Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Oct 1929, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS: L Building Summer Cottage 1 Brockville ~A frame bungalow, to Ve i A Summer residence, Is being iit ut Pullord's Bey, west of the town Es the Bt, Lawrence for Dr, A, I. Shaver, of Brockville, rm------ Restor Appointed Cobourg ~Rev, M R, Kinksiord of Montreal has been placed in charge the Anglican parish of Perrytown, This Includes congregations at Gore's pading, Harwood and Bewdley Rice Lake) and at Perrtown, i iv deb? 1 Choral Practices Begin Kingston ~The Kingston Chor- gl Boelety 1s to hold its first prac tice of the fall and winter season at Queen's University this evens ing. The society will present Men- @elssohn's "'Wlijoh" this year, Satisfaction Pt, Hope="This Is the season of the ear when the busy, tired housewife fooks with satisfaction on the rows and rows of canned fruits and pickles d tomatoes on which to feast her io family through the long win- ter months, Prize Display Peterboro,---A splendid Array of prizes to he given at the forth- soming Kiwanis ¥xhibition Js on display at D, Belleghem & Rony' establishment, The prizes include A fine cedar chest, a smoker's out fit, and a dinner wagon, Appointed to Toronto Hospital Brockville ~Miss Lillian M, Sheri dan, daughter of the late James Sher- idan, and of Mrs, Sheridan, 4 King street west has heen appointed by the Civil Service Conunission to an im» portant position at the Christie street forital, Toronto, Young Men Charged Kingston, ~Three young men from the district about Verona, are to appear hefora Magistrate J, W, Bradshaw on Wednesday next on a serious charge, The young mon were rounded up and summoned by Provincial Police following the alleged offence, Big Crowd Orono,--Tha feature of the an- nual Orono Faly on Wednesday afternoon was the high class qual ity of exhibits, especially in the fruit class, and this testifled to the success of agriculture in Durham County, Nearly (brea thousand people attended the exhibition, Increase in Travel Prescott,~An increase in travel gver the International houndary between Prescott nnd Ogdensburg in Beptember is reported, During Beptember, 1020, 84,0168 passen- gers, and 0,007 automobiles were transferred, an increase of 4,090 passengers, and 1,185 oars, As compared with Meptember,. 1028, Pavilion Closed Kingston, == The Richardson flathing Pavilion officially closed for the year on Wednesday, after 6 most successful season, Mr, Roy Dougall, who looked after the pavilion, reported that there were very few moeldents this pesson, and none were of a Serious nig ture, { Bnow! Pelerboro. ~The firts flakes of the- season drifted down over Peterborough #sbout 11 o'clock Vriday morning, They were very small and could he seen with difficulty but the ehill in the alr at the time left no doubt In hte mindy of witnesses as to the venlity of thelr visions, Grain Boat Aground Kingston ~The tugs Salvage Prince and Salvage Queen, owned by the Pyke Wrecking and Salvage Come pany, Kingston, left to go to the asx sistance of the steamer Armonda, which went aground near Morrishur laden with grain, The steamer Is owned by Heger Transportation Com. pany, New York, signs of Revere Winter Peterboro,~~A large number of wooden hoxes were in possession of a large portion of the sidewalk outside the Rexall Store at the corner of George and Charlotie streets at noon todey, It is sur~ mised that possit'y this is a ships ment of remedies to be held In reserve for the time "when the wintry blasts do blow," Everybody's Chewing It Paterboro,~-A woman was busily engnged, on George street, this ats ternoon, distributing samples of a well-known brand of choeolits, Many people, possibly with a trace of Reottish blood in thelr veins, wera loath to accept the proffered dainty, possibly thinks ing there was a catch In it somes where, Leave for Sallshur Port Hope Rev, J, 8, { Wilson, formerly pastor of Trinity United Chureh, Briehton. and Mrs, Wilson left this week for Salisbury, North Caroling where Mr, Wilson will take up work as minister of the Congres gatlonal Church, Mr, Wilson has resigned