Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Oct 1929, p. 13

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: THE OSHAWA DAIL Y TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1929 EC ADELE ED S meets PAGE ELEVEN i ECTION, 4 yt] fo A WRIRTIWS olielars, Ri NTR, JA Con: eyane age Hl "il of AW, meee Ht, Bout, Oshawa, yh «G&D, Conpnt, AB, a V, Annis, B.A, WA Iy, 1 WOE WATNINTR, | | Bollcitor Notary Publie, Convey: anger, Money ta loan, Third loo it phone Bui enh Opposite Post f) ATIC RT, TARR 0 0p ui . rinter, Soller Not RA SIAR: we ' Ph Gon yeynedr, Money ta loan, Ue ig ing St, kant, WhAWH, Fi LL N™AND Yraner, Barriuters, Conveyanoers, Notaries Publie, ety, Offices ovor Wtandard Bank, Kutrance Himaeoe Bt, Phone 18, 1, ¥, Grierson, K.0, T, K, Creighton, WA, g, Fraser, HA, alleltor, Notary, over Dowland's tore, Money to loan, 16 Bimooe Sat" Phong 67, Residence a ---- tr -------- PARKHILL AND FIRLD, BAR Rijers ete, Money to lokn, Alwer Op posite him Office, Phone |g le HoT Amy vistors, solicitors ole, M4 Bimeoe | hana 3160, phy to loan " Jy NATURA: ter, ato, Co aad and genera) Fhotloe, BEV King Bt, Kast Phone nent, (th Medical PAROLE TRICK. TT 781 olan, Surgeon, Obstetriclan, Special references to maternity work und di seanes of women, Two years' post fradusts rlence, OMee und ren frau 107 one meee St N,, (or, Broek) Be errr PHVE eon, | Accouther, | OMce Bid Fesls ence, King , Kast, gorner Vietorls Oshaw nie A AN' RY PRESTR Burton, Obatet teint, dineases of fants end _ehildron, Ofige wind ne hone 1183 , HAZLEW 0h, Laat, 1 PHYS Reon, special attention Pl wor nd Kleetry , Disney Moc, Phone apy Ole apn am 9 nw BE A me ud vii STEWART, SUR goon, Obatetriclan, physician, Special | F Attention to surgery, Two vears ela voi Thonthe post wraduate experience, St. Bartholomew's and St, fi pital, London, Royal lw FIAT pita ih University Hos: (te bow oA WD ARCHER, DR, B, stan " ven ln, qe JA Simcoe St i CM, it Ro d libra tote N, Phone a Sine oh % Phone 31 h ARCHER BROWN, MD, A 4 CP & 8 Edinburgh Physielan Surgeon, Obatetriclan, special ate soln, Ofiee 14 realdence 16 wrneen: . tention 10 maternity Nor and dig ques of pln OMee and res fp moos St, North, Phone e, 188 al dt lb Surgeon, Obstetrician, Office and vesidence, B18 Himeoe streel Borth, Phone 110, (Oot, +1 wo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist PET TT IRVANY OF 180 TEGO Street West, Toronto, will he at his ce aver Jury & hovelly HR Siore each Saturday, fram pm, for pansultation an ML of diseases of ear, nose and threat only, Appointments may be made at tray store, Phone 97 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR, EF, RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store, Houn 10 10 12 aan, 2 to 5 Kvenlmps by ppointment, Office phone 2000, Engineering and Surveying Ji ONEVAN AN 0 band veyors and Clyll hh. eery, Sub: divislons, own lana munielpa) engineers or All King apes nr 254 ing CURE WORTAL C0, 0, ® Han Ambulance, Kegidanse, th Phone one toe street north, hws, aaa 'Ambulances, Insurance DAVIE AND BON, INF if 19 King St, west, Oshawa, The old. est Fire Agency In Oshawa, 30 Re (} Companies, A ILACING NS consult R, NY, Johns, 80 Bimeos north, Your Insurance 'wants attrnded to ill vour mierests protecten, ansportation OATTAT AND YONA AW CON: man's, K6 Bond Went, Npaolalints In furniture moving, storage Ware: house and maving van equipment Ls LT) Lo ORT