Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Oct 1929, p. 4

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» * AGE FOUR % THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER Un Tndepondint newspaper published ovary afiorases onsopt Bundoys and logal bolidays, ot Oshows Gn ii Sona, Mami rotary, ' we The Oshawa dan Pros, The Pures SUBSCRIPTION RATES "Delivered by sarrisy, 10e 6 weeks By moll In Conede § Samiti Daher survioe dukvery Hames, Qoa0 TORONTO OFFICE " Pond Sildiey, 0 Tompurase Suroet, Telephone Adelaide 0107 WH, D Troddder, representative : REPRRIENIATIVED INU. 8, + | Powers and Blond, ney Now York asd : oh Times bs o morhor of the Cone: 'Candlian Dally ee 8 Ave pap SH FLARE wa WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER | 6 1929 GROWING PAINE | t ' all} A ' = oT C Oshawa, like all elties which have pu a period of unusually rapid growth, is suffering B0mes what from growing pains, and these are making themselves manifest in the eveg-ingeepsing demand for capital expenditures of a, spbatantial, pature fo copé with the need for essentib! Yublio services, This In particularly true with regard so. the 'eduentional needs of the ¢lty, The board ef Edueation Is finding, in spite of the additions whieh have been made 10 the school necemmodation In the city ln the last few years, that a deplorable condition of gyererowding exiots, and it Is onee again faged with what is almost 8 dire neeasslty. of providing either 'wputher tnew school, of an extension to ene of the existing sehools to meet the situation, Mu The board of education has no easy problem to C golive Jo this matter, It is more than @ question of simply providing another schunl for the children of the eity, What Is even more Important Is the selecs tion of the proper place to locate this school, And In Jeoking over the situation, there ia a peculiar situas tion In that ene of the wards of the eliy, the northe west ward a absolutely withant a school, Its children have ta go WW schoole cutside the wards in which they live in order to attend school, It is logiea), of course, that the inerease in school £ accommodation should be provided In those sections which are showing the greatest grawsh, But (his might well be wecomplishéd by the locating of a seheol in the ward which now has none, thus rellgys ing other of the ehildren from that ward attending them, This is #n angle of the situation whieh ought 10 be given very earclul consideration before any des pisiof Is made as to the purchase of propeity, Many citisens of Oshawa will: doubtless feel that the time is not propitious for undertaking such heavy Ho "pullding of another school, "That would be & sound view were there no pressing need of more school aes sommodation, But Oshawa I# still growing, 1ts pops ulation of school children is still going ahead, and they must, of necenity, be provided with educational faellivies, The meeting of expenditures of thin kind is one of the penalties which the city must pay for its rapld growth, and is one of the foray of growing ohine Which is wather hard Phe yen, " mE A CENTRAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION With Oshawa winning a Demipionswide reputation A a sporting and athletic centre, And with {ts teams going far aflgld ® bring back homers, the time would soem to be ripe for some definile action to put all athieties in the city under some form of unified con wel, The Thnes is not overlooking the great part which haa heen played by the [General Motors of db ody dn the develogment of amateur pay © ppants dn putting ferward this suggestion, Oshawa © Wa been 40 Ih having within ita confines a jompany which is 80 keenly interested in athletics, And the city owes the GMC a debt of gratitude for Whe manner In which ft has supported championship teams, There Is, huwever, & Hit 10 what can be expected of any industrial organization, aml, indeed, there are limits 19 the extent to which industrial organisations van foster wihleties nad team sports, This is pars true 0f hoskey, for the BHA, has shut the absolutely against industrial teams, largely on account of the abuses which have at times crept ima Cael reams, While recognising, thereiorg, tht importance of the sonteibution of General Motors tb the athletie lil . of the city The Times feels that it would be @ atep Wn the plight direction to have a c@itral amateur athles tie argani tion Created, to (akg ander its wing all the mador forma dF competitive Bm aparts, such a hockey, rughyy laptosse, baseball softball, aqeser tootball and even erieket, This afganisation would be sowmplote dit ively and standing behind every for of team 4port in the Gity, thereby ensuring efficient somnagement and