Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jul 1929, p. 16

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SEE Sa a t e are bei 3 4% B= PE A in favor with visitors, - Sa Erected i i Brockville--~F. W. Clow, local con- tractor, has completed the erection of a.gasoline service station for the Im- feria) Oil, Limited, in connection with igford's Garage at Mallorytown. . on the ' new Eri T."C."S. has commenced, big ditch digger has its teeth in to the ground just above George Garbutt's grocery. 7 Foundation Laid Port Hope~The foundation of a new building on Ontario and Mill streets has been. laid and ithe work on the upper part will be started soon. We understand it will "be a new and .very modern garage: Traffic Heavier Port Hope.--~The auto travel, which is getting heavier all the time, is a- bout equally divided to direction; a- bout an equal number of tourists be- ing cast and west bound, at«the same time. It is well that this is the case, for if all were trying to go the same way there would be a real old con- gestion all along the route. Beer Destroyed Peterboro~--Five . and ome quart tons of beer.were almost totally lost when a truck on which it was being carried was burned to the ground last evening about six o'clock on the high- Outlook Avenue, THOUSAND ISLAND PARK, N.Y. On the St Lawrence River. Home Cooking Rooms with or without pri- vate bath. ' Golf, Bathing, i Dancing, Tennis. Moderate { prices. Local Reference, J. B. GIFFORD, PROP. | Winter Place, Tho Beverley, | Southern Pines, N. Carolina EE VR 1 y 'between Peterboro and P ' Hope 3 : Port Hope about five miles out of Poy Hope. The truck was proceeding ond wards Peterboro with its liquid 'when the driver, P, aCrter, of { city, was startled: by staccato bursting beer bottles in she rear hints 1g L : mass of flames. Work At The "Pen." ing the walls of the towers on the Portsmouth Penitentiary is now under way. . Visited Home Town Lindsay.--Mr. George McGee, Of Falls, where he conducted a hard- ware business for many years, and went west about 20 years ago, is visiting with firends in Lindsay, Fenelon Falls and other places. A Great Improvement Kingston.--The new cluster lights erected in front of the city buildings on the market side are now in operation and the new lighting system shows a marked improvement over the old condi- tions. : Christmas Coming Port Hope.--It's only' 5 months from Thursday until we'll be sitt- in a room decorated with holly and big red bells, opening gifts which show the regard and thoughtful- ness of those we call friends. An Aerial Visitor Brockville.--E. Fisher, of Key- port, N.J., flying an '"'Aero-Marine Klenn," alighted on the St. Law- rence River opposite the C.P.R. wharf yesterday morning in the course of a pleasure flight to Mont- real. While here the aviator se- cured a supply of gasoline to con- tinue his aerial jaunt. Promoted To Inspectorship Brockville.--L. S. Beattie, prin cipal of Napanee Collegiate Insti- tute for the past two years, and formerly of the staff of the Brock- ville Collegiate Institute, has re- ceived an appointment from the Minister of Education, that of in spector of commercial and academic subjects in the technical schools of the province. Revive Yacht Club Brockville.--The Chippewa Bay Yacht Club has taken over the is- land formerly owned by Ralph Sey- mour, son of the late I. L. Sey- mour, of Ogdensburg, and wil use the large residence as a club house. The club is the successor of the old Chippewa Yacht Club, which con- ducted sailing and motor boat re- gattag for many years. A regatta is being planned for August 9 over the club course. T™W We have 550 feet, 600 foot "in 5 Ib. or 8 Ib. balls, i INE and 650 feet Twine in stock Stockade To keep i is CTR ri ee me Black Leaf 40" to protect your garden. Cooper-Smith Co. '16 CELINA STREET PHONE 8 Now Is The Time to Fill Your Coal Bin With That Good Jeddo Coal - Solvay Coke And All Other Good Fuel FOR THE Gravel, Sand, BUILDER Stone, Lime And Building Material | DIXON COAL AND SUPPLIES Telephone 262 ~~ FOURDIRECT LINES ed and discover || Led TB e vehicle to be a Kingston.