iain, - r------ or THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1929 "lit shall be. What you take at secu time, restore me bushel for bushel after harvest." His sons measured out the pre cious grain and filled the bags and boxes of their neighbors. For three days the work of distribution went on until every man in the neigh- borhood was provided with seed grain. The act of the great-souled Macalpin saved the settlement, and the deed is held as a treasured re- membrance. ~--Contributed by a reader of The Times as characteristic of the PLANT IN Scottish people. OCTOBER for lanted sh evergreens and Pais es, shes planted in -- often better. Our stock is the grown--true to nam our prices reasonable, Full e of ornamentals > Garden Gui are fig. rite for our Guide and (ALD -" : "UNION NURSERIES B01 + FONTHILL ONT. Notice of Discharge of Assignors TAKE NOTICE that Arthur 0, Felt, Jeweller of the City of Oszh- awa, Province of Ontario, autho:- ized assignor was dsicharged !v order of this Court bearing dato the twenty-eighth day of August A.D, 1929. Dated at Toronto the eleventh day of September A.D. 1929, FRED PAGE HIGGINS, Authorized Trustee, (63a) BR BEAUTY IN HOME RUN STANDING hs 0] 3 CAR DAMA BY |NEW HEATING SYSTEM J " ye jl i SKIDDING ON ROAD AT TRINITY CHURCH | JT Lol TICS | |° "The World's Mine Oyster," Said Falstaff / (By Statt Reporter) (By Staff Reporter) RE DY FOR Bowmanville, Sept. 14.--It has to alle, Sept, 5 --owils been decided that Trinity United is i : Enreess or oads after the light rain early yes-| Church will have mew heating Yueh ohn vs 3 os TALIA H day morning a'car owned and | system installed before the win-| Uncertain Who Will: Act as}. wg" driven by. James Sturgeén-of 204 | ter and tenders are being received Hest t6'R Sr Grosvenor avenue, Hamilton skid-| by F. C. Vanstone recording sec- y ded and turned upside down in the | retary of the church up. to noon MacDonald diteh. Luckily no one was injured | Wednesday, September 18th, for but the car was badly: smashed | the installation of the system. The 05 Cana Pree cial Wieeh but the body but vas able ris present equipment is {inadequate ( I figs a abu , away under its own power | for the needs of the church and Washington, Te D! re rid 414 been drawn back on | steam heating installation is con- The state. department 4 and ne er oad. There were three h- | sidered. more economical,' Plans | White House began to ay fo pre; the nd a dog in: the car at the and 'specifications may be seen at | Pare plans for the, Jeceptien. Mo i pri Ith ough the car was | Kerslake's Drug Store or at the Premier Ramsay Mac onal hil me 'it finished up fac- office of the Canadian Statesman, | he arrives in the United. States Ysvaliing on: accident occurred easly fn October for a visit to nl . residen oover, ; near the same spot as where fhe While neither the state depart- vo J oranta lads were killed last oe BoE Britian Bmbasey ap. RCH: : received any definite word from / cllome Ti Jererday Hams, London regarding the Premier's ROT CHEO His; Haley inals; Simmons,| announced plans, Secretary Stim- ARY LUNCHEON Athletics; Boley, Athletics. son 'has instructed the division of (By RE) At th National - league leaders--Klein,| international conferences and pro- Bowmanville, Sept, % Bowmen. | Philadelphia, 39; Wilson, Cubs, 39;| tocols of the department to begin Weekly lum Oo 'the Balmoral | Ott: Giants, 38; Hornsby, Cubs, 36; preparations for the visit. fed ville Rotaly Chu t at directors and | O'Doul, Phillies, 30, As yet it is not determ ined Hotsl Yesterday the Durham Ag- |. American league * feaders--Ruth, | whether the British statesman officers of the West us am iE Yankees, 44; Foxx, Athletics, 32:| be the guest of President Hoovet Heultural Society Were, 4 bind i. | Gehrig, Yankees, 31; Simmons, Ath-| or Sir Esme Howard, the Britis They were welcomed by IE ae letics, 30; Alexander, Tigers, 24. Ambassador. The latter has ex- dent D. R. Morrison and a Fossce League totals--National: 704, Am-| tended an invitation to the Prem- swere given by George F. Annis |... 