EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS FIRE DAMAGES HOME Port Hope=="The Litas," home of , MH, ( hn, 5.C,, wis damaged hy fire Fr . night, A blake which broke out in the roof was extinguish - ed by the firgmien, « MILITIA BTART TRAINING Pembroke = Major J, Me aren Beatty, officer communding Lompany of the Lanark and Renfrew Seotlish, has called wu melting of the officers, NCOs pnd men of the compiny next Pues yf evening to ins augurate the fall period of training ENTEN TO THE ] ENITENTIARY Port Hope=ticorge Clements and Asha Nurse, of Bouth Monaghan ownship, were sentenced to two years and a half In Portsmouth Penis tentlary by Magistrate W, H, Vieyd of Cobourg for ehicken thefts, while Vred Nurse recelved two years less one day at the Ontarlo Reformatory, i aaietiaal THIEVES BTEAL JEWELRY Silrling == (Examiner Correspond- ene v/ wo Dueing the early hours of Hunday morning the Jewelry store of HM, Hadley was entered by thieves and about $400 worth of Jiovds re moved, Faotranze was mide hy cuts ting # hole in uw panel of 8 door at the rear of the store, No traet of the prepetrator hus heen found, Pro vinelal polles are working on the Cane, VILLAGE LACKS MAYOR Chapeat=Chapeny, which Is an In corporated village, is without n mayor and has been In this position for two months, The trouble arose when outr side Influence was used to raise the assessment of the Bank of Montreal Mayor Pleau helleved that this Insti tution had a high enough nasessment, and when this outside pressure, coms bined with inside pressure, got busy he acted withaut much thought, and threw up his Job, consequently there has not heen an acting mayor during this time WILL PURCHASE WATER RIGHTS Almonte == Almonte town counell has by & vote of 7 to 1 decided to take aetlon upon the recommendation of the Publis Utilities Commission to purchase the water rights of Pens man's Limited within the town, The price agreed upon, hetween the Come mission and Penman's, Is $10,000, Penman's Limited has the right to take JO horse power from the river at an elght foot head but, through leakages, considerably more than that amount has heen passing through the Penman's flume, All this water will QUALITY COAL Phone 30680 MALLETT'S be diverted 0 the munlelpul power plant from the clvie power houses, DIES SUDDENLY FARMER, 8 ' DEN y ol Jon Bryant Cunday wis found In the Howse on tiie wane farm neny Zion Church last Lim, Mr, Cunds ~ who had heen i om with his son and daughters near Zion had gone to the {arm whout 11 o'clock Vhursday morning to do some work, It is thought that he had gone to she house to take off his cont for his horse wis not unhitched, When the body wis found last night Coroner W, G, Collison wis cule hut there were no signs of foul play and there will be no Inguest, His wich was stopped wt four o'clock, hut this his no special significance us it prabably ran down after his death, AA SUGGESTIONS MADE FOR CITY TRAFFIC Motorists Loge Seeks Traffic Engineer and Night Court Montrenl, Oet, e=Muny coms plisints ure being made dally at the offices of the Montreal Motorists League by both motorists and pedess trinng shout the present trate condis tions existing In Montreal and the wront loss of time caused to eltigens and visitors us ao result of the pres sent chaos, PT, C, Kirby, general manager of the Montranl Motorksts' League states that both motorists und pedess trians must be taught to gooperate for the solution of the present trials fie Jumble, Mr, Kirby states that in vestigation and watching for the proper remedies from which Mon tren! suffers, reveal that, secording te the authorities, to establish eMaignt gontrel of trate, entails having more poli #, more Courts, severe punish ment of infractions, and less gener ous consideratoln for the stranger, The two following suggestions for Immediate action; Firsts The appointment of a thor oughly experienced trae engineer who must be given an absolute free hand without ¢lty hall interference in any shape or form, This trafio en gineer to cope with all traffic Ms and Ret me no oapecialist, Beeondly i The appointment of i trae police court with a special re eorder for dealing with all trae canes and night sessions to be held regularly his court would have thine to study Infractions of the laws and conditions would be different where by the offenders could be dealt with accordingly and made examples of, In the present cases motorists plead gullty and pay the fines rather than waste the necessary time to plead their cuses In court Just Stop Cold, Heat, Noise . « + With TEN.