--The work of point- Vancouver, formerly of Fenelon ing before a glowing, dancing fire | J 11 Celina St. Il For a Healthy || | Scalp and + Beautiful Hair "A woman's glory is her bhair'-- and. even a man's hate is well Worth keeping! insure a clean, healthy --and to promote lovely, luxuriant hair, you will find ii at your Rexall Drug Store the very things you need. growth. Try Cocoa: nut of Shampeo_ for a rich, cleansing er, whic leaves the bair glossy and silky. See the handsome line of Rexall combs and brush- es--the kind, the shape and the style you especially e, Whatever you desire to pre- serve your hair and make | 'it © beam ve with' | safety at your ; . Rexall Drug Store Jury & Lovell | King E. Simcoe S. Phone 28 Phone 68 Find No Burglars Kingston.--The police received a hurry-up call for supposed burglars at a home on Barrie street. Two officers were rushed to the scene of the supposed burglary but af- ter a thorough examination wad made of the premises there was no- thing found missing or disturbed and the police and members of the family came to the conclusion that there had been no burglars. New U. S. Notes Peterboro.~Numerous samples of the new American bank notes which are about two-thirds the size of the old, are passing through Peterboro now. They are coming in all denom- inations, the lower ones being the more frequently seen. Every Thurs day the Peterboro banks have a con- siderable bundle for exchange with the American authorities. The first of the small bills to reach Peterboro was probably a fifty-dollar note brought up by Tris Speaker, who was in the city shortly after they were issued several weeks ago. | fractured. d Charles 1 Horii treet, employed by the Canada Foundry and Forgings Co., Litd., sustained a painful injury to his left foot yesterday in the course of his duties. He was loading a heavy grinding wheel on a motor truck to tramsfer it to a railway station for shipment when the wheel slipped on a skid and caught his foot a glancing blow. He is being attended by Dr. W, J. Gib- Fortunately no bones were Kingston.--A burglar broke in- to a summer cottage this spring and finding a supply of Orange Crush and Elder's Ginger Ale, left from the summer before, took it all and left the note, "I like your' brand." 'This is only a story but it goes to {illustrate how popular A DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1929 ig Pn ir. Commercial Markets TORONTO - PRODUCE Toronto wholesale duce ces: extras, Noy 2 creamery, prints, stiltons, 30 to 3le. these beverages have become. They | proifer can be procured through almost every store in the city and the merchants found them busi- ness builders. The products are made from purest ingredients and put up in sterilized bottles. If you try them you like them. | Three Heavyweights Peterboro.--~Three very small chil- dren were seen to be in distress on Sorge street yesterday afternoon. THe little urchins were grouped a- machines, and none was tall enougl to drop in the copper necessary to start the machine into action. How- r, they evolved the clever scheme of hoisting one on another's should- ers and managed to accomplish the trjck. But their troubles were not over. A rattle was heard as the gree- dy machine gobbled up their coin but the mechanism was stuck and fdiled to give the weight of the threc o all stood on the instrument eag-|N. efly watching the dial. ASHBURN BRIEFS | Ashburn, July 24.