Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Aug 1929, p. 1

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Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City VOL. 5--NO. 37 "News in Brief : TETTVPVETYVTY Vandals Wreck Plumbing Witidsor.--Plumbing accessories being installed in a new apartment house at College and McKay av- enues were badly wrecked by van- dals last night A. D. Belair, plumb- ing contractor, reported to. police. Slayer of Wife Shot Dead Hope, Ark.--Charles Martin, former inmate of the State Hos- _ pital for Nervous Diseases, who es- 'caped . after shooting his wife to death here Saturday night, was . killed in a battle with a sheriff's posse of ten men who surrounded . him in the woods several miles from here yesterday. Fatality Renfrew.--Duncan McLaren, 24, was instantly killed yesterday om his father's farm near. here when a shotgun he was carrying dis- charged as he crawled through a fence. Relatives of the victim found the body shortly after. the accident occurred. The coroner de- cided an inquest unnecessary. Cup Racer's Speed London.--The Mail yesterday says that the monoplane 8-5, which won the Schneider Cup race in 1927, covered the three miles be- tween Calshot and Southampton yesterday in 36 seconds. The plane later reached an estimated speed of 330 miles an hour. It was piloted by Lieutenant Stainforth. % * Hurricane Overturns Homes Rutland, Vt.--Cottages were ov- erturned and other buildings dam- aged by a hurricane which swept a path of 25 miles from Lake Bo- moseen to Middlebury yesterday. Thousands of dollars' damage was done and fear was felt for the safe- ly of boating parties which had betn on the lake. * w * Home Oil Negotiations Winnipeg.--The proposed merg- er of the Home Oil Corporation and the Calgary and Edmonton Cor- poration was considered at a di- rectors' meeting of the C.K. or- ganization here yesterday, but no decision was reached, according. to a statement issued here last even- ing. * * * po to Men Sent d Milton.--In Police Magistrate Barr's court yesterday, John Nich- olson and William Bullock, of Tor- onto, were found guilty of having robbed the Pine Cove garage, own- ed by A. E. Brown, on July 24 last. Nicholson was #§entenced to two months in the county jail here, and Bullock to one month. » * * First Inquest of Year Windsor.--Windsor's first 1n- quest of the year is set for Friday night, when the death last Sunday night of 9-year-old Ethel Stewart is to be investigated. The girl was struck by an automobile in charge of R. J. Jewell. Jewell has been charged by police with reck- less driving, and is at liberty on $2,000 bail . * ¢- -- Recovers 108th Body Niagara Falls, N.Y.--~The body of a man was taken from tne whirlpool of the rapids on the Canadian side of the Niagara Riv- er at noon yesterday by William (Red) Hill, riverman. The body was the 108th Falls victim that Hill has recovered. Authorities be- lieve the body may be that ot Uhas. Tuttle, Buffalo, who went over the American Falls, Aug. 5. * * * Yaht Continued Journey Port Hope.--S:. Welsh, T, J. M- Mahon and Charles McMahon, wno went up the lake late Monday af- ternoon to aid a United States yacht which was reported in trou- ble, returned after making a thor- ough search of the area in which the ship was said to be. It was their belief that the yacht's crew had effected repairs and had con- tinued their trip. I JE Romney's "Blue Boy" Sold New York.----Purchase by an un- named Long Island collector of & Romney portrait, known as "The Romney Blue Boy," was announc- ed yesterday by Harold Louis Eh- rich, art dealer. Mr. Ehrich rec- ently purchased the painting in England. The name of the pur- chaser was withheld at his reyuest, as was also the price, believed to be between $250,000 and $300,000. Chicago Desperado Taken Chicago.--Willie (Baby Face) Doody, gunman, mail robber and terror of the west side bad lands, who shot his way to freedom so Sften that it became a habit, and who boasted he never would be taken alive, was captured yester- day without the firing of a single shot. Two witnesses identified Doody, police reported, as the lead- er of the gang which held up an II- linois Central train and slew an aged guard last week, within the _eity limits. WEATHER An area of low pressure centred over Northern Ontario has caus- ed local thunder showers in the region of the Great Lakes. Local showers have also occurred in the west maritimes while else- where the weather has been fair. It has been quite cool in Mani- toba and a little warmer in Sas- | katchewan and Alberta. Pressure is high over the Middle Western States. Forecasts: Lower Lake region . and Georgian Bay: Northern On- tario: Fresh to strong northwest winds; mostly cloudy with a few scatte! showers; becoming cooler. _ Thursday--Fresh north. wast winds, fair. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1929 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy. TWELVE PAGES IN LAKE ERIE Powers C0-PILOT IS MISSING WHEN PLANE FOUND Passengers and Chief Pilot Picked up by Passing Steamers--Search for lost Flier : WAS LAST SEEN SWIMMING IN WATER Plan Crashed Thirty Minutes After Leaving Detroit -- Turned over and Sank Ra- pidly. (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Windsor, Ont., Aug. 14--Search i$ being made in Lake Erie for John Kasper, co-pilot - of the Thompson aeronautical corporation amphibian plane the "Miss Detroit" which fell into the lake near the southeast shoals, four miles from Pelee island late yesterday. The flying boat carried four per- sons when it left Cleveland for De- troit at five o'clock yesterday after- noon. Cy Caldwell, the pilot and Mrs. Robetr Little of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a passenger were rescued by' the crew of the freighter, Midland King and have been taken on to Buffalo. A. Lupolo, engineer of the Wright aeronautical corporation 'of Paterson, N.J., was taken aboard the steamer Deanmark of the Great Lakes steamship and brought into Detroit, Kasper. was last seen swimming. in a life preserver but the rescue p 7 5 lost "track of him die to the dark. ness, it was reportéd at Detroit. Officers of the M. A, Hanna) frieghtier Quiney Shaw, bound for Cleveland stood by for several hours last night at the scene of the mis- hap, searching for possible survivors. A. Thompson, emergency aeroplane; (Continued on Page 5) SCHOOLGIRLS AND MAYOR ARRESTED IN SPEAKEASY RAIDS Two Persons Taken in Clean- up of Alleged Liquor And Vice Ring Hammond, Ind, Aug. 14--Girls of school age, a mayor, a police chief and men and women operators of scores of speakeasies were among the 200 persons arrested last night and early today as federal prohibition agents mopped up an alleged liquor and vice ring. By on o'clock this morning 165 persons had been arrested in east Chicago and Indiana harbor, the two cities against which the agents con- centrated their drive. Mayor Raleigh P. Hale of east Chicago and his chief of police, James E. Regan, were among the first arrested. Nick Sudovich, catalogued as a lieutenant of scarface Al Capone and as one of the leads of liquor traffic in the Calumet district, also was seized, Mayor Hale and Chief Regan were charged with conspiracy and a simi- lar charge was made against Sudo- vich who was found in the cabinet he operates. Man and Girl Took Own Lives Definite Identification Has Been Established by Police .(By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 14--Police announced the definite identification of two bodies found today, one, a woman, floating in the river, the other, that of a man; discovered in the woodlands of a suburb. Both had committed suicide. Pierced through the chest by two bullets from a small calibre rifle, the ody of Private Frank Allen, of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, stationed at Tuxedo barracks, Win- nipeg, was found in the bush in the suburb of St. Vital. He had been missing since early in July. A bro- ther, R. Allen, resides at Kinselle, Sask. Miss J. Cantley ,50-year-old. depart- mental store clerk, disappeared from her home Sunday night. Today her line Tokyo, this morning, ena, | wounded 3. horses, ed the populace. Are Likely to Reach Agreement at T to police effect With a whirlwind move, involving mounted police, motor- cycle constables, detectives and ordinary uniformed officers, the lly demonstrated, in Queen's Park last night, its attitude toward local communism. During the skirm- ing operations. Communists Routed, Spectators Suffer as Police Sweep Queen's Park CONSTABLES, MOUNTED AND ON FOOT, SWING BATONS, FIST AND FEET ENCOUNTER WITH SOVIET SYMPATHIZERS ish, which affected spectators as well, seven persons were ar- rested, while many suffered from blows and kicks passed dur- The photographs here show: (1) communist on the ground after being roughly treated during the melee, near bandstand. (2) arrest of Peter Last, one-eyed veteran who resented being shoved about. He was later! released. (3) John MacDonald, leader of the Communist party in Canada, being pushed out of the park and (4) MacDonald and party encountering police Eight Die When Plane Crashes Worst Accident in History of Japanese Military Aviation (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Tokyo, Aug. 14.