Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, BA' FURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1929 PAGE T HREF, { Hon. J. D. Monteith Discusses Govenrment Financial Policy \ Mrs. T. E. Houston Will Build A Beautiful Country Home On Rossland Road, Oshawa srr spy Former Oshawa Woman, Now of Cincinnati, Pur. chases 00-Acre Property From Eric R, Henry and E. M, Henry WILL DEVELOP FINE COUNTRY ESTATE -------- Property Is One of the Most | awa Vicinity--In Homy' Family for Over 60 Years TF Ydgar Hewsan, of Cin ginnetl, formerly of Oshawa, and widow of a woeslthy coal mining aparator of Ohio, has purchased » gountry estate Just north af the elty Hints and plang to hullgd « naut inl gountey home, with mod arn outbuildings, 10 was learned to day, The property eomprises ahoit Ho novos of well Api) land gnn te situated fust north of the ely mits on the ud onneession, KO rads west of Hoss" Corners, TL Wis awned Jointly hy Mr, Krl Hen vy and Mr, BH, M, Henry wile having han negotiated by for nie The site whiah Mis, Howson ment of a eauntey the most pletaresqus In the vies ity of Oshawa, 10 Is wall waleved hy the Oshawa Croesk and embraces hundrads of flue eld trees, helig probahly the most faveved thnher praperty within the township I is Mosely adingent to the gall Hinks and anny ha easily vesched from the heart af the ofty, while at the game time it affords that axelusion which makes a country hame at traetive AL the present time 1 in not encumbered hy any hulldings The land in the passion of Honvy family Over sixty having heen aligned In THON hy the grandfather af Mr, Ndwin M, Henpy, 100 Kins street, who desded 16 to him wey aril years age, Mr, KH, M, Henry in turn deaded the prapevty ta hi two sons, Bele I, and EM, Henry Mrs, Hewson wollsknown In ill W LH fhe Mas Pook Mya, Phy, Wh Ma, ry AEA Ht i NBL) h Mis, In fhe Ih hing heen dhosen fur the develop estate 18 one al hy | Pos for pay han heen the Von's, iL} { HINGLE MEN all TWO INERT WHh oars to go out of tawn My, MobDdarmid, 41 Algor This vegulves a good man that | very remunerative, saturday only Phone S815, (hin) LOO RTAARITT BARGAIN IN Oghawn LH enile will huy new B Yooms, lovely hungatow, all eon vanlonoes, pug helo veneer, hard wand floor and chestnut telm, sido dive, Must, he sold at ones, Rn re B84 Hey Ll (ANd) APARTMENTS TO WENT MOD, an five rooms and bath with elees (Me Aloves, Erates and avery oon veh leanne Fiat ap second floors, | Casa Loma, 161 King Bt, East, Oshawa (he) | TH RENT UNDERWOOD TYPE wilter, sultahle far student, Key bond, Phone 0314 Eh (hho) | wdapied, WH returned men of known In Hide, | hones ta tlment unnhla promptly Hel wera comparatively banded wallare paid lank | prise "NAMED MANAGER Go 1 NEWROME Wha haus for some time heen aeting manger of the Oshawa store of Is now Been appoluted manager, 16 was the ty Baton Co, Lid, announced today, JERE Ar RP. t What Others Sa THE WEEE CONTROL IN OSHAW My Jal ke 1 have Wttoy many othe had with gy alfoot al Ldguni upan the homes, and gonditions of trade, during faw yours In Oslinwa I hiuve hean onpeeiatly inte because of the prominent have taken in mnt Oahawa, and In eneouraging Hi thely tRKIng a census of the town time tha Ontario Housing A found that o per oantk of fami (RIT) ng In Oshawa owned the dw In whieh they Hved, hut latey the Ouhawa Housleg Com had completed fe py 1h in the paldior, and Ouhawn, the Io elegy approximal Ws the Outario Aob owas In Tow anil plone altel Ih Warld Qahinwa's Industeles