Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Aug 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 14, 1929 ..PAGE ELEVEN . Seller SECTION ; meets RA LL") ---- 2 Wi Legal ; CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Con- A eral practice of Law. a Smcos St, south, Oshawa. Phone G D. t, BA. LLB.; AF. Annis, BA. LLB. BBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Bublic,. Convey- to loan, ird floor reggie 0 Opposite Post new posite Pos Omer Bone oe" . E. N. BANK W. E N, SINCLAIR, KC, BANK of rce Building. (116-1 yr.) TEE ay ps 1] tog, Notary Cc, - . Money to loan. Office 14 King St East, Osfiwa. Phone iy N & C! ; N--BAR- G. cers, Notaries Pub- igh A Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St. Phone. 13. 4 Grierson, 7.0. %. K. Creighton, A, LOUIS 5. HI, MAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to lvan. 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Residence 8208W. PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR- risters, »tc. Money to Iran. Alger Bldg. Opposites Post Office. Phone 1614. A. J. Parkhill, A, C. H. Field. S, sAR- Sim- ey to (26tt) risters, Solicitors, etc. 24 coe St. N. Phone 3160. M Joan. Medical PR HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- I D SMITH, ONTAR- io. Land Surveyors and Civil Engin- eers, sub-divisions, i town Dlputing municipal engineers, 365 or 411 Kin St. E. Phones 2532) or 2544. (! 5 Auctioneer PHONE 716), W. J. SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, We can sell your odd pieces of furmi- ture and other articles at our yards 41 King St. W.. oshawa, Onterlo. SW, CLARK, AUCTIONBER, 25 years' experience, has opened an office at 520 Simcoe St. South. Your business solicited, Phone 2593M for particulars. (Aug. 9-1 mo) Insurance J DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, | see 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old- ect Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. (1186) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to 1 and your interests protected. INSURANCE--OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Of- fice 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-tf) = Transportation CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long distance hauling, Phone 3048 and 2392F, Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St. w. cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Sp references to materrity work and di- seases of women. Two years' post graduate experience, Office and resi- ence 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Broek) hone 303. ( os McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- Accoucher, Office and resi- wind King St. East, corner Victoria St. Oshawa. Phone 94. T BERRY, PHYSICIAN. Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases © infants. and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155, DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office Residence 161 2416. AVID ARCHER, M.D., C.M., L R. O. PF. and S. Bdinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Obstetric: fan. Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 8020, residence 161 King St. E. Phone 2155. (Dee. 31tf) DR. ALVIE BE. STEWART, SPE- cialist in surgery. Office 142 Sim- coe street North. Residen 166 coe, Street North. Residence 11 Brock St. H. Phone 3020. c. . & S. Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at- tention to maternity ork and dis- eases of children. Office and 'esid- ence, 185 Simcoe St. North. Phone 3107. A ef) Be a I TI Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist PR F. T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose a oat . Appointments may be made a Si py Phone 97. (49-11) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PE. B. F. RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6. Evenings by appointment, Office phone 26860. Residence. 432). (ote) : Dental 9am. to $ p. m. King 'East. Phone (tf) OSHAWA"S OLDEST BESTABLISH- ed furniture movers; Park Road cartage. Local and lcng distance. Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 Park Rd. South, Phone 215. (Aug. 15) AUTOMOBILES TO RENT. LATE models, by mile or trip. Enjoy your summer vacation motoring. Apply 82 King St. West, (Aug. 1-1mo) CARTAGE, COLEMAN'S, 85 BOND 'W. Phone 82. Furniture van and 6 trucks in charge of expert men. Furniture moving a specialty. Stor- age arranged. Beauty Parlors BETTY 1.00 PERMANENT WAVED Shoppe. Permanent wave $7.50 and $10. Automatic machine. 1 extra free finger wave. Phone 2968. : (88tf) EXPERT MARCELLING SY Betty Ward at Betly Lou Perman- ent Wave Shop. Marvel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2968. (34t0) WATSON"S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We specialize in ladies' hair cutting, marcelling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents, For appointments phone 2653. (Aug. 10) A HAWA H E and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Parl, Terms to suit you. Office 58 Simeon St N, FOR SALE--A NEW 8-ROOMED brick house. All modern conveni- ences; 5 minutes" walk north of Motors. A snap. Apply 84 Alice 3 ~8 FOR SALE -- FIVE ACRES, frame house, chicken coop. Kings- ton Road Bast, $4,000. Ideal loca- tion. One thousand cash. Apply Murdoch, 27 Warren BYEHR i ' (36-¢ FOR SALE -- FIVE-ROOMED brick bungalow; all conveniences, wired for electric stove; North end. Price $3,800. Phone 1538W. a 2 (36-c) Werk Wanted RE-UFHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save you money. Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 5957. (56tf) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents. It rental, supplied $1. Batteries re- paired. Stan Blidgon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W, (Aug. 10-1 mo.) Wanted to Buy Rates for Classified Ads. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad De. partment Articles For Sale WANTED--HOUSE IN CITY WITH all convenfencse, not over $4800 in price where owner will take one or two lots 8 down payment, Box 121 Times. (35¢c) Help Wanted--Male WANTED--FIRST CLASS LATHE hand, planer hand and milling machine hand. Apply Box 125 Times. (36¢c) BARBER WANTED FOR FRIDAY night and Saturdays. Apply 6 Rich- mond St. W. (37-a) Help Wanted--F emale WANTED AT ONCE--EXPERI- énced girl for stenography and gen- eral office work. 'Apply Box 13 Times. : (84 1 wk) LADY SHOE CLERK WANTED Experienced preferred. Apply Burns Shoe Co. (124tf) WOMAN WANTED FOR KIT- chen work. Apply Commercial Ho- tel, Oshawa, i Agents Wanted $25. PER WEEK MADE BY UUR Personal Christmas Greeting Card agents in their spare time, us. for particulars 'today. kegal Art Co,, 310 Spadina'Ave., Toronto. Position Wanted MARCEL AND CURL--EXPERT work done. 50c, Powder Puff Beauty Parlor, 7 Bond Street Past. Phone 3051. (104-tf) PARISIENNE BEAUTY PARLOR has now changed management. Marcel 60c; Friday and Saturday 75¢. Phone 71 Mrs. Allin & Miss Burton. (Aug. 7-1 mo.) WANTED -- GENERAL OFFICE work, full or part time. Box 88, Times. (36-b) Money tc Loan CITY /ND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress ioans arranged. Parkhill & Field, Barristers, etc. Alger Bids. Phone 1614. (4916) MARCEL AND CURL 35c. NOR- ma's Beauty Parlor, 220 Clarke street, Appointments phone 1818W. Aug, 13-1 mo) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS DPA- pothanger, painting and graining. rices right, work guaranteed. 3 Pine Ave. phone 3065w or 2067w. (72tf) OSHAWA PAINTERS--14 NAS- san St. Phone 1495W. Prices reas- onable, Call between 12 and 1 at noon and 6 and 7. July 9-Aug. 9) PR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-Ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1813. (41 yr) PR. FRED A. FLORA, DENTISL, 87 King street east. Alzer building. Phone 2860. Eveninzs by appoint- ment. (48t1) DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54. = LE ¥ UBBELL, I ENTIST, itrous qxid ©: n gas for extrac- Nay Office, Noval Bank Bldg. Phone 948, residence. 