Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Oct 1929, p. 9

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yt World Ser THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1929 PAGE NINB a 1€S Spec ia 3 ATHLETICS BUNCH THEIR HITS AND BEAT CUBS IN SECOND GAME OF SERIES Jimmy Foxx Again the Batting Star When He Hit a Home Run With Two on Base in the Third Innings--Malone, the Cubs' Pitching Ace, Knocked Out of the Box in the Fourth Innings When Athletics Had Secured a Six- Run Lead--Earnshaw for Athletics Erratic, But Tight. ens in the Pinches ATHLETICS Bishop, 2b Haas, of Cochrane, ¢ Simmons, If Foxx, 1b Miller, rf Dykes, 3b Boley, na Earnshaw, p. tional), first; Van Graflan, (National), third, The Batting Order Umpires: Dineen, (American) at plate; Moran, (Na- CUBS McMillan, 3b English, ss Hornsby, 2b Wilson, of Cuyler, rf Stephenson, If Grimm, 1b Taylor, ¢ Malone, p. (American), second; Klem, Wrigley Field, Chicago, Oct, 0. Connie Mack had no surprise for the erowd gatheved on a cold gray afternoon for the second world's series game, sending big Georges Barnshaw, one of his regular pitehs ers to the mound, The start was made a contest of speed when Joe MeCQarthy counter ed with Pero Malone, strikeout king of the National League, Ho that the discomfort of the weather would last no longer than neces sary, the umpires were on hand tor day to start the game on time af- ter the erowd had stood for the national anthem, Pest Tuning Athloties--Bighop struck out Hans struck out, The crowd gave Malone a great cheer, Cochrane walked after the count was 8 and 2. Simmons struck out, 0 runs; 0 hits; 0 errors, ; aut, «Dgley ato Foxx. Bt oul a two bise nit oto left. Hornsby stfiek out, Wilson took a base on balls, Cuys ler struck out, 0 rynsi 1 hit; 0 ers rors, ! Necond Inning Athletios==Foxx went out, Kng Heh to Grimm. Miller out to Grimm unassisted, Dykes walked, ~ Boley sin to right fleld, Dykes going to third, Earnshaw struck out, 0 runs 1 hit; 0 errors, tephenson went out at first, Grimm singled down the dvd | base line, Taylor struck out, Ma. lane struck out, 0 runs; 1 hit; 0 errors, Third Inning Athletios==Highop flied out to | Stephenson, Haas flied out to Mes | Millan, Cochrane singled to right field, Rimmons walked, Coehrane going to second, Foxx hit a home run into the left field bleachers, EL sooring Cochrane and Simmons ahead of him, Miller struck out i 8 runs; 8 hita; 0 errors, Oubs==MoMillan was given a EL base on balls, English struck out, | Hornsby struck out, Wilson walk. | ed, MoMillan mqing to second, Cuy ler walked, filllng the bases with two out, Htephenson flied out tu Simmons, 0 runs; 0 hita; 0 errors, Fourth Inning Athletios--Dykes hit a elean sins gle to centre, Holey lald down a sacritice bunt, advancing Dykes to second and golng out to Grimm, uns asnlated, Karnshaw was safe at | firat and Dykes a third when Hn lsh fumbled Earnshaw's hit, Rishe | op walked, filling the bases, Haas hit te short fooring Bishop, and scoring Dykes, and was safe at 1st, Earnshaw going to third, Coch. rane walked again, filling the bases, Simmons singled, scoring Earnshaw and Haas, Malone was n out of the box, Nlake went Eon the mound for Ohloago, Foxx | up to bat, Foxx went out on a fly to Cuyler. 8 runs; 2 hite: 1 error, Oubs=eCivimm out to Al Simmons in left tleld, Taylor flied out to Haas, back of second base. . Blake beat out a hit te short, and LEFTY GROVE Of Athleties, who relieved Earns shaw in the fifth innings, id was safe, MoMillan forced Blake al second, to Reley, 0 runs, 1 hit; 0 errors, Fifth Inning Athlotiefe=Miller singled along the third base line, Dykes singled In the same spot, Miller golng to second, Holey went out at first to Grimm, Earnshaw struek out, Bis ahop flied to Wilson, 0 runs; 8 hits} 0 errors, Cubs==Hnglish filled out to Jim- my Dykes, Hornshy singled to right field, WNuon singled down the third basp like, Cuyler struck out, Stephenson singled, and Horn sby scored, Grimm hit a Texas Leaguer into left fleld, Wilson scoring, and Htephenson went to third, Taylor hit to Earnshaw and was safe at fiat, while Stephenson soored," Hartnett batted for Hlake, Earnshaw was taken out of the box and Lefty Grave took his place, Hartnett struck