Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1929, p. 15

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ih: - ie OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 Cl 0 SS ger ABLE meets PAGE, FIFTEEN Sa D SECTION. _ eller ROP \PGPNO Y h A Sd er * x ik i Phong 4, G, D, it, Abi A, AV, Awnlv, BA, Notary babi weer, M ow Al ih wisn oy lon" LTR on {7 Fil, i 10 ry ly a, 0 AWA, Phone nt Conveyanoers, ol 4, ola, Office over Pani, Hutrancs Bimooe I, ¥, AAvierson, K.0,, Ty Creighton, BA, NC , Darel (ars, Dewlinl's Bimooe Residence 4 A WF y Money lo lou, i north, Phone 67, PARKIILL AND TTELD, BAT fateny oe Money to loan Miter tre Inte ly BO i 1h oney to loan HALL, BA, "BARRIS tor, oto, Convayanoln i and general raaties, BAW King BL, Kast one ANT, (Lf) Medical - PR HAROLI WT HTO% VI aT olan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spools references 16 maternity work and dl peaies of women, Two years post fituduate, on experience, OfMee and resi enee 107 8 mee Nt, N., (cor, Broek) a TRNC¥OT oon, Aeooul ler, OMee and resis fence, King W han eoriier Vietorla DI Kite BEAT PHYSIC TAN Purkeon, stetplelan, diseases of nants hideon, Office and li DR, BH J) Lu YT 1 pay elan and IL Reon, speeln TRY Wer Offigs, y [3] i 'Y nn | Y ven 10 nd L} fant _ Bact look. galdeng Ww Eb SUR: olgn, Bpeeial| } yeary eles oxner 4] i oe ton + hare , ALVIE goon, Obstetrician, p attention to sug n how pe onp|lal L1H Ary's Horn Hi mary, dip | Hori Hin R RA WRCUE Moy Surgeon Ki 0 2a 144 Nimeiow Bi MD, LR, RAL | [TEEN hifi UP ean, a Obstetrician, special a4 tention 10 matery oli i i " of ehildeen, Ane A i ores Bu: North, Phone AN, OG PRYATOY Surgeon, Obatetrielan, Ottion and dence hi Himooe street north, Phone pla abt Mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist Oro RI wi he av hovelly | -- tore each Saturday, from 1 til am. for ton fation and RU dienes of ear, nose and throat oy 3 Rlore Abi tments may be made al Eps Ear, Nose and Throat we Y AN RICHARDRON, ORRICK Ri Monel Oo gee. Hons LL NT giles a 2 am, A i AE phone " Dental setts gr HEE w. A urae in at TINT MR, Whig A FLO DEN { Anpoint a an fo ; 4 A i RK DENT ST 16 " p _ Dewland' on, a Rvenings by he TO \ RA a TES ; ) 1, Sheelal a CL tention 10 pan extraction awd fw 3 Be NN in attendanes, F fe [IX Ambulan goer Opposite Post ( Mee, ane uJ pon | eiton fio 11H Ti w | instructions, 20, | cher (Hamporn Conservatory, -- nd 8 tp di. ie Sutveying Ld y J Celina street, Oshawa, Garner a Ha street, Ambulunes, Phone PAVIE AND BON, INRUTRANCT 19 King Bt, west Oshawa, Tha eld ost Fire Auengy In Ol wa, % fle | i fa! n> John, "80 Simeone ar [ whanis attended to Wr Ins gnee iT ol ere wot ALT ransportation OATTAT AND FIO IAUTW, COL man's, A Hond West, Hpecialisie In furniture moving, storage ware house and moving van equipment, Phona RK, 4 he CANTAGW, MOVING, OWAVEL, snd and ginders, Loeal and long dintane ~~ hauling, Phone 3048 avi 2002F, Smith and Cox, #4 Bond 81 OCOIET 1 TAN lished furniture movers, Park Road enr ape, Loon) and long distanae Krank 'awl, fig of Park - # Routh, Phone (Oat, 16:1 mo) Boauty uty Parlors TOU TPTHMANENT eels! 88 and $7.80, Finger witve and shampoo #1, Faelal 78a, Hale cutting 28%, Phone 2008 or M Nimoae a WAI RO a "TATTITH%ND Beauty Shop, 0 Celina 81. We spe eliiwe In ladies' hale eutting, mar: volling, shampooing, (acials, Maree! | | 8 cents, For appointments phone ROAN, (Qet, 10-1 mo) MAREE ANB CURE ig" MRR Kverette Hell, Apt, 9 JKdward Apart ments, Queheg St, For appointment phone J2nol (Oct, Kes] mn) u upplies Fi 11 street nort he ones ORTTAWA™R FRTTV wilve, A sa HD | blag gon sore | All Mm, (Dn) Grant Berry, Phone 11066, (Oot, 1s ima) OCAL THA Tos ronto) punils prepared for all exanis shaw, ednesday, 92 Sime \ (ie eal. oor of Toronto's leading viulin tah ora, to In Oshawa