THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1929 THE C Ssh" where , Mr. Buger S ED meets Mr. Seller SECTION NNO INQ A} 4 Engineering and Surveying Real Estate for Sale CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Con- veyancing and general practice of Law. Offices 7% Simcoe St. south, Oshawa. Phone 4, G. D. Conant, B.A. LLB.: AF. Annis, BA. LLB. FRANK S. EBBS BARRISTER, DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin- eers, sub-divisions, Some panhing municipal engineers. or i ih Solicitor, Notary blic, Convey- ancer. Money to loan.. Third floor new er Bailding. Opposite Post Mg oe 2096. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C, BANK of Commerce Building. (116-1 yr.) JOSETH P. MANGAN, B.A--BAR- riser, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Morey to loan. Office 1414 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. St. E. Phones 2532) or 2544. Auctioneer PHONE 716J, W. J. SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8. We can sell your odd pieces of turnmi- ture and other ariicles at ous yards 41 King St. W., oshawa, Ozterlo. S. W. CLARK, AUCTIONEER, 25 years' experience, has opened an office at 620 Simcce St. South. Your business solicited. Phone 2593M for particulars. (Aug. 9-1 mo) == GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, etc. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13. J. ¥. Grierson, 75.C., 7. K. Creighton, insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. (1181) LOUIS §. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Noiary, over Dewland's Store. Money to lvan. 18 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Residence 8206W. PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR- risters, tc. Money to lnan. Alger Bldg. Oppos!ta Pust Office. Phone 1614. A. J. Parkhill, A. C. H. Field A HUMPH S, BAR- risters, Solicitors, etc. 24% Sim- coe St. N. Phone 3160. Money to Ioan. (26t0) Medical DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Special references to materri'y work and di- seases of women. Two years' post graduate experience, Office and resi- dence 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Breck) phone 303. (119-tf) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and . resi- dence, King St. Yast, corner Victoria St. Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obszetrician, diseases of infants and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYS!- cian and Surgeon, special attenticn given to X-ray work and Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 am. to § p. m. Residence (61 King East. Phone 2416. (tf) DPR, DAVID ARCHER, M.D, C.M,, L. R. C. PF. and S. Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Obstetric fan. Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 8030, residence 161 King St. KE. PLono 2155. : (Dea. 31tt) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected. INSURANCE-OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Of- fice 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-tf) Transportation CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long distance hauling, Phone 3048 and 2392F. Smith and Cos, 44 Bond St. w OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furniture movers; Park Road cartage. Local and !cng distance. Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 Park Rd. South, Phone 215. (Aug. 15) AUTOMOBILES TO RENT. LATE models, by mile or trip. Enjoy your summer vacation motoring. Apply 82 King St. West. (Aug. 1-1mo) CARTAGE, COLEMAN'S, 85 BOND W. Phone 82, Furniture van and 6 trucks in charge of expert men. Furniture moving a specialty. Stor- age arranged. EAGLE MOVERS AND CARTERS, long distance a specialty. Cheapest in town, Phone 3202, 82 King St. West. (Aug 20-1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY I.LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shoppe. Permanent wave $7.50 and $10. Automatic machine. 1 extra free finger wave. Phone £968. (88tf) EXPERT MARCELLING SY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shup. