Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Oct 1929, p. 7

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TAX REDUCTIONS SEEN AS UNLIKELY No Great Cuts To Be Made Buys Provincial Treasurer SPEAKS AT CLUB Hom: A. R, McMaster Also Touches on Question Of Rian Sebupe oil oe i ' this a To 5 rol Fo on hel ie ure no Ld LL hc El, a é apn "i api bt VR whi lv ey p # NE i v i ay ni a" Mead i EYRRIENLS only fen! of that § sha wrt lin nok health and othe : y' wn po ey uf: in ing " Tewonl sler's spas hy the "4 0 py Expl on and Lib of the taxes in vovinee of Gu: bee Poipting Hy that his expels nee § § Not been vy ry § 100 po fabri for jo wh the basis of iW Wily sls Ke | 1 yavinee des ved FOI OF Amann a dinar a on during 1 riod 3 | he Wilh ), Ii syery $100 o thi funds and oy brevet in n Hiab) He Conminsion, $15.71, of whi enses eifie from lie wi fil i id 55 it Pinion suhaid i i! on And Asheries oh Wk 5, 01.98] [LL] Wy vol wh ! ! ] - BLAMPH, nlereat un deposits Uj tax IE transfer of shires, 7] | munlel cantrihutions, F130) registration stamps, 81, : - Lands In AGAR the tax on lands and forests, he anid that for many years the Provines A heen leasing for pi from Whig ) it derive (Tove POM Tent apd stump reper forestry methods rg hee should sentinue for an indeAnite pers lod and the preservation of trees braught about in this way has im POFARE bearing on the vivers and streams and ennsequently on the wa 1a power whieh ih one of the Pros vinge's greatest natural vesourees, The dominion subsidies, he ex {latned, were a relie of the past per and Lower Canada had a tay if os Confederation but in 1876 the Dominion Govermuent was giv en sole and only vight "hi wiome duties, Ih relurm for & provinees were granted a Me at hit thine was in per head, Jt has subseq been adinsted 10 the resent vate, He pointed out that all govern Cents Ary 10 sented the liquor trame i Aome Way or another, but there are people who hate the very idea of government henge in the liquor bus ness despite the fast that they have always heen more or less rested in i The Government had made & held step in taking aver liquor eons trol hut they had sliminated at one stroke the ineentive of private gain | from thin affair by doing ve, LA RB NB F BR ER BR ER BR _K_L BR J Soll By=R W, Thompson, Divasion, -- _tiana PINE BIRCH from the Lauren: SPRUCE from old Que: bec and New Saskatchewan Vally and the North Shores FIR AND CEDAR from the Mountains and Tide Wa« tere of British Columbia -- ~ These, the ouutaiding find in wit wok: Fpl Air Epic Replete Wit Exc tement Spectacular "Ale Stunts of "The Flying Marine" Thel Audie Movie fare vir Lig i i a heh i He ity He fi tf pny ™ 7 where re, Ane J i showh, It unfglds a dra he love ob 8 apeetiaeular werial bce ' yi a ict 10, the well a holo ue Is ol i oy, the ul the youn an ny ih BEONEN Ay Uh sons pk i Ble rector . 3 om i dh I heard oh ele ah an v really yi) hotograp y of the An the " ag fk nt Hom Hi n ih i time olly discovers that she eonl aves 0 breaks her us " eng th he " Bteve, she receives fh '] ht oir nses his hearing, to restore 11 1s to tak ly ear specialist, | " hive Money, depvie 4 10 i niovie Bleves plage, and thus make i money for the tion, hen Mteve oper earns of the tk his brophe or in tuk g 10 at his life, 10 the s Mol ng Hid Hh Alop il FoUh ar rom A pat nk QUE stunt, ont + i ation (pation Fuh Wy ih Is aetion Ns prin Fin / out an astoundingly dramat m Whitey Mason makes a very eap ip gud Noh heraine, Ben Lyon has been badly injured Fplane erash while delng ": stupte for the movies, He hi | only ehanee him 10 a eosts Hi of the bros Miteh offers his GOmpany to 5 Are wel ast In the oles ol the rothers, | heartily redommend this iv pleiure, ADVERTISING FOR HUSBAND, OLD IDEA Newspaper of mm Recently Unearthed Bioekholm, Sweden, Ot, WenThe art of matrimonial gh LLU to be of old standing Judging fron an insertion In the hd Ith provin eal newspaper the "Carlakenin Yeekobind, of 1771, weeently wn h | #8 + The advert foment Fede | honoursh M " le will not toy adversely wot following well meant advert os As IE sony i Ap oie Lat & pretty and well pw ) wir OnE pases unnetioed Jus eonune of the fagt that henourihls suitors do pot know hf fortune ui how meh Mr Parnts w i ARIOW | her an