PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1929 CITY FIVE PIN LEAGUE AWAY - NIGHT PRAC City Five Pin League Has Election Of Officers And Teams Are Drawn Up League Will Consist of Six Teams Who Will Do Their Bowling at the Central * Alleys--"Get Together" "on Thursday Night With Special Prizes The Oity Five PI ¥ Pin Teague held their meeting this week and they got off to a good start for the sea. gon of 1040, 7 is going to he one of the snappiest leagues In tne gity mecording to present Indica Hons, Bix teams were chosen from o draw and po ene team got all e good howlers, "The meeting was held in the Y, M.C.A, and the first business which was completed was the election of ofMcers for the coming season, The following ave the persons who wore elected to the various offies i Honorary Presidents, ¥, Marks, " M, Mundy, W, Robertson and JI, Archer, Fresident, Walter R, Branch) Bec Treasurer, Jack Pur die, It was decided that the Captains of each team would comprise the Executive Committee, The following is the result of a draw! Team 1, Eldridge, Irve- nd, Cower, Magill, Huxtable, veamer, Donald, Team #, Mason, {iburn, Bates Dale, Higgins, Tut ton, Howe, Team #, Campbell, Kenney, Miners, Hepburn, Haley, opts, Team 4, Kunkel, Oto, ueker, Frink, Dunstall, Branch, Team 6, A, Price, B, Higgins, Bed. dingtield, Purdie, Goodall, Frohal, Roam 8, Ross, Browne, MeKay, rady, Price, Hester, ' It will be noticed that the last four teams still require one more man apiece, Here ls the chance some of you have heen walting for, Get ip and take it, The league will get under way an Thursday night, This is to be "et Together night, The howl: fing will he done at the Central Alleys. Priges will be donated on this occasion as a feature of the evening, Deer are sald to be more plenti- ful than ever in the woods in Wis consin, The Nile has a greater variety of fish than any other river in the world, THE BLISS OF IT Tt may seem strange to identify the nrimrose path with the course of Christian obedience, but it is strictly accurate the life of faith in the Son of God is a springing, expanding, ever growing life, COMING THURSDAY NEW MARTIN THE AIR RODEO OF THE SCREEN Barrel rolls, banks, turns, loops, tail spins, nose dives, parachute jumps and every of "Iron Man" Of Baseball Nears End New' York, Oct, 88 ~=Death ap: rently was near Tuesday for Joe e@innity, famed "fron man" of the National league a quarter of A century ago, The Bl-year-old pitcher, whose baseball career spanned §% years, was reported dying at his home in Hrooklyn, Physicians sald there wag virtually no hope of hig recoy- ery, adding that he might live a "month or so longer," MoeGinnity fafled to vally after an operation, Aug, 87, tor removal of & tumor, A second tumor has developed and in view of the old pitcher's weakened condition sur- geons deemed another operation inadvisable, MaoGinnity began his baseball oa- reer in Montgomery, Ala, in 1804, and ended {it in 1085 In Dubuque, Towa, During intervening years he saw service In all sections of the country and in all classes of hase- ball==majors, minors and indus trial leagues, MoGinnity first was called the "Iron man" in 19000 when he piteh- od and won six games for Brok lyn against Plttshurg In seven dag. i a@innity pitched three doubles headers for the New York Clants in 1004 against Boston, Philadel phia and Brooklyn, and won all six games, In the world's series of 10056 when the Glants defeated the Philadelphia Athletios, MeGinnity blanked the A's in one of the games, All of the others, ineldent ally, also were decided hy shut onts Mathewson pltehing three of them, and Chief Hender the other COLUMBUS Columbus, Oct, 28-Mr, Wm, Cole of Toronto spent a few days at My, 8, Roberts, Ladies' Ald are Invited to Ked ron Wednesday evening, A very large prowd gathered from far and near to the fowl sup: per last Friday evening, The La dies quite exeelled themselves In thely hospitality and were able to sallefy some G60 people with a hounteous repast, The drama, "Valley Farm," hy local yonng people, proved to he a pleasing and entertaining feature of