the BOVOran! history nr the anxious ol wile weoen tha Contra the § housing lo own awn Win he Interest the Ww hones pares boner #0 poy tha yi ng Te nee dep of th hundrs th wore the aul purehuned plan and vel an hut tn thely moet (1) Moavrehants reported unt nat tha olty | nil Wan Anplloations ta will he remembered, It foaving what the of distve oad fortunate families of the themselves tagethey wanlety whom rusted the dishuysemont Inte the teary hy ftigens, to supply any urgent hot might arise, hut to the of all, muoh af the wld In were never oalled fay Oshawa hiring In wi Ba On Onhinwa's Ww A _-- DE DIAMOND RASSE "T'S Main Cornpe NOQLARYE at » WATCHES Ap COMMUNITY PLATE 26 pieces "'Deauv handsome Rridal J RE ------------ die" design in Cheat, $37.50 Deauville De | we Siaintess Kate (lnclused in aot above) $10.00 sev of win homens agram of « y ' y 3 Sirdodrdribobbibrbededdibobdddob ON LIQUOR \ 180n I'a Lhe I At olen the luni repted part | mm am orn nh the fw niy ny altings who Innlon rect of the arking nen of ul) 11) Whin took nhane ne mpl allnw Way xperl oust town 1) fn monthly Wer ents 5 wall a pe and 1 ring those oars the thoughtful oltienns ol Hier might win ta the town nto a LAL} funn AN private need wy monies Mesa In| LETT SN OLD OSHAWA BOY DIES AT WINNIPEG Arthur L. G, Guy Was Born at Port Oshawa 73 Years Ago (From the Winnive Telilune) Arthur (4, lk Ly, Ji Curhy st, resident of Manitaba for mors than halt # century, died at his home, Bunday night, Oct, 20, uged 73, He with barn wt Pore Oshiwa, Ont Mr, Guy, who esme to Manitoba In 1877, was during his frst few yearn in the west on the staff of the old Ontaria bank which had ty of fices In the building now oceupled hy the Carlton club, When the bank ceased operations he Julned the Great Northwestern Central vallway, which Wt that time served the district north west af Brandon and had fs termi nal at Chater, Aler this Une wi Canadian Faclhi Guy took a position us Aecountiant with the Canadian Northern rail wity which he held until the outhreask af the World War, when he went oy ersens, After his return from France he joined the Union Bank of Cans da and retired when it was taken over hy the Royal hank He was preminent in Muasanl gleeles, helng a member of Northern | 1h | nig vn, Al and AM ' and held many aiees in the Clreder Mr, Guy is survived hy his widow und ane son, J, 0) Fran elaen, two datghter Cortmees, Dauphing ane Wardhangh, rathers, | | antitive af he Vanes taken aver hy thi Rallway, Mi Liu Ban ANBUIYVET } Cine, Tore I'ribune, and LF] ol Hyer hraught {1} the men the home needs ol when nn tha days eRrnings the legitimate wore thelr wupply family, Muny of will dimenlty you tn de laundry the hnum then tn ar the house tn properly pamemhber the hod UT work ar odd Mathers haa the Wake hut had | the fam yl Breat In nnyone Jabs nhout haem hold fay nn need PATIOS time i find il attend NOarly wu children to remain tn the home the smaller ehbidran Oan Ka aut and earn | Apptieations nmmer than in Faduy In the desk ane aMopr hundrod se hionl nil dn ar Hw ie apptiontions Wihnt wa wih fun nen far ol l sare fay und mothers the family during ten Himes nhs wo the hroad fo far relief, 0) the warm Bronte time, | mantha they wow those Yory Mevohants pamplaining thely not met rolusing to extend furthey winter that nnn ore we Hoeaunis are Hie [alt amt who A short three yours ago unyve good prominin Whe near Nuture, af owning A Hite home, free of debt, today n ful way af losing here Ia more