peapet development of all kinds of « apores winder the supervision of a central body which would be representative of them all, PNY I net a new den, for it has been done with t Juceeds in other bontiey, The main essentials, of urkd, afd sour 1dadenship, and a willingness on the part of the devotees of each line OF sport de werk in harmony with he souteal body, 144s an ambitions oo eiily pOrhapa, but with its secent feud of ehampions soln and With ity new hoekey. aren an the way, Ogawa in ready for ambitions stop in athlete devel: open, and It would be interesting to dave see ex Pi oabiona of opinlon from the leaders dn variows boc ul athlgtion as to the feasibity of the plan, fours to the biter of The Thaes on this subject Ww ds be thotl finformative and interesting and. wie SHR Tavita 1 | [[S=Sdiwte_Belo-Smmy' Ontario Provingial Dailies and the of Clrovlotions, expenditures ap would be involved in the ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 192) T00 GENEROUS PROMISES The present slection campaign will stand out In » cles by itoelf ne an election of promises, The party lenders are trying to outdo gach other in what they are willing 10 do for various glasses of the people of Ontario, and under thede slreumetances, it bs not sure prising to find pronilses belng made which make one wonder whether they are to he taken seriously or , not Vor instance, speaking st Orangeville the other night, Premier Ferguson promised his sudience that Aho grants to township and eounty sopds would be more than doubled, That 1s comlorting news for the county counchls and the rural population of On» tario, If the promise is 10 he (aken seriously, In fat, It might mean that the seunties will have thely rords presented to them by the provinelsl governs ment, and [t might go even further than that, If the premier's words are to he taken literally, At the present time, the provincial government makes a grant of fifty per cent of the eost of main. tenance and construction of county roads, Now, if Premier Ferguson proposes to more than double the grants on these roads, it nieans that he will have fo pay the whole shot, for ene hundred per cent, by the simplest of arithmetic, is double fifty per cent, and if the grants are to be mora than doubled, then it is proposed to pay the whole cost, and & little honors arium to the counties into the bargain, probably for allowing the government the privilege of laying down thelr county road systems, Of course, It Is quite likely that Premier Verguson will say that he did not intend his remarks to be taken as literally as that, and perhaps he Is right, for mast statements made in the heat of an election ninpaign need to be glven a very liberal interpretas ton, INVENTION AND LABOR a are The advances In industry which are being made through the science of Invention are remarkable, Belentifie research is going on eonstantly, and through the genious "of inventors, better, quicker and more modern ways are being found of performing manu facturing operations, Yet this factor in Industty Is not altogether a wel come one, for it is the invariable rule that most of the inventions which are belng made in connection with industry are aimed as reducing the amount of manual labor necessary in manufacturing operations, Nearly every new mechanionl device of any Imports ance means a eurtallment In the number of men res quired, Most of the devices which are being pers feated are labor-saving devices, ealeulated to out down manufasturing costs by decreasing the amount of labor necessary to produce the finished articles, It might be unwise t6 shgmest that the wheels of industry should net he accelerated by the use of madern Inventions, but it is apparent that man, by his very inventive Heniug, in making human existence mare and more difficult for those whe earn their daily bread in the snanufscturing industries, It Is not possible to suggest any remedy for this eondis Han, singe i is only vight that manufacturers should be ready to take advantage of the most modern mas ehinary possible, but, at the same time, there are the working men te be considered, and it is not a pleasant thing for then 10 contemplate the loss of their jobs as mechanical means of production become mere and mere perfect CO-OPERATION IN INDUSTRY Speaking beforg the Rmpire Club of Toronto a few days ago, and diseussing the growing success of the Canadian National Railways, Sir Henry Thornton, president of the system, paid a tribute te the part which the employees of the vallway had played in that success, The most striking feature of this ad dress was the reference he made to the value of suggestions and ideas for improvements which had been suggested By employees, Me