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2963. (34tf) J ARCHER BROWN. M.D, L. R. C. P. & S. Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at- tention to maternity work and dis- eases of children, Office and resid- ence, 185 Simcoe St. North. Phone 3107. (cf) DR, ALVIE B. STEWART, SPE- clalist in surgery. Office 142 Sim- coe street north, Residence 11 Brock St. E. Phone 3020. WATSON"S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We specialize in ladies' hair cutting, marcelling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents, For appointments phone 2653. (Aug. 10) MARCEL AND CURL--EXPERT work done. 50c. Powder Puff Beauty Parlor, 7 Bond Street East. Pbone 3051. (104-tf) Ear, Nose, Throa Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m., for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. (49-tf) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. BE. F. RICHARDSON, OFFICE over AMitchell"s Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6. Evenings by appointment. Office phone 2660. Residence. 432J. (9tf) 4 rental -- DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special atter'ion to X-Ray work. Gas extrac*'on. Nurse in attendance, Phone 959. House 1312, (41 yr) DR. FRED 4 FLORA, DENTISI, 87 King street east. Alser building. Phone 2860. Evenins by appolat ment. (48t1) DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR L E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac- tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948. residence. 137871. DR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 13§ Simcoe St. N., cver Dewland's. Phone 1957 Resi. 292W. Evenings by appoictment. (July 9t'° DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE Regent Theatre Bidg. Phone 1730. Residence 669. 66-tf DR. LANGMAID, DR. DAV.ES, Dentists, 27 King St. E. Special at- tention to gas extraction end X- ray work. Nurse in attendance. Phones 1243 and 864. (95tef) Vetennary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629. (561) Architects C. C STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal 'Bank Building. Phone 14%. Res. phone 909}. (8-tf) HOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS. egoclate architects, Simcoe St. S. Over Felt Bros. (66tf) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, Residence, 5413 3imcoe street north. Phones 210J and 210W. DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOMa R7 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Bruce etreet. Ambulance. Plone 1082. (96-tf) PARISIENNE BEAUTY PARLOR has now changed management. Marcel 50c; Friday and Saturday 75¢. Phone 71 Mrs. Allin & Miss Burton. (Aug. 7-1 mo.) MARCEL AND CURL 35c. NOR- ma's Beauty Parlor, 220 Clarke street, Appointments phone 1818W. Aug. 13-1 mo) MARCELLING AT GIBBON ST. Beauty Parlor, 197 Gibbon St. Marcel 35c. Friday and Saturday 50c. Appointments phone 239 r 4. (Aug 17 -1 mo) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA- perhanger, painting and graining. Prices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Ave., phone 3065w or 2067w. (72tf) OSHAWA PAINTERS--14 NAS- sau St. Phone 1495\W. Prices reas- onable, Call between 12 and 1 at noon and 6 and 7. (Aug 9-1 mo) Building Supplies FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, stone and black Ibam, $1.60 a yd. For quality and service 'phone Essery Bros. 832 ring 11. (tf) FOR SALE-- BE Park Road North. Phone 920 r 2. (47c) REAL ESTATE, OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park, Terms to suit you Office 38 Simcoe nk ) FOR SALE_NEW FOUR ROOM house ($2,200), $300. cash, also 38 acres, three miles from Osh- awa with house, well, creek, bush, gravel worth the price $2600. $1,000 cash. Also 75 ft. frontage gas station site, Kingston Rd. West. $4,000 includes small cot- tage. Murdoch, 27 Warren Ave. (48¢) FOR SALE--SUMMER COTTAGE Port Whitby, including beds, heat- er, coal oil stove, ice box, liveable for winter. Good boating, fishing, bathing. $500. Apply Murdoch, 27 Warren Ave., Oshawa, (48c) : EE Work Warted RE-UFPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save om money. Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable. 74 Mechanic street. Phone (56¢f) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED tor and delivered, 75 cents. If rental, supplied $1. Batteries re- paired. Stan Blidgon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. (Aug. 10-1 mo.) UPHOLSTERING AND FURNI- ture repairing. Auto cushions re- made and repaired, also autos re- trimmed, Phone 1436M. (Aug. 22 1 mo) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--STORE, and. six roomed dwelling, with all conveniences, garage Apply 51 El- gin St, E. Phone 1686J. (2ctf) FOR SALE OR RENT--8 ROOMS. well built home. Every conveni- ence, sacrifice, if sold this week. Will take a late model car or mort- gage as part payment, Phone 1671F, (471) Dressm=king All kinds of dressmaking and al- terations at reasonable prices. Ap- ply 21 Rowe St. Phone 1347M. (31-tf) Motor Cars ONE FORD TOURING CAR, ONE Ford sedan, cheap. Auto parts,and accessories for sale at the City Auto Wreckers, 15-17 Bond St. West. Phone 2980W, ' (Aug. 14-1 mo) FOR SALE -- ESSEX SEDAN, early 1929. Had very best care, Al condition, Phone 2692F. (48¢c) CHEVROLE T 1929 SEDAN, small mileage. Will sacrifice for $700 cash. Phone 1596F. (48-c) CHEVROLET COUPE, 27. CASH or terms. Phone 1930F, (48c) 1928 CHEVROLET COACH FOR sale. In real good shape. Phone 1747J, after 6 p.m. Boarders Wanted WANTED ROOMERS OR BOARD- ers. Have two brisht rooms. Clean with every comfort. Business men only. Phone 3179W. (48h) ROOM AND BOARD $7.50 PER week, 58 William St. East. . (481) Lost and Found LOST-- BETWEEN ORIENTAL Textiles and Ritson road south on Saturday a pair of dark rimmed glasses, Finder please phone 3045W, or 187 Ritson Rd. South. (48b) LOST--BETWEEN CENTE AND King St. W., a black club bag con- taining lady's apparel. Reward. Phone 652 or 745J. (48c) LOST--BROWN PURSE CON- taining $33. Between Ontario Motor Sales and St. Julien street. Reward. Phone 876M. (48a) LOST--NURSE'S CLASS PIN Brooch between Hospital and Re- gent Theatre. Monday evening. Finder please phone 885. (48c) CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE: To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date. W. Borrowdale. Phone 1618. (78-t1) Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA. cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exrms Oshawa, Wednesday, 92 Simeoe St. North. Phone 2754F. (129-tf) Automobile Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping and welding. Snappy Battery service charzing and repairing. (107tf) Radio Service RADIO SERVICE AND REPAIRS, tubes and sets tested, batteries re- charged, called for 'and delivered, rental supplied $1. Batteries re- paired at moderate prices, Char- les Wales. Phone 2046J. (Aug. 23) FOUND--KEY CONTAINER AND keys. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Apply Times office. (48-a) LOST--BLACK, AND WHITE Collie dog with two tags, also owner's mark. Anyone harboring same will be prosecuted. Reward. 44 Ontario street, Apt. 3. Phone 32977. (46¢) Help Wanted--F emale LADY SHOE OLERK WANTED Experienced preferred. Apply Burns Shoe Co. (124tf) COOK GENERAL WANTED. AP- ply Mrs. John J. Burns. 62 Con- " Rates for Classified Ads. first cents = word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 09 cents. Box number 18c additional $2.50 per for 20 werds or less; 10 cents a word per month foc ench additions) word. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 3s Ask for Classified Ad De- partment Ee i Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOF1 WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous-Meek Limited. Phoae 1288. (Apr. 26tf) FOR SALE--GRAMOPHONE AND 24 records, first class condition; cheap. Apply 301 Festubert Ave. - (48b) FOR SALE--COW, EIGHT GRADE Holsteins heifers. Horse, wagon buggy, - harness, Lighter Day Range. Eight cords stove, wood. Apply S. G, Chant, Lot 27, Con, 5, Darlington, Phone Oshawa 1652 r 3. (48c) FOR SALE--HEINTZMAN CO. Ltd, vlanos: new and used pianos, also radios, latest models; terws arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 