1378M. J. ¥." BROC DENTIST, 1§ Simcoe St. N.. cver Dewland's. Phone 1957. Resl. 292W. Evenings by appointment. (July 9} W. H. GIF , OFFICE Regent Theatre Bidg. Phone 1780. Residence 66-tf ANGMAID, AVILES, Dentists, 37 King St. BE. Special at- tention to gas extraction sna X- ray work. Nurse {no attendance. Phones 1243 and 864. (95tt) Vetermary Surgeon Building Supplies FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, stone and black loam, $1.60 a yd. For ' quality' and service 'phones Essery Bros. 332 ring 11, (tf) CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE: To {insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date. W. Borrowdale. Phone 1618. (78-1) Lost and Found LOST--BROWN BRIEF CASE. Finder please return to 89 Bond St. W. Phone 1819J. Reward. (36¢) LOST AT LAKE ON SATURDAY, August 10, foulder containing $80 40 {and chauffeur"s license. Liberal re- ward paid if returned to owner, Harry Rudka, 612 Albert St. (36-d) [OST--BOY'S SLICKER, GREEN coat from band stand at G.M.C. pic- nic. Finder please return 294 Haig St. (36h) LOST--SUIT CASE BETWEEN Gibbons street and Whitby, Finder please leave at 155 Gibbon St. Phone 2803W. Reward. (36D) Write | FOR SALE--ELECTRIC RANGE, good condition, cheap for quick sale, Apply 31 Elgin St, E. MIXED 0 iD HARD AND SOFT WOOD slaba, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wocd. Waterous-Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr. 26tf) FOR EALYE--HEINTZMAN (CO. Lid, pianos: new and used pianos, also radios, latest models; terws arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 15567. (111-tf) FACTORY OR OFFICE CLOCK for sale at very reasonable price. Splendid running order, Apply Oshawa Dally Times. (tr) For Rent Hemstitching FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- ern suites; including electric refrig- eration, stove, laundry, conveni- ences, etc.; continuous hot water supplied. Apply Supt. phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co. Ltd., manager for owner, Toronto. A (27-tf) FOR RENT--SIX ROOM BUNGA- low with garage, All conveniences. Apply 76 Kenneth Ave., or phone 13957, (35¢c) SIX ROO HOU Ti ENT. All conveniences, Wired for elec- tric stove, Newly decorated. 230 Eulalie Ave. . (36¢c) TO RENT--MODERN _SIX-ROOM- ed house, 110 McLaughlin Blvd. Apply for key, 112 McLaughlin Blvd. (36-c) |FOR RENT -- SIX ROOMED house. Apply 81 John street. ' (35¢) APARTMENTS TO RENT Modern conveniences, $40 and up. Apply Jury & Lovell. (36-tf) TO RENT--2 LIGHT HOUSE- keeping rooms; all conveniences. Phone 1911W., or call at 237 John St. (36-c) THREE ROOM DOWNSTAIR FLAT completely furnished. Light. Tele- phone, water, no bath, Phone 308s; 36¢c) FOR RENT----SMALL MODERN apartment. Low rental, Apply Apt. 2. 39 Simcoe St. North, after 7.30 p.m. (36c) TO RENT-- THREE ROOMED furnished apartments. All conveni- ences, private entrance, lights and ply 97 Colborne St. Bast, _ (37c) TO RENT -- TWO ROOMED apartment. All conveniences. Ap- ply 88 Bond St. West. Phone 2208 (37c MODERN SIX ROOMED HOUSE for rent, Rent reasonable to good tenants. Apply 312 Leslie avenue. y Phone 2729F. (37b) FURNISHED ROOMS. TO RENT. 278 Albert St. Phone 2625W, (37d) MOTOR FOR SALE--5b HORSE power, 60 cycle, 650 velt. Excel- tent condition, Apply Mr, Alloway, | Times Office. (6tf) OUTBOARD MOTOR: 6H.P., § speeds, used only 1 week. P, O. Box 64, Oshawa. (34-tf) FOR SALE HEINTZMAN square piano, in good condition. Some cash and will exchange for good Ford touring or sedan. Phong 2840F, (3b¢c) FOR RENT--BATHROOM FLAT, two furnished rooms, gas and use of phone. 