he Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City I -- ARAL Ee it ®t VOL. 5--NO. 82 News in Brief (By Canadian Press) - To Administer Toxoid Bireh Clift=~Commencing today, Dr, C, D, Farquharson of Bearboro health board, will administer tox- oid to the pupils of school sestion No, 10 as a precaution againet 'diphtheria outbreak this fall, Hildren of pre-school age will also be treated at the olinie, Convention of W,C/ TU, Windsor,="The fity-second an~ nus! Provinelal convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union opened here today, continu~ fang until Thursday night, Near- ly 400 delegates are here, 1t will be the first time that the Provin. cial meet has been held In Ja- sex County, . IHard Parlor Robbed Durham, ~The Durham billiard parlor, owned hy A, H, Hastie, wan entered by burglars early yester- day morning, when the front door was pried open, The burglars oars ried off about 18,000 cigarets, The Mok oss is estimated at about 400, oF Yloyd George Recovered London-=Declaring he had quite recovered, Mt, Hon, David Lloyd George, Liberal leader, returned to London yesterday from Notting ham, where he had attended the conference of the Liberal party, The former prime minister was suddenly taken 111 on Friday night at Nott ngham, Flier's Fingers Broken Ottawa, ~~Miss May Haislip, fy. ing with the National Alp tour, landed here with two fingers brok- en, A bird that flew through the propeller struck her hand as she was adjusting her goggles just as she left Toronto, Miss Halslip's hand was dressed and she took off for Montreal when her turn came, LJ Charged With Theft Toronto =-Charged with theft, Thomas Hill, 87, of Ontario street, was arrested Saturday by P, ©, Jowett (160), of Claremont divi. slon, a short time after he had been reported to have stolen a few dollars from a cash register in a service station at Niagara and King Bt, e Bear Menaces Children Port Arthur.---Police searched the north end of the city yester. day for a large black hear which was noticed on Court Hireet by a motarist, He oh the bear for ooks, when {t disappeared. The r in deemed a menace to the ohildren, and the polica have load. ed revolvers with them as they seareh, fichola Awarded Hoarboro, «= Hoholarships weve awarded to pupils of the upper and middle school at Soarboro high school, the winners being, Cornell Scholarship, Frederick Ray: Baird Sohelarship, Winnifred Jackson) Goforth SChalarship, Edward Bon- or, and Margaret Coles! Lakeview v1, Scholarship, Agnes David. son, 45th Battery Stage Reunion Torento,~~The 48th Battery will stage a reunion on Novem: ber 20th, and are looking forward to a real event, A gathering of this kind has not been held for some ten years and a number of addresses have heen changed in that time, A. W, Cook, 288 Clen- denan avenue, Toronto, is arrang- fog the reunion program and seek- ing addresses of Did comrades. Larkin Leaves Washington Washington, D, C.--sAfter a fly. ing visit to Washington, Hen, I. OQ, Larkin, Canadian high commis. sioner in London, left for Toronto yesterday afternoon, Mr. Larkn was a house guest of the Canadian minister and Mra, Massey over the turn of the week, On Saturday evening Hon, Vincent and Mra, Massey gave a dinner in honor of the commissioner, Tondon Aviator Wins Windsor. ~Jack Sanderson of the London Flying club Saturday won the second annual B0-mile Alr Derby at the Walker airport, Hast Sandwich township, His time wan 20 minutes and three seconds, Lieut, R, H, Soundy of the Rorder Cities Aero olub, was second, time 29 minutes and five seconds; L. O, Cox of the Border Olties, was third, time 20 minutes and 28 seconds, LEE BN ola bee Songs Londde Sy French songs of old Quebec for perhaps the first time rang through the dining: room of one of the leading hotels in Marta on Satu night, The conference on dominion law was hrating the 83rd birthday of y Cana Hy Sine of A. Messages m were included in the nu- us congratulatory notes he i . t \ ow venion a ¢ A man's arm, > Son sa WEATHER nadian delegation to the | OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER. 7, 1929 15 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy. TWELVE PAGES 5 DROWN IN NORWEGIAN DISASTER Gratifying Progress Reported by Nationa PASSENGERS IN PANIC LEAP INTO THE SEA -------- Conflicting Reports as to How the Tragedy Hap- pened ~-- Vessel Said to Have Struck Rock -- Al. so Reported