Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Oct 1929, p. 14

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PAGE TWELVE EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Idd bbb ddd bid ACCEPTS NEW POST Pigtan, Ost, ~My, Beymour wiren, Chief Ledger keeper " th nk ol Mantres), her vesigned puking # position with fhe hil lephans Coy, af Hota Purl fi stay in Pietan fren made host of (nends whe ol regret ron RIES OF BURNS Pietan, Oct, 16~Jahn I, Miller, af Mlaompeld succumbed Vriday 10 ay and selds sustained while hting fire 1 the atte of his home, ih with Ih his 78th year, The fun aul was held from hi late residences Monday, pitepnoan with interment ut Urser Cemetery, FREIGHTER BICKEN BRINGS Helleyille, Oct, 16.The freighter AM, Bigken, the p aperty of the Weds fell Company Wi Urentan 1s " the Hen dock unloading » carga of col for the Conger Coil Company, The Bicken had on heard heiwein three and four hundred tons of eon TOBACCO BTOLEN Part Hope, Oct, 16~During the early hours af Bunday WArRINg rg lara Sorel thelr way nia Rh tahieea and havher shop on [alton Heat and made # sueeessiul glawiy with elgaretien and elgars AY wt $400, Mh trace of he Intro ders has vet been found and |oeal police antharities are AE Investigating CHICKEN WES VISIT al f Hellaville, Last week three parties wha pleaded gullty 10 stealing ehickens from vesidents al rend tawnship were sent 1a Jail for a month on their plea of gully, Tv) Vy ¥ chicken thieving is iat a | ta Tyendinag fowiahyp mw My, Pred aaa, the Known Ahrdener of Thurlaw tawn ship has of late had a number af fawl stelen COUNTY AUDITORS APPOINT: Pembroke, Oct, 16=Appaintment at wuditars tor the haoks of the eon ty aecasloned some discussion at two seasions, but ne change was made fram the custom of recent years, ex cept that the wuditers will be asked ta make thelr report in samewhal larger detail and submit it ta the fin ance eammittes and County Counell rm -- far approval helors 16 1s printed in the minutes, E-- BACK WAS INJURED Hroekviile, Let, 16, lla Childs, af Taranto, wis sdnibted to the gen eral hospital on Ratirduy ule suffering from an injury to his back, sustained in an autemohile aseident same distance west of the town, 1 ppears that the cir Childs was defy i went inte the diteh through the weRksing af & pin in the steering i paribus, The ear wis considerably damaged, Childs was able to leave hie hospital this morning, br, DB, B, Cadg wah the attending physician, ems" FOUND DEAD UNDER TREE Braekville, Oct, 16.~William Burs vis, 64, wis found lying desd under wn file tree in the arehard af Ven, fehd "hear Carson, Marrishuri, where he LH heen employed pieking upples an Wednesday witernann, His sath wis not due te & fall 45 run ared, lint to a heart attack while in the (ree, as wits ascertained hy & me deal examination, Mr, Burs leaves a heather, Albert, and wu sister Jing, poh, ul Marrishirg His brather Al: wit bs widely known LA hartieul Furies, NARROW 8c, PE MONO: AIDE OAK Belleville, Ost, 16~Mr, Wallies tavelock Raobh had & very else gall ram helng or enme om "phon manoxide ul hie home Ahhey lawn lust week abl has hin awn eleetrieal he wh wih working wraund a gasoline engine which gen arates the power when some af the fumed escaped through a break In the exhaust pipe, Bame tme alter My Wahi with taken violently Ul but re Robb » in the course of a day or twa and Is now nene the worse far his NpRriehee, CAR