his charge at Brighton, and is going south on account of Mrs Wilson's health, Another Store Robbery Brockville, ~Thieves who broke Ins to Loster's ladies' ready-to-wear store in Cornwall on Wednesday night stole between 400 and 500 dresses, in- eluding 60 evening dresses, and made a clean get-away, The thieves enterad hv way of a rear window and are be lleved to have carried thelr loot to a waiting automobile, Neither the safe nor the cash register in the store was touched, Serious Condition Port Hope~Mrs Frank Ackerman a window, residing in Milford, near Picton, is in a serious condition as a result of burns, Mrs, Ackerman was lighting a hanging lamp and struck the match on the table, The table cloth caught fire, he flames ignited The Arcade Pleated Skirts for School Wear Made of a fine silk and wool mix. ture, Accordion pleats, fitted bands, Colors are green, rose, blue, $2.50, On sale tomeor- Bach: ...onnirssnnirinen row, sand and Sizes 16, 18 and 20, Regular $1.49 Boys' and Girls' Sport Jerseys Very smart appearance, and a particularly well-made garment, Will give just that additional warmth one wants at this season, for, each. ........ iin $1 65 Values up to $2.25 Children'sPlay Hose e Ribbed Hose, made specially to withstand the ard wear of play and school. Black, brown, sand, 0 Pair HR Ld A Lakai Raa hig 25¢ The Arcade PHONE 1000 snow lll THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1929 A New Message from the Flowers Alluring Shavl tolletries-- cherished sereen And wage beauties, debutan. tes and society leaders, by womon everywhere who are noted for thelr exquisite loveliness, A flowerdike fragrance hints of the good taste of the Shari user, A delicate purity = speaks of her da) tin choos. ng tolletrien that faith. fully guard her beauty, Powders perfume cream tie packages that . wh A L] you will be proud to have on yowr dressing table, Shari toler. les are sold only at Rexall Soren, Save with safety at v Rexall Drug Store JURY & LOVELL King W, Nimooe M, Phone 28 Phone 08 her dress, Mrs, Ackerman resides alone, Nelghbora were attracted hy her cries and found her severely burned, Her recovery is doubtful, Postmen's Gardens Kingston---Two of the elty's postmen have quite noted gardens near Victoria Park, It Is a good thing that Mr, Laws leaves his yard gates open that the publie may peep In, He has devoted all Me big k space to flowers and they are a worthy exhibit of skill and good taste, Mr, Compton, not very far away, has an enviable plot, Ha Is artistle with flowers of bright colors--=roses Are hig specialty, This garden Is very utilitarian with an extra growth of choles vegelables and fruit trees, ---- Davidson Senior Cobourg At ths a amplon, day sports of the Convent Behool of St, Michnel's Parish here, Lawrence Die vidson won the senior championship and the sliver cup presented by Vian. wigan Bros, Lawrence O'Connor, sah of Judge L, W, O'Connor, won the silver eup presented uf Ww, J. Me. Donnell, the winner be ng the Inter~ mediate champion, James Coogan was Junior champion and won the ep presented by E, C. Hilliard, Completed Nepuirs Kingston, ~~Aecording to s re port tabled at a regular meeting of the Vroperty Committes of thu Board of Xdueation held on Thurs day afternopn, the work of laying fnsulex on the ceilings of the High fiehool of Commerce, Louise and Central Hehools, has now been completed to the entire satisfaction of Prof, Iu M, Arkley of Queen's, under whose supervision the work was done and who now recom mends the contractor's account for payment, ------ Plan Plays Kingston, ~~AtL a meeting of the executive committes of the Dramu- tio Group of the Arts and Musis Club held at the home of Mr, U, 4, Puller, it was decided to put on two one-act plays at a performance during the month of November, The two plays chosen were "Where the Whirlwind Blows' by Essex Dane and "The Drums of Oude' hy Austin Strong, The former will be produced by Mrs, James Miller and the latter hy Mrs, 4, G, Vuller, neation Peterboro, n amusing fneldent ooourred at Queen Alexandra fchool on Thursday afternoon, wheres Dr, MacPherson was inocu lating children, A Mitle girl led her brother into the doctor's pres ence exclaiming: "I don't want doing; it's my brother," Means while the little fellow was EAz- ing around, a look nf bewilderment on his face, He hravely submitted to the injection in his arm, how: sever, and was duly compénsated with & nlee big "sucker", which his sister had kept In reserve, Com Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO HAY AND STRAW PRICES Wholesale dealers in hay and straw are quoting te shippers the following prices lor ariois delivered on track, Toronto i= No. 1 Timothy, baled ton ,.. 