Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Oct 1929, p. 13

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y Bill ARRAS THE CIASS EBLE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1929 D SECTION. ey NNN Q EE i PAGE THIRTEEN meets \\ --- aa Legal GONANT & ANNTS, WATRTSTYS olleltors, Notaries Public, Lie, Con neing mine | I wo anf Hi h i houb, by 4 D, Conn, LLM: AP, Ants, B.A, A a Solicitor ancer, A \ ' y M Notary Public, Convey , Money to loan, Third floor We In + Opposite Posy eo heyy fg ister, Solleltor, N "Wi yancer, Money igre ble Wi PY ing Bi Bt, East, Oshawa, Phone nee phone B37, kg OICEFOYITON AND ne ore, Conve Notas Puble, ety, he 3 d Dank, FA Ance Bini Mu, Phone 18, V, Avierson, K.0,, 7 K Cri hton, BA, "N:. G Vrawer, B.A, () N olleitor, Notary, tore, Money (o strect north, axe r Jean P 006 Phone er: Residence ale, PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAN. futers. ete, Money to loan, Alger dg, Opposite Fost OMee, Phone na | ow tL Feld JREER J) LY 5, HARK Reet So leon ho A Simcoe 8 3100, Mq A Be lon / ALLS co wie | ter, ote, Cour arenony ny fui, vaotios, S44 King Bt, Bast hone 1387, (er De = Medical DR HAROLTW, TRICK, PIT /3T: clan, Surgeon, Obstetriglun, Sneelal references to maternity work and dis seases of women, Two vears' post pradunte experience, OMce and res dence 167 Simcoe St, N., (cor, Broek) hong 803 L _ be MeRAY, PHYBICTAN SUT eon, Accoucher, OMce and resis ence, King St, Hast, corner Vietorls St. Oshawn, Phone 94 DI GRANT TERRY. PIIVSICIAY Burgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of 'afants end children, Ofge and Nm Vin Fast, Phone 1155, WR, B, J, BAZLILWOOD, MVE: clan and Surgeon, special' Attention lven la, ray work nd au hy py, OMce, psy lock, Phone 1%), OMe; o nm 9 pm limited Jeon, Qbatet olan, Spell attention to surgery, Two vears ele ven months post graduate experience, espinal, St, Bartholomew's and St fmars Hospital, London, Royal In Edinburgh, University Hos pital, erlin, Qin 142 Simcoe St hope Resi deneg hil W LM. CM, Fin and $ Ldinbureh Surgeon and © yetetriclin Om a 144 Simons rh N, Phone i] epidence 10 { ong Jao er ap CoP & 8 Kdinburghe Phyalelan, Burgeon, Obstetrician, special at tention to maternity work wn dine cases of children, Office and reals dence, 188 Simcoe St, North, hone ( " " PAVITCIAN, Burgeon, Obstetriolan, Offices an residence, B13 Bimoos street north, Phone 24106, Oct, 9-1 mo) per TH To pile 4 rom office over Jury Blore each Saturday, { p.m, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Al nie may ba made wt frig store, JL Eye, Ear, Nose tod Throat PR Br RICHA RDRON, OFFTC | over Mitchell's Prin ge. Hou inpa by 10 to 12 am, venin WA ppointment, : TR phone esldence 4321, -- beet "T PHILLTES, OVER BAS: 1.) hs Sorel lal attention to Xoray work, Gas extraction, Nurse in ate ndance, ne YY, oure 141s Te "5 SIMCOL § nor, "over Mitchells Drug Store lor 5 Mane $4, Mu al as for extra Dida Nitrous oxi ONY on tions, Office, ov Rank N a a 6 Dk I is, 1. Res NAW, Evenings by int t y « \ erent Theatre To Phong 1780, 9, LnNGMAID BR. A hr! : A St, BK Spetlal at ention to mas extragtion. ray ) k rae In attends how Ne UW TUT " Cr: aly nl mincle anomalies Bn Ag a a glasses Author Of The at: Lite; Rye Qare Phy Hye Strain, Your Eyes and Health, Optometry Feature service, The Oh'* and ita Develops ment, Disney Nock, Opp, PO, Phone 15814, (Oot, 23:1 mo) BE Veterinary Surgeon d NH RTE ARIAR Pha Homa 203 King west, at \ Roofing Shingles ls daw ; free. Eastern Limited, Box 2, i ah (HSE9-02.95.98: 101) Nearly 3000000 barrels of Amers {ean four will he shipped to Ching shiz year, TN PFEWRTTIRG™ IND A00ING mi overhauled, repaired and [| eh My work Is guaranteed, M't pay until you are sate Engineering and Surveying ) o Land Surveyors and Civil Kn ie cers, sub. divisions, town on lanpna, 1 john angineers, 305 2 hak ng Bd 0)! IAL CO, 6 Last, Ambulance, Residence, $4 Sim, too street north, Phones 210) wand i i atrect, | Bruce street, Ambulance, ® Phone Lb. Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCY, 19 King St, west WA, Se Ils > on ont kirg Hhency shawe, sonsult MN, John, #0 Himoeos north, Yeur Insurance wants nts tended to and your Interests pro- tected, Transportation man' wm AB Bond West, Hpecinlinty In furniture moving, starsge Ware house pnd moving Yan equipment, hone IB GARFAGH, MOVING, GRAVEL Oenl and long sand and cinders, } distance = hauling, Phone J048 ani 20921, Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St SRI WT OLOYST VETAH lished Hn rure movers, Park Round cnr nga, Local and long = distance Frank Cowly, Prop, 68 Park RJ Houtl, Phone #15, (Oct, 15-1 mo) WANTID=THU RING 0F "ALL kinds, Carting or moving, Phone g0MOW, (Oct, 10:1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU, PERMANENT wave, Special 85 And $7.50. Pinger wave, and shampoo #1, Faelal 75q, Hale cutth g 25¢, Phone 968 or Slmeae North, WATSON'S BARBER Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. Wao spar clulige In ladies' halr quitting, mar eelling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 5 gents, For appointments phone 2061, 10-1 mo) MARCEL AND CURL 80c, MRS, Kveretta Ball, Apt, V, Edward Apart ments, Que hee St. Kor uppointme n phone 32061, - (Oct, #1 mo) ei ullding Supplies FOR SALI = SAND, tu stone and black loam, $1,600 awl For quility and services 'phone iss sery Hros, 3) 5 i wi (BRYAN NT JL TATRE= To Insure romel delivery, place ore dara In advance of delivery date, WV, Rorrowdale, Phony 161 Music FOPIC ACCEPTED IN" VOUAL Instructions, Mra, (Dr) Grant Barry, Phone 11066, (Oat, 1+1mn) ARTHUR LYN UE VOCAL TEAR. cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To ronto) pupils prepared for all exams Oshawa, Wednesday, 92 Simeoe k North, Phos * FRA of Toronto's Yen oon vielin tenuh: ors, is In Oshawa on Thursday afternoons, Studio 86 Eigin Bt, MW, Phone THOM, (Qot, 4<1mo) % Hor rano, will agcept puplis for sings ni, voles ctilture, eto, Phone 1004, $28 Nruce Bt, (Oot, 1-1me, ' A x J KoA My Director of Musle, Oshawa Collegl: ate apd Public Nehoo.s, Btudie, 30 Westmoreland, Phone 8084J, (Oot, 16-1 mo) oney to AND arranged, NR ut uress loans Field, Rarcisters, ote, Alger Phone Watch Repairing iv wi tehmaker, . repale shop at i a "She ot "Watt, ' Your PM of ron Redio Service RADIO FRRVICE "AND XCOER: porles, Repairs on electple and battery sets, 'Tubes and batteries tested, Dattoriea recharged, rental supplied #1, hone 10467, Charles Wales, 148 Elgin B (Oct, 8-1 ma) SR " Caulking WAVE ALL CREVIORT AROUND your windows and doors filled with plastic cement and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cost In shall, Pree eatimates, J, H, law: son, RR. No, 2, Oshawa, Phone t L GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS IA: pn Jointing and 5 ne ps wR gH CAL \ A and paperhangers, only first class work, guaranteed XN years exe ence, prices reasonable, Jhons N, -(Qet, 13 or | Inds of re " paver Orv" Biitort ) , Osha ; for Investment, § per cont; Tntoron hall yearly, Movigage seourity uns dar government *iparvision. fivry 260 Times, of this nature, and collect for same, 80 for nd delivered, 78 i A ANDY All Classified Adverti ing Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to some personally to The Times' office, will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT a telephone call AJ Real Estate for Sele FIVE: ROO" nUNGAL.oW, HARD: wood throughout, Newly decor ated, Central location, Cheap for gulok sale, Wil nocept cnr an first payment, Apply 88 Division Hireet, (Th) Work Wanted RC UPHOCS TIRING CHEST felds made to order, We save you money, Fatimates free, UG, A, Cons stable, 74 Mechanic street, Phone S08), $611) RITE CHA LED Il ren Batter " repaired 20 Mill St, hone (Qet, 101 mo) FATT EATER CHANUED AND PY. livered 700, rental 4he, and the entire electrical system of Oar res paired, 204 Oshawa Blvd, Phous d118wW Qot, 11+ mo) AUTO BODY ANT rRUCK™ Wi pairing, Metal bumping, | handle the Eider Built Bodies, BIL Fry, 40 Pond West, Oshawa, (Oot, Architects STENTHOUSE = oh Thi work, Second flanr, Royal Bank Building, Phone 14% none Al i THNSON KT S00IAIE LL Sinmces St, Over Felt Bros, Hematitching NIRTOTENTS FifCYARDTIRAT od Hkirts, one dollar, alterations, ote, All kinds of heanutiful fanoy work on sale, Mrs, Dell, 364 Sim. coos South, Phone 1674 (Oot, 18-1 mo) Public Stenographer CHILTON, TT RINOOR street north, Phone 1000, Speuinl rates for malling lists and olreular work, {et 251 mo) ARE Le Ait Room and Board ROOK AND BOARD-ALT TON Janiences, cen Apply 68 C i t tal supplied $I fi Wliduon, AEBW, 101 mn) = GENTRAT 8 also meals served. 08 Drew & tor yy An board it dealrs J | Pho! (06o) oan OR" NORD ATHOLL TX East, warm south room, Sults able for one or two gentlemen, Home privileges, Phone J170W, (08h) ROOMS ANID BOARD OR PART Board or room for light housekeeping for 2 business girls, Central, Aly Celina St, (O81) NICELY FURNISHED ROOM with board, in private family, Very , Phone | ) (O8¢) fos re Moats TNOTIEN HOME ples, steak and kidney pies, hot or 0old, brawn, cakes and paste oto, oto, Frank Drakes, 21 able street, Phone SATRF, [RAL ani electric or alterations, hen or edtimat UETAvE raphs colored or pr ue samples, Oot, 1:1 mo), Agents Woes Double your salary diy ly sellipg dinperk | An fod ristimag fais te friends, business associates, and church menb het. from w ub a rea sample hool Imperial Art Manufacturers, §1 Wels shots and Phone 534 RV WHE TOOR hieyele from the back of Karn's Drug Store on Sunday svenling kindly ves rn same and save er trouble, (90¢) tok suit oase oft Sharada evening hetween oe to Oshawa p turn to TEVA Sirost 0 at Bard's "otfice aR ConarTative cdmmittee room, $8 tn bill Please returi to Times office apd receive rewar (Ika) | tae, lington West, Toronto, RAW ou ---Y | Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOL slabs, $3.50 per load. Alsa bons dry bady wood, Waterous Muck Lined Phone 1248 (Apr, 2001) FOR BALE "HEINTZMAN 00, Ltd, planos, new and used planos, Also radios, atest wodeln; ters arranged, Apply ©, Trull, Phone L668, (Ahi FOR BALE-TALDOWING 31 BAN rel; wples, $8.60 barrel; ohter win tor apples $1 barrel, These prices undelivered, John Aldworth Phone 108 v Bowmanville (0dr) "AND RUG, LA DINING ROOM WUITR first eluss condition, bed i" hone STW, (hid) GAS COOKER, ' BURNER, HAR gain, #6, Also porcelain top table, with drawer, new, $6,560, 112 Lous lon sireet, (ble) ONTC WINTER CURT, SCIOHITS used, see Jo, Apply 49 Hilleralt St (97h) Phong ( OOD COOK STOVE, 1840M, FOR BALK hoater, Cheap Phone Jew, Fon BALK DINING To ROOM suite, old English onk, plano, Hh rary (able, wioker suite, eleotric Stove and other arteles Phone LUNIW, (UE-Dh) FOR SALL wall] BOARD with mirror, & shelves, J drawers and eup hoard, Price reasonable, Phone 1694 \\ wh (Uh) ONE QUEREC HRATER™ VOR Sale, Apply 3 Lloyd Street, Phone 201 LW (Hb) le Wn - 4 - Help-- Wanted Male WANTED--YOUNG MEN HAV Ing 2 years or more banking ex paMence for