Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Oct 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, F IT . OLD FERGUS DOCTOR RECALLS EARLY DAYS OF MEDICAL PRACTICE Noted Practitioner Considers That - Specialization in Medicine Can Be Carried Too Far Toronto--The mouth was a play In itself, Each time a rising young pxecutive sald "summation" the mouth would note it with a quirk, Each time an earnest-minded oung doctor solved one more prob- em with one more theory the mouth would smile tenderly, Each 'Ymae those blessed words, "special ination" and "efficency" turned ap, the mouth remembered some- thing that amused it, Statisties up to a point it closed firmly upon, After the fourth page it took on an increasing and lespairing droop. It was worth watching that mouth, It was more worth listen- Ing to when Dr, Abraham Groves of Fergus, the oldest delegate to the Ontario Hospitals Association Convention, consented to talk, Dr, Groves will be 83 on his aext birthday. He graduated from Medical Bchool in Toronto wnem the Franco-Prussian War was rag- Ing; when ladles wore hoopskirts and gentlemen anti~massacred thin flowing whiskers; when Confeders~ tion was extremely new in Canada, and there were no such things us germs in medicine, Abraham Groves started his pro- fessional career as a general practi tioper in Fergus, He is still In Fergus, still a general practition~ er and very proud of both facts. Helping people Into the world, fighting all sorts of enemies to keep them in it, mending every- thing from broken knuckles to broken necks----~these are some of the jobs of a general practitioner, "Old Doctor Groves" has done them all and done them well, in the fifty-nine years since he first rode out from Fergus to visit a pa- tient In the Township of Garafaxa, Best Neck in Country Today Dr, Groves is head of the Fergus Hospital, It was there that the neck was mended fourteen years ago, Dr, Groves still has the broken piece he took out, Its owner still has the neck, "The bes. neck in the country; he claims,' Dr, Groves sald, Many great men have risen; many great discoveries have been made in modern medicine, Bug the names of Lister and Pasteur are still the greatest names in the welance to Dr, Abraham Groves, When Abraham Croves left If you want a Radio that has .. L. --super-power, sensitivity in picking up stations, 2.--five years of proven performance, 3 ee. nruniond tubes 4 .--outsold every other electric radio in Canada. 5 outperformed EVERY radio in an im. partial test of nine leading makes, G.--been created, developed and perfected in Canada and is sold nowhere else. You MUST Get a 1930 Rogers! ' Rogers alone can give you the six features listed above, / And in addition to those points, which are exclusive] i 4 Rogen, Jou get every pr 1 ne thata high-grade i. radio offers, : ncluding : ¢ Electro (gv. exquisite tone $ the c Speaker with rare power and quality, cabinets designed hest priced furniture in Canad" A geaine Dynamic, the makers ~* Automatic Voltage Control. Perfect Volume Control. Complete shielding, Phonograph plug-in jac 4-gang Condensers. Output Transformer, Greater Selectivity. Single Dial Control==Illuminated Dial. A combination Radio-Phonograph-=supreme as a radio, su the Rogers b as a phonograph, known as onolectro Radio. 'We challenge a cheek-up of the statements we have made. These are e claims of a succ dian institution, The 1930 Rogers conservative Cana- Radio models are on display now. Visit the Rogers dealer's store and prove or disprove to your satisfaction the claims we make. ROGERS-MAJESTIC CORPORATION LIMITED WINNIPEG TORONTO MONTREAL Seo. C. Alichin Ltd. 15 Church Street, Oshawa --Taronto Branch---858 Bay Street TEN FEST INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER SISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT, medical school ut the age of 23, things were not as now, "lI remem- ber the surgeon going from one operation to another without even washing his hands, Why should he? There wasn't any such thing 6s A germ, "I am told by men of good re- pute that I was the first surgeon who ever ordered everything steri~ zed, before an operation, That was In the year '73, on July 5." The old doctor chuckled, "Not that I knew anything about the germ theory, Nobody did but Lis- ter then, and nobody paid any at- tention to him when I got my di- ploma, "But there was typhold around, and we were beginning to suspect that water that looked all right might have something to do with typhoid, So I sald to my assist. ant, John Wishart, that we had better be on the safe side and boll this water and evertyhing that was washed in it, "John used to laugh afterward and say that we