distress 1h the thin has hoon known 1h many oven in winter tim Our Uhildren holter sn evawd od ta overflowing, and Many oases | af divtress we cannot take care of Our Juvenile Court, white anly opened a few short months, has al roudy heard move onsen than should huve come hefore them in Hive yours, tn a place af this slae, Wa have bean campalied ta dou hla potion fare, and release aur polleg waglsteate from other part time duties, supply him with a male eourt attendant, ta dnalile them ta cope with the vielations of the law, Dan't this trouble, In a community where such large plants are operating hound to he seasons Wa have experienced this times aver fn the past, hut never hefoare In the history of the elly of Oshawa, has the partial elesing down af ane depariment af any in auatey, forced upon the charity of this community one-tenth af the wppeals for help that have came to us this summer, The largest dim oultles wa are up aRalnat, ave not the pesilts of unemployment, The wage Mia of this oly, davge as they MAY he, cannot support a twenty thousand dollar a week ooantrihys tian far Hauer and Keep their fame | tion tn vespectabibily { Either the mevohant wust shart ap the ehildren suffer Business men of tha oly of Osh awe! Ferguson's chain Hauer stove | system 1a doing your bulness we | wood, Already the ponderous wheels of destruction are heard as long the business street of this fale oly, and many will fall hatare iis anward marvel, If given another 4 YORE 1a prey upon the legitimate | parnings of your customers We have miven this thing a full appewn | tunity to prove Hts warth, Falluve In written over it Hverywhere 4 nothing but squalor and destrues tion He along Hts pathway, It 1 tea dangerous to aur trade, and to the weltava of this come WHR, 10 any longer experiment with, Up fram the poverty and destvuotion af homes In (his heaw Hal olty of Oshawa Witle ohiidven ave oalling ta vou to vote this thing aut af aur midst Mothers and fathers 1 appeal to YOu 1a do your dutv? TT, H, RVRRSON Died ---- At Oshawa Friday, Ootabey Rowlands, fra wll City VOus, | the Out blame General Matars fof of this sls manufpoturing there are lnokness many af I Gone 23th, LLU | ROW LANDS \ Hospital, 182%, Hughie PALA yoay Funk Monday, Oot at 280 pm, fram the vesldenve of hs sister, © Mys, Jennie Look, | 1 Hall street, Oshawa, Interment Union Cometeyy (dda) \ - i In NH LL 88, 18), wary thy oss Man | Asserael antumohiles and 440 | 2] | and wha Closing Market Prices Market Bummary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by Btoble, Vorlong and Co, TORONTO High sl IY 68% [2] ua Bl he hh 1h 1414 0% Wig Bo EL TRY hh go gia 144 y 1% 47 hig uh 2h; 14 14 hi AN 14% Li ih 475 LR wn 141 161 11h 11014 106% Loh bo U1] 6h % iN MINES Clone LY} He Blogk Low Br, A, OI Hragll, Can, Hrd, tty, Dey, 1, Boag, buy, Can Dom, Sire, Vam, Ply, Goodyear iH, Walk, Int, Uti, Int, Nkl, It, Pet, Ind, Alen, Lah, "A" Maw, Har, Me, ¥pi Mt, Pwr, Pee, Hay, Fr, Cay Bhawin Hiatlon ho 141 EET 108 ho ll 8 " 160 146 g7h g0% 10 I Clase 147 148 140 1440 g60 B76 hh 104 Is 10 t 1 1h 19 Hah NGO BAO B76 Bid 186 148 Bh BIN 1684 184 hd BAK Hm Of) 1800 1878 1000 Howey 8 ig nn 8h Hudson H LARA 1470 1498 Kant Flap Xl] R36 Id Hharve BOTH ROAD BOTA Man Hasln 16 16 10 Min Coy 1400 Hid New har gd 244 804 Navanda A400 4060 40TH Pd Orall f00 E80 BRO Fhareiit BAL RAN Minoo if fia Hud Basin G80 HAN BW, Pale TAK 184 Feok Hugh Aah ATO Obituary HUGH HOWLANDS The death occurred In the Osh Awa toeneral Hospital