Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Oct 1929, p. 1

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[ "All the News While Bk News" i The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer -- A Growing Newspaper in » Growing Clty VoL. 5-=NO, 90 News in Brief (By Canadian Press) Gas Detroit ~Two He: Ah employed t an excavation for a branch pump: ng station in Dearborn, were killed hydrogen gas and two other work: un who went to thelr rescues are ying in a hospital, Japan Accopte Toklo.-Premier Yuko Hamaguchi at the } mpetial palace obtained the sanction of Emperor Hirohlto to ja Bintse acceptance of the Invitation the five-power naval conference In don, Al Te a Jalled for Grain Theft Fort William ~Magistrate Pallin {hie morning sentenced Clyde iy imball of Mabella, to two year rn for the theft of hund- pags of grain from Canadian National Hiway an, Doukhobors Ge South Suskatoon, = Fifteen Doukhobors passed through Saskatoon on their way to Mexico, They are leaving the Hague district for the Southern Re. publi, All members of the party are travelling in ne large true Profosser Dies Montreal=Father duet ues Duges, rofessor of Dogma at the Immacu- le Conception "College, and one of th he Jhon rominent members of the ty of Josus v Canada, died in hoor tal yesterday, He wag horn Dec, at St, gl de L'Achigan, Student D Toropts ent DI Gi, nS obineon, student of Knox College, who disap: Juared ast Saturday and has not sen heard of since, In . Years old, with ruddy fomplexion, da %_ hair, § 11,'10 In, and welghs 1 Tbs. He was wearin navy blue sult, with low shoes, bh had ne, hat or Overcoat, Driver Nonaw "Eee seape Rite A ve Lishman of Fl mira, driver of the Kitehener-Elmira bus, had a narrow escape from ser fous burns when the machine he was driving burst into flames and was destroyed, one mile outside Elmira at aon There were no passengers at the time, . . Car Strikes Pole Milton =In Nelson township, W. R, Elmalle, insurance agent of Ace ton, while driving alan the hig way, struck a deep rut in the road opposite Peter Walker's farm, eaus- ing Ms car to leave the road and erash into a hydro pole, Mr, Elmslie way painfully in Ad and was take en to hia home n Acton, Jie Amit rebyte of the in session here, passed a resolution su proctt the ohibition Uns of the Ox+ United Wood beh strong stand of the Ontario fon on the question ol aking the li quor estion out of polities and put. hs i Selore the mii of the referen Hy vince in the form ey Ll I } y=five pupils and of the Oak Hill ated os from here ing ast night from infut- des sustained yesterday in the cel. 3 a portion of the school 4 thildran fled in panie at no "Spake!" Ne Dilheuhy | Quebee.~No great di Wty was ted this year in the pelvaptint Peomier 1 Fin Re Taghordn f Suite w - Ai attention was calle Say de yesterday by Nu Ferguson on the news: print Ses Sant N No Wed Ro- bert reel today announced that he has given orders alles 10 suman all persona taki Holle bow- ing or other dole "makin TE Ae Fy i al improvement ea but as the night wore on erature fell below ous a doctors at hospital explalmd. Jersey Wate! . Amputation A sar mpitate 8 let hand at the ara BS 7 ce In TR cause of sei vaney hatte Rivard 3 for resuming hia eke ents W Wh \ \he Xan Dues i ¥ pn Fr: decking mitted ~ once alors to the knife of NN {riend Dr, Earl J. Halligan, " ; : | ii | i wh it j i i E ; £ i 14 th: [Eh ------ of - OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1929 18 Cents 8 Week; 3 Conts a Copy, TWELVE PAGES A. F.L. MEETING CHEERS MACDONALD Prohibition Union To Support W.E.N. Sinclair LABOR CONVENTION HEARS AN EARNEST MESSAGE FROM GREAT BRITAIN'S PREMIER Nama Micra Mot IVS ARTTINES Delegates to Convention to Stand at All Times for Peace DECLARES WAR IS HARDEST ON LABOR Fifteen Hundred Delegates to Gathering in Toronto, Give Premier MacDonald and His Daughter, Miss Ishbel MacDonald, an En- thusiastic Reception (By Ray Nrown, Canadian Press Mart Writer) Toronto, Oot, 18, From fifteen hundred delegatse to the American Federation of Labor Convention here today, Prime Minister Ram aay MacDonald and hin daughter, Ishbel, received one of the great ont ovations which has been ac corded him since he arrived on the shores of Amerioa, The routine business of passing resolution after resolution gave place shortly before noon to ens thusiastio noclaim of the man who crossed the Atlantic on a mission of peace and goodwill, When the prime Supister and his daughter, escorted by a deputation headed by John I, Lewis, ohief of