559; grand total, 1,263. fer to be hig guest as long as he is gn Got oe agp may Yosire, ade ambauador Jef! presidents WAL PIL od ee John Baker. Rotarian Geo. Girl--Cheer up, ol' man, why Naanin on aig Maine, but will James also gave a brief address in | don't you drown your sorrow? return in time to confer With "which he stressed the importance Old Man--She's bigger than I| yniteq States officials on last min- of the annual fair to the commun- 2, Su] What's more, that would | ate details of the plans for the ty. . visit, 2 ---------------------------------------------- f A < . poy . ¥ 4 THE GOLDEN RULE X % --(O= ' "You have some wheat to sell," . @ OLD NEPTUNE COMES ABOARD © said the miller to Macalpin. ; j : : "" o Besides making her [pontoons or piles on the river's ) are ites thousand Wesusle; Bl regular visits to the highlights of | edge, but nowadays well-planned "Th miller's eyes narrowed, then J the Mediterranean, to India, Japan, | roads and streets radiate {from the ad Mi fi an offer tor his China, Hawaii and other fascinat- | city in all directions, beautiful Ne Malle Sava po an Oh itty Scot ing places, her itinerary this time | Buddist temples are scattered all ie ereiyimed : ny has been' extended to include over the town, and the, Royal . , ' i Ph "at such a price you seg ink Ro CAYANESE DANCING GI Re be Shem in Oe Paiinain Bnd Palais: nrofit 'grinding that whea nto calls at Keelung for Taikoku, in| Keelung, the chief port of the flour, 'What have ve in ming? Wa Bg ro . Formosa. She will be gone 137 | Island of Formosa, is a hive of in- ~ "Selling it for seed grain,' Tre- open," said a famous character of | 48¥8, visiting 81 ports and places | dustry. Formosa is half the size of WE'LL slied the - miller coolly, for he he modern v in 24 countries. . |Ireland and is governed by the | 'hought he was sure of his man. §u fe sare, Hal Oe esd y hi Athens is re; three towns in| Japanese. In its northern fast- | A vision swept before the mind miartable | one--the twisted lanes of the| nesses, still largely unexplored, | of Macalpin. Misfortune had world a to De Athens that was little more than a | lived the: headhunters. The | overtaken the settlement. Early the o . These are days of | Turkish village before the Greek | Japanese campaign of subjugation, { frosts the year before had killed all peace and world travelers now War of Independence, the broad | however, has Pid but wiped out i ibe grain, and the last that his McLaughli Coal & Suppli If you need money-- Don't Worry About it Let Us talk the Matter over with You-- Perhaps We can Solve Your Problem-- If it's only a Question of Money-- Well we have Money to Loan. Better Come in and See Us. G. R. Holden to know that one globe- | capital and the interesting ruins | of government at Formosa is before had long since gone to keep irdling liner will call at ports | clustering Jound AX Asropale Taihoku. Here fleets of jinrikishas, them and their cattle alive. They therto omitted from her itin- Plait Yh Sony. 3k was manned by coolies, transport the looked into the future with dismay. erary--ports rarely touched by et a PO yr visitors around the town, one of | Macalpin, because he had farmed | cruising steamers, 38 CRIN ogy chief among the buildings with | the chief attractions of whic | more extensively and had sturdy neha RB, Fob ii with globe | which Pericles adorned the Acro- the Governor-General's garden, sons to help him, had grain stored Jessel, log ail from New York | polis about 500 B.C. where the world's most beautiful away from the previous yests when December 1, 1929, on the seventh | Bangkok, the capital of Siam, tropical plants bloom in exotic prices were low and he had refus- annual Canadian Pacific World | was originally built on floating | profusion. ed to sell his wheat at a loss. Now the miller was offering him money seo vast im caian -- beyond his dreams. But in his vi- of 'wien with: begs. on thelr busks, lanning their tours will be in-|straight streets of the modern | these barbarous people. The seat neighbours had had from the years Limited Coal, Coke, Wood, Sewer Pipe & Builders' Supplies 110 King St. W. Phone 1246 sion Macalpin saw the cold-hearted man going among his struggling neighbours, menaced by famine and extorting money from them, the cold sweat came out upon his brow. He would not sell his wheat to this man. The next Sabbath morning. each fellow churchman and neigh-| vest." bor