Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jul 1929, p. 14

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Dr. Jose Rigal Patron'. _ wi Free.-School.. Was... !* Killed in 1896 . . hE I | Calamba, Laguna; the natal viflage of the greatest lipino, Dr. Jose Rizal, whom the anish made a me:tyr to the use of reform' by 'trying him be- fore a mil court and shooting him--pee. 80, 1896--at the spot ¥ e hig monument now -stands in Luneta Park. : 13 he folly of this persecution of a Filipino re'ormist, who was not a revolutiomist, quickly united the people and precipitated - .the widespread insurrection which de Americas task DD Aang grom, mhowt t fs be By the government:t --Rizal taught press themselves in prose." gave them their: first practical: in- sight into modern science; d sn exalted the. ideal "of wiedze that he is today the pal if the thousands of frea public is. In the poorest of these Hangs his picture; in the ground of all the others stands his monument, ~ What has happened to Calamba since Rizal was a lazy, dreaming Boy there? First of all, the free public schools and the seculariza- tion of government; town officials are elected, &nd none is go poor in, the Philippines today as to do the friars ' reverence, 5 i , Friars Hold One Estate ;. However, they. still hold 'ong of their great 'estates. here." n Taft bought up 'the estates is one was successfully held meang of claiming it had been. to a third party. Le The other estate, the Calamba Sugar Estate, Inc., embraces 20,- 000 acres in four town districts and is owned by San Franeisco "sugar" capital organized in a closed corporation functioning through three trustees. This is one of the more modern types of cor- poration in which the three trus- tees exercise 'perpetual control. "yo ot od Bigdktisul 223 na GRa8E2E Fos - 2,00 800 3 SE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after. April 28, 1920.) -, (Dayiight Savlag. Time) . Leave Leave 'Arrive ville Whitby 6.15 a.m, "RPE ARSE 8.20 ® 9.45 am, "Dam. om. 2.30 p.m, * 3% pm. 4.40 p.m, 4 5.40 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m, * 9.45 pom, 11.00 ? p.1This' 18 | M2 {ROOM FOR WOMEN Complain Failure to Pass Ex- ion aad tion is preferred PRT D0'; common stock, $5,000,000 bearing 6 per cent., $500, th is also a i] ,000, Natura "is no stock jmericans of Salirofnia / ; : 1e._experience of ow. to Saagnitioont - exfria; from Manila. They also own 514 per cent. of a similar property in Pampanga province, north nila, ' They bought the estate about eighteen years ago and began with many unhappy experiments; fin- ally the war prices of sugar sot them up in profitable business. Their most coslty effort was that of growing their own cane. They have learned to lease the land out to mative tenants and be satisfied with a share of the crop for rem- CO-ED URGE SHOKE aminations is result of Not Smoking Toronto, July 25.--Although ex- pecting to find scented cigarette smoke belching from the famed Norman portals of University Col- lege, as a result of rumors current to the effect htat the lady teach- ers employed there were smoking, The Star found everything quiet yesterday. The "narcotic cloudlet'" has evi- dently blown over, and The Star is happy to report in nautical phrase- ology "All is serene." However, interesting tion was gleaned. And it was soothing for those who have been exercised about 'the example to children whose lady teachers smoke in public" According to evidence gathered it was not the women teachers, but the varsity students temporarily employed to do clerical work, who felt the need of a stimulant to while away the deadly monotony. Strange to say, those who were approached on the subject of the women smoking failed to take the matter seriously. informa- cation and the Senate of the uni- versity: who have become uneasy. One fair co-ed of 'peppy' pro- pensities stated frankly. "Sure I had to have a smoke so I went out in the quad: you have to smoke somewhere." Another recalled having seen a varsity maiden indulging in the much-maligned weed on the steps of ti® front entrance. "The girls are kicking about having no smoking room. They complain that they have to go some "distance from the college buildings to a tea-room to smoke," remarked another party, 'and one girl gave that as a reason for failing on her examinations." According to the maiden in ques- tion, she could not get a smoke around the university By the. time she had walked to Bay St., had had a smoke, and walked back, she had lost a good hour of her pre- cious time. Ten minutes at the most _ 36 Bisco Berest, South, Tr hs situated an hour's ride by motor [rei of | teared losing :their jobs if It is only the department of edu- |' ER AY, JULY 27,1929 n.. nad . A. Croskery, the 'the department of edu- cation; And. this. served. to. check the epidemic, since the yictimn they been Tes wr Fo failed to comply, that thé men 'and women did not drink 'around the university build- ings, but that this did not apply to "parties." The Hart House elec- tions eccasionally, saw . some .of John