Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Sep 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAYCY TIVIES, TOESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 1929 -- AA PAGE NINE List of Prizewinners in Competitions at Bowmanville Fair Results of Judging in The Major Classes at HORSES -- HEAVY DRAUGHT Brood mare and Foal--W. C. Ash- ten, E. N. Hammond, W. J. S. Rick- Two year old Filly or Gelding -- H E. Hancock & Sons, Geo. E. Al- lin, E. N. Hammond. Three Jear old Filly or Gelding -- "One --~ old Filly or Gelding -- shton "Buckling Foal--W. C. Ashton, E. N. Hammond. FERCHERON, BELGIAN AND FRENCH HORSES Biood Mare, accompanied by Foal --Nérman Down, Lloyd T. Williams, lin Melville Skelding. Twp. -year-old Filly or Gelding -- J. F. Osborne & Sons, H. E. Han-|2 cock & Sons, Marjorie Oke. Three-year-old Filly or Gelding -- Neil Mutton, M. Skelding, W. B. Ferguson. Oné-year-old iy or Gelding -- Wan. Bickle, E. G. Power, Neil Mut- on. Buin Foal--W. J. S. Rickard, R. Stephenson, Duncan Loggie. AGRICULTURAL CLASS Brood Mare and Foal--Wm. Reid, J. W .Boyd, Geo. Robinson. . Two-year-old Filly or Gelding -- Colin Smith, A. Wlesh, Geo. A. Ste- phen hus. year- old Filly or Gelding-- Austin Turner, 1 and 2 One-year-old Filly or Gelding -- Garnet Cochrane, A. D. Langmaid, Geo. Robinson, Suckling Foal. -- Wm. Reid, Geo. Robinson, C. Burley. GENERAL PURPOSE "~~ "78 Brood Mare and Foal -- Neil Mut- ton, D. Loggie, N. R. Andrews. ' Two-year-old Filly or Gelding -- Oscar Luxton, Lawrence Hooey, Mil- ton Brown. One-year-old Filly or Gelding -- G. A. Stephens, G. Cochrane. Suckling Foal -- D.. Loggie, N. Mutton, N. R. Andrews. HARNESS HORSES Span, Heat Draught -- Robbins, A. Welch. Span, Agricultural], W. Boyd, Austin Turner, D. Log Span--Neil Mutton, ne * Skelding, W. B. Ferguson. Dray Horse -- W. R. Robbins, 1 and 2, J. W. Boyd. Single Horse, 1200 to 1350 lbs -- Neil Mutton, C. Burley Geo. F. Co- chrane & Sons. CARRIAGE HORSES Brood Mare and Foal--C. Burley, D. J. Gibson & Sons. Two-year-old Filly or Gelding-- Rodd Brothers, O. J. Luxton, One-year-old oi or Gelding -- Rodd thers, O . Luxton, N. R. Andrews. : Foal -- O. J. Luxton, J. B. Allin, D. J. Gibson & Sons. Span in Harnes--W, E, Lewis, R. R. Byers, Rodd. Bros. Single Horse, Mare or Gelding-- W. E. Lewis, R. R. Byers, Geo. Mit- chell ROADSTER HORSES Brood Mare and Foal -- N, Strutt, Geo. Robinson. Two-year-old Filly or Gelding -- g Siochrgue, ¢Go. Robinson, J. L, W. R. Bo, Bre yaar old Pilly or Gelding --- 0. J. Luxton, G. A. Stephens, J. W, Boyd. Pval--N, Strutt, Geo. Robinson, Span--Geo. S. 