOORIN HOH + + aunass irr van ay, {or a ashes n esults teTurner's Bhoo BLOM ivan 107 we fAghbura bemCommunity Hall yovviniannn M0 i : Naha : | | In Provincial Election Whithy Township Totals Fotal for WHHDBY ivi nnnrans | VOTING VERY LIGAT Toronto Beaches iT, A. Murphy, EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP PORT PERRY Otinwa ==Indioations that voting | Cons, unghanged, ) {In today's balloting In Ottawa = v-- Ww, BN, MINCLAIR, 3, 0, MBB, Poll Mason Sinolale Wits at a low ebb came when the | Taronte, Brookten=F, GM Loader of the Outage Liberal Paviy, whose peselection in Nonth Neo. Mason Hinolaly Maj, Mal, Poll Mason Sinclair Mai Mal first poll In the North Ottawa | Beien, Cons, unchanged, Ontariy was conceded at 8 pons tondght, His majority may roach : No, Mason Sinelair | viding te be reported showed A, KR ---- 1,000 votes, Le HAM ON \ 15 LAR) $e LL) A Honeywell, Conservative polled | Toronto, Hellwooeds +=1, H. Rell, LeTreasurer's Offl08 vv 000s \ Va ' sows Jone vole while W, Githeely, Libs | Cons, unchanged, oral, falled to find a single pe -- REL ERRCN 1 i \ " be=Town HOH 4 ovina s nian ; "| porter, Toronto, Greenwood ==, 1, Smith, Je=Rtevenson's Corner | oo : : pp > TAREE at . ---- ons, whehanged, inc iar' 8 lection Samthiln White's 8019 +11 0v0100 10 uel " PemProahrtavian Shured Arantford The election of Rev,| .. y W, G, Martin, Can, in conceded by Toronto, Riverdale i=George Oaks BemOQOIUMBUE, sora asvanannrasy 8 148 Ap Port Perry Totals «viv ivnns aver 1,000 majority, ley, Cons, unehangetl, ------ WE GRAIN (000s AAA ARRLAE 4) Ve Bass | - Conceded; Mai rit . : a ! n , HONEOR TH sori n ri iimminrames 'ey 'a \ Hamilton t=Rleetion of Fred T Paranto, St, Pateleks t=E, J. Mugs nye, minister without {Vittohn in phy, Lon, unchanged, Haat WHithy TOWRIE ont isnnnny wees ---- " - Advance Poll iyi iviiaviims > the Ferguson cabinet, in West Hams Ye------ ton was conceded a few moments London North--80 aut of 10 ea es Uv er Ww IP REACH alter the polls closed, he hy Moore, tok, 1300 mas \Y TOWNSHIP OF CA LA -- Jority, Kleotion oonceded, Poll ¥ Mason Sinolair RECAPITULATION Hamilton =Rleetion of T, WW, Tuts : w------ No, Mason Ainolalr Maj, Ma), Mason Rinelaiy | ten, Conservative in Centre Hamilton Wentworth South--Rieotion of : A ON T, J, Mahoney, Cons, conceded, Rul Divkions Pie Up Stuns Scie Majattios That", | "usd RE HC won sous NR BER on, shanty, So, Cohodb Override Mason's wy in wa--At 8.18 30 Fo Rpom a" 108 WE Danii a ba 1 2 hive Rome anabragremsive 'ae%, Lot CT Mme Cone. hoe cy oe. FAMBMAA ALANA RRR NY LAN 5 y MRA A LLNS 8 a yo "w hy Polls Out of 54 Give Sinclair 8, J Town of WRIDBY Lov vvvivaiiniasy wars \ N \ Sales, © 1.942 Unehansed ; eel, BWARRIOR™ Lu avasvinsnay vim ' Vaan - oh, Hone. LA4%, hang, a Sinclair Majori 8564, Wi , R B, WANDY TOWRERID © \1vyvmmrs ant XN \" W seme Ss ty of = $tireanbank A . ¥ y of ) Porante, Greenwood i= Eleetion of Deterboro-=18 10 hear frami Whithy TOWRshID ( vvvvvivims yh ' \ \ G, 1. Sith, bo conceded Stelokland, Cong, 4688; Moir, Lib, 8.30 pon, 40 polls owt of 84 Fon RORNTAVO | (yy 1 '4 his 1204, 5.396, Shaalnie lsu 3 A = Plokering Township «civ vsnnn wus N \ Toronto, St Patricks Bloetion of . Seite: Alun ahh 3) Wy Roach Township cui iiriininss . . A & 1 Murphy, Cong, conceded, Un Seah 2 Matie-- Lyons eleation we Uodar O ohangedd coneeded, Sinekairs election is conceded, Ag | in the Hing heard feGodur Crook 1S WA ' Port Perry : : ¥ 3 MN , es o the raval Velen come dn, his madors \ SE And Maso As | Sa MAORI: vives aren y : J Waterloo, North =0ne third polls Torante Rgtinton--Rieotion of WY dn steadily mounting, and it Ww i Fr ansured Sougog Township (vie .