Barlgyeorn's products flowing around, - © | 4 _ During the past year, a percen- tage of |the' do-eds df. Supposedly "suppressed desires" had smoked in the women's cloakroom of the library. But in short order a re- quest that they desist was posted. This being disrgearded, another notice couched in more threaten- ing terms ,appe red. Its only re- sult was a series of remarks writ- ten underneath by the students, to this effect. for the women?" "*"How .about 'the women smoking outside the swinging doore like the men?' ' The net result of The Star's vis- it is found in the conclusion that there seems to be no prospect of stopping smoking. among the: co- eds or of their being allowed a room for that purpose. In. the old days the girl's lover did the proposing. Now love is a neck and neck affair.--Kitchener Record. Who can remember when the girl who could choose between a dozen suitors eventually married only one of them?--Detroit News. The same co-ed went on to say | i "What about a smoking rdom py 7 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURD Completion ENGINEERING FEAT Date of Opening Will Prob - ably Be Announced oo Shortly Ottawa, July '26.--~The great Wel- land 'ship canal is nearing comple- tion. The approximate date for its opening will probably mot be an- nounced until Hon. C. A. Dunning, Minister of Railways and Canals, re- .| turns to his office from which he has been ° absent for ~ several = weeks through illness, but it will likely be well into next year's navigation sea- son before the new route will be ready for use. A report on this gi- gantic undertaking, which is 'really one of the great engineering feats of the present century, has just been submitted by the engineer in charge, Alexander J. Grant to Col. A. E. Du- bue, chief engineer. Almost staggering difficulties have had.to be overcome in bringing the undertaking along to its present stage of completion since Canada first took up the task in 1913. Engi- neering' feats, the seriousness of which at times is known to have weighed heavily on the mind of the minister as well as his responsible officials, have been successfully ac- complished. Waterways had to be carried aloft on falsework while far The, report ~ however with none of these difficulties, but rather with the successful conclusions... is dated July 1 at St. Catharines and summarizes the work as of March 181. - How nearly completed it is may by two tables the r be - judged Lk "Considering the can as timated quantities of the principal items of work envolved in its con- struction with, the percentages com- pleted on Maych 31, 1929, are as fol- s: : Rock exca- P.C. vation ....8,961,000 cu. yds. 90.9 'Earth exea- vation ...50,781,000 cu. yds. 86.9 Watertight Embank- Hire ¥ «004,771,000 cu. yds. 88.4 Reinforcing ; Steel ....28,701,000 lbs. 93 Steel Sheet Piling ....37,5690,000 Ibs. 95.8 "The percentage of work complet- ed in the various sections up to March 31, 1929 is as follows: --No. 1 --100 per cent; No. 2-99 per cent; No. 3--90 per cent; No. 4--90 per cent; No. 4B--70 per cent; No, 5-- '99 per cent; No. 6--60 per cent; No. 7--86 per cent; No. 8--95 per cent; Gate Yard--65 per cent." The sections begin at number one at the Lake Ontario end and num- ber eight at the Lake Erie end. Features of the Canal canal are summarized in the report as follows: Number of lift locks, including guard lock Useable length of locks .... Useable width of locks .... below the great excavation machin- Depth of water on sills .... a whole," the report states, "the es-| Some of the features of the ship ! .1est O'Brine tonight . {toward a new goal of 500 hours In -- y dd. JOLIE. «+ 2pama nom " "lelay. "A ad b be siphoner lett of Tower mitre gates Fi he oe cuts of the oer tana and br it up an the air 80 tha ARlit not pour sop of Tock wall 130.8 ft. . 200 ft. Grea j th of m of prism i at water line i. 310 | avigable h--mi , 25 Time 'to fill Jock .. 8 mins. Estimated vessel " to pass throug! +» 8 hrs. Total lift : «23261; ft: Length of canal ,.. : Referring to locks numbers'5 and 6 the report says: "These locks are twin locks in one flight with a total aggregate lift of 1391; feet. They are similar to the Gatun locks on the Panama canal, which though of some what larger dimensions, have only an aggregate lift of 85 feet. The concrete work on these locks, includ- ing their entrance walls, is 99 per cent complete." Describing number eight lock, the report states: "Lock No. 8, 1,380 feet long between the. inner gates, is the longest lock in the world, be- ing only approached by two locks on the American side at Sault Ste. Marie, both being 1,350 feet long." ST. LOUIS AVIATORS. HAVE BEEN IN AIR NEARLY TWO WEEKS New Goal of Five Hundred Hours Is Being . Sought 8t. Louis, July 2¢.