1666J. (111-tf) FACTORY OR OFFICE CLOCK for sale at very reasonable price. Splendid running order. Apply Oshawa Daily Times. (tr) MOTOR FOR SALE--5) HORSE power, 60 cycle, 550 volt. Excel- lent condition. Apply Mr. Alloway, Times Office. (6tf) OUTBOARD MOTOR: 6H.P, § speeds, used only 1 week. P. O. Box 64, Oshawa. (34-tf) FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, stone, - black foam and cinders. Jack Forrester, 210 Alice St. Phone 1778J. (Aug. 22-1 mo.) FOR SALE--AT 91 ARLINGTON avenue, baby stroller, kitchen cabinet, table, and other articles, reasonable. (47h) FOR SALE--ONE DIVANETTE and chair one extention ladder, one wicker baby carriage. Sacrifice for quick sale. 196 Burke St. Phone 2080M, (47c) 1000 ROCK FACE CEMENT block. $10 a hundred. 50 Whiie Leghorn pullets, Tom Barron strain. 26 Rhode Island Red pul- lets 1 horse, 12 years, Also culter, buggy and harness. G. Galka, Lot 14, Concession 4, R.R. 1, Oshawa. (46¢) Board and Room Wanted WANTED--BOARD AND ROOM near Collegiate. Willing to pay high price for large warm room. Address Miss Violet B. Smith, Box 152, Times. (46d) BOARDING HOUSES--ADDRESS- es of nice clean boarding houses in preferred districts wanted by school teachers. Apply Box 153, Times. (43-0) YOUNG LADY DESIRES, ROOM and board in private home, Central location. Apply Box 154 Times. (48a) For Rent FOR RENT: A FURNISHED bedroom. All conveniences. Apply 79 McMillan Drive. Phone 2329W. i (47¢) TO RENT--FIVE ROOMED BUN- galow furnished or unfurnished. 287 St. Eloi. Apply J. Fitzgerald, 116 Division St. (47¢) FOR RENT -- FIVE ROOMED apartment, Heat, water, electric range, fixtures and hardwood floors, Apply Johnston Clothing Store. (47c) TO RENT -- SEVEN ROOMED house at 19 Nassau street. All conveniences including dumb waiter. Apply 104 King St. East. (46c) TO RENT--NEW FIVE ROOM frame house on Park Road North. Phone 920 r 2, (4%¢c) FOR RENT--NEW FIVE ROOMS. Garage 119 Burk St. $40 per month, Phone 2057J. (47¢) TWO OR THREE LARGE ROOMS for light housekeeping. Gas stove, furnished. Also sleeping rooms and garage. 150 Division St. (47c) COMFORTABLE BEDROOM FOR one or two persons, rent reason- able, Apt. 2, 92 Bond St. W, (451) TO RENT--SIX-ROOMED BRICK house, all conveniences, at 279 French Street. Rent $35 per month. Apply Box 711, Port Hope. (46-c) CHEERFUL FRONT ROOM. Hardwood floor, New house. Con- venient to Collegiate and General Motors, 316 Leslie St. (46¢c) TO RENT--FIVE ROOM AND Sun room bungalow, hot water heating; garage; centrally located. Phone 367. (48-c) TO RENT--COMFORTABLE BED- room. Very central. Either single or double. All conveniences, Phone 2928J. 217 Dearborne Ave. (48¢c) FOR RENT--TWO BRIGHT OF- fice rooms over C.P.R. Apply T. H. Everson, phone 118, (48¢) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED rooms, Suitable for light house- keeping. Apply 22% Simcoe south, Phone 2772W, (48¢c) TO RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms at 151 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 2667F. (48¢c) FOR RENT-- 315 LESLIE ST. Apply Conant and Annis, Oshawa. (48¢c) TO RENT--NEW BRICK 4 rooms, Also 4 rooms, use kitchen with owner. Hot water heated. 131 Albert St. (48c) TO RENT--TWO LARGE FUR- nished rooms for light house- keeping, Apply 240 Eulalie. Phone 1314W, (48b) TO RENT--NICE LARGE ROOMS, furnished, on bath room flat. All conveniences. Also garage. Apply 268 Golf St. (48-c) TO RENT--NEWLY DECORATED, furnished housekeeping apartment; | garage if desired; continued hot water, 7 minutes from downtown or Motors. Phone 969W. (48-c) HOUSE AND GARAGE FOR RENT at 73 Bond St. W. For information apply at 70 Bond St. W. (48-¢) 6-ROOM HOUSE AT 262 HAIG ST. All conveniences, $40 per month. Apply 241 Grooms Ave. or phone 12106W. (48-c) TO RENT--SEVEN-R OO MED house, all conveniences. 79 Mon- trave Avenue. . Apply 556 Ontario Street, Toronto, or 'phone Ran- dolph 3587. (48-¢) FOR RENT--SIX-ROOMED house, all conveniences. 