Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Oct 1929, p. 14

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EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS: © Woodville Homes Kntered Lindany, Three houses in Waodville. were entered Munday night and more than #100 stolen, : Granted Naturalization ookvillg Naturalization has granted under the Naturaliss: tion Aet to Abraliam Herman and hig bib! Galdia Herman, both orig- inally of Russia and now restdent of rencott, where the former is Bnpuged in Mercantile huginens, Aliutate Vin v After Accident 00k vile Runkel] Bikind, four Your sar old sn of Mr, and Mrs, Jonn I8ind, Church Mtreot, fell from a milk wagon ypstorday morning, the wheel of the vehicle passing over his hand, necessitating the utation of a finger, Dr, I, Jo Robertson was in attendance, Naw Planes Tans Over Belleville, «Many oltisens were on Munday gaeing skyward whon fourteen planes paused over the oily, At one time there wore aight In formation and all were flying eastward, Montreal helng their destination, Acknowledges Gift Potarboro,~=At the Church of the Immaculate Conception on sunday, Rev, Father O'Hulllvan noknowledged the uift of Hanetus ary chimes hy Mrs, Fred Hodge kinuon of Colllngwond, This peal ponsesnes 8 beautiful tone of soft harmony, Tug Day Receipts 8108408 Patorhoro Tha sum of #1014. 08 wan received on Haturday an the result of offorts hy taggers for the Children's Ald poelety, This In oludes 8180.08 from the sehools John Kdgar, wecretary of the wo oloty, received a cheque for R40 thin morning, bringing the total to 81,084.00, which {a slightly loss than last year's total Forey Baslnosd Continues Good Brookville =The warm wenihey of yesterday attracted quite a nimher of motorists from various points to thin distriot and (1 eons guanca the ferry Blmer W, Jones had a falrly good business, eons | hhh SER DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, mdering the lutenons of the wear won, A total of 220 cars wore fe ried between Brockville and Morin town Munday, while on Haturday the number was A418, Cups Bxplodo Belleville, ==George Manon, nina gir old gon of My, and Mrs, W A Mason, 100 Cannifton Road, suffered un painfal weoldent™ late Priday evening while playing in front of Wu home, He stumbled over a rock and some eaps that wore In his pocket exploded and he received severe burns about the len, Although not able to run wround um yot he in progressing fa: vourably, Honored By Associaton Brockville J, ¥, Mundle, who entered vallway service nt Pres gott In 18TH as nn telegraply oper ator with the Bt, Lawrenck and Ottaws Rallway and who left it last July when elty freight ngent in Montrenl for the Canadian 1a olfto Nallway, wai Inst week pre ponted with a travelling hag hy fel low-ofelals of the freight trafe department of the company, Mr, Mundle wis also presented with a travelling bag, Comersstonn In Laid Broekyille--"Tha corner stone of the new HNrookville Colleglate institute, bhelng erected nt a cost of BR26,000 to .raplace tha hulld Ing destroyed hy fire in March last, wus luld Monday afternoon hy A J, Husband, inspector of high wohools, Toronto, und a former principal of the sehool, with saat tionnl addresses delivered hy Ton Nonantor A, ©, Hardy, 1, A, Blow art, MI", Mayor Donaldson and R I', Miller, chairman of the boara of education I, WW. Greatreix Fell Dead Nelleville Robert Wallington Greatrix, n woll known resident of the Cannifton Rd oxplred phout noon Monday very sudden ly while ho wan In his garden, He wil horn near Tweed and had come to Naelloville about thirty yonrs nga, He leaves n widow won, Wallnoa of this eity, one dangh tar, Mey, 1, Petria, of Helloviile, one brother Jas, of Niagara Falls, | and three sisters, Mrs, A, Wood pltook, of Naneroft, Mrs, 1, Minnie, of Actinoltte and a sister, lving in Montreal one Leads County Competition Nrook ville, «In conjunction with the "Royal" competition at Vieto rin Hall, Brookville, 5,00 am, O¢ tober 24, another Judging compe titions Will ha