PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 ---- a a REPAIRING July 11, 1908, but this was cancelled | Tune, 1917, enemy wigghancs flew vn: | aprons were in a position, et al it of (he Government, Joseph BLatin | immediately by the Kaiser, After an seth I over London, spreading death fa height gf mearly 10000 feet, Telegramn were reported Lo have WATCHES 4 Alligd attagh on Karlsrube he was | and destrietion na few mingtes, Defence Weak boen vend from General Yassill Bhieher, sommander of the Boviel iA r ' § : ) 0 0 17] ) ae, uverlepy ' i ' # If ey NAL ' Lolly vermdedito consent, on July There ver Wddle, overhyy J De iling with London's existing de: forces in Manehurig, in which he r : lene st ¢, the ) €0 J Z ia, b aiisfaction wa ean repaiy ll 4 Yliven shen he insisted that sueh Balloon Nets ' {de . fie, the shthe a le co declared Wis troops wust either sd a it tell the correct ! HiIiIe tts {8 NV estuiinglan Abbey | He revenls secrets of the hallodn | tion of eontr | Jesween the Air Min vines immediately or be mobilized time ina Bt, Paul's should be spared ; and | aprons---=steel nety suspended between | jsf i Off hecauss continued Inaetioh wus RO Lt | he wanted to confine attacks to week H ons==which ultimately protected tetry and. th Be ted) : , having us disastrous effec th BEFORE W DONALD D. J. BRO WN i Emperor Showed Solicitude ends, when the city, he thought, balloon ae J pe A oat He des laress ' The $oortal ih an | Moscow Decides on Forward wohl of i (dics - a ' yO p ) ' . " a Lieirerunt un ine earenignts ou Official Watch Inspector for for English Capital in | would be empty, experiments, made in Richmond Jar Low = OL wi ( or ahd con Movement in Order to Human Gesture with an apron of five balloons link Canadian National and Osh» / f p | f Egypt, Russia, Naval Reduc- ; awa Rafiroad Early Days of War Another human' uestura-was: made] od -togethar, were marred by an ngs | Wer the Ale Ministry for adminis. | Pacify Troops An Atlantic ring made $3,000, y tration and: nance a all as oper 000 tn six months hootlegging in 10 King Bt, W, Phone isn {hy the Kaiser when King George was | eldent, One of the balloons broke Ons ) y tions And Unemployment J Laden Boing gevelations of | #t the Front, He pr ohiited Youd loose, taking others with if 4 "a ae the present | London, = Out, 45,~=The Rovier| ary United Bates, --Btrattord Dea Problems of the Day i the Kalser's solieitnde' for London in| ing mids on places where the King| "At the end batlaon two of the. ds of providiig for more y ob AR OEY (| ara hus decided to occupy | 0on-Herald i pi the early days of the war, when the | was Hialy to he, notably ul Bt, Omer | himent who did not release their | Gonier squadrons in the Hos I) [he Chinese Vastern Raellvoad and ---- : va. ; Fam Em German fighting chiefs were on which the Kaiser placed a han bes | hold ino time were dragged up ehin Pini Ralf dS lyr) London, Oct, 24,==The "Ehadow A ------ pn fin Hid ho ! a" es a fb I hid Big da Pa ana A ha Wu fens chen 10 appears certain,' | wiso Harbin within a month, Aid wabinet," or Government Qpposis 'be irked by i gtrong 0Onst made by Major-General ¥. 1. 