Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1929, p. 21

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FL i To THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1929 / GRASS VILLE T SAY-"Y~ | HAVE TO aT RK AROUND 0 YOU OLD DOvOS wile, MANVE HOME THIN TO DO! ALL Who, ME Sx IPED FROM Wt, p/R we Il (Pat. Appued for--ferial No, 21764) The World Color Prig. Co., Bt Lonls, M / ANY SPEED) WHY SAY You ol FOsFsiLE wouLb PRY UP AMD BAOW ABRY FL wARNK'T Haks To PEF YOu UF] C'MON NOW SHAKE LEG, LETS SEE F You've 60 oy hs , » 0, WOW LOOK WOIT' = BRIGHTENIN' DE LAND SC PLOSSIE WIBASH, ALL DOLLED IN GOLY TOGS) T Ave) GEE, Miss MBE TOU LOOK LIKE A SMILLYOM DOLLARS \N THAT WANEY SowHEney! ra \ OME SIDE, YOUNS LADY, O'S | 'N ARRWLT THAT SLIM omy f" wp ( RECALLS DAYS OF EARLY FUR TRADERS Rotary Club Hears Tales of Canadian Pioneers in North Montreal, Oct, 25 «= Tales of the deeds of the early fur traders, were recounted before the Rotary Club Tuesday by Col P, A, Moore at the weekly meeting of the Club in the Windsor Hotel, The great Northwest with its cold snow and cold had sealed many a lip that could have revealed heroic adventures, the speaker stated, 'The fur trading history dates as far back as the discovery of Canada by acques Cartier and of Quebec by uel de Champlain, Long before oe Ia Verandyre had crossed the con tinent in his epochal expedition to the western parts of the continent, Pierre de Radisson had already dis: covered the upper Missiusippi, simi- lar to the St. Lawrence for ita extra- ordinary width and its rapid current, Ha had also founded Prince Rupert y sending there two ships for the ur trading company and had located Hudson , reputed to be an ims mense hee of water from descrip. tions given to the settlers by the In« diane, These northman, as they were calls in the seventeenth century, Cols Moore stated, were daring, tactful, strong, well built, intelligent and crafty, They were the ones hi 4 Jraduad organized the two lar fo r trading companies, the Great orthwest Fur Trading Company and the Hudson Company, fur associations Grouped merchants together, Training bes came necessary. An apprentice sers | han authors, only born 39 years ago, ved as a clerk for the period of sev en years before he became a member of the powerful association, Then, with the reception of a certain a mount of money, aecording to the services rendered to the association, the new partner had right to sli at the meetings and express his persons al opinion on important matters, Col Moore then described various means in use to secure fur at a ridis eulous price from the Indians and how the quickly acquired sums of money were spent in the large cities of the Dominion, chiefly in Monts real, Montreal, Oct, 25==With the aid of a vivid fmagination and liberal ap» peals to reference books, a writer can describe scenes and places he has never visited but his true metier is the land where he grew up, said Louls Arthur Cunningham M.A, Canadian author, addressing the St, James Literary Society in the Engin cers Institute on Monsfield street last night, His subject was "Acadia as a source of inspiration for Canadian writers" and after pausing to deplore the fact that "such a sweet sounding name should ever have been given the ugly title of Maritime Provinces" he proceeded to make his listeners feel with him the call and the lure of the sea, the fascination of ships building yards, the character in ships, the glamor of Saint John, the beauty and charm of the eld world pastoral scenes, and the spell of the West. moreland marshes with winds freighted with honey and salt, "Gold for a thousand literary delve ers here," he sald, inspiration for a legion of writers, One doesn't have to seek inspiration in Acadia; it is impossible to aveld it, It is a land all men can love, peopled by a race rich in types, as full of splendid live ing, as nk Redple.? itehory of Sea Ax a boy he talked Yong and oiten to the men who go down to the sca in ships, In the eyes of old mariners he saw the romance of the seven seas "There is a witchery in the sea which uts a spell on you at birth, All my Rie 1 have lived on the borders of the sea, The sea speaks a language of ita own, but you do not unders stand it until it has got you, Only dead men know the secret of the sea" He quoted Bliss Carman and de clared that in the villages of Acadia were types which Thomas Hardy would have loved to draw, A man cold write and write pass» ably well of far distant and unknown places simply because the world evs erywhere revealed the same dramas; there was a certain same: ness in our loves and hates, and he himself had written stories of places he had never visited, but when he started to write novels he picked the scenes and cities that he knew. Acadia way the cradle of Canadian literature and he hoped that it would continue to nourish writers to tell wy stories, leing Career LT. MeMahen, who presided, ins troducing the lecturer, described him Ay one ol the youngest of the Cana» who had had a career which gave sroniisg of a very great future, In Joa he wrote Yvon Trembley." and old | § TUY= TVYY = TOUT! RUM ALONG HOME OR \ SMALL SPANK | ~ yp ARREST ME {hone pret When