Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Oct 1929, p. 8

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"PAGE EIGHT RAILWAYNEN ARE SUFFERING FROM GRAIN BLOCKADE "Tie:Up of Freight Causes Serious Condition of Unemployment (By Canadian Views Lonsed Wire) FoOdtawn, Oct, 23=-Griave wienploys Went now exists amongst plirod workers of Canada, pepording ta J AP Haan, ( bf COFIERiII eit of ihabor, The oes pull ion of the Rillway hab Wea, he wht! gin crap tailges and the th 4 ne Wy the non mevemant af what Ts piven as the direct dibie ol the situitivi, the employees engaged in Lhe nintntenanie of eonipment depart wignts of the railways are the chief atfferers, The Lig angus shops ol the Capudian Pacihe wl inp Wil pps iinately B00 pe have foe Jit hard snd this mantli anly 18 diye employment will he al forded these workers, sys Me, Hiny "on, A live diay week has been tein ®aurarily nsueurted, and inoaddition Lihe entire plant wilt he glosed for Hive divs, The Westan shops hive wlan heen hit, Approximately 1,950 men there decided some ting aga ta inatgurite a temporary four diy fweek hut announcement is now made Phat lay-offs will also he neeessary Luy-offs on the Canadian National Wave not heen sa severe, hut lang " oh {ke i v PN bh a t TIME TABLES Ld Lhd ool dinette deals dle db i Bee dled oe ok W Montrea, |, RECORD AIR MILEAG B. Hamilton Les, vanking ale mall pila bf the Hnited Biales and depn af Baslng system of HAY Be semen, wha In tan years i as flo more than 1,080,000 wiles, wa wmbers of men wre, nevertheless, without emplayment, the correspond inl declares The veduetion In freight has hes come sa pranomnecd thick switehmen in the Toronta und ather terminals are now without employment, 4 van ditton unknown for years FIREMAN OKILLED IN WAREHQUSE BLAZE Waoreaslor, Mass, Oot, 42 fivaman, Tdeutenant Carl i, dwan nu THE, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1929 WURDER CHARGE LAID AGAINST ALLEGED KiLIER Squamish Rancher' Brought To City; Inquest to Be Held or Vancouver Charged wily (he murder of J, Kvan Roy Bevibner, Beyenr-ald son af My, and Mra A, Hovihner, of Bguamish, ftoymey veuldents of Vancouver, Halph Hereford Wreeveton, vancher, 44, wis brought to the ely, Mondey evening and was wrvalgnad hafore Magistrate H, 0, Alesandor, He win remanded far one week, Hrereton, who is knawn hy the nema of Brackendale Bm' in the Haguamish district, is alleged 10 have discharged a shotgun al fhe boy and a companton when hey perainted in tormenting wm, The pellets wtrusk the Berthner hoy in the head, and after veeelving fval Md oat Baguamish he was vyshed In # apesdhest to Vancouver Hn dled at the General Hosplial early Manday morning An nauest will he held at the oity margus hy Caovener WW! ND Brydane Jack wt 2.80 o'clock (he afternoon, at whieh Beareton, In charge nf a Beitiah Columbia pol lee constable, will he prosent Witnesses Aprive Witnesses of the shooting warn hrought ta Vaneouver Monday ave ning when Hreveton arvived here In ehavga of Constable J, HH, Chad wiek of the WC, polles The parents of the dead hoy game to Vaneouver ahosrd the speedboat on Hunday evening, Mrs Herthmer and Loy woh Jett Vinca ver in duly Just to Juin Me, Berth: ner aL Bgngmish, 'Whe only ucinnl sye-witness of the shooting, I Iw stated was Can, Dawson, 14, whe informed the pals ow he Wik inl with the Berihe ner