'Cochrane & Sons, Garnet Cochrane, Russell Gillson. Single Horse, Mare or Gelding -- G. S. Cochrane & Sons, 1, 2, and 3. Combination Class -- Best saddle and harness horse, mare or gelding, 15 hands or over--T. W. Cawker, W. E. Lewis, R. R. Byers. Saddle Forse W. Cawker, W. E. Lewis, Kenneth Hill. Best Lady Driver--Mrs. T. W. Lawker, Helen Lewis, Gertrude Lew- Sip est Turnout -- T. W. Cawker, W. E. Lewis, R. R. Byers. PONIES 8 Single Pony, under 12 hands--W. F. Rickard, T. W. Cawker, 2 and 3. Expansion Year Fair Single Pony, over 12 hands and un- der 14--T. W, Cawker. Single Pony, not over 14 hands -- Rodd Bros, TW. W. Cawker, 2 and 3, Pony Musical Chair, rider not over 14 years--Chas. M. Cawker, Rodd Bros.,, Samuel Allin. Three-year-old in harness --G. S. Best Dairy Sire---A. Muir & Sons, Best Dairy Calf exhibited by Jun- ior Farmer, not over 17 years--A. Muir & Sons, Noble Metcalf. CLASS C -- SHEEP SHROPSHIREDOWNS Ram--Harold Skinner, 1 and 2, Shearling Ram--Harold Skinner, 1 and 2. Bam 1 Lamb--Harold Skinner, 1 and 2, H. W. Sharpe. Aged Ewe--H. Skinner, 1 and 2, Shearling Ewe--H. Skinner, 1 and "Ewe Lamb~H. Skiner, 1 and 2, SOUTHDOWNS Aged Ram--Alf, Ayre, T. H. Mark Cochrane & Sons, Garnet Cochrane.| & Son CATTLE SHORTHORNS Siw. S. Bragg, 1 and 3, G. S. in, 2. Bull, under 2 years--John Baker. Bull Calf, Senior -- T, Baker & Son, J. Bull Calf, Junior--]J. F. Osborne & Sons, W. S. Bragg, W. J. ard. Cow--John Baker, W. S. Bragg, 2 and 3. 2 Heifer, 2 yas 5 Bragg, C. H. Mumford, S. C. A Heifer, under 2 an -- W. S. Bragg, J. E. Allin & Sons. Heifer Calf, Senior--C. H. Mum- ford, W. S. Bragg, 2 and 3. Heifer Calf, Junior -- J. F. Os- borne & Sons, W. S. Bragg, C. H. Mumford. Herd--W. S. Bragg, 1 and 2, S. C. Allin 3. Two Offsprings from the same sire Osborne & Sons, W. S Bragg, S. C. Allin. THE DOMINION SHORTHORN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION SPECIAL PRIZES Two registered Shorthorn Calves -- J. F. Osborne & Son, W. S. Bragg, S. C. Allin. Best Steer calf --Russell Osborne. GRADE Cow--Russel Osborne, ; Malcolm Bailey, O. K. Osborne. Heifer, 2 year old--T. Baker & Son. M. Bailey. Heifer, 1 year old--T. Son, O. K. Osborne. Heifer Calf -- Russel Osborne, M. Bailey. POLLED ANGUS Bull Calf--M. Bailey. Cow--M. Bailey. Heifer, 2 years TERE Bailey. Heifer, 1 year old--M. Bailey. Heifer Calf -- M. Bailey. Herd -- M. Bailey. HEREFORD Bull--H. G. Macklin. Bull Calf--M. Brown. Cow--H. G. Macklin, 1 and 2. Heifer, 1 year old--H. G. Macklin. Heifer Calf--H, G. Macklin, M Brown. Herd--H. G, Macklin, M. Brown. BEEF CATTLE Steer, 1 year old--M. Bailey. Steer Calf--M. Bailey, Russell Os borne, T. Baker & Son. Best Beef Bull--W. S. Bragg, S. C. Allin, T. Baker & Son. Best Beef female--M. Bailey, C. H. Mumford. HOLSTEINS Bull, under 2 years--A. Sons, Chris Cox. Bull Calf, Senior--A. Muir & Sons. Bull, Calf, Junior---Noble Metcalf. Cow, 3 years and over--N. Metcalf, Chris Cox, A. Muir & Sons. Heifer, 2 years--N. Metcalf, R. M. Cale. Heifer, under 2 years--A. Muir & Muir & & Baker & Muir & w. Sons, 1 and 3. Chris Cox, 2. Heifer Calf, Senior--A. Sons, Chris Cox, R. M. Cale, Heifer Calf, Junior--A. Muir Sons, N. Metcalf, R. M. Cale. Herd--Chris Cox, A. Muir & Sons, N. Metcalf. JERSEYS / Bull-W. W. Down, H. M, Foster, Sidney S. Lockhart. Bull Calf--Sidney Lockhart, H. M.