[ } PAGE TEN MEROIC EFFORTS JO RESCUE CREWS =. INSEVERE STORM Ww re-- ME (@ontinued trom Fage 1) towards shore, The wives ave still hgh and the steamer is still In anger of breaking up + Anathe v Ashore Another veessl, the gravel oar 4 'Oadwel, owned fn Windsov he nigh and dry on the point this morning and It is presumed the crew all veached safety, The crafl 15 well up on the beach and in no danger of breaking up, The Cadwel loft Windsor a few Aays ago to load gravel ofi Folin Peley, Sixteen men compose the crew, Rh Frelghter on Ree Leamington, Oot, 80, firatning againgt a wale ¥hioh whl Jeshing the waters at son hay, Lake vie, Into fury early today, an ane lous Kroup of watehers, helpless to ald, waited for dawn to vevesl the true condition of un lake steams or aground about B00 yards off shore, fhe vessel, helleved to he & soul freighter, went ashore late last wight, It was too dark for more thas her outline to ba made oul hut those en shore could nee montalnous waves hreaking over har decks, Distress clgnals weve flashed from the eraft, Leamington is without lfe-savs ing equipment with which to earry ald to the men aboard the steamer, The nearest lte-saving station Is at Point Pelee, seven or elght miles along the shore, Appeals for help have been went there, hut ua onn knows whether the equipment al Pelee will he sufficient to battle the heavy seas that are running, No Chance of Rescue Leamington, Oct, 23=After battling a wale of terrific violence through the long hours of the night the N, J Nesson, a freighter, this morning ve mained Jammed on » sandbar out 150 yards from the Leamington shore line, ity position considerably varied since elght o'elock last night when it dragged anchor and was swept in hy the worst storm In 20 years, The waters of Lake Erie ehurned by a sixty mile hurricane battered the stranded eraft through the night and this morning and discouraged any rescue plans by pounding against the mainland with midwinter fury, While the wind has lessened eon siderably there does not seem to he any chance of launching life honts successfully, Captain James Grubb, who reached here after midnight from Point Pelee, is to make an at tempt to get the erew off, but it will he necessary « to have a life boat brought here from the end of the point, 12 miles distant, e-- Two Vessels in Trouble Bault Hie, Marie, Oot, 28,~~The worst of the storm which swept Laka Buperior yesterday and lam night has passed hut at least two vessels are in trouble, The barge Pugarity of the Ford Line hroke loose from the tug Barralton late yoaterday and in aground near Point Ausable, or Grand Marais, and uo far as oan be learned this morning the crew of 13 1s still aboard, The steamer Maplecourt, aground at Oookburn Ialand, was reported last night to he in danger of breaking up from a backwash, and in 1ta case toa, the erew was hellaved to he still aboard, Another Ship Ashore Another vessel, the Cadwell of steal oonstruetion, awned hy the Ontarla Gravel and Frelghting Company, of Windsor, 18 also sEround nearhy in Plgean Bay, 400 test fram shore, The ateamer une for command of Captain Clarence Forbes, Owen Hound, Ont, 8 in no danger and it was learned the raw of 18 men were aboard, ---- Will Be Total Wreek Owen Sound, Oot, 88 =--Authen: tio information reached this olty today that tha freighter Maple court, of the Canadian Rteamahin Lines, ashore on & veel 23 wiles from Detour, at the nerthern en: trance 10 Lake Huron, since Huns day morning, will be a