sald; "Since the introduction of this system in 1924, we have received 6,300 Joneses from work men's committees, and 23 per cent, have been adopted, Filteen per cent, are now under eons sideration, and only 12 per cent, have been diy carded, The cooperative movement gives the men a chance to use their hraing, and the comps Any benefits hy it" This Is prabably one explanation of the remarkable Improvement which hag baer effected in the position of the Canadian National Railways, It is a wise company which realizes that all the brains in the Institution are not possessed hy ita executives, hut that even the lowest workman, Being in close contaet with his own particular job, may see things which could be improved for the benefit of the Arm for which he is working, Sound industrial prineiples today afford opportunities for such workmen to place thal ideas before the executives, so that the combined brains of all the employeés are consentrated on making the business wore svecessful, That this is a wise policy ia remarkably demonstrated in the testimony of Sir Henry Thornton, ' EDITORIAL NOTES -------------- Wander how 'many Conservatives are hoping for a bad attack of statie tonight Er" Have you subscribed to the Oshawa Little Theatre? The time in growing shop for subscriptions in time ¢ "for the opening of the adason, Tt Ivory Hikely that all wed Ontario Conservatives will confine their radio Hstenlng to United States stations tonight, : 14 era---- The Chinese and Russians are Aghting again, says a news despatch, Probably Just to remind the vent of the world that they are still dn existence. A aireus elephant in Texas suddenly went wild asd Killed a woman. No matter how long these animals are Kept in captivity, the old Kilter instinct sill ves mains in thew, Pledges seem to he playing a large part in the canis palgn speeches, And most of the elestors are als ready pledged, in their own minds, to vote for their party man, A Regina despateh says that, in spite of the wheat blockade, Saskatchewan farmers ave buying antomes Biles at a faster vate than ever, Long may they eons tine to have such abundant fate in thelr own fture, re ------. Tt is significant that while the Reds ave prevented from holding weetings In Toronto, delegates ta the convention of the American Federation of Labar spoke in over forty of the churches of Toronto, The | Ontario capital has its arm wide open to the sane and safe element in labor organisation, Other Editor's Comments NATIONAL ARPIRATIONS (London Bunday Pielorial) Bootland's grontness has oftén heen aserihed to the national f of porvidge and haggle, and 1 sus pect that the penples of other coun tries must often wish Loy some pim- flay vitaliger, The Awiss wre now looking fov a national dish, and thelr Association of Cooks and Butchers has sponsored a compe: tition to find suck a dish, 1 ox peat we will next hear of an Amer {oan Jompatition to produes a nip Uonal drink to compete with whis- ey, n NAVAL COMPETITION (Hamilton Spectator) There was a time when Britain could and did maintain the largest navy in the world, hut that time is pasting, How 1s Britain, heavily n debt as she 16, faced with proh- lem which would have reduced any other nation in tha world to des pair, to finance large naval snd military appropriations, Wow in whe to vise superior to the grew: ing naval ppiations of the United Bates? To these questions there I8 no practieal answer, And even If Britain eonld enter Into naval competition with the American Re publie, cond such a rivalry he ab. served without apprehension hy avery man whose judgment was not warped hy prejudices or blinded hy Jingolsm? THE PIG IN NOT PIIGISN (Topekn (Kas) Capital) From the day when man first hogan ta eat bacon, the word "pig! han stood for the ultimate In greed Fand bad manners Hut now comes (the United Sinton depariment of agriculture wip u hulletin asserting that the pig has bean foully wronged, He In not, ator all, plagish hy nature; under the wurface he has unsuspected foroes of vestraint and daintinsss The department found this out hy expi=m'nti ug with self-fepdars for pigs, "Thess things, It seems, Are contrivances by whieh the ple oan help himssll to hia food when. aver he feels like 1 One mieht sxpeect that this would find the pig with his snout forever in the trough, Hut, as a matter of fact, the pig eats Jess this way, and Is far nicer ahaut It, than when he is fed by heand, In other words, the plg's ples gishness han heap forced on him hy man, When we eall a presdy glutton a ple we ars slandering the naohle race of parkers RURNING UP DOLLARN (Vanoouvay Pravines) OF the new industries springing up In Greater Vancouver several are devoled to saving the