a Bank, Apply In awn handwriting stating ago, experi: ones, and salary expected, Ab Vy Hox 261 Times, 070) Position Wanted PRESS ARTR IS PRRINTED will go out dally, Phone 724J, (871) PRACTICAL NUREE HOOTOR'S reference, open for engagements, Maternity or general dureing, Neh with housework, Phone LL (DRL) Auctioneer "SULT PHONE 4A WoT. \ A Ba 8. OK 8T0 $10, NCOLARY Albert (470) a0on 181 of LI , 4 veh Simeoe Street §, Phone gt, 3 For Sale or FON 8 ATE "OR "WROHANG ET) room, new place, olear, 467 Plne Ave, Phone 14 (06a) Tin acres of splendid farm land, with or without $3800 worth of farm stnok and feed for good 7 or § roomed house in Oshawa, Aot quick, Jones Real Estate, Phone LLIN (Hh) BT" For Exchange HOUSE WANTEB--CLIENT WAS fifteen hundred dollars and goad equity in lot to exchange on modern home in location, Many other Sxchange at have vou, Real Estate he hg Phone M420, § King St EK Ore) : Motor Cars w | FORD COUPK TXT ETLTFNT COR: dition a real buy, A 248 Rurke St (9%) BANC TTNE FOR CARIES i roN: coupe or sedan heaters Ine stallew, mechanically vondition sunranteed, 208 Athol 8t, K, Phone 4 \ (98h) anted to Buy WINTRD™0 Mut =HO0n 8 IR roomed house, between Royal and Lloyd or north end west of Sinn 00 Bt, Moderate price, Good cash 'HD ment, Rox 389 Times, (To) Pets and Live Stock FON BALE CRTETO0 an oookerels, bition ation of high standard. 8 and $3.85, 260 Nadu (Ato Me FOUR WAGON » Celina street, AAR pd iN horses. Apply Also poster | aa | Bb Kast, For Rent FOUN AND IVE ROONED HOD orn suites, including alectrie refrig eration, stove, Isundry, conven) ondes, ete] continuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 85671, nr The Trusts and Guarantees On, lad, manager for owner, Toronts || of) APAIVIMENT® TO WNT Modern conveniences, #40 and up, Apply Jury 4 & Lovell, (Raf) TO RENT PRIVATE A [4 apartment. over Ledger's Btore, next ta Karn's brug tore, Fos seston October 1, Apply Mrs, PV, UL Henry, §81 King oN Mast hone 16, AdLl) 0 ROOM ILD HOUSE TO RENT, 456 Simeon Bt, South, All sonvenleness, hot water heating, newly decorated, rule rent, Phone H, hosel ) or FOIL RENT == PIV oN brick housa, Oonveulences, Paved sireet, Immediate possession, Ap: ply 81 Kigin Bt. K, Phone 1684), (061) APARTMENT ENT, CRN: tral, Bteam heat, laundry tubs, elaotrie stove, bullt in bath, 4 rooms, $46 und 860 per month, hox B04 Times, (hdr) AVARTMINTE TO RENT--M OD. orn five rooms and bath with sleo Lele stoves, wrates and every eon: venfence, First or second floors Cass Loma, 161 King' Bt, Kast, Oxhawa, (hd) TWO ROOMS TO WENT HOA witer and eleetrie, $18 per month Apply dL Division Breet, (U6e) FOR RENT = THREE WARM Rooms, hardwood floors, wired for electrie, Apply 253 Grooms Ave Phone 1345 nr 1472 0 COMFORT ARI FURNIRITID NIX roomed house for rent, Apply awner 108 Division Wt (hfe) CONTFORTARTE NOTRE 70 rent, #ix rooms, All convenlencea ousonable rent, Apply 871 Jarvis | (bbe) BRICK HOUSE, 4 ROOMS AND Wee of kitchen, 131 Albert St, (97¢) 'O REN FOUR ROOMYD House, fanyenlence garage, paved street ply 362 Athal Serect, 1 Phong PHL V, (97¢) TT RENT=NI( I i Y TU RNIS HI 8) front bedroom, suitable fer young couple, use of dining room and kit chen, Apply 113, Rosedale Avenue : a i Xi ) HOUSE TO RENT, Apply 143 a harne Sireat, ant TWO OR™THRER ~ONVORNISH, od rooms, heat, Hght, water, central, , rent reasonable, Phone 10AF (97¢) THOUBE 10 Convenl (he) "WOURE ON WINE 07 Queen Sireet HK v IN ROOMED rent on Arthur street, shoes, hone 1004), TO LET HOOM™ Willlam Ht, Hust Newly decor ated, Kleotrie Hghts, tollet and gan, froe water, Possession at once Apply 24 Royal Bt, Phone 186 (07h) TOR TENT FE VERY 00M: fortable