Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Sep 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1929 PAGE NINE News of .what the Boy Scouts of Oshawa are doing contributed by the scout lead- ers. Contributions to this column will be welcomed, and should be sent to the Times office not later than Tuesday marning each SCOUT EDITORIAL The expected visit of the Gover nor-General, Lord Willingdon, who is also the Chief Scout for Canada, moves us to make a few remarks of welcome to, and appreciation of our distinguished visitor. Lord Willingdon, whose signa~ ture appears on every Scout's regis- tration card, is not by any means 4 nominal head to the Scout move- ment in Canada. Since taking on his office win its attendant duties, he has shown a very live and progressive interest in the' movement. On every occasion, when his itin- erary has permitted, he has made a point: during his travels in the Do- minion to inspect the Scout troops of district in which he is.staying. Last Christmas brought us the news that His Excellency had taken a very active interest in the Scout Toy Shops around Ottawa, Not least among - his material signs of interest in the movement, however, was his fine donation to the "Jamboree Fund" which was JACK RUSSELL Of Vancouver, who was elected to his third term as president of the Dominion Football Associa- tion at Montreal. started under his patronage, and which enabled a large number of the hundred and seventy Canadian boys who represented Canada at the Jamboree, to attend this great event in the history of scouting. Nor did our Chief's interest stop when the fund was started, for we noted later that he addressed a per- sonal letter to each member of the three Canadian Troops before they embarked for England and signed each of them personally. Such material and moral interest in the movement by one whose au- ties no doubt keep him very ousy | with matters of state, gives a great deal of encouragement to those who are trying to do their bit for the mdtement, and calls for a unit- ed appreciation and hearty wel- come by the Scouting fraternity of Oshawa. It is a solemn duty of all mem- bers of the Association here, to bend every effort towards showing the Governor-General how we feel about him, by performing thor- oughly any duty, however small, we may have the honour of being allotted at the forthcoming official visit of the representative of His Majesty the King. SCOUT NOTES We have heard that several boys have taken note of our pre- vious remarks with reference to the Toy Shop, and are at work collect- ing old toys in preparation for 1s opening. Those who have responded are to be congratulated, and those who have so far allowed the opportun- ity to slip by should get to work at once. Remember, there is a bigger de- mand for our efforts this year. FIFTH OSHAWA TROOP The Fifth Oshawa's had a Treas- ure Hunt and Sausage Roll eat- ing competition 'on Friday last. After the Treasure had been lo- cated, the boys gathered around the Camp Fire for the feed. Songs were very scarce, and business was uppermost in the minds of all as the chief platter hearer and the keeper of the basket brought araqund the Sausages ana Rolls, The meeting ended at 9.00 p.m. KEEP YOU ARE IF EVERY YOUTHFUL FIGURE Do Not Clog You. System with Excess Food that Encourages Fatty Tissues BEING NOURISHED Eat a little Less Heavy Food and : Drink a little More Bovril BOVRIL Builds Strength Without Fat YOUR SURE OF DAY YOU STOMACH PAINS? Get rid of them Perman- ently with "Fruit-a-tives." ri tives" will 4 you of gs, fa ey a aay He wa, - SE Tle pT "Pruit-a-tives" acts naturally on the os. tem, Gently abd quickly t strengthens Hie whole digestive trast, It awakens liver, bowels and kidneys, soothes the stomach. Get a 25¢ or 50c box at your druggist's today. End digestive troubles. 