hy-pro duels of woad, When It 1s vesliged that only onesthird of the tree gut In the Hritish Columbia forest Is used commercially, any process which might turn the waste wond Into useful products Is worthy of examination The average B.C, fir stump, now An obstruction to elvilisation, has within Iteelf a whole storelolse Of useful materials, A wood x Pere has shown that if» fir stump ware put through a process of distillation, the products whish might he taken from It inelude: Oharconl, tar, pyrollgneous adil And gos, These four groups may he further broken up to inelnde some seventy-five hysproduets, Inoluding methyl aloohol, aeotio aeld, form acid, hydrogen, phenala, oreasal and toluene The chemistry of wood IW a Held regarding whieh the average Iay man has little knowledge, And a Hitle knowledge may ha dangerons when other than experts besin (0 discuss wood distillation More ald by the Provincial and Dominion governments to selon ttle research might asslet 1 save Ing wealth from the forests and other natural resources of the country, MNeating engineers have turped sawdust Into a valiable fel, It would not he a surprise if the next generation might vemard A ovImINAl waste the present system of leaving muoh af the tree to deony In the woods and of hum. Ing aosonlled waste at sawmills (0 expensively constructed atesl and conerete fneinerators, Bits oT Veo | No pausing now; no thine for silent weaning | At summer's grave, We must he hand aver The hpitMe tleld where the pent p days lle sleeping, And the ohitled bee ollngs to the rowe elover, We ua he roving | v veatless always | tratlin The white wind and the yo for the aquest ts log : Hoarching for Me anew while the old In tailing, ARd only Youth oan anawer the heart's wild song, Blow out the oandle! Clos door! The lack . In uselesns now, so let the hent key rust, No one shall apen knock, Just \ . A line across the silent dint, In ease they should inquire for us Hay: to an urgent "No Wao malting, William "Nara My C Cre New York Times, aim i We have An e=Therelore | say unto you, Wh m 4 S0eve \* desdve, wheh yo pray, ove that ye Je ceive thew, and yo shall have thew wMark 11 ? ; \ "1 had fainted unless 1 have belioved 10 wee the goodness of the Lord a Tondo living SA pl That i Body of a Pours By Jamas W, Darton, M.D, EPILEPTICS CAN BE HELPED As i student I learned that there were ceptaln aliments that wers i erable but that treatment should be given during aitacks, These ailmepts inehuded such conditions as heart dis wise, ging pectoris, asthma and ep Happy: . owadays all these conditions are being helped hecanse ressareh men have been investigating their causes Cpilepsy was Just cansiderad ag some "hrain" trouble and there was noth. ing that sould be done about it, Now they think of epilepsy as i symptom only, Just as headache can he a symp tam of Iwenty ar more wilments, I is said that there Is one epileptio to every two hundred people in North America, There ure three factors in every ease of epblepsy Best a change In the structive of (he nervius system | second, an instability of the nerve gels due 10 heredity, mental eonfliets or Wetle chemibenl changes within the cells themselves thivd, something in terfeving with the eireulation of the blood within the bral from (he duetloss glands, the lonus, or very frequently from the digestive fract The frst thought fn the treatment Is to try to locate the cause nny family history of nervous wllments, any lack of development physically any foods that may alect this pu tewlar patient, any previous infect ous diseasos, ur any head injure There should also be an X-ray ex amination of the head, ail examina van of the workings of the duetless wlands, of the teeth, tonsils, sinuses, gall bladder, and so forth) X-ray ex winatien of intestingl traet and ex amination of splosl Auld, wring and blood, Further, epilepsy Is one all ment where the attacks should he treated vignrously, us repeated al tacks certainly damage the nervous system, As you know the drug used all aver the world, the bromides, Is the most effective means of Hmiting the number and duration of the ft tacks Diet Is most Important) the use of fats to take the plage of bread and vegetables has proven very helpful Fasting would likely be a eure in many cases but of course that Is fn possibl 1 have spoken before of a ease | kept free from atinoks for aver LA year hy simoly washing out the stomach twa and three times a week Cutting out a section of the large intestine stopped the attacks in 55 cases, hut the returned in the malority of these cases So try to discover the fat diet Da all you these sufferer (Registered in accordance with the Copyright Aet) tacks have Try Can for OMe Canae by CN