Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Oct 1929, p. 5

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Social and Personal hg. MAPLE THEE Vv Ketone Br" It anrly wakes trom winter's sleep, And makes the world with joy to on For w ' n then be sure the voice ot Bpr ni Soon through the sleeping world shall rings And when the Bummer does In lory stand, We wate) the maple flourish In our land, How welcome then Its leafy avine Ab we vest And gare on ity simple charms! But, pi whieh Autumn's drowsy 9 Are here, We love % have these brilliant maples near, {heaven of ealoy may we ses hen we hehold n maple tree, Mr. Correll and Mr, Ball spony the week-end at Sinton ri O, Culley and Miss Marvell Culley were in Pelerhore on Bun day: RL Albi Houthwell, King Bt, W, in visit " his brother, Geo, Bouths well, of Wolnh, Ont, i Mrs, Turner, ox Aunes Bt, has returned Alter spending two weeks with relatives I My Ary's, Mrs, Dawar and alster Miss Care miehenal of thin eity, left yesterday to spend the inter |] Toronto, Mr, and Mvs, J, J, Grass, of Oshs wa, spent Bunday with friends In oronte, LE My, and Mrs, B, H, Peever visil: d Mr, and Mrs, Deans of Loeust fll over the weakend, » Ld Mr, and Mvs, H, H, Peavey have returned hema after thelp heney: moon and are Mving at 64 Kens noth avenue, J Mr. and Mpa, Fred Hobbs, of Plokering, were visiting Mpa, HN, Hobbs, of Oshawa, over the week: ", L] * . Everett Disney, of Lakdtield Pre. aratory Hehaol, spent Bunday with a parents, Mv, and Mes, Ly V, Dlaney, y My, and Mys, Lyons, of Jarvis ft, visited the latter's slater, Mpa, Watson, of Toronto, over the week: ond, . kh Mp and Mrs. ¥, J, Beek, of Bil. fseboth, NI, have veturned heme feer spending ten days with Mr, Prowse, Burke, sireel, Misaas Dorothy Lutrell and Mar fon Germond are leaving today for a motor trip with My, Ross Ger mond to California for a month's vacation, A ------------------ CHRINT CHURCH BUPPER The ARNIVAFBATY Supper and en tertalnment held on Monday in Christ Chureh Hall was very sues cessful, over 400 being supplied with things and the entertain ment whieh tollowe under the ausploss of the AY PA, wan of a tine order, The talent consisted of a pleasing variety, Many en. cores were called for and as gen: erpualy acceded to, Voeal solos ware offered by Mrs, Trueman of WAIthY, Misa Irene Pawson, Mra, Nuteaite, fn Rige and by the fsnes MoNab in duet, Mp, Rex Torvelt appeared in hin ever happy role of on 4 natrumentaly ware Riven va Mann, Mp, Jack EAE fay 1 v thton by Mise T. eDoweit stioned AR Ghee e, a8 "Ww also by Mesars, funny we Bll eh utter and \ Nye, Carnell and Mrs, J, Were A00OmMpAn tuts, ANNOUNCEMENTS ARKLEY weMoL AN In Oshawa on Oat, 10, 1080, hy the Rey, O, ¥, Cragk, Velma Gao: ine MolLean, only daughter of fv, 1, J, Bhevidan and the Inte Mr, 0, H, Molean, to Lorne Mes Kenwle Arvkiey, Jv, son of Prof, and Mp, Le M, Arkley, of King plon, Ont, Helpful Hints : Tannen WHITE SPOTS ON FURNITURE 'Those white apis thut are se hot to remain on a fable [WH i bawl 0 flowers or & wolst tumbler has heen standing on the table are very ans noaying to the housewife, us re also the whitish spets known as "Tog" on HAH They hath vequive the same treat ment, namely, wringing # vlath wa dey as possible from weak anunonia water and rubbing spat with this, That will restore the valor, then ye store the finish hy polishin with your favourite furniture polish, Aleohol spilled on furniture will leave # white spol, whieh ean be yes moved by rubbing with spirits of aamphor, TO KEEP HANDLES WHITE Rubi the handles of your knives with tugpentine If they turn yellow, and it will make them white again CHEESE FOR DESERT The Continental sustom of serving fruit with cheese and caffee or cheese with wafers and coffee for desert finds increasing favor with our housewives and 18 a delightinl ehange from the usual sweet, It is quickly and easily Jrenared and govers a wide range of favors, LETTUCE AS A GREEN Da not throw away the outside leaves