Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1929, p. 9

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PAGE EIGHT THE, OSHAWA kia. PY DAILY TIMES, SAT URDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1929 - TITLE AT STAKE Little Is At Stake In Senior Grid Engagements Which Will Suturday's set of senlor grid ene agoments ean hardly he Peed "nh the sensational class although with upsets they may ereate some kind of # change in § season Haj BYES FUL ning 100 tris to form for keen ine terest ¢ % In three mejor wilung , practicglly aes hs ] y pas i Fd ' ald on A among the ry Unata fre is a 0 tem to topple advanee formation, some player to rite. 9 iy helghts of stardom or seme high. y pralsed 'ores full hy the Yon du, but nothing outstanding has happen- ed 10 arouse more than average ine terept, Perhaps the year may end up with # ante imax with a team now ohh, ing only a mathematical chance of figuring In 'the champhonships gath- or 4 all the glork or a player now fighting for a place as a second: tring substitute otting the all-star honers, but it is fardly likely, Last year the Varsity Orphans with a sens sational rush downed Halmy Hench and qualified for the Canadian fina), while the yeur previous Balmy Beach orashed through to the championship hy hasting # greatly favored Hamil. ton Tiger tean), hut beside great fine Ishes the last two seasons alse pros duced something out of the regular routine, Although the rughy lias heen falely good thin year and the games In most oases lose and interesting, there has not bean anything to salvage the seus son fram what might be considered ) by one, Hamilton Tigers, the Lan Ian champlong, despite the ones fo nt win fram Argonauts, ave fol owing the general opinion for a olean sweep of the Hig Four, but they are playing anything but specs tacular rugby, Halmy Reach has not A Humeless Tone! Achleved In TEMPLE by a Great Canadian Engineer Temple Highboy - $289 Temple Lowboy - $249 Temple Radio Phono: graph Combination, $419 All complete with tubes We will he pleased to oy onstrate 1 LR to you home, Moffat Notor Sales | Stwmooe 8, N, e Held Today met with any serious opposition wo far in its oredited climb fo the tep in he wry while Sarnia 44004 Ble "now esitlon In group two, Varsit pir fone have the Inter: coll situation fairly well In eon- trol, with the Tricolor In the best asitlon, which means the thres un: fon netically decided although y il"! the schedule has been yed, At present only two games are sche: dhuied that promise to be features an ey are the finals of the senior O, ws ost likely between Balmy each and Sarnia, and the last game of the Intercollegiate with Varsity and Queens, usd tional rivals, The fixtures thi next Saturday may alter conditions and create some add- ed interest, but from indichlions and vist performances, they will only be hie dates, despite the fast that the games may be well played, Phere is not the color attached to this season that has made other years notable in rughy history few players stepping into the limelight, fi eg 1. onel onacher, Red Hatstone, vel Leadley, Warren Snyder, jos Tubman, the late Jimmie Douglas, Yip Foster, Joe Miller er wmny others of recent shmpaighe. Players, perhaps as good a them are In aes tion today ned ng Frank Turville, of Argos, fed foore, of Montreal Tack Rinclair, of Yani, Howard Carter, of Queen's, Beno Vright, of Hamilton, and Ted Reeve with Balmy Beach, but they do not oes oupy the spotlight like the stars of former days, Five of Toronto's senlor entries play hina on Saturday, Argonauts nteriaining Ottawa at Varsity stad #0 as part of a double header the #rihany and Hamilton Cubs meeting in the first game--a renewal of thels overtime tussle last week, Balmy Hench tackles Camp Borden at Oak» wood stadium which whl alse be part of a twin action, Argo juns iors playin alvern Grads in the first game that will likely decide the local junior O.RF.U, group, Halmy Beach, somewhat battered from their wild game in Kighener, settled away to the grind in shen again last night at Hroadview ¥X, In spite of the nelement weather Alex, Ponton wha was pineh-hitting for Coach