the pro gram, The proceeds of the even: Ing were over 400, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Wilson, Mr, and Mrs, O, Pollard and son, Lob hy, from Oshawa, spent Munday at H, Wilson Mr, and Mrs, Fred Wiekett, of Toronto attended the fowl supper on Friday evening, Mrs Folliek, of Port visiting with. Mrs, Wm, Dyer Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Robinson, from Taranto, spent SNunday with Mr, and Mrs, Levi Ellens, Dr, Julla Thomas, of Toronto, Is spending a few days with her slater, Mps, John James Our cholr went to Myrtle on Sunday evening and took part In the singing, Mr, Ross A, Murlson spent Sun- day at Modeo, Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Cook and Wm, Ward spent Sunday at Qeo, Hephurn's, Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Paul of Tor Perry, is onto, spent the week-end with her slater, Mrs, Jas. Ashton | Mr, and Mes, Robt, Sutherland apent Sunday at Oshawa with Mp | and Mrs, W, Sutherland STREFTS ARF NAT NIGHT GARAGES Stratford Chief Warns Mo. torists Not te Park Cars All Night Stratford, Oct, 23.-'"People ar not going to he allowed to use th streets in the olty as night gar Akos, was the context of a states ment given out far publication by Chief af Police J, L, Broadley, Groadley, 'There are scores of care helng left parked on the streets every night and the practice is a very dangerous one, eapeclally at this time of the year when the paves ment seems to he hlack," the chief sald, There have been many coms plaints received hy the police and the ohlel announces that a cams palgn will be launched to clean-up the nuisance. Several ears have heen tagged and the owners have been given warnings to stop the practice of leaving thelr care standing In the street all night, "We are golng to make a coms plete check-up and theve are going to be some summonses lsaued to those who peraist in the practice Chief Broadley concluded. The pollee are well satisfied with the manner in which the one-hour parking regulations ave heing oh served on Ontario street since the signs were erected a little aver a week ago. Everyone seems to he satisfied, Chief Broadley stated ves terday, and practically all motors fata are miving striet ebservance to the regulation. Men on the beat report to the Chief that very few oars remain thava lonwser than the ane-hanr Hmit. To date no one has been oharged with an infraction of | by of the night practices of the "Blue Devils," Pra A -------- | Strikes, Spares, and Blows At Loeal Alleys Oh where, ohh where, has little seare gone, Oh where, oh where can it © With ten fames gone and six of them blows, Oh, where, oh where can it 1) my » * * All contributions to will be gratefully this column fogepted, * ¥ ¥ The way the boys are spilling now 1s a caution, The people two weeks ago stood along th lines and watched the others howl are now at it themselves and thei plages have heen tirely new group i look at them CE The Oshawa teams in the Howling League arc Last night they three points, This puts the Mackie gang well up in the them vha | I up taken en Come aid have Faron INE great gu annexed aot! Croan FUnning AT THE MOTOR CITY ALLEYS | It the style t Matar Ci Is the om seems to be quite smash records up at the Alleys, '"Fearle ferry ong whe has held his own, Rye had a clos last took sick howled six strikes but he fell d frame or Jerry's been knocked sky * * This the second thine last few days that this score has been threatened, I have a hunel that before long Jerry's 201 will not be good enough to keep his the board, Watch and sec * w * shave night and th wh on ast re would \ high » is in the name on high sing! Howevel 260 still stands as the for ladies for this month it 18 rumored that several well known lady bowlers have intentions of put ting F, Cax off the board Well they are welcome to try but 260 will take some shifting all the same, LJ J bowlers this matohed than Lhe Wullie's ten week are more they have been this year est total for three games howling there going they have their roll oft * + high evenly low is to be when Some smart scores are being