--Mark Duff left for Edmonton on Friday where to is acting as judge at the sum- er fair there. | Mr. Gordon Stuttaford, Brighiom: has been holidaying at e home of his father, Mr. Johu Stuttatord. | Mrs. George Davidson and son, Popald, of Aurora, Ill, visited riends here during the week. | Mrs. James Routley is visiting her son in Toronto. Miss Marjorie Wilson has return- d to her position in Claremont fter spending a few days with her bout one of the automatic Jreighing C: 'The followin, fect the St Lawrence market, Eggs, extras, per dozen .......e Por firsts, per dozen . oe Duck eggs, Rutter, dairy, per poun nl d ., Creamery, per , Fruits and "Vegetables Cucumbers, Parsley, per Cress, three for .. Celery, per bundle Oranges, per dozen . Grapefruit, each ..... ons, per dozen Bananas, per dozen Apples, 6-qt. basket Pallmelnna Strawberries, Apricots, doz. .... Gooseberries, 6 qt, .. Cherries, sour, 6 gt. Raspberries, pint .. Raspberries, quart . cocoon : oO: : 838355 Toronto wholesale hay and straw ers delivered at Toromte: of |[N Do., 3, do. Lower grades Wheat straw Oat straw ... following prices to the trade: breakfast bacon, 28 to 40c; 38 to 3c: do., smoked, 45 to 47c. Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilson. and up, $18; dealers are offering pro- oa i i. [16 1-4c; , 16 3-4; its, 18 1.4 to to getail dealers at the following pri: | Jy 5. shoeing tice 37 10a resh extras, in cartons, 3c; fresh | tubs, Me: 14 1-2; 16 1-2; prints, , 3c; firsts, 3lc; seconds, 151 Se 5 '1 cream prints, 40 to dle; Butter--~No. ery, Bria . et Swing, 2A 1.2; triplets, 22c; stiltons, 27c. Old, large, 29%: twins, 29 1-2c; triplets and cuts, 0c; old, are quotations, retail, in. ef- Toronto: h TORONTO HAY AND STRAW are making the following quotations to farm. TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the ams, 35 to : cooked loins, 50 .to 53; smoked rolls, 28¢: back, pea-mealed Ibs., $21; 70 to 90 Ibs., $19; 90 to 100 Ibs. lightweight rolls in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight $38.50 7 barrel, A ay weitht 16c; tubs. 15 3-4 0 de. 2% wo) 15 de : P loins, 35c; New Yi houlders, 25¢; pork. butts, 3c; oN wok rate p TORONTO GRAIN TIONS 1 dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following ft for car lots: Manitoba . 2 Northern, $1.78, $1.73, BL icago, July 26~' spot market butter Bday was off 1.4 on Kl and 90 score cars alized on the Chicago Mercantile exchange. All other grades re- mained unchanged despite an effort to lower the quotations on extras and extra firtsts. The easiness in the spot m. be reflected to some extent in futures us the latter were easier and suffered a frav- tional loss near the session's close. Weather and receipts will be factors in determining the market tone over the week end, The spot market on eggs was unch to one-half lower today in a listless . unin. teresting trade. There were reports of de- d mptive di d but it is believ- ed the reduction was due as much as any- thing else to nervousness, inspired by the decline in futures yesterday and the increas- ed track - holdings today which no doubt were largely made up of off-quality eggs. Futures evidenced some weakness early but later advanced and closed unchanged. ¥ n commitments: Nov. eggs, old, 160; Nov. eggs, new, 1944; July butter, 2; Dec. butter, 630; Aug. butter, 2. Two market receipts--Butter, today, 28,- 540; last year, 25,532, Eggs, today, 33,765; last year, 20,702. Chicago spot market--Butter, extras, 42 1-2c; standards, 42c; tone steady. Eggs, firsts, 32c; tone steady. New York spot market--Butter, extras, 43 1-4 to 43 1.2c; no tone. Eggs, firsts, 33 to 33 1-4c; tone steady, Street stocks--Butter, today, 109,760; fast Joar, nie, Eggs, today, 127,394; last year Movement at 10 markets--Butter, net in, 934,953; last year, net in, 734,383. Eggs, net in, 7,486; last year, net in, 269, sun spans 83 RAURSNARISANELBVIZRELERAR Coo oOpoOo~ODOOO CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE Woodstock, July 27.--Acting on advice from the attorney-general's departmnet, Crown Attorney Ball yesterday issued insturctions that Mrs. Maud Morello, Ingersoll, be charged with criminal negligence, in connection with the death of | four-year-old Freddie Matta of this city, who was killed recently when the car driven by Mrs. Mor- dealers arket seemed to | J Patterns! r The tastefully modern designs and the beauty of the col- orings in the draperies we are offering for fall make them more than of passing interest, cspec'ally since they are so low priced. ) THE ARCADE ello ran upon the lawn of his 40c: | father's home and struck down the little fellow, crushing him to death. The charge came as a distinct surprise as the verdict of the jury to 70 at the inquest attached no blame to | whom she feared she would hit if] Mrs. Morello, who stated that she ran upon the lawn with the idea of avoiding the little boy, who was running towards the car continued on the roadway, The bigger the summer vacation the ii and |the harder the fall.