held for those hoya under 28 vears of age on Novem het 1, 1089, to select the team ror the Ottawa Winter Fale, The four high hoya In this competition will have thelr expenses to Ottawa pald, together with thelr entry foes, The shield donated hy tha Canadian National Exhibition will he won hy the contestant obtain Ing the highest ngurepate seors o all classes, whether competing for ER EE OB | Chapter 1LODK,, the "Royal 600" or the Ottawa tonm, oth competitions will he conducted by J, i, Ostler, Departs ment of Arioulture, Athens, Mig ort une Awaiting Poterhoro, «- A continautiwide wonrch is helng made for Alex ander J, MoLenn, who Is the heir to un Invge sum of money, Ohlef Newhall is In receipt of a letter, anking his ald in locating MeLenn, Unless ho 18 found within the next two monthe, nll his rights to his ine heritance will he lost, Malionn is ahout forty years of nge and was horn on Prine Md ward Island, the son of John Mo» Lehn and Mary A, GMs, He wpont Nis early youth near C1 is Cove, Nova Beotia, Any one having news of the man should communioate with police wuthorition, Potty Thioves at Work Belleville, «<A number of thefts wore reported (o the polloe over the week-end, but no recovery has heen made yet of the missing art)- olow, Arthur Bradshaw was the first to feel the sting of the petry thieving, Mr, Bradshaw, who rasides at Corbyville left his oar on Camphell Htreet on Saturday night and when he returned from shopping the radiator cap and Hoyes moto-meler on his car were gone, The cnp was in the form of wings and the metre was a very expensive one, Perhaps some young mun wanted a nies decoras ton for his car and thought steals Ing was the easiest way to get it, Burglar In Woodville Lindusny--A Woodville woman returning home from chureh Buns day evening turhed on the Mghts In her home and a man ran out of wn downstalen bedroom, rushed upstalvs 'and Jumped out of n win- (dow theres, With him he took soe In hilly, n $10 gold plecs and a cheque for #26, Provinelal Conse table D, HW, Porter was called to Investigate the case and found out enough to make him think that It Is the same person who han hoon housebreaking In Lindsay, The tront doot of this house haa hoon left unlocked and the verans dah Hght wan on, The thief was reported ne halng "middling stout" and he kept his face cov LOred To Assist Puplis Paterboro AL the first fall moesting the Peter Robinson held on Baturday afternoon In the green room of the YW.CA, with the regent, Miss Olga Johnston, In the chalr, It was decided to continue with the work in secondary education earried on hy the chapter In the elty, Heveral pupils will he neslsted tn this way In loon! sehools during the coming your The sum of $60 was donated tos ward the 'Y' Camp at Stoney Linke, to help In procuring a boat A wreath will be placed on the Conotaph on Armistice Day and the members were urged to he present on this oceasion The wreath will be of popples, purchas od from the Vetoraft workers FACTS CONCERNING 12 ONLY LADIES' KNITTED SUITS Go on Sale Tomorrow Morning at $4.95 Suit Made by the Monarch Knitting Co., mostly in pullover les. Well made garments such as onarch are noted for, Regular val ues up to $9.95, Clearing at suit, , THE *SCREEN-GRID' $4.95 Ladies' Hosiery for the Week-end at $1.00 Pair "Wearwell" SPenman's' Nik and Woolstwist. of yarns and silk plaited hoso, Wo can recommend olther ane Ladies' Fall Popularly Complete range of shades, novelty cutfs and -sizes. A splendid wearing glove that will give satisfaction AL PAIE Lining ni es All Bilk Hose or of these lines, Perfect in fits th, Attractive In appears ance and will give you one collont wearing service, Among the shades you will find, suntan, grey, Irvin glow, nade, mane, mystery, olure, black » 0 white and ete, your eholoe, at pale molsette Gloves at §9¢ pair 9¢ cleared at each ... Heavy Quality Absorbent Terry Cloth TOWELS Size 30x22 in. white with striped border effects in blue, mauve, pink or gold, Exceptional value for this high grade towel, Counter