Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1929, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1929 "ROVERS DEFEAT MARQUETTES TO INCREASE LEAGUE LEAD in "oul Broadview Club ; Increase Lead Fittings Juveniles Wi Fourth Defeats St. Georges by Repeated Win Increase L J 4 R A e s us 2 0 Holiday Game Today Once again the Marquettes gave away a ball game and a league game at that when they invaded Whitby with the purpose of setting the league Whitby Rovers. In this they failed, and their errors again spelled defeat for them when they lost the game 17 to 7, before a record crowd of Oshawa and Whitby ladies softball fans. Playing fair ball for five innings the Muchetts were a vastly different team than has been scen in their uni- forms and they held the County Town girls to only a slight lead while at the same time they were start- ing to amass runs slowly, then thelr balloon went up and they started to throw things helter scelter to allow the Whitbyites seven runs in one in- s, With a more substantial lcad thé home team settled down and play- ed ace high ball, allowing the visit- ors few hits for fewer runs. Mary Forrester, pitching for the Rovers was a trifle wild at times and walked batters until she got her self in trouble, at which time she would tighten up and let the visitors' runs dic on the bases, her gathering in of the pop flies accounted for three putouts at times when the visitors were starting on the rampage. The stellar hurling coupled with two solid hits made up for her a successful eve- ning spent on the diamond. J. Wil- son at short also played high class ball, accepting five chances without errors and gathering in two hits, During the playing of real ball the Marquettes all seem to be on their toes and aided the pitching of Sib- Jock with support equal to any in the league but after the smoke had blown way the error column had fill- ed up until there were eighteen black marks inst the Motors which ac- counted for the seventeen runs, only seven of which were earned, Siblock for the losers, with support could have held the league leaders but without it seem to take things as they came and the total hits amounted to fif- teen, Siblock was also among thosc with two hits on the Mucketts, the other two batters to gather in a air off Forrester were R. Cheesc- ro and A, Farrell, Manager Charlie Rowden of the Motors team was quite satisfied with the showing of his team, that is, in the carly stages of the game and thinks that once over the nervous- ness his team will start winning games from the best of them. This win puts the girls from Whit- by further to the front with four oftball Game 12 the final for the Ontario soc cer crown will leave Prince street on Saturday morning at 10.30. Any fans wishing to go may do so at Jess than half fare. Tickets may be had from Secretary Cameron of the Oshawa Nationals at the Mo- tor City Stadium tonight be- tween 7 v.m. and 9.30 p.m, All National players are asked to report for vractice av the Stadium tonight at 7 p.m. Ferguson, A, c... 5 Siblock, C, p. «00 5 Reece, E., 858, ... Kroll, H, cf. .... Cheeseboro, R,, r.f, Farrell, A, 3b .. AW. > w - Wilson, J, 8s..... Watson, L., 2b .. Forrester, M., p. Parker, T1., 0h .. Scott, F., 3b, ' Blow, M., 1b ' Watson, E., Lf, .. Newman, G, c..... Robertson, J, rf. US I I --NN--SNNN WT nna neS oo Totals 491715 27 6 1. Watson out on strikes in inning, catcher dropping 3rd strike, runners advancing from 1st to 2nd and. 2nd to 3rd. Summaries :-- 3 Base Hits--Wilson, Ferguson and Kroll, Doubeplays-- McKernon, unassisted, Earned runs-- Marquettes, 5; Whitby, 7, Struck out by Siblock, 6; Forrester, 4, Bases on balls, off Siblock, 1; Forrester, Stolen bases, Siblock, E. Reece 2; Forrester, Prker 2; and Blow, Sacri- fices--Kroll, Time of game 1 hr, 30 min, Umpires: Bowman and Corrin, Scorer--Schafer, SCHEDULE oF INTERMEDIATE D & 0 LEAGURE Fri, July 5----Port Hope at Oshawa. Fri, July 12---Peterboro at Oshawa. Wed Jly 17.