[g Foster. . Cow--S. S. Lockhart, 1 and 3. Heifer, 2 years old--H. M, Foster, land 2. Heifer, 1 year old-- R. M. Cale, H. M. Foster, S. S. Lockhart. Heifer Calf -- H. M. Fostér, R. M Cale, S. S. Lockhart, Herd--W. W. Down, S. S. Lock- hart, H. M. Foster SPECIAL Best Dairy Cow on ground--Noble Metcalf. The Builder has his problems S. Rick«| & Shearling Ram--A. A Ram Lamb--A. Ayre, Tr H. Mark & Son, Aged Ewe~--A. Ayre, 1 and 2. Shearling Ewe~A. Ayle, 1 and 2. Ewe Lamb--A. Ayre, T. M. Mark LEICESTERS RAm-WY, R .Robbins, J. E. Allin ons. Ram Lamb--W. R. Robbins, 1 and 2, N. R. Andrews. 430d 1 Ewe--W. R. Robbins, 1 and 3, Blackburn, 2. Shaarle Ewe--W. R. Hobiing 1 and 2, M, Ewe Mw. pa Blackburn, 3 R. Robbins, 2 and 3 F. Osborne & Son, S. C. Al-| & Son, E. Allin & Son, W. COTSWOLDS : Ram--W. Glaspell & Son. Shearling Ram--W. Glaspell & Son, 1 and 2. Rap Lamb--W. Glaspell & Son, 1 and 2. . Ewe--W. Glaspell & Son, 1 and 2, Shearling Ewe--W. Glaspell & Son and 2. Ewe Lamb--W. Glaspell & Son 1 and 2 OXFORD DOWN Ram--W. J. Trebeleo, J. W. Bal- son & Sons. Shearling Ram--J. W. Balson & Sons, W. J. Trebeleo. Ram Lamb--W. J. Trebeleo, J. W. Balson & Sens. Aged Ewe--] W. Balson & Sons, W. J. Trebeleo. Shearling Ewe--J. W. Balson & Sons, W. J. Trebeleo. Ewe Lamb---] W. Balson & Sons, W. J. Trebeleo. CHEVIOTS Ram--A. Ayre. Shearling Ram-- A. Ayre, Ram Lamb--A. Ayre, 1 and 2. Ewe--A., Ayre, 1 and 2. Shearling Ewe~A. Ayre, 1 and 2, Ewe Lamb--A. Ayre, 1 and 2. DORSETS Ram--T, H. Mark & Son, G. S. Cochrane & Sons. Shearling Ram---Samyel Rattle. Ram Lamb--T. H. Mark & Sons, S. Rattle. Ewe--S. Rattle, 1 and 2. T, H. Mark & Son, 3. Shearling Ewe-S. Rattle, T. H. Mark & Son, 2 and 3. Ewe Lamb--T. H. Mark & Son, S. Rattle, 2 and 3. SPECIALS Best pair short wool market lambs --Alf, Ayre, Harold Skinner, J. W. Balson Sons. Best pair long wool market lambs ~W. Glaspell & Sen, W. R. Rob- bins, J. E. Allin & Sons. CLASS D -- SWINE BERKSHIRES Boar, under 6 months--Lorne Hut- chinson, 1 and 2. Sow, Snder 6 months--L. Hutchin- son, 1 & 2, FARCE WHITE Boar--W. R. B Sow, under 12 Bl over 6 months-- W. R. Bull Boar, under 6 months--W. R. Bull, Sow, under 6 months--~W. R. Bull 1 and 2. SPECIAL Best. pen 3 bacon hogs, 170 to 225 lbs.--~A. Muir & Sons, W. R. Bull. CLASS E--POULTRY Langshan Cockerel--A. T. Fletcher, . W. L! Tamblyn. Langshan Pullet--A, T. Fletcher 1 and 2. Barred Rock, Cock--J. L. Cryder- man, 1 and 2. S. C. Rhode Island Red Cock -- Jas. Nookes. Hen--Jas. Nookes, Thos. Bottrell & Son. R. C. Rhode Island Red Cock -- Jas. Nokes, Hen--Jas. Nokes. Wiandotte, White Cock -- J. Cryderman, W 2 Abernethy. Wyandotte, White Hen--J. L. Cry- derman, 1 and 2, Cockerel--Edna K. Atkinson, 1, 2, and 3. Pullet-- Edna K. Atkinson, 1, 2, and 3. Wyandotte, Black Cock--W., J. Abernethy, 1 and 2. Hen--W, A Abernethy, 1 and 2. Cockerel--W. J. Abernethy, 