total wreck, The heavy seas of yesterday and last night pounded the big steam: oF 10 such an extent that the water came rushing in, This worning efforts were belng made to rescue the orew hy the tug General, of Paull Hite, Marie, aud another tug whose name could not be learned, --_ ATL Ferry Overdue Grand Haven, Mich, Oot, 3},»~ Already 12 hours everdue at 11 a'oloek this warming the Grand Trunk oar ferry Milwaukee reo Mane unrepoaried since she lett the west side of the lake far this port at 2,20 o'olaek Tuesday after noon, (Ry Canadian Press Lomed Whe) Sault Sta, Marie, Ont, Oot, 28m The steamer Maple Court is hard aground at Cockburn sland, The erew la veporied ta have left tae vessel, which is in ne immediate danger though subjected ta & hava pounding by wind and waves last Right, The vessel 1s partly shel tered, Some fear has Dean express. od (hat the heavy hackwash might break the ship up Tugs were standing hy the steamer, ane of the Canada Hteam: shin Linea fleet, Reports here tonight were that other vessels were in trouble near Grand Mavels, ineluding the tug Rarvelton, and the barge Frugality af the Fard Line, Detrelt, The pavke hroke loose in the starm which 1s sweeping Lake Superior, LL in Danger Ry Comin Press Leased Win) sault 8te, Marte, Mich, Oot, 24, The Ford barge Frugality, with Ax men on hoard, 1s at the merey tthe year's worst storm in Lake periar, twenty miles beyond rand Mavals, The barge broke ons fram the Ford tug Bartek an While down-baund, and stterts are bhelug wade hy the latter 1a find the barge and resco the oraw, The (ask is tmpossible, it is tear od. AF A tixtv-mile northeast gale has churaed the lake inte mown THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1929 tte a aliduiie sd "Recent Views of Giant British Dirigible 1 -------- -- ---------- talnous waves and a mans of foam, The const guard cutter Heminnle vecalved a raldioed BOR from the Frugality, The Beminola left heye al ones for the Grand Mavials dis triot, The tug Harrellon usally tows harges oarrying umber from the upper peninsula to the Ford plant at Denrborn, Boats Broken To Pieces Sault Bte, Marie, Miegh, Opt, 32 A tug and & pleasure eraft were wreeked today at Munising, Mieh One of the hosts wreeked at Muni+ ing was a tug and the other the Avabilla C. W, a pleasure eraft, awned hy Robert Werkel, Nunising They were hroken to pieces hy the high seas.and heavy wind while tied up at the docks, Gale Clearing Lakes Part Arthur, Oct, 38-A stiff gale blowing aut "of the northeast earry ing the intraduetory blasts of winter at a vate of about 40 miles an hau fa clearing the widesapen spaces of Lake Superior of the shipping that usually dots in surface vessels finding theiy sehedule taking them hetween the head of the lakes and the Noo are either seeking a shelter where they can rest or are hugging the north shore ws they make be lated progress up ar dawn, 84 Men In Danger PToaranto, Ot Ba With twa frelghtoras aground In Lake Huron and Lake Brie and a lumbay bavee adrift In Lake Nuperior the lives of at least 84 men ave heliavod ta be In Jeopardy as tha wars storm of the season sWesphE ave! the Great Lakes At Leamington an unidentitied frolghter struck a veel J00 yards fram the share Hae last alght apd at an early hour this morning all efforts to rescue the 18 ar 20 men who ave helleved to ha aboned had fatled, Huge seas wore hronks Ing aver her deoks and fraguent distress signals were baling sent up, An BOB from the Foard oom Hie, Marla during