--0Oshawa at Peterboro, Sat. July 20--Oshawa at Cobourg, Fri, July 26--Cobourg at Oshawa, Tue. July 30--Pt. Hope at Oshawa. (Postponed game.) The above schedule is a revised edition of the games left in the In- termediate Lake Shore League that has the Oshawa entry, the Aarabs, who have been playing real hall wo date, and are now starting to get down to work in all seriousness, They have enlisted the help of the ope and, only "Duke" Dainty, and with his aid will be from now on the team to beat, The game between St, Georges and Broadview at Riverdale Park, Toron- to, on Monday, ended in defeat for the Church boys, They fielded rather a weak team, as several of the best batsmen were absent and Broadview ting and fielding, However, a good fight was made, E. Chappell and W, Adams batting well to pull the game round, in a favourable manner. Nemck, onc of the regular bowlers had an "off day" and could not do anything with the ball, but the other bowlers rose to the occasion and did well, The play was as follows: t. ges J. Chappell, 1t Hanscroft, bowled Baxter 5 5|T. Hopkins, bowled Baxter 4 W. Howarth, It Mansden, bowled Childs bess snss anes Jrressnns 0 L. Phillips, 1.b.w. bowled Childs . 9 N. Nemck, bowled Childs 0 W. Adams, 1t Bayley, bowled Bax- 1 Stroud B. Diamond, bowle: ackson, bowled Cook 'Bowling Analysis G. Baxter, 3 for 28, A Childs, 3 for », A Cook, 2 for 15, L, Stroud, 2 or 0. : Broadview E. Gill, 1bw. bowled Phillip E, Mansden, bowled Phillips .. L. Stroud, bowled Phillips .... G. Baxter, bowled Chappell 1 A, Childs, ct. Hopkins, bowled PRIDE vies vinsiiiiinine.20 W, Stroud, bowled Chappel A. Cook, bowled Phillips . Cr. HArSroft oo scnnaives vsivesrnns 12 G. Gittins, ct. Phillips, bowled Chappell A. Stroud, not out oes J. Bayley, bowled Phillips xeeiinld Bowling Analysis Phillips, 6 for-43, Nemck, 0 for 42, Diamond, 0 for 13, Chappell, 3 for 22. Fast Sea Fleas At Peterboro Meet Peterboro, July 3--~Don Woods, lo- cal speed king, won the sea flea mar- athon yesterday in a field of eight boats, Woods, driving Speed King jr, covered the 45-mile course in 55 min- utes and 30 seconds. The course stretched from the lower locks on the Otonabee river to the southern point of Rice lake. Bill Coursey, in Speed King sr. finished sccond, being two minutes behind Woods. VF, G. Huycke, of the Toronto N.Y.C,, finished third, Tom MeClure, driving Lou Marsh's boat, Pick and Shovel, was fourth, Wesley Kelly, in the Canada Flyer, showed their superiority both in bat- |. Princely Attention, 4-year-old Cestnut gelding by Prince Gala- had-Attention, was imported from England by the Queen City stable of Toronto and sold to the Sea- gram stable, Ho staried in two races at the Hamilton J, O. track and won both starts, defeating opening day on the dirt track and winning from Pen's Chic and Ra- mona 5S. on the turf eon closing day. SPORT SNAPSHOTS is to be made, the leaders also, The senior lacrosse league have sure been taking them gn the chin this season and to make thngs worse after all they have had to put up with there looms up more trouble in the form of a protest against a player by the name of Wilson who has been playing for has been playing without a certificate, that he played in be thrown out or replayed and if that is not done they cannot sec their way clear to continue in the race while on the other hand the Brampton entry refuse to continue if that judgement the leading Brampton Lxcelsiors in the past three games, er came before the board for an infraction of the etiquette laws in game last week and since then they have uncovered the fact that he Toron This play- tos claim that all games Then there is the question of revising the schedule so the games will be more evenly divided, this move was stopped in its tracks by Torontos reason for wanting the schedule changed is the difficulty they will have in keeping the fans interested for three weeks when they have no game scheduled in that length of time, While the seniors are having grief the intermediate series are en- Rochester ........ Baltimore .. Newark . Montreal, Toronto .. eading .. Buffalo .....vi00.4 Jersey City ...... Rochester Jersey City Baltimore xRead x--Two games. Chicago «seve ess, Pittsburg New York .. St. Louis ......: Brooklyn ......... Philadelphia ...... Boston ......e0v.7 Cincinnati ........ New York ....11 Pittsburg ... Chicago x--Two games, Philadelphia ...... Detroit .., Cleveland ...... Washington ..... Chicago ... Boston ....ee0uuee sees aen New York Philadelphia Chicago ... St. Louis x--Two games, gy, WEDNESDAY"S SCORES vere BOSON ...cos 0esd ...9 Washington veses6 Cleveland .. esses. .8 Detroit GAMES TO-DAY xDetroit at St. Louis, xChicago at Cleveland. xBoston at Philadelphia. xWashington at New York. WELSH TOURISTS WIN FINAL GAME Montreal, July 4.--The Welsh soccer team wound up its tour of Canada here last evening by scor- ing a 2 to 1 victory over a picked Montreal eleven. The win gave the WEDNESDAY'S SCORES Toronto at Buffalo (rain). 9 Montreal .......2 ss Newark sues. .5 sess? Reading ,vees4..0 GAMES TO-DAY xToronto at Buffalo. xJersey City at Newark, ing at Baltimore. xMontreal at Rochester, NATIONAL LEAGUZ Won 41 Lost WEDNESDAY"S SCORES Boston ..13 St. Louis , srnriees 7 Cincinnati ,. Only three games played. GAMES TO-DAY xNew York at Boston. xPhiladelphia at Brooklyn, xSt, Louis at Pittsburg, xCincinnati at Chicago. AMERICAN LEAGUE / Lost INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Lost PC PC 041 027 S71 5% A463 Al8 394 Over Smelters Belleville, July 4~Nicking "Inky" Woods, Deloro's smart pitcher, for 12 hits, the Belleville Nationals strength- ened their hold on first place in the Central Ontario bascball league by taking yesterday's game from the Smelters by a score of 9-3, The Na- tionals were far superior on the day's play, and while they bunched their hits well they also played a brilliant game in the field, and it was seldom that the visitors threatened serious- y. Manager Walter Gerow introduced a green hurler to local fandom mn Alex Weir, an erstwhile outfielder, His debut was an auspicious one and he limited the Smelters to seven scattered hits and was in trouble but a few times. Weir fanned seven bat- ters and did not issuc one walk. Be- sides pitching a splendid game he shared the batting honors for the day with Harry Blakely, cach having three safeties, "Inky" Woods was sent to the mound for the Smelters, and he got himself into some bad holes. Woods walked seven batters and was cin- clined to be erratic at times. The fielding feature was supplied by W. Scott, of Deloro, who dragged down a tremendous clout fromr the bat of Bob Scott, TONIGHT'S SPORT CARD * JUNIOR LACROSSE Alexandra Park, 7 p.m. Torontos vs. General Motors * Ld Ld INTERMEDIATE SOFTBALL Motor City Stadium, 7 p.m. Oshawa Times vs. A. Y. M. C, » * LJ JUNIOR SOFTBALL Cowan's Park, 6.30 Phillips vs. Red Aces -- Fittings juveniles easily defeat- ed the Ukranian St. George's lust night in a City and Industrial jea~ gue fixture taking a 21 to 7 victory, from the Ukes to increase their al- ready long string of wins. Getting six runs in the initial stanza they kept Increasing this lead with innings that amounted: to as many as five to an inning, which happened twice while in other inn- ings they were blanked except for the second and sixth when they scored two and three. The Ukes had one good inning, getting three hits and five rums 10 bring their total up plenty. FATTEN AVERAGES Boston, July 4.