Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1929, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES; ¢KIC.Y, OCTOBER 18, 192y PACE THIRTEEN CANADIAN CHINESE ARE MSCLSSED RY A . 14--LonguS at KI with Forex I Damen in It was decide d by the |¥ bers "to purchase a new neo: book and tha members elec: Notional to hie { taken by Lena Tavior k arf ron of the s Chit 78 the firs Ohihone. 2 dot to Ei then A m 0 the orn, was built wl { 0) Chinese aoe do this, 18449, 8,000 ch me and wo there were 0 nee "Muna on 3 That 80.000 are in » th gai Ste provinees, sande wound Vane uver, \ om n work was begun as ara aor. Noshester, Mr Pn 1 Revert Warder, Bowman Hey punders, Bowman. et oy Mrs, Lavi Elling ai i. ly) Mra, Will King Hg Dona, Mr, and Mrs fr ior and Mahe, Noup onto, vigited Mr, and Mr, noney, Sian Parco, Miss M, HWovarth and Miss IK. Reynoids visited IL, 0. Pascoe, Enfigld, Master Bobby Hoott spant the week-end with his mother at Pouthampton, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Hardy uscell end Doreen, spent Hun. y with her father, James Heeuln, Columbus, and Mrs, Nellle Hardly, Whitty, Migs Vera Baker, visited her ister, Mra, L. C, Snowden, Mapl»s rove, on Monday, Mr, and Mrs, Mae Jones and gon and Mes, Lisgle 11 gine, Tor onto vit'ted J, J, Trown, Mrs, 1, J, Black was In Trron to on Thursday visiting relatives, Miss Melon Daker visited her randparents, Mr, and Mpg, W , Brage, Mr, French, Mra, Ernie Sonne and Dorothy, Oshawa, Mrs, John rmitage, Oakwood, Mrs, Noanes, indeny, Mr, and Mra, Putty, Tor onto, and Mra, Peter H wkins, To yonto, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs, , J, Black, © Mr, and Mrs, Cephas Orhorne, nd Miss Margaret and Robert, hithy, were recent visitors of Misses Hookaday, Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Larmer, Ralph, Lola and Jack, were Sunday nents of Mr, and Mrs, W, T, Tay & and with Mra, W, T, Taylor ats nded the re-opening services at mpton United Church, Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, via fled her sister, Mra, A, L, Pascoe As Li. Pascoe, Miss Rvelyn Tink, d Bruce mn " were FAA the me of L, T. Pants Hampton, Mr, and Mra, J, W, Yellowlees and family visited at the home of ©, B, Horn, Hampton, Mr, and Mrs, W, T, Baker, Louise and John, visited with Mr snd Mrs, A, Peters, Hampton, Miss Marion Williams, Port Per ty, spent last week with her sin for, Mrs, Howsam, Mr, and Mrs, O, Rowsam visited at Aon Perr And, Bho a} Mr. and Mrs, Roy Heddon ronto, were the guests of Are. , W, Yellowlees, Mrs, Frank Orchard and Mw George Reed, of Enniskillen, were he Kutaty of Mrs, Thos, Baker on ay. Mra, W, T. Baker and son, John, d Mrs, Howsam were the guests 8 Mov, Penfound, Oshawa, on Wed. © Mr, and Mrs, Robert MoGulloug in and Frank MoQullongh, Fontypoo visited Mrs, Fanny Arnott, Mr, and Mra, Norman Reynolds, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Reynolds and r. and Mrs, Joo Reynolda visited r, and Mrs, J, W, Reynolds, L. T. Pascoe, Misses Marjory d Bdith, Mrs, M, Pascoe and ise Margaret and Alfred Hogarth, visited Mra, Pascoe and oparth, Mra. Dourlas Mol.aughlin, Miss «» Modeling, Lorrane and Mavis fted A, UL. Pancos, taking Master Verne home with them, Mr, and Mm. A, I. Pascoe, Mra » MoLauehlin Al family, Mr d Mra, MH, A, Pascoe, Mp, an H. B, Tink, Evelyn and Bruce, ® and Mrs, RK. J. MeKessook, lan and Ruth, were the guests of ; M, Hampton, for her 9th birthday, . John Cowie, Besughm Res 2 "celves Severe Bruises and * Provrham ¢ t, 18)! 