Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Oct 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1929 PAGE THREE Ol Ni Oshawa Firm is Given Contract to Build New Hockey A Committee Recommends that City Council Pay $9,000 Acre For Land to Extend Alice St. That the eity offer the Feldspay Mans Company #9,000 per ware for the land necessary to extend Allee Street across the property of the company, betwesn Kitson Road and Oshawa boulevard, was the res gommendation made to tha eounell Jast night by a special ecommities omprising the ¢ity enginear, W, C, mith, the assessor, ©, O, Luke, nd the industrial commissioner, mon Fraser, Other street extensions were als #0 considered by the eounchl, MH was decided to take up the option for #800 on lands owned by ¥, W, Cowan necessary to extend Celina ptrest south to Olive Avenue, wnieh was recently extended through from Albert Hireet to Blimeos Bi he eolty solloltor was instructed to proceed with the purchase of this property, The council decided to make Col borne street un vestrigted vesiden tial aren, It passed a motlon to amend the vesidentianl restrictions hylaw! "Phat the south side of Colborne street he restricted from a point 160 feet east of Himooe street to & point 150 feel west of Division street, also the north side of Colborne street from a point 150 feet east of Mary strest to a point 150 feet west of Division street," Alderman W, Boddy, D, Doug fas and C, Harman wera appointed a committes to consider the gues tion of the widening of Himoos fireat sputh, pursuant to the offer of 4, D, Conant of a 14-foot strip of land for this widening In connection with the recent arbitration on the extension of John HKireet, the payment of the following fees was nuthoriged; Disney, #15 and $18.60 expenses] J, ©, Young, $18; and J, Edmond gon BB, It was further decided to advertise for sale the hulldings he tween Nassau and Burk sirests which will have to be removed to allow for the extension of this plreat, The special Alloa street extension reported that land In the vielnity of the Feldepar Glass property had heen selling recently at a waluation of allghtly more than 44,000 per aare In view of tha fact, howaver, that the street would sever the lands owned by the company, and alse in view of the fact that the land required comprised only about ones halt aore, the ecommities stated phat the elty might he Justified In paring the hieh Awure of $0,000 per acre, or $4,600 for the land NOoARAArY to extend the street, vRhould the Feldepar Glass Gomes any. desire to connlder anlline the ands owned hy It south of the roposed street extension, making wo acres In all, the committe yas oommended an offer of about #0 000 per acre, or $12,000 in all, pointing out that the site of ahout 1% neres would be available for Industrial or other purposes, This report will be considered at the next meeting of the eounell, PLANS MADE FOR committee on the BIG CONVENTION Associated Boards of Trade of Ontario Meet Next Month Arrangements are being pres ceeded with In connection with the convention of the Ontarie Associ: fled Hoards of Trade and Cham ere of Commerce which will be held here on November 14 and 16, Leon Fraser, necretary of the Chamber of Commerce, announced today, It Ia expected that ahout BOO delegates will be in atendance and everything posible will he done for thelr entertainment during their stay in the elty, A splendid program 1s being prepaved and the two days will he crowded with business and pleasure, special committee, Including a D, Conant, ehalrman: Mayor T, RB, Mitehell, H, A, Hrown, 1 ¥, Johnston, R, D, Preston and A, GO, ple, Ia workipg out the detalls of the convention, Award Made by Queen's! University to Oshawa dil I, Cannon, BA, supervising ool, wha this year was awarded RA, degree at Yueens Univers was today notified that he has been lared the winner of the Curtis dents of Queen's University wha ses cure thelr degrees extrasmurally and basis of the award is that of 63 per cent for scholastic work, 28 per cent fof sr and ten per cent for interest in athletics, The value of the schas Mr, Cannon da today being heartily ngratwlated by his colleagues on BY C. F. GANNON School Supervisor meipal of the Oshawa Public 3 