ROT,SOVINT, ~~ aWAVEL sand and cinders, Loeal and long distane hauling, Phone 3048 anil 200317, Smith and Cox, 4 Bond Si NV ORTAWAR™ OLDRET EETAD Nahed furniture movers, Park Road ear ape, Local and long distance Frank Cowle, Prop, 65 Park RI Houth, Phone 216, (flept 16:1 mo) Beauty Parlors FETT YT OU PERMANENT wive, Special 88 an! ¥ pr ner | witve and shampoo $1, Faclal wr enti 206, Phone 2008 or 86 1106) rtd FEF Fie M NCAT Betty Ward at ial nt TN Fd ent Wave Shoppe, Marcel and sham: pon Bl, Phase, tune 0 um JATRC Beauty en. 9 Celina We sper einige In ladies' «hair en iting mines oolllng, shampooing, facials, Marge! LU santy, For Appoin ments phone LLL et, 10+1 mo) MARCHE AND C CORE MRE Everette Bell, Apt, Lot dward Apart: a ments, Quebee Anpolntinent phone A ve | mo) Building Se FOR SAT = AND: GRAVE, stone and black loam, 41.00 » d For quality and service 'phone Es: Aer OA i wo lace or ate, \V Bim and N7 Celina Breet, Wruee #lreet, LU io Insure prompt delivery, ders In pdvanag of delivery Borrowdale Phony 1618 Music EVID INT VOOAY instructions, Mrs, (Dr) Grant Barry, Phone 1106, (Oct, 1+1mn) ANITURTTYNDE VOCAL TEA: char (Hambourk Cantervatay o up repared for all axanis Bie Welles , Blmeok ] \one NTTT- ON of Toronto's leading vielin teavh ore, In In hawa on Thursday attarnoons, Btudio #8 Bigin Sy KW, Phone TEOM, er 4-1 NOORLNY T° rane, will actept P TANKE for wing: ng, voloa oulture, eto, dhond 1004, A Hruoe dt, (Oe 1mo, ) Jahawa, Diveotor of Musi, Oshawa 'Gollegls te and Publi Bohools, Btudie, 20 'ostmoreland, Phone 29040, (Oot, 16:1 mo) aa a -- Money to Loan Ey (WIFARM TOANY, RO. press loans arranged, Parkhill Iield, Haeristers, oto, Alg Phone 16814, Watch Repairing of Riu ealien - Dental § OVER IH " Special ion to Xoray pett! LY Nuns in Ate work, Gas extraction, | khRAD A FLORA, DENTINE | POOL ORAL, r ding iw Remon y appeints [CONST orth, over Mitchell's Drug Store 4 as for extn Roy] Bank i Ah 18 st Dewan 0 1987, Res, BOW Evenings by Bay Xie st K Sone | ab |& ion to mas extraction and X-ray rae In attendance, Phones hy ae an ARIAR. is B00 Kink west, > ww AL i OO Second floor, Bank Rul Phone 14% THOMSON ANG JOHNSON NN on '} Ee tects, Stmeoe St, TUTERY Sante, § RPA Sinner Sv SUTIN BE $ tent wi fog Wid pieces of FAT N oles at our vandy, «4! wa, Ontario, & A | al maker, 1) PAH A Hirset Wand Your mt: en Barvien, a bi 44 tlh ppgay and battery sets, Tubes and batteries aie: Batteries recharged, rental supplied: 81, Phone 10481, Charlies Wales, 146 Elgin B® (Oot, 41 mo) ATR Caulking HAVE ALL CheVioes AROUND your windows and doors filled with Pantie coment and shut out the old drafe, saves tuel, the cost Is small, Free estimates, J, H, Laws son, R No. 3 Oshawa, Phone R81, (Oot 4:1 mo) Painting and PI TEAR IR, and i LY only TiS YOATS PXe SAN rrhanger, Freee ve right Pelntine ine Ave, phone and paperhangers Ruan wars, Nh prices reasonable, Phone al siren FY RWRITING machines overhauled, repaired and shui, My work Ia suarant Jan don't pay watll in ATO WA Dealer In all aa a typewriters, wy lott Wt An ih, rest, contra, mood concentrating Harvie Real Dunlop wt, Duniness, connection, on chicken Batate otlice, power, Owner mrm 138 Barrie, ik) & of this naturs, and collect for same, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This yule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising fram handling a large number of small secounts For the senvenience