Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Sep 1929, p. 8

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" THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1939 "WES TMINSTER FORCED TO RELINQUISH LACROSSE CROWN | General Motors' Succeed | In Sec New Westminster, B.C, Sept. S| After resting on the. banks! of the Fraser river for many years, the his-|. toric Manu cup, emblematigeoi the Canadian amateur Jacrosse rE iw ship, goes back to Onlario by virtue | of a 2 to 1 victory scored by Geu- eral Motors team of Oshawa over the New Westminster Salmon Bellies in the second and concluding game here Jikicrday afternoon, On Labor day the casterners walk- ed off with the first game by a score of Y 10 5. ; :Doddemeade, shifty fielder, got the winning goal on a shot from about 40 yards out after taking a pass from young Davidsop. For the remainder] of the period A visitors were on the defensive for nearly every minute and only the tightest kind of defensive tactics and some spectacular goalkec- ping by Shannon prevented the locals trom equalizing on scveral occasions. 4 Two Goals Disputed Though hardly as spectacular as Monday's affair, owing to the tight checking, it was a torrid contest throughout with the issue very much in doubt until the final whistle, It was a tough dcfeat for he Salmon Bellies owing to the fact that there were two disputed goals both during the conflict in the first period, both going against the home team. In the first period Jack Wood fol- lowed in a rebound to beat the goal- i¢, but Referee Charlie Querrie at self to Wood, Saimon ese Twins. | decided ' until ERNEST SHEPLEY Whose job it was to attach him- scoring ace, This he did so well that they looked like the Siam once ruled it no goal, on the ground he had taken a pass inside the crease. Near the end of the period Touts White took a pass as he backed into the goalie and tossed the ball into the net from a few feet out, Neéw Westminster players protested that the pass had been made in he crease, but Referee Jack Bryson, New West minster official, ruler otherwise and allowed the score. Haddie Stoddard, whose fast dash: es and clever dodging featured the play of the Salmon Bellies all after- noan, broke away for the rush which ended in the Salmon Belies squaring the count at onec-all on the first play of the third period. Stoddard Mp | the ball to Jack Wood who:suu. it into the net and the stands wete in an' uproar. Oshawa Defence Goad It was a battle-for the next goal and the visitors got it and ihen saved their slim lead to the end. The cast- erners did not look so good as in the first game the attack being held at bay for most of the way Uy the strong checking of Grauer, the Pat- chells & Mackie but the defénce was air-tight, in which Coulter and Smith- sen worked overtime, while Shipley "did a big afterncon's job by holding Wood, tricky inside home star, to ore s0al. He chased him all over the field and was on top of him most of the way. It was an evenly contested natch and a draw would have been a good criterion oi the afternccn's play. Nei- ther side managed to-work m very 'close for shots and the goalies were safe on most of the long shots, It wasn't good lacrosse to look at owing to the tight checking, but it was ex- citing on acecunt of the closeness of the score with so much at stage. The Red Shirts wea: down fighiing to the last. Teams: New Wesimninsier--1 Stoddard, Graver, Bill Pazcneil Willis .Patchdl, Red Fraser, il. Stoddard, Brown, Nernon, Féeney, Douglas, Wecd, (Gifford ; subs, Mackie, Gilmour, Stew Gifford," Re Oshawa-- Shannan, Coulter, Hubble, Smithson, Spencer, Dcgray, Golden, Doddemeade, Davidson, Stephenson, Foxx, T. White, subs: Barron, White, Wilson, Shipley. ; Goal Summary First Period 1 Oshawa .. White (Davidson ..15.00 Penalties--Douglas, Doddemeade, Smithson, Second Period better golf. about that, doubt about the Nebraskan's stay- Historic Mann Cup Bobby Jones pe Ousted in First Alan J. Gould, Associates Press Sports Editor Pebble Beach, Cal, Sept. Pebble Beach yesterday proved the waterloo for the Napoleon of zolf ~--Bobby Jones, Coming to the far west for the first time, the world's foremost shotmaker and four-time holder of (By B.