large rooms, furnished to sult gentlemen, yy Himooes south (BT) APARTMENT TO RENT == QKN- tral, four rooms, pleotrie range, hot water, seam heat, Newly deo Orated, 840, Phone 1400, FOR TENT FTN Wi nished rooms, sultahle for Low rental, Phone T68W, (08h) TWO FINE HOUREN FOR ENT, 4 rooms $80, 6 rooms brand new $q Phone Holden 3TIW, (hh) AVAL HOUNE™ PARTLY PURG nished to rent, No children pres forved, Apply 8&1 Buena Vista street, Phone G64J, (hho) iY ARAGE TOR RN IN I, APPLY 00 pA St, E. (Of FOR RENT? ROOWET TOU ) 85 Bruce St. Apply 104 King St, (Oc ; WO LARGE UNFURNTEH ET light housekeeping rooms on ground floor, suitable for young Married sak, Apply 17 Athol 8t, W. ( RENTS FURNISRED™ WATH, voom flat: phone, gas, all eanvens fenoes, Apply a alk St, (Oe) Elocution FLOCTTIONTAT OPRN FOR EN gifioments, Miss ¥, Dewhirst, Phan a), { three, library, You will enjoy reading the latest Flotlon at minimum 00st Phone 1474, 37 Simcoe J. By ang To n WANTED =AWALL AVARTN ENT (private entrance), or § or § reom house, Careful tenants, Will lease, Hox @42 Times, (08a) "Shoe Repairing Ss abt Wiha (0 vn lace to have your a ded, Sanned and ved. toon, " 1 ted ) Ha FHOOND HAND DHATER FUR niture hoguit and son: 180 b+ cv Auction Sale AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and 1 nts, property of oY) Pascoe, to X BF, East Whit. eaday, v2, at twelves thirty sharp, Wm, Maw, Avctionesr, bh) Kitty Quill, wha used to supply Ring Edward with flowers and was permitted to use the Rayal Arvins on s|one space of three minutes, Rates for | Classified Ads, Prat tosertion--1 t eonte per word, Minimum charge Boe, Each subsaquent conseci~ tive insertion la per word, Three consecutive inser: tious for th prieg of two Plesk \nsertions (three esnts a word), Minimum charge fur three fusertions, U0 gents, Box number 10¢-additions! Professional or Business Cards, 84.680 per month for 1] words Or less; 10 cents a word per mont for each additional word, TIMES CLABSIVIED ADS CONT LITTLH; ACe VOMPLISH MUCH TELEFHONK 84 Ask for Classified Ad Departinent FAMOUS PLAYERS SUE NATHANSON Demand That He Be Re strained in Pronerty Deals -- Montreal, Oct, §6,-~A demand that Nathan L, Nathanson, former manauing divactor of the Famous Players Canadian Carparation, and the Montreal trust company, he re wirained from dealing In any way with u property which It was claim. od was aoquired In reality for the theatre company was made in & petition for an injJunotion present od In the practice divielon o oourt of king's hench Hesiiung will be held at a later date The petitioners, the Famous Players Canadian Corporation, olalmed that & bloek of land was bought an BL, Catherine street, here, hetween Peel and Htanley, with a view to bullding a large thes atre, The negotiations had heen made by Nathanson and the trust company and ownership following the sale was nominally vested In the trust company but was, in ree ality, held tn trust for the theatre company, the petition stated, A de' mand was made on Nathanson, the petition stated, but he refused tn admit the property was held in trust and as fears were now antem tained that the property was about (0 Pass Lo some unknown person, the company asked the courts wu stop such a proesdurs, i: | WHEAT VALUES FALL AND RALLY Small Speculators Squeezed Out on the Winnipeg Exchange Winnipeg, Oot, S24. Many a gloomy wheat speculater counted hin losses tonight, when the market nuffered an abject drop of 15 gents today, hundreds of acoounts were erased from sreain dealers' hooks, Comparatively new Investors were courageous enough to withstand the storm of selling until recovery brought values back to within six