1 and 2, Pullét--W, J. Abernethy, 1 and 2. : SPECIAL 5 Cockerels, any variety--Edna K. Atkinson, W. J. Abernethy. _ BANTAMS Game Bantams, black or 'brown red, Cock~Paedeu & Hugh, 1 and 2 Hen--Paedeu & Hugh, 1 and 2. Cockerel--Paedéu & Hugh, 1 and 2. Pullet--Paedeu & Hugh, 1 Lag 2 Game Bantams, A. 0. V, Cock-- Paedeu & Hugh, 1 and 2. Hen -- Paedeu & Hugh, 1 and 2. Cockerel ~--Paedeu & Hugh, 1 and 2, Pullet-- Paedeu & Hugh, 1 and 2. wo ie. Bantams, Black, Cock -- nethy," 1 and 2. Cockerel--W. J. Ab- ernethy, 1 and 2. Pullet--W. J. Ab- ernethy, 1 an ; Cochin' Bantams, Buff, Cock--W. J. Abernethy, 1 and 2. Hen--W. J. Abernethy, 1 and 2. Cockerel -- W. J. Abernethy. Pullet--W. J. Aber- nethy, Cochin, Bantams, A. O. V. Cock--|. W. J. Abernethy. Hen--W. J. Ab- ernethy, I and 2. Sockerel W.'J Abernethy, 1 and 2. Pullet--W, J, Abernethy. Bantams, Black Rose Comb Cock --C. F, Rice, 1 and 2. Hen~--C. F. Rice, 1 and 2, Paedeu & Hugh 3. Cockerel--W. J. Abernethy, Paedeu & Hugh. Paullet--W. J. jibernethy; Paedet & Hugh, C. F. Ric BREEDING PENS Heavy Birds, 1 cock, 3 hens--Edna K. Atkinson, Light Birds, 1 cock, 3 hens--Pae- deu & Hugh. TURKEYS Bronze Cock, over one year--Lorne Hutchinson. A. 0. V. Cock, over one year Lorne Hutchinson, 1 and 2. Hen-- Lorne Hutchinson. Hen, under one year--Lorne Hutchinson. GEESE Female, over one year--L. Hutchinson, Male, under one year-- L. Hutchinson. Female, under one year--L. Hutchinson. White, Male, over onc year--L. Hutchinson, F. W. L. Tambiyn--Fe- male, over one year--L. Hutchinson, land 2. F, W. L. Tamblyn 3. Male, under one year--L. Hutchinson, 1 and 2. Female,~--L. Hutchinson, 1 and 2. A. 0. V. Male, over one year--L. Hutchinson. Female--L. Hutchinson. Male, under one year--L. Hutchin- son, 1 and 2. Female--L. Hutchin- son, 1 and 2. DUCKS Rouen, Duck -- L. Hutchinson. Drake, under one year--L. Hutchin- son. Duck--L. Hutchinson. Aylesbury, Drake--L. Hutchinson, Duck--L. Hutchinson. Drake, under one year--L. Hutchinson. Duck.-- L. Hutchinson, 1 and 2. Pekin, Drake--F. W. L. Tamblyn, L. Hutchison. Duck--F. W. L. Tam- blyn, L. Hutchison. Drake, under 1 ear--L. Hutchison, 1 and 2. Duck-- Hutchison, W. J. S. Rickard. In dian Runner, Drake--L. Hutchison, F. W. L. Tamblyn. Duck--F. W. L. Grey, W. J. Abernethy. Hen--W. J. Aber]. Tamblyn, 2. Duck, under one year --L Hutchison, 1 and 2, MISCELLANEOUS Fan Tail Pigeons--Paedeu & Hugh. Homer eons--T. Bottrell & Son, umblers--Paedeu & Hugh A. T. Fletcher, Magpie Pigeons.-- Paedeu & Hugh. Pouters Pigeons-- C. F. Rice, Paedeu & Hugh. DAIRY AND APIARY PRODUCE Crock Butter, 10 lbs.