Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Aug 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22,1929 ooo Fur-Bearing 'Anitnals Found ' > T 'mice about this year?" This is not i conversational opening; it is @ new scientific question, The fur- rapper in Northern Canada and the farmer all the world over are Wally interested y is it that in some years = plague of mice or voles suddenly appears; whereas in other years is hardly a vole to be seen? Why can a fur-trader buy hundreds of arctic fox and pelts one sea- son, and search in vain for a doz- on the next? Science has found a partial an swer, which reads like a fairy story. The sudden swarms of ro- dents which appear are not just haphazard affairs, but of a de- finite cycle, an ebb and flow of fer- tility almost as regular as the tides. There are two different kinds of cycle: One of 10 to 11 years for larger animals such as the red fox and lynx, and one of 3% to 4 years for field-mice, voles, lemmings and * other smaller animals. The Hudson's Bay Company has been working on the problem for some time. Its records go back to 18265, and so it can get ample data as to yearly receipts of skins to plot graphs for the various fur ani. mals. The regularity of these curves is remarkable. Like Temperature Chart They look like a temperature chart of a fever patient who wakes up normal but feels like a furnace by tHe evening, or like a child's idea of a mountain range. Lynx skins, for instance, show a regular 10-year periodicity. Taking an av- erage of the peak years on the graph, the company bought 50,000 skins; but in years midway be- tween the 10-year peaks, the aver- age was only 5,000 skins. The lemming has a regular cycle of three and one-half to four years. The remarkabe fact is that the cy- cles in such widely separated coun- tries as Canada, Greenland and Scandinavia are almost the same. This seems to show that there is some world-wide plan controlling all these fluctuations. The ebb and flow of the lemming cycle is most marked in Scandinavia, where it was noticed as long ago as Eliza- bethan times, and there was a story that lemmings fell from the sky during rainstorms. Every four PICNIC AUGUST 24th, 1929 PORT PERRY Under Auspices Loyal Orange Lodges * Orange Benevolent Associations and Orange Young Britons County of Ontario South PLENTY OF FUN Bring along your basket and come and join us, G. GILLESPIE County Master, A) i dh, (> St ig Serial eh LA ap1tog Nertainin ont NOW PLAYING "The Studio 'Murder Mystery" ALSO-- Oshawa's Famous Mystery Man will appear in person Fluctuate in © London.--*Have you séen mauy|years or so, the lemmings, vag ; in the answer. | Even Cycles dwell in the mountains, set downhill on a huge migration. Nu- thing stops them, If they meach and the gs" are wien their furry corpses; whil more perish from epidemics on the way. The University of Oxford is a far cry from northern Canada; but as these cycles occur all over the wn Charles Elton, who has been study- ing the fluctuations for the Hud- years, is in charge. The work is of much importance to agriculture and forestry in several parts of the Empire (particularly Canada and the Empire Marketing Board has recently madé a grant to the De- partment of Zoology to extend the inquiry. An intelligence service throughout the been formed. It alresdy numbers over 1,000 members, who observe fluctuations in the numbers of squirrels, fleld-voles. and rabbits, the occurrence of disease, and so on, and return information to head- quarters. Mice Control Foxes "Paddle your own cance" has never, apparently, been a motto ap- proved of by Naturé, Whatever an animal does affects somebody else. Thus one animal's cycle influences another's, and there are a number of cycles, which rise and fall to- gether in an intricate pattern. For instance, the arctic fox eats mice and lemmings. In years of great mouse density the fox waxes fat on millions of mice, and, as his wire finds that the housekeeping fs prac- tically done for her, s0 to speak, she is free to devote all her atten- tion to producing and rearing her litters. Foxes consequently increase too, and the peak of their graph lags a year or two behind that of the mice, 4 As the scientists have it, the mouse cycle controls that of the fox. There is an unpleasant time coming for the - foxes, however, when the mice die off,. nearly al- ways owing to a fierce epidemic, which spreads ike wildfire because