he Oshawa Wally Times 4 Busernding THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER ~ = x Dolivernd by Vis 0 week By mall ln Connde SEMEL ain Fo, + 5 2 TORONTO OFFICE 407 Bond Building, 00 Temperance Street, Telephone "Adelaide 0107 WH, D Tresidder, representative ! REPRESENTATIVES IN UB, Powers snd Bions, Ines Now York and Chisage a WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1929 | Ea er CS br COMING T0 IT GRADUALLY I Porm. 5 he decision of the elty eounell In drranging for othe consideration af the petition presented to It ast Cull, waking for a ete of the electars an certain . ehanges in the mundeipal governmnt of Oshawa, Is + tommendable, Vor nearly a year now the eounell Chis been ignoring & petltien damplies with all the requirements of the law, and which makes It ob ligatory on the sounell to have such a vale, Bo far, At has heen lgnored, hut there Is every likelihood that Bt the next meeting of the gounell the matter will he Jully theeshed oul, As has been pointed out by The Times on many previous oeeasions, the oity eaunell, If 1 sets In ae cordanee with the munieipal wet, has no alternative in the matter, It is obliged, because of the sum elantly signed petition, ta put the question of munis oipal government hefors the electors, But putting adlde all thought of compulsion, It should he appar: ent to every alderman that the tive is wipe for a ehange, A Afteen man elty eounell Is an unwieldy, top-heavy body, and it sould, with mueh advantage, be vedueed ta ten, The ehief hone of contention, of eaurse, will he the prapoged abolition of the ward system of electing aldermen, and the substitution of the general vote, with each alderman serving two years, and hall of the sounell retieing annually, This Is the seundest method of municipal government whigh has yet heen devised, and Jt haa been found to operate very sue. sensinlly in other pities where it had heen adopted, It would sthwwlate Interest fn the muniglpal elegtions hy doing away with sectional pleas 10 the eleetarate, and hy waking the election of aldermen the suhjeet of an appeal to the whale elty, so that sity problems, and net ward problems, would be the deslding faster in the election eampalgns, This 0 a vial problem for Oshawa, ane whish hay beow held off far too long, and the aldepmen, sven if 1 meant tht same of them would have 10 saerifice their seats in the council, would he doing the eity a veal service hy allowing the eleators to express thelr opinions on it SALARIES FOR ALDERMEN i o 3 5 og i The sity council wan very wise In rejecting the recommendation of the Ananca committe that alder men he paid $5.00 per meeting, and, Instead, provid: ing that this question he submitted to the eleotars at the next munieipal elections, As was pointed au, the aldermen were under no obligation ta submit the wnatier 10 the electors, hut they would have heen in "a rather uneomfortable position had they voted thems selves salaries withowt having any idea whether the people of Oshawa were Tavarably disposed towards this measure There In someting 10 he sald in favor of pros L viding a certain amount of remunegation for the wen © who give (helt timd and sustiies 19 the management pot the olty's affairs, The principle tnvolved has been . aceepted, a0 hy the piviment of sessional in o dewnitien to members of the federal and provinelal _parlinments, and dn pany of the larger cities of Ons "varie it haw heen applied to the wembers of the elty § oounell, If the laborer in worthy of hin hire, surely "the wen wh laber an city souncillars are worthy of were recognition than the were honor of helng elees © tod, for the responsibilities of ofMes far antwelgh the honor aptashed to it C There 1a the ether aide, of sanrsg, that any eltisen with the time and (he ability at his command owes it a8 8 duty 10 his community to devote part of his 10 give some weasure of service as hin eons "qribution of citisenship, That ia the plane on whish service has heen placed, and on whieh wany would Nhe 10 keep it, fof there in always danger when salapies are pall that wen may office for the sake of the salally rather than owt any desire 10 serve his follows . B LOT OF THE DISABLED VETERAN A alaiement. made at the annual meeting of the : Therapy Asipelation hy a wan a fow days age has aroweed a oritielsm, In the course of an ads or wade the amasing statement: Aly Are better oft today for WVOTIOAS, eh an assertion 1 wake prising that Wi of the disabled jog wen are writing letters to the Toronte strenuously ohijeeting ta