in Collision CAPTAIN HURLED INTO WATER 80 to 100 Passengers on Board at Time of Disaster ~=Many Rescued in Ex. _hausted Condition (By Canadian Press Leassd Wire) Bergen, Norway, Oct, 7==Thirty» five persons are believed to have been drowned in the sinking of the coasting steamer Haakon VII, which foundered near Floroe last night af- ter colliding with another vessel, It was estimated that nine or ten of the thirty-five lost were members of the crew and the rest passengers, The Haakon VII, collided w the Norwegian steamer arising Jaarl at Slavajorden, The Jaarl also went ashore, Salvage ships were rushing to the rescue this afternoon Trondhjem, Norway, Oct, 7=A telegram from Nloroe today stated that it was feared J§ persons were lost in the sinking of the steamer Haakon VI, last night after a cols lglon, I'he steamship company openin the vessel was withovs detail ane there was hope that this estimate of the casualties was exaggerated, Niruck Sunken Rook Copenhagen, Denmark, Oct, 7, Advices recalved here Lhis after noon state that the steamship Han. kow VII, grounded just befo midnight off thew est coast of No way, south of Floroe, while enroute to Nergen from Trondhjem, Although no exact estimate of thel oss of life was available, it was believed heavy, There were bes tween 80 and 100 passengers ahoard the vessel, The ship was sald to have struck a half submerged rock, alnking within a few minutes with only 'her bow above water. The captain and pilot were the bridge, The oaptalp was hurled Into the water hy the impact, but managed to save himself by eolimbing on a roek, Passengers rushed from thelr staterooms in night attive and many leaped overboard saving themselves by olambering on rocks, They re mained there five hours when res oued In an exhausted condition by the Norweglan steamer San Luear, Those reacusd were taken to Floroe and many. were removed to a hos pital In a serious condition, The steamer Arrisinn Jaarl, be. longing to the same owners, grounded about half an hour after the Haakon was wrecked ahout 800 yards from the scene but no cass ualtien were reported, JAMES ROBINSON DIED THIS MORNING Port Arthur, Ont, Oct, 7. James Robinson, deputy member of the Dos minion Hoard of Grain Commissions erg, died at his home here early tos day, Mr, Robinson retired from the Board of Grain Commissioners this summer but was chosen as one of the four 'deputy embers following the appointment of the new three mem her commission, on Twenty by-products are obtained from the carcass of a shark, Hunters Display Fine Form Before Large Crowds at Aurora ---- Land of Soviets Under Repair The Four Russian Aviators Busy Erecting Temporary Workshop Cralg, Alaska, Opt, TwThe tour Russian aviators flying from Mes cow to New York were busy today at Water Fall, Dall Island, netting up a temporary machine shop in order to repair thelr plane, "Land of the Soviets," which was foreed down there Thursday while on its way from Sitak to Heattle, Meanwhile, a new motor to rus place one of the two now in the plane was on its way from Heats tle, The motor, being shipped aboard the steamship Alaska, Ia to he transferred to the United States const guard cutter Cygan in order to speed Ita movement to Water Fall, If tha new motor reaches Wa. ter Fall late today or tomorrow the filers hope to have thelr plane GEORGE BEARDMORE ENTATE Photographs here show noenes from steeplechase meet on Haturs day at the estate of George Neard- more in Aurora. Thousands of so- elety people and farmers from the surrounding district gathred to nee the hunters perform, (1) shows W. 1. Northgrave Jr, winner of Kir Wm, Mulock steeplechase, on ready to continue toward Seattle Wednenday, Martindale, Martindale was bred BH NTEEPLECHASE SETTING by T, P, Phelan, of the CNR. ros taurant farm, formerly Queen City stables, (3) shows W. D, Rogers, rider, and OG, W. Beardmore, MI" H,, winners of the Master's Cup steeplechase with Lady Nora, Lady Nora is shown In No, 8 with W, D, Rogers up, and (4) shows the win. nor of the D.Alton MeCarthy Mem orlal steeplechase, CC, Van Strauben gle up, Allen Cane, owner oo r---- Legislation ANNUAL AMERICAN LABOR CONFERENCE HELD IN TORONTO Canadian and 'British Dele- gates Present Eleven. Day Session (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Qect, 7-=Delegates from all the organized Labor bodies of the United States, with fraernal repres sentatives