THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1929 i / omen "Social amd Personal r MF, and Mrs, Geo. Alchin have su sim Sr Botte to Montreal and Ottawa. * 0% * Miss Norah Mundy, Simcoe Lr dotth 1a Siting Miss Hath- rind Luke a : Hh ; uskoka Assen y, atl wal aw iH large number of friends gath- recently at the home of Miss Olive 'B. French, 73 John streer, » to Bive . a miscellaneous iin honor of the bride-to-be, Miss Stacey. A very pleas- ant evening was spent, a mock wedding 'being the feature of en- tertainment, Miss Stacey received a Jat ge umber of pretty and use- ful gi ts. oo Fp y FR * * * Chief of Police 0. D, Friend and Mrs, Friend are leaving today to spend their Yacation at Rice Lake. * * Mr. Eugene Gorman of Oshawa hag just returned from a very en- Joyadle trip to Orillia. * * » Rev, W. P. and Mrs, Fletcher and family have gone to Robert- son's Inn, Baysville, Ont. v=" 'Miss Ethyl Schoffield, Simcoe street south has returned after a t up the Great Lakes. LB Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hall of Phil- adelphia, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, 8, Brooks, Courtice, Ontario. : * * * Miss Mona Morrow of Winnipeg was a guest on Thursday of her aunt 'and uncle, Miss Victoria and John Morrow at Courtice. * * * Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Phillips and son, Athol street east, are spend- ing two weeks' vacation at Fergus, Ontario. The Dr, will return to business on the 26th of this month, * * w Miss Eleanor McLaughlin "Park- wood" is attending the Sutton Horse Show which is held the 8, 9 and 10 of this month. x Mrs. McHardy, sister of Mr. A.R. Alloway, Simcoe street north, and her three daughters, Francis, Elea- nor, and Eva are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alloway. Mr. Alloway's mother, from Brampton is also visiting at the Alloways'. Weddings CRAIG--NEWMAN On Wednesday, August 6 at the parsonage of Rev. W. P. Fletcher, Centre street, Miss Sarah Annie Newman of Oshawa was quietly married to Mr. William Arthur Craig of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Craig will make their home in To- USHER--STACEY A very quiet 01d pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, Aug. 7th in the Simcoe Street United Church, when Miss Lois Stacey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stacey, 128 Arlington Ave., Osh- awa, became the bride of Mr. C. Stuart Usher, son of Mrs. Sara and the late John Usher of Colborne, Ontario. Rev, Mr. Davidson returned mis- sionary from India performed the ceremony, . The bride was given away by her father. She looked lovely in a pretty white crepe de chene gown trimmed with orange 'blossoms, a white hat and white shoes and hose. She carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses and lillies. The bridesmaid, Miss Lilly Phillips of Oshawa, wore pink crepe de chene and hat to match and carried pink roses and glad- folas. Mr, A. Bamley of Oshawa acted as best man, Miss A. Frank- ish played the Wedding March and during the signing of the register, Mrs. Wm. Lesy sang 'Because'. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. A dainty wedding supper was served on the lawn, and the happy pair left on the five o'clock train west for a short honeymoo® The bride travelled in a very Le- coming blue crepe de chene en- semble, . Helpful Hints Facts to Remember aboiit Salad There are three types of salad dressing in common use--French, may ise and boiled. Most of the others are simply variants of these foundations, French dressing is simply a mixture of oil, acid and seasonings thoroughly blended by beating. \ Mayonnaise is another uncooked dréssing. It contains the same ingre- dients as French dressing and in ad- dition, egg to give it body. Such dressing is rich and should be used sparingly. 4 Difficulty frequently arises in mak- ing mayonnaise because the ingredi- ents tend to separate instead of blending into a smooth thick dress- ing. If this curdling dots occur, there are various ways of remedying thc condition. The simplest is to take a very little cold water (not more than half a teaspoonful) and add it to the mixture drop by drop beating vigorously. A fork is found effective for beating a small quantity like tLis. A small amount of egg white may be, used instead of the water, The secret of making a good cook- ed dressing without having it curdle lies in having the acid and the foun- dation mixture both hot or Lnth cold when they are mixed. For delicate salads lemon juice is often preferred in place of vinegar in the dressing. To mayonnaise or boiled dressing an equal quantity of whipped cream may be added. Holland Cheese Dressing (For Green Salad) 4 tablespoons salad oil 1 teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons vinegar . 1 teaspoon Worchestershire sauce 14 cup grated Canadian cheese Mix ingredients in order given and stir thoroughly. ORDERS BURGLAR TO LEAVE HER HOUSE 'Woman Shows Thief to Door -- Man Takes to His " Heels Sydney, Australia, Aug. 9.