814.80 No, 3 Timothy, baled, tor $2.00 ORE SLEW, PRE SOR, oiiiinrnns 950 Wheat straw, baled, ton 10,00 No, | Timothy loose, is quoted at $19 to $20 per ton, delivered, TORONTO FRODUCE Toronta wholesale dealers are offering pro duce to retail dealers at the following pri ves EgueVrash extras, n cartons, Se; fresh fren, loose, Se) Aral, loose, 45¢; seconds, 15,00 Ww futier--No, | ereamery, de; No. 4 ureamery, prints, 4k Chesser New, large, 2le| twine, triplets, de; stiltons, Meo, Old, lar twins, 2 1:de; triplets and cuts, stiligns, de, Poultry Chickens, 5 he, up Da, 4 to § hs Do, 4 10 4 Ibs De, under 3 lbs, Hons, over § lbs, Do, 4 to § lbs Protlers i Lueklings 1) TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting following prices al ade Bmoked meats prints, fife ®, Mh be | old Hams, medium, M 10 Ye| cooked loins, 0 rolls, Mei breakiast bacon, Ww Ske Amekad b peamealed, MM to 400; do, 0°, 9 10 Mei hae smaked " 0 4 » Meaty Long clear bacon, 50 ta 20 Iba, i 10 90 Tbs, Mai 90 ww 10 hs, dg, Heavyweight rells, 400, Lightweight rolls JA Y v LJ Lanrd=Pure tlereas, lei tubs, 15 Lido) pails 16 Soto prints, 18 10 19%, Shortening, tierees I 1a 136) tubs, 34 Lode; pails, 18a) tine Tie prints, 16, Pork loins, Ma; New York shoulders, 2d) i' 1:80] pork hams, #7 1.2, pork hutte, 4 TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Crain dealers on the Toronto Hoard of I'rade aye making the laHlawing Quotations fur ear lots) Man toba wheat=No, | narth eri, $149 1.31 No, 2 northern, $1.46 1s No, 3 $1.40) di Ne 40013 Ne. 8 Ly Idi Noo 6 8L07; lead, ™ Vide (of, God erieh an Bay hor) anMoba eate=No 1 feed, #¢; No, 2 feed, N {\nerigan jorn-Ng. 2 yellow, #9¢; $1.12 1.2 (all raid delivered Torontn frhight). Millfosd, delivered Montreal Trelghts bag ingluded-= Bran, per ton $0.25, tari grain-=Wheat, $1.30 to §1.32, Oats, LARRY arley, to Te, -- 3 TO FARMERS' MARKET Tha fol wing pe quotations, retail, in oftel on the 81, Lawrence market, Toronto Eggs, extras, por dosen 060 on bird Lo dosen 08 Butter, dalry, per pound * » Carrots, dos, bunche Neots, dos, bunches ,,, Onions, dry, 11 gt, basket Do, Geogr, basket Bpinach, peck wart hay per pound Leal lettuce, three for Head lettuce, 2 for Votatoes, bag Cucumbers, 1.qt, bas, , Parsley, per bunch Cress, three for Celery, per bundle Oranges, per dosen Lirapetrult, two log Lemons, per dosen Bananas, per dosen Apples, gt, basket Cireen beans, 11 gt Mums, basket Cirapes, 6 ot Cantaloupe, 16 gt Pears, Hl og Peaches, 6 qi Honey Dew melons, each | Liveen peppers, six for , inees, 6 qi ine grapes, Hog Cranbssrries, qi - EAST BUFFALO LIVESTOCK Kast Buftale, Og, § holdivers, Mu, Generally 13 170 to 20 Ths, $10.75 to $10.85, Others nom nally lower Mecelpty v Qattle, 25; week's trade un even " feds 25 to $00 lower; others steady to Ae lower goed 10 choles stears yearlings, $15,50 10 $15.50; tops, $16.25; Meshy arassers and short feds, $11 to $10.38 com mon steers and heifers, $4.50 to $10,505 but oher cows, 1 to BE75 | outier wo $2080 bulls, $2.50 (0 #9 Receipts of eal ves 100; vealers closing 81 lower; choles, 17 $1450 1a 816 Receipts of sheep 600- Lambs steady with one week ago early loss regained; ing severe, eapecially on welghw $10.30; fat ewes, $5.50 to #4, a CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Oct, SOpen commitments No veiber ewms, old, 109] November exis, new LAM December egas, 119; December butter 161 January butter, | Ihise market receipta--Hutter, today, 19, S350 Tast year, 17.99, ¥ lang your, JANI7, Chivago spot market standards, 43 1.3¢; tang steady, Eggs, our rent feats, 12 