Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Oct 1929, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1929 PRIZE WINNERS AT SGHOOL FAIRS ARE ANNOUNCED 5: (Continued from pags 9) Lioyd Hicks; 2, Jack Hornshaw; 3, Lois ty Fan: 4 Marj rie Tweddie; 5, y Mamniman; 5, ans 5, ildred White. arewell, "1, Pearl Hickson; 2, Doris Bennett ; 3, Chris- tine Milner; 4, Doris Smith; 5 5, Fern Randall; 6, "Myrtle Elliott, Class 55. * Childrens Song." --1, Lorraine Harniman; Lorna Don- nelly; 3, Alfred na 4, Nelson Hickson; 5, Geo. Bennett; 6, Marion 56. Crayon drawing of a Brown Teddy Bear--1, Barbara Mc- Connell; 2, Marie Buckler; 3, Bessie McConnell; 4, Bruce Ailles; 5, Thel- ma Carleton; 6, Kenneth Anderson, Class 57, Crayon drawing of an apple--1, Donald Ailles; 2, Leigh Darling; 3, Bob Glidden; 4, Jean Hiltz; 5, Freddie Tamplin; 6, Mary Windsor. Class 58. Winter Landscape in crayon--1, Muriel Gostick; 2, Kath- leen Gostick; 3, dvan Fuller; 4, Ed- 'die Donnelly; 5, Dora Mathews; 6, Ruby Booth, Class 59. Tulip in water 'colors -- 1, Archie White; 2, Bob Malcolm; 3, Leonard Herbert ; 4, Pearl Hick- son; 5, John Ailles; 6, William Hicks Class 60. Illustrative scene in wa- ter colors--1, Ross Turner; 2, Marion McKay; 3, Benson Draper; 4, Mary O'Connor; 5, Lorna Donnelly; 0, Edythe Williams, Class 61. Essay on "The Potato Situation in Ontario,"--1, Marie Ham 2, Fred Hodgson; 3, Evelyn Brown; 4, Ross Madill, Class 62. Plasticine model of a dog on a piece of cardboard--1, Rus- sell Gostick; 2, Russell Brown; 3, John Moore. Class 63. Window stick--1, Fred- die Tamplin; 2, Eddie Donnelly. Class 64. Wooden model of a toy windmill--1, Billy Moore; 2, Fred Hodgson; 3, Robt. Windsor, Class 65. Bird house for wrens -- 1, Ross Madill; 2, Garnet Booth; 3, Robt. Miller, Class 60. B. P. R. Cockerel -- 1, Margaret Bayles; 2, John Mowlan; 3, Marion Stevenson; 4, Norval Mc- Avoy; 5, Audrey Paxton; 6, Nelson Hickson. Class 67. B. P. R, Pullet --1, Au- drey Plaxton; 2, Julia Wilson; 3, Norval McAvoy; 4, Kathleen Me- Avoy; 5, Marion Stevenson; 6, Nel- son Hicks. Class 68. White Leghorn Cock- erel--1, Frank McAvoy; 2, Sybil Shaver; 3, Ross Hood ; 4, Ella Elson; 5, Borden Middleton. Class 69. White Leghorn Pullet-- 1, Marie Buckler; 2, Julia Wilson; 3, Frank McAvoy; 4, Ella Elson; 5, Ross Hood; 6, Borden Middleton, Class 70. White Wyandotte'Cock- erel--1, Myrtle Ellicott. Class 71. White Wyandotte Pullet --1, Myrtle Ellicott. Class 72, Feathered Pets--1, Gor- don Wilson; 2, Eddie Donnelly; 3, Leslie Wilson; 4, Ross Madill; 5, Russell Brown; 6, Gordon Gray. Class 73. Furred Pets--1, Marie Buckler; 2, Russell Gray; 3, Murray Ellins; 4, Norma Harden; 5, Sybil Shaver; 6, Leonard Herbert, Class 74. Draft Colt--1, Walter Whitebread., Class 75. Calf, Beef type--1, Bor- den Middleton, Class 76, Calf, dairy type--1, Ross Class 7, Market Lamb--1, Robt. Miller; 2, Borden Middleton, |, Class 78. Exhibitor showing great- est ability in showing animal in above classes, --1, Robt. Miller. Class 79. First Aid Corhipetition -- 1, Ross Madill, Fred Hodgson, Robt. Miller ; 2, Nelson Hickson, Stewart Tweedie, Leonard Herbert; 3, Edith Williams, Iva Postill, Lorraine Har- niman, Class 80. Apple Naming Contest 1, Walter Towlie; 2, Tommy Cam mack; 3, Robt. "Kinnear; 4, Mac Hedge; s, Borden Middleton; 6, Grant Johnston. Class 81, Harmonica Contest -- 1, Eddie Hiltz; 2, Edith Williams. Class 82. 