--A barrage of 20 hits for thirty-four bases en- abled the Giants to turn back the. Braves easily by 11 to 3 here yes- terday in the third game of the series. The victory gave the Giants an edge of one in the first three engagements of thef ive-game test. The Bravés made ten hits oif "Dutch" Henry, but counterbalanc- ed this feat by committing six er- rors. Bill Terry and Fred Leach of the Giants and George Harper of the Braves hit homers. SENIOR AVERAGES H wu Mathews Young Rowden .. Eliott ..ee0veee Sutton c.eseeee Gray Pent ..... vesse McCallum .... Osborne Little ... Quinn vessnanes STLENNNNN--=D --=OO Monster Attraction! ier invading BASEBALL Senior C. O, B. League BELLEVILLE (League Leaders) » V8. General Motors GAME AT 1.30 P.M. SHARP LACROSSE Senior 0. A. L. A, League BRAMPTON (League Leaders) v8. General Motor- joying a good week's workout and the game of games will be this, Saturday, so far as Toronto fans are concerned when the Oakwood Grads and the Oshawa intermediates hook up in a struggle for the playoff berth, The Oakwood tcam, a new team in so far as name goes is rated as one of the best, but on paper the local entry is' every mile course, while Walter Woods,| ' bit as strong, both teams having been nosed out by the more experi- | The Welshmen led by 1 to 0 at brother of Don, was sccond, Class B| enced Maitland squad, the end of the first halt of last eve- covered a ten-mile course with J. |ning's contest. Cook scoring on a lone Rogers finishing first in 13 minutes, effort when he carried it to the goal- 45 seconds and Miss Cadillac was se- mouth from yards out to beat cond. Class C, which was also over Jamieson, the Montreal goalie, with 10 miles was won by Bill Landrigan a well-placed shot. This goal came PER in 12 minutes, 10 seconds, He drove after 18 minutes of play. The visitors "I'm Alone," owned by C., IL. Turn- kept up the pressure until the end bull, of Toronto. Art Evans, of the of the half, but a stout Montreal de- Ladies Softball NYC Toronto Vas second, while fence barred their way to further ..S. Huycke, also of oTronto, was goals. Malleable at Chevs |: Sion the intermediates should draw a Welshmen a clean sweep of their Canadian series of 15 games. It was the visitors' second victory over a local all-star tcam, they having chalk- ied up a 3 to 1 win in the first game lof the tour here. Their next game, according to the schedule, is booked for tomors row evening at Alexandra Park, and they plav the Port Hope nine who defeated them in a close bat- tle on the holiday. This game will give the hardball fans a chance to see the kind of real ball that the intermediates play and as it is the only attrac- tion at the Park tomorrow night wins out of as many starts, while their closest rivals, the Chevs, arc right behind with two wins and one Joss and a game on Friday with the Malleables at Rotary Park, The box score: Marquettes ABRH PO AE Reece, R, 1b 6:0 0.11 04 MeKernon, V., 2b. 6 1 1 2 4 ell, 1f 421 00 -- ran a poor fifth, developing engine trouble on the course. Two other boats upset while "I'm Alone" "re- turned, Bunny Waddel, of Peterboro, won first in Class A which covered a six- GAME AT 3 P.M. SHARP Alexandra Park, Oshawa | Saturday, July 6 ADMISSION [Both Games] 50c. Tax included Last night the girls game was a little better than expected and the Marquettes showed the result of pra®tice, that is they did for a few innings, and during those innings played nice interesting ball pulling off a double play that was an indication of future bascball of a better class, The league lcading Whitby team did not have any too good a day where the hits were concerned and the competitors for the various prizes did little toward fattening their batting averages as the fifteen Friday Night 6.45 ROTARY PARK Er large crowd. Counting on having a large crowd, the local team is all prepared to give them an idea of the brand of ball they are cup able of playing, Awaken the Giant Within Your Car Use Cities Service Qils and Gasolene Unleash that hidden dynamo of reserve power... release that pent-up source of speed and verve "+4. TOUS your car to new alertness <, . new stamina . .. by giving it the right kind of fuel! Cities Service Oils and Gasolene put new