sity, has won a further award, and pmorial Soholarship, open ta sty hy summer sohool attendance, The for service to the Queen's Summer Heship fs approximately $P.00, and his success erm a ' Paatls found in the camwmoen edible oyster are of Inferior vay fety, NO FURTHER LAND T0 BE PURCHASED AT PRESENT TIME J ------ ACTION ON NORTHZRN INDUSTRIAL AREA IS DEFERRED Offer of Land For New Street to the City Farm Is Accepted Nao action will he taken at the pre sent time by the elty eounell 1m gon nection with the purchase of an wd ditional Industria! urea in the north ern section of the elty, This was de elded by the gounell wfter discussion, at the meeting Monday evening, thi council also decided to accept G, D Conant's offer of land necessary tu in # street from the industrial area on Bimeos street south to the farm property, and to extend Went worth through to the farm and also appointed & eommities to confer with Whitby eounell repnrd Wg an airport he regommendation that no aetion he taken in connection with the pus ¢hase of land from F, H for an Industrial arom, was made fn omajority report of the Industrinl gommittee, the ehatrman of th committee, Alderman Melpess brought tn a minority report recom mending that the industrial eommit tee be structed (to secure an agro ment from Fy HL leverson for th purchase of an Industrial ares of nol exceeding 10 meres in the northern soetion of the eity, Alderman 8, Juokson, a membes of the Industrial gommitiee, support ed the majority report, "The eity now had an industrial area Inthe south ern section of the city, he declared, Industeies should frst he secured Tos this aren, before any further invest ment was made In land, oat any time an industry © wanted another site, the council could secure it Aldermen Carnell and Preston supported Alderman Meleese, but the majority report wis carried, hi ing approved by the other memburs Wwesent, In connection with area which has heen Buneee street south, the gouncll ad opted a recommendation of the in dustrial committee that Wentworth Wreet he extended aeross the of Gy 1 Conant to Hw under his offer to give the requir land to the eity, IT hig street run east oft Bimeue street at the south end of the dustrial aren, and the land whieh My, Conant will give th eity will be a strip about 1348 feet in length between Ritson road and the city farm I'he Oshawa stated that 1 gonter with the of the gity counetl in connection with trackage to the Industrial area, and sugmested that the city have a plan prepared showing the proposed trackage and then call a conferences of the elty eommittes and the rail way officials, Wy By Conant wrote the eounell re garding certain details in his agro ment with the elty in connegtion with the purchase of the elty's industrial area, The letter was referred to the industrial conimitte TRADE OFFICIAL ely treed yersun by the industrial purchased on land City harm Rallway Company would he pleased | Industrial Comite T0 VISIT OSHAWA Commissioner From Trini dad To Be Here Next Monday RT. Yount, the Canadian Gow ernment Trade Commissioner to Port of Spain, Trintdad, 1a now making a tour of Canada during the course of which he fa prepay od to interview all firma fnterests od In trade with his territory whieh inoludes, Trinidad, Rarbadon, the Windward and Leeward Islands and Mritish Guiana, My, Young entered the Commer olal Intelligence Rervice in October 1926, and the following year waa appointed Anslatant and Aoting Trade Commissioner at Port of pain, Trinidad, His promotion to Trade Commissioner took effect on October 1, 1928, He iu a grad- uate of the Faculty of Commerce of MeGill University and served throughout the War as an officer ih the First Divislonal Artillery, Word han heen received herve hy Leon Fraser, necretary of the Chamber, that My, Young will vin it Oshawa on Monday, October 14, Tn one year a sea urohin lays about 3,000,600,000 emis, Palla area approximately equals that of Burope Wedding rings were made of alate and iron In anclent Roman times, An late an 1880 the Wan a eurloalty, The chief voeal organ ia the larynx rather than the tongue, typewriter The first gold mined In the Uns fled States came fram Vieginta, Seventy pleces of wood go into the making of a violin, : 