--The most dis- astrous accident in the history of Japanese military aviation occur- red near Tachikawa airfield, near resulting in the deaths of eight men, four of them general staff officers. A new 'bombing plane in which the officers had started an inspec- tion trip crashed from 900 feet, and all eight occupants of the plane met death. An investigation was ordered immediately but with no survivors the cause of the dis- aster is likely to remain a mystery. The bomber went out of control at- tempting to bank less than a miie from the take-off. The dead include Major General Tsunes Aburo, chief of operations cers and one non-commissioned of- the general staff, three junior offi- cer sand one non-commissioned of- ficer. ' Enraged Bull Kills Woman (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Valencia, 'Aug. 14.--A raging bull, intended for the Valencia Ar- fought. his way to freedom today, killed : one woman, and frighten- He finally was put in tow, however, and this even- ing awaited his turn against a ma- here body was found floating in the Red sive RY wh tador. b = Grim Sight On Highway Hamilton, Aug. 14,--A grim sight met the eyes of tourists on the Niagara to Hamilton highway this morning when they passed the outskirts of Grimsby. Swinging from a large cherry tree a few yards from the road was the body of Peter Stogryn, aged 38, a Uk- ranian farm hand. Yesterday Storgryn's fourteen- year-old son saw him polishing a large strap. It was this that he used to hang himself from the tree. He leaves a wife and family, TRIPLE DROWNING TRAGEDY AT PICNIC Three Young Girls Step into Deep Hole While Bathing (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Edmonton, Aug. 14.--Word of a triple drowning tragedy at a pie- nic at Hanna Beach on Buffalo Lake, near Botha, Alta., reached Edmonton yesterday. The victims were Margery Horton, 15; Fran- cis Horton, 14, and Edna Payne, 14. The three girls went to their deaths when they stepped into a deep hole while bathing. The Hor- ton girls were sisters. French Admiral Dies Paris.--Vice-Admiral = Jos. Fro- chot of the French Navy, who com- 'manded the French fleet combating the German submarine activities in the Adriatic' during the war, died at his home in Dolomites, district. \! nouncement of the meeting and the Police Battle Communists in Queen's Park Six Men and One Woman Were Arrested as a Result (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Ont, Aug. 14.--Mounted, dismounted and motorcycle police last night nipped a Communist meect- ing in Queen's Park in the bud. The police did not stand on ceremony. They asked no questions but used their fists, batons and feet freely. In the crowd of several thousand peo- ple in the park it was impossible to say how many were Communists but the great majority of them were or- dinary citizens enjoying a little fresh air on a fine summer evening and curious people attracted by the an- prospect of a scrap. The roadway surrounding the park was jammed with a line of motor cars three deep. The signal for vigorous action on the part of the police was the gath- ering of a little group in the east side of the park. In the centre was Jack Macdonald, leader of the Com- munist party in Canada. Several men and women were walking with him. They made no scene but were walk] ing quietly, : Suddenly the police in uniform who had been stationed about the band stand rushed in that "direction. Doz- ens of plain clothesmen, hitherto in- conspicuous in the crowd sprang into activity. Macdonald was singled out for spe- cial attention bv the police and, ac- cording to witnesses, was beaten and {Continued on Page 5), Bee Sting Causes Death Belleville, Ont., Aug. 1l4.-- John Brasher, this city, was stung on the hand by a bee while fish- ing yesterday. He flicked the in- sect off and thqught no more of the incident until a short time later when he felt severe pains in the arm and a rash broke out over his body. He died within an hour. The cause of death was given as apoplexy, contributed to by the sting of the bee. Dr. Alger, Stirl- ing, decided an inquest unneces- sary. AMERICAN BEATEN UP IN APARTMENT Scotland Yard Search For Assailant of Young Teacher (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Aug. 14.