of overcrowded conditions in tne mouse world--and when there are plenty of foxes but few mice then many foxes die off from starvation and disease and their cycle also starts to decline. This is not the end of the story. There is a link between 'mice and ptarmigan; the same natural ene- mies prey upon both.. When mice abound, these enemies have mice for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the ptarmigan are left more or less to their own devices, so that they increase in numbers, and so are indirectly controlled by the mice. i "House That Jack Buit' What is the connection between the horse and rabbit? There is a chain of cycles linking them up, too rather like the old rhyme--"The House that Jack Built." The snow- shoe rabbit, with a 10-year cycle, is preyed on by wolves; the wolves get mange; the wolves prey on stock; and the horses get mange. This chain of events has been not- ed in the Rockies. Sometimes animal cycles, instead of running parallel, work in oppo- site directions, like a see-saw. Muskrags, for instance, like water, and plenty of it, consequently in wet years they abound. Rabbits, like cats and others, abhor water; and their cycle is exactly opposite to that of the maskrat, so that when there are many muskrats there is a dearth of rabbits. This fact provides a clue to a solution of the main problem: namely, cli- mate is probably at the bottom of the whole mystery and there is pos- sibly some large-scale climatic cy- cle which controls the fluctuations Raises Rugged Children - the sea they swim out and drown, millions world, from Siberia to Saskatche- wan, it matters little where the in- | quiry makes its headquarters, and | the work is now centred there. Mr. son's Bay Company for several Great Britain), and for this reason | COFFEE EDAL PRODUC ives Coffee Flavour British Isles has | Selected coffees . . scientifically blend- ed . . give Gold Medal its captivat- ing flavour. 70 GoLD MEDAL COFFEE "You'll dyink it again' of animals. Furthere research on meteorology, it is thought, will throw light on the whole question. There is, scientists say, no evidence at all to point to any mysterious cyele in the fertility of animals, and the ebb and flow must, there- fore, be due to weather influences. Other causes have been suggested, as, for instance, a vitamin cycle in plants, which is believed to contro: the breeding powers of rabbits. Ex- periments are now in progress at Oxford to follow up this theory. Cash Value When scientists know more about the cause, they may be able to tackle the problems of control. A knowledge of the periodicity of wild life, and of its causes is bouna to be of use in the making of prop. er conservation laws for fur-bear- ing animals like the muskrat, the lynx, and the marten, as well ag po- ing of great importanep in the more directly commercial gide of Canada's fur-trade. On the other side of the picture is the destruction wrought by mice and voles, which might equally be checked. A plague of field-mice in Scotland in the last century caused great losses among sheep through starvation owing to damaged pas- tures; in 1907 Nevada, U. S. A., suffered from an influx of mice which destroyed three-quarters of the alfalfa acreage of the State; and 'California, Australia and oth- er countries have suffered severely from the same causes. Althougn voles nearly always perish from an epidemic after peak years, no one has yet located the bug which does the damage. If it could be tracked down scientists might be able inoculate the voles and so check the rise of the cycle by bringing on a premature epidemic. GLOBE STILL PUBLISHES (Brantford Expositor) Seven subscribers to the To- ronto Globe made the public and concerted announcement that they would cease taking the paper be- cause it had done something or other 'which disagreed with their views This idea that the '"'Stop my paper' edict spreads consternation in journalistic circles dies hard with some people. oh fA EI SR MANY KINDS (Pearsons) "Do you keep powder here?" asked the city young lady at the village stores. "Yes, madam," said the shop- keeper. "Washing, baking, custard, plate, face, tooth, insect and gun!' uf 'As Big as Himself Fine Sport on French River } i fs tp 5 i" i i Be i agi ia ik Hi WOMEN KNOCKED DOWN IN NIGHT * CLUB RAI There is an exciting night club raid scene in "Come Across," the Universal picture which opens at the New Martin Theatre to-night. Scores