1, CANNON, BA, Mupervising principal of the Oshs awn Publie Mohools, has been awarded the Queen's University Curtls Memorial Beholavship, WE. N. SINCLAIR TO HOLD MEETINGS ON SATURDAY NIGHT Will Address the Electors of | Greenbank and Utica WwW, I Hinelaty, lender of the Liberal party and eandidate for this viding, will continue his eampaiun | in Bonth Ontarie when he addr i of elector (3 Hilow netnly wiring hut n ha has fil through Interests of mueh of audience ut bunk nnd night Mi motive eumpalen Hany ments tn Out the the party he oan ne tima (to hi home atherw would WwW, A, Dry Ident of the Hou Assoclation and Hon, John Dryden, tu man Ww aniein oral stalwarts In the vark folpalities of the In turn ave ren vies Mueh of loon! work in ed from My po that he may devota to the WEST TORONTO KIWANIANS T0 BE ENTERTAINED Meeting Next Wook nex plurda wn 1 ravines in the give n of th hh Ont nol daly th yin Lib i mun they oy the healing Hn shoulders tn ith roving ark in oo riding nd fatthial hirden of forin the therefore pinelair's have more time heavy th | | | | | The Weal Toronto Kiwani Club | | will be entertained: by the Oshawa {olub wl He next weekly moating, an Wan nn | Muesday, October 15, HU { the los | | | | nounced at the meeting of onl elub yesterday aftornn The West Toronto elub pected to visit Oshawa about 100 in ndmber, and the gathering, with the members of the Oshawa elub fs expected to fH Welsh's p velo | 16 eapaotty The meeting will ha held In the evening, at seven a olook The elub will pro vide tha program and eonduot the | meeting Hwart Everson Npoke the reguls meetin thel coal Kiwanlang heard an Interesting vasums hy Kiwanian Kyerson, of his tein through the mavitimes, fram which he has Jost returned These nrovinees were partieularly beautiful at this sea son of the year, he sald, the valling nature of the eountry presenting » eolorful appearance aa the trees of the heavily wooded landseape were tumiug In eolor The highway system of the mar! times wan good, as the gravel roads were kept In a constantly mood state of repaly, The people of the maritimes were mont hospitable and were proud of thelr provinces, he sald My, Everson oonveyed to the Oshawa olub greetings from the Kiwanis oluh of Bldnsy, Nova None tia, which he had visited on the occasion of the oMele! visit of Ins ternational Seevetary Fred Parker, Mr, Parker had also sent greetings to the Oshawa Club, an one of the thriving new olubs In thin distyiot Mp, Everson nald, LARGE PARADES CHING TO LOCAL LIBERAL RALLY mn ia ox visiting vourtey At day, Tentative plans for conveying membeara of Torontn Men's Liberat assoolation ta WW, NB, N, Slaclaiv'a meeting herve on Oct, 16 were dis ousted at a meeting of the amos ation held In the Ontario olub at Toronto yesterday, 1, J, Mulaneen, vice-president, ts ehalrman of the committes making arrangements, Motor cars Will gather in front of the Ontaria olub on the evening of the meeting, For those who oannot he accommodatad fn the aus tomobiles, two TTC, buses will he oharterad Further plans will he dhonsed at a mesting of the ward prestdents in the next lew days, Only Two More Days Left For Additions of Names to Voters' List For Election Alter today, only two more days remiin in whieh citizens of Oshawa whose names sre not on the voters Nut for the provinelsl election, to have thale nmmes added tg he Dist On Friday night of this week the list of wppenly wii be elosed and will be presented to the county Judge on Sa turdiy, Vary eitigen, before Vreiday might, should sew whether or not his or her name is on the list, Voters lists are available nt the commities youms of bath the Libergl and Cone servintlve enndidates, and can he ine wpeeted: there, The two parties are compiling lists of appeals to he pres sented to the Judie, and those whose names wre not on the lst can make thelr appeals at either committee room, With the 1928 list being used us the basis for voting in the pro vines election, there wre sure to he hundreds of names to he added In Oshawa and distriet, and every per son should make a point of a up the list before it Is too late, as only those whose names appear on the revised lists of voters will have the right to east a ballot in the elogs thon on