the even Ing, stating that she had braken AWAY from tha tug Bareelton and was tossing helplessly In the heavy seas of Lake Superior, She carries A orew of six men, The eonstguand outter, Seminole, had set the vesoue late lost ulght in th face of a K0-mile gale The frelghter Maple Court af the Oanada Steamship Line In the Lake Huron entrance ta the aground off Cockburn Island wear BY, Mary viver, Latest veporis in dioatad that the erew was not in Immediate danger, Mescue work hawever, hes heen halted hy the rising storm Closing Market Sa-- N TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Toronto, Och M=Extreme dulls ness marked this morning's session of the Taranto Stack Exchange with the total turnover nat mare than os KN shaves, However, prices maintains od a Aen front International Nickel and Bragilian Traction were the most prominent, The former voached 81 3-8 shortly after the opening but eased to 3 #8 under profit-taking (ar a gain of 8 The latter issue was up 1:2 at 60 1:2, Ford Motors "A" sold between 4) & 40 34, the latter figure representing an advance of | § The Oils wer firm, British Ameris oan Armed 1-8 at 01; haperial was waehanged at Jo; laternational Pete dvanced 1:2 at A 1d: MoeColls Frontonae advanced 4 at J Supers est at J and Service Stations at J were waehanged, ATANDARD MINING ENXUHANGER Tarenta, Oot, 24.-Trading on the Standard Mining Exchange this moaming was dull and featureless, Prices were highly irvogulan, gains and losses being about equally dis vided at widday, VOM vided at midday, Novanda, whieh In expected to benefit hy the foes mation of an $40,000,000 avganisn- tion, Was the strong feature of the morning, The stack opened at 41, 80, sald as high an 48.33, hut on later venlising reacted to 47.35, fay a Bain of 1.8, The olla weve alse active, Alas was aff 1 at 148; Alberta Pagitie gained 3 at 2.88; Commonwealth Pete gold down 3 at 38; Mayland saved 10 at 8.00, Walnwell re coded § at 1516: Associated was oft § at L830: and East Crest ad: vanced 19 av 1.80 Other changes eluded: Base WH lumber barge was recived at | wit metals up 80 at S10; Faloanbridee | a 5 wh 28 at 8.73) Howey Gold up 4} | Brie of Nt Francais Xavier sews [vember 8 on the Bwpress of Ras | poraard ab 380 Mining Corporation up § al teary and three shters fam the (sia Rell TH GIVEN The photographs hope show most yeoent views of Geeat Holt aln's new glant divigihle Heao1, which has Just undergona Hs sti tHanary tests, Fon sister ship, B00, will he completed saan, Tap, Hai01 moored to Hs mast af the Onpding: | | aut to J, NELSON PRIDUR Conservative candidate tn Grey | Bowth, in the Ontario elections, wha | | In attempting to win the seat held In the last leglstature hy Farquhar | Oliver, UFO, wha is asain a | Sandidate, My, Oliver's majority in 1084 was 1 800 arket Prices hy Canadian ross Toronto and New York Btoek Quotations Supplied hy Noble, Farlong and Ca, 4,76; Bherrlt Gordon up 10 at 8.80 And Sudbury Hasin wp 40 at 6,80 TORONTO STOCKS Ntogk High Low Clase Ahitihi «A A: 5) Be, Amer OI (G14 Mis MWY Hel ol vr 160 Rig Heampion 2 ] Rrasil ody ally Hull Prod 0000 AG 01 Canners Ist (oy 85 Rid Cannes 2nd yoy & Can Bread (yi 21 RId COORShUIE qyqiiny & X COMUNE «ov avasey =f Bid City Dairy al DISE ROAR 440000 IV Fam Players oN Durant af Can Dam Stores | Ly pam H, Walkers WT-------- i al An bmprossive doparare copes Wmony was hold at St, Michael's eas thedval, Torante, fae fe young HPATIONARY THETH ton ale station efter undergoing stationary