-- | the title, was eliminated today in the first round of the natinnai amateur championship by a 20- year-old Nebraskan, Johnny Good- man, of Omaha In one of the most sensational upsets the tournainent has ever known, Goodman outplay- ed Jones to win by the narrow margin of one up in a match thut went the full 18 holes and was not the final putt, Goodman's path of glory was brief, He was eliminated himself unceremoniously in the second round by an 18-year-old San Fran- cisean, William Lawson Little, Jr., two and one, but the Nebraskan was the main shock producer for the day. If an earthquake had suddenly rocked the Monterey peninsula, the shock could hardly have been any greater for either the experts or the some 5,000 Californians who had come out to see the conqueror do his heralded stuff for the far did the gallery the unexpected west. So keenly apparently feel downfall of the champion at the hands of the little-known middle westerner that there was as much gloom around the home green at the finish as there was enthusias- tic. appreciation for the astonish- ing feat of Goodman, as game a fighter as they come, Goodman won because he played There vas no doubt just as there was no ingpower os he held the champion to even terms with par golf on the last four holes %®after regaining the lead at the fourteenth. Lizzie Bantams Defeat Peterboro! Toronto, Sept. 5~The Elizabeth bantams, winners of the Playground No score. league and 1T.A.B.A. champions, took Penalties--Coulter, 5 minutes; Ver- non, Smithson, Brown Coulter, 3 min- utes. Third Period 2 N. Winster . Wood (Stoddard) Penalties--None, Final Period 3 Oshawa ..D'meade D'idson) Penalties--Vernon. 20 wil the first win in the home and home games yesterday with Peterboro, to 6. The game was a clever exhibi- tion of i showing the better fielding and hit- ting for the greatest part of game, The Peterboro Graftons start- cd the action in the first inning when 15 minor ball with the Lizzies the LJ | SPORT SNAPSHOTS |! The nest «thing of importance is to make fitting arrangements for the } welcoming of the General Motors Se home after winning the Dominion Lacrosse cro Ontario the Mann cup cmblematic of the supremacy of Canada, tv Ontario, Along with the news of the winning of the title by he Oshawa tcam comes the news that the next Mann Cup games will be played in Onario, Here arc some comments from oth awa team in no small manner the first Lhe Mail and Empire of Toronto, the third is not a direct compliment but goes to show that had the Montreal- Columbus team been the one to oppuse Oshawa in the place.of the Ot- tawa Madisons the score of the game Worse. Congratulations to the General Motors lacrosse team of Oshawa on'its great victory in the Mann cup finals, been able to beat the Salmon Bellics on their own grounds; so, therciore, the victory 1s all the more commendable. to qualify for the Olympics, but the obtamed mm Wmnipeg reducing their team are several former Westonites, ar loss of the trip to Amsterdam. This is Motors in semor lacrosse and their re: year ago they won the senior chanipionship, and then not only repeated again this year, but also captured the Mail and Lmypire, It also comes from The Globe, mor Lacrosse tcam on their return 1 and bringing back to ict" papers that compliment the Osh- comung from the Sporting Editor of second from The Toronto Globe, the would have been almost identical or Few castern teams, if any, have ever Weston should have beaten them suburbanites were outlucked, injurics strength, On the General Motors nd they have not forgotten about the only the second year for General cord can't be surpassed anywhere, A highest lacrosse honors in Canada.-- | Oshawa, senior champions of the East, have conquered where so mary | others have failed. On the historic graveyard of so many [Eastern hopes, Western champions, and became possessors of the Mann Cup, emblematic It was a hard-fought affair--~QOshawa won by only 2 to l1--but it marked their second consecutive win, and undoubtedly they of the Canadian title, had to show extraordinary strength their lofty throne. Two years ago a New Westminster, lost its chance to represent. Canada at the 1928 Olympiad, and then disbanded. There have been awa as the equals of the "Suburbanites have earned their laurels, and they mu ever represented the Ontario i mark that the Motor City is making w sport, Last fall the Ontario Football Union team of that city won the Caii- adian championship trophy, and now comes the Mann Cup to make it a real | display of outstanding ability.