Hobbs, drove the wad through a fast drill, Ponton is just about ready for the heavy going Rim: self and will likely take the piv Beaches meet position when the 'amp Horden, The Heathen suffered a major loss this week when Ernie Crowhurst, captain. and star line Pltinger, un went an operation om his nose an a present confined to Western How pital, where he will remain for abeut a week, The operation was a pain ful one and the effects will keep the broad-shouldered Crowle out of two games, This will be only the second time In his six years of hoavy eam: palgning with the Beaches that he has been out of the lineup, In all that time he has heen in the thick of the battles with his good tackling and wonderful plunging and has been remarkably durable as well as for tunate, Crowhurst had his nose smashed in the first Kitehe ar-Halny game three weeks ago, He went into the next contest at Camp Rorden and had {t driven aver the other way but after having it partially traig toned in sisted an going into the fray at Kit ohener last Saturday and went praes tically the 60 minutes despite the ain he must have been suffering, 'hey do not make them any gamer than Erpie Crowhurst, thou h he is now paying the penalty for his leyal AW . The return of Alex Ponton ta'the beach ¢amp ia fortunate ax Orphan Art Snider, the little gamecock, wha was featuring all the games with his taokling, has nee that ty bh on Ae Wikine in the Or a sw ve the quar ha Brie to Ponton and Frank ore tham, the speed boy, who is a hla n heed boy our portions sub at no lesa than ortham turned up with the batting 0 am onship of the Reaches Salts bal fo just Announsed to at 'a out and was given a big Band hy th team mates, ' RR A RE DE TRIE Proeetin Fup Today th Pros Cop. Amro Pr RRR doe tun ot oanily ae PROPEr care one ie ESSERE Ss oo) MADE BY THE FAIRVIEW w 4 se. "a LUE DEVILS PLAY IN ST, CATHARINES TODAY A) 0 ----- ; stadium quite handily, but that does Uipapentn Maple Leafs of the NHL DON CUTLER This is Den Cutler, a boy wha is ens ying his fivat year with the "Blue evils," Dan, whe is twenty years of ae carries around 195 pounds ) A feet tall, Don is a local lad samed his rughy at th local Colloginte where ho played as repute for three years, Don plays middle on the team and he is mak: ing a good job of it, He is one of at consistent buekers on the squad, Don shapes up like a very rw prospect and in a few years he vontinues to improve he will be one of the atara of the game, Red Foster jogmed down ta the Reach workout ny other night and his presence dn uniform was a heart ohing. Alght for the Heach support ow fod head started bt A & sensational display against Ottawa and was heading for a season in the headlines when he had the Ngament je badly torn in his ankle that he has heen out for Dearly a month, He WAY See Service amhinst the sturdy Hie & but dt iy Likely that Marry ahha will not visk his plunging pive oter for one more week -------- The HReaghes are not expecting anything easy when they face Camp Borden, Dave Harding and his mon AWAYS put up a terrific effort against the Parple and Gold and Hobbs a his men ave all set for another ered foathall test, Harding has « [reat little munting mare in Shorty | Lalonde, wha stapled. against St, Mike's last week with his sudden dashes through the heaken field and hix good defensive play while the Purest Dave himself has vecovered 4 trom the knuckows shat kept hin 4 Liam the fast halt of the game against | Like drab and will Bad his well | | trained squad ot on tthe Oakwood | sward, vad CJ Crang has made arrangements whose a good crowd on Saturday, {100 on their fast apppurance, the Reaches drew a surpnising howse ang they are now the Toronto team that seems to have the hest championship chance. There iy a iriendly argument around the Broadview Wwaining quars tors these: nights, for the Malwa Grads alsa practice there, and the Amiars olan that the good attend ance at Saturday's watehes will be due to their attractive battle with Argonauts, 'They will cortainly have something to do with i for the Grads aie. drastically all east end k ald have @ areat following from ) evi High Schonl where 