turn ed in by the members of the Ladie Major League, The hest effort turn ed in last night was 218 hy IY Rou selle, These girls spill ping like no ¥ * LJ 15 Tasl The mixed major league rounding into shape and it is thought the officials in charge that thy will get going in the very near future Tomorrow night to be definite, 1a wot ton late ta join up In this leas vel, Lome up and enter your nang body's business, Drop in some Mon day night and give a look CENTRAL ALLEYS Jadk Purdie has had a busy week end and mm the course of proceedings, two records have been established I'he high single for ladies is at pre sent held by Jennie Morgan, with a score of 282 Tis 1s the vecard for the city, so got busy girls and Nive It a4 gO LJ A . Jack made the other record himselt hat 1s the high score of the year in ten ping, Jack howled 233 1a raise Jegry MoCabe's score by two, This gives the aspirants of the "men's game" anather mark 10 alm at . + LJ MoeQuay grabbed for the month Uhis 1s bowling On Saturday R off the high single with a seove of ak, with a capital B. A One of the Nveliest leagues in the city 18 the W, Phillips Leagi At present the Alley Cals and the Diehards ave tied for fies place with cight wing out of a possible nine, A. Adams won the prise for the high single at their last meeting while hW Alley Cats won the team prize, The Rookies are Mving wp to their name by occupying the hs position, Ww » * In this league there is a special competition for a cup galled the Tiny=Cup." At present the person pearest in line for this honor 1s QO Wacey + » + The Oshawa Dairy is another ley gue whieh is spilling the pins just as freely as if they were milk bottles, I these wilk men wade as wich noise when they deliver milk as when they bowl nobody would got any sleep, » Al Ww Starting next week Juek is going 10 give a prize to the man havin the highest single for the week awd the ordinance. n he | Hatrdy | straight | 770, What | [Oshawa Above 18 a pleture taken at one|the week, the team is to he seen up at the park practising with te etioally every night in 'ald of spotlights, the use of which, PORT § the Park's Commission has allowed | ¢ the club, This fs one of the main' repsansd that the "Hue Devils' are! By Gro, Camps "Chosen Friends" All members of the Fy which 1s to he forn Alle Frida the Chosen leap Howling held last howling Central vi on Friday land mecting Greenfield I'n ly Chuel Oshawa Must He Ie rl which appeared tundard, it w | | hard Tor tH thelr next gan turn « he crow I'h pal that oil O.C.LAA, Meeting Tonight WE BOO pan the Y M.CA Industrial Plea ¥ » Wrestling Tomorrow Night ught you Heket wy ght there \ Ar \ enato bouts start gis Fad Ld HENS Rainy" is rughy weighs 165 stands five foot ten nohes In height "Rainy came ta Oshawa from Timming where he had play Wl hookey He played for the Juniors last year and this fall when the "Blue Devils eall to aime sounded anawered a long with Alex and he ia now getting his turn as a sub for the backfield division, He han developed into & good bucker, hut his strong point da flying tack les, Lortie has the honor of he LORTIN enjoying his Eighteen pounds mn he Your nee he ing the only man whe, so far this | voar, has upset "Hubby" and made him like it -- highest soare each week, You might as well have these prizes as anybody Go yet 'em [OR . Well, when vou howl remember that you must have a few of each kind, Just like this ealumn, Strikes, Spares and Blows, -------------- Ottawa, Oct, 2F=\While na official announgement has heen wade hy officials of the Ottawa Hockey Asso olation, a strong ramor, which seems to be well founded, is in eivoutation hove that Harold Stare will play pro fessional hoekey with the Ottawa Senators of the National Hoekey League, Stare himselic is reticent, and wo information has been given out from Senator headquarters, but the feeling hire seems to be definite that the foothall star will put his signature on an Ottawa contract when the present igathall season is ended It is known that 'Stary has been "considering an Ottawa offer for some thine, and that he is inclined toward the