--Globe, Ottawa Madisons--shadcs of Oshawa--evidently did not play over their, Crosse was represented in a healthy heads when they bowled the Montreal Columbus team over at Montreal recently, and thus denied the Eastern be drubbed by the O.A.L.A. victory over Columbus was akin to a defeated Ottawa Emmets in two straight games, and Emmmets were run It was originally intended' to play a three- ners-up for the Eastern honors, out-of-five game series for the Ottawa that their superiority is now beyond question, and they have intimated that their lacrosse activitics are over for the season. to the satisfaction of the most skepti ticnal game is not what it used to be in Ottawa, Cornwall and Montreal.-- Globe. Tonight the Fittings junior do batt on Tuesday toppled them five to nothing in Toronto, From the reports of the game it was a game in which the real form and tonight they fully expect necessary. action, Up in Peterboro the Anglicans pla boro Harrisons and if they are should be able to take the second strai lke Sutton's team from Kingston. If fans need only wait until the day is a date, for the game will be a real one ; Association, are deserving of every credit, and it might also be the proper time to re- titleholders, The game is at the Motor City Stadium starting at 6.15 and the fans would do well to turn out to see these two classy softball teams in playing more like their usual style they lacrosse ficld at New Westminster,the Oshawa yesterday defeated the far to tumble the Salmon Bellies from great Weston machine crumbled at many who declined to regard Osh- ," but it will be different now, They st be rated with the best teams that Oshawa officials and players onderful advances in all branches of scnior champions an opportunity to It was thought that Madisons' fluke, but the Madisons have since City title, but Madisons have decided : They have demonstrated cal Eastern sportsmen that the na- le with the Okes from Toronto, who Fittings were not clearly up to their a win which will make a third game v their return game with the Peter- ght and thereby be the ones to meet they do meet the Kingston Vics the nnounced and then set it aside as a and that's not any idle jest. 'Oshawa Lacrosse Team 'Wins Dominion Honors And Historic Mann Cup (Continyed from page 1) Oshawa Jost the ball in the las' three minutes, suc they recovers: it after holding out the Cellies for 50 seconds, The girl lacrosse p'ay- ers made a rush on ths winners for autographs at the clise of the game with no arguments, Doddemeade's Goal Won It was Doddemeade's goal, taken from a pass from Davidson inside of twenty seconds of the start of the fourth quarter that won the Mann Cup for the Osaawa General Motors. It was the first time that the amateur lacrosse trophy has been lifted from a coast teamn since the pre-war days, when tlhe Van- couver Athletic Club went east to | St. Catharines to capture the sil- : yerware, KELLY DeGRAY The hard working red headed cen- tre player whose fast running in mid field played a large part in tiring the New Westminster dozen. 4 Mann Cup Finals In Ontario Next New Westminster, Sept. 5.--A. E. Coo and W. O. Graham of Winnipeg, were re-clected president and secre- tary, respectively, of the Canadian Amateur Lacrosse association at the annual meeting held last night. Dele- gales were in attendance from Brit- ish- Columbia, Manitoba and Ontar- io, and in the majority of cases la- condition, A committee was appointed to be known as the promotion and exten- sive committee, whose duties will be to approach the premier of Canada for a yearly grant of $5000, which will be used to send travelling organ- izers to all parts of Canada in an effort to'revive the game and have at least one team in every city of any size. It was decided to play the final for the Mann cup next year in Ontario. Officers elected were: Honorary President, Joc Lally, Cornwall; 1st vice-president, A. F. Lyon, Toronto; 2nd vice-president, Rudy Grauer Van- couver; executive, Andy Hamilton, Montreal; Jim McConaghy, Vancou- ver: W. LE. Kelly Toronto, and the president of cach. association. Leonard Smith, of Toronto, was re- elected representative to the Olyin- pic committees and will be instructed to attend the meeting to be held in Hamilton, Sept. 12, as delegate from the C.AL.A, in an effort to have la- crosse, both men's and girls' teams, included in the next Olympic Today's game was a close one .0 watch, and was won by a scant margin. Toots White paved the way to the victory when he scored Oshawa's first goal fifteen minutes after the game had cpened. Jack Wood, star of the British Colum- hia Olympic team last summer, evened up the count in the third period, and