Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Sep 1929, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN "Get the Habit" All the Churches Come toSunday Bid You a Worship Hearty Welcome King St. United Church In City Churches He Tempted Yet "Enter Into His Courts With Praise' REV. CHAS. E. CRAGG, M.A., D.D., MINISTER Gospel Hall . sees "But was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin" Address: 130 Eng E, The regular services of worship will be held at Gospel Hall tomorrow with By bread alone man shall not live, For life consisteth not supreme Parsonage--Telephone 218 Charch--Telephone 2287 Sunday, September 15 Sunday school at 3 pm. All are welcomed. In sinews strong, or hearts true rhyme But in love and truth, eternal things, 11 a.m.-- "MAKING BURDENS LIGHT" 12 noon --Sunday School and Bible Classes. Thus with the tempter's subtle words, -- "Command these stones that they be bread 7 pm.--"THE ATTITUDE OF HOSTILITY TO CHRIST." And break thy fast, thy hunger cease, If thou be Christ as some have said." Rev. C. E. Cragg at all Services. EVERYONE WELCOME Ld LJ . Holy Trinity Church ves Rev. S. C. Jarrett, the rector, will conduct the services in Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Sunday. Sabbath school will be held at 10 a.m. pTLA : The House of riendship SIMCOE ST.UNITED CHURCH Minister. REV. E. HARSTON, LL.B. 52 Simcoe St. S. Good Singin Phone 148 Church OF Bagot St. Fivofin Sorencd Phone 3128 St. George's Anglican : The regular services will be held in St. George's Anglican Church, to- morrow, with the rector, Rev. Canon C.R. de Pencier in charge. Centre Street United "Faith is the Victory" is the ser- mon subject which will be taken by the pastor, Rev, W. P. Fletcher at the morning service in Centre Street United Church. The evening subject will be "Secking a Garment of ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH |... ....c see. Rev. Whattam: Mr. George Hall, of Toronto, will : - R. A, have charge of the services in Osh- 30 Elena Street, Phone 567F awa Pentecostal Holiness Church, 11 a.m.--Baptismal Service, "The Influence of God's Sunday. sali Gentleness." 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. Eirra Bible Class. First Baptist - Dr. F. A. Dyke will preach at bot 7 p.m.-- "Should a Christian be Imposed Upon?" morning and evening services in First The Minister at Both Services Everybody Welcome! But Jesus answered, famished, worn, "Man shall not live by bread' alone." Anhungered true, but vanquished nay, Led by the spirit He ascends The pinnacle of God's own house, Whose power to keep He there defends. "Cast thyself down," the tempter said, "For angel hosts watch over thee, No ill come nigh, and men thee fete, And I a crowned head decree," But Jesus said "Though men applaud, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." Helpful Services Sunday Services 11 am. é ° ° 'A Rogue's Dismissal" 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m. "Nature's Fake Exposed" The Minister will preach at both Services. Again, the Lord who triumphed stands Upon the mount, to prove again God's tender loving care o'er man, When Satan weaves his garnisbed skein: "Just thou fall down and worship me And all these kingdoms shall be thine: : Or, better far, just bend the knee; If king, earth's kingdoms why decline?" But Jesus cried, "Deceiver, nay; There's but one God, Him I obey." Then Satan Flees, and angels come Chanting Christ's victory over sin: The chalice bearing hosts of Heaven, -- These angels minister to Him. Baptist Church. Sunday school will be held in the morning as usual. . LJ] LJ . North Simcoe Street United Wesleyan Tabernacle THE SONS OF ENGLAND HALL 6 King Street East Rev. E. J. Wilson, Minister Services. 2 p.m.--Sunday School. 3 p.m.--Preaching. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Special Singing by the Merpol Quartette of Toronto. The members of this Quartette are well known as Gospel Singers. Do not fail to hear them. These services are deeply Spiritual. Man's greatest need is Christ; come and He will give you Rest. "Methodi sm Still Lives " Centre Street UNITED CHURCH REV. W. P. FLETCHER, B.A, D.D. 11 a.m.-- "Faith is the Victory." 2.30--Sunday School. 7 p.m. -- "Seeking a Garment of Jesus." Mon. 8 p.m. -- Young People's. Calvary Baptist Athol sSt., Near Simcoe Rev. H. A. Ackland, Minister 10 a.m.-- Bible School 11 a.m.--"God's Call to Parents." 7 p.m. "The Great Refus- al." Wednesday, 8 p.m. Pray- er meeting. Note -- Sunday School Rally Day Sept. 22, 3 p.m. v hl 1 St George's ANGLICAN Cor. Bagot and Centre Sta. CANON C. R. dePENCIER, M. A. 39 Atho] Street West Holy Communion--8 a.m. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer Sunday School Centre St.--~2.30 p.m. 7 p.m.--Evensong. Baptisms 2nd Sunday each month, Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor. Hillcroft and Mary Sts. REV. R. B, PATTERSON. M. A. Incumbent, 6503 Masson St. Sunday, September 15. 8 am. -- Holy Com- munion. 10 a. m. -- Sunday School. 11 a m. -- Morning Prayer. 