294 Haig street. ( (37¢) | FOR RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE. (All conveniences. Wired for elec- tric stove at 234 Division St. Ap- ply 97 Celina St. (37a) TO RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms, suit young married couple. Apply 644 Summerville Ave. (37-¢) {FOR SALE--WINDSOR . VICTRO- la and records. Apply 42 William Street East. (36-b) FOR SALE--NINE PIECE DIN- ing room suite, like new. ' Cheap. Apply 140 Oshawa Blvd., or phone (2576, (36¢c) Pets and Live Stock FOR SALE--TWO FARM HORSES also small cream separator. Cheap for cash. Phone 723 r 4. (37h) Board and Room Wanted FOR SALE--OAK OFFICE DESK. G. E, Fleming, 126 Alma St. Phone 2358W. (37-c) WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD for elderly lady. Phone 402W. FOR SALE--SUPER "X" MOTOR- cycle, cheap. Phone 1420m. or 344 French St. (37-¢) BIG SALE OF FURNITURE-- and new felt mat- regular 20 at steel springs tresses, all sizes, $10.50. Camp beds, child's cribs with mew mattresses $5. Sliding couches, side boards, buffets, ex- tention tables, dressers, wash stands, baby buggies, and go- carts, hall racks, refrigerators, laundry stove one Oxford range in good order with wafer front at a bargain $14. Parlor set $10. Din- ing chairs in sets and rockers, Morris chairs, carpets and rugs. Big bargains at this sale. 17 Prince street, (37c) Second Hand Dealer SECOND HAND DBALBR. FUR: niture bought and sold. 186 Rloor St. East. Phone 1617M (11) Pumping Outfit FOUND -- FERRETT. OWNER may have same by paying for ad. and. proving property. Apply Geo. H. Wright, 23 Gladstone Ave. Phone 1057TW. (37-a) LOST--A BABY'S STROLLER BE- tween picnic grounds amd Cedar- dale on Saturday afternoon. Apply 200 St. Julien St. (37h) ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL 7TEA- cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To~ ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. Oshawa, Wednesday, 93 Simcoe St. North. * Phone 2754F. (129-tf) Contracting CONTRACTING -- CONCRETE lastering, electric or alterations. hone 139 for estimates (13tf) "Room and buard ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE OR two gentlemen or business girls. 78 Albert street. Phone 2862, (36c) DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629. (56t) Architects HOUSE -- GENERAL floor. 1496. (8-tf) QS architectural work. Second Bank Building. Phone Res. phone 909). ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE OR two gentlemen, 301 Albert St. Phone 1757J. (37¢) Motor Cars FOR SALE--FORD COUPE IN good condition. Sacrifice for cash. Call at 89 Yonge St. (86¢c) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR. RENT--STORE, and six roomed dwelling, with all conveniences, garage. Apply 31 El- gin St. E, Phone 1686J, (2Ctt) OR SALE OR --NEW roomed brick veneer house. All conveniences. Phone 1909W; ae (36tf) FOR SALE OR RENT AT 15% AL- ice St., six-roomed house. Apply James Watson, R.R. No. 1, Qebawa. : (37 Automobile Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping and welding. Snappy Battery service charzing and repairing. 107 AS- st. 8, (66tr) ON, Simcoe OMSON soclate architects, Over Felt Bros. Jad King [JUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. Bast. Ambulance, Residence, 642 jimcoe street north. Phones 210J and 210W. DISNET-COTT FUNERAL ROM 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Brace street. Ambuisase. Plone 1082. 196-1) Watch Repairing F A VON GUNTEN, EXPERI Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at Fh Kiug Street West, Your pat xonage ia solicite - (296) Dressmeking All kinds of dressmaking and al- terations at reasonable prices. Ap- ply 21 Rowe St. Phone 1347M. (31-tf) Boarders Wanted ONE OR TWO BOARDERS wanted. Private home. A Apply 98 Alice St. Phone 1388M. (36¢) Radio Service RADIO SERVICE AND REPAIRS, tubes and sets tested, batteries re- charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied $1. Batteries re- paired at moderate. prices. Char: les Wales. Phone 1046J. (Aug, 23) FOR SALE OR RENT--FOUR room cottage, Light and water in. Windsor St., off Wilson Road. For particulars apply 389 Wind- sor street. (87¢) Building Materials CUT PRICES DURING JULY AND August. Bargain Circular now ready offers Fir Doors $2.98; glazed House Sash '$1.35; Barn Sash glazed 78c; Heavy Coated Corrugated Metal Roofing $5.55. Asphalt Shingles $5.25; Slate Roofing $298; Oak Flooring Se. Hovse Paint 68¢c -quart; Insulating Board half inch $43.00, thousand feet. Wall: Board $2830 thousand. Ready Cut "Garages only $2500 down; Pumping ine with Jack $49. Bargains in Plumbing goods; Metal Siding, Pumps, Sinks, Roof Coating, Metal Ceiling, Garage Doors, Com- bination Doors, etc. Write for free circular, Halliday Company, 14 Halli- day Ruilding. Hamilton. Ont. GASOLINE PUMPING . ENGINE with Pump Jack under Fifty Dol- lars, Greatest Bargain ever. July and August only. Circular free. Halliday Company, 14 Hmliday Buildfng, Hamilton, Ont. For Rent APARTMENT TO LET--FACING on Simcoe St. 3 rooms and bath. semi-furnished. ' Central. Apply Bradley Bros. office. (142tf) SEVEN ROOM NEW HOUSE FOR rent. All conveniences. Hardwood floors throughout, near General Mo- tors office. Apply 91 Ritson Road north. (Aug. 20) TO. RAONT--PRIVATE OFFICE with waiting room and services of stenographer. Apply Parkhill & Field, Alger Bldg. 37 King St. E. Oshawa, Ont. Phone 1614 (20tf) TO RENT--HOUSE ON THE GOR- ner 'of Division and Colborne Sts. Apply L. Hancock. Phone 1827r 23. (25-tf) TO RENT--TWO SIX ROOMED houses. All conveniences on Huron street, Apply 215 Eulalie Ave, (29tf) TO RENT--6 ROOMED MODERN double house, newly decorated. 171 Church St. On paved street and near main streets. Apply F, E, Hal- litt, Real Estate, Phone 3254. (351) FOR RENT--TWO LARGE FRONT rooms, furnished or unfurnished; suit couple or refined gentleman; very central. 263 Simcoe St. South, (36-¢). FURNISHED TWO ROOMS WITH private conveniences. A clean new attractive ground floor front apt. Very central, 96 Centre St. (35¢) a a ea a am 'TO RENT--NEW BRICK HOUSE. All conveniences. 4 rooms. Kit- chennette, '3 garages. Clean house. 135 Albert St. (36¢) STORE TO ENT--COMMER- cial Hotel building, King street west. (36¢) | power is what you have if you resist the temptation to play ball at the picpic.--Brandon Sun. FOR RENT--SIX-ROOMED house, $20 per month. Apply Box 126, Times, (37-b), Steel and brass beds complete with | (37-¢) ! Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT--THREE UN- furnished rooms. Apply Mr. Steele, 59 'Greta Street. (87-b) nished rooms by young couple. No children. Box 128 Times. (37a) WANTED TO RENT FOR OCTO- ber 1, seven or eight roomed house with modern conveniences, in good residential location, Would like to lease by year. Apply to Box 127 Times office. (374) Shoe Repairing YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH your shoes when they are fixed at Minko"s, 92 Simcoe streét north. tAug. 9-1 mo) Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TO SUPPLY St. See Disney. posite P.O. Auction Sale AUCTION SALE--HAVING RE- ceived instructions from Mr. Foshay to sell at 174 Arthur St. on Fri- day, Aug. 16th at 1.30 p.m. sharp, the following furniture all in first class ~ condition: 1 chesterfield suite, 1 dining room table, 6 din- ing room chairs, 2 small. tables, 5 kitchen chairs, 1 extension table, kitchen cabinet, Quebec cook stove, apartment cupboard, veranda chairs, 6 beds complete, 1 bed couch, 5 dressers, 1 washstand, linoleum, oflcloth, dishes, electric light fixtures. Other things too numerous to mention. Terms cash. W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer. (87h) NOTICE Sheriff's sale of lands, County of Ontario. To Wit: On Saturday, the 31st. day of August, A.D. 1929, at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, I will offer for sale by Public auc- tion, at my office in the Court House, in the Town of Whitby, all the right, title and interest of the Defendant in the under-mentioned lands and tenements, seized by me under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the First Division Court of the County of On- tario, and to me directed in which J. P. Drayton is the Plaintiff, and Mike Kawala is the Defendant. 