Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 PAGE THREE onservative Candidate Defends His oung People's Week To Be ! Mest of City's Churches Co operate -- Young People Hold Rally Monday and At Home Thursday, and Will Condust Prayer Meetings Wednesday DENTON MASSEY TO SPEAK SUNDAY Prominent Toronto Leader of Youth Will Address Congregation of King Ht, Chureh--Harry 8, Dodgy: son, Toronte, Alse Speak: ing Young People's Week will he oheerved tn Oshawi next week, starting an Bunday, Oetahep 80, I was announced today hy the REAR tive of the Young People's Christ an Unlan, The Young people will ava charge of the sevviges Ii mast of the olty ehupehes on Bun day, On Manday . eyening the auapterly meeting of the Young waple's Christian Unlan will he held, an Wednesday tha young peaple will take charg of the pA¥EY meatings nh a number nf ha Ehupeh ns, and oan Thursday wight an At Homa will he held hy aio the young peaple's leagues af the elty, A feature af the Hunday sey: vices will he the addvess hy Pen tan Massey, teacher af the Yark Bible Class, Toranta, the large! Bible Class in the wapld, who WL speak In King street United wureh Sunday evening, it help fi aceaslon Of the ehureh's an nual thankoffering sepvies, For the meeting Monday, the union has secuved Dansld M, Belundt, Ta voanta, wha has just vaturned fram warld eanfarence in Geneva, and ho will address the meeting In lantre street United Ohureh, The t Home will ha held an Thurs ay evening in King street Unlied hureh, i Sunday HrPYios The leadars In the atw TL, flees 10 Lhe VATIONS rehes Wieh ave co:Apevating with the alan in this Young People's week, I he as fallow: ; fu Gi fo Eni bi ne an MOVER \ehar, {Albert street United---Moyning arviee, W, Fred Riding, Ross had Harald tay, Ht, Andrew's Unlled=- Marning erviee, Harry HB, Dadgson, To ante, Stephen Saywell, president pf the olty Young People's Union, nd J Oappall Anderson; evening erviee, Miss Pear) Fleisher ad Intant to the pastor of the ehureh, pea Young nd us Pougy Rice 1 Usdardale plied Ohureh Hveaning service, My, Hgpwy Me, ; ibe ve rol ¥y Hlmets tntted---RByaning of, Miss Hazel DeGinerre, on Saywell and My, Duvle, EL Emmanuel Baptist Ohureh L Marning service, Miss Havel Dee were, and Vint YOUNG: oven: ng servige, W, Fred Riding, and . 0, Anderson, C King street United Ohupeh-= voning serviee, Dentan Massey, £orenis, wd Ro Rnite ~ Wh 3 LA AW wreh-- Evanin § Jarvis, AN Wikas and RB, Hamil: 2.1000 ary te I ------ a The boxing LY OA WAS Ped: red in New Yar He yepie: Rts the WARES vosy dream of L & pugilist who will net demand a | Shave of the gate receipts --New York Evening Post, Coming Events word each in # Conta p 2 soviion, WW wn cha for each insert Lh) Li ; APAME BROWN, PALMIST, hone appointments 036K, 84 waa Bireat, Mh) VOHRE IN I TB Hakl OVER Hydra Friday, Oo, 18, Geed prises, Admission 280, obi WINTER GARDENS, day, Oot, 18, 830 BW. sauare and Tonnd danelng A ausing Pal Jones will he the fanlure of tha « LRA Shannon © and his Hevwakeh 0 (SALLY [GHT SER "THE PRIVATE tary" at the Collegiate Aw { dan vB We Little -- ve, $5.00 for the sea: ! son's six praductions. Single | admissions, $1.00, Collesiate 1 students 86¢, (88a) : CHURCH ANNIVER frm gy Manday at § to pm. Concert following dae ! AR (43h) Peete QF RUMANE SOCIRYY in Oly Hall 'Tuesday evening Oct. 33 at § BW Rleetlan of be HAN 1%) A 2) Ww Wg GARDEN 19h, Carnival Nigh Mol gladness. Woh WAY 3% a8 hy and w= cordially lavited, COMmARAQrS, WEY, Hy A ACK Wha Is leavin WILL ENGAGE SUDAN INTE MISSION A Eht ab Calvary Hapt Athal street west, fay Aokland, BTh, and My for work with Intavior Mission hey haves of # large Barty Aviad, some going oul ft Nigeria laugh, wha ave salling York tameyraw, aoens