2 with a general sand and smoke at- tack on the Fire, after which the boys were dismissed following the usual evening prayer. SCOUT OFFICIAL LEAVING In the near future Oshawa will be losing still another of its As- sistant Scout Masters in the person of Assistant Scout Master O. Flint, who. will be going to Kingston to attend Queen's University. Mr. Flint does i1ot expect to sever his connection with Scouting altogether, but will connect him- self with one of the Kingston Troops we hope and expect, We are sorry to lose this Oshawa Scout who has had a long period of service with the movement in this town. All boys who wish to procure a copy of the Group Photograph tak- en in front of Centre Street Schoot recent}y, should notify their Scout- master at once. LACROSSE PARADE All Troops are requested to take part in the Parade in honour of the Lacrosse Team, on Friday next. Those taking part should be dressed in as much uniform as pos- sible. Boys should get in touch with their Scoutmasters with reference to this parade and get their in- structions from them. PARADE ON MONDAY In connection with the visit ot the Governor-General, all Troops are asked to parade. Those parading should meet at Memorial Park, in front of Centre Street School at 10.30 a.m. on Mon- day next. You are particularly present. asked to be FIFTH TROOP NOTICE The 5th Troop will meet at the Y.M.C.A. on Friday next at 7.30 p.m. Boys should all be present and bring their running shoes with them, and be prepared to enter the Lacrosse Parade. As much uni- form as possible must be worn, Two EBENEZER CHURCH SERVICES WERE WELL ATTENDED New Teachers School of The District Ebenezer, Sept. 9.--Cooler wea- ther prevailed on Sunday and on account of this, services at Ebenez- er church and Sunday School were better attended than on the very hot Sundays of the past few weeks. Our pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, was in his pulpit again and preagh- ed two of his very excellent ser- mons. © Both were. very inspiring and instructive. Rev. Stainton's morning text was found in Acts 27:38 and in the evening service his subject was "Making Excuses." The choir sang beautiful anthems at both services." Sunday Schoo) held a regular session in the atter- at ;noon. § School re-opened on Tuesday morning last with two new teach ers at the two schools. Miss Ireton is now Principal of Courtice School and Miss Arnold is still in charge of the junior room. Miss Laird, of Maple Grove, is the teacher at Number 4 School. We extend a cordial welcome to each of the teachers and hope that they may have a pleasant sojourn in our community. Regular services will be held at Ebenezer on Sunday next and everyone will be welcome. Weather remains fine but most farmers in this district are hoping that a shower will soon come this way, since nearly all crops are at present in need of rain. UNUSUAL CHRISTENING HELD AT PARSONAGE OF COURTICE CHURCH Courtice, Sept. 10.--The parsun- age, the home of Rev, and Mrs'J. H. Stainton, was the scene of an unusual christening on Tuesday last when their younger son, Rob: ert Keith, was christened in water from the River Jordan, by Rev. C. E. Cragg, King Street Church, Osh- awa. Mrs. Cragg was present aso, and others from a distance were Mrs. Johnson, mother of Mrs, Stainton, and Mrs. Jones, both of Whitby. Other guests were present from this community and a pleas- ant evening enjoyed. Good congre- gations greeted our pastor on Sun- day both morning and evening. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Gay and 2°rs. L. J. Courtice attended the Exhibi- tion on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundle are visiting tlieir son, Elmer, and fam- NEWS BRIEFS FROM THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Sept. 9.-- The Exhibition visitors. the last few days included Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoag, Frank Hoag, Jeffrey Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. R., Irwin, Mrs. ily in Toronto. Mrs. Welbanks, Picton, who has been a guest of Rév, and Mrs. 4. H, Stainton, has returned home. Mr. Ronald Courtice, of Toronto, gH the week-end at home. iss Lyla Osborne, 'of Toronto, was home over the week-end. Mr. R. C. Shortt, Tory Hill, was a week-end visitor with his bre Brault and George Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bragg vis- ited in Hamilton recently. Mr. Alex Fisher is now in St. Catharines as overseer for the new building the Trick Co. is construct- ing at the G.M.C. plant. Leonard Brash motored to Elm- vale over the week-end. Eli Pascoe, Detroit, is home ror a few days. The Pedlar softball team played our boys here last week and Thorn ton's won the game, and Mrs. Rundle, all of Solina, were Sunday guests at the home of Edgar Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Irwin mo- tored to Blackwater recently. Messrs. Eugene Robbins and Mel- ville Serris, of Orilila, were Sun- day guests at the home of