hoy, They Rved some stones il Breveton's house with a eats pult, he sdmigied Vived nt Head After wiening them to vin AWAY, Young Dinweon sald, Beers tan stuck un shotgun out af his win dow and the two boys hid hebind » ehloken house, 11 was when his sampanlon stuck his head ground the wide of the chicken house hal the shot was Nred, Pawson immediately called tn a neighbor woman when he saw thal Wi ohm had heen wounded in the head, Constable Chadwick wan wlan notified, and after giving frst pid had the weunded hiy eonvey ell tn Vancouver in the spesdhont and placed Brereton under arrest CANCER CURE FOR RATS ANNOUNCED Piseavery al a compaund that dis palved and apparently eured wines in 1000 pats and mice 1 few days has heen announced ta the Interna tonal Physiological Congress, though the tried on human beings, a Popul | FO I injeefed hypadermieally tba the ean eer and en eleat literally in the malignant vells ta brosthe them selves ta death, The process is tor med oxidation, und means the shinoys mul cells get more pxvgen than would ater through to thew from breath ng Tustead of trying ta poison the cianeer, the trestment consi ol up the natural activities wl sells, hing it 1 il treatment has nut heen vel Meehanies Magueine, BAYA a fil poeding the Lady thus ¥ death UNEMPLOYMENT 15 REPORTED HEAVY Canadian Correspondent of Labor Publication Dis cusses Situation Ottawa, et, B= Lrave unenmloy Ment new exists wnoangst radlrosd workers of Canada, necarding ta |, A Po Haydon, Canadian eorecspondent af Lahr, the afigtal pubiligation of the Rullway Labor unions, The pars Hil galing erop fallure and the tes eased by the nan-movement of gril 16 RIVER ab the direel cause wi the sub Fhe employes engagod tn the main tenance of equipment departments ul the yallwiys are the hief sufferers Fhe hig Angus shops of the Cane dign Facile at Montreal have heen Wik hard and this month only 18 days enplayment will he afforded these workers, says Mr, Haydon, A hve duy week Lag heen temporarily pugnrated and In addition the entire unt will he elased far five days, The Webton shops, have alsa heen hil Approsimately 1US0 men there desl fed BOE Hime WE ta Inaugurste temporary four-day week ft ih nasheement is now mide that lay affs will wlsa he nese 1 alts on the Canadian have net heen sa severe, hut large numbers of men are nevertheless without emplayment, the carr ent deelures Fhe reduction In freight has he came sa pranauneed that switehmen i the Taronta and ather terminals are now without employment, & eon ition unknown far Natlonul pan Curn aur thawsand antelope and ¥00 | mountain sheep wea paw protect ald on preserves fn Texas BEAVERBROOK PLAN OPPOSED BY LABOR Party Organ Condemns Em- pire Crusaders' Schemes as ""Moonshine" Landan, Out, #8 hrank's Meinl Lahey organ, ngdemne Win pledges nat nd Aeclinreni "Phat wan the teh Tahar Ing the most go-aparation paliey eonsisis In Ta The lend wniling Hueh # hoard immedinie would fai nerve nal nea 13] Wa Lard rammend Honvorhronk wlrald thal he 1s tae much alisess: | is ¢ Iahour's sm phatle apposition to Lard Beave) imple Urisaders veiled hy The Dally Herald, the entire Umoanahing" and asks haw Lard Henverhrook can vecanéilas his ao vougey of Hmplre free (rade with tn tax fondstnfis It declares, however, hor party Is anxious La sae olosey trade velutlons eutabiighed hetween the various pavis of the