from then on it was anybody's game, with Oshawa being the favorites. Tle break came at the face-off in the fourth quarter, when Kelly DeGray got the draw, passed to Davidson, who in turn passed to Doddemeade for what proved to be the turning point Good Sportsmanship There is '"whonnee" in the Ush- awa camp tonight, and well might they celahrate, The Ontarin boys have invaded the home of British Columbia lacrosse, where the Mann Cup has icsted since the Salmon Bellies captured it 'rom \iontreal Shamrocks in 1908, and where the Weston United failed in 1927 to take back the silverware. Man- ager Nicoll of Oshawa was con- gratulated at the conclusion of the game, and showed real sportsman- ship in giving credti '> the New Westminster team for the close battle which was -'azed yesterday afternoon. The Oshawa boys will be enter- tained at a banquet before they leave for their homes. The series has been a success financially, "ne exhibition people attended fo t¥is, and made money on it. Outstanding for the Oshawa team was Paddy Shannon in goal. In the last quarter the goalie was called on to show his best, when the entire line of attack of the homesters showered shots at the goal. Shannon can be greeted when he returns to the Motor City as the star of the final came, Penalties Light Penalties, as in Monday's zame, were comparatively.light and gave Amateur Lacrosse Association day, to- Great Hospitality From manager to trainer, the Oshawa boys cannot speak toc highly of the treatment received ir New Westminster, and this wil) continue until they ard their train for home. The Westminster Club, Elks Club aud the Van- couver golf clubs nave ail been open houses to them. and the real western spirit has been shown. The teams lined up for the game as follows: Oshawa -- Shannon, ter, point; Hubble, cover point; Smithson, Shepley, Spencer,. de fence; DeGray, centre: Golden, Doddemeade Davidson, home; Stephenson, outside; "Too White, inadie; Barron, Fox, Wh Wilson, subs. New Wastminster--J. Stoddari, goal; Gramrer, point; Bill Patchell, cover; Fraser, H. Stoddart, Brew, defence; Vernon, centre: Feeney, Rennie, Douglas, home: Wood, ou! - side: Gilmore, ingide; WV Gifford, Stew Gifford, subs, : Referees--Jack Charlie Querrie, goal: Coul- Brygon and INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Rochester Toronto Buffalo .. Baltimore Montreal ..... Reading ... Newark v Jersey City ... NS DEER 101 WEDNESDAY'S SCORES Toronto Montreal Buffalo Rochester Reading 5 Jersey City Newark .......8 Baltimore AMERICAN LEAGUE 7 Lost 41 54 309 Philadelphia New York Cleveland ... St. Louis ... Detroit Washington Chicago Boston WEDNESDAY'S SCORE Boston 5 'Washington St. Louis o.... Chicago Cleveland Detroit Only three games played. NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburg New York St. Louis Brooklyn they gathered a single run. In the second inning the Bob Abate nine tied up the count and pulled up one in the fourth, Three spots in the fifth and sixth made certain for the Play- ground representatives. 'The Graftons caitie back to make it 8 to 4 in the seventh with two runs, but a big splurge with the clubs, that resulted in seven runs, made the Lizzies cer- tain winners. Pete Romano hurled nice ball for the winners, allowing only six hits, while he himself gathered two bing- es. Tepperman wiah a homer and a single was the heavy cloutér for the Lizzies, while Soloway was the out- standing batsman with a perfect av- erage of two doubles and a single in three times to the plate. Sone also clouted well with a double and two singles. : Cadd, the Petes' catcher, was their heavy hitter with a triple and two Rugby practices are being held daily now, not only here but in every city where the game is taken seriously and daily reports come in of some crack player changing over to some team or shifts of that nature That is all OK, let them all send in their reports of practices, the General Motors rugby football squad is also practicing daily but they are not making $0 much noise about it. Their noise will be made by the reports of the games won or at least that is the way they should figure, : little concern to the referees, Char- lie Querrie and Jack Bryson. Next Year's Series Next year's Mann cup cames will be played in Ontario, at a place vet to be decided. Oshawa can have the series by making applica- tion for it, according to President Abbit Coo, who was re-elected to the head office of the Canadian CUBS GET EVEN BREAK St. Louis, Sept. 