-TEST imagine this yours == a home where every room is warm and comfortable in winter; refreshingly cool in ulet at all TEN/TEST bring these advantages to any home we the one you expect te build or your present home, TEN/TEST guards against cold, heat and noise by providing a continuous rotecting shield around each armth you pay for cannot get oute= the sun's het vaya cannot get in == and fuel bills are cut a third or more, If you expect to build or remodel, by all means use TEN/TEST, Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2621.2820 ideal home were summer; and Realize that Board will tiemas, Insulating room, INSULATING BUILDING BOARD COOL IN SUMMER OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OENAWA, ONT, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1929 THONAS EDISON COLLAPSES AT BIG CELEBRATION CONDITION, HOWEVER, 18 NOT FELT TO BE ALARMING Inventor Reconstructs His Experiments With Elec. tric Lamps Greendeld Village, Dearborn, Mich, Oct, 22, Thomas Alva Kd- ison collapsed hare last night st the elaborate celebration of the [if tigth anniversary of his invention of a practical incandescent lamp while Vresldent Hoover Was con~ voying to him the nation's appre~ elation of his contribution to pro. Kren, Despite his age of A2, no great alarm for his condition Is felt hy the many distinguished suests in- vited here hy Henry ¥ord, Mr, Mini won 18 under the care of physicians and of his wife last night, When he was called upon, he wan before the microphones in an instant, and he began reading a message of thanks, When he had read a few pen: tances he looked up and saw that the audience hefors him was stand. ing and applauding, We waved it down impatiently, and continued his reading in a trembling voice, which broke inte Inaudibility, When he had finished, he turn od and rushed out, the door clos ing, immediately behind him, Mrs Wdison slipped out after him, He wis taken to a little room and laid down on a hed, Hae closed his eyes and seamed aslesp, Outnide, the president was speaks ing, When he had finished, the faint strain of the Bitar Hpangled Banner came into the room, Mr Hdison' stirred, ' "Wake me up when the presi dent leaves,' he directed A stir outside Indicated that the party was breaking up, "Give me my hat," he demand. ad He wnelged his black derhy, jammed it down on his head and started for the door Ha removed it suddenly as the president entered and stood with feet togsther (ood hye, Mr president Good hye, Mr plisd Mr, Edison, As the president left, he wank down upon the conch from which he was soon removed to a bed In the Ford home, Constenets Viest Lamp ALN o'clock last night Thomas Alva Edison steod hefore the ola mercury vacuum pump, and ihe tiny globe containing a fragile fia ment in his old Menlo park labor story, on the same Jersey olay on which it stood half a century age Reside him stood his one survive ing assistant, Francis Jehl, now 70, wearing a black skull oap, Around them were grouped, the president of the United Hiates, who made nu speach at the anniversary exerolaen: Henry Ford, and Kdsel Ford, with their wives, Mr, Edison, who had gone down to start a steam engine in the power house while Jeh! sealed the globe, took two wires In hia hand, It Is now ready, as It was half a century ago, for the oritioal teat," Graham MaocNames announced to the world over 144 radio stations, CWI I Hight? will ft burn?" Mr, Edison touched the wires to fends (rom the mlobe, YLadies and gentleman," contin wed Mr, MacNamee, almost breath. loan, "It Yghts, Light's golden ju» biles has come to a triumph---and olimax." A quarter of a mile away in a replica of Independence hall sat some 400 distinguished guests whom Mr, Ford has assembled for the B0th anniversary of the, axperis ment in which his friend Thomas Kdison, tiret produced an incandes- eent lamp that promised to be commereially feasible hy using a oarhonised cotton thread as fila ment, FARMERS FIRST CONSIDERATION Wheat Pool Head Gives Rea- sons for Wheat Holdup (Ry Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Saskatoon, Oct, 32.