out, 8 runs, § hits, 0 errors, Ninth Inning Athletlos=~Carlson now pltohing for Chicago. Haas, up to bat, sins gled over second base, Cochrane hit into a double play, English to Hornsby to Grimm, Simmons went out, English to Grimm, on a bheau- titul play by English, 0 runs; 1 hit; 0 errors, -- Cubs==McMillan struck out, Kng- h struck out, Hermaby out to X, unassisted, 0 runs; 0 hits; 0 errors, Seventh Inning Athletios==1'0xx singled along the third base line, Miller out on a naoritice bunt, Dykes singled te left, and Foxx came home, Holey filed out to Wilson, Groves struck out, 1 run; 2 hite; 0 errors, Cubs==Wilson singled to centre, Cuyler atruck out, Stephenson hit into a double play, Roley to Bishop to Foxx, 0 runs; 1 hit; 0 errors, Kighth Inning Athletics==Rishop struek out, Haan out to Eaglish on a pop fly, Cochrane walked, Simmons hit a homer un to the left tield bleachers, scoring Cochrane ahead of him, Foxx doubled to left, Miller flied to Wilson, 8 runs; 2 hits: 0 errors, Cubs~=Qrimm out, Rishop to Foxx, Taylor singled to right field, Gon. gales batted for Carlson, Gonzales struck out, MoMillan struck out, 0 runs; 1 hit; 0 errors, Ninth Taning Athletios---Dykea out, Hornahy to Grimm. Boley flied out to Stephens son, Grove filed out to Wilson, © rung; 0 hits; 0 erpors, Oubs=English out, Raat | Hornsby walked, singled to right, sending Hornsby to third, Cuyler hit to Grove whe caukht Hornsby at home plate for the second putout, Stephenson fli od to Foxx, 0 runs; 1 hit; 0 errors. Fina! acore RNR $12 0 Roley to {laon Athletios Cubs CI BE | TEAMS WORLD SERIES' SCORE BY INNINGS 1 2 3 45 617 8 9 3 3 001 9120 Chicago Philadelphia 3 3111 [BATTERIES Earnshaw, Grove and Cochrane Malone, Blake, Carlson and Taylor HOWARD NHMKNE Athletics, whose sensational pitoh. ing held the Chicago sluggers in complete submission, - . . . Mack Elate Over Foolin Chicago Cubs (Hy Chavies W, Dunkley) (Associated Press Sports Writer) Chicamga, Oct, 8 All the nolse from down under the grand stand at Wrigley Fleld this afternoon, af ter the Athletios' triumph aver the Cubs in the frst game of the world series, came from the A's dressing room with the Cubs silent, but anything but downhearted Howard Khmke, the pitehing rel fe of bygone days, was the here of the Athleties' demonstration, as the players came charging up the dressing room stalrs and nearly took. the door off the hinges In thelr attempt to throw thelr arma around the big, lanky, lean-look tug plteher "Roy, what hall game!" screamed Eddie Colllng, as he threw his arms around Ehmke, *'1 knew you would do It, You stood them on thelr heads" YKid" Gleason, the white-halr ed, grizaly ather assiutant to Mana gor Connie Mack, was beaming with happiness, He playfully poks ed his fist Into Whmke's vibe as the tall, blonde pitoher stood there peeling off his undershirt before # duck into the showers Khmke Concerned About Hall "What a pitcher! What a man!' bellowed the "Kid," looking up at the conquering hero "And ain't ta world'a series record, this striking out thirtesn of those Cubs?!" Gleason asked, KEhmke sald he didn't know, but the other players holaterously told him it was, Rhmke wasn more cons cerned about the final ball thrown than he was over the back-slapping demonstration the players were staging for him "Where ls that hall?" he yelled, when he suddenly found he didn't have it himself, Home one tossed ft to him, and the scowl that was on Rhmke's face changed te a wide smile as he fingered it, almost lovingly, Connie Mack, the silent leader of the Athleties, did not go into the dresstngs-room with his players, but left immediately for the Rdge- water Heaoh Hotel, headquarters for the Philadelphia team, We sald he was undecided am to his pltehlng selection for tomorrow, ut It might be either "Lefty! Grove, Gearge Harnshaw or Jack Quinn, "What 1a there to say about to. day's game!" he asked in response to questions, "The result speaks for ituelf, Yea, 1 am proud of Khmke's pitoh- ing performance. Ign't it possible that we completely fooled the Cubs" Cubs Not Downheargod Eatabllshing a conversational contact wtih the Cubs was a dim. oult undertaking----not bevhuse of any atmosphere of depression, buy because they apparently wished vo be