Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1929, p. 5

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se a i Sa ccs ect he THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1929 are RR All the Churches Sunday Services in the City Churches | {ii Churches Open For Prayers "Get the Habit" Come to Sunday Worship Kin St. United Church u, M.A, DD, MINISTER Address; 180 #0, ) Chargh--"Telephone 9987 "Enter Into His Courts With Praipe"s. -- The House of | Sunelay Services in The Oshawa Churches 11 a.m.--*The Church of To-morrow' 2.30 p.m.~Sunday School and Bible Classes, The clase for you, 6.45 pm. ~Song Service, 7 p.m.--~The Annual W.M.S, Service, Special , FORBES of Weston, Male will lead the singing, ble and will commence their, fa Ribble sn ha panty next, ccs ~ Bunday Berviges 11 am, & 7 pm, Dr, E, R, Hooper of Toronto will preach at 7 pm, Wed, 8 p.m Prayer Meeting, Mon,, 8 p.m. --Young People's Meeting, Fri, 8 pm. -- Chil dren's Service, KNOX Presbytcrian Church Simcoe Street Nurth and Brock Street Rev, Duncan Munroe 84 Broek Nt, W, Phone 8554 Sunday, October 27 11 am, & 7 p.m, ==Rev, Angus Mclvor of Port Perry will conduct both Services, 3 p.mo~Sunday Schoel, Wed, 8 p.m~--Mid-week Service, "Oome Thon With Us and We Will Dp Thee Goed." First Baptist Church King St, East AURREY W, SMALL 18 Aberdeen Mtreet 11 am, "What A New Preacher Thinks" 8 p.m, ~Bunday Schoo), 7 pm, Faith's Subject and Object" Monday, 8 pme=--nY. 1, U, apd Chole, Hallowe'en Hogial at 146 Bimeoe Ntreet North, Wednesday, Prayer Newvige, WELCOME TO ALL sp Centre St, United Church HRY, PF, PLEYCHEN, BA, 0.0, Il am ==Miss Ethelwyn G, Gates, Educational Secretary of the Wae- men's Home Mission Board. 2.30=Sunday Schesl, 7.00 p.m, = Rev, | F, Cluysten, B.D, Mon, 8 pm, -- Young People's Society, THE SALVATION ARMY SIMCOE AND OAK Services Conducted Ene sign and Mrs. A, on Speelal Young People's Hervices, ) i . , 1 Free Methodist i CHURCH (Over Aveade) 10 SIMOOK NT, N, Sunday, October 27 | | Free Methodist Church Rev, R, L, Casement, the pastor will conduct the regular service of the Free Methodist church to be held at three o'clock Bunday afternoon, I Salvation Arm ; A special young peaple's serviee will be held in the Salvation Ariny citadel tomorrow morning, Ensign and Mrs, A, Dixon will be in charge St, George's Anglican Canon C, RB, de Peneier, reetor, will gonduet the regular seryices in Bt, George's Anglican ehureh, bun day, Pentecostal Assembl "Gideon's Three Hundred" is the subject of the pastor, Rey, 1, 'T, Ball, for the morning service at Pentecost al Assembly ehureh to-morrow, Knox Presbyterian Mr, Angus Melvar, of Part Perry, will preach ut both services in Knox Preshyterian Chureh, Sunday, Grace Lutheran The regular services of Grace Lu thevan Church will be held Sunday with the pastor Rey, A, C, Hahn in charpe, Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Mr, J, J, Meyer will be in eharge of the services of Oshawa Penteecus tal Holiness Chureh to-morrow, His subject for the evening will he "Does the Ox Know It's Master?" North Bimees United Rev, A. M, Irwin, the pastor, will preach at hoth services in Bimeae dtreet United Chureh, day, The regular service of worship of Unity Truth Centre will he held to morrow morning in Weleh's parlor King Street West aly Trinity Holy Communion will he observed Bam, and 11 a in Haly Trinity Chureh, Sunda I'he rector, Rey, B C, Jarrett will be In charge m Christian Becience "Probation After Death" will he the subject for disgussion i th morning service of the First Chureh of Christ, Scientist, tamorroy King Htreet United "The chron of Tomorrow' will be the subject hy the pastor, Rev, CU, HB, Cragg, at the morning service In King Hiveet Unite Chureh tomervow he evenin service will be in charge of the Women's Missionary Mrs, Forbes, of Weston, will speak. es Narth aun Unity Truth Centre b Wesleyan Tabernacle Barting on Bunday, Rev, A, E Collins, of Toronto, will conduct a two weeks' evangelistic gampaign In the Wesleyan Tabernacle ~ ehureh, perviees to-morrow will be featured hy special singing, Rey, E, J, Wil- soi 18 the pastor, Contre Street