Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1929, p. 11

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SiN il 15 GIVEN Names bof 'Winners of Bw Trip} Speaking ! nf h th Wy in visting ET porn Madill, mo 12, oli fen Diba Misavarion = Marian Bnelgrove, Be wverion | 8.1 Billie Stabback, 2, i oral, ANNI ZION Jan Barry, 88 Un Broek Br.) Jiue H Park, 85.8, 6, tock, "laremont-=Mabel Rpangy 16, Plek« ng Dinty Merqgith, 8 6, Ux- we Greenbank=Iva Baird, 88 15 Reaeh | Lloyd Lee, S 8 1h Reach Sr, Liane woods=Mldred 1 k, 'BH, 10, bridge; Morley Pesshy, 8.8, 10; bridge, Mara awnship. {r=Josephine Meln Inggnrt, Mara; Francis Gell VA 88, 0 fara anehester==Marian Smith, 8.8, 2, Reach Murray Holthy, 8.8, 0, Reach, hawa-=Darathy Gifford, 8.8, Un, 5, ' Whitby Carl Down, 8.5, Up, hE, "Whitby, Port Perry==Lilllan _Kight, Port 'erry Publia Sehool j Beverley Rent, | 4 pf) Perry Puble Sehoel, Pickering. Jagel Potty, § HIE igh br.d Paul Nason? '8, Plekering Sr, Jana g awnship- Ro Rom } Mary MeKinnon, ay MeRae, 8.5, 6, & Seon ni rvey Moore, 8.5, Lo RHernice Akister, 8.8 3 prock; Ivan Rennie, 88, 2 Li rn Township==Iva Milner, 88 Sougog) Raymond Fralick, 8.8, 3, ker! eo Town=Tean MeLean, Ux. bridge Public Sehial Seatt Wilkins on, abridge Public School; Lor mith brirldyy, High School; 4 hoary, Uxbildas High ors of Public Bpesking Contests nners are eligible to compete in the championship public speaking fonts to be held before the Couns W Connell in the Court House, \ hithy, about the middle of No» vember, rouham=Marle Ham, S88, 12, karti Gordon West, 8.8, 1§ 0 Aoki Rell, Ne, 3 wiih, Joyd" Rahme, 8.8, 6, gist Mary MeFadyen, No, ackie Stewart, 8.8, § ara ne Jee ean Barry, 88, Un, took § ussell Park 88 6 (TN Tune Forsyth, 88 138 Re's eott Township Muriel Lunney, PhS Ia | Hard' Jom Spencley, No, 15, Teen anh wr Marl ua Ea on 8, & Ky Keach Arihr Ca gil odd, 8.8, 7,14 entries, riegle, [Y Township=Marie Mina arn) Lloyd Wri gh § Ladd L i trite tow. § un le Alma 55% ¥ ) IH rt nt So ory [Lt | pjeker nai rihuy or Bis! Nh ty ai a Bander and n= Jor 8 hd 32 Pl ARE i (it fg UgoR 0 tom Han i hives Town San J ehool arah ma, gh ehool | Welson Liang gh ehool, Winners of Bhields (Awarded to the school winning the highest Nusber of points per pupil in he f Brou ha aa ih if B ookin g Last ih eBay averion, A Thor Coan fon, 'Un, js 3 For A) hank, H.8, ia Reach Nr | Township, 88, 7, Ma 88, 7, Reach) Ae Townsh by» 0, Feott; Sunderland, gh In, § rook; Beugog, 8.8, 4, Seugon, Winners of the T, Eaton Prives Ist prize, silver eup) and it haak) dd prise, book, Brow Prt hristing Milne 11, bickering, Ini Ross Madill, 4 if, Pe Plok heging dni Robert Miller, 81 Aekering, Wradhlinetiartld" Siva, 88 0 Kol Whithy, 15st; Marjorie Bell, 8.5 Whithy, dnd Jack ray, 8.8, 9, Kal Whitby, dnd, feaverton == Marian Ruelarove, De varion J Publie school, 1st) Rn Hie Amith, 4, Thorah, nd Siabbagk, 8.8, 2, Thora hy br Canningtons- Yean Parry, 8.8, Up, Broek Br, 1st) Apna Grant, 8.5, Un. 4 Hrock Sr, 3nd) Jean Francis, 85, ) Broek, and Claremont=Mahe! 8p wang, 88, 16, Plekering, 1st; Dinty Meredith, 8.5, 0, Upbrid 0 andi Lorne Kester, 8.8, 17, Plekering rd, Greenbank == Ilva Baird, 8.8, 15, Reach, Jat; Lloyd Lee, 8.8, 13, Resch Nr, nd) Alma Lee, 8.8, 13, Rene Sry ded, Goodwood==Marley Feashy, 8.8, 10, Ux xhridue, 1st; Mildred Digk, 8.8, 10, Uxhridge, Indi Lloyd Feashy, 88 10, Uxbridge, ard, Mara unin Josephine Melne taggart, 88 fara, 10t; Franels (le Intely, NS % 4 Mara, and; Hilda Lambe, 8.8, fara, rd, ire RA A n Smith, 88, 2 Reash, 1st] Darothy Prentice, a £1 Reach, and Murray Holthy, 8 Reach, drd, S.8, Un, 6, East Whithy, nd Cletus Perry Riblle sohool, 1st; Lillian Dyer, 88 Kast Whithy Sr, ded, Port Pores = Joan Moase, Port Un, 6, East Whithy, 1st; Carl 'Pawn, Kight, Port