'Vccal Duet--1, Evel Brown and Marie Ham; 2, Shirley Troy and Edith Rockham ; 3 Marion McKay and Pearl Hickson. Class 83. Public Speaking Contest --Girls--1, Marie Ham; 2, Norma Fuller; 3, Evelyn Brown; 4, Doris Smith, Class 84. Public Speaking Contest --Boys--1, Gordon West; 2, Alex. Madill; 3 Billy Moore; 4, Gordon Hodson, CLAREMONT Class 1, Irish Cobblers, 12 tubers --1, Norman Spang; 2, Isabel Tran; 3 Jimmy Coates; 4, Charlie Day; 5, Paul Well man ; 6, Joe Tran, Class 2. Green Mountains, 12 tu- bers--1, Florence Marshman; 2, Randolph Carruthers; 3, Hubert Brown; 4, Paul Wellman; 5, Dinty Meredith; 6, Gordon Morley, Class 3. Dooleys, 12 tubers -- 1, Garfield Drewery; 2, Joe Tran; 3, Dinty Meredith; 4, lsabel Tran; 5, Jimmy Coates; 6, Mary Crozier. Class 4. Wheat, Goose, 1 quart = 1, Lorne Kester. Class 5. Wheat, any variety, sheaf 3 in. in diam.--l1, Lorne Kester; 2, David Coates. Class 0. Barley, 0.A.C. 21, 1 quart --1, Jack Morgan, Class 7. Barley, any variety, sheaf 3 in, in diam.--1, Jack Morgan; 2, Lorne Kester; 3, Norman Fritz; 4, Jimmy Coates, Class 9. Oats, any variety, sheaf 3 in, in diam.--I, Lorne ester; 2, Myrtle Chapman, Class 10. Sweet Corn, Golden Bantam, 6 ears, husked--I1, Garfield Drewery; 2, Erla Crozier; 3, Myrtle Chapman; 4, Harold Lewis, Class 11. Mangels, Giant White Sugar, 3 roots--I1, Myrtle Bacon; 2, Chas, Day; 3, Jean Ward; 4, Paul Wellman. Class 12, 3 roots--I, Day. Class 13. 5 specimens--1, Turnips, Canadian Gem, Dinty Meredith; 2, Doris Beets, Detroit Dark Red, Gordon Overland; 2, Margaret Johnson; 3, David Coats; 4, Myrtle Chapman; 5, Randolph Carruthers; 6, Mildred Loyst. Class 14, Carrots, Chantenay, § specimens--1; Lois Kester; 2, Irene Crozier; 3, Alma Pugh; 4, Jean Gregg; 5, Gertie Slack; 6, Roy Stack, Class 15. Parsnips, Hollow Crown, Victor . Records Here We Are Fox Trot Ted Weems 22037 and His Orchestra 'Moanin' Low from the musical comedy "The Little Show" Fox Trot Leo Reisman and 22047 His Orchestra I Lift Up My Finger and I Say "Tweet! Tweet!" Fox Trot Jack Hylton and His Orchestra 22067 Lovable and Sweet from the motion picture "Street Girl' Gus Arnheim and His Orchestra "Vocal Miller and Farrell 'My Song of The Nile from the motion picture "Drag" Waltz 'Vocal The Troubadours The Melody Three 22073 22028 Am I Blue? from the motion picture "On With the Show' Nat Shilkret and The Victor Orchestra Fox Trot Al the latest Red Seal records by famous Victor Artists Vicpef Talking chipe Co. SCHISM MASTERS. VOICE, of Canada, Limited RRR VE-16 5 specimens--1, Herbert Brown, Myr- tle Chapman; 3, Delma Day; 4, Grace Lehman; 5, Allan Tomlinson ; 6, Har- vey Bunker. Class 16, Onions, Yellow Globe Danvers, 5 specimens--1, Grenville Draper; 2, My Spang; 3, Harvey Bunker; 4, Betty Pretty. Class "22. Pumpkin, any variety, 1 specimen--1, Verne Hoover; 2, Mar- jorie Selman; 3, Katie Beaton ; 4, Mabel Edwards; 5, Gordon Spencely; ; 6, Grace Tomlinson. Class 23. Northern Sov. s apples --1, Christina McDonald; 2, Irene Crozier; 3, Florence Tindall: 4, Myr- tle