Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Oct 1929, p. 8

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WRESTLING CARD 1S OF HIGH CALIBRE BUT CR OWD IS NOT LARGE 34TH REGIMENT'S SECOND WRESTLING CARD PROVES A SUCCESS WITH GARDINI'S STATEMENT CAPPING THE PERFORMANCE i 4 ttendance While Not As Large as Last Week, Was Still Encouraging -- Pre. liminary Bout Produces Some Clever Wrestling -- Gardini's Statement Pleases Fans m-- Last night at +... srmonries, the 4th Regiment presented thelr sec. md wrestling card, to A cOMpAYa- vel i. hut appreciative irowd, The bouts were of a very bigh, Iibry, the preliminary espeg- llly, After the main boul waa over, | Renate Cardini, the winner of the bout, made a statement which appealed to the fans very a I wing to numerous other ste waotions In the elty the attend- nee was smaller then ARtiotpat 1] md as 8 result, fiasaini and nev seal others gave thelr services gra ms, This was dong 80 that the pro. the' Rewim ould' moters and NH ih sot suffer, pening the wed and that outs would 10 haped the ity of wrest ne Li 00 i that [ Dehaws ae much as it had in the ant week, | The prell he host mount evening, (hav! Manoowra and Nuogarvian went iit "ham and tongs" for tyne iy-fiye ile ey A Winner 4 Fd wing declared, They must have iad gonditionste hur, 10 aap uw he phre , The arow jot real exofted 'and. called ound ind long for a fall but It was in f \ fy wn widenpyediy |. " Nasrian would NEW MARTIN THE FLYING MARINE ALL TALKING lb LUPINO LANE COMEDY THE TERRIRLK ---- READOR Chapter 8 PIRATE OF PANAMA \L11177/, } " ". | "ap SEPARA ly LENT | 1 it i Added Attractions NOW PLAYING | up. yiln, The decision of Jack Forbes Was very popular, The hoys were hoth good wrestlers and the ox chinge was ghoul even, Renato Gardinl defeated his ops ponent, Ned MeCary, hut suffeve intense pain throughout the match hecause of a large boll which he had on the haek of his neck: Oars dinl took the bout In two straight falls, After the winner was declared, Carding steod up and made a pune He offer of five thousand dollars fo any promoter who will mateh Sonnenbers, world's champion, with him, He further stipulated that he would tight for nothing wo long he got (lus Ronnenherg In the ring with him, © Preliminary, A Draw he preliminary wiak between Mike Nagarian and Charlie Manon gra, Oharlle having a two-pound pdvantage over his opponent's 10K The boys went vight to work and proceeded to give the fans their money's worth, "The speed was ase tontghing and thelr ability to wrigs le aut of tricky holds wak a treat Lo. watch, Manoogra showed that he "had a slight advantage In stréngth bit Mike was faster and more clever, Before they had heen at. MH long, Nagarian gave Manoos four "Wiying Mares" In quick ggsaion, and how that crowd ped, This shook Manoogra ins a and he proceeded to twist o's (oe, Time and time nealn, use the "arm grapevine on Charlie, hut he gould not follow through with his avaniase fo got a fall, In the heat of the 18, Munoogra forgot him. self and Jack had to stop some Rar Jhiling, With only a few minutes to go, Charlie got an "arm loek" on Nasarian and it looked Ike "tins" for Mike, but he wrig- glod out of it just as time was The wrestlers were awarded a draw and the deelslon was pops ular, This was undoubtedly one of the best matohes yet, A few a soraps lke these and one of these nights when they put on a show they'll have the H, R, O eard hanging outside before eight o'clock Gardint Takes Two Niralght The malin hout did not come up to expectations due to the faet that the champion of Italy was ton good for the Wild Ivishman, Gardinl had to spot MeCarr forty pounds over his awn 200, After ahout six minutes of exchanging holds, Renate got a "oradle arm solssors' on MeCary and the Trish wan owas held 'helpless for about four minutes while the crowd went nearly crary with delight Ned managed to get on his feel and then he went wild, Oh! ao wild, You should have seen nim In his anxiety to eat Gardinl alive, he left an opening and Gardinl cama out of a! I ehauneery to give MoeCare s dy slam' for the first fal! I twelve min ULL In th vid apasm Gardind set out to net MeOare's "goat" and he succeeded very well, A weries of headsnaps did not improve the Ielshman's temper any and soon he was wading right in---right mto Gardinl's hands and feat, Renato put the "head selssors' on MeCarr, who resented It; to say tha least, and the fun really started, The Wild Irishman nearly tore down the ropes In his rage, CGardinl was forced to take some punishment by means of a 'toe hold" and later an "arm look," Gardinl