alone, They did not even talk to each other, as they silently went about Ing off thelr uniforms, The Cubs conveyed the impres- slon of belo determined and eag- ar==cortamly not Hoked, Klwood English, Cub shortstop, who kicks ed away a double play which poss albly wrecked a chance for a tle Reore, came n for ne censure from hin team-mates, Some of them slapped him on the back consoling Joo MoCarthy, the Cub manag er, was loud in hia praisegot Ehm- ke's pitehing feat and halt no ex- Sass to offer for the defeat of hin oT a JIMMY Athletion, whose seventh Inning pitchers' duel, FOXX home run in the broke up the Sl Aa FELWOOD ENGL Cubs, whose two Athleties half of the Philpdelphina two ran errors kh INH the ninth gave in OPPOSING PITCHERS IN TODAY'S GAME GRONGE KARNNHAW Pitcher for the Philadelphia Ath. lotion In today' Name, Stable, Market Summary Tm, PAT Chicago Cubs' pltehor in game of the sevies, CT ------_-- vom by Canadian Press Toronto and Now York No ok Quotations Supplied by Forlo ng and Co, TOR( Ntook H Pel! Tel, Hrag, nr, A, 100 To Of 68% Carl, id Cn, Hed 2M Cogkshutt 32 Rid Can, Malt, 10% Can, nd 208 Cty, Dry, G8 Aloahol 10% Dur, Mot, 14% Ford "A" U8 Gypsum Hm, Nr, Imp, OH It, Pet, It, Nkl, Ms, Hy, Meo, ¥rt, 8, Ntatlon Apr, Tat, Walkers Olly vA" INTO igh Low 164 uh [FR (LE) Ntandand Mines Malar Mn, Dg, MeDoug, Moln, Ma, Or, Newheo Nida Pd, Ow Pon, I'rem, sh, Gy Blscoe Rd, Na, 8. WW, IM, Th, Hg, 0&4 Tow, 188 Vipond 68 hid Ventures A474 Wa, Hr, 180 Walnwell 20 Ajax 138 Amuiet any Arno FERNY He, Holl, 20 Dal, Oi 248 Dome 885 Ria Be, Or, 176 Paloon, 984 Grada, 23 Hall, Ago He, Oil 1438 Howey 50 Rid Hd, Hy, 1675 Kd, Lk, 50 Ria LR 15 4" 1410 EH a B134 436 Ria 2 174 630 £0 1 210 ATH 1300 ATA ad anon 28 170 gla LLU 11) 200 1 128 0 141 18 188 200 20 20 218 114 $00 20% 140 1380 16878 12.00 164 L) LER ud 1° LR 16 4" 1400 A886 a UU] 2 170 420 80 T20 200 ato 228 ado 160 20 134 dJ04 2 20 2020 178 228 0% feo 1584 1878 11 2100 Flr, 8h 11 2100 Kt Lk NEW YORK Nook High Viel, Lan Atohlson 3804 Halt & Ohio 133% Hrigen Mig, 24% Can, Pao, R14 Chrysler Congoleum Erle |, a Fam, Ply, Gen, Mat, Gra, Palge Gold Dust Hud, Mot Hupp It, Com, It, Nk, , Kly, 8utd, Mt, Ward Mok, Trek Nt, Ir, Laht, Phil, Pet, Pan, A, "2" Packard Radio .,.., Sre, Rbek, 1 Sta, OH} ,., at, Oil NJ Htudebaker Rimmona Utd, Alr, U8, Rubber B84 UH, Hteel 910% Wis, Ovid, Woolworth Yellow Cab Rd, Kth, Poaore "R" ft, Of N.Y, Ros, Insure, Maney §& per cent, 28 LE RT 0% LLY "HN low 2 { ) Ai t MALONN the second Latest Financial News 11 2100 pm 1% 28014 182 1 TEN 214 ON 0 LB RS TaN ah 10% ai a 41h ae fA % 0 108% LY have ny TEN 2 LEE 140 4 an %N WORLD AKRIES STATISTION S-- Standing of the Clubs Ww. van A Phitadelnhia Chicage | PO LX oN O00 1,000 Attendance and Receipts Pald attendance | | Receipts |. Commission, Players Contending club Bach Longue 404 shave RY {0,740 CARD, TAR00 GRLRTRNO 118,088.00 10,716.40 10 TTa.40 | | | | afthe Cully MILLE single in the Cochrane and the Athleties NING Athletics, whose ninth drove In Nimmons to put three ahead Yesterday's Game Was Ehmke's First Start Since July Oot 8 Those whose hearts beat ups and downs Althletion to that grand hint comes Philadelphia Phitladoly in rhythm with th of the Philadelphia night enjoying and gloy fooling with victory I'o win the opening world's ser from Chicago Cubs was the enthuslastie house of Maok, old Howard was not in the general run of base hians were lous ame pected hy follower of hut to win it Khn in the minds of the ball fa But Howard won his game and Philadelphia glad, eapecially #0 when the fans realized that one slur pliohers was out of the way for the present and that the stellar performers of the A's were still walting to be oalled upon by the veteran manager of the White Klephants All BounOn, while Arove, Walberg and posed the main twirling quartetta of the Athleties, Ehmke warmed the bench or worked in the bull pen, Ha pitehed In only 11 games altopthey for AN Innings, hunt showed a record of 7 victories and } deloat Ho oama within one strikeout today of equalling hia total tor the whole season fanning 18 Cubs an agalust his #soAsoOn mark of only 14, EHMKE'S VICTIMS nat un the with Ke box Wis Farnshaw, Quinn com ROGERN HORNSAY HACK WILSON Two ef