of customers whe find It inconvenjent to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will vecelve the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Real Estate for Sale NEW RUG BRICK HOUSW WITH all conveniences, Hight seres of good garden on the highway eunt of Oshawa, WII well, will make terme to sult purchaser, HB, Nnow: don, RN, No, §, Bowmanville (NF) TST EXCHANGE 8 8 ni Ki I, Phone 2470, offering the follawin 300 cash buys 5 reo wlow North End; 200 were farm 100 buildings and soll 25 miles from Oshawa, consider some exchunge Cash client will buy best value in 0 roomed house, Many other exchun Nes and propositions, Come in and aver, (HV) FoR ALK FEE THIN ONE SPLENDID HOUSE, § ACRES OF ehalee garden soll on highway, all iy fonvaniondes, Price $7500, Lyeeit, | (Be) fork Wanted STEWING, "CHESTER fields made to order, We money, Estimates free, G, A pe 74 Mechanie street Phong hid HARGED, Hi i r or and Gullveret: 78 comnts, LU ren tal supplied $1, Hatteries repaired Tia lidwon, 20 Mill 8, Phone 1ANEW, ¥ (Oot, 10+1 mo) FATTRATEN ORANGE "ANT DE: livared THe, rental 360, and the antire eleotrionl system of ear re: pained, 204 Oshawa Bivd, Phone 1 Oot, 11s 1 mo) Nia WON INE TRO OK RK: pRiring Maotal humping, | handle the Nider Hullt Bodies, BiH Fry, 40 Bond Want, Oshawa (Oot, 10:1 mo) GIRL WANTS References (Rh) HXTERTENCED goneral housework Apply Box 2458 Times emstitching NINE UENDS FEY ARDTTIRAT od Akirts, one dollar, alterations, oto, All kinda of heautitul faney work on sale, Mra, Dell, 4815 Rime one Houth, Phons 1084, (Oot, 16:1 mo) ORT _-- "TO Gent' nvercoats repaired Ly Altered, ladies' fur coats relined § repaired Talloring" your own RAL al made up, Address 1344 King 81, W. (over He Call and deliver, Phone --n it, #1 smo) --- "Second Hand | wig AROUND WAND TRACER " niture bought and sold, 154 Bloor St, Kast hone 1817TM, (tr S555: or | XV YOUR FAVORITE ENA hotographs oolored-- or prices and samples, (Oot, 1:1 ma), |" Public Stenographer atrest north, Phone "1400, Ne rates for malling Hats and olreular wark (Rept, 24-1 ma) A Room and Bowrd or 10, home | wi SVR am BB, vom 11,80 1s 1 hi shots and Phone 834 with board, in private family, wm (XN gentral, Phone 18344, Fo AND BOARD ALL TON: Jenionces, central, Apply 68 Churoh Sl) AND Phone a) anted mats ANTED TN PRIVATE amily, contral, Hreakiast at dine ner, for gentlemen, Hox M6, 1 a) A { QO Board at u Division Street, had Young man working in motors dee room and part heard, Pri. vate family, Box 203 TA . a "Th ana Live Sook TOR FRLIEFLYING ROWERS: | Bi Have done from 100 \» 400 ni. Rox 413, Apply 7. Wright, (880) manville, or FOR EN OHANTN FoR NRL, house in Oshawa, any disteiet, one hundred acre farm with house, near Ravete, Give price and terms Barrie Real Batate offioe, 138 Dune lop St, Barrie, (i) RG A en, AA aS Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOV I WOOD slabs, 83.50 per load, Also bone dry hody gi WW aiorous Meek Limied Phone (Apr, 2611) FOR Ewer AN ou Ltd, planos, new and used plano, ALSO radios, latest wodels; teriue 4Frhnged, Apply ©, Trull, Phone LLL] Lh : (11140) VOR SATE ROPE WITH looking glass, Phone 1604W (80h) I TRAILER FOR BALE, PHONE hEIM, (Khe) FOR SALE~AMPLIFHONIC IN wood condition, Call and make after and terms early evening ov Suturdapy afternoon, JM Simeoe Bouth, Osh AWA i a ti) VOR RATE NEW OANT HED and mattress, $8.60, Roll of blue and white gheek