ambition , a into your [car because they give more real sustenance per gallon . . . an extra measure of quality built for our own exacting demands . . . founded upon 67 years of experience in the petroleum business CITIES SERVICE OIL CO. LIMITED 141] Cities Service Oils & Gasdlene in a softball game to be played at the General Motors juniors here in their first meeting. should be a hummer from start tofinish and the local management is confident of taking a win from the last ycar's champs, hits gathered in by them were pretty evenly spread. Tonight the Torontos lacrosse fans will start to enter Oshawa for the purpose of seeing their favorites, the Torontos junior entry, play The game After getting in some valuable: practice The Times entry in the City and Industrial League will attempt to take the leading A.Y.M.C, the Stadium tonight. While Manager Matt Sutton of the senior ball team is away on a vacation the team is being looked after by Frank MacCallum, acting in Matt's place, and Walter Shultz is continuing to do the coaching. Juveniles Battle To Three All Tie Once again 'Scothe'" missed see- ing something worth while seeing and something that was absolutely free. In the juvenile leagce game played at Alexandra Park last night the Tods Bakery team ana the Burke street Bullocks played to a three all tie with the same ending that way and further play being out of the question owing to darkness. There was a fair-sized crowd at the game but for a game that haa everything in it that any game has the crowd was small. Throughout the game the defence of both teams played smooth steady la- crosse Lolding their respective check close at al times while they in turn played unselfishly, making smart play for goal and trie, With play even in the first ana no score being counted for eithcy team, Daniels ran one in in et gecond for the Tod mén, anu 1 the third one each was a.counted, still leaving the Tods the leaders. In the final period the Bullocks came back strong and counted twice to Tods' one, Clarke and Fisher getting the tallies while Corrin was the sniper on the Tod team. Black and Weeks were the scorers in thet hird, The teams: Tods--Symmons, Davies, Smith, Bell, Dick, Bradd, Drinkle, Con- stable, Daniels, Corrin, Black, Glass and Hicks. Bullocks -- Sturgess, Little, £v- ans. Whilay, Weaks: Clarka, Dove. Northay, Wilson Leyden, F, Fisher, To Be All French Tennis Finals Wimbledon, Eng., July 4. -- An all-French final for the Wimble- don"smen's singles tennis crown was arranged yesterday between Henri Cochet and Jean Borotra. That bounding pair of racquet men meet Saturday for the title by vir- tue of the victories which they re- spectively registered yesterday ov- er "Big Bill" Tilden and H. M. ("Bunny") Austin. The lanky American blazed away in vain against the tennis armor of Cochet in the firsts emi-final of the day, and suffered the most de- cisive defeat the Frenchfan has ever inflicted upon him, The scores were 6--4, 6--1, 7--0b. Bor- otra then trounced the youthful Austin, last of the British hopes, by scores of 6--1, 10--8, 5--7, 6-- 1, to bring about the fifth all- French final in the last six years of this tournament, Miss Ridley Wins Women's singles which reached the semi-final round, is an Ang- lo-American affair, with the two English girls, Miss Elsie Goldsack and Miss Joan Ridley, meeting Helen Wills and Helen, Jacobs, re- spectively, tomorrow. Miss Rid- ley gained a place among the last surviving four yesterday by defeat- ing the veteran United States player, Mrs, May Sutton Buady, by score af FReel. Realy io ¥ " Higgins Severs, S JACKSON Pocket Pack of Five ONEWAL CIGARS A "Poker Hand" in Every Pocket Pack S is the first time cigar smokers have received "Poker Hands." Every pocket pack of five Stonewall Jackson Cigars 'contains one "Poker "» Buy the pocket pack and save the 'Poker Hands".

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