19 Hill- croft Street. Rent reasonanite. Phone 2035W, (48-b) Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT---APART- ment or residence, furnished pre- ferred by responsible young mar- ried couple. Phone 1400. (47c) For Rent TO RENT--HOUSE ON THE COR- ner of Division and Colborne Sts. Apply L. Hancock. Phone 1827r 23. (26-1) TO RENT--TWO SIX ROOMED houses. All conveniences on Huron street, Apply 215 Eulalie Ave. (29tf) FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- ern suites, including electric refrig- eration, stove, laundry, conveni- ences, etc.; continuous hot water supplied. Apply Supt. phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co. Ltd., manager for owner, Toronto. (27-tf) FOR RENT--THREE AND FOUR room apartments, All conveniences. Some with Murphy beds. Apply Disney Phone 1550. (38tf) naught' St. (43tf) Shoe Repairing MENKO'S CGRNER OF SIMCOE and Willlam Sts. West 1s the best place to have your shoes fixed. Cleaning and dying. Special handi- work. (Aug 9-1 mo) APARTMENTS TO RENT Modern conveniences, $40 and up. Apply Jury & Lovell. (36-tf) FOR RENT--THREE ROOMED bath flat, unfurnished, wired for stove. All conveniences, 'Apply 160 Agnes St. Phone 1168J. (46f) Hemstitching NINE CENTS A YARD. WHOLE pleated Skirts One Dollar, panels from sixty-Mve cents. Buttonholes, covered. buttons, all kinds of fancy work, Smocking, alterations, etc. Mrs. Dell, 2612 Simcoe south. Phone 1656. (Aug. 13-1 mo) Contracting CONTRACTING -- CONCRETE Phone 139 for estimates (13tf) plastering, electric or alterations. Watch Repairing Money to Loan F. A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shep at 4415 King Street West. Your pat- ronag e is solicited. (29tf) CITY ND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress ioans arranged. Parkhill © & Field, Barristers, etc, Alger Blos. Phone 1614, ° (49tf) Help Wanted--Male WANTED --SALESMAN WITH experience to sell for mining syn- dicate which has proved a first class selling proposition. Phone 2214, (47b) Bought and Sold NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought and sold. All orders receive prompt attention. Phone 1030. M. Collis, 8 Church St. (Aug 20-1 mo) For Exchange WANTED--FARMS IN EX- change for Oshawa houses, Disney opposite Post Office, (44t1) TO RENT -- THREE ROOM apartment, Newly decorated. Elec- tric stove, heat and water contin- ued and one office on Church St to rent, reasonable. Apply 26 Church St. or Brown's Taxi, Prince St. (46¢) FOR RENT FURNISHED apartment with modern conveni- ences, newly decorated, in private home near Collegiate, Specially suitable for married couple, teach- ers or ladies wanting home ac- commodation. For particulars write 388 Masson St,, or call be- tween four and six. (46c) FURNISHED "HOME TO RENT for month of Sept. - Spacious grounds. 318 Kingston Rd. west. (46¢) SEALED TENDERS addressed to the un- dersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Breakwater Reconstruction, Whitby, Ontar- io," will be received until 12 o'cl noon (daylight saving), Friday, September 6, 1929, for the Reconstruction of 506 feet of the sup- erstructure ot the South Breakwater at Whit- by, Ontario County, Ontario, Plans and form of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender ob- tained at this Department, at the offices of the District Engi s, Equity Buildi To- ronto, Ont.,, Toronto Builders Exchange & Construction Industries, 1104 Bay Street, To- ronto, Ont., and at the Post Office, at Whit- by, Ont. Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accord, wit! diti contain ed_ therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank pay- able to' the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, Bonds of the Dominion ol Canada, or bonds of the Canadian National Railway Company will also be accepted as security, or bonds and a cheque if required to make up an odd amount. Note.--Blue prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an accepted che- que for the sum of $10.00, payable to the or. der of the Minister of Public Works, which will be returned if the intending bidder sub. mit a regular bid. y order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 20, 1929, EXTENSION OF TIME NOTICE is hereby given that the time for the reception of tenders for dredging at Oshawa, Ont., is extended to Tuesday, Sep- tember 3, 1929. By order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary Pets and Live Stock COLLIE DOG FOR SALE, 9 months old. F. Catton, R.R. No. 1. 