oll uleth, ¥4.60 Hall runner, blue and taupe, 4% yd, long, $7, Phone S464 F hob) Home Cooked Meats WNOTTR HOME "MADE PORK ples, steak and kidney ples, hot or oold, brawn, oakes and pastries, ote, oto, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple ntrant, Phone $8780, (7741) rei = Help-- Wanted Male WANTED=REAT TRTATE SAT oaman with sar, expbrienced man Fe hrend but not essential, Apply § Kin SE. Oshy Nh) i WHT RY (41M salen experiance make Hood with us, You can too, We will help you wake good, Kxeellent opportunity; oxolupive territory In Oshawh Weite giving ape and oocupation to The J, RB, Watkinsg Company, Dept, PK, Hamilton, Ont (MW: wks) WARE TO0R™ KEN En with selling experience, Apply Oshawa Matar supply Co, Tele phone 640 for appointment, 1641) after business hours, JHefevonoes required, -- ( $a) Holp Wanted--Female HATH WAN TRO FOR 0 RNRRAT, housework, able ta do plain cooks ing, References required Apply evenings 6 to 8, Mrs, Leo Wood, 405 Bimoas Ht _Narth (fhe) le, Agents Wanted Double your salary By adding $95.00 weekly selling Imperial Art Personal Christmas Cards to friends, business associates, olub and church members, from magnificent free sample hook Imperial yt Manufacturers, 51 W a ton West, Taronta, PER WHER MADE WV TUR fe PH Christmas Greeting Car agents in their spare time, Wiite us for partioulars dor day, Regal Art Co, JO Spadiv Toronto Non Wanted ENFERT TVS WITH KNOW: On | edie of shorthand desires postin. five yoars' experience, Phone 1) EXPERIENCED NOT farmer wants work doing 50 toy the winter Sel wages for gol \ (i pp 0 hoax {11} A RF RETR 3 Es mn pr delres a position as howsekeoper or ween nursing or would care for valid Town ar country, Apply | 18 i Eldon 5 vers ( bh) RINT MOTHERLY LATY WILE hoard baby fram birth or small baby, Best reference, Apply 244 Times, (480) Connell = Shoe Repairing B00 WRAROW TURNER OF imone and Willlam Bis, the best place to have your shoes fixed, oleanad and dyed, (Oot, 1-1 Meo.) FOR FATR =I PORN TUHOR Oash, torms, ap trade, Phone Ne. Lith) Contracting A RES ont Auction Sale AUCTION SALE OF FARM stock and implewe Wh propery of Norman Oke, Lot 1, Coy, ant Whithy, Friday, Oct 18, \ "twelve thivty sharp, For further particulars, see bills, Wm, Maw, Auctioneer wide For Rent FOUR AND VIVE ROONED MOD orn suites, ineluding sleotrle relrig ovation, stave, Isundry, eonven) Onoes, #40: SOREIBLOUS hot Water wp led, Apply Bupt, 'phone 2671, he Trusts an Gunrsntes Oo, tha, manager (oy owner, Hi L) Modern, 490 aione La apartment over next ta Karn's Drug nepnlon Ostohey b L Honry, 111) Phone 16, ] h 940 " op oF 4 Bors, apartment, Idesl yweidental wee: ton, Kitchenstis, dinstte, ving room, bedroom, bathroom, Faulp- ped with kitehen eabinet, electric refrigerator, electri stave, eloctrie washer, slectrio fixtures, blinds and ourtain rods, Hot snd cold water the year yound free with anltor services, Rent rensonahie Maney Resl Mestate, Opp, P.O, Fhona 1660 or BiATW, (BOLE) U] ROOM ¥] HOUSE 1 m0 | RENT, 486 Simeone Bt, South, All sonvenlences, hot water heating, newly Prearated Reasonable vent, Phone H, Eng 308 or 400, lif Te TO RENT==AVATTNEN rooms, Laundry tubs, Bullt in bath Kieotvio stove, steam heat Pur wished ov unfurnished, Central Hox BUT Times (B61) Le? HEMI-RUNG, LOW brick house on Mary street, All sonvenlences Hardwood flaops Apply Bradley Bros, Bimeos Bt, H (871) FOR RINT PURNTRAED RED. ream