tosis whieh proved sucepasful, Hottom, another view [of the slpshin during tos The | age ship has praved to he 8 sues | poss, desplio prediction hy many {experts that It was not properly | ponstenetad Hid d Hid | Hayes | Ham | Int Nickel Fit Lip 1) mp I Lavra f Loblaw \ Massey Harri MoCull Fran Mont Power | Page Herwry Pawer Carp { Shawintyan i Mery I } MINES Wheel | maok Abina A Alberta Paeltly Amuiet Arn Assioolntod Gas Bavey Holllngey Big Missouri Crimant A) ARAN LS heamionl Re {Central Manitoba Dalhousie OF) ! ih 18 Bast Crest 1A® Faleanhvidan LL Faaihitl 2TA tiranada : V A Hollinger 's af ARG RAN Hame OH 1420 1400 1400 neh | #5. 00 ta Bao I ---------- HOWEY wun r rommmmimnns B1 00 01 Hudson Bay wow 1660 1560 LH60 Kivkland Lake one 66 BIA, Kootenay ¥Yiovenes ... 14 104 10 Lake BROVE oo vom BATH BLTH BLT Manion, BARI. pps Mining arp indi] J Newhen 8 rr 408 wm Navand [URE] "nT Pond Ovellle soem § Framior oor conny goo fhorrith Gord wore BBO BE BIBEO8 4 4 3 vom s don Th Hudhury Basin women 700 650 HW, Fotrnloum woe 150 140 Taal Hughow wins #00 BIE HOWABAIMAG pommmy 11 Vipond soap nrme 1 Ventures ums qimm Wr, Hargreaves Walnwell O11 oom Tolnl---=bEh,AT1, pala NBW YORK Hoek High Atahinon B74 Al, Cham, Am, Can, Am, ¥r, Pr, Am, Loon, Am, Am, Am, Annennds Halt & Ohio 180 Handix 0 BAK Heth, Bt), 1074 Heiggn 0 81 Can, Dry Can, Pas, fhrysley Congoleum Onl, Craph, 4585 Cu, Gu, NY, 184 4% Del, Janek Ihh 100% Hin "1% y 7h Fam fo % | (Gen, Ps hi Ag Gen, Mal 08 (Orn, Palge IN] Gald Dust il Y% Gandyeny UR] Houston 11) Hupp 101% Id, Alohl gen It, tam BH % Inspreion Ah % Jhne, Man, 104 ME, Ward TRA Nash + Th Ovaviand 17 Packard ,, #4 Hadin LARS Bra, Rhok, 140% Bhell OH 1 Hew, Wp Ad % Hiudebaker 62 Tox, Gulf LE tid, Al he id, COlgay 4 {IH Heel Bid White EL" Wentnnheo, BIA Bt, OH NJ, TRY Bl, Ol NY, 43 OW Nel [A] a7 PEE Tr Tr SR---- ZOES Te gr TD TES TD TE es TTDI SETESSE a Ea. I 1 i 1] |] 1 [] 0 |) 1 [] i | [} fl [|] I | |] | Ply BOE iy TRY 4% 410% TORONTO LIVENTOUK faranta, Oel, 84 the Dominion totalled BOO entitle, Trade was aol ve and steady with a olsanun ox pected Hutoher onttle Good cows and bulla pold fram 37.00 tn 87.85 Calves sold steady $14.00 far ohales Hogs unsettled with lower at 310.78 fab, Toy ar al S1E.00 aff aay Fambs sold & shade sirogger with the hulk selling at $11.84 sald fram hids 840 Hheap sold steady al 0.00 Tor taps CHICAGO GRAIN Chigas Cet, db=Lutting eatimates un Burapean tpart ve A O0 hushels lod wi od guirements hy 0 lowes ealiniaios was al LI) evidenoe Gl po demand from Franee, Opening 1:8 ta S80 cents lower, Chi ein whet prives afterward contin weld to sam, Corn, oats and provisions | wore velatively Hiv, with earn start ing wnehanged to 5:8 higher, but sub sequently easing somewhat, CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chichen, Oot, 33 Peg, 1 30% Mar, LA6Y Cam, Bee, BW, Mar, SBA Oats, Bee, 81; May ETH 2~0Other | sonvent of the Gray Nuns at Pew | hake, They leave far Chuchow, China, salting trom Vancouver, Ne The photogeaphs Show the & WRESTLING Tomorrow Night at ARMOURIES Gardini vs. McCarr Under Auspices 34th Regiment YOURE priests whe will devate their Hives to the spread of the \ (1) Rew, BD Siviagen, (3) Rew, A, Qlgane, (A) Rew, Hy Shakey, (4) draws (3) Michael Panne, Lalt avers on | Ldvestaok Hxohange | at $15.00 ta | haoons | prices early today tor wheat, | | Roduetion af the Lirthated ohiefly aly and Spain | | Bankrupt ARCADE STOCK, WELLAND 14,000 Dresses All new Vall Models in all the wanted wiylon