yesterday of Hugh Howlands of this ety My Rowlands has heen a resident of this olty wines he eae to Canada two years ago from South Wales He was horn In the town af Tre harels fn Glamarganshire, Wales 0 YOATH nen, Ho 1s survived William Rowlands and hiv: pie " WW, Lenk, whe 1vai a TIT trent, Osh Aw The oners) will take place oe the residence af hig sister an Monday, Octahap 25, at 280 pm Interment will he the Unlan Comeltony Mioek Abani Any Amulel Arne ' Barey Hollinger 4 Big Missouri Cham «Hou Dame Hast Cy Paleonhn ranada Holling 149 KG LT] hh §) alan il fain 148 arn hy his father, of Treharrls, in WILLIAM HANTINGSN Tha death neourred early morning of Willam Hastings, loved hushand of Annie Wilkes, in his T7th year, The decepsad had long heen a resident af the disteiat was highly ssteemad hy all knew him, In spite of his advanoed age he had snjoved sam paratively good health until he vee oantly heonma IH and vapldy de elinad The funeral servios will ha held an Tuesaday, Ootaher 298, at 3 pm fram the family vesidence, Kings ton vand east and Wilson road Interment will he made In the Unlan Coametery this he HOTARY MERYTING A muslea! pragram will he given at the resular Rotary Club mest ing on Monday naan at Welali's paviars, 1, Righer, nawly appaint od musioal sunevvigar in the Ose awa Publio Sehools, will wive a shart talk as wall as several vielin solos, plana selections will be giv on hv M, Goanldhurn and vaoal anlas hy George Walsh, Rotavian Ce ofl Cannon 18 In ohavga of the pros Aram Please Bad, don't be tale, for the eharys alway starts an hime, and we have soveral blocks fe walk,' These were Mary's Jartme wards the wight before, se Bob had to do some Awsth tng == home fram work, dine, shave and doll wp for the big date, Boh wade the grade and on fime for he out his shaving fms hy many minvien thea wing KLENZO SHAVING CREAM wlio N howls ™ haat Le Rexall Stora a booster for i I's natant lath od abe gen Ag oe oy Ee, 3 and as Seen ever snes. Giant Size Tube 3% JURY & LOVELL Ring EK, Simoes 8, Phove 33 Phone ® EVRRY BODY se tes rh Ventures Wr, Harg on Walnwell O ,, arrm $16 465 470 ore 1BO IO 160 ih 4 16 NEW YORK Htook High Low Amer, Can, 15h UL Am, Pr, Fr, 104% 07% Am, Tel, Hh6ts BUH Anseanda 104 108 Bit, & Ohio 126 148 Bendix ,,,0 48% 5% Heth, BEL, 108% 1004 Briggs vo 18% 1744 Can, Dry ,, 164 al Gen, Pao, BNW B10 U Chrysler ,, 4 il Cangnl 154; (li, On 11644 frig ,,,., nh Fam, Vly, hoi Gen, 1d hd ly ten, Mat oii Houston ih Hupp 18 Hudson [I Id, Alen 104 Int, Samh, LER dna 104 Inn ely Mi, Ward This Overland 141 Packard uo 1% Fan, A Hig Pogr & On fi1% Fr, Bt, Car Mh, Hr, NJ Pure Ol Haddin Hos, Ins hea Hes, Rhek, 180% 18 189 Hmmons 11 1018 na ain, OH. 4, My 10% 1 Bh, Rly 145 1461 147 Bl, Of N.Y 1h % LRN Bt, Ol N 108 ERM Blew, Wy he hls Atudehaker ho nly Fim, Holl, 108 10688 Utd, Al i UN, Hileel BOBWN Wastghan 18h 1 War, Bros h% Waoalwarth A Yellow Cah 174% L006 hOB We BihY 10h 148 18% 104 184 Ei 810% 448 | 8 by 1164; ha EN hd ly ut ULE #81 [ ia | n rer 18% NY, 118 LRH Holy hd id a1 146 [ERT i 14% 2 0444 | | A] 1 1 8 yt ih nih ih 08% 17806 un TE ' | 141 In Memoriam - | of | Wha GIMBLET™ In lavin A deny wife and PRasd away Oot dearest, swastost Hinea you have pe ARRINE Hol ane But anly yesterda memory mather BY, 1hi3 Mather | ped aw YORP WE ny your loving name | eure Are wel wa laved you nat target When we speak Our eyes with mother how And love can Oh Fhe 'Lard took you from uy It was His holy wil) And left In our hearts & vRoaNey Whioh