Rev, RH, VY, Blugham, rector of the "Misslon, weak celebrated his wil that pesitlon, Hey, My } RE Navithern Nigaeia, This serve the nine willion speak the Hauss angus he estahliahad and cond slonary and Bible HOMe Yours In the south the country, Both Rey Ackland ave well Fite Wark, both, having ta toaehing and wiaslons At Loantsvitle Thealogies {They will vatain thele 4 in Calvary Baptist Oh where they have felends wha will fallow palled them 1S CONVICTED Win, (HiRsan, ased (w In patios court taday © of FA pretenses and an suEpended sanience of twa Years, (tihaan, 1 gonads fram giving them local cheques NO bank aceannt SORIOROR Was wllawed dition that restitntion made, POLICE AND COURT : Ek The administration AR the Jaw Was LA |! yesterday due Na (he Hea canis in the afles o he Taam ahave was (oa axed aceamodatie 10] should spend a day wi the ald the hail cramped quarievs Dingt PRARY A164 ARIY Compara desoribed hy WIN bansiness of protecting i 3 QRtew musie Wy hat Man CW (33%) darkness, aimilap Hues 0 the plonser Institute has heen eavvied on sueeessfully fay Fel any prayerful and sympathetl in the nahle work ta which God has FALSE PRETENSE William Gibson, Aged 23, Passed Worthless Cheques Heve ta alleged, \ merchants' hy Observed Here Commencing Next Sunday, October 20 "GOES TO SUDAN the pastorate of Calvary Baptist Chueh 10 join the Budan Interior Mission, oi IN RIOR WORK Former Oshawa Pastor and Wife to Have Charge of New Training School tavewnll sarvies was held las Uhupeh, H, A Avkland al Hay 1] who ave leaving today for Northery the Sudan Are mem Mlastian tha first nl ay time and others returning fram fuy New hy ram npanied fener! Hb Wha his ver Jubilee Aokiand, wha was un sid cn vany NUpel, has Bedi abpoiinied to take phar of a Lalning school Tor na tive workers 10 he established ih sehoanl will penple whe ge, Hb owill weted along Mia that arn pare of , And Mus | top this ken special TY training | seminary we hership hope Wilh them with interest OF \ aniy-ih ree, was eanvieted hy Magistrate Hind 0 Wy Shave Was placed ar & period sao ed tor small amounts but the chagues proved warthleas, a8 he Was fORRA 10 have he Youth af \he aeonsed was taken into canalder Atlan hy the ¢aurt and suspended RW OR oan: would he ANPICABRER BY HARICAON QUARTERS af Justice Andicapped fet thal Magistrate Hind had ta held Bw £ the Ohlel at Pollen as (he MAIR court Taam in ald, The Olea Anata are Mach 10a small Ww the alse af (he elix's patios farce and the presence of the cawrt the mit Thosd wha do not believe (hat the oliy veauives a new nallee station th the Poe Hee fn thelr antianatod oMoss 101 iandanen at (he meeting an Ths AF OF WAS would he dif. onlt 1a logate i all Oshawa and | te 18 saw of the musty, ancient egal oes | Massaohnsetds Pliahapies) Plokans an oxiding {tion W Hs attempt 10 obtain wig Wold Fondon during the Wat oan: | pratetion for the Rabing dwainy No Waller how BEN Phe RAY be It a always davk in the police statlon as thoush the | sani dion has announced) ha awe ARNIRE elisons OF & BIOTA RTER | BOTS G{eoiors Gn Peeammandation ally wmust ho conducted tn dismal! af he cammitian on BREAK AND ENTER WEST END GARAGE JAMES E. WILLIAMS, OSHAWA, PLACED ON SUSPENDED SENTENCE Accused 1 Was "Found Be: hind Garage by Constable Whe Heard Glass Crash Pleading gullty to a charge of Alampting to hreak nin the Wes! Kind garage, King slveet sant, Jus HB, Williams, 1oeal resident, Was placed wndor suspended senlbinos by Maglsivata Hind today, This HWigma' fist affenes, D, Al, Bwanaon, who appeared far the defendant, pointed ant han Wis cellent claimed he had ne In tention of entering the gavage, hil Ihat he hake the window hy seed dent when, while walking In the BUeR 10 the vear