WH Fi E ER Rg = x an Bl ¢ 4 | HM 4 LS pig is A fi Acs qi } hod hii we 4] " A i #! ie ® ¥ bd ¢ 2 Cd! from polities, "hil 1 PAGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 Che Oshaws Bally Times Buseseding WHE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER A bic {4 : Canc, Bey Neviphewy -- eo Ontario Province) D od the hols Ly wi oe Lo CUT SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by aarrier, 166 a week By mall In Canade outside sarviey dell fimite), $400 » phy . §ORONID aac vi ich Bond Bullding, 06 Temperange one " Adelaide 0107 HD Tresidder, representative CIRBPRESENYATIVRS INU. 8, Powers and Bons; Ines Now York snd Chicage. | lt FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 | A : POLITICS AND TEMPERANCE ---------- As the election campaign develops, it becmes more end more apparent that the liquor question ls being forced Into the forefront of election disgussions, Pere haps this Is natural, singe If played so large a part in the election of 1926, and It Is hut natural that a discussion of the government's fecord must of neces: sity ping up the merits dF demeritd of Ips Hguor leglahution, The fact that the liquor question is being fgreed Into the campaign should be sufficient prodf of the necessity of divercing so great & oral issue as this Although Premier Ferguson has des = clared that the liquor question ls mot an issue in the clogtigny there in the danger that if his government goes Bek Into power, this vete will be taken as » direct mandate in favor of the continuance of the Liquor Control 'Ast, : In readityy db will. not, mean anything of the kind, Al This election will be fought almost exclusively along A otherwive, party lines, The men who are elected will be elects od because they dre Grits or Torley or Progrestives, and not because of thelr views on temperance = or In & general election such as is to be held on Ootobier 30, party considerations come first, tr andfbiral fees, no matter how important they may £1 he, habe 10 take a secondary place in the minds of the elsctors, It fy unfortunate that this 1s so, It shows the absolute fally of settling the great question of femp orance by a party vols and the necessity of mbking 2 the liquor question the subject of an entitelyf heps urate and independent vole If It is to be spttied on its merits alone, Such an expression of the public will ean only bé glven by way of referendum or plebi noltey wh inlly 'When there 18 & strong desire on the part of mevernment lenders to leave it out of the question in the eleation eamipalEn,. and to subordine ate It 10 other matters which ara not election issues o all THE STRAIN OF PUBLIC LIFE The strentious day which Ramsay Muaé¢Donald spent In Forgnta the other day; and the feet that he was 3; compiatelip fatigued wnd suffering from neuritis bes i fore the day was over, give proot of the strain which + 1s often plyced upon men in high public offices It is ong of the obligations, placed upon them by their oMce that they must, when oh & vialt uel as that i of the Beltish premier, be prepared to undergo w condtapt ound of engagements, luncheons, dinners * and to delver speeches on any and all oceanions, The average man little realizes what all of this 0% means, He Is sometime 'ihetined fp erivy the great "readers betawse 'of the mander in whieh entertains ment is lavished upon them, But how often, dure | dng these heotle hours of 'oMeial receptions and other funetlons, must men in positions lke Ramsay MacDonald long for the quiet and peaceful atmos: phere of the average man's lie, 231 Ramsay MacDonald was not far shirt of the mark Tn My Jocular statement that while ha had expected 10 have a holiday, and play, after lefving Wanbington he was finding the play was very herons Indeed, Rin a tribute to dan desire to satisfy the Canadian desires to hanor and eatertalp. him that he went through, with. that strenueps. Jordite' program: wi» til he was almost on the point of collapse from fa: tigwe, Buy, surely it did not show the very best of Judgment on' the part of hig hosts to impose on Mi such a program that dt sapped his vitality to "anoh an extent that he was compelled to si down and: refrain fram further participation in the. pubic veotption in his honor, High office in public Tite han ite compensations, but it wakes eruel demands on a man's constitution, and he must, indeed, bo a fit man who can stand the strain of the activity whish Mr, Machonald has andergone