1) a i nd Yh Ti, aron Miss Mary Gamm attended OW Palvation Army terence in a olty over the . Mm, Gamble was nelidaytng Misa ¥athlean Ma¥innan has "ehh elty friends "a ton Ber hu Porn hOCAYIAE WHD an hrother, _ Pahert Feashy and alster and 3% and Phells Qerow were at "'v homes here on Bundy, Vp, Oevmpvn attended teachers b a aa) ' ily ant wl + a] A wha on HN ™ an We tree ? "wat In the Eo owes No Ne Spaiead heb wae , aa ba ™ +» hama an Saatay evil oroRard on 'Hhanth ne hones were Tod a aavera shaking uw | thelr two months' ol ahd who died suddenly un fun amning. rin a] ther, W, Madill were oity visitors on Bun day, h 'the Lord's Bupper wos observed by Bt, John's con rogation on Bunday, 'The Buper ntendent of Temperance, Mry, Brown, took charge of the Bunday 'Hohool session the scholars help. neg the service, The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr, and Mrs, Wood: ward, of Graanwood, in the loss of Our Continuation attended the flald day at on Vriday afternoon, The court of (ox nigh was held in the town hall on Monday, the 14th, His Honey a ge Iuddy, proslding, A & onl of Interest wie shown In ' Mey vall able name bn the v voters' Ha ts Mrs, Dobls, of Agineourt, spent the week-end with the 1", Cassie tamily, Miss Necord, of Toronto, and My, Kenneth Devitt, of Torontns, were with the Carl Devitt family over the week-end, Be -----. e PICKER ING Miss Jean Clark, Correspondent Telephone 800 1 10000000000000000 rooklin REV. GW. IRVINE, OSHAWA T0 PREACH AT WAPLE GROVE The Pastor, Rev, J. H. Stainton, Will Preach at Almonds Sunday Maple Grove, Oot, 15 == Young People's Hoo! old ite resulnr meeting on Wednesday evening, fn. 2 § with Min} Matioris 3 flatihy n charge, period, Miss Bdnas Awallow, aint vice-president, took the chair snd and the following pIIKram Was riven! Hole, Miss Bouch; reading, Miss Corsing Bemis, A very er: outing nddress was given by J, H, Stainton, A dust wy tn " wine hy Misses Iva and Viorenee Foley, followed by a reading hy David Bothwell, which concluded this part of the prosramme, We were then divided into groups for rervention period, Good con regations attended the #unday - Mehool session and the ohureh service on Bunday, Our pastor, Rev, J, H, Btainton, gave us a very stirring address on "Tomperance," In the absence of our pastor, Rev, J, H, Stainton, who is preach ing anniversary wervices at Ale monds on Bunday, Oot, 20, Rev, Mr, Irvine, Cedardale, will ogeupy the pulpit here, { hf Aa vl vis » A on 0 at Guelph, spon the week-on with his parents, MF, DODDS IONEY A k's by friends near |" A and Mrs, M, M, Munday, Mr, and Mrs, B. Qshorne, Pro. vidence, Mr, and Mrs, Blewart Mor. ton, and won, Jaok, Cohourg, visits od thelr parents Mr, and Mrs, Tru« man Yower, on Bunday, Misg Nelle Buowden, 'Toron- fo spent a few days at her home ore, gle Husle Latrd visited Miss B, ¥, Roush, Fb and " Teaded the Tous pny jorle on 3h nt Huns "x, with. her sister, ie Ray Snow dehy tanto, a A 4 Mrs ia leg ay bite, J nrents, si, i De Btovens, on fun: Dara Hames is "Orie a Roy Vineamp fe I aying n Toronto, 5a ular monthly meeting of the Mission Band will he held in the school on Friday, October 1H, The t motor ears have two horns allachod wh frat sounds n gruff Mish ng A if the second n eh, | parting shear Fun The quention n arises whether this merger thing How't weno Rr litle too far, A kitten in Canada has #ix Jen, four ears and two tails, w=Dotrojt. Yeas Pros, CHINESE SOLDIERS MASSED IN HANKOW, Attack Is Not Expected There in kmmediate Future ome ---- Bhanghal, Oot, 18,~The Central Government Is concentrating troops at Hankow, but no attack there is expected In the immediate futurs, asoording to dispatches re oelved from Hankow last night, gelvad from Henkow Gevernment trops are advanein northward slong the Pelping-Hankow Ralls WhaY, A Government dfspateh from Nanking, the eapital, iH that Nanking forces clashed with Xuor minahun (People's Army) troops on Oct, 11 on the tun al all way, 40 miles west Tichmen station, The oni objects iva 1s halleved to be to occupy Loy: ang (Honanfu), Left wing Kuomintang leaders who were Interviewed yesterday at Hong