Empire hiss Thomas' visit ta Canada and 11 Iw In pursult of this same ahject hape that the Australian and Bri davernmants will nig AUBE WHYS and means af promot Aste ecanamin nile of 'such a the setling a heme of a publelyconfrolied import hoard desling with organ meaning mintans and elsewhere BU¥ing tn hulk fram argnnleed exporters not only nesds hut anly trade hetwaen the Mather Country and the Bamintaps hut would stab! Hen prices In sUeh 6 WAY as In glve much-needed relief to hath produ "Rags heeame h Ald cansumers In this eunun thin I'm hi The Herald pehame an yn gh People who prize the finer things of Ife usuall demand Red Rose Orange Pekos Tea, A money-bac guarantes with every package, RED ROSE TEA isgood ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE fs extra good that the In Megnwhiln, La In #ntielpation of the nt Mr we Phere 1s dan wha 1s making u Ie all the in Landan wp things we thray cite, wld boots a other "rubbish" are turn He dealt with the ald The nals Hind the the taundey" he said, ther 1s stewed and re emerges in the arm "OM Tele hats wre ed and made mtg Rock sumng in the ba far re simulate han Legomme high ii hraken melted A used al Are paling hut we i are treated with | Fin ean tracted, and od with Wie protectionist to Halen ta summon sense,' Heaverhronk's FRVIVERA campaign goss merrily an Ievanee of the Tory pariy STREETS OF LONDON PAVED WITH GOLD d mann {ST L Iheqrieg ANNURL £On Lan fine out wl nl hut (LR Lint Wil) wn wold, | fis haek | "wd the lea ated until nl i wl spechishly treat Or attres why pups al) duwn Te: wid | He en cal | favar af he | Hlampany tent, in sold in the metal market & gain Messrs Austin and Guy whase fas laries Gaver hve wires ab graund i Vast London, stated that they treat el annually 25000 tans nl rags, 4 000 tans of metal and 2000 tang vo lead Aiather frm with great stanks of pubihish In their yards, put thelr sn ial turnover wt 55,000 00 hee are dumps In various nar af the eauntry warth thousands ol daltiars ANOTHER CANADIAN APPEAL, DISMISSED BY PRIVY COUNCIL Landon, Opt, 88 hu Judie eammitiba of the Privy Coagpel) taday diamigsed the appeal of Jahn Huirratt and Bans, Ldmited, fram Lhe dectlon of an Ontaria eaurt in Kanminiatigils Pawel Limiind Mie dispute Power company's Ha th the 7] a] uynr the By Tay damnkn whisked wranglul Blalakn dam Win Awing faheration the pus i 4s deol ok pee RR RRYYPYYYY ! CPR TIME TABLE Effective Dept, 80, 1000, (Standard Time) Cialng West SA pom, Daly (Baeept Sunday) pon wan killed and ten others badly injured, two af them saps tausly that fenrs are entertained far thelr recovery, In a BEK0,000 Binge In the wall paper warehous of tha WH, of, Higgins sompiany 1T4 Malin street yostorday The flepmen ware tdured when # birlek wall tappled over DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE ~By Grace G, Drayiee ol AL \ (Except Bunday) ; Tg oo (Pxegnt Bunduy) ast lal Cong INOS wm, Datly, 104 po, Dally (Eseepl Sunday) B08 pon, Daily {f seepl Bunday) TAG pon, Dally (Bssept Baturday i 1108 Wm, Dally LM pan | el a For Better Values Wn DIAMONDS Hurma' Jewelry Store Corner King sun I'viiee Uns ar Tevms as a and I. an CANABIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Bopt, #0, 1000 (Standard Tims) re han am, Dally, except Bunday, amy Bunday only, an Bally | in, Hail es ny Sunday, BA poi, Dally, except Bunday, O47 pony