-- A \ gr indicate W. G. Welghel, Cons, since | A, ©, McLean, Con, conceded, Uns I BT TI TR RT P=Wastmount PARA RA SY ww RT Mest sure that there 1 wothing tr as | PERIL in ' ---- ------ ee 1 ISX, is defeated, Fovty out of 114 -- hat can happen to prevent his eleed jority running ros, ATR Pall +1 ava isan Hott, Inde Cons, LEW; Tweed, iby] oronte' $i, Patriok 's-- Risotion oR Pickering ry. REE | Roneh Township Totals ooo Totals €33 Polls out of 84 Boda \ 20H Wetehel, Cong, 1302 of HC, Schatleld, Con, conceded, The whale tivation wat Abt Ma | Rinelaie mwmicipality early the dae. ' we vr Unohanged, Soh did not attain the makrity Ke showing that it weal Mile WD A WN _--~-- FON ARBUR--D, Mh TORT Toren Teh Toke We A Porants, Riverdale: Bleotion ~o-- eoted in the eity of Oshawa, While | rity equalling it NOt SrpaRing that VOT Gen Oakley, Cons, conceded, ore Parkdale 1 le { ; , of the § (a00l) unchanged, Baird, Cons, whehanged, th Wh ' BIRR, Apthiel Ab ND Bh del I the Fei raed | Reach a RS CONSERVATIVES ARE DING Renfrew Notth--Hon BA. [ Torowin St Gorges ll © Soho [Shed dh, Walkie Gans, Ateray ST tot Sinclair that & R131 the fast sleetion. MN made b Dunlop (aol) unohanged, field, Cons, wiehanged, Doranto, Nellwoods re=Kleetion A Fordhn of Ta oh iy ad Wo Perey, w broke THROUGHOUT HE PROVINCE a Watihine Ek Me. Ox Ie TJ Nagiey, 3 H Ben Cons, conceded, \ PRA Oct, XA pd Pn the Mth 9 ou About evel, ARR Op v AR A Willson, | Shanged, anadian Press reported election of | NS Howth, §. Niaara Rallaiw, Go Wilhon, -- NH members out of 112 in the One Missing Plane Retw STALIN Wales ReNt Your to compete Cons, wiehanged, a elections, AN were Conseny Albnguarane, NH ATOr the Amorieas Cup wan Wid ' Rex remy VRBO, Cons, Wie Welland 13 out of $8 give Vaughs a Rp, AN poli. ANAT Hel Of tha Way 40 Ab | this morning th the presence of tia] AEX this crening it war appar) CONRERVATIVES RLRCTRR SPIE ThE ORTOP IPRA You esters | An Cons wadority of LAS Bleetion -------- Were rom Treeha hy Ausignen, Charles Nicholson SAL that the Conservative majesity in] Hastings Bast=J. F, Hn tan | ondon, Northi=J, Po Movie) gay \ wsaeedend : 5 ne ® wt \ \ the legislatire had fot been reducest | Wnohanged, Quon, Wiehe Na he charged we five deltas" S---- Muggs=--You say you were in Pas oF Bain MN We Sh wear 10 Any extent, Only ole seat, that nd HAatings Northe=How, J, R Saw Ste, Mare ho 8 lyon, Wem Rrantlondt=Row, Wo Go Martin, | ris only ane week, That was altogeths ho Rap ue Plane, ant Bytes He You prepare 1 J Waterhen North, had gone over 19 Tanke (Roel) unohangedi whehangud, They Teuahed whet he Stepped to | Cons, Wiehe or 100 Short a time to 300 A vty of 113, aL) = Ahunnergne | TARE wy ee CoM me Without | iho Liberal colin fram the Conser Kingston-=T. A, Kidd (aeel) Ry Brack dildos. Ry News | ihe plane "A oN months amo 1 -- that wise pars A power - Waring d vatives, George \Weiche! bolng des | anohanged, bith, Cons, unehanged, conlin't play & not he began, Hawtbton Contre =T, Wo Jutten,] Bowers=Not at all we divided the bs - Swltoe: © at all Wihere is feated hy 8 © Twead in that viding Muskoka, W, Eeoleastons t Dovercourt = 8 1 YNAY exclaimed *hs ewer ships | Cong, wachanged work between ws, My daughter wok thing conceriing het You want In all the ovher vidings in whith ob | (80h) unchanged, Wright, Cons, wnehanged. Mates -- me nthe musenms, wiley the stoves and Wa we about, Tw willing to Mats oN were soneeded, the shecess | Otiawa Sonthe-Arthar BEBE Toronto, Ba a OC Melani] "Nope replied the satlor, "and | Hamilton West =Fred Save, | shops, and 1 the theatres and aba Rk Vy, whieh LLY Invade United on ful candidates were Conservatives, © (acl) unchanged, Cons, unchanged. can't now eithen® Cons, inehanged, rola a Ta

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