the miners' federation, entered the assembly hall, rose to thele oie} Rhilen wave of applause burs i President Willlam Green took but a few minutes to Introduce the British Labor prime minister to ha audience, Officials, delegates ond friends were "made," inexs pressibly happy'. When advised that the prime minister of Great Britain and his 'charming daugh- ter, would be present at the first meeting in Toronto of the federa- tion, he sald, Mr, MacDonald rose to speak, but again applause broke out and he was foroed to stand for a briet interval with a smile on his face until the oheering and handelap- ping subsided, Then, In tones of great earnestness, the Labor lead. er of Great Dritaln brought to the Labor organisations of the United States and Canada his message of friendship and goodwill, Labor, sald Mr, MacDonald, speaking not as a party leader but as the head of the Rritleh nas tion, stood for those things which he had come to Ameriea to pros mote, He was on no political miss slon, but nevertheless the cause of (Continued on page 3) NEED INDUSTRIES brrss-- Trade Commissioner Hopes Ontario Will Use Mari- time Coal (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Toronto, Oct, 16.~"The Maritimes needgindustrios that will provide em ployinent for the young people al home," declared RB, W, I, Burnaby, trade commissioner of the Maritime provinces, in addressing the annual meeting of the Maritime Provinces Association here last night "The future of the Maritimes | closely linked with the implementing of the Duncan commission report," he stated, "If this Is done there is a great future for the Maratimes," He urged the greater development of the winter ports at Halifax and Saint John, and expressed the haope that Maritime coal would be brought to. Ontario markets in the near fu ture, FAIL TO BREAK UP THREE-CORNERED ELECTION FIGHT Liberals and Prohibitionists of Leeds Riding Unable to Agree (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brookville, Ont, Oct, 16, f forts to bring sbout the elimina. tion of one of the two candidates nominated in Leeds viding in ops position to the Ferguson governs ment have falled, it was announe- od today, when T, I, Hills, Ganan- oque, Prohibitionist oandidate, des olared that he was in the field to stay and that a conferees held last nipnt at Delta between coms mittoes representing the Liberal party and the Leads branch of the Ontario Prohibition Union had falled to reach solution of the dif. tioulty, Dr, J, P, Sinclair, Ganano- aue, in the Liberal candidate and ¥, J. Skinner, also of Gananoque, the Conservative nominee, Dies on Board Sh Detrolt~Captain G. A, MacAuley, 51 years old, master of the Amasa Stone, of the Interlake Steamship fleet, died on hig ship in Lake Huron of a heart attack, He has been mas: tor of the vessel for the past three years, The hoat was downbound with ore, 228 Candidates To Contest Th In Field e |12 Seats In The Provincial Election Sid Canadien Pres, Lossed Wire) Sed 0 Wi the official we A oly away, to con- 112 seats "a of t . Ontario log~ gtions on 1h hw. TAWAlS Dee re re Me ofial Meminationd dre,rv. the list on it now stands, rt Ke Dp tr nom Ag in every with the Seepiion of a Carle lh od a called for that Fd Carn this afternoon, The hn shows 84 Lib Role » tl 10 various ressives and tical a Senda instances, however, ves he are to avoid three-corne hoice of Ht where Liberals and an attempt fights, have endorsed ¢ one or the other party, includ in the ressive are three UFO, candidates, Disregarding Carleton, Where de Conservative nominal is being held today, constituencies where oa has been named, id FAHY however, if all these will fall into the acclamation class, On the other hand, nomination day may A feel tions where now there is more than one name before the electors. Died After Fall Toronto, Oot, 18-~Thomas Gra: ham, 44, dled hore last night, shortly after he had fallen down a filght of atavia in his home, He sustained a fractured skull when he struck the cement floor of the basement. were missing when planes in the $20,000 National Air Tour and the Edsel Ford Trophy in | tor reliable flying, checked into the overnight control station here last ne San - laative signated starting time Two Fliers Drop Behind in Race National Air Tour Aviators Now Heading For Wichita, Kansas Lambert: St, Loula Field, §t, Louis, Oct, 18, Two 8, Loulsans competiting t, but 25 other entranta aets tied down in bunches from the 26-mile hop from Loulaville, Ky. Wichita, Kansas, was the night Ive for the aviators