passed he whispered to him: "You can get seed grain at my you can bring me a bushel at uur- After doing that for the mem- bers of his own sent his sons off to other churches place, measure for measure. For in the neighborhood to make the nied. ole each bushel you take at seed time, | same offer. Early the next day a procession |saia Macalpin. nus Clack, men on oxen in wagons, came in at Not one was ae- LAR at at EO son're all alike to me today," "Bushel for bushel congregation, he men in's gate. MOTOR LOANS AND DISCOUNTS 1414; KING ST. E., FELT BLOCK on Te Se Se ra ep dressed in his best, Macalpin took his stand early by the gate of the f f fi = . little church on the hillside, and as | : Do Y O | LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT LUMBER Whitby Lumber and Wood & GREATEST SATLACTIVE Butlaing Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. i i QS 1 Qt V. A. Henry INSURANCE High Class Interior Trim "Rough and Dressed Lumber W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED Practically every line of busi ness is represented in this di- rectory--a handy reference for 25 Albert Street Phones 230 & 157. PHONE 22 b : ton 7 + how Osklnds bi in. For Your Drug Needs ternal g four-wheel brakes provideabsolutesafety, And he learns TH (v) | PSONS the 's the and A; We" \ durabillty 'of Body by Fisherr 10 Simcoe mn 8 titer |} COAL COAL If ev e knew what Oaklan A Kitch 'family with eight J 3 owners w .. of Oakland 4 children a: Dad to hic a WW. J. SARGANT even Oakland's own popularity records would be eclipsed! List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING 8ST. W. Telephone 572-228 Night Calls 510-1560 new car. But paterfamilias says: IT'S. HE enthusiasm of the Oakland owner grows with every mile he drives his car . . with every month he owns it. He learns what Oakland's 228 cu. inch six-cylinder engine means in surplus power on hills, in breath- taking speed, in spirited acceleration . « how the G.M.R. cylinder head giveshigh-compression tformance, even with ordinary gasoline . . how the pha oie SE biscuit" engine mountings insulate the e from the frame ,. . how the le balancer neutralizes torsional vibra. Jarmance aud Oakland comfort et {Oakland dependability . . everyone would realize, as Oakland owners do, that there is no other car in Oak. class that offers so much in or in value. ore you d onacar . . come in and find out the reasons for Oakland's une deniable superiorities. HR COMPARE THE PRICES Two-Doot Seden - « « $1,490 Four-Door a «1, Conv. Cabriolet 1,630 Sport Roadmer 1,490 Al. prices at factory, Oshawa ww G taxes, bumper end extre. The Gir Deferred Peyment Plen oer many Sdvenisges io, buyers of PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED ~ Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. '99 Simcoe St. S. BECAUSE BETTER 'Phone 900 LT"S. he wants to: have one ride in the old one first.--Kitcheéner Record. Yard--89 Bloor Street K. Deli Those who won $315 for a $2 bet on a horse at Montreal should do their Christmas shopping early, but they probably won't.-- Border Cities 'Star, The West has been experiencing a cold wave, which in the case of the Gardiner Government has de- veloped 'into a severe frost. -- STORE FOR RENT 'At 9 Prince St. Apply ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 185 King Street West, Oshawa. Phone 1160 Peterboroe Examiner, Britishers Attention! yo wo Ta ts Join you bere) If money stands in the way Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. V'hone 1214 Ky INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER +» COOL IN SUMMER British Deminiens wtf advance {¢ without Interest or other charges. Particulars may be obioined from 67 Yonge St., Toronto Room 728 i \ CANADIAN: i" . For Better Values tn DIAMONDS | Burns' Jewelry Store | Corner King and Prince i DISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT 42 ACRES ~-- Near Bowman- villeeemodern .biick house with electric, toilet, bath, fur. § nace, large chicken house, fruit. Immediate possession. Will exchange for Oshawa - property. DISNEY, Phone 1350 Teacher--Give an example of a sentence using thé word "tariff." Flapper Pupil--Your stockings Cash or Terms are sure to tear if you don't put them on carefully,