7 p. m. Prayer. Re-opening of the A. Y. P. A. Monday Evening Evening GOD'S LOVE CALL By Anna Ashburn Pidcock Hills--and the scent of pine-trees, Night--and the stars above And a soft, cool wind is blowing; Such heauty shows forth God's love. Rocks--and the sea beneath them, Ships--and the waves of blue And the cry of flying seagulls-- God's beauty is there for you. Twilight--a bird is singing, The sky---and its one lone star, And distant church-bells ringing-- God's beauty--which nothing can mar. Morning--a street in some city, People--these smiling, those sad. Some of them call forth our pity-- God's beauty could make them all glad. But some can not see his beauty, Life is not "stars" to all-- So be glad if you find it your duty To help others hear God's love call. --The Christian Index. CHURCH GROWTH For the first time the member- ship of the Presbyterian Church In the United States hag passed the two-million mark, according to fig- ures given out by Dr. Lewis S. Mudge, clerk of the Genéral As- sembly. Noting that the muen larger Methodist and Baptist Churches are growing at a like rate, the New York Times remarks that church members are "justified in concluding that their influence on the social structure is by no means on the decline." Regular services will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. A. Mansell Irwin, at North Simcoe Street United Church, Sunday. The Sunday school will meet in the afternoon at 2.30 p.m, instead of the morning as hith- erto. On Monday night the official board including the session, commit- tec of stewards and congregational representatives will hold a meeting. LJ . Ld Salvation Army Special meetings are being con- ducted at the Salvation Army Cita- del tonight by Commandant W. Car- roll, well known Salvation Army Officer who served as a chaplain overscas, The regular services are being held on Sunday while Mon- day evening an interesting lecture will be presented on the "Life of Major Jack Stoker." Ld LJ Ld Knox Presbyterian Mr. H. M. Gilchrist will be the speaker at both services in Knox Presbyterian Church, Sunday. His subject for the morning will be "When a Man Met God" while in the evening he will speak on "A Business Man's Decision." » * Wesleyan Tabernacle The Merpol Quartette, of Toronto, well known gospel singers, will con- tribute sclections at the Wesleyan Tabernacle services being held in the Sons of England Hall, 6 King street cast, tomorrow. Rev, E. J. Wilson, the pastor, will be in charge. LJ » - Christ Church Anglican Rev. R, B. Patterson, the rector, will have charge of the services which will be conducted in Christ Church, Sunday. Holy communion will be celebrated at eight a.m. LJ » - First Church of Chirst Scientist "Substance" is the subject of the study which will be taken in the Christian Science church = at the morning service, Sunday, Following the *service Sunday school will be held. * - LJ Unity Truth Centre Sunday school will be held at 10 o'clock in the S.0O.E. Hall by Unity Truth Centre followed by the morn- ing service at I o clock. Simcoe Street United Church Rev. E. Harston, the pastor, will preach at both services in Simcoe Street United Church, Sunday, In the morning his subject will be "A Rogue's Dismissal" while in the evening he will speak on "Nature's Fake Exposed." Ld . St. Andrew's United A special address will be given by Mrs. Richards, wife of Rev. A. L. Richards, of Whitby, at the morning service in St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church of the United Church of Can- ada tomorrow. Sunday school will be held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and the men's class will meet for re-or- THE SALVA Simcoe and Oak Streets Special Meetings Conducted by COMMANDANT W. CARROLL Well Known S. A. Officer who was Chaplain Overseas SATURDAY 8 P.M. « SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.m.~--Holiness Service. 3 p.m.~--Praise Meeting. 7 p.m.--Salvation Meeting. MONDAY 8 P. M., Lecture on "Life of Major Jack Stoker." TABERNACLE SERVICES Warren Ave., just off King St West 10.30 a.m.~Methodist Fellowship Meeting Come and let us mingle our voices in praise and gratitude to God. 1 alm.~Pregching, 3 p.m. --Afternocon Service, 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Tuesday, Sept. 10, 8 Store, Simcon S Thursday, Sept, 12.--Service service the will be introduced, again in the Mission Hall, 8 p.m. Pastor Rev. R. L. p.m.