Oct, 3, "No Left Turn" Sign Causes Motorist The "no left turn" Intersection of Wing wirestn 1s oheyed HEN ut the und Kimoeoe rigorously hy loenl motorists hulk there are oo ennlons when visitoryg to the elty attempt uw loft turn #4 this corner, contrary (0 the rile established hy Chief Fylond An fnstanes of (hig yosterday when Bony oust on King widest attempted to turn north on Himoos, As It was hetwoen the hour of 18 o'vloek noon and 1 o'clock thers was very Hitle teufflo on either street and the motorist, RpPRrenty a sirmnger LLL] travelling Hoenn mbarrassment wheoessfully when fortunately oi unfortunately he spled the "no lefi turn wlan, He immediately uwarved his ear to the vight and it he had not applied his brakes In time the machine would have Jumped the ourh opposite the én trance of the Bank of Commerce butlding The driver was evidently em burvassed and no doubt heaved 0 algh of relief when he finally man aged to stralghten his ear out and hound onst down King street, In wll probability he managed to turn north when he renched Ontario treat the first thorsughfare east of Kimeon, a ---- Sr ---- hud almost negotinted the turn CITY | v A -- AND DISTRICT NEWS sr ---- IH HUMANE OFFICER Nelson HN, Baled has hy the elty counell us humane offleer for the city A gontirming the appointment Introduced at the next of 'the counetl, heen ap pointed hyluw will nesting WOULD RENTHICT PARKING The pollos commission will he puked (to restrict King piraer wont from Chureh to Nasshg motion of Alderman HN mand to this of foot passing city roun oll Monduy parking on wreniy, a Fehon Donglan through the night WAN PIIZE WINNER Alex Mitehell this elty, was winner of smokers' stand a fourth prise in a recent hone held hy the new Maltese Ohureh, of Toronto, The winning tiokot was purchased by Mr, MH ehell from J, Hammett, King Ht, Hast, Oshawa hi n draw SENTENCED TO JAY Wm threes months In the county Jail Whithy when he was convieted hy Magistrate Hind In polices court CONSERVATIVES PLAN SERIES OF RURAL MEETINGS | Members of Provincial Cab. inet to Speak at Brook: lin and Whitby Dr, ©, A. Ames, past president of the Prohibitten Union of North York, will he the principal speak or at the Conservative meeting be ing helds in Port Perry Friday night In the Interests of 1% L, Na won, Conservative candidate, Other meetings have alan heen arranged by the loon) viding association, Other shoakers at the Port Perry Weeting will Inelude the eandidate, PM, L. Mason, Dr, 7. KB, Kaker, M Pyoof Oshawa, cand Mrs, George Hood, of Hougog Island Hon, G, ®, Henry, minister of hMehways, 18 being secured hy the riding association to speak at a meeting in Nrooklin on Tuesday, Oot, 28, How, J, D, Monteith, pro vinelal treasurer, will address a meeting In Whithy on Monday, Oo. toher 28, A meeting 1a also helng arranged In Oshawa on the eve of the election, Oatoher 85, A meets ing tn also being arranged in Cherrywood, at nn date not yet def inltely ohoaen, SINCLAIR TO SPEAK AT FIVE MEETINGS Liberal Leader to Visit Several Points in Ontario Piva speaking engagements for W, KN, Rinelaly, Lender of the Liberal party and local candidate, were announced today hy the Libs orl headquarters at Toronte, on Friday evening ha will resume his speaking tour in the present eleos ton campaten at Leamington in the riding af Essex South, From Leamington he will return to hia own constituency here and will apenk on saturday at Greenbank and Ulloa, On Monday he will travel to Al Heaton, In 8lmeoa Nouth West, and deliver an evening address, foun neying the following day to Qa, In Waterloo Routh, where another evening meeting has heen avrang dl on My Wodnesday, Oot, 18, Palrhead was sontenced to | Eo at this morning on a charge of hg Ing Intoxleated In a publio place This wae Falrhead's third offense He was also ordersd to pay the conta of the prosecution FINED MOR SPEEDING Constantine Clecoft wis fined | FUN nnd costs when he was found gullty of speeding by Magistrate Hind this morning Thin 1s Glee | coff's second econvietion for speed ing within recent date and Magis trate Hind will recommend that his drivers' permil cancelled | for threes months he CONTRACT AWARDED MoLaughlin Coal Lid, has been awarded the con trnot for the supply