--Mrs. F, B. Lovekin, Mrs. L. Thompson. A Crock Butter, 5 Ibs--Mrs. Leslie Thompson, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, Mrs. Newton Taylor. Butter, 10 1bs. prints--Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, Mrs. L. Thompson. Butter, 5 Ibs. prints--Mrs, F. B, Lovekin, Mrs. Leslie Thompson, Mrs, Neil Mutton. Butter, 3 Ibs prints, by girl 16 years or under--Miss Thompson, Honey, Clover--W. E. Gilbank, Mrs. Newton Taylor. Honey, extracted--Mrs. N. Taylor. Heuey, display--Mrs. N. Taylor, W E. Gilbank. i Dressed Chickens--Mrs. Rd. Poo- ey. Hen's Eggs, white--Lottie L. White Neil Mutton. GRAIN AND SEED Fall Wheat--C. A. Blanchard, H. E. Tink. soft--0, K. Os- Spring Wheat, borne, L. Collacott. Fall Wheat Sheaf--Russell Os- borne, A. W. Annis, Small Peas--C. A. Blanchard, N. Taylor. White Oats, Sheaf--Leslie Thomp- son, A, W. Annis. Barley, 6-rowed,--A. W. Annis. Barley, 2-rowed--C. A. Blanchard, John Yellowlees & Sons, Sheaf of Barley--W. E. Gilbank. White Oats--C, A. Blanchard, H. A. Pascoe. White Beans--Leslie Collacott. Corn, 8-rowed--Wesley Werry, Taylor. Spring Wheat, Sheaf--M. Blackburn, N. Ww. APPLES Collection, = Apples--Russell Os- borne, C. M. Carruthers, W. H. Car- ruthers & Son. Collection of dessert apples--W. H. Carrythers & Son, O. K. Osborne, F. L. Squair & Sons. Collection of cooking apples--C. M. Carrythers, Russell Osborne, F. W. L. Tamblyn, Alexander--O. K. Osborne, W. H. Carruthers & Son, F. W. L. Tmblyn. Wealthy--F. L. Squair & Sons, Russell Osborne, H. M. Foster. Snow--0. K. Osborne, H. M. Fos- ter, Mrs. Alex Taylor. King Tompkins--O. K. Osborne, Neil Mutton, W. H. Carruthers & Son. Fallawater--F. L. Squair & Sons, Wesley Werry, O. K. Osborne. McIntosh Red--R. M. Cale, W. H. Carruthers & Son, Wesley Werry. Belle Fleur--W. H. Carruthers & Son, Russell Osborne, F. L. Squair Delicious--Mrs. F. B. Lovekin. Duchess--Wesley Werry, Edna K. Atkinson, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin. St. Lawrence--A. E. Bellman, F. L. Squair & Sons, Wesley Werry. Wolfe River--W. H. Carruthers & Son, O. K. Osborne, Neil Mutton. " Blenheim Pippin--R. Osborne, W. H. Carruthers & Son, Leslie Colla- cott. Ribston Pippin--Neil Mutton, F. L. Squair & Son, Leslie Collacott, Gravensteins--R. M. Cale, Russell Osborne, F. W. L. Tamblyn, Rhode Island Greenings--Russell Osborne, F. L. Squair & Sons, F, Ww, 1. Tamblyn. American Golden Rusgels--Rassel Osborne, O, K. Osborne, J. L. Cry- derman. Ontario--F. L. Squair & Sons, W, H. Carruthers & Sons, Russell Os- borne Stark--O. K. Osborne, Russell Os- borne, C. M. Carruthers. Baldwin=--Russell Osborne, H. M. Foster, O. K. Osborne, Northern Spy--Russell W. H. Carruthers & Sons, F, Squair & Sons. Ben Davis--Wesley Werry, Russell Osborne, W. H. Carruthers '& Son. Quart Crabs--Mrs, F. B. Lovekin, Mrs. Alex Taylor, Mrs. Rd. Pooley. PEARS Osborne, L. Table Pears--Russell Osborne, W. H. Carruthers & Son. Bartlett--F. L. Squair & Sons, F. W. L. Tamblyn, Sheldon--F. L. Squair & Son, M. Nokes. Duchess D'Angouleme -- F, L. Squair & Son, Beurre Clairgeau--Mrs., Walter Wooley. Seckel--F. L. Squair & Sons. Beurre D'Anjou--F. L. Squair & Sons, Thos. Bottrell & Son. Flemish Beauty--F, W. L. Tamb- lyn, J. L. Cryderman. PLUMS Pond Scedlings--Geo. B. Bickle & Sons, A. F. Fletcher. Reine Claude--A. F. Fletcher, Mrs. Rd. Pooley. Yellow Egg--F. W. L. Tamblyn. GRAPES Moore's Diamond--A. F. Fletcher. Niagara--A., F. Fletcher, Thos. Bot. trell & Son. Deleware--Mrs. Alex Taylor. Early Victor--A., F, Fletcher, Mrs. Alex Taylor. Moore's Early--Mrs, A. Taylor, A. F. Fletcher. Worden--Mrs. A. Taylor, F. W, L. Tamblyn. Watermelons--Ivan Law. Muskmelons--Ivan Law, Edna K. Atkinson. KNOCKED DOWN IN QUEEN'S PARK Toronto, Sept. 17.--Queen's park was the scene of an accident last evening when Alan McFadden, 838 Church street, was knocked down by a motorist. He suffered a fractured arm and several frac- tured ribs, beside considerable head injuries. His condition at the General hospital last night was said to be only fair. SCOTCH FAMILY NEAR STARVATION Six Months Out From Old Land They Appeal for Police Aid Toronto, Sept. 17.--Early this morning, Walter Clarke, 30 years old, his wife, 23 and three little girls aged five years, three years and six months, walked into Dundas east police station at Dun- das and Parliament streets. They asked for shelter from Sergeant Bentley. Out from Scotland six months ago, Clarke was sent to a little farm near Brechin, on a plot of ground which had not been cui- tivated for years. Rats over-ran the place, and profit out of the farm was impossible. Absolutely destitute, and dis- couraged at his failure to make ends meet on the farm, Clarke' brought his family to Toronto yesterday. For six hours, a man whom they had never met before drove them around the city, from one public institution to another, seeking shelter for the five. A good boy is usually a sick boy. Ii I ili touch The one needed to modernize the dear old home A W. J. TRICK CO.. LIMITED 25 Albert Street, Oshawa, Ont. F.L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood Whithy 12 Yard. PI'hone Oshawa 254 | 4h Prince' St. ¥ Oshawa*Ont. those who wish to become Practically 'every line of busi the various Building Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. High Class Interior Trim Rough and Dressed Lumber W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED 25 Albert Street Patridge Cock--W. J. Abernethy, land 2. Hen--W. J. Abernethy, 1 and 2, Cockerel--W, J. Abernethy, acquainted with business houses, but Lumber need not be one of them. ness is represented in this di- rectory--a handy reference for Phones 230 & 157. For Your Drug Needs pendable . trict. No one ever accused a Builder of selecting an easy job. But if you make use of our stock and our ser- vice, your problems are consider- ably lessened." For our lumber is well manufac- tured, association-graded, and de- Our delivery service is the only hourly-guaranteed one in this dis- Oshawz \.umber COMPANY. LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 . it makes reputations. 