ended the flaht in twelve minutes with a "oradle hand" Milk bottles valued at $10,000 are stolen in the Border Cities and sold to dealers in London, Amhersthurg and other plants, disclosures made hefore the Windsor police commis ston recently revealed Packed in sections, a ohureh, a manse, and a shop have heen sent hy steamer to a place in Greenland, within the Aretie Cirele, The church when erected, will he the most north. erly ane in the world, SS ------------ i ------ Now's the Time to change to the Winter Grade of ALEMITE Phone 624 | Phone 1568 BILL TRIBBLE Above we have Bill Tribble, another member of the Ceneral Motors rughy team, who is serving his friend year under the colours wonty-twe years old, he tips the heam at 160 and has a height of § fio 10, Bill has improved a great deal singe last year and as a ver sult he is 'getting inte the games regularly. o plays in the y nn field division, Bil learned his rug: hy nt Barrie Colleginte, and also with Barrie Juniors, Tribble has natural style for a good bucker and as a result he is a hard man to stop, when he starts an excursion through the line, A shifty runner, a good hall earvier and a fairly ae: curate passer, He makes a good vunning mate for the team's star broken-field runners, Hubbell and Rowden, Ep PUNTS and > TACKLES redreirderfedderidedroirirididdrddend Coach Pound drave his "Mud Hens" through a very animated mud slinging eontest from which tha Yannigans won hy a slop 4 LJ » Kveryvhody declared that they would much rather have the mud than the hard ground that we have been working on all season, . . » We Tonight the conch mives them final instructions for thelr tussle al the Garden Clty tomorrow, Kyeryone Is requested to he out and hear details velative to time of leaving and so forth, Ra . » The team will sgaln travel by private bus, as this arrangement was found to he entirely satisfac tory on the last trip to Guelph, » * . The conch in well pleased with the team and feels that tomorrow will be productive of the kind of rughy of which the Hue Devils are oapable, . vw A big following is expected to aes company the team tomorrow to Bt, Kitts, 1t will he mighty nice to have a faw people among the many who will he cheering for the Blue and White, * * LJ The probable players who will take part in tomorrow's game will he chosen from the following! Hnap---Cray or Morin, Insldes-- Logan, Wilson, Black Middles Johnston, Monre, Cul ler or Elliott, Outalden-- Rond, Walker Flying Wing-~Wiginton ar Roul thee, Quarter--Carver or Kohen Halves Hubbell, Rowden, Cooke, Art Wilson, Tribble, Lortie and Hamilton, LE I Phone 15, the Daily Times, or 2008, which is Mike's Place, for the score any time after 5.30 pom, tomorrow If You Get Hit By A Flying Puck You Lose Out Montreal, Oot, 28. Spectators At hookey games, who ait in une { moreoned seats, do so at thelr awn {risk and have no recourse for ine fwriea from flying pucks, accords ing to a judgment of Mp, Justice Royer in the superior court here today, The Judge dismissed ad action hy ephirin Ralzsenna spalnat the Avena Amusements, Lad, for injuvies suffered when he was struck in the face hy a puck, The wooldent ocourred on Jan, 98, 1048, at the Mount Royal wena ding a hoeokey sama he veen Kurekee and 0 P Verdun oatas, Nalsenne's glasses wep "reken and Lis eve out when a suck hit him in the face, He sued ar 8108 claiming thy ompany "wan responsible far the satety of neotators wha purchase] tlekets, The tak owners deniad this, atat Ing that the spedtator was net seated in the protected part of the rok and had np grounds fer dan ares. This contention was upheld hy the eourt, Government © railways in Norway are being electrified, PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Campwirn, Sports Editor "On to §t, Catharines" for the "Blue Devils" Tonight there swill he another chalk talk for the "Blue Devils" and at elght o'vlock tomersow morning the boys leave for Bt, Cath arines where they will engage the St, Kitts team for the second time this season, The game starts at 300 pon, at the Bi, Thomas grounds Ta get to these grounds, continue over the bridge and then take the first turnato the left, Keep going til you come to Welland avenue and then you'll be zlose to the grounds, ™ Ld * Ld Local Collegiate Teams are at Home Baturday Ihe local eolleginte teams are both entertaining o n Baturday ald rivals, Peterhore seniors are coming as well as the Port Hak [uniors Oshawa must win these games to stay in the running, They will he the hest games of the season, sp don't miss them if you do |! go to 81, Catharines, L] " » Ls Oshawa City