of the Labor movement of Canada and Great Britain on hand an well, assembled here today for the 49th annual convention ol the Ameris can Federation of Labor, A program extending through 11 full days of sessions and touching upon every matter of industry and polities affect ed by Labor interest was laid before the union representatives who lis tened to the welcoming speeches and responses that took: up their morn- ing. William Green, president of the federation, and hs executive council laid down alse at the opening ses sion their report of a year's activity and their tentative outline of future policy for America's organized Laboy, Among speakers of prominenc scheduled to be heard in the comin sessions are! the Canadian National Railway} James I. Davig, secretary of Labor for the United States, and Peter Hees nan, secretary of Labor for the Doms inion, Ramsay MacDonald, Labor premier of Great Britain, has ine dicated his inability to attend, Though the federation convention will adjourn Wednesday, October 16 for one day while the Toronto res coption to the English statesman on his return from Washington 18 in progress, Sir Henry Thornton, 'president of | Conference on Dominion Meets in ouse of Lords Tomorrow (By Canadian Presa Leased Wire) London, Oct, 7.The conference on Dominion legislation which meets in one of the committee rooms of the House of Lords on Tuesday expects to take three weeks to complete its work, Sinee its arrival in London a few days ago, the Canadian delega- tion under Hon, Ernest Lapointe, Canadian Minister of Justice, has been busily engaged in Jreparhtory conferences with Rritish officials, Hon, Mr, Lapointe himself discussion with Sir William Jowity, attorpey-general for Great Britain, over certain aspects of the confers once's work, The main topies before the actual conference, which fall under four heads, as follows: (1) Reservation of dominion legis lation ; (2) Extrasterritorial operation Dominion legislation} (3) Operation of the colonial laws validity act, under which any domin- lon statute repugnant to a British statute is void; ; (1) Merchant shipping legislation, in which Canada and Australia are particularly interested, As matters stand the British mers chant shipping act expect in certain particulars is applicable to dominion shipping, The Juthose of the conference gens | had a of erally iy to make such recommendas tions to the next imperial conference as will remove existing anomalies in the equality of status as between the Dominions and Great Britain, Five Youths Arrested Toronto ~Recause the supposed leader of the quintet found himself puzzled by the gearshift, rive youths, 18 and 18 years old, were arrested last night at Bay and Grenville streets as they tried te drive away in an automobile own ed by the McLaughlin-Rulok coms pany, P.O, Armatrong (192), seeing the five in diffoulty, walked to- ward them and, an they started to run, caught them, He and De teotive'. Fred Storm ave laying chatges Of attempted theft, Application of CNR. CPR. Is Dismissed Rates Fixed Not Unfair, Says Justice Lamont ) (Ry Canadian Presa Leased Wire) Ottawa, Oot, 7,~~The application of the Canadian National and Cans adian Pacific Rallwaya from the or der of the hoard of ratlway commis sloners reducing carrying ratea on grain from Port Arthur-Fort Wik Ham to Quebea City, was diamisss ed in a judgment handed down to- day by Mr, Justice Lamont of the Superior Court, The application was heard by him in chambers recs ently, In hig judgment Mr, Justice Las mont wrote: "Hus it beén made to appear on this appiloation that it ia fairly arguable that the rates fix- ed hy ovder No, 488 are unfaiy or unreasonable? I am very clearly of the opinion that it ia not, Not only have the rallwaya failed to show the board misdireated itself, but thelr own conduct since the or der was made has been such as to Justity the inference that, in thelr Judgment, ther ates are not unfair or unreasonable, His Lordship expressed the fur ther opinlon in hin judgment "that the action of the rallways in ob. taining from the railway board exs tensions of time covering a period of nearly two yeara within which to make application for leave to appeal, and thelr application for such leave only when a vaduction of ther ates fixed by order No, 448% was threatened, and when applica- tion had been made to obtain rates to maritime ports bazed on