5,--The Cardin- als and the Cubs split even in a couple of free hitting contests here yesterday, the National League champions copping the first, 14 to 8, while Chicago fell upon the de- livery of Johnson in the second game to win, 8 to 3. The second contest was called at the end of the eighth on account of darkness. Twelve of the Cards' runs in the first set-to were unearned. Bot- tomley gathered two home runs, one in each game, and raised his season's total to 28, Hack Wilson got his 36th and Hornsby his 33rd, both in the first game, Frisch al- so got a four-base hit in the first game, and Stephenson one in the gécond. . Philadelphia . Cincinnati er ---------------- SHAWA AND MAITLANDS to EHNA PLAY ON SATURDAY Toronto, Sept. 5 Oshawa and Maitlands will play the first game for the intermediate O.A.L.A. championship on Saturday after~ noon at Varsity stadium, Toronto, These teams met earlier in the sea- gon and the games were generally close. 'Oshawa has now several of the last year senior champions on their Intermediate team, and they expect to land the title and fthen play off with their senors for the association honors. The fans kwho saw the game on Labor day woted it the best of the year, and the test on Saturday is expected to 'be even better. Oshawa support- ers will be up in full force to give a helping hand to their team, while they will also bring their band, WEDNESDAY'S SCORES ...14-3 Chicago Boston 8 New York Cincinnati .....5 Pittsburg ..... : Brooklyn ....4-9 Philadelphia ..3- | St. Louis So far the weather has been too warm to allow the players to indulge in excercise that is strenuous for long, but this wave cannot last long amd when the cool of the evening begins, then they will start to show the fams that stand around watching the workouts a few tricks. Yesterday an announcement of the Service League finals to be played today was incorrect, the finals ir cague be played tomorrow ) als in this league will g b y . i ' E pia) ) a "Dingo" Haynes, headliners with last year's good local squad, made their tirst appearance of the cam- paign. Bill Wanless is working hard to develop his toe work una is making steady progress. London Squad Drilling Hard London, Sept. 5.--The London This Crest appears on ' PAT SHANNON' The stonewall between the Oshawa mets, his spectacular saves have helped win many games during the 1929 season, KEYS AND CATS SPLIT Jersey City, Sept. 5.--Reading divded a double bill here yesterday with the Jersey City Black Cats, taking the opener by the score of | 3 to 1, but dropping the nightcap singles in four times to bat. Peterboro .... Elizabeth RHE 101 000 202-- 6 8 1 010 133 07x--15 13 1 Batteries: Stranger, Clarke and Cadd: Romano and Wetstein, Ham- by the count of 3 to 2. merstadt, George Quellich hit a home run over the right field fence in the fourth inning of the first game, Cantrell hurling superbly CANTRELL WINS FOR LEAFS Toronto, Sept. 5.--With Guy in the : Travel The King's Highway EXHIBITION SPECIALS August 24th to September 7th Return Fare $2.30 pinches, the Leafs turned the tables on the Royals down at the ball park vesterday. The score was 4 to 2 and it was the Leafs' tenth victory over the Quebeckers in their 18 clashes this season. In turning in his twentieth suc- cess the big twirler not only fanned 10 batsmen, including three in the fourth and the last two Royals to face him in the ninth, but smote a triple to help his own cause along. The Leafs reached Chester Ni- chols, the Royals' good righthand- er early in the fray, four of their 11 hits being grouped in the firs inning for three runs. g Thereafter they hit Nichols free- iy enough, although it was not un- intermediate Q.R.F.U. rugby club again held a strenuous workout in Thames park last evening despite the terrific heat which turned the practice into. Turkish bath exer- cises. Among the 25 gridders at work were some new faces. who shone with perspiration for tue first" time yesterday afternoon. Doug Graham, who played outside wing for Hamilton Tigers in 1427, and who has just come from a summer's drill in a rowing snell, was at the park. - He has been transferred to London by his head | office and will he available for the | Gas House gang. Billy Gillespie, Bert Ellyatt and straight sets, 7-5 and 6-4. Tennis Notes The semi-final round of the Osh- awa Christian Young People's Union Tennis Tournament was won by North Simcoe Church Club last evening defeating Simcoe St. Club by the close score of § out of 9 