vents of the previous day's eloge, In ten minutes of ruthless il! treatment, the battered market grovelled before the lash of the seller, Hhaptly after 11 o'clock, the punishment began, Disappointed holders screamed their willingness to let go, A few isolated buyers sought fn vain te halt the rout, In quota: tions had fallen 10 cents, Penni loan, small Investors gasped at the sudden disappearance of thelr little fortunes, Then, as suddenly an a shower eeusing tn the sun, W storm stops od, Ith an hour still remaining efore the final aah breathing ered the pI 10 6¥eaD. the ordiams tel the p ® holdings awept from the hands of loalng speculators, A tiny surge, and the yecovery was under way, Hy the time the final gong had sounded, the values had staged a rally as unexpected as the original reverse, E---------------------- PLANE WITH FIVE MISSING IN GALE London Airport for Nairobi and ia Not se Far Reported London, Got, 38.~-A Kreat gale, accompanied hy vain, which swept Qreat Britain yesterday, swallows od up an alvplane whioh left Croy- don for Nairobi, Kenya Colony, Afrioa, with five persons aboard, The machine was nat reported af ter it passed aver the coast head: ing tor the channel, Ma first stops ping place shonld have heen Le Bourget, near Paris, The wind veachad &0 wiles an Left her basket, died recently at Fasts havens Hoasland send Rane aver tha ashanunal, deiviag i RUNIN wi, PATRICK 7B, Belfvy, pificis! Libera in Bt, Patrlok's Viduni whieh hein contested hy W Muy hy Con wervative, and Miss WR tile ne dependent Conservative, Mi Belfry 18% gradunte of Tovente University and Osgoode and practises law In Povento, He 16 8 member of L,0,L, Nao, BOY, EAA hi a A a i many vessels to shelter, Creal apprehension was felt for the plane and the Vreneh authorities have hroadeast appeals for news of It, Here in England the starm caus od much property damage, Rivers want out of thelr banks and many hridges wera wreoked Sonnenberg Holds Title But Close It's Los Anueles, Oct, #8. --~Uus Hon nenhery still was world champion wr stler today, ohlefly hecauss of ald unintentionally given him hy seconds of Kd "Strangler Lewis, in thelr hout hare last night Dynamite' Gus took the first and third falls with his flying tackle, hut leat the second when Lewis amplaye' +V headloek of whieh he Is the « exponent Honnenhery was saved from dis qualification by precipitate action on the part of Lewis' seconds af ter the ehampon had launched himaslf Inndvertenily from the ring In attempting to floor Lewis with a flying tackle In tha last pariod, Bonnenbery fell heavily into the precd hoax and requived 18 of the allowed 20 seconds to pull hMmanit back Into the ring Two Wrongs Make Right As ha drageed himself through the ropes one of his seconds rush od to hig side, Immediately Lewis' seconds, apparently helleving tha champion was disqualified by the entrance of hig second Inte the ping, rushed In alsa, eausing the referee to declara ne default had heen comm itied, The ehamplon, as the bout was ordered ta procesd, leaped at Lowin saaln, caught him squarely and erushed him to the mat foy the last fall The titleholder took the first fall In 84 minutes #38 seconds and the third In 6 minutes 20 seo onda, The second went te Lewis In i" minutes ar Aseonds, ------------ TAUNTON Taunton, Oct, Sd. ==Alter the long spell of dry weather, the rain on Tuesday was welcomed by most peaple, but the h winds hastened the finish of 0 Apple ploking, The apples in this locals ity are an abundant erep and are of Kood quality, Other damage was done by the winda besides blowing down the apples, Home telephone lines were ut out of order and urten