F, ¢, are at Home Tomorrow The Oshawa City soccer team are at home tomorrow also, They dart thelr game at 3.00 at Alexandra Park, This will make (he park a popular plage tomorrow, The pros eeds of this game will he used in the interests of all players wha were seriously injured during the year's play Anyhody who The Wrestling Sout missed the second wrestling show whieh was given last night must he crazy or broke, Last week's seraps were mild com pared with the way but the selssors were very plentiful The 34th Regiment announ continue the bouts because It Is practically eer hee ged they were going to that after the people hive heen educated to the game the ain sign will he hung those hove mixed it up last night, It up every night they present a card wisn't 4 sewing S.R.0 STRIKES, BPARES AND BLOWS TOMORROW, Maple Leafs W Basketball Game From Port Elgin Port Miglin, horseshoe pitehing and a basket game occupled of the Toronto Maple Leaf hookey players here today, Conny Smythe men indulging in the heavs they any one day since thelp arrival in hall and hi lest program camp The weather proved golf and full advantage was taken of the nine-hole course which Fort Wigin hoasts, who 1% assistant pro at the Toronto Golf Club during the summer, led sithough were not disclosed, twanty-neven The horseshoe pltehing contest proved most exciting, Teams were chosen and in the alimination Danny Cox nger Amythe entered round to appose "Red" Horner and Gordon Arydeon, It was close All the field, played the day, nnn ' the way, but the m the manager and ner and short end of » The baskethall played this even town team, nat, farmer Gue resulted in a viet Loafs by a bi Halley, RBrydaon, tinger showed a hapkethall that 1) (olf, Oot, the attention the game, and e formed brilliant) have faced in Hryduon led by y honors went to his partner, Hor being on the 1 to 850 count game, which was Ing aEninst Lhe Halph Peque Iph baseball ory far the Maple 40 soore, Cox, Horner and Pet familiarity with was quite dispon gerting to the local exponents of woh of them per y ideal for | | CITY FIVE PIN LEAGUERS ROLL HIGH SCORES Last night at the Central Alley the City Vive Pin League got away to a start with a "get togeher" com petition for Jack Purdie's special pri gen, Gord Creamer's team copped the fancy neghwear with a grand 1okal of 4,300 fins for the three gags, Johnny Brady's team were second with 4,040 for the trie ef gmpes, 1h high dividual patel of the plight was Gord Cyeamer's B49 for three gunies while Ernie Kirkup wis second with 7M, Crewmer and Mackie were in the limelight with 320 and 334 for th high single games of the night Next week the league will get away on is regular schedule Thurs diy night at © o'clock, Let's gol CANADIAN ATHLETES TO PARTICIPATE IN OFFICIAL OPENING Bowmanville, Out, 86,Tomaor raw avaning this town 1s to he in vaded hy w senre of champion ain Jetes of Canada to participate in the oMeial opening of hoys' train Ing wehool of gymnasium and swimming pool, presented to gov ernment hy Rotary clubs of the pravines A hig deputation of guests Is expected from Tovontae besides representatives from every Rotary club in Ontaria, The pre gram will tnelude swimming dem onstrations by Henst Vierkoettier and Olive Gatterdam, professions! swimmers, Helen MeCormick and Alfred Phillips, Canadian champ on divers, In the gymnasium a has kehull game will he played hy Tao ronto West Bnd YMCA, senior Ontario champions, gymnastios hy Toronto Central ¥Y M.A, Jusjutsy hy Japaness experis and wrestling hy Canadipgn champions hen avents ar possible through the eo-oepration of Ontario Ath letie eommission made STONEWARE IN CANADA produced at a nym Hrunswiek, Que and Alberta Dames used in Albertat hath domestic and imported elavs in New Brunswick and imported elays only in Quehee and Ontario atonew her af plants in New hee, Ontario tie clave are Ara Is Chantler Joins Balmy Beach Ranks "Peewee" Chantlgr, diminutive halfling ol Argonaut and Queen's fame, turned out with Bal my Beach at thelr Broadview Y, cing last night and the Last Knders are Jubilant tn this latest addition tn thelr vanks, Chantler 15 small, hut guiek as a fash and has mueh ex« perience that may come in extremely useful, especially in the matter of end running, department in which the plunging Beaches ean hear steengthening, The addition ol Baliny Beach a well-raunded-om buckhield, Morris Hughes, & sure oleh and experienced hooter, has heen playing great (oothall this year und his main supprt has come from Charley Delahey, stury second de tense und plunging half, wha is alse a hefty hooter, and Claude