of 100 tons of conl to the ely, The contract Iu for 40 tons of anthracite egg con At B1LTK per ton and 60 tons lump ooal wt 57.640 Johnston's clothing store here has also heen awarded the contract for the sup PiY of five winter coats at $32.00 each and three uniforms at $40} each, ocomplete, for the fire de partment und Bupplios Binelatr will speak at the big Lib orul demonstration bhelng arranged for him In Oshawa, in his own riding Tentative dates are under con sideration, but no definite Itinerary | haw yet been announced beyond | Oct, 14 Early eolonists belloved the Blue | Ridge mountains impassable, More than 45,000 thunderstorms oaoh day Is the record for the en tire earth, Fi As | Coming Events nn Conta por word each ne sertion, Minimum charge for each tnsertion, Bb, CORINTHIAN LOBGR NO, 0), 1.0 OF, In conferring first degrees on Thursday next, 10th inst, A cordial Invitation is extended to all Oddfellows, J, KE, Nore worthy, Reo, Ree, (N30) KXHIRIT HELPR FOR TEACH orn and Parents, Nimeooe Nt, Chureh Thursday and Friday afternoons, Nanquet Thursday 6.16, Hpeclal npeakers Thursday 8pm, (84h) RUMMAGE SALE 87, ANDREW'S At market, Thursday, Oot, 10, at 1.00 pm, (8h) CHICKEN PIR SUPPER THORN: ton's Corners Hunday School on Thursday, Oot, 10th, Supper served from 6 until all are served, ollowed by good pros Hramme, (83-84) AREER ORTHYDOX CATHOLIO Church, corner of Rloor and Ritson Road, Dasaar from Oot, 10 to 17, (84D) MADAME HEDDA, RCIENTIFIO palin, 234 Rt, Julien St, fda) ( OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS, dancing Thuraday night 8.80 », m, to Krank Carew and his commanders, one of 'Toronto's loading dance orcheatras, (84h) ORHAWA WINTER GARDENS, Friday, £30 pm, square and round dancing to Pat Shannon and his haymakers, (840) RUMMAGE SALE OENTRR aT United Churoh, Friday, Oot, 11, 2 pny (24h) REANS AND PUMPKIN PIR SUN per, Rlmeoe Ht, United Sunday Sohool, Friday, Oct, 11th, Sup per from 5.30 until 7 o'dlock, 280, (84a) ROYAL TEMPLAR OF TEM. perance meeting tonight ta the LTRA, Hall over Hydro stove, wodny, sarlously VIGTINS OF FRE ARE NOW MAKING 000 PROGRESS Chairman Did Good Work in Panic in Dunbarton Hall Mr, Edward Morgan and James Blenken, who were burned in the axplosion and five which threatened the Dunbarton community hall on Monday night, are progressing far vorably, The Times was Informed Nalther of these peoples were burned, suffering injures law only to thely hands and arms, Both were up this morning and wera attending In some measure Lo thelr dally tasks, The tire oseurrsd during a har vast festival dinner being held at the hall under the susploes of the Angllean Mission of Dunbarton, of which Mev, D, Ib, Langford, of Port Whithy, Is the rector, The sesident oegurred when an gasoline lnmp wai hoing lenited, 16 exploded, and & sheet of flame shot up, Igniting @ woreen whith was balng used to separate the dintug tables from the hall In whieh the coacert wus he ing held, An noon af the explosion ooo red, the orowd started for the ox Iw In un panie lev, Mr, Langtord, who was ehinfrman of the mesting, in onlming the psople, and the fire was spesdily sxtin guished hy effective work the part of Messrs, Btinson and Cress wall, The only damage hy the firs wis the of the nnd damage (to a window sill whieh was sneosndod on foun Hrnen nonrohed WM President of the American Veders ation of Labor, In convention at Toronto, GHKEN SPLENDID PLAYS ARE SELECTED BY LITTLE THEATRE LIST OF PRODUCTIONS FOR SEASON AN. NOUNCED Subscribers Have Privilege of Reserved Seats for All Productions Het of high-class fire sure to provide the maximum in enjoyable enter tuinment for the eltizens of Osh ww, haw been chosen hy the Osh awn IAttle Theatre for presents ton during the 1080-1080 Reus which opens on Octohér 18 and 10 with the production of "Tha Pn vile Meoretary," the well-known nud popular fares, hy Charles Haw trey This play Is hut the fore runner of several others of equal merit which will he presented hy subseribers to the Tittle Theatre movement throughout the winter month In ull, there will bh paparate productions or groups of productions presented during (he ponson, four of these heing single plays, and the other two haing com posed of groups of one-net