of lettuce; whether it be ro maine, esoarole or plain lettuce | it is quite as gond as spinach when served hot, Cut the leaves and boll with a hit of butter and a couple of tables spoonfuls of boiling water, A few drops of onlon Juise may be added for aver, When tender, ehop Ane, season with galt and garnish with hard-boiled enn CANDIES Freneh Vanilla CQreams--Hreak Inte bowl the whites of ¥ egEd| add an equal quantity of water measured In A emmuhell, then stip in enuogh eantest! wa' sugar 1 make wit enough to mold, Knead well, This {8 the foundation for all greams, Add favoring, nuts or chocolate, form inte shapes And lay on buttered paper, This oream 1a alan nlea to stuft dates Date and Peanut Rolla-~0ne pup stoned datas, 1 cup peanut hut tar, 1 teasp.on salt, 4 ou toners! sugar, Wash and dyy dates, put thraush food ehopper add peanit hutter and wall and vrall Inte ami'l balls, then over With sugar, Lay on plate ve rn fruit Bquares--Onehalf enoh of ralaing, eurrants, dates, figs, Blanched almonds, walnuts grind all together and mix well, pack tight and leave for 2 op 2 days, and out In squares and vell ih powdered sugar a Meg, Bhopalot==You say this mas terial ia the very lateat In fash: lon} Clerk == Yes, shrink proof, Mrs, Bhopalot--=But will It fade In the sun? Olovk==No, madam-i's bean tn our window for (wo years, madam, and Iw See Our New Fall Line of Coats and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Blmeoe Bt, South THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, Women's Interests in the Home - and the Communit: Young People's Meetings YOUNG rHOPMES UNION MET. Last evening Centre Btrest United Chureh was well filled with young people, representing the ditferent Young People's Aw sooiations of the United and Bap: tat Churehes of the olty, Tt was the oceuslon of the thivd union meeting of the yenr, Mr, Htephen Haywell, president of the Youn People's Union of Oshawa acte ne chairmen and at eight o'clook the mesting opened with the singe Ing of a hymn, Rey, §, C, Moore led in prayev and Mr, Durle, presi: dent. of North Bimeoe United Ohureh YP, Loaguas read the seri ture lesson, Yollowing this was an Announcement made by J, 0, An darson to the effect that all young people of the elty ware Invited (0 attend the Bay of Quinte Conters ence at Peterboro on Friday, Hats Wrday and Bunday of (this week, Alter other business diseunsjony Mig M, Henderson ' of Ontario Iadies' College sang a very pleas: Ing kolo, The speaker for Lhe sven Ing was Dr, Bolandt of Toronto, In his address which way on Mentsl Hygiene he told. much of the edugational system of Denmark Wud Lhe grent progress IL hid Wade, ang how by the method oi Lonohing used In that ouutry Wheres PUpls are not prepered to) Exnminationg but tor lie, the men tl hygiene or the thoughts of the People aie on & higher level, than where puplle are taught praciioal things, He urged all present w need to & sugNestion made In the American Boy", "Have a clear reason for reading," for the Jie OL A PErson In mo greatly influenced by his reading, The ehnlyman then oalled upon Hey, CO, MW, Gragg to shy a law words to the young people ahoul the great issue which Is belug ueed by everyoha In the eoling wieotion, He vutlined the ditierent wlops taken In the past HEL years LowArds temperance and slated that the O05 A, Wha Lhe Breatest ANA most advanced legislature In the history of the provinee, Alter Lire WALK Lhe following resolution Was Grawn up aad agreed Upon by wil Pressnt, Whereas the motte of the Osh AWA Young Feupla's Uhristian Unton lg "Fhrough us better Uana diane tor a better Canada', And whereas, the declared ob ject of the Oshawa Young People's Uhreistian Union 18 0 promote Christian Cltisenship, And whereas at thin partioular time wa feel there Is an urgent need for young people 10 take & decided stand upon the wmpars ance question i erefore be 1 hedrtily vesolved by (hin body of young people, thai we Agata individually and collaoe tively pledue