ou Thuradey afternoons, Btudio ¥6 Wigin Bt, Phone TA0M, (Oat, 441mo) TAKER WO: PANO, will noeept puplia tor A ne, voles onlture, ete, khone AH 4A, ries Ht, { Oot, ARD WOT Ye Director of Musle, Oshawa 'Oellien! ate and Publle Rehodih, Audie, bo Westmoreland, Phone 2084), (Qe, 18:1 me) Rit, logs arising from handling a In of this nature, and collect for same, "Times" Classified All Classified Adverti. ing Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH ASH IN ADYANCE This rule has been nf necessary because of expense and For tha convenience of customers whe find It Insonvaniont to come personally tp The Times' office, a telephone eall will bring & messenger who will recelve the advertisement Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT rge nymber of small nesounts Ads Bring Results Real Estate for Sale £007 AORKN,™ "HANDY ~~ LOAW, nearly all level, comfortable, two storey frame collage, barn on cement wall, good stabMng, drive nhed, acre orchard, some small fruits, town thres miles, highway one) Poronto forty, Oxhawy tween: ty-two, $4600, $100 down, Mave pevearal good fifty sere farms, TL prices, moderate (erme, Wm, Philp, WR, 4, Port Perey, Phone 104 ring § Abia) §WOOMED -- COTTAUR; RK floors, furnace, tollet, wonderful o0ation, near General Motors, \ $00, with $600 ansh, Lyocatt, 45 , Phone. 806, Articles For Sale MIXED HARD # AND § $01 T Woo slabs, 8350 per load, Also bone dry hady wood WW oierons Meek Limited TITEL NS -------- 17 1 FOR BA LM-~NBINTZMAN QO Lid, planos, new and used planus, so radios, te, models; torus FHT Apply ©, Trull, Phone gE 1 TRAILER FOR BALI, VIONK bOIM, (Nhe) FOR SAL [Tm --AM I'l, IPH NIC IN good condition, Call "and make offer and terms earl ening or Nuturday afternoon, Sal Blimoe South, Osh -- (Ye) Work Wanted RIC UPHOCETERING, CHREETER Nelds made to order, We save you money, Lsumates free, OG A Cone lo, 74 Meeghanle street, Phone GC LM fo [i delivered, 78 conts, { Fen: rl 1B Mii rep re won, MLS Ud of. The, rental Bho, and the tire electrionl system of Bap Fe: 204 Oshawa Bivd, Phous Oat, 1141 mo) TRUCK RE 1 handle nil Fry, 101 mo) pairing, Metal bumping, the Kider Bulit Bodies, 40 Pond Went, Oshawe, ot, Hematitching NINWTENTS PR YARD, TTRATS ed Bkivts, one dollar, alterations, oto, All kinds of heautitul fancy work on sale, Mrs, Dall, 20% Hime pon Mouth, Phone 1074 (Oot, 15:1 m9) Coat Repairing EADY ent' avercoaty repaired and Mligre ladien' fur coats relined ak {over qd, wire ---- Money to Loan CTIVTAND FAT TOA NY "PRE fren loans arrahped, Parkhill & pled Rarrivters, ete, Alger Bide Hy Watch Repairing fo GON. TUNTEN, EXTHRT ehmaker, repatr shop ®t Boal) A014 Rit | 3 Het West, Your pal tod Radio Service RADIO BRRVICR "AND Aco sorles, Repairs on | eleetrio aud battery sets, Tubes and Jatt wated, Batteries 1) ) Charity supped aa Phone 104 = 1 mo) Wales, 140 Riga B ALT Couliiry 4 'AROUND ut windows and doors filled with Plasto. coment and shut oul the HA saven fuel, the cost in En "oe eatimates, J, HN, law RAR No, LN Uh, Phoae 200. LLL Le ma) Decorating R hon TIRE CLASS 0a Whamet, am and rN righ ro mn d ne Ave, phone RNER & CALVIN FETTER n eR only i) elas yr and paperhange work, mWaran 1m "XDUING machines Bruthauiet, repaired and rebuilt, My work In gharanieed, You NRL bay until Xy MY - Ny Datet Ye Sot, ore, HN AT Wn wi Wart your own A and ollv Sent, Pha no ] dito | i i ig ATINU a Canina), ca library, You will enjoy reading the latest Fletion at minimum cost Phone 1472, 47 Blmeoe Bt, North (T=Fs8 th) or HAVE YOU FAVORITH WNAT shots and photographs colored Phone 634 for pr od and samples, Oot, 1:1 mo), Public -- TETON, YO HINOOR reat NORLh, Phone 1600, Hpecial vAlen for Malling Mata and olreular w (Hept, 24:1 ma) 24:1 mo) Room and Board WOT pat x I WwW 8 RB, trom 11.80 to } ROU yenlences, central, Avy