Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Sep 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1929. ' The Whitby Daily Times {iB Advertising, sétaciiptions and sats wil be vectived a the Whithy Offcs, Dundas Sool News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the fu the afternoon and thére Will be' a speaker to address the senor I| Had Backache for Nearly Three Years OVERCOME IN ATTIC She Then Found Relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills DODD'S © 1 REPRESENTATIVE--ROBERT H. HOLDEN 4 ASKS FOR SIGNAL AT WHITBY 'RATLNAY GROSSING p . Chief Gunson Considers Crossing on Brock St. North as Dangerous ---- . Chief of Police Gunson will re- commend that the council request the C.R.R. to install a wig-wag dan- er signal at the level crossing' over rock street N. This recommenda- tion is to be made by the chief at the next session of that civic body and after. considerable time has been spent by the chief in investigating conditions at this crossing. : Tt is a well known fact that this portion of Brock strect which is al- so the Whitby-Lindsay highway is heavily travelled throughout the year and that a large number of fast trains are passing over this crossing daily.. It is the chief's contention that this crossing is particularly dan- gerous at nights when two cars are approaching from opposite directions it is impossible to sce the warning signs, This presents a dangerous situation' for motorists who are strange to these parts in using this crossing at night, : In many cases dangerous Crossings have not been properly guarded un- til serious accidents have taken place, No serious accidents have taken lace at this crossing of recent years But it is no proof that there never will be. The chief is to be commend- ed for his industry in investigating conditions at this crossing and in recommending that proper steps be taken to make it as safe as possible, TURN CLOCKS BACK FOR EXTRA HOUR OF SLEEP TONIGHT Citizens of Whitby are reminded to turn the clocks back one hour upon retiring tonight. - The Daylight Sav- ing time which has been in effect for several months during the sum- mer, officially comes to an end at 2 o'clock Sunday morning, when Stan- dard time will be reverted to." The extra hour sleep will no doubt be welcomed by many and there will be no excuse for any tardy ones at IG-WAG' church tomorrow morning. Daylight saving time in is GOV by a by-law passed by the council sgveil Years ago which puiorms to t t savi ylaws of Tor- of ity Phen : Arrangements For Revision of Lists Appeals for revision of the voters list for the town of: Whitby for the coming election, gre to be heard by Judge Ruddy at his chambers at the court house on Tuesday, the fifteenth of October, Appeals for revision of the list will be filed by the town clerk, Mr. J. Frost, until Saturday the 12th of October. Notices to this effect have been issued by Sheriff S, , Paxton, secretary of the election ard for the riding of South On- tario and Judge J. E. Thompson, chairman of the board. SISTER OF LOCAL (TEZEN RETURNS FROM PALESTINE Miss Laura G. Beecroft Mar- ried in Niagara Falls This Week Miss Laura Gertrude Beecroft, sister of F, L, Beecroft of Whitby, returned recently from Palestine, where for the past sixteen years she has been principal of a girls' train- ing school at Bethlehen. Since re- turning, however, Miss Beecroft has changed her name, for at Niagara Falls, on September 24, she was married to William Hamilton of the North American Life Insurance Company ,and she and her husband are now making their home in, Tor- onto. Mrs. Hamilton is well known to many people in Whitby, having paid several visits to her brother while home on furlough. It is interesting to note that Mrs, Hamilton just got out of Palestine at a very critical time during the recent trouble be- tween the Jews and the Arabs, In coming out, she had to pass through many places guarded by the military authorities, and a few days later she might have been unable to sail, Liberal Con vention Liberals desiring to attend the Convention at WHITBY, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 30th and requiring transportation are requested to leave their names at the Committee Rooms, 14 Bond Street West ("phone 122). Transportation will be available at the Committee Rooms at 7.45 p.m. OSHAWA LIBERAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE Royal Theatre WHITBY I. KAGAN, Manager Phone 394 Brock St. North Under New Management under new management will present a policy of New, Pirst » Pictures selected for their enteral iment value from the Best the World ized Musical Setth This Thea . Run Theatre can or. and see our Ni Svmeh by the Country's Hear Greatest Com Torr Bands and Orchestras. Service and Appreciation will be offered in this Cozy, Homelike : We welcome you, TONIGHT- Leatrice Joy and Betty Bronson in ; "The Bell The most exciting mystery picture of the year. Chase Comedy. and Serial Episode 8. "THE QUEEN OF THE NORTHWOODS" Also a Charlie Sat., Sept. 28 amy Trial" MONDAY, TUESDAY, SEPT. 30, OCT. 1 Roman Novarro in His Best "The Flying Fleet" A graphic. description of navy air life. Also a colored Sennet-Gibbs Comedy and Fox News 2 LAST TRIBUTES 70 JOHN EMERSON Funeral Services For Acci- dent Victim Held Yesterday ---- The funeral of the late John Emer- son, who passed away at his home on Brock street®north, after a brief illness, on Tuesday last, was held Friday afternoon from his late vesi- dence, to Salem church. Interment took place at the Salem eamelery. John Emerson who was in his 78th year was well known and highly re- spected in this FOIL, e de- ceased had lived in Whitby for eight years. He was born in the township of Markham and up to his retirement eight years ago, when he came to itby, had successfully carried on farming operations in Markham and Pickering, townships. He was par- ticularly well known in Pickering township having farmed in that dis- trict for over twenty years: In re- ligion he attended the services of the Salvation Army at the local citadel. The funeral services were conduct- ed by Rev. Captain T. F, Best of the Whitby Baptist church who paid touching tribute to the life of the deceased and spoke words of comfort to the bereaved. The deceased is survived by six daughters, Mrs, Haire, Carlisle, Sask.; Mrs. Adamson, of Ernfold, Sask.; Mrs, Lewins of Green Bay, Wisconsin; Mrs, Pallis- ter of Claremont, Mrs, Donnelly of Agincourt and Miss Liela of Whitby. Mrs. Emerson, wife of the deceased died five years ago last February, The pall bearers included Messrs. H. Webster, E, Bradley, J. H. Rich- ardson, F. Rowe, T. Harriss all of Whitby and T. Mackie of Brooklin. Many beautiful floral tributes were received, SEA FLEAS PLAY RED AGES TONIGHT Softball Game Promises To Be Full of Thrills A battle royal is to be staged at the town park this evening between two snappy soft ball teams of the district, the illustrious Sea-Fleas of town league fame and the Red-Aces of Oshawa who live up to their name, The game is the result of a challenge heh, by the Oshawa team to the winners of the town league who have accepted the challenge with pleasure. The Red Aces had formerly chal- fenged any of the town league teams and were answered by the "Estrads who were defeated and by the "Tuxis" boys who won one game and were defeated in a later contest. The Red Aces are capable of playing good snapp soft ball and are coming over tonight determined to take a drop out of the local team, The Sea- Fleas however, have the reputation of never having lost a game during the town league schedule and intend to keep up the good work. This game promises to be full of thrills and excitement from the very start so that the fans should not fail to be on hand when the play be- gins. Tonight's contest in all prob- ability will be the last of the seca- sog. In order that the game may be concluded under good light condi- tions play is called to start sharp at ANNIVERSARY AT BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. G. A. McLean to Con- duct Special Services Whitby Baptists are celebrating there 53rd anniversary at a church in Whitby with special services to- morrow, The speaker for the day will be the Rev, George A. McLean of Danforth Ave, Baptist Church, Toronto, and a former pastor of the church here. The services are to he featured by special music by the choir, while the day will be fitting- ly observed in the Sunday School. The church under the leadership of Rev. Captain T. F. Best, is mak- steady progress and this year the congregation have become self sus- taining with the revenues and the at- tendance at church steadily increas- ing, Largé congregations are expect- ed at the services tomorrow, AT THE ROAL THEATRE The new management of the Royal Theatre have prepared a