of the garage he teipped on # stiel and ploked NI Wie theawing IE fram him 1n anger The stick slrnek a window pane and the evash of hveaking ®lass wis notiead hy ¥, ©, Parsons, of the Toeal wollen faves, wha prompt Iy went hehind the gavage and find ng Williams, arvested him The eauvt tank inte considera thon sevtain elrenmatanees allen) Ing the aebusad, the faet that he WHE 8 YOURE marvied man, wis al empiing ta pay for a house and had veeantly heen the sale support of Wis family, tneluding his wife, mother and father, and an unels Erawn Attarney Metithhon urged that lenileney shauld he shown NOMINATIONS ARE HELD TOMORROW Meeting for This Riding at Whitby Town Hall From 1 to 2 O'clock elegtion a will Hits og logialature throughout the pr alter the veturnin h ding eailings hetwes w'eloek wm eaeh riding Fhe nOWUBRLHON Bive ling Ontario will he held as Hall, Whithy, and will on hy \ W\ Jaekson ing ofeer dhe nominations will | wide Toma, and 1 ds 1 od that these will he 3 Proavinetal fon "an Moers ay noloand : for Hi | he pry he Wy wih Wik aided FH PEs AY Hatherin na GUILTY OF ATTEMPT] ig Fhe eandidates party will sunply visit the the ul f thelr nn will so theaugh 1h alities and leave vol the 112 Ih anservatives gandidates wm eae! whis the Liberals have 8 candidate which number will probably he greased before omarraw aftern Progressives and UFO. towel have Lh Labor 4 and Independents Prahibivianisrs and Communists som bined have 18 but some of the Wa tor wre Halle 40 disp out at the Tas | moment, There 15 & santest in eo | Piling and a nimber of three: pores | | | Fron each all wi Hah HANTS Heveaaniy have oft 1] i TU | i" | i | oil contests loam throughout th Viney CANADIAN LEGION MET LAST NIGHT [Plans for Poppy Day and Dominion Convention Distusaed Phe Oshawa Braneh of the Va nadian Legion, having caved fay fhe Garden of the Unforsatien day ng the last year, Wil this week PIAL I HR laree wamber of spring flowering hulbs, so (hat as BOOK A8 Lhe snaw disappears In the shving I will asain Wake an an AOpeArAnNe af heawty This was Alsenssad at last nights wmeating of the heaneh, when & eall was is shied for volunteers ta he at the WAY WMamarial on Baturday aviey naan 1a help dix aver the Howey hots and plant (he hatha Comrade Gaoarea Walsh, a vial or fram the Central Taranto Branch of tha Tesion, was an iy orenting visitor ta. last night's WARE, And ave an sacellent ad Areas On the wark of the GrEan aa ian, Plans fap the annual Pappy Pay ARReAl were discussed, and It was ARROURCAE That AFAREAMBNIS id Wall hand to wake this year's PARRY Fund distribution the mest efteative In tha histesy of the | hraReh. Progress with the plans fo) the Armistice Ranawet an Thursdar, November 7, was alse TORAR ad, A WAR AnnauRead that the ohied husiness far dlaousston at the newt wmeating of tha hraneh wowld he tha ding of a delegate to the Dominion Convention of the Le Sion, 1a he held at Resina, Sas Ratohowan, fram avemhan 33 to 2%, and President J. 1, Paihy wade A SPORE anneal for a area a | WW of went woek TARIFEY ON Fisk Boston, OM 18 Support of the | AwOein A LLY thal aooardad hy the win Ohawher of Pammeres, AW The SURAT Was voted BY the ohawe COMMIT RY LAR Ipdasivial afais ¢ | othe Ww | Whe HEADING YOUNG PLOPLE'S WEEK a, Uy ANDVHRON A member of the Vseeutive Young People's Unlon President of the Oshawa Youu of th Whitby Lad Injured When Struck By Car On Highway Hilly Luke, twelve-yaav-old son afk Mr, and My ¥ived Like on the General Hogpligl hee Byron worth, Whithy, and opprter hoy employed hy The Pline wuftering fram head In ry whieh when Wii slrunek awned hy H I, Janes, Cpanl Dive Torontn, hy 4, RH Tranves, 101 Vaughan Hoad 'n Panta, an Dundes girenl west, yes Lapday alternonn at