93 pep Lob hom Rani their yaghy - - The fans who Bo 10 the west end sath to see Bahay Beach and Bow den wingle and take a look at the OPWant BREE as sorved wp in ag Bonde ral Sil adic soe of the wreatest punters MW pothall Hi young {AD Box the auariishaik of the Mat I vern Grads, Rox, WRU 4 wren tack Ww Ww interasting exhibition of the fall pastime, This young Arge orev sensational Frank Turville and the tricky lohanos taking foothall of the kind that appeals to the average (an they disdain the monatoneus {the Day"! style of a game, and show the fans plenty of snappy open fleld THESE BOVE WILE BE IN ACTION HERE SATURDAY not say that the game will not he an | lod hy the | vide apen, | Like the Hay Johnny Johnston, play Kitty a PORT SNAPSHOT On the head of Ottawa's abject M8 defent in Hamilton last week Argon play (figure to win Baturday's Big Four senlor fixtures with Ottawa up at Varalty and the vesult should he a wide open § Ottawa In veplaeing some of its veteran ornoks with sma youn my Bhiown abave are § o, |, Honl, who has been playing a stay game at the pivotal position; No 8, "Buel" MoKenunn, new conch, wha has surprised the Haullers' team thin fall the best of them In ha position | weil j BT, 0, Anew beat taoklors an the team, and Nao wha is particularly useful defensively H, Ma, Oh i Nn No No n A By Gro, Campnici, Sports Editor , A Win Cinches First Place I the "Blue Devils" win today they clneh fest plage In thelr grouping, However, 8t, Cathiirines it remming to be seen whether they have been waiting for this battle, mistake about that to this game so it looks Nie fun, * A A Red, Green and Gold Are Attractions Today who stay at hometoday, the doubleheader up at Far the people the park will he a big atteaction:s The provided plenty of opposition 10 (Oshawa, writer can remember when the local Collegiate won thelr first victory from Peterhora, Hy that 1 mean, the home boys stepping fo win eve out of Peterbora they may not have any seintillating stars on the team but the players will be well eoached, of themselves, The "Rue Devils" have also been looking forward will bie a tough nut to erack and ean do that little thing, St, Kitts for battle it will be, so make no always The Petevbora senlors have Cienerally too nineh I has always kept When a team cones in Peterhorg, oat hone, I Oshawa wing they ean be prowd oven wonderful heights 1a his spirals, Thy Argos and Grads have settled down 10 @ nip-andstuck argument tor jun or supremacy, and the ounteame of the group rests on Saturday's mateh, Varsity Blues, although not taking any chances amainst \Vostern, thel next rivals, and MeGill the tollowing week, ave concentrating on the meet ing with Queen's at the end of the sehedule when they expect to win and tle the Intercollegiate race, Jack Nipelair, whos aan knee has | kept him out of setter for the tas | tw Weeks, ia bak again in waifamn | hooting the aval as Tar as ever, bw it is likely that he will not dress in London on Saturday, while he will he only used tn an cmergeney in the game at McGill, so that he will be at his best to oppose the Tricolor, Sinclair and Joe Kelly were hand at work with the Ries Wednesday, but Sinclair did not mix in the seri wage drills and will Keep out of them for some time yet, The Varsity In toroollogiate squad was further we duced yesterday with Rill Twaitey, a quarter, and Karl Mueller, an ow side, being sent down to the Orphans to help the OR FU, team in fs game with Hamilton Cubs on Saturday Another dell to-day will complete the preparations for the visit to Westra, the team leaving at 6 o'clock to-night AA lor and & sod team handler, gets FREE AND INDRPENDENT (Fram the Detvolt News) New England has never asked for farm relief, although it was there that the passing stranger sympathized with the hand wha was ploking stones in a lel, To which the latter veplied: "Listen brother, | ain't as poor as | look I don't own this place" DAME GRATITULR Waalthy 'man, Just escaped from de ni-= Wall, Pm mach obliged Wye for Rauling me ant of the water, and here's hall a evawn for ye--all the ¢hange ve got about me now Rogue Oh ao) keep yow money MT wonlda't think