~lrayer Service in Miasion Hall, over 'the Arcade treet. At this Casement to be in charge of the Mission . "The Church that lifts men up to Cheishs level; not bringing Christ down to man's Rev. E. R. Orser, level. Pastor Evangelist One of the greatest crimes that any man can commit ig the crime of poorly done and careless work. It does"t make so very much dif- ference what the nature of tue work may be, whether it is plowing a field or making a table or sew- ing a seam, one owes it both to his fellowg and to himself to do it as well as he can, and any flagrant breach of that obligation from the view of his fellows may be, and from his own point of view must be, a very serious matter. If I am writing a book or digging a drain and put only slipshod and indif- ferent work into my task others may suffer as a result, but I must suffer, and nothing in earth or heaven can prevent my so suffer- ing. Nothing breaks down character more surely and completely than a habit of doing poor work. It doesn't make any difference whetn- er I am working with wood or with ideas, if I am not working honesti- ly and well I am working immor- ally, and am sowing seeds of dis- integration in my own soul. If I let carelessness and indifference go into my sowing of a field or my making of a coat I let carelessness and indifference go into my own character. And, of course, the thing works the other way as well, I saw a man making. a table not long ago and as I noted with ae- light not only the skill with which he worked, but as well the pa- tience and thoroughness and con- -- The Test of Work - scientious accuracy, I was convinc- ed that the kind of work carried on through year8 could not help but make for honesty and integ- rity and a fine sense of values In the man's own soul. I could have trusted that man in nearly any- thing after watching that hour's conscientious and thoroughgoing and skilled work. And then, of course, we all know that it is because so many people are content with poorly-done and slipshod work that so many fail to get real pleasure and satisfaction out of their work. It is true that in the strange complications of our modern civilization there are some tasks to be done that it is very difficult for men and women to find much satisfaction in, and there are problems here that are hard to solve, but it remains that much of the drudgery and dissatisfaction of work are found in the fact that we do not put an honest heart and a clean ocnscience in it. There' are not many tasks that we may not come to love, or at least to enaure without resentment, if we persist in doing them after the best that is in us and with a consecrated mind. And no matter what the task may be if it is not done honestly and faithfully and with some sense of vocation and integrity it cannot bring joy and satisfaction to the worker. And before we complain of the drudgery of our work let us see If we cannot, ourselves, put something else into fit. ganization. In the evening the min- ister will preach on "Greetings." . . LJ King Street United "Making Borders Light" will be the message of Rev. C. E. Cragg at the morning service in King Street United Church. In the evining the pastor will speak on "The Attitude of Hostility to Christ." s = Grace Lutheran A series of Catechism Jubilee ad- dresses will be introduced by the pastor, Rev. A. C. Hahn at the morn- ing service in Grace Lutheran Church tomorrow to be held at 10.30 o'clock. The topic is "The 400th Anniversary of Luther's Catechism." This series will be carried through the month of October, reaching the climax on the last Sunday of October, when the festival of the Reformation will be observed, ». LJ] LJ Free Methodist Church The regular services of the Free Methodist Church are being held on Sunday. Rev. E. R, Orser, pas- tor evangelist, will have charge. * LJ - Pentecostal Assembly Pentecostal Assembly services will be held in the Rotary Hall, Centre street, tomorrow with pas- tor J. T. Ball, in charge. * LJ LJ Calvary Baptist "God's Call to Parents" will be the sermon subject of Rev. H, A. Ackland at the morning service in Calvary Baptist Church, In the evening he will preach on 'The Great Refusal." Two golfers, strangers to each other, were drawn as partners In a seaside foursome tournament. One was clearly a novice at the game. He had a positive genius for sending the mutual ball into the rough. At last his exasperated colleague approached him and whispered: "You've paid your entry money, haven't you?" "Certainly," indignantly. "Very well," said the first man, confidentally, "I just wanted to tell you that if you've paid you are quite entitled to use the fair- way." replied the other, Schoolmaster: "Now, James, you may give me the definition of ex- ercise." : Pupil: "Exercise is work what a fellow likes to do because it isn't work." Opposition cry is that Fergy's coal discovery is intended to fule the people.~Toronto Telegram. Livingstone's Home To Become Shrine October 5 has been set as the date for the dedication and opening of the Livingstone Memorial at Blantyre, on the banks of the Clyde, not far from Glasgow. The house in which the great misisou- ary was born will become a nation- al shrine. Restored to its original state, it will form a permanent home for personal relics of Livng- stone, in the same manner as Abh- botsford and Alloway house the many reminders of Scott and Burns. Nearby are the school where Da- vid Livingstone received the rudi- ments of education, and the cotton mill where at the age of 10 he made intimate acquaintance with hard work. The district is pecu- larly Livingstone's. Easy of ac- cess by rail and road. and within a few miles of more than half the population of Scotland, the historic and picturesque spot is expected to become a favorite place of pil- grimage. OLDEST METHODIST CHAPEL REVERTS TO FIRST OWNERS What claims to be the oldest Methodist chapel in the world has reverted to its original owners. It is John Wesley's "room" in the Horsefair, Bristol, founded in 1748 by that great preacher who had quarters over it, and held altogeth- er 18 conferences there, the last being in 1790. 