uo one elae ean fill But In our saddest moments Cue happy thought holds sway, Wo will meat again dear mother And he happy some sweet day Sadly missed hy Hushgud and daughter Vera (hha) . FUDGE WH, 1802 Remembered by all at hame, (W8a) In loving wha disd 1) Beth, memaopy Uotaher FISHER ol mn In loving wemary PLOW, Flaher, wha died Franca, Oot, 37th, 1814 Hyer (in aur mammary sister and Aunt (Wha) GIMBLETT In loving memany aur dear mother, Margaret Glm hlatt, wha died Oot, 37, 1998 A silent chard nn memoary's heant 18 softly tauohed today, Sadly missed hy Haved, Flo and litle Billy, of (88a) Card of Thanks MY, Jas, A aoknowledge, with grateful ap precintion, many acts of kindness And expressions of aympathy, ox tended to him hy Teiends and nelghhours, during bls vecent sad heroavement, (dda) Drew wishes ta Coming Events # Cents por ward each ne seption, Minlmwm charge far each insertion, 8d, WHAWA WINTER GARDENS, Saturday, Ootobar 26th, § 30 now, Camival night. A veal night of sladness Residents af the county HM as of Oshawa, \Whithy and Wnauville oondinily a vited, Music hy Frank Cavew and his Cammandars, (98h) MADAME RROWN, PALMISY Phone appointments 26361, #3 i Loulsa St (88h) MASQUERADE WiLL, BE HELD In Gene's Hall, Couvtios, Tues day evening, Prises for hast cos time lady ar gent, Good musi, Admission S8e, § LT} MADAME NEVADA, PALMIST, Rosa Corners, Phons appoints wenty 2884, M-1W ) TONIGHT ROUND ANB SQUARE Dancing In Barahart's Pavillon, Goad waste, (98a) TH THe Hallowe'en COMER Chosen Felands Dance, Rotawy Hall, Tuesday, Och, 35. at § pw. Round and Square Dancing, Prises for the | BaHOn | whit | farthes | Succeeds | the FEOhureh, here, 1 Wa I thraugh | Linn Load ta the | pastor of host vastume, Special dane waste, Admission Sao, (8h) | " ROU ND AND " ARR DANCER IN | | Conrtion, tanighy HON Wao, Reo § (a) Hena's Hall, Good Lipa time, ABOUT 180 LAYMEN ATTEND A BANQUET Lay Auaciation of Oshawa Presbytery, United Church, Is Formed The presence of shout sentative men from all sections of Oshawa Freshyievy, af the United Chureh of Canada, inspiring address eh, excellent music and the ciupahle leadership of the ehalrman all tributed to make the laymen's han guet wn Thursday evening a grat HK BUEEESS A Lay Ans her ship ol aves The Hamediate Han 1s I Tepe ean whathom with a mem 1M) was task gf the associa il securing Osha Pre full prapartion. af th Misslonary and Maintenance Fund ol the United Chureh, Groups of layn om me of the stronger gah voltnteered ta visit and can to help smaller ¢hu Oshawa Preshyter the B42.230.000 de Jug he h Hohe oi HH per thi arginized Fig uhsist shivier MW! io Ihe wen Lian fur ralaed BO4.60 of ed, HE one pire manifested tunetian eid om cent CH EINK dmaunt ne Hing REV, A, W. SMAL BECOMES PASTOR | OF FIRST BAP Rev, John Gali Whe Has Gone to Essex County mall, farmer Huptiat Chu pled no ep d Pleat Haptial loaned Lada | Auli W el hus 0 ul ih pant pastng Narth nr the aiein ul Lh ghiureh arrived fn the hi Wi aenup Chueh nM mall ha will a Hi Mi andl new du oily wm tamara hen hi pulpit of First Hapiisl Giradunting tn theain Magtel Hy haa, mall wa he Lndvey I'avant i Rov, Mi miniaty rd oeounty palied 1a Wah paster of urdain Phun des IPR fil New xf wn WW he ha Chur H dan aver Whel Hap) | Waa North Hay the Fieel nin Lan Wh far the bast § Me, Ball was England, and oame INlaal YOR until 1086, when Mastor Universtiy, hy to tha Judees iy the Rut, af Datavia Oegande First Baptist Hav, John Galt charges In lanes small Is