the English Music and Folk Dance Featival is held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, from November 13 to 18, the spot light will be turned on the firat pers formance on this continent on 18 of "Hugh the ra by Dr, Ralph iliama, ona of the reatest of modern composers, ritton around early 10th century scenes in an English village, the costumes are picturesque and setting in peculiarly suited to the folkmuaie which inspired the come 0 o shacmbl that 1s | a tour de ues of Je modern musi! representation, leaving the ol Pearson: poser, The unique feature of the opera is the great prize fight be. tween the hero and the villain, the stakes being the hand of the heroine, This is one of the moat realistic scenca ever put on any stage, and is a fight from start to knock-out, The ories of the crowd, the staccato singing of the principal, the exhortations of the ackere of the two men are blends ed with orchestral effects in an spectators gathered around ih of Paris, the centre and and as excited as if they wie in one of the most remarks able curtains ever seen on the theatre, The part of Hugh ia to ba played by Allan Jones, a brils lant tenor of Welsh extraction, who hax been Harting in the - ville Opera and the Opera Comi ng Cut shows groupl layers just re COMMEnce- of the fight, with Hugh in fn opponent strips for action a by rh the men shown Allan Jones, Called Love," which had delighted S Morgan: Powell and all the other cris ties in Canada, England and the Uns ited States, Another book would be comploted in the spring, C.J. Davis, proposing a vote of thanks to the speaker, remarked that "if a man had any spirituality in him it was bound to be Ueveloped by the sea, Dr, 8. P. Rose seconded, and these taking pant i the discussion were S, M. Baylis, John Beard, J, B, Thomson, I. Addison' Reid, Ji Napier, 1, W, Hayward, John Farmer, Dr, C 1, Fao, P, Harvey and A, C. \Wioe and,' a -------------------- NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Oct, 2==The Sun. day evennig service was very intecs esting. Messrs Hamilton and Wilkins of Oshawa, gave talks, Rev. Mr, Buns ner wan present, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Kennedy sang a pretty dust, This Friday evening the Young People's League are having a Hallowe'en soe cial, There will he a program and lots of eats, All are welcome Mr, and Mrs, Ted Dixon and dans ghter Mollie, are visiting with rela tives at Trenton, Mr, Robert Heaslip has gone to Toronto for the remainder of the this year had produced "This Thing week, | [Re Mr, and Mrs, E. Tattersall and family visited relatives at Orono this past week, Mu, and Mrs, H, Pierson and ¢hils dren visited with Mr, and Mrs, § Burgoyne, Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Glover, Hars mony, and Mr, and Mrs, Dong, Stews wrt, Oshawa, were visitory of Mr, and Mrs, 1, I, Selewmon, Congratulations to Mr, 'and Muy, Shortridge, recently married and res siding here, Hefore her marriage Mra Shortridge was Miss Irene Vale lant, eldest daughter of Mr, Frank Vallant, of North Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Vallant of Port Whithy, visited at the home of their nephew, Johh Glover, Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Shortridge were gis ven a shower at their home on Fl day evening, Mrs, Betsy Rlight who is staying with her daughter, Mes, Will Glover received the news of the death of her brother, Mr. Will Hoar at his home at Myrtle, Mrs, Blight and Mr and Mrs, Glover have our sym pathy, Mr, and Mrs, Will Glover Sunday at \Whithy The Home and School Club held their meeting on Monday evening, New officers were elegted for the new term, Mrs, Phillips was reels ected president with Mrs, 1, Scott spent an vieespresident, Mrs, Solomon will act as secretary for the time, Miss Ruight was wade treasurer and Miss Phillips, planist, The executive coms mittee ds Mrs, Sykes, Mis, Arnott, Mrs, Taylor, Mrs, McGregor, Mrs, Fice, Mrs, Staufter, Mrs, Shortt, Mes, Lyons, Mrs, Conling Mrs, Rouston, Mrs, Kirby, Mrs, Crossman, Mrs, Moffatt, Mrs, Cunningham, Mrs, ohn Alexander acted as secretary v the election of officers, We are much pleased to learn that we will recoive a grant {rom the government towards the singing lessons, or JEWEL ROBBER IS QUICKLY ARRESTED Montreal, Octe 28 =Three armed robbers today held up Joseph Pelle- tier, a jeweller of Ontario street, east and escaped with jowellery valued at £1,100, Twenty minutes later Philip Rosenburg, 20, of no given address was arrested in a tavern en St, Cath» eine street and in his possession was found a club bag containing the ens The thing to da with the "hit and run' driver---it caught--Ia ta hit him so hard he will never run agalu=Chicago Evening Post, (LIFE ON FLOOR OF SEA 15 DEPICTED Submarine Photographs Are Shown Members of Navy League Montreal, Okt, 24, ing his audience to the floor of the sea among the Bahama Is lands, drifting languidly at eass among rare plant and animal life, J.B, Williamson, well-known sub: mavine photographer, demon strated last night by means of a colored motion ploture lecture In Victoria Hall, the wonders and tropieal shadings of undersea flora and fauna, The lecture Was o00u- ducted under