with all conveniences, Avy 0 MoMillan Drive, Phone 2840 (B80) ligaping rooms Everything fur nished except dishes and linens SEB per month, Phone S084) (R80) TO HENT--HIX ROOMED BRICK house, Conveniences, 779 Metregor Ht, $86 month Wisotrio fixtures Possession Nov, 10, Apply 70 Ma Uregor Kt (HHo) APARTMENTS * TO RENT---ALL modern oonvenlenees, Rieotrieally equipped, & rooms and hath, First and second floors, Avallahle Oot 16 and Nov, 1st, Maks applioation to Apt, 8, 161 King East TO WENT (Boe) MIX ROOM HOUSE, $0 per month, Apply 5d Cubert Bt EE a--------t-- i _ (I ) FFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT hoard optional ar for Hght hous keeping #3 eling Bt, (#0) TO RENT--8 FURNTEHED nei roams ential 10 dimens Bi Narth, Phone A ] __(#he ) FOR RENT TWO "VERY NiO rooms, Inve and height, sult may ried couple ar gentlemen friends 20% HBimoeos Banth (Alo) FIVE ROOM hotse 10 FAR on © Hatt avenue, Apply 289 Dearharne Ave, Phone BRENW (Bho) PTHIEK UNFURNIBHED ROOMA with eleotrk stove Possession Oot, B74, Apply 20% Clarke Hi Phone 1008W, (Aha) To HENT = FOUR "ROONEN modern apartment, Very low ren. tal, Immediate possession, Phone 15680 # (fg) FOR WENT IVHAOOMRD brlok house, Conveniences, Paved street, Immediate possession, Ape ply 81 Bigin 81, B, Phone 16841, -- (He) FVEN HOOMED NEWLY DO: arated house for rent, Near Gene aral Motors, $386 monthly, Phone Holden A7T1W . (48h) FOR RENTNEW WIGHT ROON house, All conveniences, Possess: ston Oot, 28, Apply Henpy Wilkin, (a RON Gihbhons Nt, HOUSE TO RENT, @ GLAD: stone Avenue, vacant Nov, first, toulars Apply Gordon Langton, Fire Hall or | 5, Killoran, "il Waa Joseph, Py ar) GARAGE TO REN NT, EI Vici] Street, Phone (90¢) SMALL HOU 3 Yor WENT, PAT: viola Avenue, $12 per month, Phone HE he (Whi TO RENTSMALL FURNISHED apartment, in Llewellyn Apartments, Phone MMA] or VTE 11. NEW HOUSE, eetrie connections, rent $15, Elgin St, W LRA off Park Rd, nor Tol Wy LET Phe 5 GT ? W tt (0 per year, i RA month oF " weil 3 ri St, phone \\ ) | Rates for | Classified Ads, | Pirst Insertion 114 eonin per word, Minimum charge B0e, Buch subsequent conseciis tive Insertion 1s per word, Three consecutive inser: tons for thy price ol two fst {nwertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three Insertions, 60 eeyis, Box number 106 additions! Professional or Business Cards, $4.60 per month for 80 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additions) word, TIMES COLABSIFIND ADS OORT LITT, Ki ACs COMPLIRE MUCH TELEPHONE An Ask for Classified Ad Department Tor Rent TO RENT-=HOUSKH AT 1017AN Wis Bi, Baven rooms, with eonvanl ence, Pho Phone LAL Ln 7 and | Found FORT LIHAT BROWN" 70D with black nose, Answers to the name of Jack, Finder please phone LA4OW, (how) A A Ss Notice PON i ROHARK HOUBKS TENDERS Oy Tenders will he veoeived by the undersigned until 6 e'eloek PM Thursday, Opt, S4th, Tar the puy ghase of the fellowing houses House No, 154 Nassau Bit formerly awned hy Charles V Ward N House No, 188 Burke Si, form erly owned by Oharies Nichols Houses to ha removed from Drasent property In 80 days from date of purchase ta provide for the opening of John St, Tendors may he for the entipe bleak or for each Rares! separate VB HALE, CUity Clark (hob) BR RR F IND ) SKELETON 1679 YEARS OLD London-H, 1, HKibharne, a Lon don bhaveister, unearthed a skeleton from the side of the Homan Camp a Castor NAAT Patarharough