Senators Stare leaves the amateur ranks, SIONS PUES sport here loser, fine baseball player, ho is hockey star of high calibee A also a In the West, where grisly boars once ruled the mountain for there are anly about *ien specimens in the Pacltie Els adult a prise to the woman who rolls the | Coast States, NAPSHOT S , Det following Near I will he that the rth the Wil rin meets Feodor Ne iL A first | years of | and | Lortie mada good | 1 will he the | A great doatball plaver and «| dy Nports Editor | Howling League lends wishing to take part In the y asked ta he ent ut the { TA) ed are 1] pe i harp were ele Wie captalng mhilyn * a Drawing Card the sp that the St the end of the full lati Hue Devil price and Harry ' rng column of th INES tes were prad article 1 stated us Osha . * there will he tl A BBO Hime Ahileti tion, Each team e he on * + for the wrestling how ton wil but tomor Wire will he | I] HT a fairly large or en larger erowd thing ha 1 mal Anuther ve Wynn, A ich TRUITT fil ni Ardind $0 sharp, ghd "\MAAAMAAR AAA LA LY PUNTS } and » TACKLE ny of Xx L Mofo Foy team due year the | practise | thi to the tirst time has to been unnble naverse tons, Howevel aut had ta he lek of adequate Hghts, . . . weather cand last night's work cancelled due to However tonight will have to sea double the work done and you oun be prepaved for a heotle drill These lay-offs don't agrea with Coach Pound and he's all for chew Ing someone's sar oft . ¥ ¥ Neat wear plenty of pads ta night an It looks Hke & very nies | svening's entertainment, . On looking aver the write-up of | the darnla-London game we noted | that out of the four trys that wes poored in this game, avery ane wa ganverted, Not a bad average, * . | In our Guelph game foun try | were seared and not a single point soored hy converts Looka bad ' A + Onee again we see that it was | Ronk's fumbles that cost London the game at Harnia, When Honk ja good he's good, hut when he's bad he's putrid, Evidently Satay diy was his extea putrid day * a Fat Elivatt scored London's lone tally, He's a husky boy and sure ein orash & line, However Landon [| DEGREE FORCES | TIC The Grand Shuffle for Posi tions and Bids for Higher Salary Are in Full Swing Port Wigin, Owl Ahe Yoronta Muple Loaf foresd to soning Lthely argantged tridning today ta the Lown gymnasium, ug the vain, which wlited goon after the wrrival of the long al Monday alte noon, vontinied to tall throughout Lhe though weveral of the en 1] payed ound loonl eonype A hngkethall gimme hus heen wrranged for tooamm row night, and I, ts hoped thet the weather will elegy suMelently for the Ho candidates for places on the squad thin ny were t Nilktoniul Her Hiisluptle wi Hie yu winter to gel down Lo reul tralp lolng so well In thelr quest far un" ther ehamplanghip, Darkness doe lkoep them from practising New York, Oot winter's leading hin | I'he munagars of York tonal League hookey fe wirtelk of the Hunger Conneher of the Amer the dates for thelr men to tor practios in preparation for TURKS TO ENGAGE |i IN ROAD WORK: ie I'he eall for ot port I Naw two Nu Lolo Lionel Ins, anil ine, hive Pept Lhe und the ol madinn members | thely farm 1 vinerioan Leng inns Fridny Monday vIn the { ue, the Ppringheld In ul ipringheld An nn fanamhle Ha Hath man the training period hl h in the playin older players hold thelr own He the fantion 0 ha wre to report I'he fil New Oelohie 4 A de an irawn up by the Central Executive | # arm e af the ptiona lint nt wimkes « hie between Lhe of 1) Hahle to dralt work wd road which nt Ching Indi the national nnnanes of the ol | impo hie district Nanking Pe ars consider imp the ehung ol Hnusinlly rant ol Bay hodied 0 | rules th ha CHR ne ary Ihe nat expected to the ym iol I'he Hungel (lene | HOH YE IR the pl the olf pen vd hye on aut ile Ale and Hie With Hi FRM fol af n pro rmulnted |} HL il heen Inge we ins popiiation ta the Righways eanped Motor Hinost Hehame nn W thi tray fon men deere in people Bynry either | to look not an few have mahbih Ownel an an auto ry at oan hip of a ear | amed nhont {he Yen the net wark all the pountry, | Under andition