920 r 1-2, N. Oshawa, (46¢c) Second Hand Dealer SECOND HAND DEALBR, FUR: niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor St. Bast. Phone 1617M. tf) LIONW.A, MET WITH KEDRON Meeting Held at Home of Mrs. E. Davis--Near Accident for Zion Man Zion, Aug. 24.--The Women's Association of Zion was pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Ed. Davis of Kedron by the Wo- men's Association of that church. Mrs. Hancock, president, opened the meeting, which was held on the lawn, by all singing a hymn, and prayer, The usual business over, Mrs, Fice, (Zion President), made a few remarks and called on Mrs, Arthur Stainton, convenor of the program which was as follows: solos, Mrs, Thos. Martin, Mrs, Fred Langmaid, Mrs, Nichol; vocal duet, Mrs, Langmaid and Mrs. Nichol; piano solos, Miss Annie McMaster, who also gave the story of her selections; readings, Miss Ruth Fice, Miss Bernice Arnott, and Mrs, J. W .Balson, A vote of thanks was extended to the Zion 'Ladies, for the splendid program. A sumptuous supper was served by the Kedron ladies and was very much enjoyed, after which the Kedron ladies were given a hearty vote of thanks and a real hand clap for the splendid afternoon, and to Mrs, Davis for her hospital- ity. About 30 of Zion Ladies at- tended. Mrs. Alex Wannan of Oshawa is staying with her sister, Mrs. Her- bert Flintoff, Miss Allie Wood, Mr, and Mrs. Russel Robbins and baby, Ruth, spent Sunday in Orono, guests ot the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wood. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Langmaid and Miss Evelyn, Mr, Percy Cush- ing and Mrs, Langmaid's father, Mr. Thos. Hall of Columbus, at- tended the horse show at Cobourg. Mr. Everett Gifford and Mr. John Balson attended the apple demonstration near Newcastle, Sat., Aug, 17, on the farm of Mr. Gibson, Mrs. John Balson and daugh- ters, Marion and Jean, accompdin- ied Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Hager- man and daughters, Meda and Ina, and Mrs. Richards of Osh- awa, to visit Mr, and Mrs. Horatio Hills at Tyrone recently, Mr. Anson Balson has returned from Warkworth, He also exhibit- ed Mr. Curtis' sheep at Napanee Fair, Mrs, Percy Langmaid and Ber- nice, Oshawa, Mrs. Harry Allin of Bowmanville visited at the home of Russel Robbins this past week. Miss Annie Harbron of Clare- mont is visiting ner sister, Mrs. Ball, Mr, and Mrs. Ball and family and granddaughter, Velma Balson spent Sunday at Claremont. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stainton and family, Toronto, were guests of the former's brother, Mr, Arthur Stain- ton on Wednesday. Nearly all Zion football fans attended the Bowmanville vs. En- niskillen game at Solina last Wed- nesday night when thers was no score. Master Gerald Balson is visiting his sisters in Oshawa for a few days. Mrs, Jas. Stainton,K is staying with her sister, Miss Mabel Lan- der in Oshawa. What might have been a serious accident occurred to Mr. Wesley Glaspel Wednesday night when he got under the binder to fix some- thing and the horses backed up, and cut his head and bruised his leg and arm. When asked how he escapd serious injury he said he rolled as the horses backed. Mr. Tracy Glaspel has gone to the exhibition at Columbus, Ohio, with his sheep. Mr, Russel Robbins {s exhibiting sheep at the C.N.E., Toronto. Mrs. Peter Element has gone to Michigan, to meet her husband there, as he is a steel bridge builder and is transferred often. They were formerly in Ohio. The School Fair for this section is Sept. 23. Let all the children try and take some exhibits to bring honor to the school. Mr. S. G. Chant has rented his farm to Mr. Hardy of Lindsay for Aive years and expects to move to Toronto shortly, where he has a positiin in the milk and cream pro- ducers offices. The cabbies were having their sandwiches ' at lunch time, and talking about the forthcoming elec- tion. "But," said the first, "theres one thing about you, Albert, wot I have always thought was rather odd." "0," said his friend. "Yus," continued the other. "You allus touches yer 'orse up on the right side. Why don't you give 'im one on the left side now an again for a change?" "I dunno," replied his friend. "But it don't matter much, any- way. As long as I get one side agoin' the other's pretty sure ter Department of Public Works, Ottawa Augues 26. 