Cha man ; 5, Lloyd Linton; 6, Grace Lehman, Class 24. McIntosh, 5 apples --I, Clara Gourlie; 2, Christina McDon- ald; 3, Mabel Spang, Class 25, Apple Collection, 6 varie- ties--1, Irene Crozier; 2, Mabel Spang; 3, Mary Morgan; 4, Geo. Al- 300; 5, Anna Forsyth; 6, Grace Leh- gi. 7 26, Pears, any variety, nam- ed--1, Mabel Evans; 2, Fred Lewis; 3, Edna Ta lor; 4, Grace Lehman; 5 Vivian S. fer; 6, Garfield Drewery. Class 27. Tomatoes, any Yatjetyes 1, Norman Spang, 2, Mary Spang; 3, Lorne Webster; 4, Erla Crozier; 5, Paul Wellman; 6, Gertrude Slack, Class 28, Salpi piglossis, 12 sprays.-- 1, Gertie Stasi Mrytle Bacon; 3, Anna Forsyth, Class 29. Asters--~1, Delma Day; 2, Allan Tomlinson; 3 Frances Mc- Donald ; 4, Florence Tindall ; 5, Mar- garet Overland; 6, Harold Lewis. Class 30. Zinnias, living-room ta- ble bouquet--1, Gordon Overland; 2, Norman Spang; 3, Myrtle Davies; 4 'Margaret Johnson; 5, Betty Li ish, Class 31, quet,-- 1, Phlox, living ro Lois Kester; be lly 5, Lewis Muriel Stephens. Class 32, French Marigglds, din- ing room table bouquet Spang; 2, Lorne Kester; 3, dard; 4, Alma Fritz; 5, Ve ver; 6, Gordon Stephens, Class 33. Pinks, dining room table bouquet--1, Isabel Johnson; 2, Betty Pretty. Class 34. Table Bouquet, mixed flowers--1, Lena Slack; 2, Mary Mor- gan; 3, Jean Gregg; 4, Anna For- syth; 5, Gertie Slack; 6, June For- syth, Class 35. Dahlias, 12 blooms--I, Isabel Tran; 2, Harold Lewis; 3, Murray Morgan; 4, Gertie Slack; 5, Gordon Spencely; 6, Kathleen Becl- b, y. Class 36. Gladioli, 9 spikes--1, Frances McDowell; 2, Wilbur Apple- by; 3, Lawrence McDowell; 4, Betty Pretty. Class 37. Oatmeal Macaroons, plate of 5--I1, Edna Taylor; 2, Fran- ces Loyst; 3, Anna Forsyth; 4, Isa- bel Tran; 5, Hazel Hingston; 6, Myr- tle Bacon, Class 38. Graham Muffins, plate of 5--1, Jessie Lewis; 2, Joyce McCul- lough; 3, Isabel Johnson; 4, Dorothy Miler; 5, Grace Lehman; 6, Mar- garet Overland, Class 39. Light layer cake, plain white icing--1, Alma Yugh; 4, Betty Pretty; 3, Lena Siack; 4, Marjorie Ward; 5, Florence 'tindall; 6, june Forsyth, Class 40. School lunch for one -- 1, Alma Pugh; 2, Marion Kilpatrick; J, Betty Pretty; 4, June Forsyth; 5, Lena Slack; 6, Roy 'tindall, Class 41, September Breakfast for 10 year old girl--}, Mrytle Bacon; 2, Marion Kilpatrick; 3, Harvey Bun- ker; 4, Grace Tomlinson; 5, Alma Pugh; 6, Erla Crozier, Class 42. -Apple Pie--1, Mabel Ev- ans; 2, Harvey Bunker; 3, Betty Lickorish ; 4, Dorothy Miller; 5, Myr- tle Bacon; 6, Margaret Dorking. Class 43. Wash Cloth--1, Frances McDowell; 2, Hazel Hingston; 3, An- na Forsyth; 4, Randolph Carruthers; 5, Clara Gourlie; 6, Betty Pretty, Class 44. Darned Stocking--1, June Goddard; 2, Christina McDon- ald, Class 45. Clothes Pin Apron--I1, June Forsyth; 2, Mabel Evans; 3, Kathleen Beelby; 4, Lena Slack; 5, Mary Crozier. Class 46. -Covered Coat Hanger-- 1, June Forsyth; 2, Lena Slack; 3, Anna Forsyth; 4, Christina McDon- ald; 5, Kathleen Beelby. Class 48. Agricultural Scrap Book --1, Charlie Day; 2, Christina Mc- Donald, Class 49. Collection of 20 Insects --1, Mary Crozier; 2, Irene Crozier. Class 50A Special--Womens' Insti- tute--Boys--1, David Coates; 2, Ran- dolph Carruthers. Class 50B Special--Womens' Insti- tute--Girls--1, Alma Pugh; 2, June Forsyth, Class 51. Follection of Vegetables, 8 varieties--1, Roy Tindall; 2, Joe Tran; 3, Myrtle Bacon; 4, Harvey Bunker; 5, Erla Crozier; 6, Billie Smith, Class 52. Writing "What I Should Do"--1, Anna Forsyth; 2, Emma White; 3, Grenville Draper; 4, Jessie Lewis; 5, Allan Wearn; 6, Eileen Linton, Class 53. "Lullaby.""