Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1929, p. 10

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pci von NOVA SCOTIA IN MIDST OF TEMP- FRANCE FIGHT Jf Province To Decide in Favor of Temperance Or Gov ernment Control Hajitax, N, fy Ont Ont, 1 h="Fhron h- Hy 4 Jonuth nh breadth of rin hie emporante' battie can the te anes battle Hines are drawn, Within the observe de fonsen of the "hot stove! les be or out in no man's land of puplle lottorn; the Jo an men eveloped from a des id tary one-sided skirmish to a des mined contest of heavy aril py, Until the night of October 81, no one ean predict the resus of this double barrage, On thal tay the voters of Neva Beolin ase olde either for retention of the ova Beolla Temperance Ast, or the substitution therefor of a sys tem of Government Control of the "ie of liquors, or the first time in the history of numerous Hguor plehiseites the ovines has a fight on He hands, fa previous voting, prohibition for ces have had no organised opposis tion, But that was hefore governs ment control hind heen adopted hy seven provinees of Canada, In the present campaign, hoth parties, pually active, elim true tam pers wee an thelr objective, The nawly prganiged Temperance Heform Bssosiation would attain that end through Government Control, while the Nova Beotla Temperance REMEMBER YOUR OWN \, CHILDHOOD S Give Tigh NY Alliances and kindred organisations favor vetention and closer enfoross ment of ihe present prohibitory Inw, Hoth pariles have thrown an In fluentinl personnel Into the Hine Prominent clergymen, laymen, hits vistors and physicians gua¥d hoth fronts, MH, VP, Newcombe, Grand Worthy Vatviareh of the, Bens of Temperance, and Mra, Newcombe, Myre, Gordon Wright, Dominion President of the W.0%1, Hey, Clarence MaoKinnon snd Rev, Hamilton Wigle have heen chief strateglang for the "drys J. WH, Winfield, W, H, Covers K.0, and Rev, John Murleng "i other organizers of the Tempers ance Reform Association have heen wally active on the other front, onld Bdueate for Temperance Late qdespatohes recorded Rav, My, Furlong as stating he had ren gon to helleve the government's Hauer control plan would include ravision for the setting aside of » thera! share of the resultant revs enue (0 tench temperanes in the schools and to train a police force to enforce vigidly the provislons of such an act, To this Mr, New. eomhe replied with a question as Victor 2. Records Piccolo Pete Pox Trot Ted Weems and His Orchestra 22087 Moanin' Low from the musioal comedy "The Little Show" Fox Trot Leo Relaman and 2047 His Orehestra f Litt Up My Finger and Say "Tweet! Tweet!" (England's comedy-dance sensation) Fox Trot Lovable Jack Hylton and His Orcheatra 22067 "and Sweet hom the motion picture "Sireel Gir! Pretending Vallée and His mnectiout Yankees 2002 An I Blue? pleture "On With the Show" 'Mat Shitkret and The 2004 tor Orchestra INSULATING BUILDING BOARD L} S00 IN SUMMER Weer) OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED ORNANA, ONT, | Ntudont tw political THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 With candidates named In hoth vidings of Oxford, the Ontario slags Hon campaign Is warming up, all contestants 1 ity slong party Huse, David Hoss (1) Liberal Progressive, Won Oxford Novith In did hy nearly #,000 najority, He 10 whit the HOVOTnment Intended to do In the way of amendment ana enfoveement If the NAT. A should he upheld, A new augle was Introduce when I, GO, Wuiton, Ohlef Commis sploner of the New Hrunswiek 1dg wer Control Board published » statement objeoting to an adver tisemont lesued hy prohibitionists, referring to conditions In New Brunswick under Hauer eontrol, Mr, Fulton denied the jails of New Hrunawlok were "erammed," and vestigation had been made sald It was quite evident no inves The elaim that members of the Temperanes Heform Ansnolation are Hnked up with hrawery inter aity and ave to receive large hlooks of stock In the avent of tovern ment Control becoming an estab Hahed fact han heen put forward hy Nev, My, MoKinnon, J, H, Win fleld and W, H, Covert, K.C',, have challenved Rev, My, MacKinnon's authority for such a statement, My Covert alan has declared (he winte ment made by Mrs, H, 1', Hew cumbe that Halllax wels wer haoking the TR A, to the ax tant of BUAK0.000 not to he hased on fet, and has in turn hoon ohal longed hy My aweombe to prove her statement falue The Nova Heotla Aol what nll the flahtin's ahout"onme Inte effect, except for Halifax olty, fn 1010, In 1014 Al A wartime measure, It was made affective In Halifax taelf, Prior to 1010 a nystem of loeal option had in fares, with most the with the exception of ary fichmond, Colehes ter and Cana heton counties ware "Heensed' for a time that time svatems of government pontral have heen adapted tn seven provinces, and the camin piehin elite will show what