soiled to be AVEARAAAEL 4 AAA 20¢ . The ARCADE PHONE | Sensitivity of Latest New Term i Explained For | Benefit of Listening Public IS SHIELDED PLATE De: velopment Gives Much Batter Reception Montreal There In RIWays some popular enteh word used to denote now development in the flold, particularly as to Improves ments in broadeast receiving wel design, that may or may not be fully understood by the majority of people who listen in, This is true of the term "soreen-grid" as ape plied to a radio set, Its real means Ng In still a mystery to many people, and the average man who reads of suoh a development often finds the features stressed are merely a collection of words that mean little or nothing to Yim, Other phrases have been used, lo denote other earlier developments and most of these were easier to understand than the present term, Two years or so ago the terms "electric operation" or 'all elees trie" were on the lips of thousands, The meaning of these terms was quickly grasped heoause they as sured the prospective purchaser that they would he free from bats tory troubles with such setg an obs tained their operating energy from the Hghtlug Mmes, And the lasts your term, '"dynamle speaker," was something to boast about it one was fortunate enough to own one, People should hear the dif forancs, hecause of the depth of its ich tones, and it therefore hecame a tangible feature of a radio res celver, "Hoveon-grid," radio's latest term, fs not really a new develops ment, however, Ita possibilities have been known to radio engine ors In this country and Europe as long as five years ago, but its practioal use did not come until much later, What It Means fa "soveen grid?" Advers feature ft! Salesman rave about ft! Hut it remalna a mystery to most people, Some think It 1s a new kind of radio set others aay it's an attachment to eliminate statio--many will tell You, vaguely, that it's halt a dosen other things, The name Hself, Yworeon grid," 1x derived from a eylindrionl soreenslike part inserts od hetweon the outside element op plate and the next member inside, or grid, which makes the soreen surround the plate, That's the great aeoret, Fst of all it's a vacuum Valve or tu', and any Sot using moreen mild valves ia, toohnieally, a soreen Evid set, Sereen grid valves ave the des velopment of the standard three: What tinomenty radio | A le hr If You've ried Everything When your head Js fairly splitting snd you'v., tried in vain to welleve the ache, phone Jury & Jovell for a package of Cooper's Headache Powders 25¢ They ave made from a ey that In unsurpassed for efficiency over a period of fifty years, Get a box tos day and learn what relief from headache is, Nold only at the Nexall Mores Jy & Lovells |: King ¥, Nimeoe MN, Phone 98 Phone 68 element tube which hav haen used In almost ull radio sels since the beginning of practical program broadensiing, Wxperiments with different deslgny of this valve proved that extending screen on the outside of the plate as well as the fnuide wan an advantage, Thin ave hirth to the term "shielded plate," which is really the same thing an wereen grid, The addition of the sereen around the plate netuslly makes: the sereen grid tube a four-element valve, QUESTION OF NAVAL BASES UNLIKELY TO: CAUSE DIFFICULTY Britich Western Atlantic Stations Believed No Menace to U.S, London, Oct, 7.=The spectra of British naval bases In the western Atlantie, ralsed in some American elrelon, 1x counting little disquietude hore Whether the hases nre discussed Pramier MacDonald and Pres! Hoover at Washington, or whether they will come up at the five-Power naval conference In January, observers here helleve there will be little difficulty In reconciling Amerioan nd British viewpoints concerning them, The argument in London Is that the bases never were And never will he a menace to the United Hinton With the exception of the Royal Canadian navy's dookyard at Hall El EN iki NS QUALITY | COAL Phone 30680 MALLETT'S hy dont "LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wool | Yard, 'hone Oshawa R54 rv. A. Henry INSURANCE Phones a Otiee ARORA RY 00 PHONE 22 For Your Dvug THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe 3 So--We Deliver 1929 SRR 0 4 fa Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO HAY AND STRAW PRICES lesple denlers in hay und alia ire quoting 1a shippers the oll owing prices loi carlots delivered on track, Toronto 0 2 Timo! ¥, hslad on oo 84.50 815.00 0 Limathy, baled, ton $14.00 $14.00 i8 slraw, per ton 9.50 heat straw, baled, ton |, 10,400 Ho 1 Timothy loose, Is quoted si $19 10 per ton, Toronto wl bvered, duce 1a ht ces NTO PRODUC KE anle dealers are offering pro denlers at the following vr Kine extras, loose, bei hist, (4 Fresh extras, in cartons, 5c) fresh loans, Abe; weconds, Hit tar No, 1 creamery, prints, ] fashmer prints, ig Oh rd A wre, fleg twine, 210 10 til hy Be | Hilton! ie, Old, Tare, #0 twins, sei triplets and cuts, Sep old atilions, Me, Mes No yy Dressed Chickens, § hs, up , Dog 4 to 8 lbs, Muy A to 4 Ihe Joy under 3 hs, Hens, over § ibs, , Da, 4 to § hs, rollers | Jueklings 4» TORONTO PROVISION PRICES orontn wholessle dealers are quoting (he fo lowing prices to the trader Bmoked meats ame, medium, 3 to 36; eooked loins, 50 | Amaked volls, Bei breakiast hacon, 0 Mei hae ienmenled, 38 10 Ae; do, smoked 44 in Cured mats Long clear haeon, 50 (a 70 he,y Bde) 70 to 0 His Ades U0 ta 110 hs, rs Heayyweluhs rolls, 40s, Lightweight sails ard Pure tierces, to; tubs, 15 dedes pails 16 S46; prints, IN to 19, Bhortening, tees I to 156; subs, 14 Lode; pails, 150; ting, 1 prints, 16g, ork loli, Me; New York should fore 180 pork butts, wl ai pork hams, #7 TORONTO FARMERS MARKEY The following are quotations, retail effect on the Bt, Lawrence market, Torn Produce Fyfe oniran, ne dagen , hrst dozen a dairy, oe pound in My gop f pier pend wits egotablos Carrots, dos, bunches Heats, doz, bunches Jnlons, dry, 11 gt haskel ' May Beit, basket " Cabbage Laut ower "ry Rie hy peek | WARTGOME, per pong d' onl lettuce, thes for, fond lettuce, 4 lor Potatoes, bak | "e Cucumbers, 11.gt, bas Parsley, per bunch Cross, three lor Celery, per bundle Orankes, per dozen Girapelrult, twa lor 4 Amos, por dosen ,, ananas, per dozen Ailes, Hot hark ot fax, NH, which for wome has been practioally elosed down Britain has no well-equipped ba neross the Atlantle, Further argu ments are set forth as follows Bormuda Station Bermuda, the headquarters of the Amerioa-and-\Vost Ind squadron, leeks facilities for palring heavy ships, and therefore could not be used as oo battlofle base, Further, approximity to the Amerioan mainland would pre it Hable to overwhelming atts hy hoth sea and aly Bridgetown Barbados, and Trinidad wre simp fuel stations, and hoth are too | mote from Nritain to be susceptih of defence against determined a sault hy an enemy in the western Atlantic That argument applied with stil greater foree to Jamalea, which has been termed a "direct throat to the Panam Canal, Jamalen only 640 miles from the Atlan end of the canal, so that force operating from Jamaloa would be within easy reach of ita objective, But since no naval for oan safely he dlspatehed to a distant base in time of war unle ft communications are secured, the essential factor in the problem is not the distance from to the canal, but the distance Jamalea from England on YOR'H Nn naval {| \ { | | Royal, Is only 0 | at ( | | ndoey | DISHISSFS FOUL | | | foul pl no | Jamaloa | of | shaok one | Cirsen bean Plugs, rapes, 1 Cantaloupe, 16 yt Venn, Venehi Honey Dew mighons Giveen EIR S, 8 Ouinces, fr nt Wine grape Cranbzerries, oy 8 M4 ' ' BUEN rire In TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Cram dealers on the Torgnia Bosid o Frade wre wg the lollowing auotstion fur ear lat Mitiiaha wheat Nao, | north $180 1s Nog @ narthern, 8) i 145 Ne I Ni i $140 1 a 8 $4 1:2 w 0, BAN } feed, 07 1:36 (ed, Codey eli nd bay yas) Manitaha Guts No, 1 feed, 68 3:40) No, # feed, 05 | -% Ameriean earm=No, 4 yellow, $1,138 1:4 (all vill, delivered