go 3 LN tone steady ; New York spot market=Butter, extras, on tone steady to Arm, A00,0805 last year, net out, 423.48, Hh, net Mavement at four markets At Har net out out SLMS; lant year wet out, 10098 W. EN. SINCLAIR SPOKE AT 3CUG0G (Continued from page 8) motorists but in the vary next sess sion of parliament had raised the gas tax so that the actu saving to car owners was practically nullified, A Campaign Stunt "This was but a campaign stunt," the speaker added, "It wax not the remier's earnest hope to save money or motorists but to be returned to power, Mr, Sinclair contended that the asoline tax should be only used in the tenance of the provincial high- ways, If there was any surplus it should go towards reducing the des ficits in other departments, The aenher reiterated the promise of the Liberal party that if it be came the government party it would cause a uniform grant of 30 per cent to be made towards township roads, At the present time irregular grants were made, some townships recciving much more than others, With regard to the premier's ad. vocacy of teaching fifth form work in public schools, Mr, Sinclair showed that this was placing an extra bys den upon the taxpayers, He admitted that these things were not being pros posed by Mr, Ferguson during the campaign but he assured the electors that they would be attempted. if the Conservatives were successful in the election, The Liquor 1 Liquor Igeue The Liberal leader declared that he was willing to submit the liquor ques: tion to a plebescite. or referendum of the o. The on Union 'he decide whether the federal or pro- led astray y claims and statements of the premier whose chief desire is return to power," The Liberal leader received hearty applause when In conclusion he urged the electors of Seugog to assist In his election at the polls, W. A, Dryden W., A, Dryden, president of the South Ontario Liberal Association, aldo addressed the gathering and usked v hy the premier was bringing on an election at this time, "He is an astute politician" My, Dryden suggested, "and he may have something up his sleeve which he Js not disclosing" ohn Graves Pox-Alderman Graves, of Oshawa, now of Brooklin, declared that the Liquor Control Act as # temperance mensurg wis u farce, "Premier Verguson refuses to glve the people a voice in this great ques- ton," Mr, Graves charged, "ile Is to the Ontario government as Mus solini is to Italy," 'The speaker was confident that the electors would show their disap- proval of such arbitrary measures on election day, i Samuel Fraser "There never was a time when It wae more important for the women of Ontario to exercise thelr fran chise than now," Samuel Jeffreys, of ort Perry declared, He considered that the Liquor Control Act was do- ng real harm and was increasing the consumption of intoxicants rather than decrensing It as the supporters of the measure had promised, Clarence Vrallek, prominent farme er of the township, presided over the meeting In capable fashion, The gathering was concluded with the singing of the National Anthem and three hearty cheers for W, EK, N Sinclair, England Imports large quantities of oranges from Spain and Italy and uses the rind for marmalades and the basis of tonics, wines, bitters, syrups, olls, and confections, From the blos soms a fine perfume Is made, Dr BD, VF, Knapp, of the North Caroling Agricultural College, says that the average chicken has 8000 fen. thers, They grow In rows or ehan nels, Just as a house Is covered with shingles, | Capit 4 | (nia rtatr n Roland West presents his own production "ALIBI" 100 PER CENT. RPOKEN A mystery triumph by the man who made "The Bat" and the "Unknown Purple" Receipts of hogs 200) to Meg lower wrades, 8.50 good to Wore $8 common and medium bucks wooed to oholoe natives $13 to 810.50; medium and strong weights 311.50 10 $13) throwouts Hus \oday, 15,108; Butter, extras, do} Ady to firm, Eggs, frst, 3 10 39 stated desire that the courts should vincial government should have cons trol of the granting of license for the manufacturing o liquor, The Lib- party would agree to pl er before the courts, But what attitude of the Conservative jo y he asked, Premier Ferguson \(d stated that there would be no Bichiseite ua Jong as he occupied the ce and had described p! 8, Jn British. 