'Ash. | and the King of the Belgians were | in Richiond bark tom a height of he states, "tht defence in this country | d6spaten printed In the Morning thon, has renewed regular neet- | (eBYersinl spirit, political observers | oy pl ashure. Nis TL there, ¥ 4 | a JA AHL fb Moll wy ing, and ix loaders will be heard | ugves, some 01 (he OPPORILION wef foneds fn "Afr Defence BOF Marion Goniial" Ani oes deontts Nal in alin we oe Lilli from when Parliament opens next | tuckl on the Prime Minister's nava| wp! woo Airship Service" be | ihal Tor some time after the hegine | loon vigging, dropped off from an Tuesday, ul reduction campalen already hay writes, "obtained leave to raid Lon-| ning of the raids London's defenees | immense height over Croydon" The expected return to London Ing been indicated in the press: | (00 fron the i Wy f f i Mag of stanley Baldwin, former Conser- | Domestic "problems undoubtedly we Tmperial Chancellor on vilive Prime Minluter, WI I hgnlge provide. Hig gravest threat of the ELLA CIND rem -------- : BA ------------ A JIS ---------------- nal for members in goo apfling | fe of the Labor Government, nut of tha "Ahadow Cabinet" tagstart Lat is) ntinyed certain that there h JERS Don't Lose Your Head By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plum meetings nt which the polles of | will, be Vigorouk altaoks on he AJ TL TELL You! THEY " ( ivy SE a TT ; ~~ will pit a stop to ralding ing much | Yost from Wigs Tuesday, Jt Jou hate trouple jaling Sdinary shorter time than any eounter-homh | The Post correspondent Announe fahle, Not habit forming, I ing could hope to do, 1 ds time that [ed thal this important decision Wis | take, Tiny doses, #5e per ox at ali i redistribution of strength as has | reached sgt a recent meeting of Ko-| good druggists, tween bombing squadrons and fights | viel ehiefs Hola In 118 KTEMIN UN | uo wr sor wr sv so or me ow oe or om were tragieally inadequate, Vyen in By the middle of 19J% ten of these) er squadrons should be considered, | dey the chalrmanship of the head Id By =F, W, Thampson, Drugghet TRITON RO ol the Opposition party will da: hafled progeam of foreign 3 veloped to combat the Labor Gov. ps aka which MaeDonald has heen AS WERE, RAN. ME. TO arnment of Prime Minister Ramany MacDonald ! ST ---------- ey C kes Opposition sources predict that A [RY the Government will face a pavers 63 DO, OAD, THY 5 They Samet struggle ln régard to the Jlgyptinn J AS WAS BEING LED Treaty and the Russian nagotin- THROUGH THE NARROW tions, both of which have reached thelr aim slnee the last session Ware Ak STREETS WITH A MOB of hin Hind oly | BY Bll; NEGRO / HOWLING AY mY WEEL abi Js y elas nva extremely oritical of the Lwa moves In addition to these lssues In . " faromt nffairs, the rime Ministor Some Possibility Man With | Airis Rd uid in Hkely to face a severe grilling ' | d from the Opposition, and 4 fae Gun Is Cook Whe | Ire Sp €/% tion of the "back-benchors' of the 4 ; Lahar party in connection with the Disappeared a ean Is telling unemployment problem, Bome nee r-- Elta about - n L tions of MaeDonald's party have | Parry Bound, Oct, 25.