5 The building has "een for 121 years in the possession of the South Wales Association of the Calvanistic Methodist church, but its transfer to the Wesleyan confer ence has now been arranged. AVIATION IS MADE SAFER BY X-RAYS Cleveland, Ohio, Sept, 14, --The x-ray, an instrument of physicians and surgeons, has become a tool of the foundry room and its benefits to the metal industry have been of considerable aid to manufactur- ing notably -in aviation, according to the statements of W. L. Fink, metallurgist, before the national metals congress in session here to- day. Aviation has been furthered dnd made safer and Fink told the Unit. ed States society for, steel treat- ment, through the revelation of de- fects in metal by x-ray machines: The equipment is the same as that used in the medical profession, he said, A Hearty Welcome Awaits You Here. STRANGERS CORDIALLY INVITED First Baptist Church King St., East Sunday, September 15 Il am. -- Morning Service and Sunday School. 7 pm. -- Evening Worship Dr. F. A. Dyke will preach both morning and evening, Monday 8 p.m. --B. Y PLU. Wednesday at 8 p.m.--Prayer Service. Strangers Welcome Of 7 p.m.--" Greetings." Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church 811 Celina Street Opposite Maple St. 10 a.m.--S3unday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Wor- ship. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Ser- vice. ° Mr. Geo. Hall from Toronto in charge Tuesday--S8 p.m, Praycr service, Wednesday, $8 pm-- Young People's Meeting. Friday, 8 v.m.--Bible Study. Come and enjoy these bright Services With Us. | Gospel Hall Sunday, September 15. 11 am. -- Morning Ser- vice. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Gospel Service. Tuesday, 8 p. m., -- Bible . Reading Friday, 8 p. m. -- Prayer Meeting. ALL ARE WELCOME St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church United Church of Canada Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Minister, Miss P. Fletcher, Assistant Sunday Services, September 15 I'l a.m.--Special Address by Mrs. A. L. Richards. 3 p.m.--Sunday School The Men's Class will meet for reorganization The Minister Will Preach. The TRINITY CHURCH Cor. Court and Barrie Sts, REV. S. C. JARRETT Incumbent 30 Fairbanks St. Sunday, September 15. 8 am. -- Holy Com- munion, 10 a School. 11 a.m.--Matins Sermons. 7 p.m, -- Evensong m. -- Sunday and North Simcoe St. United Church Rev. A. MANSELL IRWIN, B.A., B.D., Pastor 89 Greta St. Phone 3263W Regular Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. The Official Board 'Session, Committee of Stewards, and Representatices" will meet on Monday the 16, at 8 p.m. Everybody Welcome GRACE Lutheran Church Sunday, September 15. WELCH'S PARLOURS 9.30 a.m.--Sunday School. 10.30 a,m.--Public Worship Rev. A, C. Hahn, 255 Athol St. BH, ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME cataract operations. THUS SAITH THE LORD "lI will raise unto David 'a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and pros- per, and shall execute judgment and jus- tice in the Earth." CHRIST IS COMING TO REIGN IN JERUSALEM. Read Jer. 231-8; Psa. 48. 1-2; Acts 3, 19-26; Rev, 22, 16. Pentecostal Assemby ROTARY CLUB BLD. Centre St. PASTOR J. T. BALL Sunday, September 15. The maharajah of the district was one of his patients and there- fore took a constant interest in 1is work, granting him 15 acres in the capital for a hospital, and .40 acres for a school. From having 'seen the gospel" at Miraj hospital, where the lower castes receive the same treatment as the Brahmins from nurses and doctors, the maha- rajah became a chmpion of the out- castes. Sunday School, 10 a.m. 11 am. -- Morning Service. 7 p.m.-- "Evangelistic Service." ALL WELCOME Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock Street Rev, Duncan Munroe 34 Brock St, W, Phone 2554 Sunday, September 15. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 1 "When a Man Met God" 7 PM. "A Business Man's Decision Mr. H. M. Gilchrist speak at both services, will Oa. Oy Christian Science First Church of Christ, Sclentist, 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, September 15. SUBJECT: "SUBSTANCE" Morning Service at 11 am. Sunday School 12.10 a.m. Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Healing through Christian Science. You are cordially invited to at- tend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all authoriged Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased and periodicals subscribed for. Open on I'uesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 to § p.m. Unity Truth Centre S: 0. E HALL, KING ST. E. 10 a.m.--Sunday Scheol 11 a.m.--Morning Service.

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