of yobs yan! ¥ BRRe-Not tally, net y hui have been lost any how if Shada't rosoned we! Ottawa Citleen, 4 J with 18 own moter, "a church on Wheels was vecently eon soorated helore helng put into sew viee hy a misslonany soclety in Phigh you aren't fooling, not maeh, | widdy Ragland CA ain al davorpeod, Hag, recently AIThel NL Workl's record Tast of 63 dans He st € bs Wowelg ht, [Abele awn up at the Central Allevs | | Strikes, Spares, and Blows At Loeal Alleys A question has arisen, When set ng wp ten ping does the pin boy like the bowlers to get strikes of would he rather have two or three Counts The alMivinative backs up their elaim hy saying that the pin bay likes stvikes because he has to hit only 16 pounds the negative | savas the boy doesn't mind hitting M pounds as long as he doesn't have to break his back setting up a lot of ping, Room for argument, no doubt, SO give us your stand L . CENTRAL ALLEYS | Things have heen going forward with leaps and bounds up at Jack's aleys and don't, WEAN perhaps MeQuavs high score was hlasted hy Frank Duffield who howled the neat score of JBL This 5 the real thing apd don't wake any mistake about that, When you bow! that Jack Pupdie's ten pin seore still stands and it looks as it Jerry Me: Cabe 1x hacking down from this score, Wateh Terry go now, roy 8 | fhe GM AC girls gave others an exhibition of how five pins should he howled Kast night, Sheioks aw uaghter continually filled the air The "darns" were also present v " he City Five Pin League hell their "wer together" night on Thurs day night and the hays spent the ev oning winnie neckties and geeting aviiainted, This Is going go he al loagie and its ehuek" full of | Noy ¥OM: Wiss this va goad bowlers tine, 4m not i the league, © I was, why shoul 1 woepey? are Fs others wha often howl \ 11] et the threo hundred mark, ; A » . the \\. 1} Phillips feagie had a big searing weht on Wednesday bat their winners have aot yet heen picks od ol Thay tl ho along shorily, Mi th Last night the Oshawa City Hal, (hot the fone pin) started a league of a aN \ Wh They way work there bit ahh how they wise it What? The City Hall of conse, This looks the ex-Quesns the fans hy the plays ha has given a Nying wing whe ranks with a wing whn tackles ving, who 1s ons of the plunging mind » wing AVRBY 0, Hutahinson ouleide Hendry, & hay | to be right in there, Rvery has hls eye on the Thanksgiving Turkey, LL Via only set up & new record when she left the iad pin and five ping up three times in a row and then picked them up every tims, Just try that, pe has the high weekly single with 252, keer orf The Your Ling The Duco Boys league, the Plage league in Oshawa and ons of the bigs ont single organisation leagues In Intario have eighteen teams entered and they bowl at hath Alleys "he following is the standing of the hgh {ome which bowl at the Central Als ey i Games Ploy Points Wanderers vovivin vars 4 Coolie Blues ,.iirvrreris f fdherkh Blue seevevnsr 2 Hustlers «oviriier vinins Bandseratehes i iivvinie Driftwood Smoke 101000 4 Craepe (] rent Mond free , owl eve onday at 7, This is the priv A of ", teams that bow! at the Meter City Alleys i W Games i Pointe OQPRS +111 11118 sur Hub © is 'M v1i is final Finishe ' Dugo Borer , Rinky Dinks ,, II Runners i114 OBO AT TR TE, EIR RRAR RENAN Jack's Team PERE RRENINS CHAPS ovine srinins Bowl every Yuerday night WHE KNOWS (Fergus News-Record) During the last session of the Dominion Parliament, Agnes Maer phatl spoke B65 different times, cov ering toples all the way from Inter. national Feace to Penltentiaries, Freedom of Epeseh to Paddling and Hhaokling, and from Cadet Corps spd Gir) Guides to Liquor Experts te the United HAiaten, After all, orhaps 16 1s Just as well that there a only one woman In the House of Commons, If thera were a hun dred, the year might not be lon snough to complete a session, 1! Miss Macphail is ever detested, she Ea ah at 7.30, I will probably turn to journalism, seeing that she knows a little about . TTT TOTTI TTTTTT TTY PUNTS and Y TACKLES: The wang arrived in Bt, Kitts at 1200 noon to-day and ali feel fit and ready to do battle this afternoon, Some of the boys