'The said Lands and Tenements be- ing composed of Lot 1, Plan 258, on the east side of Ritson Road, South, in the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, on which lot is situated a five-roomed Bun- galow. J. F. PAXTON, Sheriff County of Ontario. Sheriff's Office 4 Whitby, May 7th. 1929. (37h) water included, Use of phone. Ap-| NINE 'CENTS A YARD. WHOLE pleated Skirts One Dollar, panels from sixty-five cents, Buttonholes, covered buttons, all kinds of fancy work, smocking, alterations, etc. Mrs. Dell, 26% Simcoe south. Phone 1656. (Aug. 13-1 mo) ARABS GHEER WILD WEST HEROES BUT USE WOODEN PLANE Contrasts in Visiting An- cient Palestine Toronto, Aug. 13.--' East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet," rhymed Rud- yard Kipling. But there is a curious border- land, where east intermingles with west; where the customs of each have fused to form customs strang- er than either and the times of 3,- 000 years ago drift through a world of modern speed. Sunday Canon Cody, rector of St. Paul's Church, returned to his pulpit. His arrival in Toronto com- pleted a journey that took him through the capitals of Europe, in- to the outlying boroughs of Eng- land, to the shores of the Medi- terranean and down through the wheat fields of Pales- tine. And the latter was the most interesting part of his journey. The modern communities of Jews are introducing the customs and inventions of the west. Their introduction, however, has created a vivid contrast which grips the vigitor to the holy land who 1indas WANTED TO RENT--TWO FUR-| himself peculiarly an outsider look- ing in. {| The Palestine of the Bible still {lives. Dark-skinned Arabs in flow- ing robes careen through the city streets in American-made motor cars and laugh and weep with the wild west hero or flappers of an- other hemisphere. Yet in the quiet corners of the market places and in the shadows of the age-old walls, the Palestine of 3,000 years ago exists. "It 4s a curious mingling of the modern and the very old," said Canon Cody. "I passed fields In which modern threshing machines { were working. These were in the } modern Jewish centres. Then a few i short miles along the road I would hear the tramp of oxen walking round and round the threshing floor, trampling the sheaves as they did 30 centuries ago. "The Arab farmers, numerically the largest group in Palestine, still use the wooden plow," continued Canon Cody. "I watched them slowly plodding across their fields, one hand on the wooden plow that is sharpened at one end, and the other hand on the ox goad. A little further along modern . reapers, plows and harrows would be seen. "] was particularly impresseu by the new modern univeristy in Jeru- salem, which is dealing scientific- ally with the problems of industry and agriculture. It evidences one of the most interesting phases of the new Palestine; the desire of the Jews to bring their country in- to the world with other nations. Jews migrating from other coun- tries have brought all the languag- es of the world, so in order to have a common speech they are re- viving the old classical Hebrew." Attends House of Commons While in England Canon wvody and put on new roof at 82 Royal!attended the last day of the ses- Phone 1550. Op-! sion of the new Labor government. During that afternoon he heard in- troduced the question that is be- fore the eyes of the world at pres- ent: the problem of amending the Young debt payment plan. "Lloyd Goerge introduced the subject," said Canon Cody. ' "He gave a very clear analysis of the plan and pointed out eertain un- fairnesses as he saw them as far as Great Britain was concerned. He showed how France and Italy each had much to gain through the clauses which gave them greater payments under unconditional clauses. Britain, he sald, was to receive her payments on certain conditional clauses by which pay- ments could bé held over for two years if Germany found herself un- able to make payment. "Thus, Lloyd George pointed out, Britain's payments would be problematical, and he called such a condition unfair discrimination. It-was unique to then hear Mr. Snowden rise and strongly support Mr. Lloyd George's speech and state that, on behalf of the govern- ment, he could say that the 'limit of concession had been reached.' " "Then the whole press of Great Britain, including thé Conservative