-~Thew heal pool does not wish to embarrass other large Interests in Canada, but ita first concern ia the wel. fare of ita farmer members, and it will not sell grain at sacritice prices merely to relieve congestion at Canadian ports, This was the substance of a statement lasued Saturday by A. J, MoPhail, presi: dent of the Huskatohewan wheat pool and of the central selling agency, in reply to recent oritielam of the wheat pool selling pelley, ---------- PROMISES TO DOUBLE IRON ORE BOUNTY Sault Ste, Marie, Ont, Oct, 32 The one cent per unit iron ove bounty proposed hy the Conserva- tive government would not cover the coat of heneticlating the Yow rade ores of the Algoma distriot, . Li, Decourey, Liberal candidate, declared in addressing an election meeting here last aight, He pro mised that it a Liberal government were yeturned in the election, Oot, #0, the hounty placed on the ore would he two cents per umit, It he were returned and the Liberal party fatled to sain a majority, he pronosed, he sald, to "all Fergu- son's BINE" and ask for a two ont bounty, Edison," sald the President," re the a. LHPR P° / Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets - fl hivered on track, Wal yma don ll No hy, baled, ton 0 Conte rnw, Wes AM (pir iienier Wheat wim, buled, 100 (iiiiiis Na, | Timothy looses, 1s $20 par ton, delivered, or---- TORONTO PRODUCE Taronta halaaly dealers ars aflaring ra: dues 1a retail dealers at the following pris LA Eau Viewh, axting, In cartons, ble; fresh onlin, louse, bie, hist, loose, 47¢) seconds, Me Huttar=No, 1 sraamery, prints, Hei No, 7 srsamery, prints, Ad, Chesse=Now, lsrge, Hey fim, 2 day triplets, Ble; stilions, 27¢, Old, fogs: al wine, Ides triplets and euls, j ol sllions, Me, Whalssile weniers In hay apd slipw Bes oss 10 Bhs s the loo Suh AY a foie i) "oe 4 ym Dr Chiekens, § Wa, up coir rriiiniener Md W 1a 5 lbs, ry Jay A 40 4 Js Jo, under 8 Ih " Ducklings i01 FERRER ERR Retin} TORONT! PROVISION PRICES argo wholesale following rm 0 wr me medium, y a WEE ] eh Jat bros hint J A nN Jel hig ie ied, ] 7] [] Koed W ta 40, ed CN ; lear bacon, 80 70 pa tn W on hae 0 . i L He) to 110 th avywelght rolls, 40s, Lightweight voll 4 } MrdPure tierean, 16} tubs, 16a) pulls, ei nie, IK 10 1%, Shortening tierees ' tubs, 14 Lode) pails, fhe! tine, iH ie, 1, fork lowe, Mei New York shoulders 26 Lede) park butts, ITH dei pork hams, 86 1:2 I TORONTO FARMERS MARKET of (0 quatations, retail, in Ki iy WEBER. or OREN iii wienes market, Tovontoi "fhe dairy, per pound 40004 0 , BPORNIELY, 4 rulte You Carrots, bushe Heats, bushel | Onlons, dry, 11 gt Da, feat, basket Cabbage CapliMower ' Buinpch; neck . Wahraome, per pound onl lettuce, thee lop, fend leitiwe, 4 for , bisket 3.) Potatoes, hay tine Cueumbers, 11at; bas, Parsley, ner bunch 4404 Cress, three or i044 Celery, por bundle Lemans, per dosen vi 4 oo lume, hy Chiapas, py My Pears, 11 gt Hii | 50] ronsiderable Panchos, 6 Gb coriiriiviirirnnnse 08 ney Boww' melons, sash 11 en reel 8, BE BOF 111000000 a 6 ah ranbervies, o%, « "BAST BUFFALD LIVESTOCK Kast Bulga, Oct, 20 (AV) Wags Wecgipth, 12,40} Wy none) active y all inter este 18 tn 2h below Buturdny's wverage| weights wnder 150 Wow ab maximum down turn bulls 150 to 260 Ihe, $10.35; 440 tu Mb Wha, butchers $10,105 10 $10,265 110 10 140 ths, $0 "sa $1025; packing sows, BAB 1a BH75, Cattle =Raceipts, 2400; betler ginde led wieers and yemrlings active, fully steady others draguy weak 10 2 lower; ehales wleerr, Hh hilk woud 10 chose, $14 Wo BIE80F Aashy graswers Ad shart feds, $11.25 in 14,80 common steeds and heifers, §8,50 in $10.80 hi her cows, 70 ba $850; ilies #rades, a 1g ¥, Calves ~Reepipin, 1,405 vealers Sg my won ta choles, $17 to $17.50; commen nd medium, $150 10 §15,48 lieepr-Koeeiptn, 9500; (at lambs higher others whout' steady sorting vig goad 10 choles, BILE to $4501 medivim and Mong palghty, $080 to BI2.285 throwouts,, $10 0 $1030; (ak ewes, $5.00 (0 0, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Crnin dealers on the Tayonio beard of fade win Making the following quotations {ov ear lots Maniioha wheat, No, | no shorn, $44) No, 4 naghern, #41 No, 4, | 878%) Na, 4, BL. Mi No, 5 8L240 No, #, 104; feed, 9646 Goderich and Bay parts), mere lower, [CHA ] anitohs oats= Nao. food, te merican corn-No, & yellow, $08 (all roll, delivered Toronto freight) Wilned, delivered Montreal fraights, bags = Hyan, Itt fon $5085 sharin, per 6, $44. Ine on 8,450 middlin 9H Inigsia wrain-Wheat, 81,0, Oats, Be, sieve 63 tu Gu, Rye, $1.05, wheat, Big, CHICAGO ROPUCE FUTURES Chicago, Out, fi 8 spot market on egy was sharply higher again today and wil rades veported hem, home traders have begun 10 call attention to price famplains, WE vo Tor ie haw caused no materia! slow i po demand, avemher eggs anid deeinber eggs opened hrm but aK loon Wenknions and closed at net le elines from the day's high of fram 4 10 ty raotlonal declines were reparted over puri of {ie aupted grades on the spat hiltie market fadvy, while the wundertime of the entire market appeared weak, Weakness nn the spot commodity was salen apparent in the futures, with good declines in the [ie comers, Open commitments hutier, 836; Nov, skus, Lialy Dee, agus, Hh Chicago spot market Butter, extra Aer tone sary Fay | tone Arm fork woot Ae tone unsettled Adi tone Arm Three market P5080) last year, Tost year, 15,049 Four markets on Wand Butter, 59,00 ! 