davughitey lL ho to Clanndn Fram Ih Ai AEN antered | WE ih ls _s ta Is ul A Chureh, h ha oaeads wha naw hres canny Rev, My has ane Hele small and Miss Wisia Arrive In Oahinwa fhe minister his fa reslda at the parsonage, 1 siren and A paneled Mand nily will Abert mareving ani nye in LAL) and dean wh A padio wan, 8 Vai f Cape 1 mg Ame Paliee shud thads | of A Large Surplus Forecast By Provincial Treasurer At A Meeting In Whitby SPOKE AT WHITBY UHI, Yomi I MONTENTH Peeasueer, who addy fan Hiv HON, J Fravineial ol vi lly { WHITBY WORKE HS ACTIVES: hold If Wel i \ Phe | 'Beran | | ha Lan ra PIATRA wa dink eloed wi dfwenseen nia wai mud the calle im t 3% | m An anisid \ I Wa gilded 1a ake a pn tn th piel Wo ih Law) \ ¥ ne the 1% raonnl mperanes will ba held an M ven a'el Hohe! The Nath, when Wil he dispn A commit W ala Huaneial lan, ni ih mpson iden Hyvon st hed al A \ LAL hush LT amed tod matters Top th aning H i vin LOCAL TEMPERANCE und hi in van wl of rant WM Wh in whneal 4 4 Ai Ih | Hon, Mr, Monteith Declares That Ferguson Govern ment Has Set Up Finan lal Strusture Second 1 None in Any Prevince CRITICISMS UNFAIR AND MISLEADING Meeting Held in Whithy Las! Night in Interests of F, L, Mason Conservative Candidate, Attracted Only a Small Attendance Hime! had | fhe 1h Bernd Yarnnne nH Hint Wan wil wary Vavguenn save In PHL hit anring | Huan th Tale nl nN wu un nen WH Why fly ant Halley 'hy in peavinee, ar sven intr hin TTY Ml ta his people hy a pxpanditupe wna Ml dwallars A hat the seitiglsms evel | edule, Liherul hy Fayernment'a Hoapminsiration wipes mi wil the ki in lds Manteltn Lanang nignt, rank | al] an ih nf Kove Ail oh Hut Tray Wore Haminnting Hon, Ih Hrey won Whit) Trl ined Hh traasirer mada that pravinea peasant Ais Lhe 18) wen hat allie ul ha Hrupy far Ie AXIPAYAR ni Mismanugemant nt pravinelal Finances, Prem Woarguson restored arder amt nf fuaneiul tha Year 1087 bh turning podnt whan fae tho PEL Hime the pravinee showed » M dhnnend hodget and substantial Wephus Thin sntiafacbory state of Alaten, wuld the treasurer, estaied Lostny and would spntinue ta do gn if 1h Farguson administration Wis pabirned ha other Bhuhlets At the mast Ihe weve Hw ba Wha cit thi civilian Nive Now fo Mobwea hg, af avanto, and Dy, Ohavles 1, Mp Gveay, wha acted as Chnirman af Bie, James Moars, Asaacintion, Thats ama attendanea Hons Bey Manielth Br Mantelth spoke for ann pravinetal dAnanes He an the fact that while Me, piveasnd an 0) 1H (Continued MAR finnatineamant hooks - af he a ar the ¥y owolld shaw in Cntarig daly red | fl nm i HANH HOLES ahaanes dant af the Was A noe Han hau Page Oot, 1M Cats Milonga i Aap, Mar, 0483 (LE BA Wheat, Cars Dee, Peo, B03 At the end of a very successful selling season, we have decid: ed to cut the prices of our weed cams to the quick, in order to clear the few we have left, This is your chance, Buy new! onring, at any Cheyvralog Why walk? Olthimnbile sedan Late Model ay Ford Mpa Roads story Wive wheels Pantiae Caadh, dol, a wl hwy Ay LT) a ona TNL step Hvely Chavralet Coupe Galaga FORM Model, Hon, goad Hives AN foe $75 $300 $125 ART NM S415 $338 $50 fon Tene, AWaT veal geod condi $300 ALE CARS HATE BEEN RECONMTIONED Chovialet Sodan, 1Ha8 Mo del, splendid condition, this 1s a aed Ny a $525 FANN AN, weeks $218 wal hoon looking foe 160 WW Mobanahlin tw onl Shap At 8 only Parant Faw Wok as Model, gon cans $625 Witian Stay oming: ARISANY AL Saws stitian TANARYAY k Polivery Wy od

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