-- How a woman ordered a burglar out of her home one night recently is related by the Sydney Sun. Forcing open a window and enter- ing the home of Joseph O'Riordan of Allison Road, Kensington, a burglar received a shock when a maid screamed and he met Mrs. O'Riordan in the passage. She or- dered him to leave the house, lead- ing the way to tho door to see that -he went, When she threw open the door the thief muttered something and ran away. Mr, O'Riordan, when the thief arrived, was preparing something for her husband, who was ill. "I was naturally surprised," she said, "but I was too busy at the moment attending to something of import- ance to he alarmed. It was with a feeling of annoyance that I or- deted him out of the house. He appeared a very subdued individ- ual". We are considering having nothing to do with the Chinese Russian dis- patches until they number the play- crs.--Detroit News. Lottie Pickford, the movie actress, has picked her third husband. Seem- ingly she has not been hand-picking them so far.--Lethbridge Herald, -- YOUNG MOTHERS RECOMMEND iT MRS. T. BARRITT Box 114, Asbestos Mines, Quebec suffered tried L: table . 4g I 1. V( Vege dia Ek. table \Y Ce IT ham r., Untarro, ( "After the birth of my sec- ond child I was always feelin; tired, nervous and weak, an had headaches, backaches and terrible pains every month. 1 two years before I dia E. Pinkham's Vege- mpound and .it was through the advice of my hus- band that I took it. I got four bottles at first and it did me a world of good. I recommend it ®o "every woman I know." Mrs. F. Barret. 2! |B Box 655, Fecal, Beidsh Cotumble. "After my baby was born I was very weak and run-down. I was not able to do any heavy work for about two months. My mother advised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- und and I started to take it. ou s have seen the change in me, } am now well and strong and in good spirits. I also take the Liver Pills and I find them a wonderful help for constipation." --Ms. James Robson. Pinkbam's Compound _--> a ar - --- ---------- Teg Je ---------- NN rr On <> Hon. Adelaide Biddulph, daugh- ter of Lord and Lady Biddulph, was married to Henry Vincent York, at - 's Interests in the St Margaret's, Westminster, re- cently. Photograph shows bride and groom leaving the church. DARLING OF MODE pically French in every detail. sister wears. the bodice. polka-dotted linen, soft brown linen, made at a remarkably small cost, cross-barred dimity, printed ham also appropriate. ferred). Wrap coin carefully. Magazine, lightful styles, sembles, and 'cute kiddies. designs The darling peplum frock the little folk of 2, 4, and 6 are wearing is ty- The long-waisted bodice has cap sleeves Peter Pan collar with a peplum at- tached at lower cre, just like older The brief box-plaited skirt that sways so prettily at each move of small wearer, is stitched to It combines plain jonquil yellow linen with yellow and white with piping in Style No. 576 : t is too cute for words fashioned of orchid organdie with white organdie collar and piping. Sprigged dilaity, awn chambray, cotton broadcloth in polka dots, pastel voile and checked ging- Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin pre- We suggest that when you send for this pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for a copy of our Fashion It's just filled with de- including smart en- for the HEALTH PROGRAM FOR CARE OF YOUNG Child Welfare Association Drew Up in Detail New Plan Montreal, Que., Aug. 9.--All children attending the University Settlement, of ages up to 18 years will come, under the broad health program drawn up in detail at a meeting recently of the Child Wel- fare Association and the settle- ment, of the plan was made some weeks ago when it was stated that the Junior Red Cross of Asbestos, Que., had undertaken to equip the health clinic and to contribute, each month towards its maintenance. Medical and nursing service will be supplied by the Financial Fed- eration and directed by the Child Welfare Association. The service will be divided into various groups: There will be a thorough health examination each week for older boys and girls, and also a series of popular health lectures for them given with the co-operation of the McGill Univer- sity authorities. A complete health examination will also be held in the kindergar- ten while the nurse in charge of the demonstration, Miss Mary 8S. Mathewson, will visit the smaller children's homes. For the kinder- garten children where there is dif- ficulty in establishing correct health habits such as eating and sleeping, Dr. A. B. Chandler, medl- cal director of the Child Welfare Association, will carry on a spec- ial development clinic. Miss Flora Stewart, of the Y.M.C.A. will as- sist Dr. Chandler giving special attention to individual cases. Miss Stewart will conduct group iIn- struction for mot"ers of Kinder- garten children at the University Settlement, For the group of school-chiid- ren who have lunch served to them at the settlement there will be special physical examinations and advice will be given the mothers most of whom work outside of their homes, on = planning their PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department, Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed find _ ceieierssnssssanssiess cents. Please send patterns listed below: sssesesnsssceee SIZE Lies seccnens To seesese BIZE suseensensases Name Address TOWR ccceceenscncannercensensnssnsasnnsanens Province Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap coin carefully. ssessee cess budgets so as to obtain the best returns in nourishing food for the money spent. ANNUAL OUTING OF SUNDAY SCHOOL Thornton's Corners Orgen- ization Holds Picnic at cigaret lighter. ington Post. oasis.--Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch. Local drug-store is set aflre by a Incredible !-Wash- That dry British embassy in Wash- ington is like unto a desert in am Hoskin's Grove Thornton's Corners, August 6.-- The annual Sunday school picnic was held last Saturday afternoon at Hoskin's Grove. The affair was "SEE THE Fashion Show, Aug. 17 - AT THE | FASHION SHOPPE lL SIMCOE 53.51 somewhat dampened by, a heavy rain late in the afternoon, which drove all the picnickers back to the Sunday school 'where a bounteous supper was served. As the evening was fine all had a splendid time at games and races on the Athletic grounds. Following is a list of the races and the winners:-- Girls and boys, 5 years and un- Preliminary announcement | the H New York reports that moire in mellow ivories, pinks, the new light blues and a few shades with a pale peach tint which have re- placed eggshell, remaining in high favor for evening wear, according to reports from several silk houses and 'satin-backed failles are the basis of the most successful ones and the patterings themselves are usually in antique or Rennaisance forms. / * Ld . Plain chiffon evewing dresses in vivid green, blue or red are trim- med with black lace or with net in new and striking ways in Paris and they share the favor with dresses of waxed and numerous flowered van -. Something quite new and that network models, LS Will be appreciated by the thought- ful hostess who entertains much at bridge and luncheon is a coat hanger which has attached to it a large black moire bag with a wide slit in the side, and the puest slips her coat upon the hanger and her gloves and bag etc., inside the bag, so that there is no danger of losing' any of her personal belong- ings. * * * Jersy and tweed hold their fav- ored position as fashion's favor- ites. Bottle greens, browns and black-and-white are the reiterated colorings for daytime, LJ - Wool velours and broadcloth share mention for afternoon mod- els, x » Chiffon scarfs of bold, hand- some patterns in color on a light or dark background make a strik- ing accent with an evening gown in a solid colpr matching that of the scarf thus used as a wrap. LJ * * Scarfs of length but not especial width are worn wound about the head and draped in soft evening turbans with a jeweled ornament catching the ends. * x There are two new ways to wear the evening scarf of chiffon. That of considerable length and width and of the shawl variety is knot- ted in the centre with two cape ends which cover the shoulders and gerve as a light wrap with a Spanish flare. » * LJ An interesting effect is gained in the treatment of furs, as in a black broadcloth wrap bordered with silver fox, with a narrower band of white ermine set just above the long-haired fur. der--1st, Audrey Pierson; 2na, George Jackson. Girls 8 years and under--Ist, Bernice Le Roy; 2nd, Greta Lick. Boys, 8 years and under.--1st, Walter Scott; 2nd, George Jackson. Girls, 14 years and under.--1st, Grace Pierson; 2nd, Pearl Scott. Boys, 14 years and under.--1st, Bobby Pierson; 2nd, Walter Scorer. Girls, 14 years and over.--1st, Florence Garrard. Boys, 14 years Harold Pascoe. Boot and shoe race (Leuta Pier- son's class)--1st, Grace Pierson. Pie race (Bill Pierson's and Frank Luke's classes)--1st, nNor- man Garrard. Ball throwing contest (open to girls)--1st, Mary Lindsay. Donkey race (Harold Lick's and Everett Jackson's classes)--1st, Norman Garrard and Chester Rob- inson. Three-legged race (older girls and boys)--1st, Louise Luke and Everett Jackson. Married men's race, 50 yards and over.--1st, Wm. Garrard. Get partner and run (Miss Tay- lor's and Frank Luke's classes)-- 1st, Bernice Le Roy and Walter Scott. ' Horse shoe contest, open to men --1st, Everett Jackson; 2nd, R. Mark. The sports were finished vy = peanut scramble for the children. Later all left for their homes a happy bunch despite the rain in the earlier part of the programme. Mr. Leonard Brash is away on a week's motor trip through north- ern Ontario. Little Master Allan Brash, of Oshawa, is staying for a week at the home of G. H. Robinson. Our girls journeyed out to Co- lumbus last week to play softball 3 came home the conquerors, 18- 4. Miss Annie Cole, of Toronto, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. James Preston, and family, last Thurs- day. Miss Jean Manning has returned to Oshawa after spending the past two weeks at the home of her sis-- ter, Mrs. Sam Preston. The many friends of Mr. James Preston will be glad to know that he is new able to leave his bed af- ter his serious accident last weer, when his horse ran away and threw him out onto the pavement. One leg and side were quite badly bruised and cut. It will be sever- al weeks before Mr. Preston will be fully recovered. The Rev. W. A. Horne, Mrs. Horne and children, of Gate City. Illinois, U.S.A., are the guests of Mr. Horne's sister, Mrs. W. A. Scott, and Mr. Scott, for the next two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bayley, of Toron- to, were holiday guests at the home of James Luke. Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Dean, Cecil Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jack- son, Gordon and Bernice Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Perryman and son, Billie, spent the week-end and holiday at Heeley Falls, north of Campbellford. Miss Marian Jackson is the guest for two weeks of her cousin, Miss Doris Annis, at Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lewmgton and family have returned from a and over, 1st, holiday in Ithica, N.Y. Mrs, Lew- ington's sister, Mrs. Reynolds, re- turning with them for a two weeks' visit here. Mrs. J. Elliott and Miss Edith have gone to Montreal for a two weeks' holiday. About eight or nine motor loads of our young people and a few of the older ones spent the holiday at Jackson's Point, Lake Simcoe. On Saturday Mr. Harold Pascoe and his Sunday school class motor- 'Fresh from ome -- and the Community The Women's Corner For Anythi of Interest to orem the Houseke SALADA has the finest flavour in the world and it costs only one-quarter of a cent a cup the gardens' ed to Belleville, the Sand Banks and other interesting places down East, The Ladies' Aid held their an- awa-on-the-Lake and all had an en- joyable afternoon. Mr. Walter Buss, of - Toronto, was home over the week-end and holiday. . Mrs. George Reynolds, baby son and Frances, of Courtice, were Tuesday visitors of Mrs. G. H. Rob- inson. Miss Frances Reynolds is remaining for a week's visit with Frances Robinson. Mrs. Thomas Shepherd is In To- ronto for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Walters, of Detroit, are geusts for a few days this week, of Mr. Walter's sis- ter, Mrs. Norman Buss, and Mr, Buss. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton and Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, of Seagrave, were recent guests at the home of W. R. Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and baby, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Le Roy and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pierson and family are camping near Hampton. nual picnic last Wednesday at Osh- MAPLE GROVE BRIEFS Maple Grove, Aug. 7.--Regular services were held here on Sunday afternoon with good attenuunce. In the absence of our pastor, Rev, J. H. Stainton, who is on his holi- days, Rev. Mr. Boyce took charge of the church service. Rev. H. W. Foley assisted in the service. A very pretty solo was sung by Mrs. Stainton. Mrs. D. H. Coates, Brantford, is visiting her brother, Mr. T. J. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, of Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents here. Mr. Arthur Corey recently spent a week with his cousin, Mr. No- ble Metcalf. -- Miss Maud Axford, Winnipeg, spent a couple of days last week with her uncle, Mr. Chas. Axford. Misses Annie and Susie Laird are holidaying at Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Munday, sr., Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey, Mr. Herb, Jeff- rey, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Munday, jr., Miss Greta and Mr. Elgin Mun- day and Miss Ida Stevens are visit- ing the former's sons, Messrs. Will 'land Steve Munday, Courtwright. A ono | FRE *10- PALMOLIVETSOAP, S. Pessl of Vienna and Budapest advises a simple way to skin beauty *I earnestly recommend to my clients that they use only Palme olive Soap because its gentle action leaves the skin in a healthy, smooth, normal condition which is the very foundation of a beaus tiful complexion." In gay Vienna, where the wo- men are enchanting; in romans tic Budapest on the Danube there is one name in beauty culture which has been recog- nized for over a hundred years =the name of Pessl! exclusive! ONSIEUR Pessl, of Vienna and Buds pest, has one favorite home treatment for keeping complexions youthful . ., s treatment based on twice-a-day use of Palm- olive Soap. And all the ists of Europe agree in *I.should naturally have been led, by m: knowledge of the 4 ion effects 3 3 and olive oils, to have invented a soap made beauty special: is with Pes! palm y from them," says S. Pessl. Today, in the celebrated shop across from the Opera in Vienna, S. Puss] carries on the tradition of the Pessl name. "As these oils are already combined in pram la use of yd Pess 's "foundation rea nent' b v chis: ve warm, misgge the warm rich lather of into the skin for 2 minutes--~rinse with then cold water. That is all. Yet millions find renewed youth each day this way. DOLLY DIMPLES BOBBY BOUNCE EN o Pele fe! 'Now "SAID THE GIANT ."T wiLL YOU - FOLLOW THE ROAD STRAIGHT AWEAD AND | You will COME TO! THE CASTLE OF STROMBERG." HAVE To LEAVE . ---- ih ba : © 1929, King Peatures Synficata, Ine, Great Britain rights reserved Ih _ So DoLLY, BOBBY AND COMFY TROTTED , ALONG TO RESCUE THE RAVEN 7k | THERE WAS THB GOLDEN CASTLE OF am STROMBERG AND IT WAS ON A GLASS WiLL VERY TIME SLID DOWN AGAIN » GOT HALF WAY UP, THEY 2 pr Yorn: tok 4