Hive o'vioek he tnd was taken: ta the office af be, a, Ly MacDougall, Whithy and then vushed ta the hosplial Ha 1a belng attended hy De, Mad Powgnl! wind thin morning his eon dition 18 reported as favorahie Hilly had Just thkien rate far The Times « fAnye brevings to the aepldent and he Win onsaged i delivering his pap er when the neldent oeourrad Aeparding to tha driver of tha ear Little Fellows Have Faith In Works Of Jack Frost Pwo Hite Jods waka hurrying ta th Ja Frost Cantre sehonl thin marning he | and oe, sleigh haat) | 1 | | | RTHPHEN BAYWEILL | navth eurh the Pine piddenly LIL th Wh ai the Heng Ha Pur an ta Wile BI PHER hy caw! of the oar, When meked ha wis part! on hut hh psad Inte UReoRsclouanees an hb wia helng vamoved to the hospital ME, orden Bateman, of Whithy WHO Waa driving fil the tim Wis witnoss of the peetdent and plated dasl night that the Tarantna motorists Wrought thely ear Ww ao iiek sian, Ohlel Ounson invest! gitad hut I lg wool probable thal phurge will ha nid Phe hoes wade enailry al the Hosptial this morning and laaraed that the Hite ehap Wie resting POE ably, He wae Tound to huey BUTTarm § Bavaria oul car But hia skull was fin ly first teared wil tht he will uke Bross TUWarE Yapavery ho win standing Of Dundas sires direst ple aeciion slapped off trent pavement apd ih BEYerR ha reealyved hy a oad ih Humber and dylven an whol il iy uvep us faw held 1h Bat feast uemd ft 18 AXpol rapid Youthrw woud Fling Hania mind \\ RLU hating Huw fle seemed valid and us they anil ' nig wil thay marveled the UIE leaves and tha fact that | the morning should he Fposty AL Tet se Hite fellow elated Chit he BROW Sho wis paking the wel fhbe Tell," ani ER alE the Ipvon Wa twill YW is 1 th fish aus ay avi! a AWH Wlang Hy How dau nin Hawn NS re um Tank IT ram ni au [ unle enn Went down hy Eraung wm lou mo Worth wm ia 1 nid following ke 16 ony Averything Binning PEOBRPRBET Was Bg ital turds a frunes A haat hg tha river ree) CUBarlY Lhe | ies with Haw in fEhay wi Why Whsweired Eure, 1 nek Frost 11] LAER REIT LE RTE EET ThBRElL 80 sohond the and Hila fogethep the thaught fallow Jack delightful LRT | Whi fap hnpy CALLUS Wel th follow Hit Pe nowi HELE WHIM i glad and | RHA WRN Wh 1 Phan heen | LI REL) thay Ahi would ne ul bras ratieei lone nureiad an {hia hrousht a ) 1 miseithevous | with any \ not i tea dn | Movida hoy Hyving Wh two | by ' hiow all Baim the year avaund trent LL LD WOMEN DECLARED |: ELIGIBLE FOR |i: SEATS IN SENATE Cantinued from page 1) i I hat \ \ Hite oF al hy WE an \ 1 11} \ the Canadian Laglalation IE en Uw parlingt times, Thelp lordships ae pardingly turned 10 twa paints | t heka teas ail 4 fival, tha external evidenss ie ! PIVOHd Pram aXe us CIroumsians N i \ I \ wil secondly, the ntaral avidan ar and Ah voRhe \ derived fram tha Heltlsh Nowh Amevioa At On tha first point, sald th Uhaneaiiag owas found Lal axeluaton of women fram ail pads | oad Ho affions 15 & elo oF days mare | BAPBAPOUS Than Burs, hat IL must |, he ramembared the peeasally af | Hontiy. hat whee instead mes aften Tavesd WARY | ot such axelisian th antitted to hy OURIOME WHICH Tn WEE Paar Word | sunimoned are deseribed wide WHOA RSA TY auelh exolusion Ie} na erent of PROBALY GWE 10 tha Bod (hat Ihe | ais ein Reddahibs voit deliberative assembling of the ew WOM poy How tribes wore attended BY WOR Land tts orgingl meaning would wi WRASE arms, And women did Bob dauhiedly embrace members of of BORE AFIS ther 80%," tha JMAEInent went oi UPaL the tribes did ROL BORDER [FRG fact TRAE JO Waa has Sev the advance of women The WRI od on has olalmed 10 serve ts hot hood of attack rendered sweh Bal great welht when it 14 vemem procending Wnavaldable, and after Bored That oustom wont have pre