Cl ne, v ry of, private com fartable drew St CRAIN Phone 1819W, 1h ) RUSINEY LADY OR R, hare two rooms With another (hed and sitting), quiet home near ¢ ah OW + id with \ 10 private rp, NU teal, Phone 1938), For Sale or Rent TOUNK FOR HATH ON TO NENT Nev arden B, Killen erbore, \ (1) Jiadntie Avenue, Jin, foulare Abply Iangion, ir Hall op an, Mount #y Joseph, A daly Ain farm, a Sardis bush, ae ey RT B hE ht ws, FOR SALE~MeCLARY CABINET eloetrig range, in good condition, Ape ply JIB King St. Weil, Phone 24) (Vie) OR ¥ NALR=00 TROARD MOTOR wood Chiel, nearly new, saorihice Jhone A), \ Whine Ale) FOR SALE~Men House, Bx10 best eondition, portable, Phone 10H, FOR FALI--TW 3 NTON UL 1 AT A amp), cheap, Apply {iy A hho nrmony, Rang h) 1 Dror UPRTCH I" PIANO n wood condition, Apply 211 Drew St alter 6 pn (921) FOR SALE--TWO SECOND-Hand white enamel kitehen sinks in good condition, Wil sell cheap, 1885 Contre Ld) PIG - wy a ¥ - (Vda) QUIEHTT AEATIRT FOR SALE, nearly new, $8, Apply 325 Ritson, South 0 ) POTATOES FOR SAL i, KE 5 PLR Bag, dellevered, 10 Nond MW a 1 03() noadlespoint cont, sine 40, Apply 240 Rulalie Ave, Phone 1510], hia) == LADY { NLUR oot and Martin guitar, lhe new, Phone *474W, (hike) o | HUDNON FRAT TOT 10, TANGY collar and ouffs, anble, first class condition, cheap, Party wgolng south, Apply Dox 260 THO ad) { Home Cooked Meats ENOLIAH HOME MADR PORK plea, steak and kidney ples, hot or old, brawn, oakes and pastries, oto, oto, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple atrest, Phone 22780, (TT) _ Agents Wanted Double your sahry By widing "28.00 ekly selling Imperial Art Personal Shrintns Cards to friends, business associated, club and church members, from magnificent free sample book Imperial on Manufacturers, SI Wel: lington West oronto, Help--Wanted Male ARNT WITHOUT TREVIOUR Salen experience make good with us You gan too, We will help you make good, Bxeellent opportunity) Buin territory Oshawa - and occupation atkine Company, PR, Mami Ont, in os "| vent, THRER "G00 RABI AXLRS: men, Load SWnighud. Annlatance given, Phone 1840W for Appel ment, Position Wanted NAN WANTS WORK, RXPERI- shod gardener and chauffeur, Ap Nox 248 Times, Mh Shoe Repairing of, CORN Williaia Bie, (he place to Sleaned and N Tou. 1-1 Mia 1-1 Mo.) Motor Cn © oT" Simeoe an A ston, WIN woll cheap none 10% hous 0 th al [se Times, Ah) "Disney Mon) ATH=TADYNTWEAUK | Re | For Rent rOUAND mive Roow in Mop. arn suites, including eleetrio refrig aration, steve, Isundry, eomven) ondas, oto. continuous Rot water wipplied, Apply Supt. 'phone 5671, or The Trusts and Gus Oo, 14d, Abt for owner, pants, +f) -- RTT Modern sonveniences, $40 a ow next to yi of Drug ore Bos wesslon October 1, hop he mV pA Honus, U1] Ens 16, geil) 11, apartment, iden) yaeldental sec tion, Kitchenette, dinette, Nving room, bedroum, bathroom, Wyulp: ped with kitehen oabinet, elsctrie rufrigarator, electric stove, electric washer, electric fixtures, blind and eurtain rods, Hot and cold water the year round free with janitor service, Rent reasonable Ketute, Opp, PO [hone 1660 or BH4TW, (8011) IT HOOMIE HOUSE TO IRF, 156 Simeon St South, All conveniences, hot water heating, newly decorated Reasonable rent, Phone H, Enge JON or 309 Bl (7611) 70 LET = REMEBUNG LOW brick houss on Mary strest, All conveniences, Hardwood floorw, Apply Bradley Dros, Bimeoe Bt, W, (871) AVATTNINTR 10 TORN EAT modern conveniences Klectrioally squipped, 6 rooms and hath, First and wecond floors, Avallable Oet, 16 and Nov, 1st, Make application to Apt, 8, 161 King Bast, (hon) FOI TENTS" ROOM brick house, Conveniences, Paved sirest, Immediate possessioh, Ape ply 41 Figin 8, B FPhone 16484), eS a a iaa-- (Khe) GA 1] TO RENT, J4 TARVIS Street, Phone 1738F ge NEWHOUSE, MVE ROOMY, 1 eetrle connections, rent $15, Klgin