4: plebloscitce 18 18 sheer nonsense," continued Mr, Sinclair, The people should be the best judges of the liquor quess tion and it should not be ma 0 a political football, They will net be A Piles Go Quick Plies are caused by congestlo ol blood in the lower boos only an internal remedy oan remove the cause, That's why salves and cutting fall, Dr, Leonhardt's Hem: Rold, a harmless tablet, succeeds, because it relleves this congestion and threngthens the affected parts, Hem-Rold has given quick, safe and lasting relief to thousands of Plle autferers, It will do the same for you or money back. oury & Lovell, Ltd, and druggists every. where well Hem- Mirrhifiy Rold | with this { coaL MALLETT'S All Talking Comedy BEK'S BUZZ Hear George Dewey Wash. ington singing his songs as only he ean sing them INVITATIONS T0 | FIVE POWER NAVAL '| PARLEY SENT OUT (Continued ffom page 1) the D, A, I, Continental hall, Bev eral American universitios, includ. ing Princeton, sought to bestow n degree upon the distinguished vig itor, He declined the others, hut wished to accept the one from George Washington becanse it Is non-sectarian, and nearly 4,000 of its 6,600 students get thelr in struction at night classes, like poor boys in the prime minister's na BUY LEE JEDDO COAL SOLVAY COKE Hard Wood Slabs Soft Wood Slabs CORD WOOD tive Becotland, BeJustico Louls D, Brandels of the United Wtates Bupreme Court is to join Borah in Idaho, chalr- man of the senate foreign rela tions committee, is the only pri- vate audience arranged for the TWENTY (20) DELIVERY VEHICLES INSURES A PROMPT AND COURTEOUS DELIVERY prime minister during his stay at Washington, apart from his talks with the president, They will meet at the British embassy at 6,30 o'- clock on Wednesday afternoon, deeMr, MucDonald is to make a brief wpeech before congress to- morrow when he will he received in the house of representatives ut noon after the senate has paraded neross the eapitol to the lower chamber, Vice-President Curtis will Introduce the famoux visitor, DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE 262 -- FOUR DIRECT LINES If ER GC hin This will bse MacDonald's only talk In public prior to the ad dregs before the Vorelgn Polley ausociation In New York, which is to be broadeast, and will be his most important speech during his visit to this country, How Misunderstanding Arose The misunderstanding over the American cruiser figures had caus od some Irritation here, Mr, Mac Donald announced early in Sep tember that the United Btates pro poses to have 21 of the 10,000-ton erulsers and 16 of the 7,600-ton class, Thin totalled 316,000 vonw, and meant that the United Btates would build five 7,600-tonners In addition to completing all but two of the present 1h-crulker program Bo much new bullding hy this country In the fuee of the presi dent's demand for real reduction, could ony seem inconsistent and had the effect of evoking su Japan ono protest that the levels of Ang losAmerican tonnage were so high that Japan would have to Incrense her erulser fleet Khe has since | talked of constructing noaveral more 10,000-tonners than she con templated, In order to glve herself i ratio of meven as ugainst the British and American ten This Is the erulser ratio for which she will ask at the forth coming conference in London, Japan's projected Increase, mm turn, reacted on the British ad miralty, Mr. MacDonald has sev. oral times emphasized that while Britain does not bulld against the United Btates, Increases in other fleets fpstantly compel her to re vise her tonnage upward Thus the American erulser tonnage, ¢ od by the Japanese as compelling her to expand, threatened to make the British admiralty group on the British tonnage offer of 540,000 the figure of 516,000 tons on cutting instead of navil programe, Apparently the ing arose because Mr, to build five 7,000 in addition, Instead of as an 000 tonners, Ho that od nt either by bullding twent 10,000 tonners floot of 70,000 or the smaller