since ho arrived on this continent, A COMMENDABLE GESTURE The action of the provincial goveriiient, the "Tos ronto Board of Control, and the CIR, in offering tor Make it possible for the Canadian holders of the "Vitoria Cross to attend the dinner helm given in sheir-honor by the Prince of Wales dn November 8, the Saturday before Armiistioa Day, is a commends able gesture on the part of these bodies It would ba a matter for much regret were the Canadians who have won that great honor fae valor of the hggest ype on the battlefield compelled 10 forego the henor Decatse of 'cironmatanecs waking it impossible for thom to hear the expense, ! Tt 1 Nightly Tnteresting, toa, to note Alt these' ines, Faroes of the Bwpive, bearers of its highest award for bravery on the field of battle, should in so many eases be in need of anistance ta make the trip, Might it not be said that Whis is an hagtanee af how torgetiul the public as a whole 1s of the wep Who are ost highty honored in war time, One woukl imagine A that the very conspleuons nature of thelr war service would at least ensure them of 8 sympathetic helping hand to better things ig sims of peace, But that has never proven, trap ju the aftermath ot wir, Wire ne 48 know, lowever, that these gal lint Canadigns are to be aided to make the trip to England for the Prince's dinner, Tt would have hecn an everlasting shame (0 Canada were they compelled to stay at home because of the lack of finances when the country owes them i that cam never be repaid, And while the fact that ai election campaign is" on may have nothing Whatever 10 do with the munificent offer of the head uf the provinelal gove ernment, it Is 41h a fortunate thing for thesg men that the in fn came Bt so prapitious time as 0 glve the p the of making public announcement of the government's munificence, _ TARIVYS ANDLIVING CONTS The wien leaders of the United Brads are up in arma agaimsi the proposed Hawley-Smoot tariff bill, which is new before congrein, Appafently they are Just awakening to a realization of what it Is going to mean to ther in the form of ineveased living costs, One of the great weaknesses of the LIV, from the standpoint of the United States, Is thet it affects the foodstufle of the people, plates a tardft on them for one purpose only, to enable the farmers to secure a higher price for their produce, ' On the ong hand, there are few peoples who will grudge the farmer the best price he can possibly ser cure for Wa produge, but there is another side of the story, the ability of the masses of the people to pay the increased prices and still eke out a comfortable existence, There are, apparently, plenty of people In the United States politics enger to safeguard the in- terests of the producing classes, hut little interest is being shown in the problem of the consuming misses, The higher (riff bill, however, is daily beeoming less likely to hesome effective in legislation, United States politleal leaders have not taken long to find out that a tariff whigh shuts the door tight in the faces of other nations is bad business for thelr own gountry, And now that the women leaders of the nation have taken up the cause of the consumers, and are protesting against the increase in the cost of ly. ing which the higher tariffs would hiring, there is little hope that congress' will enact a measure which would ereate had feeling abroad and hostility at home, A BERIOUS ECONOMIC LOES ahem---- In the first nine months of 1929, no less than 65, 752 industrial accidents were reported to the Wark men's Compensation Board of Ontario, 371 of them being fatal accidents, As a restilt of these accidents, the board has paid out the colossal sum of 85,903,683, over one million dollars of this being for medical sere vices, and the balance for compensation to injured workmen, or to widows of those whd were killed in Industrial aecidents, ' This is un serious conditions of affairs, for It res presents un economic loss of some magnitude, In addition to the compensation pald, there was the fur ther loss that the workmen involved were for varying periods of time, removed from Industrial production, which would add a great deal more to the cost of Industrial wecidents, The question naturally, arises as to who pays this huge amount of loss, and the gnly answer which ean "he given 1a that 1t 18 paid te tHe purchasing and eons suming publies Phe assegsmients for compensation arg paid direct to the board, of