Torontu freights) Millised, delivered Montreal Trelghts, included fH, her Nn ton, 4 whe hag PRODUCE FUTURES Lhe spot misiket an Shi fr wleady, Kove some ev igrest wil appenis Wo bie in position to advance with & reasonable of bidding, The and ie wembers were higher which we helieve wo lu due ta the 4 warket jepart, the latier he ing aecepied by st of the trade as tayor There wa frastional advance market today, the ¢hange 4 top grades of whole entrilized, the Decemb PRFHENIEETY Inactive wil) imber gl trades and all ol Outside Bterest seeins tw be CHIL AGO Wence Yiving "mount uyeinhes n EAST BUFFALO LIVE BTOCK | { n United State En to 4.000 larida orl mila Port whil ies naval ha wtanamo, the island could he reached In a day | Finally, ox out Hyritah 8] f #0 Hghtly tor h f probably woulda | n { i to mile fro m the United SI + modern | PLAY THEORY Beston Cattle Rustler's Death Accidental, Coro- ner's Jury States Alliston, Oct, 0 Theories ol ton with the Kelly, oconvieted who sueeumbed to | harns Haturda night when hial was destroyed, were shat | terday when a Jury here | I doath of ran outtle rustler, tered y¢ HT JEDDO COAL SOLVAY COKE Hard Wood Slabs Soft Wood Slabs CORD WOOD TWENTY (20) DELIVERY VEHICLES INSURES A PROMPT AND COURTEOUS DELIVERY DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE 262 -- FOUR DIRECT LINES | brought In a verdiet of aceldental | death, The eanse of fire dotermined definitely of Inquest evidence, Polles Officer ped his Investigation faly Coroner Dy, J, D presided at the Inquest with ¥ Kyans, K.C,, of Orillia, acting the erown Five witnesses called among them the two farm erg who hdd dragged Bkelly the hurning hovel, The rear of th phiaok had been a mass of flame when they arrived on they testified, hut aecess had heen cay from the front and they had found Hkelly lying on the with hig elothing In flames Other witnesses testified Bkelly had heen the habit haw not but In view into the at Cunningham #] Wer from the secant q in of plarting his fire with coal oll and | thig may have the tragedy it is hellaved that heen responsible foy he remembered, ex It Is sweet to hean | Provineial | Hobinson has drop- | that | a morn remembers mn the cept phone vin clogl mploye leay on | grandfather and week to hulld a thirty urse, that Hran floor ted In the reh, "What addy 1" he what are COLL PP INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER DISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT, J gi Machinery Repairing NUTHING TOO LARUR NOTHING TOO aMALL Adanac Machine Sho (Il King 8%, W, Vhone 1 For Better Values DIAMONDS Hurns' Jewelry Store LCoraer King and 'vinge FOR SALE-=10 room brick house, Very centwal, Rleotrlo Hah ateh 8 plece bath, Fine ng house, ---- A Nee lat, Garage, ote, B3G00G, Only S800 down, DISNEY REAL ESTATR Phone 1880 An American woman has been mae ried seven times in four vears, Seven is a large numberbut it must not he Oash or forgotten "that four years ix a long Practically every line of busi ness is represented in this dis rectory=--a handy reference tor time==London QOninion Life GREATEST SA List Your Firm Do You Own Your Own Home? fi x. & + ATISFACTION those who with to become acquainted with business houses, the variows in the "Times" Business Divectory! Pr COAL COAL Chone 198 W., J. SARGANT Vard-=du Moor Street Orders Pramptly Deliawred Old Lady=="Waell, here's a dallax far you, my poor man" Tramp="A dollar! Lord bless yer, hlyy i we there was a fallen an gel, i's you -------- Barber: "Shall 4 clip the ends of vour hale oft, she? Customer: "No thank you only? one end | LUMBER o Buildin Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. High Class Interior Trim Rough and Dressed Lumber W, J, TRICK COMPANY LIMITED aM Albert Street Phones 280 & 18%, Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 4 KING BTW, Telephone ATH-R00 Night Oalla 810-1860 -- STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO, 180 King wsireet Wear, Oshawa, Phone 1100

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