two should share the honor of Lister and Pasteur," "Can Be Carried Too Far" "What do I think of the tenden- cles of modern medicine? Well, I'm a general practitioner, and an individualist--both out of date, perhaps, I think specialization and organization ean be carried too far, Hospitals for Instance, Ours is a private hospital, But it's a great deal more public than most of the hospitals In this Province, Any properly qualified doctor in On- tario can treat his patients there, I'll have no 'staff' in my hospl- tal." ' There wag large contempt in the old doctor's voice, "Staff! I eall it & rascally system that permits a thing called a 'board' to say who shall or shall not look after you or me when we're sick, Who pays the bills anyway? You or the 'board?' Dr. Groves of Fergus stopped and laughed. 'The poor, long-suf- fering public," he sald, "they must Ike it or it wouldn't be done, But it seoms a terrible thing to me if, in a great crisis of your life you cannot have the man you trust to care for you because he Is not on 'the staft'" | WHITBY FORMER WHITBY WOMAN IS DEAD (Continued from page 2) United Church, Ottawa, and an ac- tive member of the Women's Mis. slonary SBoclety, She went to Mount Forest In August to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. J, H, McDougall, and while there was taken ill, Late In November, or perhaps oarly In December, the Chamber may have the privilege of hearing My, C. L, Burton, general manager of the Robert Simpson Company, LUNCHEON WILL | Whitby Chamber of Com. merce Executive to Meet Monday Evening Whitby Chamber of Commerce Programme and Luncheon Com- mittee Is endeavoring to secure a iponker of note for the first lun {eheon of the season to he had | 1wortly after the election, The soc. rotary has called a meeting of the executive to be held next Monday evening in the Town Clerk's office at elght o'clock, when, its hoped, arrangements for the luncheon can be made, In the meantime the Membership Committee will inaugurate its drive with the object of securing new members to the number of one hundred, The fee is two dollars. Luncheon tickets, of course, are extra, SCHOO! TRUSTFFS PLAN CONFFPENGE County Trustees To Meet at Udora on Friday, November 1st Public School Inspector R, A Hutchison announces that a con« terence of school trustees, under the auspices of the County of On tarfo School Trustees' Association will be held at Udora, north of Ux: bridge, on Friday, November 1st. The Inspector will ba the chief speaker, Varlous educational prob. lems will be dischssed, and it is ~ot unlikely that the now famous Township School Hoard Bill will be 'monk them, The proeram for the meeting will be announced later. MAGNETIC COMPASS WIDELY f J USED te of the recent inventions of we scopic compass, the sun com- ass, the radio compass, and other direction finders, the magnetic com- nass is today mpre widely employed In } than ever before, BE HELD SHORTLY SUCCEEDS GEN, BELL Major-Gien, ¥, C, Ashton, quarter. master-genernl, who 'has been transferred from national defence headquarters at Ottawa to succeed Brig.~Gen, A, H, Bell as officer com~ manding M.D, 2 at Toronto, Et om pe FARMERS WELCOME THE RECENT RAINS Plowing, Held Up by Dry Spell, Is Now Being Resumed The raing of the past few days, following a dry spell of over three months' duration, has meant much to the farmers of this district, ac- cording to information received by The Oshawa Dally Times, Whithy office, Plowing which has been held up for weeks owing to the hardness of the soll will now be resumed with ull speed If the weather is favor able. Dry wells, have been replen- ished and danger of a water famine averted for the present at least, I'he fall wheat erop has also been rently benefitted, Up until Tuesday few farmers in this neighborhood had done much lowing, even with a tractor, Horse drawn plows were out of the ques | tion, Most of the season's crop is now 'n the barns Apples are still out n lar e quantities and some have heen frozen There will bs many trees not pleked this year, it | aid, owing to the very ple: 'fu! erop. CANADIAN POFT Wilson McDonald Delighted Large Audience Thurs- day Evening Wilson MeDonald, the well own Canadian poet and lecturer, as heard and appreciated by an idence of members of the ty, and gome friends of the Ontario Ladles' College on Thursday even- [Ing, The concert hall of the Col [loge was well filled and Mr, Me- { Donald's program was a real liter- lary treat, The gathering was presided over {hy the Principal, Rev, Dr, C, R, Carscallen, who Introduced Mr, Me- | AT THE COLLEGE facul- | Donald and peid bim a fine tribute for his work as a poet of greal merit, Mr, MeDonald, in addition