--1, Margaret Stewart; 3, Mabel Eckhardt; 3, Ma- bel Spang; 4, Mary Nighswander; 5, Florence Duerdon; 6, Florence Tin- dall. Class 54. "A Farewell.""--1, Bar- bara Sewary} 2, Isabel Tran; 3, Ril- da Holman; 4, Mary Spang; 5, Myr- tle Bacon; '6, "Harold Lewis, Class 55. Children's Song--1, Mu- riel Wearn; 2, Norman Spang; 3, Myrtle Chapman; 4, Audrey Hoover; 5, Norman Lehman; 6, Jean Stewart. Class 56. Crayon rawing of a Brown Teddy Bear--1, Doris Day; 2, Marion Tordarson} 3, Herbert For- syth; 4, Fred Lewis; 5, Muriel Ste- vens; 6, Annie Byer. Class 57. Crayon drawing of an apple--1, Frances McDowell; 2, Alma Fritz: 3, Randolph Carruthers; 4, Reta Eckhardt; 5, Hazel Hingston; 6, Alan Tomlinson. Class 58, Winter Landscape in 0 ba Clara Gourlie; 2, Harvey Nighswander; 3, Roy Slack; 4, Mar- gares Johnson; 5, Clifford Barkey; 6, Jack Morgan, "Class 59. Tulip in water colors -- 1, June Goddard; 2, Edith Nighs- wander; 3, Walter Slack; 4, Fred Alsop; .5, Grace Lehman; 6, Geo. Sadler. Class 60. Illustrative scene in wa- ter colors--1, David Coates; 2, Mu- riel Wearn; 3, Herbert Brown; 4, Alvin Byer; 5, Mabel Evans; 6, Joc Tran. Class 61. Essay on "The Potato Situation"--1, Mabel Evans; 2, David Coates; 3, Herbert Brown: 4, Chris- tina McDonald; 5, Muriel Wearn; 6, Mabel Eckhardt. Class 63. Window Stick--1, Day; 2, Herbert Brown. Chas. Class 64. Wooden ' model windmill--1, Harvey Bunker. lass 65. Bird house for wrens J 1, Joe Tran; 2, Kenneth Dopking; 3, Norman Spang. lass 66, B. P, R. bred-to-lay strain Cockerel--1, June Goddard; 2, Leslie Harbron; 3 Irene Crozier; 4, Harvey Bunker; 5, Grace Lehman; 6, Gordon Overland. Class 67. B. P. R. Pullet--1, Les- lie Harbron; 2, June Goddard: 3, Margaret Overland ; 4, Harvey Bun- ker; 5, Myrtle Bacon; 6, Irene Cro- zier, Class 68. White Leghorn Cockerel 1, Dinty Meredith; 2, Marion Tom- linson ; 3, Grace 'Lehman; 4, Katie Beaton. Class 69. White "Leghorn Pullet-- 1, Dinty Meredith; 2, Eileen Alsop; 3 Marion Tomlinson; 4, Grace Leh- man, Class 72. Feathered Pets--1, Ma- bel Spang; 2, Elmer McDonald; 3, Geo, Sadler; 4, Douglas Drewery 5, Christina McDonald ; 6, Geo. Al- sop, Class 73, Furred Pets--1, Marion Kilpatrick; 2, Ralph Stephens; 3, Rendall Loyst; 4, Marjorie Lehman; 5, Lawrence Tomlinson; 6, Gordon Overland. Class 75. Calf, beef type--1, Jack Morgan; 2, Geo. Sadler, Klass 76, Calf, dairy type--1, Joe an, Class 77. Market Lamb--1, Dinty Meredith, Class 78, Exhibitor showing great- est ability in showing animal in above classes, -- 1, Dinty Meredith, Class 79. "First Aid Competition -- 1, Gertie Slack, Irene Crozier, Myr- tle Davis; 2, Marjory Ward, Grace Tomlinson, Alma Pugh; 3, Muriel Wearn, Vivien Sadler, June God- dard, Class 80. Apple Naming Contest-- 1, David Coates; 2, Florence Tindall ; 3, Leslie Harbron; 4, Christina Mc- Donald; 5, Mabel Eckhardt; 6, Har- vey Byers, Class 81. Harmonica Norman Lyman, Class 82. Vocal Duct--1, Vivien Sadler and Geo, Sadler; 2, Lois Hoo- ver and Mabel Spang. Class 83. Public Speaking Contest --Girls--1, June Forsythe; 2, Lena Slack; 3, Jean Gregg; 4, Margarct Johnston; 5, Mabel Spang, BOY SAVED FROM DREAD PARALYSIS AT ENNISKILLEN Life of Keith Ferguson Pre- served by Timely Adminis- tration of Serum toy Contest--1, 1, Oct. 1.