of extras mill around fighting, and knocking over tables and chairs. Lina Basquette, who has the leading role, is knocked down and trampled in the rush. When the big scene was rehears- ed a large blond girl in the fore- ground sat through the riot un- moved. . In the excitement no one could shout loud enough to cause her to get out of the door and participate in the panic. "Ig that the way you would act during a police raid?" asked Di- rector Ray Taylor afterward. "Gosh, I got so interested in the scene that I forgot all about act- ing," the girl replied, Included in the cast of "Come Across," which is a drama of so- jety and criminals, are Reed Howes Flora Finch, Craufurd Kent, Gus- tave von Seyffertitz and Clarissa Selwynne. Peter Milne did the ad- aptation wil- from a story 'by diam Dudley Pelley. CHURCHILL GIVEN OVATION IN REGINA Former Chancellor of Ex- chequer Recalls Visit 30 Years Ago Regina, Aug. 22.--Rt. Hon. Win- ston Churchill, former chancellor of the exchequer, was accorded a tremendous ovation as he rose to address the luncheon guests of the Regina Canadian club yesterday. Repeated applause punctuated his masterly. discourse on imperial problems, and he dealt at length with world peace, disarmament, colonial status, Anglo-American re- lations, and the Egyptian situation. At the outset he recalled his visit to Manitoba 30 years ago, and then alluded half-humorously to the fact that the electors of Britain had at least given him an oppor- tunity to enjoy a "period of rest." "The British nation in 1929 is more numerous, more prosperous, more healthy and more active than it has been in any period of its history," declared Mr. Churchill. "We are making provision to pay our debt in a way no country in the world is doing." . Another statement on the finan- cial situation of Great Britain with | Getting Skinnier Every Day which he dealt was the fact that Britain has more than regained her status as a creditor nation and that today the £4,000,000,000 of foreign investments which Britain had at the outset of the war were exceeded. '"'We are today tne world's greatest creditor nation," he asserted. LONGEST MILK TRAIN LEAVES FOR PRAIRIES Aylmer, Aug. 22,--Seven hum- dred and fifty thousand cows work- ing in high gear for one whole day could contribute just enough milk to make up a shipment which leit Aylmer, Ont., on a special Canadian National railways' freight yestes- day for the west, Product of an Aylmer milk eva- porating company, it was the larg- est shipment of its kind ever to leave any point in Canada aud made up a train consisting of 20 cars, There were 11,880 cases con- taining 700,000 cans and weigning 353 tons in the eonsignmient which is destined fn the main to grace the tables of farm homes during the harvest season. It required 1, 500,000 pounds of fresh milk to A. vol ot £ ns in This Great Community Sale for: Friday & Saturday Selling Japanese Silk Crepe {7 Baby Shoes, in pink or 25¢ One Hundred Infants' Sample Knitted Jackets White - Turkis! Regular $1.95 to $2.95. a . ig $1.00 | generous . . Size. . and blue. Pair Each ...0.00. good heavy quality. 7 : ak A At his Price Wo US | -- limit ing Susiomer to bg Sn th sell Is Sometimes We Are. only 20 dozen, Able to Pick Up Unusual Values In Handkerchiefs This is one of those ofca- sions, and we know they will sell like hot cakes. One Hundred Boxes Finest Em- broidered Irish Linen and Lawn Handkerchiefs 8 handkerchiefs in a box. Regularly sold at 85c. 2 Boxes for A most .exceptional value you must admit when yom see their " Fine Clean "Fac- tory Cofton -- A Full Yard Wide 17c yard "Can't make any mis- take about buying a few yards of this, for its a * cotton that is free from specks and filling, and the saving is very apparent. Large Rag Mats With Stencilled Ends Another lot of those very attractive looking mats that we are able to offer you from time to time at such a very moderate price. Size 27 x 54 inches. Com- munity Sale EXTRA! Women's Beauti- ful Lace Trimmed Silknit Nightgowns $1.49 Each Irish Embroidered Linen Guest Towels for A year ago if we ask- ed yon $2.95 for this $1.00 ---- stitched ends. Very RAG MATS attractively em Lid : ed in pl Aion Size 24 x 48 inches 15 x 22 inches. Not One hundred only 49 more than 4 to a cus to sell. Each .... Cc tomer. quality, you would have 'been perfectly satisfied. We mention this just to let yom know how exceptional the value is. We were fortunate in getting a ten dozen lot and we pass them along to you at less than maker's cost. All colors. All sizes. 