1 and 2. Pullet--W, J. Abernethy, 1 an _andotte, Silver Laced, Hen--N. R. Apdrews, 1 and 2. Pullet--F. W. L Tamblyn, 1 and 2, English White, Rock, Hen--F. W, L. Tamble, 'Cockerel--F. W. L Tamblyn, W. J. Absrhethy, Pullete F W. L. Tamblyn, W. J. Abernethy. (French, Houdan, Hen--A. T. Flet- cher. Hamburgs, Black, Cock.--M. Nokes Hen~M. Nokes. Leghorn, S. C,, White Pullet--F. W. L. Tamblyn. Leghorn, S. C, Brown Cock --A. T. Fletcher, Hen--A. T. Fletcher. Cockerel--A. T. Fletcher, 1 and 2. Pullet--A. T. Fletcher, 1 and 2. Leghorn, R. C,, Brown Cock + A. T. Fletcher, 1 and 2. Hen--A. T. Fletcher, 1 and 2. Pullet--A, T. Flet- cher. Leghorn, Buff, Cock--A. T. Flet- cher, 1 and 2. Hen--W. J. Abérne- thy, A. T. Fletcher. ' Cockerel--W. J Abernethy, ] wl 2. Pyllet--A, T. Fletcher, 1 and Leghorn, oh " Cock--M. Nokes. Hen--M. Nokes. Minorca, Cock--F. W. L, Tamblyn. Hen--F. W. L. Tamblyn, Pullet--I. W. L, Tamblyn. ' Black Spanish, Cock~C F. Rice. Rice. Hen--C. F. Cockerel--C. F. Rice, 1 and 2 A. 0. V. NOT LISTED Cock--Paedeu & Hugh, W. J. Aberncthy. Hen--Paedeu & Hygh, W. J. Abernethy, M. R. Andrews. Cockerel--W. J. Apsruethy, Paedeu & Hugh. Pullet--W. J. Abernethy, Pacdéu & Hugh. THOMPSON'S Boy Outs Hand Badly Toronto.~~Joseph Thwaites, 17, of 10 Norman avenue, was cut mn the hand last evening while play- ing with a jack-knife with a com- vanion. His hand was badly enough dnjured to require an operation at St. Joseph's hospital this merning. Traverse Canada to Ship Montreal. -- Thirty-six = Lardy Norse seamen, officers and crew of the Norweigian motor ship, Tesca. who arrived in Montreal this morn- ing on the Calgaric, left by Cana- dian National railways tonight to join their ship at Vancouver. Vancouver Star Bought Vancouver.--This city's morning newspaper, the Vancouver Star, has passed into the active coatrol of George M. Bell, publisher of the Albertan, Calgary, and his asso- ciates. COAL COAL Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard---89 Bloor Street EK. Orders Delivered STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 185 King Strect West, Oshawa. Phone 1160 Machinery Repairing NOTHING T00 LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL * A danac Machine Shop 161 Wing 5 St. W. Phone n For Better Values tn DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince Cash or Terms List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER DISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING ST. W. Telephone 572-228 Night Calls 510-1560 w. A. HAR PTOMETRIBT 23; Simeoe St North Hundreds of peuple wear with atmost conrfort Hare's Faultiess Lenses ESS aa 42 ACRES -- Near Bowman- ville--=modern brick house with electric, toilet, bath, fur- § nace, large chicken house, fruit. Immediate possession. Will exchange for Oshawa pro sy Phone 1550 Teacher--Give an example of a sentence using the word "tariff." Flapper - Pupil--Yeur -stochkings- - are sure to tear if you don't put tham on carefully.

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