to ad- dressing the gathering, read a number of his more popular poems dealing with a wide range of sub jects, He was well received and merited the liberal applause he re- ceived, " Thursday night's program was one of w series given during the College year along lMterary and musical lines, FLYING TAXICARS | RIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 PAGE FIVE (4 W 7 us Did you Get Your: IN ENGLAND S00N -- | Hundred Sport Coupes Now | Under Construction | in Croydon London, Oct, 25, ~The first effort on a large scale to let loose a fleet of "fying taxicabs" on the airways of England was announced recently, It in learned that 100 Desouter-Cirruy sports coupe planes are now under construction at: Croydon, the Lon. don airport, and that all are intend ed for taxi service as socn as they are completed, The planes will be stationed at provincial cities and will he made a. vailable for rapid connection with the continental air routes from London, or for transport between English ci ties and towns, It is planned to run the planes at the passenger rate of one shilling (about 25¢) a mile, The planes arc all three or four seaters, with en closed cabins, Another interesting announcement concerning air travel came recently from the French Air Union, which said that its de luxe London-Paris plane henceforth would make con nections with the French air lines to North Africa, The new service brings Algiers within 30 hours of London, Basket of Beauti- ful Ontario Apples In Our Great Golden Harvest Sale We are Giving a Baske' of Apples FREE to every customer Spending $3.00 or mor This is just an extra, 'It's our treat." And we are glad to give it. It in no way diminishes the Sale Bargains, They are as our sale har gains always are--WONDERFUL| a------ fe AAR AR] rr i : co ' A rrr A world conference on adult education ig to he held shortly, In the meantime the modern child | hayond which they are not supposed is carrying on the good work to stray.~FPort Arthur News-Chron Kitchener Record, icle, Construction of a highway ove! the difficult stretch of' mountain between Huajuapan and Tamazu lapa, Mexico, is to be started thi year, Cows are contented, and married men are happiest, There is a fence - ----._. CRRA Hon. G. Howard Ferguson Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas White Lt.-Col. the Hon. W. H. Price will speak at Massey Hall, Toronto, Friday, Oct. 25 CFRB, Toronto. CKOC, Hamilton. CJGC, London, CKPR, Midland. CKCO Ottawa RADIO TONIGHT Prime Minister of Ontario Mrs. Arthur VanKoughnet at 8.00 p.m. and be broadcast over se ------_L Si Do aE =793 YOUNG 4% Prince St ¥ Oshawa, Ont $800 CASH «= Balance ay ront==3 roomed brick cot. tage. All conveniences, Worth $3800, You can bu) it for $8300, DISNEY Phone 1350 SS. CHAMPLAINIS DAMAGED OFF N.S Vessel Runs Aground But Backs Off and Enters Halifax Halifax, N.S, Oct, 25~The Cana- dian National Steamer Champlain from Montreal, was damaged Wed- nesday morning when she grounded near Chebucto Head after Capt, Pe ter Leblanc attempted to enter the harbor without a pilot, who could not be picked up owing to dense fog. The Champlain backed off under her own power when the tide rose, and then with the pilot aboard reached her dock without further mishap, The steamer was proceeding very cautiously at the time of grounding. Some damage was po BOR forward, and with the forepeak leaking frees ly, it may be necessary to discharge part of the cargo and place the ship in dry dock for repairs, The Champlain took on part cargo at Montreal and came here to coms plete loading for Bermuda, Porto Ris co, the British West Indies and De- TOMI, You Own Your Ow Practically every line of ness is represented in this die rectory----a handy reference tor COAL COAL hone 108 W.J. SARGANT Yard---t0 Bloor 'treet Wb Orders "romptly Delivered i = Se A Hb ' ; 9 | n Home? RRA LUMBEP a Building Materials . Prompt Delivery + Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. ; a .._§H High Class. Interior Trim Rough and Dressed | Lumber W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED 45 Albert Street "Y Phones 280 & 107, ---- those who wish acquainted with business houses, to becon the vario busis -- RA STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 188 King ®treet West, Oshawa Phone 1160 \ List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe du S.~~Weo Deliver Machinery Repairing NOTHING MOO LARUN NOTHING MOO SMALL Adanac Macha: Sho 161 King St. W. hone 1814 ak tal Wo have several desivahle houses for rent, i! CUTLER & PRESTON Roal Estate | 'nsurance = | Telephone 574 93 © ' | Night calls 510--10G0 | 64° King St, West |

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