ft, The disabilities of of auch a nature that fo wan who has oversea in the greatest of all wan he the same man that he was before, And caren the invisible disabilities, these which notioeable But have deit no marks on the men swis Tron the, are even worse (han those which Ob wlght go even farther, and say that Why SAW aetive service on the bhattlesirent the War can over be the same as he wis bs i % If | i n K Jit # £ 4 # it 2313 & A i A of partridge, , hh THE OBHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1929 fore, "Fhe hardships, the strain, the terrible cons ditions of living, sll took thelr toll in impaired phys slgue, in weakened powers of resistance to strain and discuss, things whieh have shortened the tives of practically wll the men who served oversens, and surely in ne way ean It be suid thet thousands of sigh men are better off today for having heen diss ahled In the war, } No Information Is available as to the status of the Mr, Kidney who made this astonishing assertion, We hive no desigsito do him an Injustice, and it may be that We did see military service during the war, but his statement does not sound like one come ng, from # man who has himself suffered uny diss L] ' 4] TAKING IT TO COURT STI------------ It has been suggested that the action of the pos lee commissioners of Toronto In refusing to allow the Communists to hold public meetings should he taken before the Buprems Court of Canada as # test of the validity of the orders which are being entried ous by Chief Draper and his men, This ser tion would bring much relief to the police oMeials and to the long-suffering public of Toronto as well, The sltustion Is becoming well-nigh intolerable, snd 18 leading to mueh useless sontraversy as to whether free spessh should be forbidden in that Intensely British ely, Bins It in not possible 16 comment on & matier when It goes before the courts, thers Is ane obser: vation whish should now ba made, It should be made very elear that the issue at stike is not the narrow one of whether ar not free speech should he pers mitted, The Communists, no dout, would very mueh lke that this should be the question submitted todhe Gourts, But the issue goes deeper than that, That Issue In whether or not the Communists should have leanne 10 preach sedition In the streets and parks of Ontario, They make ne hones vhout it, They preach revolution and the overthrow of the (rads tonal forms of Beitish government, and since it is the funetien of those entrusted with the administra tan af Justice to prevent offences against the law, rather than merely to punish for affences which have been committed, there Is solid ground on whieh to hase the restriations whish hove been placed an Com munistie setivity In Toronto, It In well, however, that the matter In likely to he thrashed out In the courts, sand it is to he hoped that whatever Judgment might be given, it will put an end to the mess that has been stirred up, The ons ly danger Is that if the decision went against the Communists, they would still insist on having thelr UWH way mm DISCOURTROUS MOTORISTS Pr, M, M, Crawlord, ehief coroner for Toronto, voleed a sentiment which is shaved by tens of thew sands of other people when he sald that Tarente motorists are the most disgourteoun to thelr fellow drivers of any in North Amerlea, We do not elaim to be qualified to speak from experience regarding the whole gantinent, but this we do know, that every motor trip to Toranta reveals fresh evidences of the tacourteous manner in whieh the motorists of To TOnta seek ta push all other trae out of thelr way, yather than lose a precious second or twa on a trip This Is no mere blind assertion, Every person from antalde Toronto whe has oeeusion te meter in that ety In bound to have noticed that eharasteristle, TraMo rules and regulations anean nothing 10 the average Toronto motorist (Ff by breaking them he AN WAIN B moment or two, or ean squeese hiv oar In ahead of that of another driver, Every minute of the day, on the busy Toronto streets, motorlsts ean be seen passing other cars on the wrong side, or blocking the way for ether ears to pass them on the right side, A stream of ears behind a street ear af fords one of the mreatest examples of squeesing in ahead of others, or crowding out others, to he found anywhere, In a previous editorial, we expressed the view based on Ineldents of this kind, that motorists were about the most selfish people on the face of the earth, Coroner Crawford, perhaps, has expressed the thought bettew by saying