bill of fare for Whitby moving picture fans for the next' week which should please old and young, The pictures have been selected from the best lists ab- tainable, and patrons are invited to hear and see the non-synchronized music settings by the country's great- est bands and orchestras. Tonight; Saturday, September 28, the picture feature will be Leatrice Joy and Bet- N Bronson in "The Bellamy Trial," the most exciting mystery 'picture of the year, also a Charlie Chase com- edy and serial episode 3, "The Queen of the Northwoods." On Monday and A ejday, Sept. 30 and October 1st, Ramén Novarro in his best. "The Flying Fleet," a graphic description of navy air life, will be the feature; also a colored Sennet-Gills comedy and Fox News, | 818 Bowmanville Office of The Times. Telephones--Office, 587; REPRESENTATIVE--B. HERBERT MORTLOCK House Hotel at eight o'clock. All former members are - asked to be present to enjoy the old time com- radeship of this event, M. McIntyre Hood, editor of the Oshawa Daily Times, and a member of the provin- cial executive of the Canadian Leg- ion will be present to suggest the organization of a legion of the Bri- tish Empire Service League branch of the legion in this town COURTICE BRIEFS Courtice, Sept. 27.--The Chicken Pie Supper held on Wednesday even- ing at the church under the aus- pices of the Ladies' Berean Class was a grand success, Mrs. T. G. Mason, Toronto, was a recent visitor at Mr. W, R. Cour- tice's. Mrs. R. C. Shortt and Miss Marion of Tory Hill are with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Shortt. Mrs. Susan Shortt continues quite 111, Rally will be observed on Sunday ONTARIO VOTERS' LIST ACT R. 8, 0., 1027 Electoral District of South Ontario. Notice of Sittings of Revising Officers. -------------- TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the Revising Officers for the purpose of liearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters' Lists to be used at the Election of a Member of the Assembly pending for the Electoral District of South Ontario will be held at the following times and places, namely: -- For the Municipality of the TOWN OF WHITBY; at Judge Ruddy's Chambers,. Court House, Whitby, on the 15th day. of October, 1929, to hear complaints as to the list of voters for Polling Subdivisions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for the Town of Whitby, and that Judge R. Ruddy will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be John Frost, whose address is Whitby, 4 U Bounsel;, convener. of Group 1, tak-. ing the chair an excellent program nicely sendered by Mrs, D, Cham- bers accompanied' by Mrs. D, Al- dread, Mrs. C, F, Rice also fav- own accompaniment, The roll was called by Mrs, F, C, Colmer the What Institute Can Do | favorite lower, s. Bounsel ave C . teresting paper on "What for unity a very in munity." In this paper she outlined the work accomplished by our local men's Institute was held in the Sons x of England Hall. On Friday after-| plays an important part in helpin several new members were added, to | for school children, in donating fruit the roll. The president, Mrs. Frank [and money to Children's Aid Socie- opened with community singing with | causes. * She commented on the In- rs. Johnson Cg at a stitute creed "For Home and Coun- Lord's Prayer. would develop a spirit of neighbor- After the reading of the minutes |liness and {friendship in our com- session was held and Mrs, E. R, [served by Group 1 and the closing Wiz PRI T IS social half hour was enjoyed by all, TO BE HELD TONIGHT The reunion of the 136th battalion G year T. Upheld > take place tonight at the Bowman Winners of Town was given, Two vocal solos were ored with two vocal solos playing her Mrs. E. R. Bounsel Tells members fesponding by naming their ri the Institute can do for the com- Th 1a ting of the. Wo- ¢ Jegwar mee hE oe society and showed that the institute noon with a good attendance and |the poor and sick, in supplying mil Jackman presided and the meeting [ties and in many other worthy followed by the institute ode and the ryt and Roped all institute members of the last meeting a short business | munity. Dainty refreshments were VETERANS' REUNION Canadian. Expeditionary Force will Championship At a meeting held on Thursday night at the Canadian National Ex- press office the protest of the Whiz against the Goodyear was considered by a committee