hose rates, points atrongly to the con clusion that the railways had noe bonafide' intention of appealing against the arder or of any rates fixed therein," J Ramsay MacDonald Visits Japanese Envoy at Washington Has Plans for Japan's Par: ticipation in, Naval Conference Hoattle, Washn,, Oot, ! Bearing plans for Japan's part tion Iu the projected conference for limi. tation of sea power as announced yesterday by President Hoover, Commandwer T, Yamaguchi, of the Japanese Navy, was on his way to Washington today. Commander Yamaguehl arrived here last night trom Toklo and de- parted immediately for the National Capitol, During his brief stop here he learned that President Hoover had announced the issurance of in vitations to Jupan, France and Its aly to Join the United States and England in a naval limitation diss ounnion, The Japanese offoer was silent an to the plana of his country but sald "Kills Four Plane Crashes From 1,500 Feet as Brace Wire Gives Way (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Leona, Texas, Oct, 7A crumpled wing at an altitude of 1,500 feet yess terday plunged to their deaths Licut Juck Brooks, 28, a Dallas contrictor and three passengers in hig plan Leon Lynch and Allen Powell, Centreville, and Marvin Botte Teague were Killed with Brooks Lieut, Brooks was considered one of the best pilots at Love Field, Dal more than 5000 ol ul las, having spent hours aloft, Apparently the bracing of the left wing of the plane gave wity, the wing folding back over the cockpit, Cherbourg, France Tugs early yesterday succeeded in refloatmy the British passenger liner Auson- fa, which wont aground a few hours earlier in Cherbouty roads, after its anchor fouled during a high wind, The liner was bound Southampton to Quebec, Gift to Prince Includes Bill (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Oct, 7=The Prinee of Wales is very mueh embarrassed and Walter Hagen, the American golfer IN even more embarrasse d bec ause ol a bill for $325 way included in a gift package of golf clubs from Hagen to the Prince, When Hagen played part ner to the Prince at Sunningdale Golf Club last May he was 80 plea sed with the Prince, whom he de scribed as the "best sportsman 1 ev er met," that he promised his part ner a set of clubs The clubs recently arrived at St James's palace, and with them was the bill, Hagen, when notified, cab. led his apologies to the Prince and from it was willing to co-operate in any sald he could not understand how the bill came to be included -------------------------------------- movement for world peace, United States Legislature; May Briefly Address Senate -------- Ken Clark, Canadian Staff Correspondent) Washington, D.C, Oct, Today Ramsay. MacDonald, the British Prime Minister will visit the capitol to see the legislators of the United States at work, upon the new tariff bil, He may briefly address the senate; that very powerful body upon whose attitude greatly depends the the foreign policy of the United Dates, Returning quiet, yet important, (By Press from his outwardly most important =-vitaly week-end in the moun. tains, as the guest of President Hoover, the Prime Minister will plunge immediately into a round of activity which is bound to put to the test his apparently inexhaustible store of energy, Leaving Rapidan camp at 2.18 am, | the presidential party, including Mrs, Hoover, Miss 1shbel MacDonald secretary of state Henry L. Stimson, undersecretary of state Joseph P, Cotton, R, L, Craigie, head of the United States section of the foreign office and Sir Robert Vansittart, secs retary to the Premier, should arrive in Washington at 10.30, shortly there- after the Prime Minister, accompan- fed by Sir Esme Howard, will go to the capital, there to observe the sens ate in session and perhaps to meet several of the senate leaders, At secretary Stimson's stag dinner on Wednesday evening, the prime minister Gill he afforded on oppor tunity of greeting a number of senas tors and congressmen and a meeting between Mr, MacDonald and Wil Ham Borah, head of the foeign rela: tions committee of the senate, has been arranged for Wednesday afters noon so that he will be able in any case to make the acguaintance of the legislative heads of the United States government as well as those of the executive departments, CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, Ills, Oct. 7.