AHL HAL 18 ROCARRAEY AF WIN pevIod vantod The alain Bein nde, oF OA dhaation for the Himes hbo the Hint SONORIDA CARLOMA are Which apinion, svonnded hy bh APL 1D davalon Inte tradition which DRO, WAY WAVE ORB WAY OF an 5 ai Wy q Ae REPAREST Than IAW and remaiih other tn different oc matanees R JIN AN wineha lensed Jong alter the Pease OR HOWAR Cusiome MAS hen 4 sured. Yao 3h RIE SXeMSton oF Women found [1D VEREI BRE dERsaes he (1% WAY TRE the aplivions of the sia | pol 18 hiatary dhapetow W A ROMAN JUPILS, Lovd BARkey pro: | PRFLOWEE Maier th ob conetis conded, Tha Haha dan tithes Whe | YW : . sattled Ih the Roman Bmpive hd | Chapel Cironmstances WHER OUROREA 19 CORRIARE dane s, OVER ANA Abhave that their loi NI WORT ed WIA SORVINWON | hipn A ROL OME 1 PERL 19 a he ATadition PI EEIY 19 The Canada oF today, In PaEland no mareied on Wie | ihe decision And versoaninis Which Wares AR CONIA TAKS PARE IW commended themselves, probably FOTOTRMORE WRI Paoant times A Lrighily, 10 (hose who had 19 aphly WOMAN JAR ARASY toga) IROARRSILY [ihe aw In differant clionmstanees 10 De S10A1ed 1H Serve Th PARIAIMBRY | and differant oRtubies 19 fon ARE BVAR IE SRO WHE KR BRREeER TN ipien 1a ALI TeN stages of develag RoW AFH TERE Wan ROEOROR She Fant, Referiing thevetore to the Yolo ied aa AR IROORE oF Wel | nds ment of INS CRRRAERR Baprome DARTARS 16 VO A WEE OF SIC | Capit (hein ai ahing DARK Ae wh MARA 19 the Howse ob Lords, {pend 19 ROMAN JAN AWOIMER werd Al, WAHT Faeent | lngiih deotions WL of Hell a Hines huddle Rw Fre FARING | build Bi IntorpEeiation of (he Bi PATE A VA® HOR TRISTRLEON OF FWIE0 | ian NGM Ameo Ast, My 1 SRE SXEOMIAN OF Tv | of the vase thei | » AREY Abe WY Eadapt ther sasonings of My A te Ried 4 | DRIE a8 tha Rapiewma Canvt, Whe aa hig TRE GRIER I PIOBE OF TWIN gissonton FPom (he Judement Toy yarn ve lubes # phen ing na atieedd Land | Vile val pha walitying th LARRY 10 ates ody de \ 1 donb any sods whens WOH Were fxnreasiy exeluded 1 Whise oes, the problem would pi non wi LER TIDNA nied WE BE Am ERNE On this pay R View aR] . X "ihe " Eth Chad COURGIL AR RITONE ANA eoBent we Candy iy se ef sand The BEY sone sei ht hair ordahipy think there oN aptnions on the extemal avt in HURL FOTEe Th the VIRW taken hy dense MT ities Dal with A LAH when he savy that Neation of he! Bria NUR America ATH iat wat Proawmion Moased Oana Oe AN WRITE WAR IRE § lapdaiing aided (hoy prafeired to | bastion | | AE Foluding many | | an th RAL | | | id A work | | hows today when invited to | ment | {ol | the | aimed Statements At Raglan LITTLE THEATRE SEASON ~ OPENS THIS EVENING "THE PRIVATE SEC. RETARY" IS FIRST PRODUCTION Special Provision Has Been Made for Non-Subserib« ers and Students hile evening (he Oshawa Lie Theatre makes Ha bow Wo tha peo plo of Oshawa for the 1HEB1040 penton with the presentation of (havior Hawlvey's amusing farses, Wiha Pelvis Becretary," In the aiditorinm of the Collegiate and Vorstional Tustiinte Yeulerdny morning the seat plan wis opened at the Aveads, Limited, and 10 will he open until 6 pom, this evening, aud from 10 wm, 10 0 pm, tomorrow, wines the pry duttion 1s to ha Elven tomorrow night as well as tonight, starting il 00 pom, eaeh evening, While hers haen ah excellent de mand for seats for hoth evenings, thus ensuring a mood-siged andl: aioe, there are still plenty of good pita lett for those who have lef thelp reservations ta the last min Hie I 15 also made olepy hat Hokets oni he seourved at the dood both nights of the play fn) who have nol secured them in thee hares helng one dol single admiesions, with A special vate of Hy cents for ool loginte students A Tare number of eltigens have secured thelr sub porihers' Hekets In the last two hess helng avallable