today Sop, at 8Springtield, Mo, in between, Ten o'clock wan the de from the munioipal alrport with one-minute intervals hotwaen hop ofts, Forest O'Brine, tecently acelatm- of an co-holder with Dale Jackson for setting a 420-hour vecord for sustained flight in the 8, Louis Robin, called for a new ovlinder from the Robin factory here when he was forced down 17 miles west of Louisville yesterday, grady, piloting a Thrush, waved on another contestant wha oireled his Jo Ty Ma. ne T0 miles east of here where agrady bad landed, ! MacDONALDS ARRIVE IN CANADA NRITISH PREMIER AND The above are two characteris tla pletures of Premier Ramsay MacDonald and his daughter, Miss Ishbel MacDonald, taken aftor per plot peture shows thow bod Ningara Serious Fire Niagara Falls Ontario Power Company Plant Sustains Loss of $100,000 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Niagara Falls, Ont, Oct, 14 Damage estimated at about §100,. 000 wan onused by five and water at the Ontario Power Company transformer station at Fallaview Plies The Mre started when an of) Hghtning avreater from some uns known cause exploded throwing blasing oll and polsonous fumes throughout the bullding, No one was in the affected section of the bilding, The fire started at K.10 o'elook and was not controlled for more than an hour and a half, The loss 1s covered hy Insurance, Prince as Aviator Londons Prince George, voungest son of the Reitigh monarch, has now joined the Prince of Wales in learn ng to piles, an alrplane, Restor for 42 Years Lindsay-=Rev, Canon C, H, Marsh Is this week celebrating his forty-ses cond anniversary as rector of 8, Paul's church, Lindsay, He came to Lindsay from Orillia, Says Statue Has Need Of Covering Orillia, Oct. 16-John Whitton, superintendent of Orillia parks, has been approached by an elderly wos man, who insists that the Champlain monument be covered for the winter She says it ix orvel and wnChristian HY allow "we undrayed Indiany, who orm part the group, to brave the winters blasts wapratected, "1 don't set how you have the heart to leave them even this late she insisted, "It makes my blood run coll and aves me i Stefiesn up the back to viateh them i Wd NC HIN DAUGHTER Innding on Canadian sol, The wpe Falls ready to take train for Too ronto, while the lower ploture was snapped while they wele enjoying an oxcursion on the "Mald of the Mise" at the Falls, ------------------------ Conscription Bill Opposed American F ederation of Labor Opposes Measure Now Before Congress CONSCRIPT ION- Taronto, Oct, 16-=Without dissent or debate the convention © of the American Federation of Labor today expressed its opposition to measures pending before congress for universal ponseription in time of war, Jt adopted a resalutipn committee ree port deelaring 1t th be Yessential as an evidence of Ld faith to the world that the American people shall, at least for 'the present, refrain from warlike prepar ations in the ens aetment of legislation" Consorip: tion of labor in war time, it added, waukl mean that "trades unions would be dissolved RADIO BROADCAST OF RAMSAY MacDONALD'S ADDRESS AT OTTAWA A number of Oshawa eoble, partionlarly the large number of Old. Country people in this elty, are Interested in the broadoast te be made of the address of Ramsay MacDonald, premier of Great Neitain, on Thursday evening, The British promior will speak at Ot. tawa, at 5.80 o'olock, and hia ads dress Will be broadest over the ONR, chain and the William Nellson ohain, The Toronto stas tions oarrying this hroadoast are ONRT, (OFCA), GRNC and CFRA, Front Two Toronto Women Overcome by Gas Toronto, Oct, 16.+Mrs, Bva Johns stan, 3, and her sister, Mrs, ne monds, J, were overcome by was fumes in their Apartmen here last night, and were found unconscious oy the floor when the husband o the latter came home, Both will res coven { | sipped, HONE IS GIVEN TO PIONEER CANADIAN AGRICULTURTST Lieut, Governor of Mani toba Moekes Presentation To 8, Larcombe (By Canadien Press Lonsed Wire) Birtle, Man,, Oct, 16, ~Bamusl Larcombe, 77, ploneer agricultur fst of the western plains, whose discoveries of rust restistant graing have made him Internationally known, last night slept in a new house, located amid the rolling and fertile fields overlooking the ple turesque Hird Tall valley Yostarday, surrounded by hund reds of friends, hy the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, Hon, James D, Maofivegor, and representatives of the provineal government, the housa presented to Mr, Larcombe, A tribute to his work