--England rec- ently aroused by the triple poison- ing of a prominent west end fam- ily diverted its attention today to the search by Scotland Yard ex- perts for the assailant of Philip Eaton, 27, wealthy young Ameri- can pedagogue. Eaton, understood to be the son of a Harvard professor, and identi- fied as teacher of the exclusive St. Mark's School for boys at South- boro, Mass., was found beaten, cut and badly battered in his fashion- able Mayfair apartment yesterday. Conditions of the sumptuously tur- nished apartment indicated a furi- ous struggle had taken place. He was on the hospital danger list today, with his condition ex- tremely critical and unchanged. ¢ Cheque Artists Work Kingston Two Banks Robbed of $500 Each by Bogus Cheques (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kingston, Ont., Aug. 14--Two local banks were fleeced out of $500 each, it was announged by police here this morning by bogus cheque artists, be- lieved to be two men and two women. They deposited certain small cheques and a small sum of money and then drew $500 from two banks, their cheques apparently being ace cepted without question. It is understood that the gang have points of been working - in other Ontario. Chatham Population 16,441 Chatham.--The population of Chatham has increased by 37 since a year ago, according to a state- ment by the city assessors.' The population of the city is 16,441. The total assessment is $13,984. 375, an increase of $451,661, as compared with last year. Poincare Leaves Clinic For Home (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Paris, Aug. 14.--Former Prem- jer Raymond Poincare today was removed from the clinic where was operated on two weeks ago, and taken to his home to await more complete recovery and a second and more serious operation about Sept. 15. His condition was described by his "physicians as "highly satisfac- Hague COMPROMISE IS OFFERED BY POWERS Conference again Adjourned in order to Allow Negotia+ tions to proceed Between Delegations on Question of Deliveries and Annu- ities. BRITAIN DEMANDS BIGGER PAYMENTS Possibility of Withdrawing Troops from Germany be< fore Christmas is Discuss- ed--Tension Relieved by Latest Events (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) The Hague, Aug. 14--The financial committee of the conference in ses= sion here to consider the Young plan today adjourned to Saturday afe ter listening to Louis Loucheury France, and Premier Venizelosy Greece, discourse on deliveries in kind as part payment of German repara< tions, An official communique said ad« journment was taken 'in order to give the delegations a chance to continue negotiations begun on deliveries and annuities." It was hoped generally the two oo 34 Teal deal Snowden, British" Ci * Exchequer, and the French delega+ tion to discover a common ground for negotiations looking to reconciliation of their national viewpoints, Mr. Snowden has said the Young plan is not acceptable to Great Bri« tain except in revised form which would allow his government a great er percentage of German reparations. Making rapid progress 'in privaig (Continued on Page 5) NINE SMUGGLED ALIENS ARRESTED BY 1.5. PATROLMEN Caught in Act of Being Lan« ded on American Shore (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Niagara Falls, N.Y., Aug. 14.-- An alleged alien smuggler was captured, two others escaped and nine aliens were arrested by United States immigration border patrol- men under Captain Stuart McDon- nell between this city and Lewis ton early today. The alleged alien runner said he was Frank Mussilio, 23, this city. According to Captain McDonnell, he and his men lay. in wait on the lower river bank while the outboard motored craft made two trips from the Canadian shore about a quarter of a mile aboye the Queenston power house of ths Ontario Hydro-Electric Commis- sion and landed the aliens. The crossing at that point, where the current is very swift, is consider- ed exceedingly hazardous. As the last of the aliens left the boat as it landed on its second trip, the patrolmen rushed them. Two alien runners in the boat escaped by speeding back to Canada in their craft. Five of the aliens and Muzzilio, who met them on this side of the river, according to the federal men, were captured without difficulty. * Women Die In Auto Crash Mother May Die, Driver of Car is Seriously Injured Windsor, Ont, Aug. 14--Two young Hamtramck, Mich., women are dead, the mother of one is. dying and a -Kingsmanville man .is in a hospi tal jn a seriotts condition as the re< sult of an automobile collision near' Old Castle early today. The Ameri« cans were en route home from Shee nactady, N.Y. The dead are: Miss Marion Elizip« ski, 20, driver of one car who, died just as she was placed on the operat ing table at Hotel Dieu, and Miss Stella. Wzuzchouski, 21, who was killed instantly. Mrs. Pauline Eliz« inski is dying and Theodore Maxwell, Kingsville, driver of the other cant is in. a critical condition at the sama \ a LN \ tory" hospital + N

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