--Mr, and Mrs nd family spent Sun- and Mrs, Carter of Enniskiller Walter Oke day with Mr, Consecon, A great improvement has been ma- nifested in" the condition of Keith Ferguson. 'The NCCESSATY Serum was administered in time'to save him from infantile paralysis. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Stainton Sunday. Miss Myrtle ited her parents, Brunt, Brunt, Toronto, vis- Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley May, and Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto, and Ira Tra- vell, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. EE. C. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellis spent Sun- day with friends at Cobourg. Mr, and Mrs, Joha Tamblyn and family, Orono, Mr, and Mrs. Milton Werry, Oshawa and Will Staples, Tyrone, visited Gordon Werry, Sunday next, Rev, Mr. Whyte goes to Bobcaygeon to take the anniver- LUMBER ' F.b« BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood || Yard. Phone Oshawa 254 | Whitby 13 INSORANCE® 113 Simcoe St. 8. Phones 1198W--Office 1858] Residence PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8.~We Deliver 5 . . Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING 7100 SMALL Adanac Machine Sho 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 and | Enniskillen and Bernice visited friends at Orono on | held on Saturday | Enniskillen team was weakened by Levi | sent, | who had not played for a year, Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead, Toronto, | make up the number. | it for you to own one: sus 10 FEATURING *¢ Radio' s Richest Voice" DeForest-Crossley Another Deforest-Crossley triumph. Only actual listeners can know the marvel of it, At the recent Chicago Radio Show these wonderful instruments scored sensationally. They are, easily this year's major radio development. Read how easy we can make PER CENT Sends Home this Mag- niticent Instrument "INVADER" $185--~RENOWN $225 TUDOR "Screen Grid" $2908 Hear These Marvellous Radios at our Store, Many Models to Choose From SS SH NS Se or ture as part pavment. Trade in your old bat- tery set, phonograph, any piece of furni- 15 Simcce St. S. Phone Oshawa 701 sary services, while Rev. M, ton will take charge of the on this circuit, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cook daughter, Marion, Beaverton, and | Mrs, Archer, Blackstock, were her on Sunday to hcar their former pas- tor, Rev. J. M. Whyte, who gave fine discourse on the call of ib and his home Enniskillen young people purpose giving their play "Yimmie Yohnson's Yob," at Scugog on Monday next. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffery and Clem services and spent Sunday with the former's par- | ents, Mr, and. Mrs, Wm Scugog Island. The final foot-ball game Bowmanville was at Leskard. Ih Jefi fi three of the regular players being ab- some being put on at the last 10 The first part of the game Bow manville had a goal and towards the last Enniskillen buys had it morc their own way, Had they have play- ed awhile longer it might have been the same as other games (a tie), The umpire who came frem Toronto dic his part well. The teams showed good sport throughout the four games, C. 'W. Souch; Hampton, Mrs. J. Pye Sunday. visited at « Hin i Ir. | al Rk raining, } Mr | Mrs, between | | tooms are and Mrs, Gordon Hudson and son, Roy, Peterboro, called on Mr. and Mrs, Griffin, Miss Margaret O'Brian, Port Per- ry lan J called on Mr. frev. and Mrs, Orr Jef- Columbia, Mr, and Graham of British Miss. Crossley, Port Hope, WLC athe: art, Kendall, Mr. an Henry Brown and family, To- ronto, Mr, and Mrs, Job and Court- ney Graham, Purple Hill, day with Jas, Freehorn, Miss Irene Sanders, Donald and Lorna, Bowmanyiile visited Mr, and Mrs. Theo. Slemon, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence ronto, Mr. and Mrs, and Bobbie, Miss and Miss Dora Spry, Oshawa, recent visitors of Wm, Herring. Wasps. feed their er insects, A Kerr, To- young on oth- New York's taxable property is | valued at more than fifteen billion dollars, Lnormous quantities of musi- raised in Parig in un- derground galleries, The mocking bird in defense of their young will attack, digs. cats and even man, and Harold Williams, Scugog Is-! spent' Sun- | Elmer Herring | Barbara Wotten | were |, The levee system on the Missis- the sippi south from Cairo to mouth is the most extensive in the world. INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER e COCL IN SUMMER OISTRIBUTED 8Y OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT, Practically every line of ness is represented in th busie is dis rectory--a handy reference for COAL COAL hone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor "treet K. Orders Promptly Delivered For Better Values Wn DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and ('rince Cash or Terms mrt Serdar Most great men are lonely be- cause they sacrifice too many friends on the way up.--The Look= er-On, What we seem to need is more dry. agents trying cases and fewer sampling them, -- American Luin- berman, List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! EXCHANGE-----Five roomed brick bungalow, hot water heating, fire place, every convenience, garage, in City of Peterboro, value $5.000, to exchange for house in Oshawa. DISNEY, Phone 1330 fs i a ath oo 4 The production of wheat in U. 8, in 1908 amounted to 680 mil- lion: Winchester bushels. The female earwig lays her eggs in a small pile and guards them until hatched, Periopthalmus Schlosserii is the only fish in the world that "can wink 'its eyes and climb trees. Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterousg Meek Ltd. « High Class Interior Trim Rough and Dressed Lumber W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED 23 Albert Street Phones 230 & 137. Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING ST. W. Telephone 872-228 Night Calls 510-1580 STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO, 183 King "iwreet West, Oshawa. hone 11060

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