W. K, Ir- win, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Gilbert were in Toronto over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, W, H. Perryman and Billie, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson and family, Mr, and Mrs. A. H, Dean, Cecil and" Eric ©euan all spent Sunday at Coldwater and Orillia. The friends of Master Frederic Robinson gill be glad to know tnat he is progressing favorably after an operation for appendicitis' in the Oshawa Hospital on Friday. It 'is reported that the ground is too hard to continue any fall plowing, Gordon Irwin was home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott and Mr. and Mrs, R. H, Miles spent Sunday in Sunderland. Mrs. Jas. Luke was in Toronto recently visiting her mother, Mrs. Collins, who is quite ill. Many are looking forward to at- tending the Oshawa Fair. "CRAG SD NTT y We + Cheese, Gd Spa (Gers pentreo) \2 v's Sodal cas ARS Re ~with Milk, Soup Mr. Wm. Pascoe and gon and mt. HON. W. F. NICKLE former attorney-general of On- tario and staunch supporter of Ontario Temperance Act, who states he had heard no proposal that he should lead united dry forces of the province in non- political party, as proposed in a resolution by J, H. Purvis of Blackwater, and J. Philip of Sunderland, at Beaverton, One tario meeting, Getting. Skinnier Every Day Something Must Bo 3 Be Done and Done Right Now---Quick Tens of thousands of thin, run- down men--yes, and women too-- are getting discouraged--are giv- ing up all hope of ever being able to take on flesh and look healthy and strong. All such people can stop worry- ing and start to smile and enjoy life right now for McCoy's Cod Liv- er Extract Tablets are putting flesh on hosts of skinny folks in all parts of the world every day. Salads--when a light anc flaky salted soda cracker js preferred es Biscuits Luality ince 1653 One woman, tired, weak and dis- couraged, gained 15 pounds in five Above is a perspective drawing of the proposed Canadian Pavilion, which may be erected for the Ant- werp International Exhibition in 1930. Enquiries of Ottawa fail to confirm the fact that Canada will be officially represented by its own structure, though a number of Canadian manufacturers have already registered their exhibits. It is' mow thought that the depart. ment of trade and commerce will instead participate officially in the exhibit at Buenos Aires in 1931, and that the biilding shown" above will be erected in that city. The drawing was forwarded from Brussels, ther, Mr. Jack Shortt. Mrs. Wilfrid Spencer, Baltimore, Md., U.S.A., is spending a couple of weeks at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shortt's, and is helping to wait on her grandmother, 'Mrs. Susan Shortt, who is quite ill. Mrs. Shortt is ninety-three years old and has been wonderfully bright for a woman of her age, hut was taken sick a week ago,and is grad- ually getting weaker. BROUGHAM BRIEFS Brougham, Sept. 9.--The Crock- er family, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the Matthew family, Rufus Starck and wife of Flori- da, accompanied by Ex Chief of Toronto Police, S. Dickson and Mrs. Dickson, called on Mrs. Mar) Matthews on Saturday. The Dobson family, of Beaver- ton, Sundayed with Mrs. Philip and Miss Brodie. Mrs. E. C. Thornton, of Wood- stock, accompanied by her son, Cameron, of Galt, pent a couple of days the past week with T. C. and Mrs. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and Miss Anthony, Mr. 8. Williams and Miss Cooper, of Toronto, were guests vi Mrs, Philip, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Young, of Mea- ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Young, of Toronto, visited T. Phil- ip's family and other friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mss Snodgrass, of Scot- land, are visitors at 'Thistle Ha." Rev. Mr. Smart acceptably filled our pulpit on Sunday, he asd Mn Ferguson exchanging pulpits for the afternoon service. W. J. Browns' spent Sunday with their parents, T. CC. and Mrs. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Balsdon and family Pickering spent ' Sunday with Balsdon's parents, Mr. and of Mrs. Mrs. Hamilton. Our school has begun the fall session with a good attendance. Miss Jennie Dincan is this year in charge of school at Birch Cliff, 'Miss Elsie Mathews is teaching at Brock Road School. Our village was shocked on Mon- day morning to hear that our late citizen, Mr. Eddis, had passed away. He had been in poor health for the past year, his sister, Mrs. Hubbard, caring for him. He was supposed to be improving. Sympa- thy is felt for his sister. Mr. ra dis, being deaf, led an isolated life, but was held in high esteem in the community. s Playwright: "You received my play. Will you produce it?" Producer: "Why, yes! Jones, dig down in the waste paper hasket and produce Mr. Robinson's play for him." FORTY THOUSAND FISH PLACED IN RIVERS Fredericton, N.B., Sept. 12--Forty thotisand salmon and trout finger- lings, from 1% to 2 inches in length, have been placed in the waters of Nashweak and Nashwaakis rivers, tributaries emptying into the Saint John river ncar Fredericton recently 'by officials of the Fish Culture Diy sion, Department of Marine and Fisheries. Similar operations are bei ried on in all sections of New 'Brunse wick while public angling waters are in need of restocking. A surplus of the trout and salmon fingerlings at the various hatcheries in the province has resulted in an usually large dis- tribution this year. Visitor (to man of 90): "Yol're getting older." Ancient One: else I shouldn't be here! "I'm glad of "ft-- BRAN FLAKES Per iI2¢ Pkg. SNAP Hand Cleanser, keep a tin handy 1 MILK TOFFEE Crawford's, the delicious candy treat ....,,.-.23¢ 1 ST Nonsuch gives a black "EATON GROCETERIA Send the children 'to this ,Groceteria with: confidence. An at- tendant will gladly assist them in filling their order and they will be given a receint showing the change will be carefully sealed the children to shop here as the amount of their purchase. Any n an envelope. It's as easy for Grownups. ADVERTISED SPECIALS--SEPT. 13 to 19. Enjoy the Best in Millbrook 43¢ Creamery Butter er Sunglo 4c '""The Cream of the Creamery" OVE POLISH ustre to stoves ....16¢c liquid _.... FLOOR POLISH Johnson's--Pasté and Cocoa Fry's thé nourishing 1-2 Ib sens ees SPECIAL! Crisco For frying. 1 lb. tin, Fae Quaker ROLLED OATS Large Pkg. 27¢ SPECIAL! PLUMS No. 2 Tin Lombard 'n Light Syrup-- For 21¢c 2 MACARONI Catelli's for tasty meat- less meals, 2 pkgs. ..23¢ COTTAGE CHEESE from rich cream pkge .. PORK AND BEANS the old fashioned way. HI paseannvave race TODDY "A meal in a glass""--hot cold, 1-2 1b. tin STAR AMMONIA A thorough Cleanser, 2 pkgs. AT S S SPECIAL! Machine Sliced weeks and now feels fine. And this shows what faith the makers have in McCoy's for they say; if any thin person don't gaiu at least 5 pounds in 30 days your money will be refunded--and oniy 60 cents for 60 tablets--Economy Size--$1.00. Ask for them at Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W, H. Karn, or any drug store. CAKE FLOUR Swansdown, asures light Chilvern's made in Engtind . 18¢ Aylmer--No. 2 squat tin, baked Per 3c BACON Eaton's ar value. for OLIVE OIL Tins : SALAD DRESSING 1 -#xceptional salads, etc, 8 3c "eo Salona "1b. pkgs. Heinz, for fresh vege- table salads ....e... 2c PASTRY FLOUR wall 3M {1 aA PALMOLIVE SOAP Endorsed by beauty 'éx-. perts, 3 cakes for ...23¢* OXYDOL Makes light of laundry, 2.DkgS: seersrerverasille. aionia PINEAPPLE MARMALADE, a pure fruit conserve 40 oz. jar 44¢ cup 24¢c 1a BAKING POWDER For success in baking 4 Tb. tin le ASSORTED BISCUITS In the English style t 30c.. SILVER CREAM Nonsuch for pelishiag™ .. silver... SPECIAL, Quaker Fresh and Crisp 2 Pkgs. y For or Corn Flakes || SPECIAL! i Clover Leaf' SALMON Flat Tin ® Jelly Powders 1 3 . SPECIAL! Lushus With the flavor, bud | Pkgs. 1 9c : The Cup of Delight ul Flavor , You, have never sujoyed the real deli citimess of good coffee un- : til you have tried &aionia made froma 'carefully selected blend of the finest Coffee beans, fresh ground and sealed in air tight tins, p per. pond 65¢c old only in the ealed tight tins Certo Shire! Pints, Zine Rings; 3 lbs. i, COOKING ONIONS . 5 $v Bare COPA vi a ve Choice TOMATOES, Basket erred SWEET POTATOES, 25¢ 40c Weve ea TOE 25¢ ON I= 2! A (le oom nx Sealers Quarts, doz. $1.09 " Parawax, ORANGES, 'sweet and juicy, 2 dog. ' dmeds - (GRAPES, extra large. for PRESERVING-- PICKLING NEEDS Vinegar Cider or Spirit per gal. .... 40c Ground Allspice, HA erin 13¢ per 0. Whole Cloves . 12 7 Bib were 492. : whole Mixed ling Spices Ib ..2%¢ Jell doz. .. 98¢c Tumeric Powder 45¢ 35¢ LW 2 CRE I EE I DELIVERY 10.30 2.30, 4.30 _ Daily

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