papers, rose in support of Mr. Snowden it seemed., The general attitude throughout the country apparently was strongly in support of his stand. No Conservative member spoke in the house when he and Mr. Lloyd George discuss- ed the question. "I think the general feeling is that his points are well'taken," de- clared Canon Cody. "The impres- sion is that 'Snowden is putting up a strong case for Great Britain. I was on the ocean when he announc- ed his stand in the conference, but WANTED House with store front where owner will take good Who could blame a golfing girl plo abandoning her stockings when she gets a hole in one?--Montreal Star, house in exchange. LYCETT 25 Kipg E. Phone 295 J Canon Cody Found Strange I retained my memory of the unique position of Mr. Lloyd George taking such a strong stand and the government through Mr. Snowden agreeing with him." .One of the biggest problems fac- ing the British people and British industry, stated Canon Cody at the present time is the strike among the cotton mill workers of Lanca- shire. The government, he said, has called an enquiry and the situ- ation has become serious. The feeling throughout the country fis that the government will be able to deal with the crisis satisfactorily and hope is being entertained that the employers and employees will be able to come to some arrange- ment that will end the deadlock. "The big problem is that Eng- land is losing part of the trade to France under the present situa- tion," stated Canon Cody. "It is feared that if cotton orders are lost now they will not be regained, which will place the entire indus- try in a serious condition. Al- ready a considerable portion of the British business has gone to France and it is hoped by the public that something will be done to allevi- ate the condition before it is too late." "I think, however, that the lead- ers of industry and the government are keenly alive to the situation and that everything is being done that will bring about a settlement," he added. BILLIONS OF HOURS WASTED ANNUALLY French Housewives Awak- ened to Needless Sacri- fice of Time REFORMS MOOTED Modern Construction and Methods Will Be Adopted Paris, Aug. 13.--Ten million house- wives in France lose each year 7,- 300,000,000 hours in useless work about their homes. To end this toil it is, suggested that Frenchwomen experts in housing reform be called in to help the Government in the great new house-building scheme they have in hand. Mile. Paulette Bernege, President of the League of Household Organi- zation and hest known housing re- form authority in France, makes the proposition, which is particularly timely in view of the fact that the Government is supervising the con- struction of between 50,000 and 60,- 000 houses annually. Wants Washable Homes "The ten million homes through- out the country should all be con- demned," declares Mlle. Bernege, "not all at once, but gradually and they should be replaced by habita- tions which would end the hard la- bor, the fruitless toil to which house wives are now condemned in the pro- cess. of keeping their homes clean." What she urges most of all is the employment of materials in all parts of the house which are easily wash- able and kept clean. No more brass door-knobs -- they are more artistic and convenient in glass; the elimina- tion of awkward corners in rooms; bathrooms with hard rubber floors; doors without any carving or por- truding joints; kitchens with slightly sloping floors and "scuppers" to drain off spilt water -- these are only a few of the ideas which Mlle, Ber- nege would employ in her ideal home Corners and jutting out portions of wall are the bane of the housewife's life, this expert says, sincne they are responsible for collecting dust and are' always being marked by the broom when attempts are made to clean them. Adieu to Parquet The parquet flooing which is a fea- ture of every French home is like- wise condemned on the score that dust easily collects in the interstices and a hard composition perhaps in