the Tomnto materisis are the moat disgonrteons on the eontinent, so we will wive them the benefit of the doubt hy attributing thelr methads of driving to merely diseourteny rather than the mare waving weakness of sheer selfishness, GAME CONSERVATION Maglatrates In the Algoma distelet are showing no merey to hunters who are eonvioted of having ited partridge out of season, They are fining the guilty hunters twenty-five dollars for every hind that they Kill at the wrong time of the year, This Is a stop which will have the approval of every person who 15 a hellever tn the conservation of game In Canada. Unfortunately there are tee many hunters who are far from helng spartamen, They have the killer inatinet strongly developed, and thelr ralds an the haunts of the game bieds in the past fow yoara have almost denuded the north country of nartridges, So serious had the aithation hesome that it han hoon dound » to prohibit the ahoating sven for wo few days, this year, This in order that they may again remain their former numbers, and fn a wine me "hr shed of on of ganie conservation has had geod vendita, with other types of game, and a -- men make ne objection to It, snes they have in wind the builhing wp of game reserves, Tt iy only the man whe considers hs awn selfish ends, and has no thought for the future, whe is ni the law. in Ahi renpeet, and magistrates ave following the pros ae course In making the powalties §8 severe as poss 1) \ thing EDITORIAL NOTES The American Federation af Labor shows geod fadgwont hy keeping tn oes the wen whe have proven 10 he worthy and sane leaders, Apples are so plontitul in some parts of Ontario that they are going had on the trees, Toa had same of the poorer people in the cities soul net have the! appertunity of ploking thew, In the Samoan Iatands a shiny face in considered a Wark of feminine hoauty What do the drug stares down thers haye on their shelves to take the place of compacts and fave powder, \ Election candidates are walortunate tn that the weather ia not\switable for apensaly campatgn meets ings. There is no wind to blame if the newspapers FOPOrt something they ave serey thay sail, Other Editor's Comments gm-- THE BIGGEST AIRSHIP (Border Cities A Par a hours, the B10, largest Nihigeet nls Ying eratl ever pros duced, his " ely eirried passengers over England, From all reports, the tril Might hae hen & compleis sue op his aliship dose not have to prove the practicability of » navigation in wish sraft, Thal hin wlrendy been done by the fre t Graf Keppelln i" soliton trp wound ! 8 world, he BOL serves ta show the lengths ol usury and safety to which If Wihles may wo, One ul the hitting Ineldents of the tent Might was the Tuer that the ship Whe under he commund of Major be MH, Beott, wha was the Hest man 10 cross the Atlantis In a lighter thapenir machine, There Is nitursl satinfustion In the fact that the first aeenn erossings in hath airplanes snd dinghies were accomplished by Bri tishers, AT---- TRAINING FOR SETTLERS (Landon Dally Telegraph) Arrangements have heen made with the $ONEuranee of the Canadinn goy ernment for training 3,000 men or ng the fall oe In elementary iricuivirn wark with a view to thel king up sueh work in Canada, The men ure ta be trained in this country, and the Canadian authorities provide un wesurranee that they will he fonnd wark, Hitherto the three training centres hive devoted themnelves sole ly to unemployed men, 1's an 1 ind that blows nebedy goed, and the {ne stenes of the problem of un emp opment In recent years has al leant brought about the provision of thin kind of training, Its only too clear that useful att WAH nut he trained, The greater their familing W with aurieultural life the better The pachinery eronted for the hen efit of the unemployed is now to he used for the general good, Unde the new scheme employed and unem ployed men wre given training on equal terms, The progress of the scheme with Hs wider scape will hi watehed with interest, vt oy Bits of Humor Neady-lookin Individunl haven't two shilling? Quick-thinking Man yout==Vapoouver Htar, You "Whe told GRITTY Wedding Guesta"Thig Ia your fourth deughter to get marveled, Ian's IY MaeTight==Ay and our confetii's Fortin' awhu' gritty DIRE NEED Vaudeville Bluger Aud Tor Bonnie Anne Laurie I'd lay me down and die, Listener (rising) le In the audience? sorip, In Miss Linu Boston Tran DEFINITION Hohoolmanter-~Now, James, you May give me the definition of exer vine, Puplle=Huerolse 18 work what a fellow likes to do beoause It fan'l