alter's silo was blown ever, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Short and son Murray visited at Mr, James Srommen'y of Haydon on Sun- Wine Gladys Doan of Oshawa, visited at J, MacGregor's over the week-and, Mr, and Mrs, J, MaeGregor visited friends in Bowmanville on sunday, Mi, Alan Lavi hes purchased & Ohevrolet sedan, Nr, and Mra, Eimer Walter, of Toronto were Sunday gueats at the home of Murton Walter, My, and Mrs, Harvey Orvossman entertained a number of friends and nelghbors at thelr home yer cently, The even Was apent in progressive "Lost Heh" "wi o pleasant time wan enjoyed by the guests, Many loads of gravel Ne loaded at the gravel pit on eo town Hino every day, The numerous heavy trucks are making the roads vel rough again, r, John Newton had the mis fortune to have his buggy in which he was dding struck by a heavy truek, Mp, Newton escaped ser foun tnjury but his buggy was bad- ly dumaged, SE ---------------------------- Although she is armless, a Leicess ter, (Eng), girl is planning 10 make a tour of Burope in her legspropel ~ oripples ohairy Scotland and Relgivm Are the two European countries in which the ae- cordian, whieh celebrates its eenten: ary this year, are most popular, we---- nee 1921 the population of Aus wal ™N ered hy 921,000, not quite 300,000 being {rom immigration, The reticulated pythons, found in the Phillipine Islands, are the largest snakes in the world, The¥ measure J feet tn Jength and 13 inghes in diameter HARBWOOD FLOUKE Lisi BY EXPE MECHANICS (Md floors Anished bike new, Worm windows, combinm lon doors, Usnernl Contractors, B. W, HAYNES I King 86 WW. Phone 48) roolds 160 11 PID YOU EVER BTOP 10 THIN| O, kL, PRICE, GENERAL MAN: AGER OF THE PORTLAND OREGONIAN, SAYS; THAT advertising has done mare to valse the Btanderd of Livies for the masses than any ether esonomie agency and likewise the sosalled paar peaple ave the only ones rvieh enough ta make business presper, Wealthy men and wealthy organis tions ean only ereata the opportu ity far husiness I'he masses are th only enes with enough money | make it posible ta do business, Us less the musses ean he interested | bartering thelr lahor and thelr mone far the utilities of lie, there can b no lasting, prosperous business Newspaper advertising has dane move to inform the masses of the real progress this modern world is Roni than all the text hooks in existence, Newspaper adver tislng has frst Informed the massns as to these utilities that make life mare desirable and in» teresting, and then inspired them to passsssion of these advantages Newspaper Advertiting I the me: dorn ssonomic miracle that has put the balance of asanemle pow or In the hands of the mass A MILLION NOTYAR ADVERT! ING CAMPAIGN CAN HRING HOME MORE MATERIAL. EN JOY M TO THE MASSES O) AN COUNTRY THAN A RII L10) DOLLAR VICTORIOU! WAR COULD HRING TO THEM ET -------- = eye A travaling bathrasm, recent! Bull te arder for an Indian prince in fitted with poresiain bath, was) basin, couch and dressing table reer Plans far an extensive under ground garage at the Liverpool en trance to the new Mersey tunnel i England are being considered bu the engineers, (ivief aver the sale of his cab horse caused Harvey Powerhill, ay old Amethwi®, Bagland, cabman | to take his life, recently, "Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales LIMITED 90 Blmooe Bt, 8, Phone i ---- SPECIAL SALE NOW ON POMINION Mogi 00, 68 KING AY, W, Phone 8141 Deliver Dent Lose Yow Car, Let Me Finance You! EYESIGNT SPECIALIST Ee ve Cave ve Disney Block i ---- DISNEY-COTT AMBULANCR 87 Colina 8, Phone 1083

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