a wedding gif, 10 1s here! Alinoghesd that, now, an honourah years of age, father roi Ranney a la mode, and wel whe ners derstands cooking, wishi wil ng and ete, (whieh doubt, will be further TPP © through her intelligences when ah IhFouh WAREY IRE, BOI MOF pra toe in household makers), Jona} In properly and mevabie, abou {4d Ne Dalry, heald Ides What ah spate eiavy from her oN grand math on f some decent bachelor, prefer A nobly, clergyman, or otherw abl well: Mluated man "Nin speulate, | 0 Hie wht redline \ nies HE an hi prion 08 Of Hua WE I'm | Nil ah A condi hat Aon oh A hit eavaliord well Mui, an tha ht Wwe © the trouble o ering hele names in the appostt Jue 1°. wrther partienlars will be - PROTRCTS "MIGRATORY BIRDA The Migratory Rirds Treaty wan ule between Ureat Britain and the Unite tates to Ae QEFIAIN Ape ne and Inasetivorons birds md ba) AY and th tod States, from the Ottawa an Bay-- : THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 STRICKEN DOWN | IN PRIME OF LIFE PROBLEMS OF STEEL INDUSTRY OUTLINED Canada Backward in Devel. opment of Manufactures, Is Claim Montreal, Out, Manufuetyring Is one of Canada's greatest nation asnetn today, aud Jaedinys, vieesprosident of the Bleed Coninan uf Conadu, when he addressed (he insmen Club in the Windsor Ho tl reeently, Me went on to explim INBL 10 Conn Ey eniE wiinin 19 great nens, under present hima sonditions without paying spell attention tw the Javalonimens of We AAG Hires My, Jasguiys Jan Autusped the steel Industry, which he took as one Shui ile of Canndn's backwardness ii Sxvloting her Industries, Auli 4 hi the {1h the Canadian ste ndustry 1s Inu bid wiy 1s heeanse too much Anlshed mpd semi-finished stuelwork Is ported Into the soun try from the United Biates, whe own about halt the world's output steel, wn output whieh has Inerensed 4) pes cont, in the last 18 years, while Canada's has only nergneed 16 pu cent, and now, while Canada manu faeturers each yesr 300 pounds ol slesl por enpiti, the United Btates Is produsing thres tines as much, fo Jauquays belleves that the will show an Improvement In this sits uation and that Canada's enormous ore deposits will eventually vonstitnie i reat proportion ef the world's mineral supplies, SCIENTISTS ASCEND ECUADOR VOLCANO Guayngull, "Hehndor, Oat, 14, Advises from Riohambi state thal i party of selentists trom the Calls fornia Technology Inntitute, head od by Robert TF, Moors of Vash dens who last April made the Aral nscent to the summit of the Han Way voloano, hus secomplished ans other feat In ancending the great Ohimberaso voleano, The party sl tained the highest penk following the same route which Mdaward Whimper used fifty years ago The group started from Riohams ha on August 81 and finally veaoh ad Ite woul BO000 fest above wea lavel on the Ah, Important specimens sonloglon) ware collected, AL sn slititude of 16,000 ftuet where thers was virtu fully only aus form of plant ifs the party found the "Chimborige hill stor," wu henutifully colored hie and greon humming hiva MANY IN 'SHORTS WILL PARADE NFXT YEAR SAYS KAHRS Apostle of Sensible Clothes Was Formerly Dope Fiend, Thief and Preacher Kilohaninr, "Out, A om ldward Kahrs, swoonviot, prekehioy, evan gellst and health exponent, tales We dross veform seriously, With Wim, 10 fan't a fad, He in the gentle mun who startled down town people yastarday hy his summer gurh, "The loss people wer, hatter," he winted on his through the oily yesterday, Whou mate pains which had holhered Wm for years vanlshed under {he goothing rays of the sun, Now he I hardened against the wertlo Ai the founders of the Gonpel Health Assocation at Tillsonburg, Mr, Kahes and his wife, Worthan, have won many followers to the dress veforim oveed Many peopla have pladgsd that they will hilos gom oul In shorts" next spring, ho LEAL My, Kahrs appeared In bua whorts, neatly pressed, of the lofest design, He wore a "regulation blue snek eont, white shirt without aollay or tie, pray silk hora of » auatity worn hy women and s prod fedora hat the wy 1 The exponent of dross reform Win won Lo Lhe crise some yehrs witor Wis rolenss from King's coun ty ponitantinry, Now York, wheres he worved on tori for thefl, He was converted through the fnsiry momtulity of the