of the president and a representative from each team in the Town Softball League, . After a lengthy debate it was decided that the protest would not be allowed. The Whiz claimed that the Goodyear had plaved more men than was al- lowed them in the season and should be disqualified from holding the cup. The meeting proved somewhat of a arce owing to the absence of the score book or sheets which were necessary to prove the allegations. These had either been lost or. des- troyed and that left no proof of the exact number of men who had been played. This lack of evidence lost Whiz the protest. For the Municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY, at Town Hall, in the Village of Booklin, on the 14th day of October, 1929, to hear complaints as to the list of voters for Polling Subdivisions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 for the Township of Whitby, and that Judge. J, E. Thomp- son will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be H. W, McBrien, whose address is Brooklin, For the Municipality of the TOWNSHIP of EAST WHITBY, at the Town Hall, in the Village of Columbus, on the 15th day of October, 1929, to hear complaints as to the list of voters for Polling Subdivi- { sions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6b and 6 for the Township of East Whitby, and that Judge J, E. Thompson will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be P, G. Purves whose address is Columbus, Ont, For the Municipality of CITY OF OSHAWA, at the City Hall, In the said City of Oshawa, on the 16th day of October, 1929, to: hear complaints as to the list of voters for Polling Subdivisions Nos, 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,728,0,10, 11, 12 and 13 for the City of Oshawa, and that Judge J. E, Thompson will be the Revising Officer, and his Clerk will be F, E, Hare, whose address is Oshawa, Ont. For the Municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING, at the Town Hall, in the Village of Brougham, on the 14th day of October, 1929, to hear complaints as to the list of voters for Polling Subdivi- slons Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, for the Township of Pickering, and that Judge R. Ruddy will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be Donald R. Beaton, whose address is Whitevale, Ont. For the Municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH, at Town Hall, in the Village of Manchester, on the 9th day of October, 1929, to hear complaints as to the list of voters for Polling Subdivisions Nos, 1.3, 3,4, 5 6,7 8 and 9, for the Township of Reach, and that Judge R. Ruddy will be the Revising Officer, and his Clerk will be W. F, Dob- gon, whose address is Manchester, Ont, . For the municipality of the VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY, at the Town Hall, in the Village of Port Perry, on the 11th day of October, 1929, to hear complaints as to the list of voters for Polling Subdivi- sions Nos. 1, 2 and 3, for the Village of Port Perry, and that Judge R. Ruddy will be the Revising Officer, and his Clerk will be E, H. Purdy, whose address is Port Perry, For the Municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG, at the Town Hall, in said Township of Scugog, on the 10th day of October, 1929, to hear complaints as to the list of voters for the Polling Subdivision No. 1, for the Township of Scugog, and that Judge R. Ruddy will be the Revising Officer, and his Clerk will be Thomas Graham, whose address is Port Perry, And further take notice that each sitting will commence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon and will continue until tRe appeals have been dis- posed of, : And further take notice that any voter who desires to complain that his name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on.the said list has been omitted from the same or that names of any persons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon may For the Town of Whitby on or before the 18th day of October, 1080, For the Township of Whitby on or before the 10th Day of October, For the Township of East Whi on or before the 11th vo rp thy 1th day of Octo- For the City of Oshawa on or before the 18th day of October, 1029. For the Township of Pickering on or before the 11th day of Octo ber, 1020. For the Township of Reach on or before the 5th day of October; 1080. | er the Village of Port Perry on or before the 8th day of October, 0. ; A A For the Township of Sc "on or before the 7th day of October, 1020, respectively apply, complain or appeal to have his name or the name of any other person entered on or removed from the list. And further take notice that such appeals must be by notice in writ- ing in the prescribed form SIGNED by the complainant in DUPLICATE and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer for the Polling Sub- division in respect of which the address as stated above. 