CATCHES FIRE Braekyille, Oet, 10~When his au tamobile eanght five after vunning in toi ditch on hI between Kingston and Gananoque on Baturday ¥, Grant Marriott, 404 Laurier avenue anal, Ottawa, narrowly gacaped death and had ta he assisted from the hlaghng gar hy Brockville motorists wha had stapped ta help three other automa hiles ditehed ut the same spat, Blan far the ditehing of all cars wis pla ead an the surface al the road, which wis "like glare fee," ane driver sald Fhe yaad had heen alled recently and JEDDO COAL SOLVAY COKE Hard Wood Slabs Soft Weod Slabs CORD WOOD | TWENTY (20) DELIVERY VEHICLES | INSURES A PROMPT AND COURTEOUS DELIVERY DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE 262 -- FOUR DIRECT LINES THE ELECTION ACT Electoral Dist ictof South Ontario NOTICE OF HOLDING AN ADVANCE POLL Rallway Employees, Sallors and Travellers Notice is h provisions of The | will be hb on the 24th, given that pursuant te the ection Aet, {hection 86) a Sth, and 26th 2 of Qctober, 1929, from the hours of two i. k in the afternoon until five o'clock in the afternoon and fram seven o'clock in the afternoon wa] § ten o'clock in the afterneon of each of the "The polling oe for the Electoral District of South Ontaria will be located at W, A, Hare's Op- tional Parlors, 2314 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, the purpose of receiving the votes af railway sailors and travellers whose employment ia such as to necessitate their absence from time to ne fram their ordinary place of residence, or have reason te believe that they will be ab a the day fixed for the election, . e ballot box will be opened and the votes Wek at seven o'clock in the afternoon of Weds Nosdey the 30th day of October, 1929, at the said 00, Dated at Whithy this 10th day of October, 1929, ALBERT W, JACKSON, Returning Officer, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1929 Every Atom | Throbbing | With f Strength | High vilamin wanbent eon Hyer oll from Nowe Wipro) Lhmen viehey than opens rom) i I htop w= Anulsifed w= mado 3 tn inks, Hexnll Con iver O41 Kmwislon ts sold only at Hoxall Moves, Mave with wnioly ni yony REXALL BTORN JURY & LOVELL King ¥, Mimeon MN, Phone ws hone 08 then vain had fallen upon it, kelp the surface as slippery as loo, Trae was heavy an many were driving tram the foathsll game in Kingston rp -- SENTENCED FOR THEFT Part Hope, Oct, 10 Wilfrld Parks, aned 24, of Oterville, Ont, wih given i term af wine manths determi nile and three manths Indeterminate al the Ontario Refarmatary pt Guelph when he was seralgoed in Pont Hane ile eanrt helare Maaisirate W A f Campbell an Saturday on a hl) af theft of w wetor ear, Florence Bowerman, wha accompanied Farks, and wha is & cousin off earl How rman, an accomplice of Taek Parks, wha 18 now serving a term at Parts month Penltentiary near Kingston, wis given a remand, ELECT HONORARY PRESIDENT Pembroke Oct, 16 Narman Camphell, tnspeator af publi sehoals wis elected honorary prasident, Fri day, at the election af aMesrs held hy the Teachers' Institute In the Col lewinte Auditarivm, W, K, Brawn, of Henehburg, In past presidents presi dent, W, £adaw i vies president, Asa , Blevensan | seerotary, Miss Mary Flynn treasurer, Miss Mary Wai Fel, The executive are Misses Loti in Murray, Ho Patter and' Janet MacLaren, J, KE. Bevans and E Lah Hes AERIAL FOREST PATROLA Aarial patvals of the forests In nakatehewan in the summer of