ehinnge of opin lon, IF any, has oeourrad tn fe hen ple of Nova Heotin thraush they ohservation of that system in the plater provine A Elance at tha flgures shows NAL In three n fonrnies to the polls the ith we ---- BIG GAME CF A hunter i Iv an his ahility to sel antaining | teal aod mile y Femperance hoan of provines Hallfax noe voter has UNTRY ml # territory ol entire HT Hamme per fowalking Chsanik noted sportsman, returned a short time from a careful survey of the hunt me wrounds of Northern Ontario I'he mist of his report, made ta the tourist affiees of the Canadian Pattie Ratlway, 8 as follows Phere Ix a considerable inerease of deer in the French and Mattawa viv of distrlets, Moose show a good in erease all the way down the west mde of Lake Temiskaming and the Ottawa. river, The eelebrated hig game regtonn along the north shore of Lake Superior, just north of the Canadian Pacific Railway Line, are well supplied with moose and deer, vartiowlatly in the Missanable and Metagama districts Warth while information on the a hove Subject fn ohtatned fn pamphlet entitled "Tips for Hunters," which may he obtained from any Canadian Pacifile agent or W, Fulton, Assist ant General Passenger Agent, Toran 10 TUTE: Rip writer and SOOROMY at Victoria College, Toronte, whe wysteriousily disappeared las saturday evening and has ww been head from sine, Me had | heen residing at with Na brother, John, LAN -- In Sposa this year hy | south piding James Pullin (8) Cons Males, Conservative (4), In the worvative, In opposing 1, A, Baxe tov (4) Liberal, "This sent was held In the Inst legislature by M, N, Booth, Liberal, dealared In favor of various forms of prohibition by majorities somes what overwhelming, The Nova Meo tin Hgures for the Dominlon-wide vefarandum In 1080 on the Imp, tation of Hguor show KN 448 for arohibition, and BH T4 aEainst, Inltnx city and county were the only wet purlieus at that time, reg Istering 0,470 for, and 7,047 aEninst, Tn the 180K plebiscite, al #0 8 Dominion affair, the drys had H4.87H In Nova Mootls, to only 8,» HT0 for the weln, Four years pre viously, In 1804, the provines voted dary hy 40,760 to 18,000 The prosent campaign really de voloped Into on twosslded argument when on Heptember 10 eartaln elt lsenn of Halifax tesued the mani fast of the Hatorm Asnoolntion prohibition 'lane loglalation of the most op principles of Individual fresdom, type, violating the mrs and olaiming that the fatlure of Ith enforcement was dua to the hody of publie opinion ageinst ft, tht under I luwlersness Wis rams punt, that thuge and orimingls had made Tortunes est of it, sand that prohibition sought ta hiring about hy legislation what should he ae somplished hy education and per anton, The elulm was made that Government Captrol in pther proves noes had tnevoansd foupoct Pop low, deovenwed drunkenness, divers todd money fram the bhootlegrer to the publie services, and hy losses ng hypooriny, elavated the ohare aoter of the Individual he prohibition leaders veplied thatt he 15 HR, A, sought ta open nal channels for the Tow of Hage wor and put the provines in the whiskey husiness for profit The eampalgn goes on Means while, as claim and counter olatm are appearing thick and fast, the uloctorate wits tight and walts for Hallowe'en, Temneranos terming prossive CLAIMS WHEAT POOL ATTITUDE NOT SPECULATION United F armors' Organiza. | tion Says Wheat Is for Sale "At a Price" Baskatoon, Oct, 1H.I'he when! pool's present polley of holding te wheat In antielpation is not specu Intlon, wiates the United Farmers of Canada, Maskatehewsn Heolion The comment from the organivation which In closely allied with the Hankatohownn wheat pool, In a di root denial of an oplnfon offered Tuesduy night at Toronto hy W, 1. GriMihe, for many years ohlef exe outlve In the oMes of ths Canadian high eommisslonar in Landon, An ofolal statement hy the oo operative hody contended that the speoulntor huys and sells without taking or making delivery of wheat, hut. merely to take advantage of the fluctuations of the market, The pool, says the announcement, hau wheat to sell "at a price." The UNO, statement in aimed Aiveotly at Mr. GriMths, who wigs gontad that If the pool was holding grain In trust for the farmer, and If such holding was speculation, It would seem to he diMoeult to recon ofle the two conditions, Coal Car Crashes Into Hotel, And Kills Two People (By Canadisn Press Lonsed Wire) Altoonn, Pa. Oot, 18"TWo pars ons ware killed yesterday hy un lond od coal ear that ran wildly down the tracks on the Martin branch of the Pennsylvania Kallrond and orashied into the Hotel Waldorf at Portage The vietims, Mrs, Anne Skelley, 70 and August Hoss, proprietor of the hotel, were killed an they sat in the hullding Woman Goes to Jail As Drunken Driver Fort William, October 1H. Allo Clark, Port Arthur, twenty-one yours