=Wheat, Dee, 136: Mar, 143; Corn. Dec, 97 38 Mar, $102; Oats, $2 1-41 Mar, $8 7-8. Pearls when not worn for a long COLORADO GONVICTS STILL HAVE ARMS BELIEVE WARDENS Three Convicts May Be Hanged As Result of Investigations (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Canon City, Colo,, Oot, T,==)oar hovered over the Colorado atate penitentiary again today, bringing a tense anxiety to the routine of rehabilitating the battle scarred in. stitution, which only last Friday was in the throes of a bloody mus thy, Conoldent with commitment of a segond conviction solitary cons fnment ofclals discovered two re~ volvers hidden in a coal pile, One offiolal, unnamed, sald he was cers tain five convicts in the. prison were armed---that is, they had arms hidden, The officer would not comment on his reason ror such a belief, The noose today dangled close to three hoads as a result of ine vestigation of last week's mutiny in which 12 lives were loat in bats tle, by massacre and by suielde, Charles Davia was ordered place od in solitary confinement. Soon after this action the two revolv- ors were found and leo W. Mes Genty, 28, Denver Gunman, was or de confined, Roth of these men, Warden F, B, Crawford sald, were in possession of weapons when the mutiny in the prison @ out, , Identity of the third convict suspected was not raade known, ' The weapons believed to he still in possession of convicts include a shot gun, a 30-30 ritle and three time have been known to 'get sick and die" . \ revolvers, . | Leaders INVITATIONS TO FIVE- POWER NAVAL CONFERENCE ARE ISSUED BY BRITAIN Crumpled Wing Text of Invitations to Five Power Naval Disarmas ment Conference To Be Made Public Tomorrow Night ; CONFERENCE THIRD WEEK IN JANUARY, Will Seek an Agreement Limiting All Categories of Fighting Ships Not Affects ed by Washington Treaty (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Washington, D.C, Qct, 7, resid ent Hoover und Rt. Hon, Ramsay MacDonald, premier of Bris tain In a Joint statement today sald gratifying progress has been made In the review of all questions that might give rise to friction between Great Britain and the United Stu Les, "We have frankly reviewed all questions that might rise to friction our peoples," the announce sald, Gratifying progress' has and the conversations are Creat between ment been made continuing I'he statement was made immedi ately after the arrival of the chief executive and the British statesman at the White House after their week ond at Mr, Hoover's Rapidan camp where they conyagred intimately dn the Rustic setting Issue Invitations Invitations for a five power naval disaramament gonference to be held in London beginning on the oMnday or 'Tuesday of the third week in Jan» wiry will be issued by Great Britajn today. The text of the invitations will be made public tomorrow night, probab= ly situltaneously in the five capitals concerned, London, Washington, To kio and Rome, This information was given out at the White House by George Akerson, seeretary to President Hoover, after he Nad talked with the president ove er the telephone, Mr, Hoover had been in conference all morning at hig camp at Rapidan river with Prime Misdster J, Ramsay MacDonald, The conference In Jamuary will seek an agreement limiting all cates gories of fighting ships not affected by the Washington treaty of 193d, U'his pact imposed a gross igunsge limitation on eapital ships and alr» craft carriers, provided a ten yecan holiday in the construction of battles ships, and fixed a tonnage ratio for capital ships of § for the United States, § for Groat Britain, 3 for Jas pan and 1.7 each for France and Italy, MacDonald to Accopt Degree see Mr, MacDonald in to accept an LL.D, degree from George Washington university, at a oon- vocation on Tuesday morning iu (Continued on page 13) Not Likely 4 To Recover (By Canadian Presa Lonsed Wire) Orillia, Ont, Oct, T.--="Polly™ Jocque, of Bracebridge, wells known hockey and lacrosse p Te who was seriously injured lash night when the automobile in which he waa riding left the road and overturned in a ditoh tive miled south of Washago, is given little chance of recovery by doo tore at the Orillia Soldiers' Memos rial Hospital, He autfered a broke on back and other injuries, DEAD AT ANURSTRAL ERSTATH far of Hare AL) aw Princess Man whe ta dead a1 0 at Harewood, Bag yearn Viscount Lascel husband of Princess Mary, La oda le the till, VV ' 4