LUEN cavared approximately sigh foal mitiion sores. af eauntry al Mast Inacosssible In summer ox opt hy canoe, Sixty-one fres wore (etectod hy the Rivera, A AMA PREMIER CLANS LIQUOR FIGURES BELOW ESTIMATES Declares Only Twe More Officers Under L.C.A, Than O.T.A, -------- Peterhora, Oct, 1H ~When the amanit of Ontario's guar snles far the fecal venr sanding Ost, #1, I announced, It will surprise some of the fovernmant etl erition, who are radio ne falnln of A00,000 np That, 000, Fram Ki wir vl told wn lures audionen Inn 1nee theatre tonight, Ausstlon siuntly reiterated hy the prabibl: Haniel farses wig taken wh hy She vemiay tonight far the fm ine 0 Anig his amps En when he Aeclarn confidence in his voles that the Hig: Wor wile total would he "far, far, far helaw! the sstimates hain mada 10 apposition speeches an writings The lash of the premier's evil: olan feked the hack ol Harry Hittan, mamher of the well-known Poranlo Lihersl family, when he wil dlseunsing with this evening's erawd the government's unceasing viglanes In protecting the walter fiwer rights of the pravines, Mr ian Is axpecied to speak here In kh fow wesks VANE lm haw the pravines near: ly lost the Georgian Bay power Fightin, My, Farguson suggested, palareing to the unsusosnelul of forte af the Biftan family ta assure A IoRke an these wiley pawers In the house of commons in 1087, Li OA) Hinforeement Only twa more men sre smploy ad to antares the Ldguar Cantegl Act than ware an the squad that piiempted ta pneure abesrvancs of the OFA, Fremler Farguson painted oul, replying to a sinte mant of Bev, John Aysarst, farmer snfavoemaent oftieer of the 0.7 A MP, Ayanrst was reported as In farming ws Toranta audience an Monday wight that Wf thers had Been an hig 0 SATE of men employ od 10 enforces the OTA, as the wre enfareing the Liguar Cantal wot, Ontario would have had a pay foot anfaveement of the farmer lg war law have mn high vagard for My Avanrat's sluesrity of purpose,' Wald Lhe premiee, "hut 1 want te polnt this out, He says that the wot le net Proverly anfarend and Addn that If under the OTA, he had hoan given the quate of affl ore wha wre enforcing the present aot, he oauld have made the 0.7 A anfareament perfect, "Naw My Avoarel had a staff of 184, We ln Any have A niall af 166, He had th the ring of ahanlute, |} 1UBL the sama sialf as wa have and ha had Just the same appartunity Not far ane mament am 1 eritiels Ing Wis seal, hut 1 say, don't ae gant statements from enthusiasts without having them verified in same form ar athe' Mare than 1,000 people turned aut ta heat the pramier in the Grand theatre, Nat anly wars all | the seats filled, but the platform was eraowded Ee ------ Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets (Rante HAY AND ATRAW PRICES halsadle dealers | A AAW ane iv LL] 4 ships hy i ida oi + on felivere No 4 " H it dh \ mel} Ne Tima a h Nhe te LR] Hb SHAW, Bel fan 8a straw, baled, ton LW Nay, | pl loons, is quated a1 §8 w per ton delivered, pe ONTO PRODUC Totatie 3 Weaals dealers Ate sling pea dues 18 All dealers al the follwing Wil " Russ Froah, sutras, in sarions 31 fresh Ri, loons, Al, Aral, loos, #990 senna, Manes Ne hl SIAM , Brinte, Het Ne § Lreameny, nein, Li) ev tn " wok i . a 3 Chie fio \ & ha Wh ih FB LTE gm! Him \ a AY | ™ k ng HERE R AY) \ ™ \ i hoe AN 5M TOR ON & Iman e Hav : Th RU A a EA \ ht i Wa, - \ Wa, pe FR he ave RW H A EAL | 2 fii ah (AHR wil Ard hh \ Na 