Perry Juhi sehoal, 2nd) Vivian Wallace, Port Perry publie wehool RT Mokoring «Hazel Petty, 88, 7 aa i 1st rie) orranes, ih NN, 7 hin dnd Taek 8, or Pickering Nr, Royes, 8 Jed, Rama Township=Mary MeKinnon, 88, 1, Rama, 1st; Tessa MoDonald, a 3 Rava, In indi Ray MoRae, 8.8, 6, Rama Seott Ah Harvey Moore, Green: Mara 2 Seon, hn Hugh Arnold, 83, we a ri whe AY he ompany | j pleasant when your stove looks as well as it cooks... when its bri liant black shine makes it sparkle like mew... when "dressed up" with Zebra Liquid Stove Polish, the one quick, easy, clean way to keep stoves lovely, » VANCOUVER ZEBRA 'LQuip STOVE POLISH RECKITTS (Overuea) LIMITED MONTREAL = TORONTO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 Sp of L,'T, Pascoe and attended the re opening servis of aur ehureh, Miss Ligrle Dodge On awa, visits ed her sister Mrs, ir y aheou, 2 2nd; Muriel Lunney, 8.8, Seotlt, Bl I einiis Akister, 8.8 ,| 12, Broek, 1st; Wehert Baker, 5.8, 13, | Broek) Tyan Rennie, 5! 71 Broek, lo ok Township == Ivah Mil ner, x engog, Ist) ei i y A WOK, Inds fo Iph wil: a {0 dd, li iid LY om ean MeLean, rl Town if ep bile sehool Ist) Toretta th In Vid dis h ih sehool, nd; Pairiduy Uxbridge. high sehoal, 3rd, ROTI CA HT. SEES RELIEF FROM TAXATION BURDENS Expert Claims Prosperity Will Aid Without Re- duction in Rate A Montreal ~=Taxatlon today In day tn Canada 1s consuming a small HA proportion of net production than at any time in the last five oars is the epinfon of Dr, H, 1, rittaln, of Toronto, direator Offi wens Research Institute of Canada, who arrived In Montreal recently 14a to complete final plans for the Canadian Tax apd Canadian Of vil Barvice Research Convention tn ld Thursday snd Friday In the Hoard of Trade hullding, Granted wood times, and Dr, Brit tain eonglders that prosperity In the Dominion 1s going t noontinue, ooks for a steady diminution In the Income tax vate without any sorvesponding decrease In the re oalpts, With elties growing in siwe, ® does not think that thers Is mueh Hkelthood of a reduction In munioipal taxation but by the adoption of efficient methods elt Ihens oan ensure more value for thelr money, Promote. BMoleney "The Citlsens Research Inst tute of Canada,' sald Mr, Brittain Io An ovganisation of eltizens in terested in promoting eMeleney in munielpal, provinelal and nations! government, Whan asked to do so It conducts administrative survey: of publle Institut 9's and it has a statintioal service which in of val to bankers and to all organisatio Interested in buying publie secur! tes," One of the most recent surveys Dr, Brittain mentioned was of Hamilton General Hospital, when he noted as secretary to the vem lanton, and shortly he will he ehalr man of a commission appdinted to consider the question of the stand ardisation of salaries and wages for the City of Vancouver, At the convention In Montreal which In being held Whe der the ausploss of the Cltlsens' Researeh Institute of Canada, about 100 delemates from all aver the Dominion are expected, It will embrace, he said, the Heventh Oa Ridin Tax Conference ana the th Canadian Civil Hervies Re roh Convention, these two Reo: tions being bhureans of the insti tute Previous conventions have boon held in Winniper, Torenso and Montreal Opening Nesslon F, Barry Hayes, president of the Institute, will preside at the open Ing session of the eanvention and addresieds of weleome will he gly en hy Mayer COammillien Houde, Dr, John W, Ross, ohatrman of the executive of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce; Georges © MeDonald, president, Montreal Hoard of Trade; ©, B Gravel, Président, Ohamhre de Commerce, 'vinelpal speakers at the dinney will he H, M, Tory, president Nas tonal Research Counell of Canada nd