St, Waestinount off Park Rd, north, Ap» ply 13 John St, phone 112, (We) FOR "RENT SIX ROOMED house, All gonvenlences, Also 4 room Ww with water, Nght and sewer at 8 and 77 Westmoreland Ave, Apply entmoreland Av i) & ENT TWO iN TRNIAH KD rooms, on ground floor, #15 per month, Apply 310 Prench Mt, or hone 81104, (B00) wo LL on rent. Rultabile for light housekeep- ng, Monted wity all eonvenlenoces, Phone 2644W, (900) FOR TNT FURR TRIED WOO NH for Nght housekeeping on ground floor, Private entrance, Modern conveniences, Good loonlity, Also garage, Rent rensonable, Apply #3 Kigin Bt, East, Phone 443, (B00) "FOR RENT CRMENT floor, Apply 244 Gleddon Avenue, phone OR} M, 1) FO RENT =F TORNTSHED FOOMM (howsekespliue), Water Hight, heat, gas, No children, 2 Maple, hl] Phone 700\Y Li 7s (1) fet) ge fi two, Private home, Oentral, Meals It dealred, Apply 340 Eulalle Ave, (91¢) FO RENT ==" FORT" ROOM RY house, phone, light And RArage, One aere of land, on Kingston road east, Phone SRN (81e) AL ' ANE unfurnished, furnished o" Phone Ww, Kvery convenience, $40 per 1081 (Pleo) FOR N house, month, Apply 370 Jarvis wn ) FOTN UNFURNIRT od rooms, lghts, water, heat, wired for stove, Phone RT20F, ' (810) TO RENT NEW IRTOR TOURE, alx rooms, newly decorated, Freneh doors, hardwood floors, double parage, Ad Cadillae Ave, Phone 160 or BROAN, (Blo) TROON , steam heat, ontral, #28 por month, Will turnish it desired, Ap ply Nox 349 Times, (01) CARAUT with four RATAROS, Oshawa nv. Jones Roml Kstate, Phone 2447, (h10) OOMED House furnished, Owner to board with party renting house, Apply 211 Drew St, BH 0 pm, ENT ve furnish Beg Prats nlrgney \ HE rock St, Kast B® DANTY HOU R f rooms $306, T rooms $38, Centrals Phone Holden 3T1IW, (hin) FLAT, PTET NHR ENT RO0 All conventences, Heat, AY AR and water, Apply v9 Molaughl { W 0) All newly decorated, Situated a3 Quebeo ®t, Apply Gi M, Jacobs, 39 nebo 8t, (38h) A ON corner of Oxford and Bloor Ste, Phone 802), (93h) seven rooms, large living room OAL fireplace, extra pT vy on taba, garage. Phone 1108 0) snd Found SRUUND HAND DEALER, FUR nfture bought and sold, 18¢ elt SL Bast, Phone 181TNM, \] Wane phe time nor thought | Rates for | Classified Ads. First lasertion==11 eonis por word, Minimum eharge. #06, Buch subsequent ponseci tive Insertion 1a per word, This sngathtive pu ne for th pr 0 two firm " artions (three sents a a Minimum eharge fy three Insertions, colts, Box sumber 100 additional Professions! or Musinesy Oarde, $8.60 por month for 40 words or less; 10 conts a word per month for each additions) word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADs CONT LITTLH; AC. COMPLIBH MUCH THRLEPHONE 88 Ask for Classitied Ad Departinent i Notice to Creditors IN THE ERTATE OF WILLIAM POWIN KNIGHT, Inte of the Clty nt Oshawa, In the County of On tario, Factory Buperintendent, de- conned, NOTICE Is hereby Kiven fat all oreditors and others having clalms or demands against the estate of the sald William Powls Knight, who died on or shout the Sixteenth wy of September, AD, 1929, at the City of Oshawa, in the County of Qntarlo, are required on or before the Mth duy of Oetoher, 1929, 10 sind by post, repaid, or deliver | to The Toronto ieneral Trusts Corporation, apr, Hay and Melinda Sts, Toronto, Ontario on of the Kxecutors of the Last Wil and Testament of the said deceased, thelr Christian names and sugnnmes, nddresses and descriptions, the full partievlars, in writing, of thelr elaims, & statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, i any, held ; them AN TAKY NOTICE that after sich ot mentioned date the Exeeu tors of sald Estate will progeed to distribute the assets of the ssid de. conned wmong the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the elaims of which they shall then have notice, and that the sald