Kong predicted that a coalls tion Gove fitry headed by a coms YOUNS PEOPIE'S SOCIETIES 1INITE St, Andrew's and St. Paul's Leagues of P'ckering Coneo!'d te Plokering, Oot, 1h<An event, which is of interest to a large por tion of of the young people of the village and vicinity took Jase on Monday evenin® In #t, Andrew's funda' § hool, when a joint meet Ine of the Young Peonle's Ronlet fan of At, Paul's and Pt; Andrew's Ohtirohen was held to vote on re commendations of a basis of union which were hroueht fn by a joint committes formed for that pur pose, The new weolety will 'he known as the United Young Feo. nle's Bortety," and will meet on Kl tarnate Monday avenines in the two churches, + A nominating commit tee waa appointed to draw up a alate of officers, whieh will he sub mitted to the Horlety at the nex! meeting, Precedine the business period of the meeting, & worship service was held after which Dr V, B, Cartrisht gave a very inter esting and instructive talk on al cohol and ita evils, from a wsolens tiie viewpoint, The young people hope to have all the erraniaation of the new soelély completed by the end of the month, 8a that the first of Novembar will find them ready to enter heartily, into. the winter's work, The xnaot to derive much benefit from the uns fon of the two nooleties, Teri Traffic Cases . Heard at Pickering Plokering, Oot, 18-~Ten onsen under the Highway Traffic Act were brought up in the local pols foe court on Monday evening, elx being reckless driving oases, three overloading and one for an over haneing load, Five of the reckless driving onnes were adjourned until October 21 and the sixth drow a fine of ten dollars and cots, The overloading onwes brought penalties of fifteen and ten dollar fines With costs ahd the case of the overhanging load was adjourn- od for a week, PICKERING BRIEFS Oot, ot, 18 w= Porn on 14th, to Mr, and a daughter, Plokerinwe, Monday, Oot, Mrs, A, BE Stork, (Mary Oatherine) Miss Mildred Murphy, of De. troit, » visiting her aunt, Mrs, Ayron Feld, Oo Ww "likey, has been confine od to hin bed during the past few days with a severe cold, but is now ah'e 10 take wp hin duties axatn, The Misses Law, bh Gordon Law, and Mr, Albert w, tn Rrookville on Monday, Allan {ng the funeral of the Iatter's bro 0, law, Win. Murkar and Wm, Oullle spent Tuesday In Torogto.. MYRTLE "PERSONALS Myrtle, Oct, 16--Wiillam Hoar and James KE, Beacook are In a very serloua condition, Dr, John Moore fs in attendance on both a Simpkine who had his Atte burned last week 18 repal ing What was saved and will ar it th winter quarters until apring when he purposes rebuild he #thoo! ohlidren had a two day 'holiday last week owing to the teacher, Misa Vance, attending the Teathers' Convention in Osh- Awa, Mra, Gormley, of Oakville, vie PRARRRAEE Henn Auburn ki WHER TT Hd WR CYR, Tid To we Used Car In OCTOBER 15th, 1920 This data ls published for the protect weed ears. Keep It for ready reference. Berle! numbers ave shown to Indicate correct your and model of ears, Latest copy should be displayed wherever used sam are sold ut Nanking If Marshal Feng Yue Hulang whould defent President Chiang Kal-Bhek, The members of this ecommities have been selected an follows) Marshal Peng Yu-Hslang, "the Christian General," sommander of the Kuominehun; General Yen Hal Bhan, "model governor" of Khang; Marshal Chang Hsueh-TAang, rnler of the three eastern provinges (Manchuria) | General Hul-Bun-C'h) lender of the Kwangsl clique; Mars shal IA Chi-Ben, former governor of Cantong Bun Fo, present Mins Inter of Rallways, and General Che: ung Kal, who is a tollower of Veng Yu-Helang, The statement says that the pers sonnel of tha proposed eommities han already heen approved hy left and right wing members of (he Kuomintang In Kwantung and Kwang, fr of seven, would be tormea