course, by the em« players of labor, and they, In turn, have ta pass it on to the public in added cost of production of the goods they manufacture; The compensation assess. ments rise in accordance with the amount which the hoard has 0 pay out, 80 the more accidents there are, the more the employer has to add to his overs head expense of production, and, eventually, to the selling price gf his goods, This economic loss Is quite serious enough to make It essential that there should be extra care in the pres vention of industrial aceidents, It has been eatab+ lished that many of these are the divect results of carelessness, either on the part of the employer or the workmen, and it 1s this bughear of carelessness whieh must he attacked relentlessly in order to res duge the number of aceidenty, The situation has now grown to such proportions that it calls for some defi nite and concerted action on the part of all concerned to find such remedies as will improve it, EDITORIAL NOTES Ramsay MacDonald's government may believe in the seven and a half hour day for miners, but he does not believe in it for himself, Oshawa's Little Theatre opens its season in the Collegiate Auditorium tonight; Give it your support by being there, WEE -- The Prince of Wales has given up bunting, . Pers haps he finds flying more exciting and less embars AsRIng, AE---- Toronto Canmunists are finding out that their ef. forts to secure "free" speech are olten followed by a "charge ------ There are stil a good many old-fashioned women wha can make a good apple. ple without taking a course in domestia: science, an ----A cM The Port Avthar woman whe was sent to jail for deiving a oar while drunk must have been very keen on securing equal rights with men, b en TEN IE Ts 0 : Ii all the promises ever made in an election cams palgn came teve, wouldi't this be a wonderful couns try to live in? Judging from the nomination lists; there are going to be about 129 sadder and wiser men=and women in Ontario on October 31, Winston Churchill made a fdendly call on Pres mier MacDonald in New York, showing that bitter political enemies can still be clove personal friends, The wheat growers of the West are said to be ens gaged in the biggest speculation the world has even soon, But they are 10 sure of coming out on the right side that they resent it being called speculation at all, TT ER. Premier Ferguson claims he cannot get the fighres of liquor sales in Ontario until the end of tha financial year, which 'is the day after the provincial election But if he were redlty anxious to secure thew, no doubt it would be easy to ask Sir Henry Drayton to supply them, Other Editor's Comments -------- RUSSIAN ANTHRACITE IN OUANADA (Vietoria Times) If Rusia Is able to sell hard conl this eguntry, displacing the ted s exporter to A omer oF io er extent, it should he possth r Cw to use Welsh anthragit d without any assistance In the shape of a duty on the American commodity which we at present import in large quantities, LIQUOR SHIPMENTS TO THE Co a and, no a an done ne a" Parlisntont, have a dee for the ef- fort ot nied in what has heel terme vr "nehle expat: ment," But they hho he expect ad to forfeit profits and payroll to assist dn that experiment, Any more than the tohaceo growers of Virginia are expected tn forfeit profits and payroll to assist ¥an- Sn fn her prohibition "of cigar. atten, AVVORENTATION (Viatoria Colonist) In Germany there iy a law that where trees are cut down new sap. lings are planted in thelr stead, Thin polley 1s already having its effects In a greater provision of home-grown timber and a lessen~ ing of importations, This 1s the policy or something approximating it, that should he pursued in Cans adn, both Ap alls und provinels ally, Afforestation should he ears vied on Jointly by the federal and provinelal governments and made the means of promoting land set. tlement, an In Britain, THE GRAIN SITUATION (London Free Vress) It 1s to he hoped that the man~ ners of the wheat pool are guess ing right, If thelr Judgment is wrong, then it will he a serious thing for the Westarn producer, If they are right, then they, ns well nu all of Canada, will benefit tha Wheat Pool is facing its first parious erlels since fits formation While the situation fs disturbing, Canada Is on sueh a sound Man ela! basis and the general situstion 18 #0 good and the outlook Is so bright that there Is no reason for anyone to becomes alarmed, DISARMAMENT (Saint