matches played. Considerable interest and en- thusiasm has been shown in this round due to the fact that on the regular schedule of eight: matches, c¢pch club had won four games, creating a tie which + us decided by one match of mixed doubles played before a good crowd. of spectators last evening on the North Simcoe Club courts. Mrs. Horold Baker and Dr. W. J, Lang- maid defeated Miss Ruth Fishleigh and Mr. Stan Everson in two North Simcoe Street' Club now meet the Baptist. Church in the finals for the Anderson cup. The scores of the regular schedule of games were as follows: which should add color and noise. BETTY CARSTAIRS' BOAT JS DAMAGED AT WINDSOR Windsor, Sept. 5.--Betty Car- staiks' racing boat, The Estelle IV, was damaged considerably yesier- day afternoon when the scoop of a hoisting crane crashed through its deck. at a Walkerville dock. . The craft, was being loaded onto a flat in readiness for its removal to Grav Miburst. ' SOCCER NOTICE The! game between Oshawa City and Beaches United for Saturday has bedn postponed. MASS REDUCTION | "Sir, would you give five dollars to ! bury a saxophone player?" i | "Here's thirty dollars; bury six oH 'em."--Qur,- Paper. PLANNING AHEAD Lady Visitor at prison--"Well, have you any plams for your future ?" Convict--"0h, yes, lady, I've got the plans of two banks and a postoffice." Sold and Recommended by BURNS CO., LIMITED King and Simcoe Sts. Includes Exhibition Admission Ticket and coach transfer to and from ter- minal inside the Exhibition Grounds. Return tickets good until September 9. LEAVE OSHAWA: Eastern Standard Time. 6:00 a.m. 41d 6:30 a.m. daily except Sundays, 7:30 a.m. and every hour on the half-hour until 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Sundays only. Leave Oshawa East ten minutes earlier. Return coaches leave direct from Exhibition Grounds to connect with regular coaches to Oshawa at Bay and Dundas. Regular coaches leave Bay at Dundas every hour on the half-hour until 10:30 p.m, Stan- dard Time. Tickets and Information at GRAY COACH LINES 'Prince St. OSHAWA Telephone 2825. Singles Mrs. J, Melliey, North Simcoe, defeated Miss EH, Gay, Simcoe St., 6-0, 6-3. Mrs, A. Annis, North Simcoe, defeated Miss T. Wilkins, Simcoe St. 3-6, 6-1, 6-4 Mr. C. Russell, North Simcoe, defeated Mr. E. Stacey, Simcoe St., 6-1, 6-0. : Mr. H. Pearce, North Simcoe, lost to Mr. J, Secilley, Simcoe St., 6-3, 3-6, 4-6. Ladies' Doubles Mrs H. Baker and Mrs, A, En- nis, North Simcoe, lost to Miss Marion Lick, and Miss Alma War- ren, 4-6, 3-.6. 'Men's Doubles Mr. K. Kelley, and A. Ennis, North 'Simcoe, lost to Reg. Burr 3h Frank Black, Simcoe St., 4-6, -5, 1-6. til the eighth that they managed Li Vy Star. to squeeze over their fourth and last tally of the proceedings. LEADERS FORCED TO DIVIDE Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 5.--Leo Mangum's stellar pitching gave the Bisons an even split in their dou- bleheader with the league leading Rochester club yesterday. The lo- cals wining the first game, 8 to 2, and the visitors the second, 4 to 1. Herman Bell, working on the mound for the Wings in the sec- ond game, was in good form, allow- ing only five hits. ep BEARS OVERCOME BIRDS LEAD Baltimore, Sept. 5.--The New- ark Bears fought a game uphill battle to defeat the Orioles 8 to 6 in the opening game of the series here yesterday. Fischer was off to a bad start and the Flock bumped him for five ? A hits and the same number of ruus CHUCK DAVIDSON in the first two innings. The Birds} * . were leading, 6 to 0 in the third | Who fed Doddemeade a pass that resulted in "Doddey'" scoring frame, but the visitors began to find Bolén, who finally was chased | 'the winning goal from: 40 yards ; out, in the last period, "wwii | 'GINGER ALE ) What\lis the secret that gives O'Keefe's Dry that\exclusive...inimitable Sno? ; : First...the water, crystal rom a famous {3PIing, then it is b heca it we skilfully blend d est Ja er, pure cane an Si selected fruit essences, and Forth : because 0' Keefe's, like a rare old wine, is mellowed by age. There is no secret about the fact that O'Keefe's Dry is Canada's favorite beverage. O'KEEFE'S BEVERAGES LIMITED Toronto Mixed Doubles Miss Ada Kelley and Mr. C. Russell, North Simcoe, defeated Miss T. Wilkins, and Mr. B. Ed- mondson, Simcoe St, 6-1, 6-0. Miss Edna Binns, and Dr. W. J. Lapgmaid, North Simcoe, lost to Mise Ruth Fishieigh and 'Mr; Reg. | BUIT 4:6, Bede 0060 ¥ siioman uteu:

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