work, o=sehool Days, LOWY Hiranger (In plus fours) YOu tell me where | am? Natives (10 oompanion ) «There Wee, galer, DIRE 1 tell you le faked lost In lem te The Humes ut, Can -------- THAT WAS THE END A Preity young woman was belong showh over & battleship hy a Junio omeer, Ho was delighted with her He thought he had never known sueh wity sueh charm, and sueh in telligepee embodied tn one girk And then she added: "1 suppose when the tide rises vou gloss the portholes 1" w= Dorfbarbier, Belin, ---- On the first day of the segand sem eater In avhool, the little boys took thelr seats and walted until the teacher same down among them 10 Not thelr names. The Ast one to whom she came replied that his name was Ni "Na" the teacher eorrected, "you MUA | pay Bo, say Silas" Neat she 10 one who said his name was Tam, "Thomas, she ool Wak a bit of squirming: "J 8" responded the 'lad, -------- LAMM wo BORE, Was getting fmpas |] { te Pps, he said sareastioally, to ¥ A now, litle bay" she inquiy a hd in the endl raw, "what ¢ oll traveller, having GUIS AL A country ata ¥ WAN In whom was en station stat, "webedy ever on this line" eo sure" sald the eld EA nreply. "Oaly fast year YOUN ne who way Jilted hy his Ay CAM A saielde hy placing himseli 0 rally just along there on h \ \ here ® wt he didn't get van evel, did he t™ asked the travellen, "Why, course he did do \ o wan killed, WL thought that the chap fram exposure? omits iii os a id fo lve that at the aae of 80 W OAR brag of something healdes Worn the same collar huts Aone year ==Detralt How elve pear We ' ) Witiled He Dhue R ha iid Web Aa a PMY He hath hole Rin SORVARL Taree] IR remem bran od N in werey; he spake to ony hers, 10 Abraham, and to hig Wel forever dake 1:83, a4, "Desoend gracious AWA, POwArS, O 0m, great Hpinlt, come | That Body | of Pours By James W, Barton, M.D, PAROS SATERTH WHO Home months nga 1 wrote shout a young physielan who wis exporis menting with i 16 feeding of patients with weer of the sto ny " 0 fine fubs with a small w ii al he end into {fo mouth, and ihe pas | tient swallow it down until i went into the stomach, werons the stom wel wand fgta the small intestine, He fualened the outer tube (which was af the enlibire of a slate peneil) hy means of adhesive tape 10 he mouth, und fed the patients {tds for thee ar four weeks, Ab the stomach had no food or wittey Wil it for all this time, any leer would have u veal chance to lel, besaugs it is the movements of the stomach and the feet that the weld atomaeh Juice gets into the ul gor, that prevents i from healing, And now we have & record from two Kuropean physielans who treat ed wuty-thrée oases of stomach ul out, wid of the uleer In the first few imehes af the small intestine adjoins ing the stomuel, This Ane thin elas te tube was Introduced through th nose wid pushed ly peels vight into the small intestine until it went pit the places where these ul cers wre located, Food In Nguld form was poured down the tube, and in this way the patient wis given butter, milk, ens, ene sugar, Hour and frolt Juices I'he mixture was passed through » fine sieve and wis at the naturel heat of the body, Small quantities wera given wt frequent Intervals dug ng the twenty-four hours, The pa tents wore also given water several tines a day, and treatment wis eon tinued for three to six weeks, Phe pang generally disappeared shortly alter the beginning of the treatment, All the patients recovers od und some hid very large weers, Only five of the sixtysthres had « velupse, Vou ean see that this would mean a lot of attention on the part of those attending such & patient, hut ioshauld he worth 8 all In cases where an aperation wis feared or { win inadyisahle, (Reminteren in segordance with the Copyright Ast) ----r HARRY BROWN, EDITOR OF THE GAINESVILLE (FLORI. PA) DAILY BUN, SAYS, FHAT the newspaper publisher gull ty of eneouraging furthes NTL) COMPOTION winon retailers In the hope of areating Tosh sources of ads VORLINIRE 15 Bod UIE COmon sense Fhe average small merehant sannel son the value of advertising bheeause of the Hmited and more or less Axed spe of his patronage territory, Florida town of about ten thousand population there were al One Hie sixty grocery stores, Chan pod gonditions have redueed the pos Plation of that sommunity to eight thousand, but now there are only fourteen grovery stores, When theve Were aiIxty the loval newspapers oar viet Bot mare than fair op five gros Cory advertisementag dodayy with the Tower number of stores, nine wm AUER eleven gIOSers are using space