which great ly enriched Canadian agriculture Recently the Larcombe home was destroyed hy fire A tablet insoritbed "This house was bullt and donated to Hamuel Lavoombe hy his friends as an ap preciation of his self denying ef- forts on behalf of Canadian aris oulture," was presented to the plonesr hy the Heutenant-governor, Friends through Canada contr! buted funds for the construction of the of the modern residence POLICIES OF CANDIDATES REGARDING PLEBISCITE WERE DECIDING FACTORS WRONG GENERAL WAS GIVEN BLAME Inspector Ayearst Makes Correction in Report of Speech (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) Toronto, Oct, 16~"1t was General Ellott who had to admit that men were chasing me around, and en ap pearing before the public accounts gommittee was forced to say that no thing eould be held against me," sald I, A, Avearst, former license inspect or during the Ontario Temperanee Ast last night, to correct A statement made Monday night when he spoke at & meeting in the intevests of Mrs Grant Needham, Prohibition eandi date in St, George's riding "1 am reported as saying It was General Williams who had knowledge of this, In fairness to General Wil Hams it should he made known that it was Ganeral Elliott whe was re ferree 1 to," Ramsay MacDonald Given Enthusiastic Welcome On Arrival on Canadian Soil Canada's Grain| Grading High Less Than One Per Cent, Is Below Standard Grade (By Canadien Prose. yy PR ive) Saskatoon, Oct, 16,MoM than ninety-nine per cent, of this year's wheat orop falls within the status tory grades, according to Dean W, I, Rutherford of the University of Haskatohewan, At a meeting of the Naskatoon branch of the Canadian Hoolety of Teohnloal Agrieulturists, he stated that protein content avers Ages 14 per cent, and In some oases runs ax high an 19 per cent, Though imperfect, Oanada's grain grading system is considered hy the world's ohlef wheat-buying countries to he the hest grading plan in the world, stated the Dean, He mentioned that this year, for the first time, it was impossible to fix "commercial grades" for Krain tn some way damaged; ine auftiolent grain was available to make a fair sample, Dean Rutherford's statement that more than #8 per cent, of the 1028 crop falls within the status tory gradea means that virtually ali of the yield may be rated under the headings: number one hard, numbers one, two and three north. ern, and numbers four, five and six wheat, Less than one per cent, of the orop, he indioates, may be classed under headings as smutty, rade, rejected and so on, The dean was a member of the Saskatohewan Royal Grain Come mission whion toured OCanada:taks Ing evidence regarding the mar keting and handling of Canada's wheat orop, ---------------- Toronto Holders of Victoria Cross May Yet Go To Dinner By Cumadion Press Lossed Wire) Toronto, Oct, 16~Five holders oi the Victoria Cross here are still as waiting invitations ta the dinner bes ing given hy the Prince of Wales in London on November 11, In {ome Te sea, the matter of finances is seem ingly an insurmountable barrier, hut all are anxious to go, and it is poss sible that some assistance may be gi- ver them hy various organisations, Falls In Kettle Of Boiling Lye Hamilton, Oot, 18.Tarribly burned when he fell inte boiling Iye while at work in the plant of the Proctor Gamble company yess terday, William Baxter, of 48 Cam bridge avheue, waa rushed to the General hoapital, He wan adjusting the heat above a Kettle when he Fellow workers vesouod Bim, Hin condition was reported as fair last night, Taronto, Oct, 16=Right Hon, Ji Ramsay MacDonald, Prime Minister of Great Britain, eame to Canada yesterday demogratically aboard a trolley, Then, completing the first stage of his Canadian tour, he arrive ed in Toronto last night, The Canadian Rallways National train carrying the Labor premier and his party made brief stops at St, Catharines and Hamil ton, At each city hundreds of peor le erowded the station platform Win the arrival of the train there game an outburst of cheering whieh grew to an uproarious salva of plaw dits as the prime minister and his daughter Isivhel stepped out on the Sbrerytiog platform of their parlor oar, To each gathering he voloed his appreciation of the weloame, his res rot that he was unable (0 stay Rnaen Crowds at Station Put it was at the Torenta Union Station that there were the largest crowds of all to welcome him, His train arrived here at 6 pm, It haps pened that with the length of train the Premier's car came to a halt down the platform