Esecutors will not be Hable for the sald assets or any part thereof to any parson or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received. hy them at the time of such distribution, MOFFAT, Oshawa, Ontario, Holieljor for the Exeouwtors of the Katate of William Powis Knight, des conned, Dated at Oshawa, Ontario this 10th day of 'Qetober, 1989, (87-8297) A Auction Sale FARM IM. furniture, AUCTION BALR OF loments, stook and 'ednesday, October 28rd, 1089 of KE, J. Black, lot 20 and 30, cou vesslon 8, Darlington, Hee posters, Theodore M, Fleming, Auctioneer, (hin) A Cr HY. hl ll tE THE VAGABOND Clad in sourlet Jockey And a russet gown, Autumn is a vagrant Roving through the town, Dusky hair and windstossed, Sleepy eyes and warm, Shes a gay deceiver Slim and lithe her form, Lavishing her favors, a a tring her sold, p aught else but a gpendihrift 1 the truth be RH ih Fleet fo foot and fane Fair and false ns wel Promises like ploserust-= What a ne'er doswelll Golden hours of laughter, Birds are on the wing Autumn is a teigkster, She must } fling, hie her platime, ndsciut Youth wind, or guest, Tel "i yw w out N she loaves yous SH he | ia she, t mock the moonlight whdred RPI te Why .~ 1 recall them As & NY hat pA ¥ SARA kstin THE -- NEVER (Ry Gre Its what Seer ee or gay to. You mind yi Sh cove a Wie grey t hue, how true and wi RES gold from don Nile Kleiser) Jo t Nok that makes the The Delt ra Hou cross, t shield emboss: and just ignore ROVE Cross, ho RY a {| short eut SUBTERRANEAN LAKE FOUND IN ENGLISH HILLS Lake Lies Six Hundred Feet Below the Sur. face Leeds, ¥ng, Ot, 1h==A mubter- ranean 1ake of unknown depth has bean discovered in the heart of Inglehorough Mountain, Yorkshire, on the highest peaks In the Pen nine range, IL les 600 feet hee low the surface And Is 800 yards long, Mo far It has been Monsihle to find ts depth, Plumb ln have heen dropped from a n hut none of them has touched the Pottom, "The underground stream Man along n andarhol Wayon, fin which runs Inte the 1Ake contin ally eancading over a rook and dls appearing wo an willl lpwer level, The canyon itself 'is Dne of Na- ture's wonder houses, It has cols umng of glittering stalagmites and staln cities forwed by triekling water during millions of years, Inglehororh Mountain Is elght miles north went of Feattle, and In 2.078 feet high, Tis base in 80 miles In elreult and on the summit Are traces of an Anelont camp, THRIFT OF BRITISH WOMEN 1S LAUDED Thomas Addresses Confer. ence of National Savings Movement Oct, 18,"There 18 no to prosperity," Right Hon, J, H, Thomas, Lord Privy Heal, impressed on the conferdnee of the national savipgs Movement at the Mansion House yesterday, "Phin pation was bajiiup on our sbllity to well our gonds to the world," he continued. "Any arti flolal attempt to solve the unems ployment problem must fall unless that is kept in mind" The Minister sald he appreciats od that people, reading the Hoard of Trade returns, would twit him and the Labor Qovernment heoanny the unemployment figures for the week had increased hy 26,000, and because there were now a milion and A quarter of unemployed, "Phere are various other figures these statisticians can multiply and then pay-""There you are; here w this old country down and out," "Hat notwithstanding all our teinla and difffoultion, what owns nation-=what ten other nations could say thelr saving certitiontes fn the year ending last March tos talled 41 million gold pounds, re presenting 41 million gold asters MMe? The total saved that way reached 408 millions, People wh think this country ia Aen and oul 'ave ving fn a fool's' Phmadine," Mp, Thomas sald It was becauns tha women of Nritain were thrifty and prepared for a rainy day that oven In these difffenit times Brits tah ohildren could compare with any other tn the world today, London, ee -------- PAPER INDUSTRY NOW RECOVERING No Great Diffeulty Expect: od, Says Taschereau ------ Quebee, Oot, 18,.