25¢ each Bought for less than half the regular mill Whitt linen make up this shipment. The pro- fbed: "I'm afraid you must find duct has a value of $65,000. Visitor, to occupant of hospital know!" Mistress: "Was your last place the days very wearisome here?" |a good one, Janet?" Patient: "Not always; we don't Servant (after deliberation): have visitors every day, You | "Well, ma'am, I used not to think so!" [Fs TE) W/E EE EF) E/E FACTORY -10-YOU SALE PRICE ,BOTH FOR 35c Tin Lavender Talcum Powder GIVEN AWAY With each purchase of a 50c tube of Mentholated Cool sensation after shaving Many Added Attractions Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. in the FACTORY -TO-YOU-SALE AT THE REXALL DRUG STORE HOUSEHOLD NEEDS EVERY PIECE GUARANTEED At Factory-to-you Sale Prices | Beef, Iron & Wine, Riker's, 16 oz. 79¢ Riker"s' Healing Qil vee 29¢ Riker's Laxative: Bromide of Quin- ine Tablets . ssesnisinss 190: » Riker's Olive Oil, 16 oz. ...... doneis Riker's Hydrogen Peroxide, 4 oz. Riker's Hydrogen Peroxide, 8 oz. Riker's Hydrogen Peroxide, 16 oz. 39¢- Peptona, Riker's, 16 oz ................ 79¢ EASTMAN-MADE Hawkeye Cameras Anyone can operate these cam- eras which take real good pic- tures. Size 214 x 34. Regular Price $1.25. Special Phe F-R-E-E To every purchaser of goods at the Rexall Stores Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be given FREE "A 25¢ Aladdin Knife Sharpener A few strokes from Aladdin and any knife takes on a keen edge-- Be sure you get yours-- FREE _Riker's Regulators Riker's White Liniment Riker's Seidlitz Powders .... _ Special Water Bottle -- . Roxbury Attachment Set ... Roxbury Ladies' Syringe .. Kantleek Atomizer Z. O. Plaster, | in. x 214 yds. White and Flesh .........ccceet we. 2Be Z. O. Plaster | in. x 5 yds. White and Flesh .......... ERR. Baby Pants, Champagne, . Medium and Large ..... writers i Jar Rings, Heavy .......... Sweet Pickle Mixture .... Saacharine, dram Parkes' Catsup Flavour Dill Pickle Mixture . Pickling Supplies Price's Compound .....ccoeesseasinens 25¢ A.B. S. &C. TABLETS 19¢ 50¢c FRENCH 25¢ PEROXIDE 1§¢c 50c ROSE FACE Rexall Shaving Sticks . Lorie Loose Powder Vanity Pentagon Single Compact .......... "Cara Nome Face Powder, : Trial Size .............. Siri: S58 Opt Odors Perfume ..........: Paradis Soap .............us Riker's Lilac Vegetal .... Klenzo Dandruff Remover ........ Something Must Be Done and Done Ri ight Now--Quick Parkes' Pickle Mixture ............ 1 Sealing Wax, tin .........cooresnene Tens of thousands of thin, run- . down men--yes, and women too-- And Spices of Every Sort -- are getting discouraged--are giv- - ing up all hope of ever being able to take on flesh and look healthy and strong. All such people can stop worry- ing and start to smile and enjoy life right now for McCoy's Cod Liv- er Extract Tablets are putting flesh on hosts of skinny folks in all pars of the world every day. x One woman, tired, weak and dis- couraged, gained 15 pounds in five weeks and now feels fine. And this shows what faith the makers have in McCoy's for they say; if any thin person don't gain at least 5 pounds in 30 days your money will be refunded--and only 60 cents for 60 tablets--Economy Size--$1.00. Ask for them at Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W. h. Karn, or any drug store. POWDER Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste Large ....oesvres . P. & S. Soap, square cake, 4 for 25¢ Riker's Emulsified Cocoanut Qil .. 29¢ Ilasol, large .............. eis insikiyparss BALM Boe pe Save With Safety at Jury & Lovell KING EAST SIMCOE SOUTH PHONE 68 . Russian Of course the little fellow in the picture trying to hold this ten- pound steelhead trout, did not do ° much towards catching him. It took his father 45 minutes to land this fighter which was taken with a black gnat on the Stamp River, Vancouver Island on a July morning. July, August and Sep- tember are the best months and the river is located in the Alberni district on the west coast of Van- couver Island, about 140 miles from Victoria, easily reachable by Canadian Pacific Railwav. | EAGLE BRAND BABY BOOKS FREE The Borden Co. Limited, 140 St. Paul St. W., Montreal, Dept. A. Please send me, free, Eagle Brand Baby Welfare ! Book and The Best Baby. - ~ we

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