~The poss BE + A : VOCE Co AMANDED US TO WALT! 1 oid HAVE, SENTENCE OF OBATI\ ON WAH WEE AR TER OEE ING khpoared Fost lon nnd isha t hie bility that William Ph wer, net ) \ ome My WwW MY OD FRIEND, SING lo, THE ™ (T THAY 1 GOT BALK MY FIFTY THOU J DOLARS | with alleged fallure of the Gove] Bates negro, reported drowned sonu A " d . dha oral to solve the tangle weeks ago, may be alive and in thn _- : CHINESE WAR ORO! T WAS DOING A MISSION FOR THEM WE INVITED ME TO WIS PALACE | WALD ey Undisturbed by the opening of | bush in the viemity of Manitou Doc) Wi Hit THAT HAD CANBED ALL TY PRESENT DIFFICULTIES | A NARROW BECAPE BUT | WAD SROILIIR ny Parliament In which his governs | Georgian Buy, is seen in # story toh i AVY WIT 3 nl) GA (a HE NEW THE TRUTH OF THE WHOLE MATTER, AND WE PURPOSE | YOU CAN, IMAGINE HOW HARE WAS # Meiupolitan Nowsjaper Semis BY NU 11 pe ---- ™ SAN THAT JUSTICE WAS DOME AT" ONCE, | AT THAT MOMENT o 4 10-28 mont does not command a majors | to praxingal police here, who have| Ity of voles, the Prime Mindstar has | been ingestigating the mysterious dis | | Aly Ro Re Aa-- v Indignted his hellef that the Ops | appeargncg of Brower and anotho position will net attempt to overs | negra, . reo RE - - be a. ---- - - v i -- throw him in the early sessions Captain Wallace, of Parry = Sound, "By Grace G. | Draytor od hig naval disarmament mission to | intarmed the police that laat Fil a America holding him away from | de ay he did been held up and wmen- |, Wi PS z 7 Landon until after next Tuesday aced hy Sun armgd negro, whom lu bk v w } 4 6% ' i - -- The autumn sesslong, however, | surprised fn a stinmer voltage nes 71 ALT y 1 Vv oom COMFY NT 0 y win NVaullace ------------ / y 1 3 # Honey. Harbor, Captain Walla i - fo ! Twi LL FIND Dolly the caretaker of a number of gott ! EASE: T { ares in this district and, on opening PLEASE: J, | | AND © oRRY YET AM A WILLING | - - the door of one af them, wis son : he A fronted by a burly negro with a pith / WORKER ake . i his hands, / JEW > nr Stand right where you ure an don't move if you w ! [1%] live, "DODDS '} warned the ney I'he kindly eap tain tried to reason th the mw K | D N EY and invited him to share his hosp tality beeuwuse he was hungry and needed shelter The negro was not to be placated however, and ull maintaining a Ahn 3 menacing attitude, backed out of the A} l cottage, A moment later he pulled V y ! . ( f , 4 ION 2 away from share in a rowboats Ow ; i t iy ary { or / pl ; Lut Te : & ---------- bos" | Dolly AND [BoBBY Non SE ---- ' ing to rough water later tn the bay : the provincial police were unable J -- we h ov J bw ONE DAY Pe Ie 0 Hal c Ra ; omy 00M, TF Y 16.0 Tre PRINCESS ABouT oe psi . tie i i i Con ! Wen 10" 1HE PALACE To ASN . ; ) i : off HIS HANKY. AND m3 WAS drone] | THE WikD MAN AND How HE HAD orities e notified, however, and instituted a search for the eolored Fer woAK - IN THE SUN = THE PRINCESS SAW Him | | TAKEN HIM AWAY FROM Dell y man ader whom, it was learned 1a WE Ee -- SE ---------- ANE CALLED Him TE HER NED PBo@®y- ter, lmd broken into several swims TIME TABLES | VOLAKES ek ako the American con. | BRINGING UP FATHER : org ; By Geo, McManus sul at Torontd was requested by the UR gS vy 7 v x " wy v y EE BB ; 4 Femsssormmrmsssiind state department at Washington 1 DEAR: ID Vou [VES ANTE nN [1 sLPPOSE vou | [YES BLT WE M] CAN THAT 16M T THE Wom | : DF IT BEVERY TIME \WE BAW , P. R, TIME TABLE investigate the reported drowning of aE Aare Jf Triad Jer Lae A i Wt | BAW ALOT OF | | BAW THEM ofl bo ) | FIRST B30 wk y A COP HED TAKE 'F ON THE Going West | hovs' camp conducted near here hy $40 a'm Laity (Except Sunday who