WL, Grant, principal» he Canada College, Taronte, 11 preside, Among the subjects ta he am cussed are "Does the farmer oes oupy a preferred postion) with res ward to taxpaying "hy A,X, Darby secretary Canadian Counell of Age vloulture, with J, A, Lattimer of Montreal leading the disoussion) "The Quehee amusement tax" when Cal, John A, Cooper presis dent of Matton Pleture Distriby tore and Exhibitors of Canada will partieipate and "Why 1 hellave in the patronage system" hy W, Ru- pert Davies of Kingston, The loeal committees of arrange: - ta for the congress ocenaists » Mob, Olarke, neeretary Oana: Alan "Chamber of Commerce; J fAtanley Cook, secretary Montreal Board of Trade and J, 0, Contant, secretary Chambre de Commerce, he ana HAMPTON BRIEFS err-- Hampton, Oct, 1=Mim R oR an Rowmanville nursing den Heder ha her mother, ) Rove eddhlfe, and Fh rove visite pied th heh parents, M th hon Sani i" q M A Hye! in 8 Re hd Tink, Soling, Nika | grandmother, Mes, Thomas J hale on Sunday, Mr and Mra, Herh Pascoe, Rion, Arthur Pasooe, Selina, and Miss Kd na Reynolds, Selina, visited relatives in the village, noand Mes, Walter Cryderman i ™ Als, Rrniskitien, Mr, and i Harold Paseos, Solin, were at the home of Mp Lewis Cryderman Sunday, ov, Mv, Whyte, Enniskillen, was tertained at the parsonage on Sun ir and Mya, Dp, Dives and My and Mrs, Clove Clemons, Oshawa, Mr and Mr, Gea, Edger and daugh ee Rosena, Mi, Allin and Miss Found, Courtioe, were Sunday visit ors at the home of H, W, Wilox, Mr, and Mrs, Milton Arh Raft ale, visited at the howe o Avery on Sunday, Misses Ruth \VH Margaret Me i be ky oli, M fond Mrs, Elwer Taunton, visited at the howe Wn he meme ig Th 0 fe of that heavy, wo v Hy Bd on waking ween ve, ox Use HY Ak PRU ne box ab the PRAT vy Pol Ry=F, WV, Thompson, Divagist, \ AWA, Were it Courtigh, Visited She former's mot Mg. Chay nll HH at the former's homs on fi Pred nant vi Miss Kat or lc ted hor Wine on ons "Son ny aff Cryderman, urns, on My, and Mrs, loans Bulan Osh unduy guests of Mr, and Mr, and Mrs, Upton Blephene, of i? or, tephen en ¥ronts, and Miss] r Perey Bowmanville feashing ent, Willa, Toronto Uilvarshy, his home, h oronto, vise Innie La, Foros, he home of A, B, Tom Bykes, Toronto spen hy, en ante Mrs visiad opening Me 9, WwW, Wilbur, w nd Mrs, John Pa f ra a fi wilt R |g i, r, Cowl | son (Fri ta Mrs, or Robbins PAGE ELEVEN AR University, under: the pay wv, W, W, Tones, Millbrook, 5 and attended the re on Bunday evening e, were 166 Lig Oshawa parentul ope Chuelph, hows, iok, wlpite | Mr, 17, 6, Ts 2 bh nt 4 o", lst week, Ting i Ha toy | Mr, and Mm, Vy in the ry danghtar, ih 8 Out ugain lin ni Johns, tune of breaking hone ol ermling the ear on familly, Holing, hale of €, i Tovante, vised I or sister, Mrs, Miss Helen V them to Arthur, they visited relat visited friends In Toromto regently Me, snd Mrs, Milton Slemen and g sons Lloyd and Gorden, Hayden, vi sited the latter's mother Mes, Viinl Bianley Cowling had the misfor Wis wrist, while My, and Mrs, John Yelowlegs nnd were guests Mt the Horn on Sunday Mr, and Mes, Lloyd Ward, Mi nd Mrs, Oscar Wied and son Der | urd, pronehing very forestully from orsliukee, on Bunday of | Sth ehapter aid he 1th ve when fhey had brought heh le Will Ranton, argnret, visited the lait Virttie, Bunday Virtue segompanied iy Thursday, wher von ane ng und evening, Binday, nath Caverly, Windsor, & the anthems, Mr, W hi played 5 very pry 11 sala In the svenin a Roy R Pickering, oseupled ut the han of and | to land, they forsook all, snd { ed Him," We the minds i; the youn returned | today, The ¢ tg l'renton, with them on Sunday, The reopening services of Mamptan | Ve, chureli were well attended wt services on Bunday the ehpreh having i enpaeity congregation both morn. hoth | two vag