--Detroit News.) Remanded to Jail Brockville.--Samuel Simpson, and a boy of 15 years, of Lyn dis- trict, pleaded guilty yesterday af- ternoon in police court to three charges of chicken thefts, while Alice Pearl Childs, ' charged with the .same offences, pleaded not guilty. Considerable evidence was taken in the cases and the accus- ed were remanded to jail until Monday afternoon next by Magis trate J. Albert Page. Paving in Cobourg Cobourg.--The paving of On- tario and Division Streets, Cobourg, is to be carried out soon. At a special meeting of the Town Coun- cil the agreement with the counues for this work was signed. The to- tal distance to be paved is nearly four miles. The paving is to we 20 feet wide. Northumberland and Durham is to finance the cost and Cobourg is to forego the annual road grant from the counties for 13 years dating from Jan. 1 1929. Contract is Awarded Kingston.--McGinnis & O'Con- nor of Kingston have been award- ed the contract for cutting down Barriefield Hill, just east of Kings- ton, and straightening out Provin- cial Highway No. 2 to avoid the precipitous and dangerous. curve at the top of the hill. There are 90,- 000 tons of rock in the cut. "The new piece of road will constitute the highway to Montreal, but tne highway to Ottawa will still be at the intersection with the present roadway. at the curve. Bitten By Dog Deseronto.--Mr. Robert Hill who resides on the Reserve just west of Deseronto was bitten by a presum- ably mad dog on Monday and is at-the present time undergoing Pasteur treatment. The dog was immediately killed and' the head sent to Toronto but no report has been received as yet as to rabies. On this same day this dog killea another dog and since then four other dogs which were bitten have been destroyed by the authorities. Mr. Hill who was bitten in the thigh is making splendid progress. Cobourg Prepared to Fight Cobourg.--Cobourg Town Coun- cil has decided to fight the increas- ed assessment of virtually $500,000 levied by the Equalization Commit- tee of the County Council. It is proposed to increase the assess- ment of the town by $450,000. The Council decided this was too high, and is prepared to carry the issue to the courts. In the resolution passed by the Town Council, it is stated that Cobourg is willing to have the final equalization of the assessment made by the County Judge. The new equalization was arranged at a meeting of represen- tatives of municipalities. Transport Limited Announce the opening of their Oshawa office at ee a pREENNENENS satisfactory to Churchley. We guarantee gold and silver bought 3 P Done JURY & a Whey We Test Eyes--ItIs Properly ; C. CHURCHLEY watch and clock work vepalis--Prices reasonable. Old or exchanged for new goods, - J he Credit Jeweller LOVEL Phone 28 or 30 YOUR LAUNDRY DONE PROPERLY Just Phone 2520 and a driver will call OSHAWA LAUNDRY ; INNES SENRNINNNEENNAENENNNNENT and Help Build Up Our SHOPPING DISTRICT sit Every Dollar Spent in Oshawa Helps Mill Street Radios--and the Wonder Orthophonic Also Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record in Oshawa wn D. J. BROWN King Street West Phone 18 27 King St. East Sports Wear Golf Knickers, Golf Hose and Golf Sweaters to match. together with a complete assortment of Summer toggery for sport or business wear. Siberrys' MEN'S WEAR Opposite Post Office oy Money Spent In Oshawa Helps Oshawa t DONE 2929 AREER EEEE EEE EE EE ERE EEE EEE EEE EERE EEEENREN i 4 .

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