United Miss Lthelwyn G, Gates, educa tonal secretary of the Women's Home Mission = Board will address the congregation of Centre Bireet United Chureh Bunday morning, Rev, Jo ¥, Clugston will + preach at the CYENINE servige, : St, Andrew's United Rey, b, M, Balandt, of Terentn, who recently returned from the cons ference at Geneva, Bwitgerland, will speaks at the services in 81, Andrew's United Chureh, Sunday, The pastor, Rey, V, J, Maxwell, 1s wb yer covering fram injuries which he res ceived recently in a matar aeeident and it is hoped hy all members of the gongregation that he will soon he able to resume his place in the pul pit Eimeoe Street United A special anniversary and Thank offering service will he ohserved In 5 meoe Street United Chureh tomar row morning, Rev, George H, Wil lwms, D1, of Ryerson Church, Ha milton, will he the gpecial preach: ar for the day, His subject for the morning will ha "Rare Commend: dation, while in the evening he will speak on "Compulsory Trib ile ) Hers goolety andiet completes its ensemble makesu) distinction to this three-quarter A service of song 1s ta be heldde lapin that features long slim bl from 6.46 pom, to 7 pom "A Golden Hull vines ene that you in| 0 purchase hed furnishing already assembled ave heen harmonised for At All Times An ¥English writer says that, while 16 used to be an simost im- possible thing to get admission to i Vres church bullding outside of rervee hours, "that stigma Is sure ly hélng vemoved, If ony Evadally, and moving about when op hellday one Is delighted to find In many instances oppirtuniie of visiting Non-conformist ehurelos If deplr- ous of quiet and meditation, "Soma time ago 1 came across # Methodist sanctuary in a North Wales watering centre, The church wis well situated and, with Its open door, mutely Invited all who #0 desired to enter, "An atmosphere pervaded the place conductive te warship snd prayer, and in a spacious ehuyeh, clean #8 8 new pin, and pothing shoddy about It, one was imme diately conscious of the presence of God, An intimation Informed the passing stranger that the church was open every day from early dawn till eve, "Away on the Channel lslands a similar experience awalted one, standing majestically hy itself wan # Noen-eonformist hullding, Its gates flung widely open and It doors ajar, In the vestibule was a striking notice, vending: "All we asl of you who enter 1s revers ence," "On one of the smallest Islands in this Channel group, too, though one's guide, whoe'sr he or she might be, should he aWorded ope portunity for shelter from even the wlarious heautles of nature outside un well ga any distracting features, and take a moment for prayer, "And this was characteristic of many districts visited, The Im pression eveated was profound and lasting, "One of these churches actually provided a small hut select eholee af volumes that worshippers were Invited to use whilst resting, and hooks that were Indeed stimulates ing and helpful," ARCHBISHOP ASKS FOR INWARD UNITY Question of Order Predom- inates in Consideration of Church Union London, Get, 854 The Arvehhl shop of York tn discussing reunion says! "The unity of the Ohureh must he Inward as well as outward, Hatween the Anglican and the Churches wherewith there ara any Immediate prospects of union, the that Is A The announcement that the Hrl tish and Forelgn Bible Boelety ha just Issued its popular pepart for the eurrent year will he weleamad by all those who have had the op portunity of veading from year to] year, in story form, the report ol the wark of the Hoolety, There Is perhaps no other record of the kind in the world which presen! in such a fascinating way a survey of Christian missionary enterprise, tongues; and ta have elreulated iy hy means of Ohurohes and Misslon« wry Hoeletles, Bible Houses and Colparteurs, aver practically the known world, 1088 was the "Gald on Milestone'! far the Issue for that vear warn over 11 millions, the highest In the history af the Hos elety, and the gifts vecleved were the Ereatest on record, Hut what the Report emphasises mast 1s the need of the Word of main question 1s ane of ardes I | has seemed to me that we would have ta he very sareful to ses that any unlon agreed upon 1s based on prineiples so strong that when the tde has turned and the tendencies Are towards separation the union that has been achieved will stand the test, "Judging from the experience of 10 ar 16 years there will he a res newed tendency to insist an points of difference 50 we must alm at a unity an the basis of a veal strues ture and not merely on the geod: will of the moment, And predoms: inant Is the question of Eplseopal 52 Simcoe St. §, Church Off, Bagot St copa! hedles who have a growing eaneern for historieal continuity," THE CHINA THA KEY A Ching tea selo=just to own A Chinn Lea net was hor dream Dear fragile cups, quaint little howl, A ounning piteher for the eveam! Ho graciously she'd pour the tea, Hay friends would chatter hright wand gay, "Hueh perfect oups! I'm glad I happened in today," tea! Bueh lovely Hut he to whom her life was joined Thought money would he better spent and, took And to his will hant His toll and gain were all for her And when the twa were ald and for implements and hey Far will was Pay, That she have wish dented He brought the tea things home ane day might ne fragile eups, quaint Yttle howls! fhe thanked patient amlile) fhe placed them tn & shining row, Admired them there a MHitle while Then packed them all away, wee Dear hm with her You Good Singin Fine Fellowship Helpful Services und rvie 3 pm~Sunday School 7pm Ryerson Church, Hamilton Strangers Cordially Invited A Hearty Welcome Awaits You Here EE Ei ney, he came face to face with a farmer, "Good morning,' sald the Londoner, "Nice morning?" "AY, It he, sald the farmer "Hut It were cold first thing Kingston Whig-Btandard, Pr ------------------ SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH Minister: REV, E, HARSTON, LL.B, Phone 148 'Phone 3128 Anniversary and Thank Offering Services "Rare Commendation" "Compulsory Tribute" Special preacher for the day--Rev, George H, Williams, D.D. TT Ta avert unemployment through the losing down of wateh factories Furtwangen and Guetenback, in the famous Black Forest reglon of Gey many, have guaranteed produeting costs to plants whieh will sentinue 10 aperate St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Nao friends were left to drink the ten, THE TOP 0' THE MORNIN' Of The United Church of Canada Rev, F. J, Maxwell, Minister, Miss P, Fletcher, Assistant Sunday, October 27 11am & 7pm ~Rev, D, M, Solandt, MA, D.D,, of Toronto, recently returned from Geneva, 3 pm~Sunday School and Bible Classes. You are Invited to all these Helpful Services It Is remarkable (hut net to a fisherman) what an attraction Ashe ing has always had for statesmen, one of the most arde.. anxlers, Lard Ovey, better known as Sir Bdward Gray-=recantly told gn tha hedraam of whieh Oshawa Pentecostal HOLY TRINITY 3 p.m.--Service, Rev, R, I, Casement, Pastor Cordial Welcome J --------------1 GRACE Lutheran Church MASONIC BUILDING (od for travellers over life's dusty and difieult ways, and It contains an invitation to all who are ta terested in the moral and spiritual good of the world, to hecome what the ancient Homans oalled "keep: urs of the road," to meet its mile Age cost and to help the Hoeelely to build the great maral and spirits ual roads along which the feet of humanity must tread in order to reach the divine goal, or gives with greater Insight the religious condition of the work in such. beiel and attractive form, Ths year the report is entitled "Another Milestone,'---and this is 8 very appropriate title as 1080 marks Its 126th anniversay---and apound the idea of the 'Celden Milestone" erected in the Forum at Rome centuries ago, from whieh all distances in the Roman Empire were measured, the Rditar, Rev, then Ing order, A "Quite apart fram any of OUR ening theories the fact Is that the Bples i w oopate 18 more successful In avert, ... expended ing disunton than any other prin. ANA olple of unity In the chureh, Meape: "Week aver, for many centuries Eplscapal The Frock of the eek order in the Chureh has had une i i ARPOATARCE At disputed sway as an unalterable' ooo fashion shaw in @ historioal fact and It was hesinning| art Now York suburb, and to tmpress profoundly nonERS] 0 wie omodishness was the A hed ensemble It owill he time, thought and 11 awm,~Holiness 'Service, 8 pom.