5 And further take notice that all persons are called upon to examine the Voters' Lists In order to ascertain that their names are correctly entered thereon, J, F. PAXTON, Secretary of Election Board of the County of On- tario. Dated this 25th day of September, 1929. ; J. E THOMPSON, Chairman of Election: Board of the County of Oatarie A] appeal is made, or left for him at his | IN FIGHT WITH FIRE Picton, John T, Miller, an aged resident of Bloomfield, 1s in a seri- cus condition, suffering from scalds and burns, When the roof ALLIAZ of his home caught fire, he crawl- ed up into the attic through a trap door, Pails of water were handed to him and when these were thrown on the flames, smoke and steam filled the attic and he was overcome, It was with diffi- culty that he was . rescued by Clayton Cross, a neighbor. His re- covery is doubtful, The home was saved by the Bloomfleld fire ap- paratus, $300 RAISED BY CHICKEN SUPPER, Ebenezer Ladies Stage Very, Successful Event on Offering Unusual Values Phone 1251840 "Lay Aside Your Future Require ments' PATTE"S 85 Simcoe Street North Wednesday Ebenezer, Sept, 26,--The chicken pie supper which was held on Wed- nesday evening, Sept. 25, under the auspices of the Ladies' Berean Class of Ebenezer Sunday School was a | great success. People from far and near gathered to partake of the sup- per which was enjoyed by all. Much credit is certainly due the ladies of the community who provided and served such a splendid supper, At 8 o'clock a first class concert was given in the church. Those taking part in the program were Mrs. Proc- ter, soloist of Toronto, the Holden Quartet from Oshawa, Mr. Radcloff violinist of Toronto, Mrs. Adams, elocutionist of Bowmanville and Miss Lyla Osborne, of Toronto, elocution- ist. Each artist delighted the audi- ence with their numbers and in every case were encored, The hear- tiest thanks of everyone 1s given the artists who provided such a won- derful program. The proceeds of the evening's supper and concert amounted to well over $300. This will be used in the church work as the Ladies' Class see fit. The annual school fair for this district was held on Tuesday, Sept. 24th, at Maple Grove. Our schools were well represented in the exhibits and carried off many prizes. These fairs are certainly a good education for the children and parents should encourage the children to take an interest in them. The United States operates 249,- 131 miles of railroads or one-third of the mileage of the world, It is estimated that America's COLEMAN'S MODERN FURNITURE STORAGE Separate Room System Low Insurance Rate, Clean, Dry, Frost Proof. We take care of Packing and Wrapping Dishes, Pictures, Furniture, Etc, COLEMAN'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE 25,000,000 dairy cows produce 2,- 500,000,000 pounds of butter an- nually, EE E-- FISH AND CHIPS Livesay & Crowel]l Opposite Bus Stand Phone 1795W Thousands Now Eat of &*ganLey A Delightful Breakfast Food Fo SEER EH ter Prepare your hens now for Winter Laying by Start. ing them on our, Poultry Mashes & Scratch Grains. We have a complete stock of SUNBEAM, FUL O' PEP and BLATCHFORD'S POULTRY MASHES AND CHOICE MIXED SCRATCH GRAINS Also Cod-Liver Oil, Regulators. All Poultry Supplies Cooper Smith Co. OSHAWA 16 Celina St. and others. welcome. G. D. CONANT, 2 Secretary. Provincial Elections A Mass Meeting of Liberals of South Ontario will be held in the TOWN HALL, WHITBY on Monday September 30th, 1929 at 8 p.m., to nominate a Liberal Candidate for the coming Provincial Elections. The meeting will be addressed by W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., M.P.P., Provincial Liberal Leader; Miss Gertrude Rankin, Mr. Albert Matthews of Toronto, A large attendance of all Liberals of the riding is desired. Ladies especially South Ontario Liberal Association W. A, DRYDEN, President.

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