Diily, sasept Bunday HAZ fom, Daily, 18 pom, Dally, except Batyiday 3.07 amy Dally, 13,35 poms Daily Westhoiund ily, Maily, Tally, sasepl " a3 [41] 4 i poh | a rn 3 TA ---- --- THE WILR MAN CAME [BALK ANB HE WAS FURIaUS = " ONeF Mane | with OVERLOOK I YW HE asi Y [Huy \F IT HAPPENS AGAIN THE Papal will HE Cus HaNaRE DR ANG You Will FAVE Ta LEAVE ME IP WANTING INSURANCE air hind Ren Retain wr. moner au R, LUKE al Fe abba = i pt inh Wing Vegans Bindhain, fie eet BYR Tigh iO | de -------- TTP -- HE Took (7 QUT @Visi bys BU 1] HAR TURNER PRienT Gall ITH NEXT DAY COMFY WAS WATE HING (THE Pool AND HE SCAATEHER Mis [EAR AND A BIT of FLUFF Bigw | INTe THE Peal, COME Y ING AND ME WAS Sa LONF SAME Far Deliy ANG BHeplY HE Dip NET KNaw WHAT" 18 De mm ' 48 am, SAN amy Al § om, Bunday, fd won, } haily, G04 am, Daily, sscept Bunda, i , Dally, sacept Sunday, N Jaily wnday anly, Daily, escent Bunday, Dilly, Shot Bunda, ELLA CINDFF® The Temperamental Adventurer, A, Whitby, Qahawa, Bowmanvil -- 5 & : : \ : | Taller made $25 00 | : | WEIL, BAT 'Seotlend Woolle A OX IMA, Sqouiatid }¥ sotten JE Fin, Hapa My BTORY ¥ #, Notlah, Mir, 11 Slmeos & LIME TO WAVE PUN Done ------ THE RIGHT ORDER, AFTHING FOR, B EXCERT TEA MM TOO BXETRO By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plum Bk n a BN 1 DISGUISED MEELE + AB A WEALTHY CHINESE \ MERCHANT AD TOOK, JP A POSITION IM ONE OF THE TEMPLES AS A WORBNPPER WHERE | CouLD OBSERVE EVEWNONE WH, CAME WM ) i y Mo Taner Wi BiLw! ONY § GELLEE WOOD A HERE | "AB YoU REMEMBER PT BOARDED A BTEAMER FOR, BrAME HA, DETERMINED To BEARCH FOR WAH WEE AND GET BALK THE STOLEN BETY THOUSAND (F (To Took THE REET oF y MY LIFE] aw -- WEEN DAY SCHEDULE (RIDGE tna Tiel" hie.) Legve \ ng West rylve h { : Yes, YES, GO J onl AND THE REASON 1'DID THE WAS BRCALGE = I + #387 PPPPrEPTTeeses FPPEPE3: © nin r "ET i | i Ili wep ul IT JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLONS J. WW, Warrall, Oph. D, Kpoaight specinlisg PHONE agid MMI LRT PEE LE ALN 40 mm, wit SUN DAY AMD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Le AAR Rbk Jy Rag VLE Pe OW; 6 a Wn Mewapolima New Service 3:3733:5558855 W. A. BRINGING UP FATHER OPTOM EER INY | 23% Simcoe St, North Hundreds of people weary With utmost oomfors Hare's Faultioss Lenses An POOH BR ARAL THER CALLED AnD HE LOWED DRE THAT'S MICE HE Toor" All MY CLOTHES INGAAMDIN MY MATE \ WET BOOW Naw An \ NT A SLT Maes ON MY CLATHES ARE CONE: [me em -- KH 1% BTRANAGE ] w CLETHING THE POOR A AA MEN'W WORK SHIRTS AT Jivaarsaraanranny 49¢ 1. Collis & Sons a] LEY W, Phone Ww Felt Bres. pn LR zles ERGRTEE 184 Sloss BL, South (WE. MOVE] IRALRER OVA 34 A LTTE FRENEN VILLAGE, TOMMY, JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS BUSINESS, BETTYTY CAUSE THEY NAVE "HO SHOW! or panipment: Ne worry, doevice, Ma dora Btovage Ware fad vy JLJAED VAUDEWRE OR VAEDE-VIRE JEIAI5EL AS TL CONPONER OF COMVWAL JOY THIN BECAME FORAARAND | VIERE INTRODUCED INTO PLAYS, TRE NAM OF THE TON 10 GIVER FOAL SON 0 AND LATER 0 THE EMTERTARMENTS, Cuma Mua tah sean vad an------------------ + LIVER DASSELOR BASSELIN.A POE OF THE FIFTEEITR CENTURY LIVED A WTTLE FRENCH VILLAGE Wt NORMANDY IH TRE VALLEY OF THE RIVER VRE, LD Diamonds! Bassett's On Qshawa's Mam Corner BY {- Bs al to © WE Nag Vantem Badean bE Bath, Bi tabelin isa JTW FERAMMATA Tr ned

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