were out to see the park and were delighted with It, It has & wonderful turf surface and Ie Just like a sarpet to walk on, The field runs north and soul) with bleachers along the west side and the south end, We eertainly wish we had secommodation for our suds once In Oshawa like the yhave hers, Herr -- There is not much wind blewing and the alr has Just & bit of the aur tumn sting to it, It has sll ¢ "pn ' marks for a perfect day for foothsll, The eity Is billed from ong end to the other advertising the first LU bearanes of the Blue Devils, 0 oubt they'll have a bumper erowd ab they are great lovers of elean sport in this little 'elty, ---- They are conceding the Blus Devils vietory hut by a small margin only, 80 no doubt, there will bs some fur flying, As we write this, Mr, Gloven Hosslewood has Just pald the dinners bill for the hungary horde, He won't smile now for the rest of the day, He's writing a book entitled "What It Is to he a Seotchman," or "The Trials and Tribulations of a Business Manager, Trainer Sam Johnson had lssued orders that all ankles must he bound to-day to Insure against any sprains dus to a slippery field, T are gument, ] [ane are falrly eonfident but 00 ing for an awfnlly te Be hope they win, fa werythlog, Keep 'em open, , A RA ACK Frank Is anoth hoy, He wae with the "Bluse Devils" last year and was one of the big fasters in winning the shampionship, Ne weighs 190 pounds and after twen: tysthree years he still falls inch short of six feet, Frank his game at the Collegiate alee and played on the team there for three yours, Frank is the substitute for Logan and Wilson and Frank is prominent in of apart but his hest game hy, (poker not included), He has heen in the game practically all the the season and has proved himeoll a valuable man to the team: Hines rag like more hard work for the elty warkers hut they seemed to enjoy it Just the same, "ro MOTOR CITY ALLRY One of the nolsest leagues in the oity, Ladies leagues excluded, 13 the Standards. League They are not very big but what a racket the make; Enough note for a thousan el, THE TEN HIGH DONTHLY ROLL © Standing Rte H, Hainer | AAA 0, Fisher | wines BOR (4 Creamer waaay SY M, SUHOR (vv asa i» I, Montgomery H, Ross 15, SHAY yyy anan WL Phillips AM, Swarts Ho O'Regan . 8 In the Parts and Service had ane other big wight on Thursday w Look grabbed off IM for a sing! game and 719 for theee conse tive, LEERY TARAS AMARA AAAY " CERRY 1 PARANA WULLIE MAKES AN OFFER My after of a $800 Gold Piece t any howler who can displace my PN single ton pins or Yo three conseews tive five pins still holds good, ALSO I will give a tive pound bax of chocolates to any lady bowler whe can beat Via Norris' three conseows tive 21% \ FAV 0 Via can enter for this, League games to be included all evs ets "a The mixed Double League heN a RQ together on Wednesday evening, Annie Reece and Jack Riady were the leading couple, combined score HA 25 wotal of 141 10 get the Meg, * + 8 Tuesday being very stormy was the reason the Duco Bove failed to all wen ont for the weekly battle. Hows evel, the olght teams that. dis the foul Hoe fmproved greatly Av! vou can depend on them nest weak - EEE ENGLISH MUSIC FESTIVAL COURT AND FOLK SONG AND DANCE November 13-18 in the Concert Hall of the ROYAL YORK To be opened on November 10h, by RIS BXORLLENGY VISCOUNT WILLINGDON Governor-General of Canada Demonstrating, a0 never hae been done before in Canada, the wealth of fine musie produced in England from the daye to the wmphonic muse of today The English and Folk Songe L] FRSA Ao Ra To Thursday, November Hii Polix the Divine 'Quliist ysl Brilliant Plants Dunoars from vhe Margaret Raton dehosl tn Poldanters trem he Sadinh Poikioace Sotiery ride rid ' Opere THR DROVER," SEL a i Gomis an November Hoyner, we rout Huge, Bagnds Oru EER ER: yuma, Oa ¥ in Boglish Choruess, Ancheat ¢ © Sacred Qoncord on Sunday, November IPN: Pham M al Repeat Performance of "Fagh the Drover oT ustent Director: BAROLD BUSTACH Kav M. R. JORNSON, C.P.A, CPR, '1 King &, KE, Oshawa Ir Raion ond woe 400 Fol Perens THE ROYA'. YORK TORONTO

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