16) LL LO Sy i EG i Ww it ya N MW i oh Ry Hb » AR, SRA Pe ™ \ i TR TANNER sh N NC On (he \ AKL iv Ae ba, 3 a, nor LITLE LL Wa will means and aves low prises Call JAW a eM "a daley, per ponnd iN oN Sia ow wid vy OH UN Fain pf Yo {jdtieta hy the! He |e ha) Eons th " gl basket Wha, Bah basket Cubase | Wo WACK, peek 1" MU ALR, POE Bon "1 ities, A hi A ¥ foal Hy ita bo ""w wombs, Hat has pi WEE hie {a (ies ley, per handle SIGHE, BET duael Phe Bo sash A oh, Whit bhp \ i Fae, Wa! i Janes, & Gi fais, 1 A eachien faney a SRA sch Lien Pew wi! AH Mh i, FRA How \ Wa Liles, gl 1s TORONTO GRAIN QUATATIONS (lial duets on the Torani Board of A Ale W the fall AW | i Ww | AU Fi) pot oh whe With | 4) \ 4 FN kl all ol Wl td Tx Ga h) MW A AY alia) aN sal Ne, | feed 8 Jdei Ne 2 Na, # yell A LIRR HERP SOL Bhgt ML i LAN bags Ww W ha \ a it ih \ ou, Li willie, A a te Ne y A Y Oats, We Ww atley, ® ve AAT BUFFAL. LIVE ATOON Fant Balaton ho Reoatpin of hogs, Ma Raklavers, SN lady wy w AA na My [8 LTV OT Dag & Wow AA fh, HAS Ah Thane, RRL Wl Ages RT SP + SW Ry th ol J B01 vealens aelive, HY ¥ steady, ww © "We Wl RA LIE Wl and W p) Revatply wi Ya Ra YY \ a wang A Ww \ wy AOE 'Y 8 AN TP, HOW Ww Ni (RLS w---- CHICAGO PRODUCE AR Chivas 08h Weebly a 3 WW 1 Wal | Hg drt oi Whe Nn \ Ww a) RLY A pov | Nal WAL AG hey i AW A hw wl Wel With a a th ORLA ale a AY Ny AR WR BH hy and hh" She 0 \ Fear] A WOE Teale \} N he A Ae Neudar ob ne hi Raa W ARI dAY, Baia while RA we aly ob Lo ta wad A WR MACARN Nh, MH | COAL BR oe a ROR \ ht, AY ATR Watton axtian, dy Rh Wy ALE UT 4 W AN 3 lt Rae (oY NOW Nord spat wackey Hat, aw FL Re Meade a Arata, ) Ny we Ae ae UV BAREE 0 hand ulien WANG Coxwell and Ottoman A wood leaking set, uphol stered in a wood grade of Jagqunard Comfortable, wai wi Gn 0 low-priced at Occasional Table $17.48 ~ ol Wl: iit Made in the | Pp apula vy ae lag onal shape, with solid walnut fap Nis ely styled, and a warth while value at ew Price This 4-Piece Bedroom Suite $229.00 A wonderful suite at a price almeat unbelievably wmaderate, for furniture of such quality and workmanship, The suite comprises bed, dresser, dress ing table and cheat of drawers all pieces veneered Walnut in vieh twa tone shade, English Swle Bug Kk) in Blue shade with Lea: 49 50 0) theveite hood er NY To Make very Dollar You Spend Do Double Duty The answer Is simple==Buy your furniture at Luke Furniture lees==here every dollar you spend gets the utmost in style, Come In and let us prove our claims, Yes! You may buy on terms! the quality house with the comfort and quality! Tufted Living Room Suite $169.50 Including the luxurious chesterfield and twe ver comfortable chairs to mateh! Beautifully uphels stered in a superior, long wearing mohair, The Serpentine front, and amart tuftings add charm and dignity to thia very high grade suite, $169 50 4. Special EEE EE EE EA EE EE EE EE EE EE Breakfast Set Six Pieces $45.00 Dvap leaf breakfast table 4 watching ohaira and huts fot in shaded gvay, Vew sturdy, vet gvacelul in style, A papular set at a popular Prive, New 9-Piece Dining Suite $159.80 A pretty suite at a moneys saving price! W Arty veneeyed, of course! Table and six chairs Buffet and China Cabinet w= we cannot toa highly recoms mend this outfit, particularly at the lowest price quoted in months, See this suite for real Evalue, LUBE FURNITURE COMPANY 63 King St. East Phones 78-79

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