the Cubs' hand hitters, steel out twice In yostorday's Howard Ehmke' s Slow Curves Subdue Chicago Sluggers in Thrilling World Series Game Veteran Moundsman Establishes a New World Series Rec- ord by Strikin Out Thirteen Batters--Cubs Helpless at the Time When a Hit Meant Runs ~~ Home Run by Jimmy Foxx Proved theTurning Point in Pitchers' Duel Between Charley Root and Howard Ehmke (By Alan J, Gould, Associated Press Nports Kditor) Chloago, Oot, § With a twirl Ing masterpiece that astonished the haseball world In general and the Chicago Cubs In particular, Howard Khmke, long, lenn right-hander, slow=balled the Philadelphia Ath letigs to vietory over the Nutlonal League ohamplons today, 8 to 1, In the opening game of the World's Merle At the age of 406, when he wan supposed to be well on the down ward path and a seconds-siring mun nt best In the A's east of stapes, Kh mke baffled the battling Drulns Justified the "unexpected faith the veteran Connle Mack brought his triumph to a climax by smashing the World's ords of strikeouts, When the towering, angular Kh mhke, In an exciting uninth=inning finigh, tanned Pinch Hitter Charley Tolson for the third out with two men on bases, he choked off the lant of three Cub threats in drama tie fashion with his thirteenth pirikeout vietim of the game This surpassed the World's Meries record of outs, made in 1006 by Md Walsh, the famous White Mox iron man, who also hid the Cubs as vietima on that oooaslon, Just a few minutes hefore, Mh mke, hit hard in the side by a line drive from Hack Wilson's bat, had fallen to the ground, seemingly hurt at a moment when he had vie tory and the record in his grasp here was a dramatic pause until he jumped up; a hurried consulta tion before he resumed pltehing His hopes of a shutout were blasted when the Cubs seoted thelr only run on a twoshase wild throw by Dykes on Cuyler's grounder, and a alngle by Htephenson, Hut the tall moundaman finished the game In # blase of glory, A colorful opening-day erowd of 0,740 tans, who vontribuied to & near-record Ygate" of $310, THN, saw Khmke's slow ourves turn back thelr favorites and heat the best that Charley Root, leading tiinger of the National League had to of fer, For pix Innings Root easily held his own In a runless duel, but he retired in the seventh for a pineh batter, after yielding a home run to SHmmy" Foxx, young flrsteacker of the Athletics This mighty drive, that fell inte the ocentresfield bleachers, started the downfall of the Cubs, but the elinehing blow of the game Wh a rousing single to centre by "Hing" Miller, the supposedly ailing Maok outfielder, who drove Cochrane and dimmons aoross the plate after Ki wood Kuglish, young Cub shorts atop, had contributed two succes alve errors to the finkl splurge of the A's at bat, Otherwise, the game was all a triumph for the towering Whmke, who celebrated his debut in World's Series competition in his thirteenth major league season with one of the finest pltehing performances on record, The Cuba were game, They fought hard and they threat oned on three wepavate ocoaslona to break through the barrier of alow ourves, floaters and a ohange of alde-arm pace, but except in the ninth, when they had a three-run disadvantage to overcome, thay falled to show anything like a punch in the ohin, . Rig Guns Holploas The biggest guns in the Cub at tack, Rogers Hornsby and "Haok" Wilson, were spiked more effective ly than any others, Twice these two sluggers were fanned in sues ossplon by Ehmke's tantalising de livery, once In the third Inning with rughers on second and third! again In the sixth, when the A's star ves tired the whole Cub aide on strikes These three victims made {t tive in A row for Bhmke at the time, All he needed wan one more to tle Hod Eller's veoond, made against the White Sox In 1819, but the next Sm -- and pories red former 13 pirike tO years ano, meritorious than that of RB Khmke hag had a stormy career York-Pennaylvania League, of developing into a major le Sox ended for all time his career in is near the end of the baseball t Bane, re------ Ehmke's Stormy Career then five in succession, thus almost equalling the consecutive" out mark established by "Hod Eller 4n the crooked Wor Ehmke's