8.647 004, | in elties=Dulter, 19,067,921 1 feed, tlle; Nao LER 1 Huck Pe new Tan, butter, § LL] HEA, Dee, cheese, / NOY CELT standards, Firsts, LRLR! New market Nutter, Fans, frets, extra Wie Hutter toglay Eggs today, 15,045 reoeipis 15,058 Es, 70 n Cancer Loss Since Armistice Higher Than Casualties In War London, Oct, 28,.The Duke of Northumberland, addressing the North of England council of the onncer campaign, sald it was oslous Inted that oancer had killed » greater number of Britons sine the Armistice than were killed in the Groat War The councll desired to assist In onncer research generally in the Northern Counties, partioularly in the education of the public In ree gard to preventing cancer and the necessity of early skilled medioal advice, It Intended to establish a radium Institute in the north te oarry on ressarch in radium treats ment, 'There was no reason why oaneer could not he eliminated when one considered the triumphs of solence over every other serious disease, Among the donations an- nounced were $5,000 from the Nov. thumberiand, Durham and New: oastle thanksgiving fund; 83,500 from Hierling Newall, and $2,600 from Angus Watson, The Middlesex Hospital, through a benefaction, has heen enabled to make an administrative change whereby five beds for seven years have been placed In charge of a radiologist In order that cancer pa tents wishing to avold surgery ean have radiologlen! treatment If It in considered advisable They ean go direct to thelr own medical ad viser or to the radiologienl depart ment, The scheme {llustrates « recognition of the value of radio logy and Is a step forward in co operation hetween surgery and ra diology, The cancer wing of the Middlesex Hospital has 82 beds, A change wan strongly advoonted whereunder surgery and radiology were oalled in Jointly instead of radiology heing too often ordered a8 A lant resort, THE RIGAT DATE? Husbhand---Hut, my dear, you've dated that letter 18th, and today is only the Tth, Wife~Yeu, darling, !'m going to give It to you to post Van. couver Provines, RETURN STOLEN G00DS 70 PORT LAMBTON STORE y Loot Recovered With Arrest of Archie Hyatt--Accused Remanded at London farniafeturn of approximately $1,700 in goods alleged to have heen taken by Archie Wyatt, Chal ham bandit, from Captain MH, 0, Banks' store at Port Lambton, a fow weeks ago, was made yesiers day, The loot which was seized when Hyatt wes captured near London wu few hours after the rob bary at Port Lambton, was ident! fied by Mr, Banks and IL consists ol overcoats, haberdashery and women's apparel, In Middlesex County pollea court, yesterday, at London, Hyatt wag again remand. ed to Jull for one week, He has wlenrdy confessed to elght crimes in Western Ontario, and 1. Is pro hahly that he will be tried at Lon don for ull of the oNences which wera alleged to have hean commit ted In Wenlern Ontario, This In the 'same procedure followed In the disposal of the case of Orval Bhaw, Bkunk's Misery bandit BLIZZARD ARRESTS WORK OF RESCUERS Planes at Roberval Unable To Resume Search--Fur« ther Ald Sought Quebee, Oct, 32 MORE wintertime vented the airmen hinting for Pilot Bill Cannon and Mechanie Leonce Lizotte from tak,ag the alr at Rober val, hpeeial dispatches to Queber slated Armand Sylvestre, federal member for Lake 81, John has asked the Fed eral authorities for more maghines In arder to speed the search, and it is expected that his request will be wranted, As soon as there 1s a break in the weather, five machines will re sume the search for Cannon and Li and also Bonar whe flying a resene plane, has been missing sine Wednesday The last person to see Honar was Leonce Hamel, owner of the Panache club, who stated thet the airman was about thirty degrees off his course, then, and headed in the direction of the Tranche, Lacrosse and