nhl Vahviens Heh Fiat Upppes anid Georgeties Long mleeyve Biylos, New wm rivals, This is an offering that Is appealing, Don't isn woeing thom They an wonderful, Come nok 'em ove Try them an They are yours for $10.95 Maoulders Hest SHOES A real Boot will walk wt of hero ¢ ow we 09 49 Men's wold Loathey WORK SHOES Hot What they En $2.49 $2.98 Hack wm Aunt hey ul Men's Nuappy Hawn OXFORDS You will net equal this viru any whew hat they walk at 52,98 Boys' Hatitay Tweed RLOOMERS A Hmited gaan diya 99¢ Boys' Wiest Lona PANTS What a Nig $1.25 Havaain LOOK! goes Cavrhavds oy Hoag OVERALLS None Better $1.95 Very special Men's High Grade OVERALLS SMOCKS A hig voy garment Wolug tor His $1.39 Men's MIE ar Faney Lisle SOCKS Wwarth 300 af any wan's money, Out they go at only pale 5 ¢ Reg, THe ta 810 Fanoy AN NilK SOCKS Yous you'll pay The to ALOK far these same AOOKE AL OSE SOO . Bankrpt price a any 39¢ LN Hore Goes a Reg, AN Waal Hope SOCKS Rankmpt Price helngs yma $1.00 Men's Rytva Heavy Flee SHIRTS et DRAWERS all 1 Mons Heavy Fleeco Combination NDERWEA This 1s veally an evoep oaliotant 1B AANA Lndles' Flannel Dresses Atvaetive Biylos shades Mighn HU tn 4M How In chances ln ne un NO pertain terms 10 PERE money an oa real Eman all wool Flannel Hivoss $2.98 going strong, Worth of Canada's best products Canadian brands, all must he sold, opened with a BANG last Thursday, and Is still Fact is, I's Just getting good, Women's wml Misses" Chine chillin Sport Coals Only at a Bank mie sale seh Hae cont ha sold at te law ples $8.50 mn oats Wiinnen, stout shades and Wamen, lavishly trimmed with bw Catlne and Cutis thoy women and Hove ame tw wee the most Ruithlie elas of the season, Blok Novas, Now Hawn, Band Waly ae, Phese Coats sell ven Hh 0 BUM now, weht now Heawn, Heavey and BERAG and when you weed a NOW LOR von oan hy Boat a mos masa hie reduction $14.95 Dresses Lorreet Ny les, Cameos Calas, new They vory VIVAL, Polen Isn't hy the actual Lames hoy ave all new, Mowe ave Dresses yon have seen, any Worth Fahwlos, Very the POOONRE AY prettiest and He WBANRE Boa They compare very favorably with Dresses shawn AF OSE sores around BIE 0 RRO, $7.95 LITTER GRNTS Over- Coats Mae and Fane Tveods, Red Flannel Hedy A woh oasily Aan this pele, Out they gw $3.95 Navy Laoag | HOVE! WINTRR Over- Coats 0 a WN In other wands Mes 10 Ww yours all Thew tots aw ia Navy - Ble ar Sooteh Taeeds Really dandy Coats, Wanh RATER, Ont thay $7.95 Many famous Creat sale Men's Genuine Moles shin Whiprard PANTS You ean't hay them anys where at (his extremely vy wire bh $1.98 a Fandllow' Fine Breondelath BLOOMERS Various Colors Ac Very Mpeelal! Ladies' BLOOMERS Pelee down tn ne 25¢ Men's Vine Dyess PANTS Valuon to 8400, A huge Election ta mantel youl CORE ar vest $2,98 -- ------------------ Mon's Oheekoy WIND HAREAKERS $1.98 $2.49 Mon's Nilk ROW TIES 10¢ - TT Men's Nutweal Moving SHIRTS DRAWERS Canada's Heal 5¢ Mon's Natural Moving Combination UNDERWEAR $1.39 Men's Heavy All Wool dumba Rani SWEATERS Vou Hiv, Reg, $3.80 §2.49 SWEATERS Boys Hog, $9.80 $125 Mon's High Grade Work PANTS They ae 80.00 Values tor oy 98¢ Mona's Hog, 89.60 AL Waal Flannel WORK \ ny ay 1 39 Ory Wp 1 » Bays AN Wool Fwagy Kalb ap dovsoy SWEATERS Worth easily 0 84,8 action Night DRESSES Vlannelloties ap (RU | CIRCE RR Rakion' nilk and MIRAE COATS Ong they gw $5.49 A Living Badion' Quanity RAIN AR] Think FA ann, $1.98 Radios' Daloved SMOCKS Values (0 $2.00 $149 1) Tons of Plunder Will Go Tomorrow | SIMCOE KROCH BROS. =