at the wont honking oes at the rate of A0.00 far the six productions to he presented In the sours of the sel Bi I'he play whieh fs being produs all this pyening to start the season in one of the most papular of ne Heh onmedios having first haan produced in TREN, Ita high merll he Judged fram the faet that pven after all those years 1 18 atin one of the most populay produe tions on the professional stage, The which has hean chosen hy Ural for tha production Is soeptionally capable one, In with previous expert and falthtul rehipny It ta now ready to mive praditahle presentation of "The " eeratary liad fh IU nivanee, nr fol Hiuys, fan OOP NY Tuli pion, And, after long nl Judamant of the Privy anun ol Ht women were eligible ta he menihers of the Henkin of Prima Minlater Maokensle did hint WHE Vary pleas added that 1 had haan the of the gavernment, had don heen Arainet the ad wioinen as members of to Intraduse An British North declaion of the makes Hine Vii King Ie Hi nian onl minsian int "wi Phe upper ehamhey pe ndment to the America At he fudioln! pommities LA] hawavey ULL) Athoush Mr, King did net com meant further, It 18 assumed here thant since the SOVArRMENRT Was pra nired 1a B10 10 the extent of Amand the Bettiah North Amerioa Ast will doubtless In the vary neap More women THE ne i" futura apbhoint ole wy HaNALe Phare ave five vae the ahite, twa fram On thin fram Manitoba, and two fram Quah tH tha vielen Not Interested Oot, IR Phe Tmperial | Panghidva of the Bw plea Are not Inteveated an an oder fe politien) matters! declared Mya REOWAPE, al Perth, Ont, anu national president af the LOR fom ait the desision wf tha Judi the privy soul Oana Lieder af Lhe pial commitien of Vlei wivholding the vIw that "women! Within the meaning North Ameriea Aw An Argan a tion the twmperial connecting hettaping elttaanaiin, arin for evaaldioms, enineing 1H work for entlg welfare, and look ImiETRtE 1 de ne AR POrRANR nite hy LODE whaling the he al NE At wy Loar th ®ve an opinion on a palit | | TR ETT added Mes, Etewart Satisfactory" Oana, Ont, Of IR" hat | very satianfaetory," was the somment of Mra 1A Wilson, of Ottawa, pre sident of the Natiewal Connell of AL oiien, UTE i sataeiory that one of the remaining disabilities the wes wen heen removed and hit Woe way Row he regarded ay HE eitiaens of Canad, 11 now romans foe wis eit 10 show themseives worthy of wh possibility: of their being called, to the Aenate. See home were ran ohixed 11 han really Been an andehs FORE that they were nat alteged to fee heir position the senate, and {way also pam 10, women to feel that they werg not even persons. We are all very shad that a round del slo Das hoen arifved an" DURANT POPULARITY "Very And te wanly | 1 1 i J i ! 3 a BRE TE CAARRLAR VRAROIE WRICH ARBRE 10 IRS DIY | hooiehironsht abont hy & sombination GROWING STEADILY Siviking evidense of the noreasing POPVIREIY OF Dan AOR Ww contamed nthe fet hat Sain Phe Bit ning months of 198% fhe Prove on and salen expo that of Ihe entire year of 198 hiv 21 Bl ERR The substantial ant Ahat Dnrant Mates Day hat sowind OL Several Baetoray pamely, | BE IREEY PORCIEY On the part wl the IA RAREIONT, CHOve SnuperRtion With ] i Commenting 1 he confdencs A NAT AeAleT Disanirtion, he pr ARON oF antominhiles halt on WARTY Badin and the erasing pub hl Wm Durant proadhii Ww F.L. Mason Declares That ~~ ¢ Church Is Endeavoring To Pick Quarrel With Him ALCOHOL DRUM EXPLODES, BUT NO ONE INJURED When an attempt was meds ta solder an empty aleohol drum at the Meveury Borvies Biation, King streat sant, late yostorday albernoon, the drum exploded and was blown to pleses, The Hrs brs wade wan enlled hut fortunately the explosion did not sause any: thing to eateh on fre, Fire