<No great dif floulty was expected thin year in the newsprint induarty in the prove ince of Quebec, Premier Ly A, Tan areal Bald, yeat RA] Attention wan oalk made by Hon, G. Howard Fergus so on the newsprint situation, The Ontario Premier had aig that by an Alita blu batfween newsprint and publishers a wo tory hn dition would result ude: ad fduatey, ® have been invited to we conference regarding re pris, Al We were last hereau sald, "Of na it . ued pm large Mimber ewaprint milla ave ney hy the +A A Re obtain, but Ay a biwaton nthe industey 1a FL this As MN 4 he Premier sxplaly od that last (1) 4H | HARDWOOD VLUOKS Lalh BY KAVIIE MECHANICS Od Hoors Anise Ike pew. worm windows, cominnef ion doors, Genes) Contractors B. W. HAYNES Wh King 96 WW Fhons WW), roalds ree 1B0NR, through adversity wid famv alike and one af them, Mally, gallant of spiel always, Lois Ledson's story is of a burloss que team who are a riet in the sticks, ftey fiteen years uf yearning the make" Broadway, but only Ji namie gets on the posters, Molly is ton old--her stuff 16 out af dete, ne well as her figure, so & peppy young: ster shares the Hghts with Jim and Molly, in ermine, orchids und all sorts of finery stands on the sidelines with mingled emoltons of pride und disappointment, That Peggy youngster, played a dovably hy Albeftn anghn, hus [h loving, meneraus Why that Molly thinks perhaps she's in the way, and she goes Phat ta the hurleque wheel, Jim, pou, ge ta thinking he must he in love witlt Pekuy, Hg feast she must lave Jha, the WAP! Bhe kinbes snd pets hime-but Peggy just can't help lavishing daresses, On: everyone beanute Hig Is so wondeclhl, hetween helng such a Nit 'und Being engaged to a producer, and when Jim learns this he sets about trying to. unda the harm wrought by "a letter to Molly, The closing scene helween ™ lly and Jim Is one of the most touching: ly tender ones paen in over so long Albert, Ray handled the dirgetion with a depth of understanding, | POLICE PATROL ON CANAL ROAD ASKED Motorists Fail to Observe Warning Signs, Club Officials Say Following the 'dee islon of the Quebeo Highways Department to widen the highway along the Hous langes Canal, as a result of the representations made by the Roya) Automobile Club of Canada, the department, later at the request of the club: placed numerous signe two feel square along the road, advising motorists to slow down, In view of the fact that many motorists have fatled to observe these warning signs, the elub has today asked the roads department to send out motor oycle officers with Instructions to stop the speed. fing and to be severe with those who insist on travelling at 40 and 60 miles an hour along this section of the highway, which is narrow and slippery in wet weather, * The elub naked the department to wee that the law in enforced un tI the work of widening the highs way Ia finished, A 0 Be & ww Peose m9 Radios Repaired The Ontario Motor Sales «IMT 00 Slmcoe St, 8, -------- Phone 900 EA ------ SPECIAL SALE NOW ON MINOR Nu TN 00 Phone 8841 We Delivep withessed a Py in the pa- yh and for that ¥ fence was "cali med to axist at the nd the industry was gma establishing itaelt, Y AND ME" SUR WARM YOUR NEAT ER Sharnetee 8 EY ath ae Ww 0 some hal a very nh charming Triends who have hee a little Arguble but have in fel ng is Moueh wisy Wd ov ACI An Ame, TO ANN Stahl ae Ay now | 1) the New Manthey Theatr ennett in both a surprise and a treat, and there is that funny chap, Joo X wi, what & death these two make of thew NE At each other's hewrt strings at your ows, ho laughing RAE WER W ty Retin oat \ that no ovlala |

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