solid, unpliable rubber is advocated as substitute. This would eliminate the time and expense of polishing the wood work. Compared with United States homes most French houses are half a cen- tury behind in labor saving devices. The proposal is put forward in other quarters that perhaps an internation- al women's labor saving congress might be held at which United States ideas could be imparted, whereafter French women could then assist the Government in construct- ing these millions of ideal homes. RUSSIANS KILLED ON SOVIET Si White "Bandits" Backed by Chinese Are Blamed by Moscow INVASION ALLEGED Attempt to Cross Frontier Frustrated by Russian Forces Moscow, U.S.S.R., Aug. 14.--The official Tass agency last night de- clared that Russians on Soviet soil have been killed and wounded by "white Russians" supported by Chinese troops of the Manchurian forces. It was said that attacks had been dispersed "by deter mined actions by our troops." The statement read: 'From the very beginning of the Chinese Eastern railway conflict and with the direct co-operation of Chinese troops, white guards have system- atically fired at our outposts and on the civilian population. "In recent days there have been registered at a number of points several of our killed and wound- ed. Insolent white bandits and Chinese units, not contented with mere firing, attempted at places to cross the boundary line. In the vicinity of Blagoveschensk, the mouth of the Sungari and Lake Chanka white guards supported by Chinese troops attacked our fron- tier guards, The attacking parties were dispersed by determined ac- tiong by our troops." A Rengo news agency dispatch from Manchuli, Manchuria, relayed from Tokyo yesterday said that 30 Russian cavalrymen had crossed the river Argun and located a Chinese village. The agency report- ed that a Soviet foreign legion had been ordered nearer the Man- churian border. The day before reports from the same source were that the Soviet government had threatened to send nine gun-boats up the Amul river to Harbin if the dispute was _not settled by next Thursday and also told of clashes between the Russian and Chinese outposts. TO SEEK RELEASE OF LOUIS SINGER W. F. O'Connor, K. C., deals in Detail With Sand- wich "Disclosures" Toronto, Aug, 14.--John W, Bruce, general organizer of the International Plumbers' and Steam- fitters' Union in Canada, left last night for Ottawa where he intendg ta urge the federal cabinet on be- half of the union to release Louis Singer, K.C., from the Don jail. Mr. Bruce, who was in Vancouver when Singer was arrested, took the first train from the west to reach the city in an effort to pro- cure Singer's release. In an interview yesterday Mr. Bruce contended that when a union had an agreement with an organi- gation such as the A.B.C., better working conditions were secured. He defended the organization of the employers under the Trades Unions Act of 1872. While in Ottawa, he will confer with Tom Moore, president of the Trades and Labor Congress, in re- gard to the attitude taken by that body towards registration of, em- ployers under the Trades Union Act, Mr. Bruce said. Louis Singer begins his fourteenth day of in- carceration this morning. The question is expected to pre- cipitate much discussion at the an- nual convention in St. John, N.B, Aug, 26. It was pointed out last night by James Simpson, vice- president, that the Congress as a whole has not yet considered. the registration of employers, but the . executive body will suggest that such registrations as the A.B.C. be opposed. . The chemists are doing pretty well, but the world still is waiting for a good plant killer than can tell a weed from an onion or zinnia.--In- dianapolis News, . Money Loaned All dealings confidential, Pay while you are driving. G. R. HOLDEN Motor Loans & Discount Ltd. 1436 King St. BE, Phone 2790 REPAIRING 10 King St. W, WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshawa' Railroads Phone 180

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