Palvation Army when he was 44 yours of uke I Is now Hl Now un ordalnsd minister, mr Walirw avoreams the morphine and apium habits while fn the peniten tury, Bixty grains of morphine mugged Into that Insthution for him yomalusd untouched when he loft, his said, rd -- FRANK RINDI F 19 SERIOUSLY HIRT Courtice Man Fell While Picking Apples and Broke Several Ribs Cotirths, Oot Prank Hun dla, won of Jus, Hundle, Hawn Line, was-sssbertigly hurl on Mon day when pleking ppplos on» high Iadder, He fell and broke uvarnl vibe which enused other Internal eomphlientions I Wii tnlien to Bowmanyills Hospital Mins Lowles Kamp, Hagndlton, WH i recent guest of Mise Muhells Walters, Miss Lyle Osborne, Toronto, home aver the week-end Wolter KEnlder, Birathroy, Is iting W, HM, Nlahols Hort Worden, Mra ong and Miss Juth, nndny guests of Mra, Hina a arnd from hore attended King hire, Oshawa, Munday uw Whi vi Lorne Hlay Hovmanvyilie Chnn tral availing and heard Denton Massey Miss etn Worden, Crysial Jity, Man, who hus hoon visiting rela Lives In this vieinity thig summer Is voturning to her home on Thursday, Tha Misson Cleele which ef on Buturdny afternoon at the home of Miss Boty Gay had quite an In taronting mesting, The Whls lene son wan vend hy Mise Hvaelyn Wind Plang wolos wars nlewsl played hy Misses Joan Vinson and Marlon Tvevall, A vending was Elvan hy Mya, Herb Nichols and tha study hook was Aesll vith hy Miss Mary Vound, Afterwards re froghments wars served and # sox in! hour enjoyed Able ploking: seems to ba the arden tha day In the country a thet beautiful weather has highly uppreciated by (hoses who have loves orchards loot HAYDON BRIEFS Haydon, Oct, 48 Hundnay Behool will Munday afternoon, Hev, Myr, Trumpour, ahnrien of the service, My, and Mrs, Lloyd Ashtan, Hosw nnd haby Marie spent Hun any with Mv, and Mrs, Milton Tamblyn and other relatives ut ran Miss Annis Trewin of Courtioas and Vrad Ashton of Toronto spent Mindny with thelr parents here Hay Mmith and Miss M, Lennox of Oshawa visited Mr, and Mrs, Wilag Trewin on Heturday, The heavy fall of rain of this wank haw heen most weloome throushout the nelghborhood, af tar the long dry wenson, Mr, and Mpa, Cyrus Ashton und kv of Burkton ware visitors of 1 y Graham and Henry Anh ton on whi My, and Mra Nowenstle, wera guests Chmreh und he held on The pastor, will hs In Thomas Brown of of Mra, PAGE SEVEN E.R, Ey, Crospor recently, Mrs, Bemsle Roberts of Toronto, Mrs, Cornish and My, and Mrs, Gordon Shore and gon were guests OF Mr, und Mru, Jamey Crossman, er po Wm, AUTOMOBILE PRODUC- TION ACHIEVES NEW LEVEL IN CANADA Tovante, Ont, Out, 44,~While production of sutomobiles st the Canadian plants hisg not heen man. tained at recent record levels, there In no douht that & nev high level in the history of the industry will he establishbd for the year, Motor tricks to the number of A186 were manufactured in the élght, month period of the current your, ended Angunt, this figure re. presenting a pain of 14,002 aver that of the COTreRpon ain period of lust your, Produotion of paw pengar oars for the same period to tnled 170,260 an compared wity 13,406 In (he same months of 1U2K w--t PARK ANIMALS ARE VEARLE! All nuth PRC be mul parks in Canadas mr ind ull game fnsldi boundaries Is rigidly protected purmitied 'within pir) areas und wll Arenrms must he senls ed upon entry, "This protection beings noaplendid reward in the lnereasly und tumeness of even si shy ereiatures as mountain sheep ani pout, In thesy parks a unique op portunity Is afforded of Boy il 4 ing and studying wll varieties of sank ml ell, mowntaln sheep pont, dear, bear, and antelopg-s ery eluse range a -- lL {rib I No hunting | nimber moose, Engineers have estimated thal there are 500000000 tons of iron or in Mindanno, in the Philippines, --_--_-- MCCOLL- FRONTENAC | MeCOLL-FRONTENAC OIL COMPANY LIMITER Qftces an is Ruin, Caliah, Vanesue Pan Sy Turontn, and Muntent convenient Doni wv gas MOTOR FUEL A new motor fuel with drive wwpope=and punch a-plen~ tyl RED INDIAN MOTOR OIL Provides a per: feot film of protection tweenall work ing parts of the enginel MARATHON GANOMING A sight run gasoline 4 , « 00s nomieal , , , wal formly elean and reliable!

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