Jeciotmance, however, was vast ler, the latter simpl men who never had any intention of hittin Sox" were his opponents, and nothing Moh Yesterday at Chicago Howard Ehmke "fanned" fous pi 3 attention of Detrolt scouts when pitching' At that time he gave every { ue stan, hut later on RB not agree with Hery Tyrus Cobb, whe seemed to labor! impression that Ehwke lacked courage. engagemonts, and finally Cobb sold his services to the Yesterday Howard Ehmke hurled that challenge ba With a lame arm he gave the hest a man can give, a he was taking, but he was willing to sacrifice that "wing" so that Connie Mack and his men would be on their way to another world's championship, "Greater love ly no te than that," and Mack will oo forever Rratelut h the WN Aniline mun up In the seventh frame, "Kis KI" Cuyler, ns well ad the next bats Lor, Wiggs Atephenson, singled, Thin weventh inning marked the wooond of Khmke's great stands, in which he pulled himsell out, each Lime by the strikeout route The A's had gathered thelr first run on Foxx's homer, Just & few moments before, hut Khmke was in a had hole when Grimm's sacrifice put | Cuyler on third and Blephemson on | wocond, From the dugout, reinforoements | were rushed up by General Joe Me (Carthy, Cliff Heatheote batted for | Catoher Zook Taylor, but Simmons grabbed hig short fly to left on the run and kept the fleet Cuyler from an attempt to seore, "Cabby Hart nett, the big cateher, who has heen out with a bad arm all season, bat | ted for Root, but he Joined the ra plaly growing lst of KEhmke's sirike-out victims, Hoot, who had twirled masterful ball himself, yielded only three safe hits In seven innings, before gles ing way to Hush, Outside of the wooond, when they bunched two singles to no avall, and Foxx's hom or, the A's were themselves far from potent at hat, Root had splens did control and fine support, but his suoeessor, Guy Bush, wis (treats od harshly by his own defense as wall ns the A's bats In the ninth, Mickey Cochrane shot a single through Hornsby to start the ninth, then English hooted Himmons' grounder In haste to Wart a double play The shortstop's nerves were still upset and after grabbing Foxx's rap, he juggled the hall so long that wll runners were safe and the bases were full Miller brought Cochrane and Bimmons Across wite A drive ta centre, but Bush persons ally checked further threats by grabbing two short bounders hy Dykes and-Neley for putouts at the plate The Cub attack finally broke through In ita last chance afm Wilson had laid Khmke low tem porarily at the start of the ninth, The A's pltoher toksed out Haok at first, but Jimmy Dykes then un- corked a wild throw on Cuyler's grounder, theb all salling into the Philadelphia dugout, "Kiki" went to second under the ground rules and seored on Ntephenson's singlw to centre, The erowd wha In an uproar when Grimm followed with a aafe blow to right, but Dykes took Pinohshitter Blair's wap to foros Grimm at second, an Rtephenson wont to third, and, Tolson, pinoh« batting for Bush, struck out, Sparton Radio s Bringing in Report of Game r------" his In an effort to speed up the service 10 the readers of The Times on the world's series bases hall games, the report of today's game 18 being received in The Times oes hy radio trom the Cub's Park, an broadoast by Gras ham MoNamee, J, I, Ireland, local agent for the Sparton Ras dio, kindly offered the use of one of his finest models to pros vide the hest possible reception of the broadoast, and the game fs being taken down receive od over this model, The Times 1a grateful to Mp, Ireland for his interest in providing readers of The Times with fantoat possible service on thin imports ant event, The reception of the game this afternoon was all that could he desired, and the reads ers of The Timea are thin enab- led to read a oplorful 'slay of the game within a few of ita conclusion, the of plete story avaliable. Oshawa, lowmanyille and ¥ in this afternoon's newsphp N -- Wik kes erica more turning ba tee a ball, ie ack iether ne 8 said, o first atttaeted: the Syracuse in he New tion could or the atic W LINES @ ehance right in Sata hey had several the majors, He knew Toronto Globe, rail

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