--Approach- ing the end of their second week of sustained flight, Jackson and For- were looking . | their record-breaking performance : "St. Louw "earnings mounting 'motor of their plane : like a race horse," tie "gave no indication of forsak- ing their temporary home in tne sky... y At 8.17 pam, (C.8.T.) they naa been up 301 hours and had beaten the endurance record of the "An- geleno" by 52 hours. Cloudy skies 'and intermittent showers caused the fliers to drup to a lower altitude as they circled Lambert-St. Louis field yesterday afternoon, but they soared away after taking on a new supply of in the -:monoplane fuel. .A downpour in another sec-' tion of the country missed them. It was the first inclement weaitvr the fliers have experienced since they took off July 13. ! Venture by Canadian Tacoma, Wash., July 26.--After a test flight of an hour and a half over Western Central Washington yesterday, Lieut. Harold Bromley enthusiastically announced his monoplane, City of Tacoma, ready for his projected 4,700-mile flight to Tokio, flight ever undertaken. If Bromley is successful in his adventure it will mark another achievement for Canadian airmen, as the flier is a native of Victoria, B.C., although he has been a resi- dent of the United States for some time and has done most of his fly- ing in this country. Wonderful man! Swathed in # | coat; exuding four gallons of mois- "| ture to the hour: ridiculing woman's clothes. -- Quebec Chronicle-Tele- graph. The modern girl, says a famous novelist, wears about 12 oz, of cloth- ing. But, of course, she doesn't wear it all at once.~Montreal Star, the longest over-water FLYING FLEET Wik: BE AT EXHIBITION Largest Exhibit of Aircrafy Yet Seen in This Country Toronto, Ont.,, July 26.--The 1rge est air congress ever held in North America, "is expected to be part of the Canadian National Exhibition programme for: this year. Nearly 200° planes, it is anticipated, will undoubt- edly form the largest group at one occasion on the continent, Aeroplane clubs all over Canada and the United States have already signified their intention of being re. presented. Airport facilities will be taxed in caring for the aviators, In addition fo the club and private planes present most of the aircraft manufacturers in Canada and the United States will have demonstra- tion planes on hand besides exhibits in the new aircraft building, the former transportation building. An extra feature will be the re- turn of the Selfridge Field fliers, who, a year ago, made stich a "hit" when they visited Toronto. _ Some Americans think Canadian liquor is awfully poor stuff. = They take one drink of it and they're still conscious.--Toronto Saturday Night, There are over 4,000 shops 'in' Ot- tawa. A husband who recently went shopping with his wife declares that this is a conservative estimate.--Ois tawa Journal, News reporters speak of "covering" a story, when, as a matter of Fact, what they do is "uncover" it.--Mon- treal Star. ELLA CINDERS--A Canny Scot YOu, ONLY ONE STANDS IN OUR HAPPINESS! TO KEEP ON WITH MY STAGE CAREER AFTER WE'RE MARRIED, MARRY YOU UNLES! THING THAT THE WAY OF T wanNT AND I WON'T yr02d NOL { CONSENT TO THAT IN A MILLION YEARS, EVEN IF I LIVE TO BE A HUNDRED! MY WIFE SHALL NEVER WORK FOR A LIVING! | By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb -- FRIENDS, GWE UP! WiLL SITY AS EELS 22 2 K (147170074277 2/801177), PLEASE TELL SETTLE SE! Ewes = se 1 BEE A DOCTOR: YOU SHOULDN'T BE ON A DIET: YOU LOOK LIKE A CEMETERY DINTY'S RIGHT: I'LL TELL THE DOCTOR AN HAVE HIM TELL, S WO BTRENLOLS FER A MAN OF Mv - = AGE - {s (TUT-TUT-A% A DOCTOR ITISMY BUSINESS TO TELL YOU WHAT ALS TYOU-AR' JUST] 50-54 KING STREET W. ANNIVERSARY SALE Men's Red Back $1.19 Overalls, garment I. COLLIS & SONS PHONE 783W 4 Fell Bres. 7 he LEADING JEWELER | 82 Simeoe St. South Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner geoss BEER 8 1 Bouskit ; 411111] i 'Men's Straw Hats i At 4. $1.00 « DOMINION CLOTHING CO, « 08 KING ST. W. - Phone 2141 We Deliver Besse EET -- EYESIGHT SPECIALIST The Eyes 'In Medors Life Eye Care and Eye Strain Disney Block > TELLING TOMMY DADDY 9. i } { ' 1 COULD A FELLOW Jt Ho SOM, SCIENTISTS BUILD A PERPETUAL] SAY TIS AGAINST THE MOTION MACHINE. [LAWS OF NATURE THAT ONE SHOULD WORK. A MECHA 7 MACHINES AND THE RESISTANCE * 4" OF THE AIR AND THE ELEMENTS. TION 15 THE NAME APPLIED TO { DEVICE WHICH ITS WOULD-BE INVENTOR ALLEGES WILL OPERATE CONTIN- UOUSLY BY JTS OWN POWER. PERPETUAL - MOTION' FOE 1S FRICTION - THE RUBBING HEALTH AND FAME AND FEW DF THE IN- VENTIONS DISPLAY EVEN MECHANICAL INGENUITY. PARISIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES REFUSED] YO RECEIVE PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINES AS EARLY 4S 1775 THE © 1929 by King Features Syndic ate. tne ~ Great Britain rights vessrved. TILLIE THE TOILER--"Work Before Pleasure?" Of Course MISS PHILLIPS OF OURS JUST 1 A51---Phene-1518 I'D. ASK YOU OUT TO LUNCH . BUY A CUSTOMER To DINE - HE'S Bh] IN THE ROSS' CFFICE NOW \ UNDERSTAND i ~ Ly ASKED ME ouT ------ M SORRY , MISS JONES SUT LL RAVE TO CALL OFF OUR LUNCHEON DATE TODAY - SRR, WELL, THAY CUSTOMER. WHO WAS GOING TO TAKE ME Yo | TIED UP WITH THE J \ BOSS, S© Youn BETTER COME ALONG WITH ME, MISS RHLLIPY LUNCH IS YM @oing To LUNCH WITH A BOY FRIEN 70207 Z 2 SAME _ BOT

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