has since returned 10 the Uni A \ y " : " . ' ! ALLEYS | NAME HE JUMPED OVER A Going stery 'Etestive Bent, 20, 190, William Brewer, whom, it is alleged, ) ovitiviibe de LOY oF RUNNIN, Ly . PEOPLE \WE (Standard Time) had been employed as a cook at a WW BROTHER? ' rr E KNOW HAD TO OO | TRON, Ad HE CBI i / / NaF | MOET OF coum | . - ] 3 am Dally (Except Sunday) | Charles ( astleman, a Kentuckian Dae a------=-- y h +] \ : ! ; | WABI) rol DETECTIVE CALLED HIM BY 2.48 pow, Da ted States, To date pre pvirielul polic 4 (, 5 : rl) oll \ . A v y NAME el A d Wy Daily' RS otkneatt Sunday), | have been unable to unravel the my h NY Eo R 3 : : f! pi" ' : A : N A PEN EAN | LK u il xeept 8 Another negro was drowned last --- . 3.0 ow 4 ny Hy ik ull oa Tt vear from the Camp { Castleman, ft NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept, 20, 1000 (St Time) For Better Values in So bund | DIAMONDS | Sune Ny only, . om. Bae sacon Sunday, Burne' Jewelry Store ally, except Sunde Conor King and bFrines Hu Cash or Terms al he except 4 Nn 0 pg " Dallyy except Saturday, ifn we Daly, RE i uA BER RE wen sigs OPTOMETRIST TELLING TOMMY i fin fl = Ree Bundt: 23% Simcoe St. North $18 Be Ra Henly renin, Hundreds of people wear Ke" SOME FIGURED STILL LIE IW THE : ol" i) -- SoM FIOURES, TH Jy ¥y SROS ay, Ad © AARY THEY WERE CU a Mug d \ \ $42 Bie Dally smeent Bundars Hare's Faultioss Lonses EASTER 1SVAND IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC ff | 444" "oe, ey meme ct igh Tf JARENT THE 8 HOR! THERES MOTRING Whithy, Us Aww ville OCEAN 195A PUTLLE 10 HISTORIANS AND / N / FASTER INANE SUAS 4 | o A ¢ FASTER ISLANDE GREAT ABOUT A SCIENTISTS, TOMMY, IT HAS A LOT OF PORIMIED Oty Int PACE A od Cn "| L SCULPTURES {SCULPTORS WORK! MEN'S WORK. SHIRTS 49¢! GIGANTIC STONE FIGURES OF HUMAN BEI : ii | oe au "a [WONDERFUL, of HE JUST KNOCKS OFF ¢ HAY 1oboY Kons Atrwing sour, 1 {ERR Re he 1 BETTY DAT HE DOESNT WANT Mh IL Collis & Sons UE 71] PES, she Rit King W. Phone T33w : saa : \ ; | Felt Bros. [WAR coon SEP} ER WRN Am 1 1722 BY ADMIRAL JACOR BB DN) THE DAY IT WAS DISCOVERED, ROGGEVEEN AND HIS Q \ v The LEADING JE Cel N T IBY | rocetveen i comarocr Rad ER CRE WERE GREATLY PUZZLED BY THE GREAT STONE AN EXPEDIRON SENT QUT BY : =~ STATUES, VAST TERRACES AND OF LARGE PLATFORMS A2 Simcoe St. South THE DUTCH WEST INDIES COMPANY, BUILT OF LARGE CUT STONES FITTED TOGLINCR WITH ERE CREE EEE EE -- [| THE ADMIRAL CHRISTENED IT OUT CREM ATO THEY STILL RENAN A NRRL, -- EASTER ISLAND IN HONOR OF ai is Naru Saal Ion inet NA TE A ry m--" ~ pm "oll Uf 1 -- ree . -- 0 : i on TILE THE TOILER--Congpicuous Absence ox hy By Russ Westover v TI Se ' JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, AV TREY RETIN DETER ® Tua] || BONT UNDERSTAND ff WHERE'D ee . * EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Nie ES) ue 4 DLL WHY ARW S180 MAD ga A WOU AT ALL, MB WHIPPLE Bl YOU GET TS NOT A DREAM rh | Vou LIKE HE WOULDA'T \S ONE OF THE MOAT THAT MR WHIPPLE TOLD ME SUNDAY AND NOLIDAY SCHEDULE vw. THAT MACH IT WITH A FALEF ALARM | [AGARESEIVE AND DREAM HIMSELF ! taave Saave ' wees ge' A ~ LIKE WHIBRMLE CCR uae T AV ii v penn I -- C | A) THE rire eS ry v COUNTRY, TODAY + TY h be | $ athe Aa or 18 Shweoe Bi, South Diamonds! Bassett's | Ey ----. On Oshawa's Mam Corman HAM the, Banat BOOM ghia Teasrowe