Chief Eliott stated today that he thought the sxplosion was dus to aleshol fumes In the drum, Although pi of the tal were seatiorsd with sonsiderahle fares, no one was injured, CANADIAN LEGION T0 BROADCAST ON ARMISTICE DAY General Sir Arthur Currie to Deliver Address by Radio night's meeting of the Hraneh of the Canadian Loglon, special Aannounosment was made of an Armistice Day pro Eram and mervies which 8 to he presented over tha radio from sia Hon COW, of Toronto, on the ave Ning of Armistios Day, November 14, This hroadoast has heen made possible, 1 was slated, through he generosity of MH, ¢, Hateh and My, Ashworth, of station CKOW, he hrondeast 15 to he on the aly from U0 pom, to LLB0 pom, and In addition to an Appropriate mus wen! program, addresses will be deliverad hy tha Dominion pres! dant of the Leglon, General Biv AFLhur Currie, the provineisl pres! dent, La Cal, © A, Ackerman, and other prominent offfears of the Oa nadian Legion, The complete pro gram for this hroadeast is to ba pippliad to the pon! branch of tha Legion AL An early dials City News ENIMNEY FIRE 1h brlgads early wi Ww Al lawl Orhhwa received a wall Slerday afternoon 10 a res! ab 300 Verdun roud, owned hy John Stacey and oeeupled by 1 H Feindes The ehimney of the building had vaught fire hut the Hames wera on extinguished throush prompt avtion on the pant the rome, WILL PLAUR WHEATH The Oshawa Hraneh of the Asso olntton of Letter Carriers' held dt monthly meeting at the home of the president, Pert Anthony, on Wednesday evening and H plognant abelian] hour was spent, The Witter orviars deelded to place & wreath At the Ydarden of tha Unforgots ton, at the Armiatica Day service on Monday, November 11, fe dene " ai | HREAD TRUCK NTRUCK Oot, 1X, IMRT When Bin VRAIN WAS trae hy & passing TRO, repair traek on RAngston vor, RAwamL Bievap HON, Banforth avenus, was ta Nn 10 Toronta Wewtarn heapita) #4 faring from Injuries to his hips plavenann, who (a a diver toy the tae) Bread Compuond made a sudden turn south trom Kingston PORd 1 Mule delve, Tha rapaly tone driven by BD Metiniy hiv Ri And the van was pltehed over nto the dite carsying a hydro pote In a pal, GIVES LECTURE ON ENGLISH POETRY University y Extension Leer ture Course Opens Here Last Night The 1acture lant svening by Dw YP of Vietoria ®ollege, To PORES, under the aneploss of the University Extension departinent of the University of Torante, was well attended hy thers Whe have folned for the causa and {prov a1 1) he An interesting aad profit Able aeeanton The subiect was "Modern Bags Hah Contemporary Postry," The amination hy Professor Pratt of SHON Authors as Kipling, 8 Thame Aan FAY, Robert Louis Rievenson, Henley, Masetioll and other ware deeply appreciated hy the audiance, Through the Kindness of the oho board these lettuves are he Mma aver 1 tha Bunday Sehoot PALM OF - Rimoos | Breet United Ohuroh svary Thwsday aventng Pom Raven 10 olght a'cloek On Wednanday svening at fan Tonge Theatte, Toronts, Di Draw TORR Detre A fatge and delighted andtence hiv now Wm The Roosevelt and the Antinee" which Re tends wiving In Oshawa al one of the series, Raghtmatione fF the sourse are still baling we ove AL tha jetta hour each Thursday evening Mirah CURT, Jae apn lL Conservative Candidate, Re- fotring to Statement of Revi A. M. Irwin in The Times Last Night, De clares He Refuses to Quarrel With Church LCA. NOT PERFECT, ADMITS CANDIDATE Reviews His Statement Pre- viously Made on. the Liquor Question, and De- clares He Will Stand Be- hind It J "The Churell Is apparently en« Asavoring to quarrel with me,' de dlnrsd VV, Ly, Mason, speaking to » meeting held In his interests In Hagin 18st night, Mr, Mason was referring to a letter from Nev, A, Mi