ourselves to steadily and conglatently denavours In the cause of true tem perance, Whereas Mr, W, EN, Rinolah has promised to submit a plebiscite upon the question of the sale of Hauer, when demanded by the people, And whereas My, Hinelaly has alvesd to submit a test cane to the privy council to decide the power of the province to Heepse brewer fea and distilleries, Theretore Wwe, (he Oshawa Young People's Christian Union AUPPOrE Mp, Binelalr whose plats form most nearly ooinoides with our view of the question whieh ia the ultimate absolute prohibition of the use of alcohol in any form for heverage purposes, The meeting came to a close with Rev, K, Hareton repeating the benediotion, On Monday evening, Oot, 121, 1020, the Angliean Young Peaple's Association of 8, George's Ohureh held thelr usual mesting in the Parish Hall, Centre street at 8 pw, The meeting was opened with a hymn, folie by prayers, led by the recten The first vice-president, Mv, Rd: ward Pankhuret had charge of the evening, ' The program opened with a read. mg by Mpa, Sehulia, followed hy a guitar instrumental by Mr, Harris, The speaker of the evening was Nv, Cannon, BA, supervising prine oipal of the Oshawa public schoels, MR Cannon gave a very interesting address about "Suggestions and Thelr Many Uses," which waa very much enjoyed and appreciated, A MANY vote of thanks waa rendered " Following Mr, Cannon's address, Miss Tra Sohulta sang a sole, Wenta were served, and the meeting was closed with the National Anthem, Ana PREMIER'S THROAT 1S NUCH BETTER Speaking Engagements Have Not Been Can 4 Se Moar ot Ontario, 15 emphatically denied, today ahd will try 10 keed hia one Macaniay, svMRP, Will Keap all hin other angagments pacer ve----- RR CRN EE deast In Toronto over he WeRk-and but in better 008 today, Hon, John R. Ceeke ® Prime minister positively king en: you SOR had a sore threat gagements at Dunnville and Sime spoke At Uxbridge Wast evening, an election day, it i» announe- promote all en | JEANNE DUNSKAV Canadian givl, wan veealled fours teen times at hey veolial on Oct, 18 In Wigmore Hall, Londow, and ovitlon were unanimous in thelr praise of her work, Mads ame Dussean will hroadeast through the Hritish Broadeasts Ing Corporation Sunday afters noon, TOOLS OF THE TRADN "Would you prefer me to fle these letters, alr?" Inguired the new offices hoy, "Prater you to! I told you tal" answered the surprised employer, "Well, 1 thought mayha I could trim them more qulekly with a alr of selenors,' suggested the in elllgent, willing and ambitious youth f==0tawa Cltinen, DARING CHICO A orepe satin In beautiful Man ron Glace shade that 1s distine gulahed hy new paplum silhouette, emphasising the higher waistline through applied bands that use the reverse aide of crepe, The bands orosa In entirely new manner al front and tle In bow al center baok, The long dartfitied sleeves alee show new idea in howstied aps plied bands, A bow placed at end of open V collariess neckline adds oharm and femininity, The modish flared skirt shows new scalloped treatment at tromt, diyle No, 110 i» designed In slaes 16, 18, yours, 39, 3%, and 42 tnehes Bust, It 1a easily copied exactly with fow major parts to pattern, I's a model that In particularly lovely Wana arent velvet 1a black of new vivid blue shade, Canton ovepe in tobacen browns trimmed with watehing shad sheer velvet applied bande awn hows tn very effective, Rayon printed orpee in capucine tones on dark ground, printed sheer velvet, crepe Marocain, and featherweight woolans amart, Pattern price 20 cents, In stamps OF o0in (odin In preferred), Wrap coin eavetuily, Wo suggest that when rou send fr PAtiePh Yon enclose 10 cents additions! for a copy of our new A and Winter Fashion Mages sine, ( PATTEAN PURCHARE QOUPON fh SR Rey RA Lianne SER gh RETIN WII. BIE ania MITT BER Gas MIELE. EE Liana AHLLIIE AEE IIIA AAAI 1 LUA A AR A a AAA LY ALTIMA AAIAL LAAT ARIA w 2 wan PERE 101100150 II I EEN ls TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1929 