and without foolish and waste al outing of prives, FROM TH NE APER ARSE Sue ANY K A ERE Mo 8 OES NOT HALF. v TS CAN LIES H COMPETITION Db PREVAIL, ¢ oD TISING PATRONS, | Bits of Verse | DARING ALY -_. Man should dare all things that he knows are vlaht, And Tear to do ne aot save what is WIOnE! Hat, Ate safely by hia inward 1] \ , And With a permanent hellef, and Arong In Him whe 1a our Father and our Friend, Ho should walk steadfastly uate the end, wo, MY a... ' In one "TRAILS Ho teaves hin silver trail behind, Hut has no silver on his way} His Sah I rough, and sometimes HaTN, Ant troubles some hy night Way Slowly he moaver=this humble snails And never sees hiv silver traily So men whe give us golden Rnes Have written them fH Thal and : weal: k | A Never turns a thawaht to geld, Wiest a tear has made it wet Kher sleet \ 0x0 hint Jy 1) nl never see their J ST hark! Wn the Lon a. serven TE -------- The ohimpanies, brought to America on the Grat Beppelln, and ROW Presiding at the son in Wy, Louts, Me, # named "Lounle Bape pelin," TERT. The Forest Service of the U, & Department of Anvioulinie haw ex panded Ita camp ground develop WORE WRI Row there are were than 1300 recomnised camping Fronds avon for public wee, and tons sembannua Interest on your Savings« Are you working Just for present needs and with no thought of the future! Your present Incomeshould provide for your non-earning years: Make your plan a Central Canada Savings Accounts Our attractive Interest rate will materially help to make your savings grow, In food time you will have enough; and If you desire you can again accelerate your earning power by means of a sqund Investment, Our experienced counsel Is avallable at all times: Assets over Eleven Million Dollars QS § VAN @AV\ FAV A [AN AND SAVINGS COMPANY OB HAWA BRANGH OFF iG8, BH SIMGONE BT, NORTH Operated Under Government Tnapeetion TORONTO HEAD OFFION | "» WING & VIOTORIA B78, -A SAFE PLACE TOR SAVINGS STIFF TESTS FOR AIRPLANE PILOTS United States to Impose SemisAnnual Examine. tions Upon Air Men Washington, DO, Oat, 22 Oan you stand on one foot 16 wee onde, with your eves olosed and the other leg bent haokward at the knee, and not fall? If so, and it YOUr ears are healthy and your HAIL shawe no disturbances, you have passed the equilibrium test given asprapiane pilots, The old whirling ohatr test has been dis carded, But that doesn't mean the pros peeiive plot's phystoal examination a ended, Mora than 100 physiowmns | over the United Hates, under dl reotlon of Dr LL, H, Bauer of the department of commerce, are seek INE 10 Protect passengers Auninmt aotldent due to any physioal defect on the part of the pllet, First come the eyes, defects af which eanse TH per cent of the ve. Jeotions for unfitness, The plot's ayes must have depth Jertaption, for a fllar constantly must judge Ftance In taking off and landing muscle co-ordination ta neces ay, "Lack of eavondination and the AREY to maintatn single vision," Hh Dr Bauer, "ia likely ta cause tHeue, Fatigue causen head: aches, Headaches cause ination. ton, Inattention causes careless nem" Color vislon 1s tmportant, tea, heoauss the pilot must he able to recomntae navigation Haha and other atanals, Bhades of hrawn And mreen on the around indicate the eharaoter of the terrain to ald tn landing, A wide fald of vision In omnential because a pilot must he able ta wee ahleots out of the corner of his ave while leaking AtratEht ahead, Then general phys aloal examination tn thorensh, With the nervous avetem dvawing apectal attention, After a plot is ones examined and passed, he a ros wired to take Riven) exam ably an even greater number aw laying tt down, Woodstook Bent Inel-Review, il LJ pa - A -- Srosie-ForLoNG +@ RONDE ARAN od to Ba matt 8. F,. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 <i A EVPOAL MARY Women are tak Ing up the law, says a bulletin from an eastern college « And pro A / FARM FINANCE The business of farming under present day conditions requires considerable knowledge of finan. elal matters, Consult the manager of the nears est branch © ¢ Dominion Bank, who is always willing to discuss your problema with yous THE DOMINION WN. JOVOR, Mam A ---------- : . Oshawa Branch 3° nil, MR -- F DIREOT BRIATE WD Te ALN Labia ¥ Ww SANARA ANA Yue LER AEN) v | O'HEARN & Co. QEFIQEN YORONTO * SARNIA + DWEN SOUND aa GINAWA + (NONTREAM NEW VOR URS EXeNANSE (ana've) BPANDARD BTQ0N & MINING BxOnANe) SNIEARO BOARD AF TRAM WINNIPES GRAIN BXGNANGR NEW VORK PRODVGR SXENANSR Gonosha 2 Usha | \ 3 Wa ee wee ACI em t 5