--8pecial Program, Jm.~8alvation Meeting Sunday School--10 a.m, and 2 pm, tired hy means af Holiness Church 811 Celina Bivees Opposite Maple Bt, 10 ameemBlunday Boheol, 11 ame=Marning Wom i § PW, == "Doss the Ox Know Ita Master," My, J, J, Meyer in eharge, GHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Sie, REV, & C JARRETT Ineumbent JO Fairbanks St arth the maids St, George's ANGLICAN Cor, Bagot and Qentre Ste CANON ©, Eg 2 TINEA, 89 Athol Street West Holy Communion--8 a.m: 11 am~Moring Prayer Sunday School Centre 8t- 2.20 pm, pm oe Evensong Mbiiams Ind Sunday each MA, tacumbent. 50% Masson ov Sunday, October 27 1,00 a m ~~ Moming Prayer 2.30 pm. -- Sunday School, 4.00 p.m. -- Baptisms, 7.00 pm. = Evening Prayer, day, October 27 | 9.80 am, ~--Sunday Sehool, 10,30 am~Morning Wor ship, Rev, A, 0, Hahn 182 Alle Street ALL ARR SORDIALLY WELCOME SCIENCE GUARIING FOOD PRODLCTION Strict Laws Govern Manu. facture to Ensure Health, Speaker Says Montreal, Oct, 26--=The develops ment of bacteriology and chemistry, fd educational work done by public ealth and medical associations have gradually resulted in modern food control, Dr, u-Couture, anal i of 'the Dominion Departught of Yhene told members af the Adve: tising Club at their weekly lnncheon at he Mount Reval Hotel Fstlerday, racing Canada's pure WS, Dry Pabines ~Couture stated: that great strides have been aveomplished in the last 50 years t improve ing the quality of and drugs supplied ta the Canadian public. 'Our task, however, is never finish. ed. We aim at perfection, yet per- fection 1s not of this world," nes which has made possible efficient f and drug control, is also used hy va serupulon. manutacturers, and subtle forms of adulteration, which were even unthought of 25 vears age, are NOW coming into use, But fortunate: Miency provides ve vig means of detecting such frauds, and owe work is thus heconiing more TIN and mare intavastine EH, W, smith, centres the story of the Hoolety's activities in transla tion, in civeulation, and in the de. velopment and progress of the past 25 years, The chapter titles speak far themselves: "A backward glance o'er travelled roads; As long the road; "Meeting the mile: age, It fa surely an achievement to have fssued 487 willlon pare tions af the Bible In 185 years: to have been rvespansible for ita translation In @18 different We cannot commend too highly the attractive form in which the hook 1g issued, and we cannot help giving a word of appreciation to {ta present Hditer, wha has availed himself of literary references ans elent and modern, and has in pops ular form given us a stirrin Ra 4 of the grewth of a great Heclety, of its achievaments in the past, and of ite hopes and alms for the future, "IN REMEMRARANCE OF ME" oy =A RISHOP'S MEDITATION Dr, John Thompson Dallas, bishop of New Hampshire, ia the Author of the following commun: fon meditation on the words, 'Po this in remembrance of Me" "Things that are sacramental are thoas things which open up the depth of human nature and the depths of God's heart, "When you come to a service as ® are having now, it ought to Ip us to see all of the sacramen- tal things in life, I am sure each one of you ean think of many human experiences wherein those two things meet, the divine and the human, where the depths of human nature well Wp and the depths of divine love burst upon 8 Yiometimes it may be that the unrelling of the clouds in the west makes us cateh our breath and stand on tiptoes, Or it may be that sweet and trusting look with which a ohild looks wp inte your face, Or it may be, as | and my brothers have sp often seen, that lodk that cames into a woman's face sometimes when she stands hy an open grave, Or it may he some such awful experience as a tot of us remember when the word went round that thére was peace, and we thought of the sacrifice and pala which ushered us ime the greatness of humanity and the awfillnegss