WOMEN'S MEETINGS | HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The monthly meeting of the Las dies' Auxiliary of the Hospital was peu yesterday afternoon In the uraes' Residence, In the aheence of Mrs, BR, B, MeLaughlin, Mrs, 4, D, Conant, the vioaspresident, pres sided, The main purpose of Lhe mabing Was to plan for A riimmage sale which is to he held on Nov, # at the market, Tf any one haw any old elothes and would care to cons tribute them to this eauss the aux! Hary would he pleased to have them, Mrs, ©, A, Kinnear 1s In hares of the oollecting, "The Ju~ on Also wish to state that they are still oollecting newspapers anil Mra, 7, Robson would he sled to all for them if she wers noth od, GUILD OF AY, GRORGI'N The Gulld of Bt, George's Churoh mat In the Parish Hall, Cantre Mt, on Monday afternoon for the week ly meeting, +The attendance was very good and the ladies are works Ing very enthusiastioally for thelr sale of work and ten which In to be held on Wednesday, Nov, £7, Alter finshed work had heen handed In and more work given out, the meeting adjourned, MUBIO STUDY CLUB The regular monthly meeting of the Oshawa Musi Btudy Club wai held last evening In Maint Ureg- ory's Hall, Himooe Btrest, North The president, Mrs, Andison, oalled the meeting to order and the minutes of the last meeting were read hy the secretary, Miss Ji BH, Wilkins Miss Mary MoPrady pave a (rea purer's statement showing a hal ance of forty seven dollars and ninety-five cents, An Interesting feature of last night's proceedings was the giving of answers to ten very diversified questions on musieal toples that had been assigned at the previous meeting to various members, The speakers were limited to three min. utes each and the following ladles poke Mrs, Hare on Bach and Handel! Miss Joan Garrow on the history of the Mendelssohn echoly) Mra, Bully on three Canadian mus olans==A, MH, Yort, Madame Al han! and Rdward Johnston! Miss Marion Hoss compared 'programme musta' with the style known as 'abs solute muste'; Mra, Nvelyn Nate man answered the query, "Can poetle playing and singing he AEM Mise Molipady gave an exenllent resume of the sireumes taneas surrounding the production af Handel's "Water Music," Mrs Fleming wave a short history of Hip Badward Bigar: Mee, ©, M, Mun dy replied ta the question, "Are the Heitish peoples musioal as com. pared with other nationalities?" A paper on ""Moderntam' fn musle wht read hy Miss Jones and one on Canadian Folk Musie was given hy Mrs, Kinder At the eemelusion of this feature, the programme probes Wan Intro duced with the singing of the na tonal anthem, Mr, Renwiek at the pane, A splendid paper on Coleridee Taylor was presented by Miss Wil ma Gordon, Following Miss Gordon's paper, 'Bone of the Nea," by Coleridge Taylor, was sung hy Miss Marion Ross accompanied at the plane by Mra, Fleming, Miss Tuttle eontributed an ox oallent lite of Mir Frederick Nridge, giving most Interentingly the out standing detalla of his lite from R44 when he was horn at Old bury, near Birmingham, Eog, to 1024 when hin death took plave, A quarteite under the direction of Mr, Renwiok gave "Crossing the Bar' as the next item on the pros gramme, Miss Leah Uarrow, Mra, NM, Reesor, Mr, Gsorge Fleming and Mr. Willlam Sellley were the singers and were well received, The lite of Bir Kdward Riger wah given hy Nive, Evelyn Bateman in her usual interesting style, The concluding musical numbers were three of rs shorter pleoss "A WORE, "Pleading" sung y Mm, 0, MN, Mundh, "Salut a Amour" the aver popular vielin sos lo, pla by Mr, Leonard Richer and "Land of Hope and Glory" from the "Pomp and Clreumstance pal SURE bY Mp, George Fins A hearty vote of thanks to the convener of the committees who provided such a fine evening of musio and instruction and to these whe had played and sung was moved by Mra, Joseph Wilkine, weoonded Mes, Hallitt, The thanka of the club wan tendered 10 Miss Garrow and the ladies who astiated