Narthamptonshive, on Mauday, The hones were buried In these Inehes of sand a font below the surface of the ground near the ford whaye the famous Hemine street orosses the River Nene Part of the legs and the feel had bean washed away, probably hy the erosion of the bank "The most siviking feature of the skeleton, which was hurled pros baby shout AD, B60." Mr, WI havne said recently, "is the white ness of the teeth " THIS BEAR EATS BEES AS WELL AS HONEY 168A hear In PDorehester and Helleohasse ooun: ties In vaported to have eaused havoe during the course af a week, for according to reports veaching wahoo fram Honfleur, the bear, the Maunt Isa Hallway Company, nat only upsets heahives, hut eats hoes as well, In one night alone Bruin eons sumed 40 pounds of honey, and although he has heen chased hy a hg posse of men, no one was able to hit it, POLAR BEAR A FAVOURITE ESSE Quehee, Opt One of the greatest favorites of the visitors to Ban® national park, fa the polar hear In the Hop, He was hrought down as a tiny euh from near Hershel falaad in the Canadian Avatio, hy an oMoer of {lin Royal Canadian ounted Pos Hoe, 10 RENT ROGM IN G00 home for YOWNK husiness wan, ark Nimeoe district, Breakfast apt Hox M7, Two, . FOR RENT house, All PORVOO ox, Also 4 roam howse with water, light and sewer at 28 and 77 Westimore elnd Ave, Ap AY i \\estimorelan TO RENT TWO AN Ri, rooms, on ground floar, $18 per month, Apply 816 French St, av phone 3118), (800) \ rent, Suit ing, Heated with al Phone 3044W, (4 FOR la for dig housekeep- on venisRean, 0 for lght housekeeping on ground floor, Private entranes, odern conveniences, Good loaality, Also garage, Rent reasonable, Apply 43 Elgin 83t, Hast, Phone 443, front hedvraom, ence, Vary easntral, Contre St, oF phone A TWO FOUR XO wants, unfurnished, Private on: trances at 104 Chureh ft, Apply 100 Ohuroh St Phone 3404M, AL LLH i 0 Clark, re aay \ Wamber nthe ast Ingisintare. hv Olark won hs seat in the last alection hy a Walorily 1,700 aver a pn NISOUSKES NEW ANABKTHETIO Pr, (4, W, H, Lusas of the Aapretment al [harmncelagy, University of Tn ron wha deseribed uo new anaes hella bafove delegaion at the wighth unnusl congress of anaesthetists at Chlengn yoblerday, It Is wEpectod that the discovery will sliminate ex Iebing dangers of appliostion, I lere and There | Honorable George, aged ten, and Hanaruple Jobin, aged 8, sens of Cwnida's ranching peer, Tova Hod fey wid descendants of a famous Hritish Admiral, recently travelled 4000 wiles from Fart Haskateher Wal, Alla, to England, to enter a publio sehool in the OM Country, hey took the Jong urney une Accompanied, travelling on Canae Man PFagitle lines and hy HA Montelars, (0, F, |, officials looked afer them on the long trip Rt, Hon, 1, © M. 8, Amery, gecretary far the Dominions In the Haldwin administration, whe arriy od In Canada on the Express of Australia recently travelled straight across the Dominion by Transs Cannda Limited, eraek Canadian Pacifle flyer, tor Banft and Lake Loulsn whenee he reached his oh potive and namesake, 11000-foet Ponk which he will ellmb Miss Georgin Bnglehard, ter af a New York Tawyer, woaling peaks and establipling Climbing records around Lake Laulse, Bhe ollmbed six peaks up ta 15,000 feet tn helght araund Laks O'Hara In one week, In addition 10 these exploits she has made & three weeks pack train trip, Astigh Is husy Adding to an tmposing list of Winnings