plays Mubseribers to the Little Theatre priviiega of securing re ponte for all wl perfor virtue of thelr subserip tion, the fee for whieh Is five dol Inrs, while eltigens who not subnerihers will he welcomed nt all performances the tlekets healing one dollar for each performanos The Het of productions, and the dates on which they are to he pre wanted in the Colerlate Auditorium, Is nn follows October 10 and 10, "The Private retary," Charfes Mawtrey Nov H} 24, ""Allea«Bit-Ny the-Fire," hy James M, Darrie December 27 and threes one net plays "The King of Nook and,' hy Frances Cavanah: "A Christmas Carol," and "The Maker of Dreams," hy Oliphant Down Yabhruary 7 and A, 1080, four | ondspot plays: "A Marriage Pro posal," hy Anton Tehekol "A Cradle Hong," by Frita Freleler: Yieifles," hy Susan Glaspell! "The Drums of Oude," hy Austin Btrong Mareh 81 and 22, "Green Block Ines by A, 1, Maron A uplendid plays, which HIN have the poarved muanees bh hy and Miy fle an | Hed, May 2 and 8, "Orump," by Hor rend 1.B. MOTHERSILL COMPANY AWARDED CONTRACT, AND WILL START WORK AT ONCE a---- Separate Contracts Have Yet To Be Let for Plumbing, Heating and Electric Wir. ing, and Tenders for These Are Now in CONSTRUCTION WORK WILL BE INTENSIVE Contract Calls for Comple- tion of Oshawa's New Hockey Arena by Derem- ber 31, and Work Will Siert This Week The contract for the constr thon of the new Oshaws Arenn hing hoon awarded to 1, B, Mothersill Company, of this elty, Whe An nounced this morning Hambl Brothers, who Are associated with In Melaughlin president, of enaral of Canada, Lim in the areng pro I" hy M Motors promotin ject Although no announcement made today of the contract it was previously announesd that the arenn would cost In the nelghborhood of $186,000, Repar uta eantracts for steal! work, for plumbing heating una for gleotrie wiring have yet to ha let, plthough tenders are In for these Nork will he commenced ut ones on this Job, the Mothersill firm Informed The Times this morning, A few men will he placed on the Job this week, with inten wive being undertaken next contract falls pop. gome- Decnm hey af this your, The. MotRersill firm + will whoartly let subeontruets for sheet metal work and for painting and plaging on this job, Wha pries, work weak, The pletion by nen Hodges and 'T, Wigney 'ereys val, Died DIXON«On Wednesday ith Darathy Diana, oldest daughter of Mr, and Ms, Nlimer Dixon, dimeoe sireat south, aged two elgt months, v - & ow SRT #] UU LATE 10 CLASSIFY AIR WANT on GNA housework, Wxperienced preferred, To sleep out, Apply Hox 284 Times, (N4tl) HOUR TOR RXCHANGE ror good farm, Apply 840 Bimcow Bt, Houth (840) a October YOArs, i -- Dewland' It Pays to Shop at Where Quality Is Best, % and Prices Moderate Ladies' K selected skins, in colors, white and grey, Sizes 6 to 7%. Priced at... Gloves $1.95 Fine kid gloves of first quality, id M black, 5195 | Gloves $1.50 Colors, brown and sand. Sizes SW to 634, Priced at, paly, isses' Kid wi $1.50 & ipecks, at, yard, 8-4 Unbleached Sheeting 39¢ yd. Double bed width, unbleached sheeting of a very fine quality, quite free from tractive price, ! PECIAL ASSORTMENT ' SF BATH TOWELS, 49¢ EACH Towels that ave fresh from an ocean voy. age, ready for weight, and an assortment combination colors, as well white with fancy ends price, each ii nn duty at a ati cf Large alee, splendid" of pretty as pure .49¢ One ER LLL AE SMOCKS, § office or home, Assorted long sleeves, in sizes up to PRINTED CRETONNE Ladies' Printed Cretonne Smockas for the Prior 88 auvistcmtintssamiiniy 1.39 36 inch Black colors with $1.39 Black Duchess Satin 98c yd. well worth $1.50 yard, 98c yard Duchess Satin in a quality Priced at, COTTON, 39¢ inches, Three days only at Yard ian WABASSO PILLOW One of the better grades of Wabasse Cir cular Pillow Cotton in width 40 and 42 Regular 48¢ and 350 quality, AE ARAMA ARAAAAAAY YARD 39¢ 8/4 HEMSTITCHED SHEETS, $2.29 PAIR A very special price indeed for sheets of this quality, ' Hematitohed ready for use. Size 72 in. x 90 in. They sell ordinarily at $2.95 pain Three days, Thursday, Friday and Sat, Pair W. A. Dewland Lt $2.29 o-- Al 8 pom. All members requests od to attend, (84a)

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