her and to the singers and players by the president, EE I TT The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to the Homemyker and the Nouse VAR EMBRGIRE NW rnocks wv, Live Bow is Ale » rere A 8 Wied on ah ernoon drosies of satin, velvet or crepe in most of the Paris showings, Martial et Armand and Premet fear re ¥ Wot s on time, and oo y abo to mt A Rite Wilored bow w LTR h amat ometimes several placed in clusters or pedantic r rows, in the front oF at one of the bodice, The neck, toa, in receive ME attention from the wedistes, Ww! are using a Nitle sear! tied ™ a pres She haw, * \ bot of the ne goody ax the dress pla reel AT Ae point of 4 Veneck: Tn the free of sheet stulty the jabot iy sometimes Raincoats and Umbrellas in the girls' sizes. Women's, Misses' & Girls' Raincoats Clearance of All odd lines, coats In the Duro-Gloss quality, with also a few raye Regular prices $3.95 to $6.00, Special Selling on Wednesday STORE OPEN ALL DAY $1 Cravenette Trench Conts 98 & Heavy rubberized n rubber lined conts Girls' School Umbrellas 49¢ Women's Strong or 9c edged with lace or on printed goods with a band of plain colored mater | With the new Autumn silks In many Instances resembling woolen fabrics In both weave and color, the dainty collar and ouff sets are cers tain to return to thelr former style prestige, As proof of it, some of the Most conservative designers of we mens neckwenr are using Imported laces as well an domestio ones, Some- times entire collars are made of real lace, In whieh case. they are out In uecordance with the latest vogue, In irregular necklines, One collar In ap pligied to fall in soft ripples in hack and yet remain quite short ever the shoulders, The front Is Anished' 10 form a V, Karu batiste Is also used, A lace evening wrap of Paris make in fashioned with an unusual yoke cut to At the shoulders and come well down in baek In a most fatter in manner, The yoke a embroider: ed In eolors ta mateh those forming the allsover printed effect on the res mainder of the wrap, D0 COUNTRY GIRLS WAKE GOOD WIVES? Debated by Two French Intellectual Leaders Parle, October 228,-=Whethaey country girls make the best wives i6 being publicly debated hy two French intellaotunl leader, Plarre Mille, novelist and editor inl writer, thinks they do because he Dhelleven they recognise man ah a superior being and take bets ter care of him Madame Maria Verone, ons of the first woman lawyers and preals dent of the Frenoh Langue for the Rights of Women, says there fant any real differance between farm and elty girls, but hey ohief atten old fashioned man who thinks a woman's place 1s In the home and that "obey" Is the most important Part of a marriage ceremony, Mille has heen having quite a bit of correspondence with men of the old sohool who think modern Bivls altogether too "uppity, He Agrees with wome of them that the provinoes still afford a man some chance of finding a good houses keapor who knows how to play weoond fiddle, Madame Verons liowever, retorts that the country wirl, lke the town girl, regards hornell an fully man's equal and that while she allows him to im: agine he is of muoh Importance, she never for a minute consents to recognise her husband an 'maw ter" of the house unless she, at hin pide, Is the "mistress, All this 1a still a Hve toplo in Francs where the "woman's rlghts" movement moves slowly, with lttle chance of gaining the vole until several old senators res ton wan given to whaoks at the tire or dle, ™ Nerve Strain 11 a man's work ls begin: nlag to tell 0a his nerves he should tke a of MY'Satnight, lth soothing to the nerves and induces restful sleep, ne hand both waying Men who have to control intricate and caktly + + « en who have to work with brain . . . need food that and nerve tone, §* bth abundance in FRY'S, the of delicious flavour, White for Free Recipe Book 3 8 FRY & SONS (Canada) Bimived, Moawosl, Que. "200 Years of Excellence"

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