Harris, a hn oeatehing and tricky running player wh has heen most steady un der fre, Harris ean alsa play second defense and his placement kick spe elalty has added many points w the Beach. scores Foster Ready ta Start Again Besides this trio there is Gay Kirk patrick, a steady little running hali who is good in the pinch-hitter roles and "Red" Foster, who started out us second defense regular and featured with his spectacular plunges until put out with injuries, "Bus" Lewis, handy relief player, and Ross Robertson, farmer captain and star of the Beagh #t hand in the early but hoth were forced ta re tre owing ta pressure of husiness and Ahus the services af Chantler & Foster are ver weleome at this time ta Coach Hahbs, Dick Vall the | kid from Klgaheth Pla around, Is another halfback an the Beach squad wha 1s going ta see some petion in the next few games, and he may surprise the fans with his vunning Hf he gets off an the right fool Art Snider, who was supposed to be lald up with an injured knee, was at the workout last night and geing trong 1 he will he available for aturday mateh with Camp Bor den, though Alex Ponton will start one Chantler glyes hand, were also HERRON, Is | at the signal-shouting position, Ward from the hospital has it that Ernie Crowhurst, the 7 and star mid» dleswing, 18 rapidly recovering rom the effects of the painful operation on his nose, and shoyld be out and around again before the week is out, though he will do no footballing for a fornight sivern Grads on Bill The Malvern Grads are practicing on the same field as the Balmy sen wre and both squads are bearing down with a will for thelr hnpor tant pattles in this week's doubleheader at Oakwood stadium, The Grads and Argonauts will meet in 8 sprtaine visser that will just about deside the proup, and the fans will sew two erick amelimit teams sudded with playérs whe are ready for senior company, Yhe East Lnd 1s mevioy up in foree to root their twa elubs inta group ehampionship, i Wart Biith, the Flying Parson, will he ut flying wing, sppraprikiely ene ough, when Dave Hardon pid his men face the Beach tanks, and now the dashing deacon has rounded inte gondition the Old Gold and = Blue hoist three of the greatest open held tacklers in foothalli Keith, Loy Bnis der and Bmith, Jack Bmith, brother ta Earl, and fast-moving inside wing, whe has rer turned to practice from his honeys maan, was the reciplgnt of & prasens tation from his teammates last night I'he good-natured Bmith is ene a the most papular players on the team and a remarkable performer for ons who 1s now anly in his second seis son at the fall sport, NOTICE TO SOCCER FANS Don't forget that the Oshawa City Foathall ( fh are playing thelr last home game of the season at Alexs andra Park, kick-off at 3.30, They have a definite promise from Beach» es United that they will he here on time and a good game should result, Ihe Clty will have out the best team avallable and with Beaches soming along with a stray eleven, the games will he worth watching, Another reas son why they want & big erowd is that the proceeds will he devoted to players injured during the season, Als though the City team have wan ne trophies this year, many good games have heen played and they are near the tap, Give the hoys a good finals, and some and cheer them ta victory in thelr final home game of the vear, Let's all gol Sh Gordon Hrydson, the poores The mollers holes during and Man the final CHICK MASH GROWING MASH EGG MASH BRAN SHORTS MIDDLINGS OAT CHOP CORN CHOP BEEF SCRAP OYSTER SHELL erguson is Slipping ! HE people are tired of false promises as a cloak for rechiess sponding. They want reduced taxes rather than increased promises. ---- Only Liberals Can Retrench They owe nothing to Ferguson's Friends Special! Limestone Grit 850¢ per 100 lbs. Forguoon Folie Beonmes~ Gas Tax Increase to Se, Liquor Revenues go up. Spending Reaches 58 Millions. Interest Bill is 19 Millions. Rwinous Rural Taxes. School Law Tinkering. No Reforestation Policy. Local Awtonomy Restricted. No Retrenchment. Full Tax Survey, Local Autonomy, Liberals WHEL Gv Relief 10 Municipalities. Honest Redistribution. The Akemative Vote, Business Policy in Nosth. Cheap Rural Power. ' 3 : Spending Redwetiont E3 HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED Phone 203 FERGUSON Says: No More Plebiecites. SINCLAIR Says: Trust the People. FERGUSON BEGS 8 YEARS GRACE LET NIM SPEND IT IN OPPOSITION | WHICHDO o | YOU CHOOSE. VOTE FOR A LIBERAL CANDIDATT Issued by the Liberal Office, 11 Miv, - Trem i VRE REET 0. A

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