The eholr was nasipted by Mrs, Ken: former menther who Fag h fhe $010 parts In orm, Me 4 the p fo athe hips tried to ik . or generat on, thely duties, responsih ag) and obi patlons, in regard to the chureh th were assisted this time by Mrs, Colville, B Wma. | Whe, plensed her adm her nnbers, Messrs Whur Peters und Cuverley took the Tabi Ing paris In the anthems which vere auite as wall: glvan us those in Jihe morning, Aside from the newly" fin shed walls which are very mieque both In design and color, and whic tone In niesly with the weodworl and furniture, baskets of pink carn ations, varied colored ladiotus, crim son and white asters had a part In making the ehureh Took very beaut ful for such un occasion, The services ut all the wppelnt ments will be resumed at the usm time next Sunday, Rov, John Buns ner taking our pastor's an WA -------- of There are B60 species and gil at! #poclos of monkeys, Ap YC ppp ni » {BABE Ady ph pi, pny HR ( Al al HY yg J TH COMPARE, any De Forest Crosley with the best radio or phonograph you can hear--regardless of price. The "LANCASTER" we A boantlful combination vedio: phone: raph, ebony, ewrly maple, oriental walwnt and bolls Js remarkably beawtifnl piece of Iwrwitnre, Fol "Imperial" Sevies Seveem Grid Chassis, Laurel wood, combine 10 mabe including tubes, Your RADIO % YEARS #0 COME The "ROYAL YORK" wives the full poveer of the "imperial" Seveen God Chants, Superlative performance in every wy y Lop radio 1bat con be bails, WBS including twber, ODAY DeForest Crosley brings a new era in radio entertainment---=an era of permanence, Musieal quality that outshines the most brilliant, ve most costly instruments you have ever heard, Range that brings you more stations--tremendously increased controlled power, These factors make a new DeForest Crosley Imperial Series model your radio for years to come, Here Is an instrument that will wever lose ite thrill, Because no development oan make this musie obsolete, Radio's Finest Engineering Such performance--auch entertainment ~-guch permanence are yours because DeForest Croaley's unrivalled engineers ind organisation has drawn on all the resources of its eight great laboratories to oreate the finest radio and radios Phonograph that ean be built, Unhams by any restrictions, Delforest Broa ndineers have combined everys t is newest and best, Only that backaraind ~ that engineering could achieve this quality, The FULL Power of Seresn Grid Here is the FULL power of three new soreen grid tubes, A chassis truly soreen grid designed by the industry's best in. formed engineering organisation, Really engineered to give maximum results from the soreen grid development, Not old style radio with soreen grid tubes A new superspowered chassis, Leadership Brings Such Values Despite the amazing performance quale ity of the Imperial Series, prices are on a level with ordinary radios, This quality a value are possible because DeForest Crosley in the largest radio manufacturer in the British Empire, outselling all other Canadian radio producers, Thousands of radio purchasers have found in the DeForest Crosley Challenge the answer to the question--"Which 1s the best radio?" You, too, will hon Be their judgment, ' DeForest Crosley Limired JB Habs, President DH Polling Menaging Director Thirteen Models «+ 878 10 $685 The "TUDOR" == Au "Imperial" Sevies wodeh-Banbe SMeld Grid Chasis In a modified ort moderne cabinet of excep tional design, Cholee walmwi woods beauti- fully combined, New, improved Blectro Dynamic veproducer, $298 including tubes, DE FOREST. CROS Screen Grip Rabio ADAMS FURNITURE CO. vy SIMCOE STREET SOUTH OSHAWA HNS PIANO STOR 80 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA

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