TUCK, Opt. D (Copyright 102%) Defesta of The Child and The Pre: Sehool Child Copyright 1938 By C NH Twk, OPTD, Part "A! Sometimes the effects of eyestrain and discomfort are notigeahle, Astig watisnn and improper funtioneing of the ooular muaeles will be brought out by the discomfort campained of Detects should he corpected hy wear ing the proper glasses and attention should be siven te building wp the physical condition, Phe recognition of the above Is in the interests of lle and health and when properly considered normal de velopment of the ehild's vision will he expected and in adults comfort will ensue, We can therelora make or mar at will, hy our awn actions, this heritage which {f properly looked aft: er will in hes ite be a valuable ase sot Where vislon means so mueh in of fielenoy at work, study oe sport, eon sult your Optometrist frequently and he advised how you should safeguard your aves, Responsibility Tea with those whose duty it 15 to see that the ohild has a square eat If the pro per consideration af the welfare of those in our ehavge th not given erit item may justly Tall upon those ins to whose keeping the ehild is placed be iL teacher, parents, or guagdian, (To he continued next week.) Em LORD BADENPOWELL AS COMIC ARTIST London ==Lord Baden Powell's cantribution to the Army Offtoers' Art soolety's Rahibition which opens at the New Galleries, Baw Hngton-gavdens, Landen, recently onnked a great deal of amnses ment, Ho has enjoyed himsel? with a fow opayona and a penoll, The ple We shows A grotesgue example of A Reith YPommy" standing nw shattered trench wravel® sontinis ing a flea, The title of the pleture fn "Tommy, during W's eontortions In ohtohing the: flea between hia shoulder blades, slipped down, VAL that moment a shell came And blew away tha trenel where he had bhoen standing, He sald ha captive 'You litte bltghter: amall thouah you are yew have done # big thing, You have saved my lite, T don't know haw to thank you, 1 can't give you a weal; | can't mention you in dispatohes; 1 OAR't pramate you but I ean, and will, reinstate you" NOW nook lavas are made of many strands of fine heads tn gay Spans Ih COTORE, A A gesture 10 the Span: ah exposition (his summer, I / ly ere better off wl this.monith than last ~ an You say this? (1 PEN a savings account at this branch. Save for the mortgage payment, insurance premium, new home--save for the rainy day--future prosper. ity and happiness. Even if it is only a few dollars at a time, remember persistence and regularity plus our Four per cent earning power will soon build up a substantial reserve, and month by month you will experience the pride and sat isfaction that comes with the knowledge that your financial position is steadily improving. CENTRAL CANADA IAN ~~. --. OB HAWA BRANGH OFFIGR, 3 BIMGOE BT, NORTH AND SAVINGS COMPANY, TORONTO HEAD OFFIOF WING & VIETORIA SVS. at Operated Under Qovernment Inspection A SAFE PLACE FORLSAVINGST THAT selling a city Is most ime poriant work, * THAT to sell a elty successfully, first be sold to the it must pea ile we world, THAT in the publicity palgn, the first step is te asquaint the home people then sold to the the sity leell, its resources and advantages, THAT the home people wm Heve in and be proud of the city before they ean make any pros gress towards attracting other THAT when that fs done, instill a spirit of progress in sens that will elear the way alty oan THAT the object of city lielty is ta eveate opinions ® to the elty advertised, THAT manufacturers look focat ¥ i new in the resources of a eity industrial standpoint, such as fuel, power, housing conditions, trans. portation and all things that weuld which 11%) Po heh Marae THAT when advent Coos THAT na city can afford to honest in ite advertising, Tia talng must consist ments and be able to back statements, Rand el RR DONE o placed before the werld, one are ohiefly interested of frank states "TRAVLLLING. | hi Wherever you fo, {ey abroad, { or ou on on | plea: home ontaide came fully LULL] ust hes home i there, it will ita eid 8a the pub: \ A) THE DOMINION BANK Ing for ne Oshawa Branch T. W. JOYCE, Manager an oF, \ wf SroBiEFbRrLONG ¢@ Totus BONDS GRAIN od Otfion Ratond AD WELLINGTON She 8, F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 he dis adver WwW i a Sw a --_--_ BIREAT PRIVATE Wine TO ALL BPRINGIRAN HARKETE THRO aNOVY GANADA ANB THR UNITED sraTee F.O'HEARN & Co QFFIORS SARNIA + OWEN SOUND + [MONTREAM MEMBERS NEW YORK GUAR Kiananar tasers) STANDARD STOR & MINING BX ONANGY GHICARD BOARD QF YRALR WINNIAEQ GRAN FLomaANGg NEW YORK PROBUGE BXENANGY VYORONTO © QEHAWA Genosha Hotel, Oshawa Telephone BTO0 ¥ . ow

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