fifty yards from the entrance to the station, His Honor W, D, Ross, Lieutenant-Goys enor of Ontario, boarded the Prime Minister's ear and Mrs, Ross wel comed Miss MacDonald, James tpn Labor leader, and other Labor men also extended greetings, Ings, Then as the party left the car and started the walk to the station there Came a demonstration that must have touched the heart of his Labor Prime Minister, Lined along the platform were scores of railway warkers, grease-stained oilers, the men who test the car wheels, baggage men, mail clerks, They waved hammers, ohunks of waste, caps, They shouts od "Hurrah for MacDonald," Ther cheered, They applauded, The Pre mior smiling, raising his hat right and left, wa ked slow y hetween their ranks, And in the station rotunda were gathered hundreds of other eitizens (Continned on wage 2) MAN 1S KILLED BY CUSTOMS OFFICER Shooting Occurred After Car Loaded With Rum Had Been Seized (Ry Canadian Presa Lonsed Wine) Glace Bay, Oct, 18,-The fips fatal shooting since hte preventive pervice went inte effect In Nava Sootia occurred laat night an the Old Ligan road, a short distance from New Waterford, when Pres ventive Officer 1, J. Corbett of Lingam, shot down Renny Honae visky, of Whitney Pler, Sydney, The shooting occurred shortly ab tor midnight, Bonavisky,, aged 22, waa one of & party that Officer Corbett ab loged attacked him after he and Preventive Offtcer Chalsson had seized a big oar in which was atored 28 kege of rum, each 00R- taining five gallons, special Decision to Support the Libs eral Leader Was Made Known After Special Committee Meeting Held at Brooklin Yesterday Afternoon RESOLUTION PASSED SETS FORTH VIEWS Question of Whether Mr, Sinclair Was a Better Temperance Man Than Mr, Mason Was Not Cons sidered by Members of Committee ------ The Bouth Ontario Prohibition Union will support William E, °N, Hinelatr, K.C,, Liberal candidate in Houth Ontario, during the sleor tion campaign, heeause of his promise if elected as prime mine ister of Ontario, that he will grant either & plebiscite or referendum as may be requested hy the tems perance people This decision was reached pt a meeting of the eampalgn com» mittea of the Unlon, whieh' ins eluded almost all the members af the Kxecutive, at a well attended meeting held in. Begokiin dni Chureh on Tuesday afternoon, the Chairman of the commities, Rev, R, A, Handerson, of Whithy, presiding + Hesolntibn Passed 4 The decison and reasons for same were set forth in the follows ng vesplution, which was pa unanimously, and which was of dered to he forwarded tothe press: Whereas from the viewpoint of the prohibitionists pf Routh Qne tario the main issue in the present election campaign fa! "Have the people the right te speak for themselves upon the question of the prohibition er contrel of the Hguor trafic, hath as to manie facture and sale; and ean they ae cure that right of referendum on Jlenheis free from political ens nelementst" And whereas the Wonorable @, Howard Ferguson has distingtly stated that he will not grant ¥ \™ right, and that the control of ¢ liquor traffic ta a matter of -- ernment concern; and he further #tates that it his government pol (Continued on page 9) | CONFERENCE ACCEPTANCES ARE SENT OFF Governments of Japan And France Send Affirmative Replies 7) (By PN Wy hw Lonsed Tokyo, Oot, ~The Japan reply to the Brien invitation participate in a naval conference Londen in January was telearaphs od to Ambassador Mataudaria ab London for transmission to the Britiah foreign office, Tt waa Was derstood to he an unreser LL) oeptance, i France Also Re : Parts, Oot, 18. Tha government today forwarded acceptance to London of the Rrits 18h government's invitation te § in a naval conference in Londen in Javan, The text of the captace will he released tonight publication, Tater it was learned that In the text of her acceptances emphasise her willingness to tioipate in the conference bheow sha helleves It will repair and ollitate the work of the p tory disarmament commission Geneva and lead to a general ference an all armaments, It tn understood the test Add that France on various sions made clear the Franch atl tude on questions which are NW te figure on the agenda of the Lions don conference, n ---------- Taly Accepts Y Washington, D.C, Oot, 1818s Han Ambassador De Martine t Informed Secretary Stimson hia zovernment had gladly and conditlonally accented the Rritish Invitation ta the five-powar na conference in London in January

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