af Gad On i maw ha 'to us, this sacrament which we eall that experience which a man has As he wees his mother lying in the regal rohes of death, Op those In< tense and human times on the verge of the heautiful and good ALBERT ST. REV, R, A, W Rev, §, C. Moore, | Ay services, 11 ame=Rev, C, P. H 2.30 p.m----Sunday Scheel 7? pme=Rev, C, P, H Ww gubdect of mueh eamment, Bik net was the fabplo, and we are told that this material ia the very amaviest possible for the farmal evening rook Iwas long, even ta the fAaor, all the Way and Hs walstlina was higher than novmal Is trimming suggested the Greelan CEP Bw = raund uesday==4 pm, Prayer servis, Wednesday, §& pm Young Peopla's Meslay, Friday, & nm, =Hibhls Atudy, Come and enjoy these height Services WhHh Un am & 11 ames Communion, bh 0d 8 po dunday Bohool, ¥ P= Evenson Bermon, "we panslsting, as it did, of opassed banda above the walst and around tha Rips, 1a calor was ane of the pew, vieh reds, and aver it the model wore an eve ning wrap of black panne vel vet, quite a sould hit shoptes and draped In the appraved caw! fashion, A fur dvape of white ermine followed the caw! Hones and fAnlshed a perfedt and the true that are apening dears and windows into the heart of the Eternal, "And a0 for us who believe that God ta, and that God loves us, and that in his love, He sent Jeaus the Holy Communion has a signi icance whose depth we never oan Gulte reach, and we do not under stand all it holda for us, "It 1a a solemn thought when you realize that Jesus sald: "Po this in remembrance of Me!' He wanted to be loved, He wanted to he remembered, because He knew us, kpew what it would wean te Wa to remember and to love Him" ANXIOUS FOR SUNDAR SINGH WHO SET OUT FOR TIRRY Sadhu Sundar Singh, the best known Ohvistian In India, 18 ve. Jona 10 have gone ta Tibet the adt of June for two months, No. thing was heard af him. "The lack of news is giving anxiety to his friends and Rev, T\ B, Riddle, of tha Narth @dealand Preshyterian mission at Roorkee, have gone la search of him hoping 10 send some Tibetan Christian across the hon der after news if he is unable to wat 4 athavmiae Wesleyan 200 King REV. E. J, REV, A. E. COLL! will conduct a tw Campaign, Services - Hl am, 3 . of long slaves, a handbag of evening, except Sa Special Singing "Come thou with ue Num, 10:20, Whiove, eulled smartly, the shept oaloy symphoeny NN sally smart, in accessories, When daok was smart hafore the ensem:s le (dea was nat the ruling theme af Svorything in fashion, Hiaek gloves Nerth hur t Rew, A hy A IN, BRA, AD, Panter 19 Orta 84 Phone 2003W NSE ins Toe Burt, Np Sunday Sehoel, "RARE ST EVRRYRODY WRILOOME re one of the most important Astume detalls, and the shovt black slip-on and the long hlaek suede formal glove ave all a part Of the vague---sueda another ax» eeedingly smart fashion, | Afternoon hvings out the hlaek suede Keoessary ensemble, is speclally lovely with hlaok andl the new shades of green and ved, less Attractive with hvawn and bhilue, The coamplated ensemble is wade wede and sueds apera Pumps, ones trap slippers ar Oxfords, Antes jope suede is elegant and siiky fof, and trimmings, as a elasp ov rnament, may he af mareasite, Mode shoes may wear Kid ar Heard tmings the bag wmatehing, | | lug Pentecostal Assembly RQTARY CLUB BLDG, Contre Bt, Rev, J. T. Rall Sunday, October 27 10 amo--=Sunday Scheel Ham = "Gideon's Three Hundred" 7 pan. == Evangelistic Service, The Message for You, -- Christian Science First Ohureh of Ohplat, Solentisly 44 Oulhorne Hiveet Wasi Sunday, October 27 RURROT "Probation After Dea » Merming Service at || , ie Beare NIL Wednesday Meeting, 8 pom, Inelnding teatimonies of Healing through Christian Solence, You are cordially invited to an tn! the services and to make uw of the Free Public Reading' Room Where the Bible and all anthorised Christian Aclonte erature WAY be wl toad, harrawed oF purehdsed foals subseribed for, Open oy Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satwndays om 2 Ww & pm, Unity Truth Centre WELOH HALL, King 8 W, 11) La) Nohwat HE amoe=Moring x y Wh ner

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