the Auabion of the Navy League of Canada, Mr, Williamson, who is a former nowspaperman, traced the develops ment of his present invention which enables him to sit at sass deep down in the waters, near the {ttle island of Nassau and study the growth and life of planta and fish below the water level, Unexplored Mystery The vast extent of land below the sea is not realised, sald the lecturer, but when one considers that there ls three square miles of nea floor to evary square mile of land, one acquires a deep re- aspect for this vast pool of unex- plored mystery, teeming with lite of great heauty like Thirds In a troploal forest, Elabhorating on the early work of his father, Mr, Willlamaon perfected a long tunnelshaped contraption by means of whieh he in lowered down to the sea depths, Phe invention is composed of several parts of heavy steel bands mich like a sewer pipe, around which is formed a heavy rubberized canvas coating, The canvas exterior enables the long funnelslike arrangement to sway in the water and resembles a caterpillar when extended, The fuvention is made to collapse like a concertina when not in uae, thus minimizing the amount of space required, On the end of the long tube ia attached a amall compartment with a heavy glass window, The mar Ine explorer aita at this window, with a typewriter, a stenographer and telephone arrangement lead- ing ahove, esponced much lke a business man in his office, survey. ing the marine life and taking copious notes, The audience followed the fin: trepid explorer through little coves and nooks, among highly colored planta and fiah, and saw a lavish. ly variegated dlaplay of purple, lavender and yellow, which flashed momentarily an a small iridescent butterfly flah posed for a hrief second at the window and disap: peared, Transport. Menacing Denisens Among the quiet and seemingly undisturbed peace there lurked the menacing denisena of the sea, The barracuda, aword-fish, shark, the Nassau-groupey and snakes I'he sea-snake lashed furiously at the window attempting to pene trate the fragile barricade, Mr, Willlamson explained that what appeared to be plant Vite was in reality animal life, and hreath ed and functioned in mueh the AAme manner as the more ohviouss ly flsh<like creatures Sir Montagu Allan, CBE, presi: dent of the Quebec division of the Navy League, introduced the speaker and assisted Lieut-Col, 0 G, Willlams in the presentation of medals and awards to the Nt. John Ambulance Corps, The team was presented with the Wallace Nes: bitt Bhileld, JOHN THE BAPTIST'S HAND IS PRESERVED Berlin ~The public recently was much excited by rumors of a dispute concerning a Russian treasure, which is alleged to be claimed hy the Hank of England, hte soviet government and the Order of Maltese Knights, This news proved erroneous, however, But it is a fact that the orthodox ohureh In Berlin possesses a treas- ure which, historfoally and materi- ally, ia very valuable indeed, It consiata of a number of relies, among which is the hand of 8t, John the Baptist, profoundly ven erated in ocmaristic Russia and shown annually at a high ohureh foatival, There ia also a plece of wood from the sacred cross and a pleture of the virgin Mary, believed to have heen painted by 8t, Luke the evangelist, All these relics vepose in vieh golden boxes, decorated with pres clous stones, under the care of Tiohon, bishop of the newly built Russian ehurch in Berlin, The treasure has a most romantic past, When Napolean took the Isle of Malta, then belonging to the Maltese order, the knights, in or der to sava ib from the hands of the conqueror, gave it to Paul I, of Russia, In Russia the treasure was high ly prised and since 1700 was the centre of the churoh festival, whieh on every Oot, 1 brought immense crowds of pilgrims te Cattashina near Leningrad, After the revelu- tion in 1910 the csar's mother rescued the treasure and brueght it to Copenhagen, from where, after her death, it passed ta her dayihter Xenia, Now it is tem pararily fn Berlin, but will be sent to the royal palace in Relgrade, PICKERING BRIEFS * -- Pickering, Oct, ¥=W, J, WN dig Monney and John and Mrs, al on, spent Sunday with friends in the eity, Miss Mary Baxter, Miss Chri ih Munro, and Mr, John Baxter, wished with friends in Udney, this week, The Swastika Club held its regular meeting at the home of Mra, A Rickard on Tuesday evening, The meeting took the form of a fiaiow: e'on party, and the members enjoyed a program suitable to the occasion, PREMIER MACDONALD'S VISIT t._Hon, J, Ramsay MacDonald, R Prime Minister of Great Britain was given a hearty welcome on {Surmey fhrough Canada, from lagara Falls Quebec, over Canadian National Railways, U i ao hotograph shows Premier hy Was : i vw W, ig Masons hy "Kine rahi) Yawes Photograph, sha o Britains mien, in the cab of , on leavin ational Rail HO tha 6100 class of C 88, ane of National locomotives TS Si, on special train thre Canada, Miss MacDonald was enthralled with locomotive and asked many questions of the enginear w itan, the most Rowereul Locamative iheays photographa,, of this T Empire, -- Canadian National wonders 0 W ita kind

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