Askalanen rivers, in the upper 8t, Maurkee PLANS TO BRIDGE THE ST. LAWRENCE Albany, N.Y. Oot, 31 =Uavernoy Roosevelt toduy announced his ins tention to ask the next legislature to oreate a "public bridge authors ity" to confer with authorities of the Provinces of Ontarie for the purpose of building a highway aoross the Bt, Lawrence river, The governor emphasised that under his proposal the state hriage authority and the Ontario authori ties would be given a free hand to locate the new highway bridge where It would be most helpful to loeal traffio and to commerce between the United States and Canada, A bliggard of al proportions pre gotle | i I] | Buy JEDDO COAL SOLVAY COKE Hard Wood Slabs Soft Wood Slabs CORD WOOD TWENTY (20) DELIVERY VEHICLES INSURES A PROMPT AND COURTEOUS DELIVERY | DIXON C OAL CO. TELEPHONE 262 -- FOUR DIRECT LINES A MAJOR HOSTILITIES REPORTED IN HONAN Loyal Nationalist Forces And People's Army Fighting NO COMMUNICATIONS Kuominchun Troops Head ing Southward With Janow as Objective Shanghwl, Oct MaJor hostlli ties between loyal Nationalist armies and the , revolting Kuominehun or "People's Army" of Feng Yu-Hulang, were reported to have opened in the neighborhood of Chengehow, Honan, junction of the two trans provineial rallways lines The reports conld not he verified, noe communications were all but paralyeed and a rigld censorship pre valled, There were even reports that Chenchow had passed into the hands of the Kuominehun, but this seemed unlikely he Kuominehun heading thelr objective, 1 anpeared to be southward, with Janow as with others of their number advanelhg down the Han Klang, This latter foree, It Is sald has begun a selge of Slanyung and Faneheng impor tant eltles northwes! of Hankow, The northern foree wal nat expected to advance further eas! than Kaifeng, Honan, The revolting "Ironsides" regiment has switched its mareh suddenly from Kwangsl, toward Canton, back to ward Hankow, as if to converge with the attack of the Knominchun, if ¥ should reach that point Meanwhile Chiang Kal-Shek, Na: tonalist President and generalissigio has concentrated his cholee troops w Hankow, He was expected to pros ceed there, hut for some unex pected reason did not go, It wal reported from that eity the defense of the provinee of Hupeh, consisted of nine divisions of loyal troops and five brigades of Sgechuanese, ATT Sed Mt WE HRT BA PRICES Ere ine VRE ys HALLIDAY (imiea Company 16 Jackson Bt HAMILTO ® en \ ( GY MTIHLLE (OW Ly \ 05% In Dally Use Soap 29¢. Olniment 23¢, snd 306, Taloum 2%, ¥. FT, Walt Company, Limited, Montreal, BE Outioura Shaving Stik Ble, over all the world THOUSANDS of on have come to regard Cutionrs a4 the true sid to a lovely skin an stractive and halr, i ily use Soap, assist when required, purifies and the skin, cleanses the scalp an the hair live and glossy, Sample each free, un Depot! HOW FORTUNES ARE MADE Some profit by experience, Many experience only profi by others, Many remember of lots heing sold In Oshawa » few yoara ago for a mere trifle of what they are worih today, Those who only ve member ave none the rloher- only those who bought made the profit, Today lots are being sold on Fairleigh Ave, Lowell and Gibb Streets for 31 down and #1 a week, Will you buy one and make the profit or only remember the time when you could have bought thesa ota for 81 down, What you could have done will never inorease your bank account, Money deposited in a bank grows mighty slow at 3 per cent, Interest, Money invested in life tnaun ance ia worth what you pald for it in 20 years, Money invested in these lots will ha worth at least 20 times thelr cost in 20 years, . Rockefeller sald, "Ruy land near Any growing olty and YOU Are sure to make money quiekiy." Rothohild sald, "Re awilt to make a bargain" DISNEY 0 King St. Kast 'howe 180 W. J, SARGANT ¥ Hioor treet W Delt those who wish acquainted with to become the wvariows List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe 3 S.=We Deliver Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100 LARGN NOTHING 100 sMALL Adanac Michine She 161 Ring 34 W, Vhone 1814 ASA S High Class Interior Trim ough and Dressed Lumber W. J, TRICK COMPANY LIMITED 35 Albert Street Phones 800 & 10%, STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Avoly R AMES & CARTSHORE co. 188 King Jan an, Oshawa 3 Real Estate Tnaurans We have several desirabl houses for rent, + CUTLER & PRESTON of Ning St, West | Telephone AT3w=20 Night calls 310-1300!