old, the first woman to ap pear in the Fort William Court on au oharge of driving auto while drunk, was sentenced to thirty days In the Distriot hy Polls Magistrate Paling you terday, Nhe pleaded guilty Clark wan arrested by the Fort Willlam Pollea In front of the West Hotel, Bimpson Nitrest, short ly after seven o'cloek, Maturday afternoon, after she had erached Inte the rear of an auto owned by Alex Black and parked In front of the hotel, Nhe also hit an auto driven hy Frank Willams on the May Nireat road earlier In the ov ening, The ear In which the Clark wo man was driving was stolen from Npofford street and was owned hy Charles Noach, taxl owner, The oar had been loft standing on Kpof ford street by one of Mr, Roaoh's drivers, The Roach auto was oon plderably damaged ut the front ond he radiator was punotured in several places, the head Hehis hroken and the running board and front fender stripped Jahn 1, Ruskoh RAYS anybody can we rlehy That's oleh, w= Arkansas Ciagotte, Pollen | an nil! | DOMINION INLAID LINOLE ATL AOE Yin hy nn: eg eg Gr or Dealgn (lustratod is Dominion Inlaid L{ aloeum Na, 7041, wvallablo inene wiher salauring D DEFEAT OF BRUCE | IS ESTABLISHED Australian Premier to Re. sign and Take a Brief Holiday (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Malhourne, Australia, Oot Yosterday's counting of the delayed returns from the voting In Flind ord eonktitueney definitely Hehed the defeat of Prime Minis ter Rt, Hon, Htanley Hruee, with all the second preferences for the 1 oe | antinly A HN LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood Yard, hone Oshawa B04 Whithy 18 AIR PHIL For Your Dvug THOM PSON'S 10 Blmeos 0 Be=We Deliver Machinery ry Repairing NOTHING RUN NOTHING TOO SMALL A danac Machine Sh 161 King 8% W, Vhone Iie For Better Values Wn DIAMONDS Burne' Jewelry Store Corner King and vince Cash or Tove a, i A ON A A a EE eT BL LL RL aI ang RL) pan t a a an PY ww Apo pun on Kuen Calloge IE LL hha BRS A IE § ANE IVAN AAVEN Auda on a a: et MW WW a R=, We Thompson, Dragutsn, ----" Practically every line of bush ness ia represented in this dis rectory==a handy reference tor TOR BALE: Real snap, $100 oash, then 338 per month, & room solid brick house, 8 place bath, Furnace in good loons ton, Thin must be mold, See PISNRY REAL RSTATR Phone 1830 A A] i} he yo ii ny 5 bio! Ir , aly See) i Y bee LA we SEA $i » pouex io PVs MNS, ne ow AV eno Sere 31 1" petty 0 ¥ 0! ym ine At House Furnishing and Departmental Stores Everywhere in Oshawa, -" / nN . oh 8 more beautiful than ever ud third candidate A Liberal, al loonted between My, Hruea and My Holloway, Lahor candidate, Holle way Is B81 votes ahead and he is pected to have a majority of 200 in the final result, Promier Bruea will resign on Saturday, his party having heon defeated In the general selections, and ho will then take a brief hell day In New Healand or Europe, nhout Missing Cahier Is Arrested in B, C, Toronte, Ont, Oot 17. John Greens, cashier for the Canadian Of Company, who abseoned: Oot, 8 with more than $10,000 of the firam's ma ney, was arrested yesterday in Prine Albert, B.C, according to information received here hy police last night, A local detective will leave today te bring Greens ta Taranto, Greens had ehdrge of all the firm's cash, The warrant en which he was arrested names the amount at $10,000 his mueh money, however, was LN covered following the young na disappearance and police now pith the amount will he nearer $200 Neduee Working Hours London,==The Government hat Informéd officials of the miners' union that early next year there would be a uniform veduction in the hours of labor from A ta TH hours & day, without a reduction in wakes, an the flvst instalment to ward meeting thelr demands, i) p Wy a ¥: Fi dis \ those cif "wi Do You Own Your Own who with te bhecome acquainted with the various business houses, in the "Times" Business Divectory! Largest Organ In Canada To Be Built By Quebec Company St, Hyaolnthe, Que, Oot, 17, A contract, far what is olaimed will he the largest organ in Canada, has boon granted Casavant Freves, Lid, by the Metvapelitan Church, 4 Toronto, it was announced yesten day, The honk an wel wh h ohureh, rm no will have five keys AN Lg and $,000 pipes, Bb additions) stops ta throughout the A --------r Sdovernor Stent on Rothstein Inguivy," New York enjoys, ening ost, New York Rw LUMBER o Built Materials, Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. Clase Interior Trim and Dressed Wi J. THICK Summany | 4 Alban se & Wn -- ---------- Real Estate Wo have several houses for rent, CUTLER & PRESTON 4 King St, West Telephone Night calla 810-1 Kc ---------------------- STORK FOR RENT At 9 Prince Nt. Apply ROSS AMES & About the only quistuda | GARISHORE « Q Ring Soren West, Oshawa, Phone L100 Ww

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