gained at leading exhibis Hons over the prairie elreuit sar Her In the sensi, the oham onan Holstein herd of the CAnadiN Par gifie Hallway supply at Strathmore Farm gathered (an firsts, flve see eanda, five thirds at the Vancouver Falr, made a clean sweep In the bull elasses with Junior and reserve senior ehamplonships In female olassns and (0 group olasses won fivat for exhibitors fret far young hard, first far progeny of caw, se eond In hreeders herd and second In got of slre Judaes of piping and dancing at the fortheaming Hantf Highland Gathering and Hoottlah musle fess tival to ha held Angust 20, Boptom her § have heen announced, They Are, Colonel Alexander Fraser, Donald B, MacPhearson, Murdesh Meleod, Goarge Murray, all of Tors ne; William Ferguson, of North yi Nell Sutherland, af Regina; and Alexander Hoale of Medlelne Hat, Oweineldent with the Festival, the Pam hie Ned and Hy ehamplonships wi 0 deeld a Banff Labor Day, Output of creamery butter Baskatohewan for the first montha af the year is exaMly Rs fronter than for the similar Reviod BOER, according tn a repart of the dairy hranoh of the provinalal Sbhriment of Agrioulture, In first halt o 1900 1 wan 0.188, 1 nat 4 tl) ! RT of ik i 1a the The Canadian Pas Pactfle will be represented J] hal hI tions In Eastern O thi Hg T qs Set he" bi am's . And _kenaral wal a PARY'S travel HR tn Te R wa Al the ERE a THE HUMAN MACHINR (Ohioaga Dally News) Humanity as thine passes 1s learning more and more about the processes and potencies of the hue MAR Machine, but the mera he learns, the more acute 1a le AWATAResE of the pathetio superiies tality of ite knowledge, The myster fen of that wonderful mechaniam are of greater aluniticance than hs the knowledge of 11 that selene thus far has gathered wp and plees od together we HARDWOOL VIALE Lath BY EXVEWE MEUHANILS Old Noors Knished Hike pew, Sorm windows, sambivniion doors, General Contraction B, W, HAYNES 16 King 8 W, Phone #1, rnidenca 18072 IRBIGABILY, ABKAR ON PRAIRIE According to surveys made hy the Dominion Walter Power and Heclamation geryies of the Deparl ment of the Interior an wares ol fpproximately threes million aeret In southern Alberta and south western Baskelohewan Is suscep! ible of beneficial freigation om Hild area slightly mare than ans milan aeves are glready Included In the 10 malor projects now in operation tn Alberta, An addition wl approximately 60,000 pores in Alheriag and 45,000 acres In Bas kntehewan have heen developed hy private enterprise, ahaut 600 pels ters In these provinoees having son wlrueted independent osannl systems for the frrigatlon af thely Indiv dual holdings, PHAINES PANADA Lord Glenconner, wha is In Parente #8 the Royal York Hotel, He lo the second baven of hig line and holds that Canada Is a tempting feld feos British investors i Ba. ded d] ' hone 'Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales JIMITHED 00 Blmens Bi, HM, Phone 800 ---- ---- SPECIAL SALE NOW ON DOMINION Rati 00, on KING Phene 8141 We Deliver De Yeu Need Money? Don't Lose Your Can, Let Me Finance You! G. R. Holden MOTOR ALAND Dine alt Rloek Room 6 Phone 2700 EYESIONT SPECIALIST FE Diane ay ook 3 TO REPAIRING WATCHES OUR APRVIALYY IH own Welch 0 tot pring aati hction we tan at au D. J BROWN THR IRWELER Oftiolal Watch Taspoctor for Canadian National and Oshawa Rativoads 10 Rang Sw Ww,

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