type) only elghteen five new 7,000 tonners, existing fleet of this class, or by MEDICAL DEAC Named to Succeed Dr. nell as Dean of Queen's Kingston, Oct, 7--Dr Etherington is to succeed Dr versity Modieal Faculty, He and Hospital, Canadian Corps, in France in the Creat War, college, Fleld Medien! Egypt ment of Health, Dr, Apart from this "viclous cirels," an adverse effect domestically af ter the president's insistence up expanding misunderstand MacDonald und his advisers assumed, errone- ously, that the American proposal Ltonners was native, to bullding twenty-one 10, instead of totalling 815,000 tons, the Amer| enn offer came to 285,000, arrive (plus the existing 76,000 tons in bullding 10,000 tonners and plus the DR. F. ETHERINGTON Frederick Connell as Dean of Queen's Uni. noclate Professor of Burgery in the commanded Queen's is President of the Cataraqui Golf and Country Club, Old Ontario rugby players will recall him an fiy- Ing wing on the old Kingston Granites and Queen's champion teams of thirty years ago. Dr, Etherington is brother-in-law of Jumes A, Richardson, Winnipeg, recently elected Chancellor of Queen's University, had nlter , wl ; trios! : Ihe Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, D.C, conducts and en- courages important geientific re scarches and investigations, y=one Double mirrors to be clamped to a barber's chair have been invented to enable a person to watch the entire operation of cutting his hair, TONIGHT Sound and Talking Pictures at The New Martin "The Fall of Eve" 100 Per Cont. all Talkin, ture with Patsy Ruth and Ford Sterling Also ATTRACTIONS ON Con- J, C Plo. Is As- Aller Army and ADDED IN He is EN Kingston surgeon for the Depart. Ls D Etherington Si ' a li October Rug Sale We have taken from our large stock of Rugs a number of lines and have cut the price specially for this sale. There are Wiltons and Axminsters in beautiful Oriental patterns, and wool reversible rugs in wonderful colorings. high grade rug at a substantial saving. Now is your opportunity to secure a A npecial purchase will wear and launder Size 22 x 44, 59¢. Rugs rived. Ideal for add that required touch brighten up the rooms, 25 x 48, Reg, $4.25. Special Wilton Carpet and Misa Pattern, a good looking Runner hall or stairs at a very price. Reg, $3.25, Special, yard ......... Rag Rugs quality Hit and Miss Rag Rugs made from selected materials, well, Reversible New designs in these popular wool Reversible Rugs have ar- bedrooms, the bright, cheerful color will Size $3.89 Extra apecial value in this Hit bordered Wilton Runner by the yard. Comes 27 in/ wide and makes $1.98 WILTON RUGS Fine quality Wilton Rugs, mostly Barrymore's, in a splendid range of Oriental designs and colorings in shades of taupe, fawn, blue and rose grounds, The designs are well assorted. Buy now and save money. Size 4-6 x 7.6, Reg. $25,00, Special..........$22,80 and Size 9-0 x 10-6. Reg. $69.00, Special .......... $88.80 Size 9-0 x 12.0, Reg, $79.50. Special ..........$69,00 AXMINSTER RUGS Deep, rich pile Axminster rugs in shades of fawn, rose, taupe, The desigria are mostly Oriental, copied from Persian and Chinese Rugs. Will give splendid ser- vice. Size 4-6 x 7.6, Reg, $18,50 for ......oviviinnnn $16.78 Reg. $31.95 for Ty won $27,898 for | Size 6-9 x 9.0, Reg, $44.95 for .... Boe low | Size 9-0 x9.0, Size 9-0 x 10:6, Reg, $49.50 for ...uvvinmsnsinin Size 9-0 x 12.0, Reg. $34.00 for .......uivinninnn $47.80 CALLA ARLE) Size 6-9 x 9-0. Reg. $43.50. Special ..\.0.....$38.80° Bath Mats Good quality, English Bath Mats in loop pile weave that will wear and launder well. Size 22 x 36, Reg. $1.25 $1.49. Special ...... Axminster Rugs Axminster throw rugs in a good assortment of colorings and designs. 'A good wear- ing rug at a big savings. They come 34 x 27, Reg. $4 29 $4.75, Special ...... Wilton Runners Closely woven Wilton Run« ners in Oriental designe that have the appearance of ex- pensive rugs. Cannot he heat gn for Li Size 7-6 x 27 in. eg. $14.95, Special 0. wo $13.50 Other sizes in stock, Luke Furniture Co. 63 King St. East Phone 78-79

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