arnment hip fannecting pal pantie af the Tansitude Enfares dooren Ia expected to y the project, Under the lanhaorey drafted for elve thelr hoard and will he given main hose unwilling tn axompted on payment the alga af this fee determined nl hwa pring u ment ol put He order all ng of thi nt Wi will ped famille tenance doles 1 he hut I heen wal he hae nt &' | FEDERATION URGED TO ACCEPT FORMER WORKING HOURS | | (MN Phe Hettish Lindt London, Oot, 16, «The British Unit i understands from an suth tive that Cabinet wl committee han proposed to the Mine Federation that it should ha oonte with the en and a halt , legislation whieh will na sonree the apt. Plunkett's antp Pans' BUMBELS RPPEWA EE AL, PLUNKETT, FRED EMNEY, BETTY VERONICA, AND 28 MORE | | thin | the | | | { E OF "BLUE DEVILS" H ockey Gossip From The Ditferent Clubs Who Are Preparing For The Winter London, Ont, Oct, 28-"Toots" Hols wiy, defense player with Pitsburg Plates of the Natlonal Hockey Less Bie lust peason, hag been purchased outright hy the London Professional Hockey Club, according to word res selved tonight from Hoy Brothers, mannger of the London team, who In on a seouting tip, Holway will report here for training next Tues Ie new London leader has heen weeking Holway's services for Lhe past week and the deal was eons nrmed thin evening, Holwny 18 well known to London hokey Tollowers, having played with the Hiratford Nationals during the 1000-47 Benson, when that team won the league championship, He wih owned hy the Montreal Mars oong and last year was loaned to Pittsburg, A trade between Pitts burg and Montreal Maroons was muda some time ago which made Holwuy the property of the Pittsburg Club In exchange for "Duke" Mos Curry, Holway 1s the third new plays to he purchased hy Manager Roy Heathers, Wddie Rodden was segured from Boston while Fred Brow was bought from Montreal Maroons [1] Mantrenl, Oct, 88 Despite ve ports from Ottawa that BHU Pailips, voleran Maroon eentre, would he seen in un Ottawa Senator uniform this winter, It was definitely stated at the Montreal Maroons' practices at the Farum today that Phillips would he hack with the leoeal team Again Bolpon Phillips was the only absentee as Maroons took the tea for the Arst today, Both goalkeepers, Bene und Walsh, were out, 'Whila Hmith, Nels Htewart, Jim Ward, "Hed" Dutton, Gsorge Houeher, "Babe" Helbert and Marl hinson also donned skates, -- . _-- iy time diet Hooley" ny G. M. C. AUDITORIUM TONIGHT AND TOMORROW royvaltl id the oreation Wf national Hing agencies for oon PRICES $1,00 and $1.60 «= ALL RESERVED Hovbert Hmdth ia walled with Lio Government. proposal ineowners will Wi PrOROSA for Wi and hefore n national ei Commies On NEARY he fore 1 Ww relling SEAT PLAN AT JURY & LOVELL'S REXALL DRUG STORE, 10 AM, TO 7 P.M. They All Human and Entertaining The wich wmastortal greatly ontwelghed savania along the front line by a very wide mar in, | . Nels MePhedvan, Sarnla's atels | War hoof artist, and diminutiee | | Norm Geary hare the brunt of the | attacks, They are a feel footed | Dpale and work mighty well togeth Lar, They are wioked in extensions, breaking exceptionally fast to take any opportunity afforded thew, EE La l However we have a few halves | that oan hold their own with the {best of them and neither London [por Sarnia can throw too much of A soare inte our prow, We'll he meeting one of apobably on Thanksgiving his in Just surmise hat fons potnt that way, them Day, indica | | \ i Sd | keep eM BXrENDED | MAN'S BUSINESS Man's business is to works=to suy | mount diffiontties, to endure hardship to solve problems, to evereome the | | mertia of hs own nature: 10 tae | [ shaos mito eosmes hy the aid of sys | ten this ds to vel valee of Maran Daw ney, singing songs of love, af jones, of sens timent; the pageantyy of Heondway, of night clubs, of shows and showstolksg a wvipping story of mathovstovn and love of a owt Ainke=all told tn stants tng song and talking! MORTON DOWNEY Domnadveyy Godden Vo Tove" ADDED ATTRACTIONS VALKOMEDY CHARLIE CHASE THE BIG SQUACK NINGHRONQ CARTOON "Chinatown, My Chinatown!" OTH] 20)