John Times-Clohe) It pnppesrs to he suggested that the naval hase nt Halifax might he AMamantied along with that in the West Indies as a rosture of good: will towards the United States, It has already heen pointed out that as the naval base In the West Indies ls so elose to the United Htates and go far from Great Bell aln, dun the event of war its witer destruction hy American alrplanes could nat he regarded as a very perilous task, There Is certalnly no armament at Halifax that eonld ha vegarded as a threat to the nfted Hinton tI "merely a modest Canadian siwval. estaiinh ment, the existence of which should not cause any tremours of fear to po down the spine of any American oltinen, Bits of Humor THE ROPE WALK "How did vou learn to walk the tightrope! Just plek it up yourself!" "Oh, no=it has to be taut," Hutt alo Bison, THE ESCAPE Inspeetor=--="Got away, has he! Did you guard all the entrances!" the exits," Pearson's, Country Constable=="Yes, hut we think he must have left by one of PROPER LABEL Hubby-What in the world da you call that, a vase or a bowl or what? Witeys=I don't know, the salesman just called it & bridge prize ~Life, QUESTION OF PRUDENCE a¥tiinthiser And did her father come between you! Halifax Chronicle, Jilted Suitor==No} behind me! CAUSE AND EFFECT "In eortain there's something wrong with this Jond speaker, ve had had reception all the week" "Have you, dear? 'That reminds me 1 saw baby toddling round filling that trnnpet thing with pleces of eon, the darlin®=Passing Show, The weary surgeon gave one last look at his work, The patient was nuxed | two arma set, four stitches oy- or one eye, A plaster east on one leg and a small inset in the skull, His patient motioned to him, "Say Doe," he sald, "1 don't know just when U'm going to be able to pay you for all this, ve got a few hans dred Nad hy in the hank, but ta tell you the truth, Pw saving that for an emergency, QUT OF BOUNDS The unsophisticated yokel | looked Ap ax we approached, "lixensa me," 1 said, "But could you show us exactly where we are!" And 1 held out the map, He took it and looked at it for alba moment, Then he Fhned "This is a map of Surrey," he sail, politely, 1 know that" 1 said, "What we want to know'is exactly whereabouts in Surrey we are' "You're not, he sald. "You're in Kent"=Public Opinion, The Lords Rebuke = Afterward ee appeared unto the eleven as hey sat at we and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because thay believed not them which had seem him after he was risen--Mark 16:14, Prayer: °° The secret of the Lord is with them that trust in Him, Strong Local Appeal of Daily Newspapers Arthur Partridge, Manager Canadian Daily News ry Association, Brings Out Interesting Facts in 688 Before Association of Canadian Advertisers has made It possible for many of our mile coverage: and They FR vo thelr newspapers on a business basis, Canadian publications and thelr re lation te Canadian markets were discussed before the wnnual meeting of the Association of Canadian Ad: vertisers In Toronto this week hy Arthur Partridge, Manager of the Canadian Dally Newspapers Assotia- tion, Three aspects of this relation ships=the strong local reader interest, the strong local sdvertising appeal and the actual indication of the mar ket which the local daily newspaper cirewlations provide--=were presented hy Mr, Partridge, whose remarks fol low in part hi A Reliable Guide The basic relationship of the daily newspaper ta the Canadian market is that of the most seeurate map and reliable guide post available to the modern sales manager in distributing his advertising funds ever the coun try, In other words, it indieates most clearly (the geographien! units on whieh must be based the budget of wll selling CXPENses Or certain purposes no doubt the units must be arranged differently to sult business es of varying problems, but in the main the territories of the budget must conform ta and encompiss areas of trade, 1 do not speak of the five trading zones of Canada, which seem to have become sa well-estah lished, but the subsdivisions of wll these ones to the farthest limits of the dally newspaper field, Dally newspaper areas of elreula tion indigate areas of trade to u re markable degree Both the Jobber and retaller of grocery and drug pro ducts know this to be true and in the department store business alinost 100 per cent of the stores' customers are found in the local elreulation areas In other lines of