1020 foller!" SOLINA C.G.LT. HELD MEETING Solina, Aug. 20.--The C.G.LT. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. S. E. Werry on Monday. The devotional subject was ably dealt with by Mrs, John Baker. A read- ing by Miss E. Tink and Miss Mur- iel Baker gave a piano solo. Mrs. A. J. Reynolds gave an interesting talk to the girls on "Choosing a Vacation." Mrs. Werry served lunch at this juncture and the girls spent a social half hour. The meeting closed with Taps, The meeting of the Sons of Tem- perance was held in the hall at Solina with a good attendance. Af- ter the business, a program of or- gan solos, readings and a commun- ity sing song was enjoyed. A gosraphy match closed the meet- ng. Mr. Groves of Raglan was a guest at Mr. T, Baker's on Thurs- ay. ' Miss Kathleen Cook of Port Perry was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. Howsom, for a week. Mr. Joe - Johnston, Ashburn, visited Mr. J. Baker. The football game at Solina on Wednesday right was a good game but the teams could not score a goal for either Bowman- ville or Enniskillen much as the crowd would liked to have seen the schedule finished up at th's time. Another game will be played on Saturday night on the same field. Misses Jessie and Norma Yel- lowlees are visiting in Toronto. Master Billy Stewart, Toron'o, was visiting Master Neil Yellow- lees and Miss Norma Boag, Toron- to, with Miss Grace Yellowlees. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pascoe and Gordon are at Kitchener. Misses Vera Baker, Betty and Mildred Snowden are at Mrs. Tay- lor's, and Mrs. Hogarth's, Hamp- ton. Messrs. Nest, Oshawa, Hardy. Mr. Arnott VanNest was in Port Perry, visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. White, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney and Jim Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reynolds, Toronto, guests of J. W. Reynolds. Master Allan Wilbur is spending a few days with Mr, Isaac Chav- man, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor and Bruce are visiting friends in West- crn, Ontario. Mr, and Oshawa, Baker, Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catherines, spent a few days with her aunt, ~ rs, A. I.. Pascoe. Mrs, M.. H. Staples and family Orono; Miss E. Penfound, Toron- to; Mr, and Mrs, Allan Penfound. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, -T. B. Pen- found, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle, Mr, Garnet Ric':ard, Shaws, has returned to his home after visiting his cousins, Maurice and Tom Baker. Mrs. Thos, Baker is. visiting at Mrs, L. C. Snowden's, Maple Grove and in Oshawa with friends. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Howsam spent Sunday' with Mr, and Mrs. Williams and Miss Dorothy and Mr. and "Mrs. Cook, Kathleen. Betty and Jack, DIort Perry, at Cream of Barley Camp, Bowman- ville, Several from here attended the Rotary Carnival at Bowmanville on Tuesday night and voted it a grand success, both financially and in attendance, Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees, Donald and Grace were in Toronto where Master Donald ha. his tonsils re- moved. He is recovering from same, Mr. Yellowless went to ' o- ronto on Sunday ana brought them home. Master Tom Baker has been holidaying with his cousin Bobuy Snowden, Maple Grove. Messrs. Russel and Charles Nay- lor, U.S.A., and Mr. and Mrs, Har- vey Crossman and Irene of"Kedron spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. C. D, Pascoe. Messrs, Hilton and Bruce Tink are visiting friends in Hastings. Mr. Sam Reynolds, Windsor, was a recent guest of Mr. A, J, Rey- nolds. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds and Ruth spent few days with Mrs. Somerville at Cherrywood. Mr. and Mrs. R, White and Mr. and Mrs A. Whitnel and Jim, To- ronto, are visiting J. W.. Reynolds. Miss Helen Baker is spending a few days at the home of W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Bowmanville. Mrs. Ernest Webber, Mr. Graat and Miss Gertrude Webber, Coi- umbus are visiting at the home of H, E. Tinks. Jesse and Norman Van visited Mr.. Harvey Mrs. were Elmer Gibson, guests of Mr, T. DISNEY-COTT AMBULANCE B7 Celina St. Phone srvom drawing card for the fans of the|C MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS FOR PORT PERRY Port Perry, Aug. 21.--Port Per- ry High School Middle School ex- amination results are as follows: -- Dorothy Balfour--Eng. comp. C; Eng. Lit., II; Can. Hist., 1I Harley Balfour--Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit., C; Can. Hist, III; Agric., ist. C. Robert Brown--Alg., I; IL. Helen Carter--Eng. Comp., III; Eng. Lit.,, C; Anc. Hist, II; Geom., 111;. Lat. Auth. II; Agric, 1st. U, Grace Cawker--Agric,, 1st. IS Agric, 2nd. I. Isobel Cawker--Can. Hist, I} Alg. II; Agric, 1st. C; Agric., Znd. Cc Geom, Frances Christy--Can. Hist, C;' Ane. Hist.,, II; Alg., C; Agrie., 1st. C; Agric., 2nd. C. John Clarke--Anc. Hist.,, C. Bert Collacutt--Eng. Lit, Cj! Alg., III; Geom., III; Agric, 1st. Annie Farmer--Agric., 2nd. H. Inez Fralick--Eng. Comp., IIIY Eng. Lit., C; Anc. Hist., I; Lat. A., II; Agric., 2nd. II. William Grant--aAgric., 1st. III; Agrie., 2nd. I. Tom Harris--Eng. Comp., Cj Eng. Lit.,, C; Alg., II; Geom. C; Agric., 1st, C. Gilbert Innes--Eng. Comp., III} Eng. Lit.,, C; Can. Hist.,, I; Geom., C; Agrie., 1st. C. Thora Kaufman--Eng. Comp, C; Eng. Lit., III; Anc. Hist, I; Alg., III; Agric, 1st. C. Ruby Lee--Agric.,, 2nd. I. Edwin Mitchell--Eng. Lit., C; Lat. Auth., C; Lat. Comp., C; Fr. Comp., III : Marjory Mitchell--Eng. Comp., II; Eng. Lit., C; Can. Hist., II; Geom., III; Agric., 1st. C. Lillian Murphy--Eng. Comp.; Eng. Lit, C Hist., Geom., Agric. 1st, (granted on medical certificate). Doris Murray--Alg., C; Lat. Au., II; Agrie., 2nd. IIT. Dorothea Nasmith--Can. Hist., I: Alp, 1113 Agric, 1st. 111; Az- rie.,, 2nd. 1. Douglas Nasmith--Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist.,, II; Geom., C; Agnc., 1st. TIL. Irva Nott--Ane. Hist, I; Alg., C: lat. Auth., lI; Lat. Comp, I; Agrie., 1st. C. Frances Raines--Eng. Comp., C; Can. Hist., III; Agric., 1st..C. Lloyd Rundle--Can. Hist., C; Lat. Comp., C; Fr. Comp., C. . Beverley Smallman--Eng. Comp. III; Eng. Lit.,, C; Geom., III; Agric. 1st., C; Agric, 2nd. II. Esther Turner--Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit., III; Can. Hist., II. Arnot Van Nest--Eng. Comp., II; Eng. Lit., C; Can. Hist., II; Alg. I; Agric, 1st. III; Agric., 2nd. IL Helen = Vickery--Can. Hist., I: Lat. Auth, I; Fr. Auth, I; Fr. Comp., I; Agric, 2nd. II. Mary Walker--Geom., II; Agric. 1st. I; Agric., 2nd. I. Ivan Wallace--Agric., 1st., C; Agric., 2nd. I. Making highways forty feet wide wouldn't change things much. Busses would expand to thirty- eight feet.--Sault Dally Star. Sometimes talk is cheap. Some- times it isn't. Often a little of it costs a man a lot of money.--King- ston Whig-Standard. -------- Statesmen are men who plan carefully to avert a war the people never would dream of if there were no statesmen.--Montreal Star. HOUSE TO RENT 569 MASSON ST. 6 rooms, modern--All oak floors, Large lot with nice sh , garage driveway. Fixtures, shades, screens, storm and screen doors. Cup wi be left in. Reduced to $40.00 month, PHONE 907 WANTED House around $4000 to $5000. Clear Lot to be ac- cepted as 1st paymnt. LYCETT, Phone 295 Money Loaned ON Automobiles Ten-Minute Service _All dealings confidential. Pay while you are driving. G. R. HOLDEN Motor Loans & Discount Ltd. 143% King St. E. Phone 2700 REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J BROWN THE JEWELER Officia, Watch Insp 10 Ring St, W. tor for C Railroads dian National and Oshawa Phone 18Y