Irwin, published in yesterday's Inne of The Times, regarding My, Mason's statements In oonneetion With the Prohinition Union's supe port of Mr, Hinelalr, My, Mason repented his stand on the tamparunce question, stating thst, he would stand behind his statement previously fususd on the question, He admitted that the 1 CUA, Wan not perfect, nor 418 It som tral 100 per oent, but declared that nome of (he Libera! onndidates were practionlly advoosting" the open bar Mrs, George Wood William Bright was elected vhalre WRN of the meeting whieh was attend: od by 48 people and Mrs, George Hood, of Bcugog Taland, was the first speaker, She hirkened back 10 'the time when Premier Hearst had hee Urtyred," she duld, In the cause of temperande, In 1919, WV, E, N, Sin clair refused (0 'wommit Mimaelf and in 1986 he supported the OTA, she deelared, piling eunsiderable abuse on Mr, Binelalr's head for his attitude on the Hauor question, Mr, Mason, she Md Was Bo snpporter of Virus tem perunee" FL Mason Lhe vandidate, 1 L, Maven, d4 clared that the Ferguson Ceovern ment wan appealing to the country on The questions of the development of the Jgnite coa lin the norch the development of (ron ore, And tn crensed grants to amrlentture, No MPROIRG Mtatement hus ever been made charging extravagance by the government, he sald, Referring (ore, Sinelie's state Ment thst We gasoline tax was # dishonest tax," the speaker sald "i in the most {um Lax ever enacted, How else could we tax the tourists that eomme nto the country," he ask edi Phe antomoblle Noeave fee Wis AoW Just about aa low aw dt should hey, he sal, Uhireh Ploking a Quarrel Mp, Mason declared that "from (0+ night's paper, | believe the chureh Apparently endeavouring to quar With me, but © refuse to quarrel with it he educational work of th ehureh was doing more for temper ance than any other a ene, horeply to Me Dewin's Statement The "Canes last night, Mn, aon again declared that the Oshawa Pye hiibitfon wnion decided to support My, Sinclair betore the Conservative ean dilate w " oven nominated, "A state WONT to thin effeet was made b RA Whattam," he sald Mh ™ aon added that Rav, Mr Whattam, Who declared hiwaelt in favor of Me Shelale tn South Ontario, had pone 0 Dorehester, where a Liberal van didite had been nominated, and hal refused to support the Jiberal but had Hed up hohind J, Gy Lethbridge, the Progressive hae \ Mr Mason rey NTN alatenient OB Lhe Lemperance iueskion ¥ 1 puts het dn 'he Ay el that he wonld hel In AY LL UME Ninelaie stated last night at Oxhaway that all of the hiberal cans didates were reputable men, Yer sie of his candidates are in favor of wine And beer by the glad Arp these res putable heh Th policy 1x the ama ar having the bar des! elared Mi, Vi hy FL Fie ons! Bol Act wan pots perfest nor did! control 100 per cent, sald Mason, ho added that neither did the Oy LA prohibit 10 per cent, 3 The Conservative cabinet contained! Srervarkable men," he stated; adding | that the Liberals could not p ! SROKA capable Wen 10 govern the! provines as well as had the Ferguson! Rhine ! Ma Mason appealed to the Ragan! electors from the standpoint « wi oil resident and a schoolboy of thet vicinity, The fast speaker was Dn Tans Who gave hy Moors of Nivekl wival hE address, s EE iI, Rr i One reason why Matrimony awes| ded In the old days wan beehive | ™ alah pen and "| hank goodness, [ needn't wor MY More ea Rrandon Sun, "he wan who killed hiwmeelt bes use he held a poor bridge hand PrabABIY Wanted to met A oak av Gabriel's tramp, == Chicago Kvens hg Poa, LATE TO J) 00 ARE \ { ale durtaine for Chev, 304 (Aa) | pi ai . RNRIRT ROOT ™ HEY ohn veRtahee Moderate Tonal, Phone 4088, AY

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