endeavour, If you will study them elogely, you must be led to the belief that areas of eiren lation representing areas of trade a tivity ean be grouped in this way to vrord certainty and aeoursey in con trolling the advertising budget The eireulation of a dail paper, he it large or small, pleture of the social and ef netivities and possibilities of its com munity, more acenrately other ehart ar index It goes daily where the peonle of that community go and lve, If thelr homes are sub ject from day to day to Process of fuetuation, the fleld of clrenla tion fuetuates with them Flexibility in Control Flexibility in control of advertising is one greatly desired goal of all ad men and if Aexibility be a fixed ohjective, then the unit of ter ritary must be selected so that it shall dovetail In with every possible effort the advertiser. ean expend What good would it do Wm to a gortain that ton Hitle effort is being concentrated an one unit and too much on some other, Hf he eannot add to the one without adding to the other as well? Dally newspaper eir aulation and influence ean be bought and used as, where and when it exists, 11 local advertsing by national firms or by dealers Is heeoming «a part of the effort to make sales in ereasingly, then na other area of ef fort is so clearly defined as that which is pletured elosely in the ely culation statements of our dally newsnapers, whether they are pub lished in the metropolitan and large city territories er in the smaller fields, each a self-contained unit whieh we denominate the trading areas of the provineial dailies, Thi wea has recently been set forth in PNudgetary Control of Distribution," a new work hy T, O, Grissell In these territories which they de fine so clearly In onp Canadian mar ket, the dally newspapers have, in addition to their fAexihility of elroy lation, twa exclusive pleces of mey chandise for sale to you advertising men, The fest is intimate communi ty news, for the suhseriber, and the second is genuing reader (nterest ad vertising space far the advertiser, I the potential subseriber gan he sold an the first idea and the merchant can be shown the merlt of the latter, then the permanency and prosperity of the small town NOWSPAPErs are as sured so long as the eentre of popu lation exists Small City Papers Essential Tt is a physical impossibility far the metropolitan press to thoroughly over the news in every small city and community fn its territory, The obligation that the metropolitan press in Canada meets so fully 1s to give complete coverage of world, national and provineial news, but this places an imperative mit upon the value of intimate news it ean carry fram the communities that way make wp ite admitted territory, Ry reason of this fact, then, it can be seen that, in reality, the metrapolitan press leaves the small town virtually we tonehed #0 far as the great volume of every-day happenings of vital in terest to Wid individual community A) news gives a mmereial than an vertising ia eoancerne Here ia vivgin terri: tary that never - 0 taken away from it, Here the Ana ity Fi lisher finds the elements fram which oan be Samggeied an exolusi mn modity that We Jone ul ne a sale, and that na powerful presy can over wake and offer for sale in competition, The wmanufgatirer and the wer: chant today wha has something of merit for sale that no one cha in \N Word possesses has easy sailing e is able to da business and da it with comparative ease, very small oity newspaper has the QPPOTRItY to soll an exclusive article ta his readers if he will do it. 1 helieve no fuer local newspapers exist than og published throughout Canada nthe other hand 10 you insist that small newspapers campets with the metropolitan od in telegraphic pews, high ¢ fentupes, single and double pages of comics, a com: plete market page and other ngoes- ies of the Regier papers You © them into a competitive field where they do net have wieh effance to win, § Efficloney | : Fortuna worging of plants Inte #8 eompetence, whereas nl acenunt that was seldom of semi of news v papers to give adequate news community service SroBIEFORLONG ¢ MOCKS BONDS GRAIN afiod Office: Retard Building §. F, EVERSON, Lacs! Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 heen permitted te put Freedom of the press means today hat publishers are now fres to pay qr thelr plants and mayhap aeewiny- in the {en days if meant they were free to spend a lifetime batt ing a bank ess than a week's payrool in the ved, The small city can boast the most stable population, Vor this reason the community newspaper, S8rving the small town and a trade territory has the best eppertunity of building a permanent good will, 1 the prof vinelnl daily continues to build = its clreulation by virtue of a volume of local news it need never fear fon eirewlation, nor you for territorial inpertunity, The metropolitan and big ety daily newspapers fully meet the mental needs of their readers and the ad vertising necessities of thelr mer chants, High cireulations and in erensing lineage tell thelr own stories, They spread out very often because special features and elpsses in whieh they remain su» preme, They need no ehamplonship from me for they systematically and with great ability maintain constant personal contact with the manufac turer and the ageney that handles his appropriation, In a few ecases--=you will reeall them, though en such an occasion It would be out of place for me to mention them-=the proyinelal dailies are alert, pertinacious and ful in thelr canvass, but It Is still unduly difficult for the smaller NeEWspaper to sell national space I'hely greatest ally has often been the local dealer, whose loyalty to his home market has made him Aght ef feetively for the support of a nation al eampalgn In his home dally, Gra dually though the manufacturer, 1 be Heve 1s heeoming more considerate of hig small eity dealers and more ready v listen to his epinlon as to what matitutes the best medium for mov Ta Is from the loeal shelves ventually the day must eome wh not only the great and effective etropolitan but the smaller will have a mar advertising patron Press outside national brethren vellou A The manufacturer whom you re present will, 1 believe, more and more in the future, support and assist his loeal dealers and give them adver tising support, for the local dealers no matter what they sell, want f the advertising support that is given ta the hig eity dealers and must have it If he is going to sur vive Bo I suggest to you that ginee the dally, as well as (he metragnolitan, charts for you the trading areas of Canada, you main taln a friendly ear for all who seek your advertising patronage he place, | taki it, of the Cana dian Dally Newspaper in relation to the Canadian market is to supply the best possible loeal reader interest and the hest possible local wdyvertis ing ap both, of which ean he used through a fixed and known ei culation, as, where when and as strongly as your needs require, some maller eal, 70 Simcoe Street North TEL i - ERNOR (1INTON 31s srreer & Ti AVENUE, ee J OPPOSITE PENNA, RR, STATION A Preeminent Hotel of 1200 Rooms each having Bath, Servidor, Circular ' ting lee Water and many other inno- | vations.,.featuring a sincere spirit of hospitality, E, ©, KILL, General Manager | Ee ] look alike but- They may Vout know how difficult It Is to tell a un dé from a coldwtorage product, just by their looks, Not ae with lamps, however, The name Edison Mazda is your guide to quality, win EDISON MAZDA b INSI0E EH OSTED J LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT BOWRA ELECTRIC SHOP shaw! Two PensinOne Only the Parker Is Convertible «++ and Comes with Cap and Clip for Pocket and Taper for Desk lane tnctudescamplose ap pocket elip with every Desk Pen, Hones a Duofold Pen does for wo of athey makes Business is rapidly turing to Parker Non-Stop Writing for « shorter way a more produos tive day, AN waste motion is eliminated and time of writing shortened by Parker Duafald Deak Set, Pen always convenient to your hand watanding at any angle you choose, or lying flat, Polat als ways moist and ready to write tmmediately, Parker Duofold Deak Foun. \ in Pana carry their own ink = M% more than average, sise for alse --and write with Presaurelesa Touch, No ure ia needed ~ merely guidance from the finger. No effort, No fatigue, Parker Dask Seta bring the Convertible Parker Pen with taper for desk use, and cap and clip far pocket, Bases of Onyx, Glass, Marble or Porcelain with Ball and Socket ornament the finest desk, $6.78 to $100, including Pen, Stop in today at the nearest pen counter for a trial of Parker Non» Step Whiting, THE PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY, Limited Torente § Oatarte Ni Puofokt in Pen bh mathe Ww vol ay Any dete wa will od b) without share, provided comple pen Het with Ae for retura postage and faaiwsation, Basselt's On Oshawa'n Maln Oaraer )