BP -- = Russia and China are beginning to understand each other now, That's what makes 'em mad Aris gona Producer, Lord Mayor Smith, of Ports mouth, England, who flew over ig eity In an alrplane with Sir Alan Cobham, has since made an underwater trip in the Solent In A submarine, LOST POUNDS OF FAT --in 2 short weeks Kronen Salts will i ve meets mw Joyous on po nook pounds off ou Weight and Jon our this safe snd hety ming ng fue hs Hl ll on ¥ UA Praia A -- that every particle ono s waste matter and ----s alds and gases In heing expelled from the system, They are the cause of all the trouble hecsiise they remain in the system snd seoumiis Inte in the form of excess, unhealthy fat, C1 have lost several pounds in less iw It is 80 safe and easy, No ng, no Albu I have del hey other ways, but with no good 14 Kruschen I you claim it to be, daily dose, get on to the scales how many a of fat you a Your mivror also will tell you what you have gained In health snd Your eyes will oparile our skin clearer, you will unbelie youthful snd energetic many porns lighter younger, In Canada there are 10, 61 hut. faloes oaptive and 1,600 wild, Ea Ie ors Guide of pureh of Chevrolet Ten Chassls ----" cere -- " Hi LLL] Clryelor a (1) AW MA aw "hon Heh ) LLL da ¥ itd , TT 94 Ropal Redan Orann Nedan bh Town Redan Coupe, Passenger Boadsler Business Coupe e Lune Coupe ode CUone » bat 30 Wheel Brakes AO | A pe a 118 CARAAl (opine SOM an Pe AUNTIE ACTONMe AANA ASAIN Acie Asha ABNB000 Wp 3 ee ---- LINDER MODELE: om n STANDARD MIX gy Touma ax W Nedan, Sport, REAORERF | (4 irr van Fawn AA AAARANY AAA R AY ARRRARARRRAANNNAL NY ARLERRRARARRRARIRN NY Medel a wok Parker tor a few days w NiTaann and of Ton, called on old friends here on Saturday | Mh Mrs. R Robert B Ormis ton, ot rontd, visited friends here | hy yg Mrs, WH, Roy Bright are "| oni n a week NY the form: | or's ile, Mpa, L. M, Smith, ot Bradto | Mueh a thy fe felt for Mis Vance in the death of Ry unele t fF he TL sand ; a Won re Wie abionded big goby of Udora, on Tues he Anple cron whieh vert ahvn®ant and fn near garnered in tor he season, 5 Poor \] aid SRRRAAARRRLARARARRARAEARRNRAR RRA RIAA ¥ He Waeelbose - ¥ dete By fre Te ARLRLETETNY LL LARLY "w thn wa TT TT TE TTT om------ a LT AAARRARRLAR RARER ARERR RRR lf @o vepaire, tires refinishing, bi Slandare Benipment Th di " Deer ia heer 4 fener HHA Wikh Standard Equipment onduter wpe for Two | Lobe Vietoria Bedon, B:Dooy Near for Hoven Nedan, Redan Hupmobile SIN-CYLINDER RIORT OVLINDER EEA RRRRRRR RRR RRR RRR AREA RRRRRR RRR TILL LAL] Han TI PL] ow Bee + BARN A Wik Flandard Equipment wring Huehoy iis Rendater (Ma Jan vertible Coup Browsham pod ART RARARRRRRRANY NT) IN-UYLINDER Wie Qvwem shh file = Hoo Hoe oon EA DOE iin nannnnennane wh leet 40s ny Brews) ham ig Melosghiin-Bulok PROIAL 8IX old i " LLL TEEN ELECT LETTE CERN ARRAN RRNRANNANY ARARRARRRARR RRR YY AREA RRRRAR RRR AANA ARRAN NY EEEE 0) Ma CERT Ma FARRAR AR RRERRRRARRA RRA - price pe shown above, the eto, required to put it in good saleable condition, Packard en BIN Wh Standard Bewipmont ne an fi Hi a Lowry 40M) & eh ra wid LU} sim 10h LA i bone With Standard Eqninment LHI) | bad] 44 GPAs RIer (irvine ELAR BPassenger sa VePasvenuer an: "Limousine 1088-0 ' 000014 Up #90007: & Up 88001 848 I 1984 Y i Up Pleree Arrow =MORKL "» TTT Th } didn ro Xr Fdmousine, T-Fase Brousham ' FEE i RAARANRRANY ALAA IRAE L Foasnssnnnnnanns ATER ANARNAANS gE: ARLILTLERLL ARAARRARARARRNRANY ARARARRANRANY ARRAY ARRAY ELL LTENTY ene de RAR IRIE ea TL ALRALARRARARRARARARIEAERARARARRALARAAL NE BARRERA tay AAAARARRRARARAARRRANNANY LhAALAAAAMLA LAMA *" ASA ERRRLLALL LAL Whippet en. WAIFPET POUR 8 omnes » - 5 : TIE ee & ALLIILALE ANBAR MANA PRAM ALLAN ELLIE TRARY a) AN Fit EN TNR EAR a SANA ag -

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