Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1929, p. 12

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------ er CE Te | CINGOFBIORR [STWR op + a STREET PAVEMENT | DISCSS SEWER [| Froduce Prices in the is +21 AUTHORIZED] FOR PARK RAD =e NI Toronto wholesale dealers are offering * (Continued from Page 8) (Continued from Page 3) produce to vetail dealers at the following pa est side, from Beverley street | clerks of Darlington, Whitby and |" Eggs presh, extras, in cartons, 35c; fresh TOR AND STRAW ice street; Colborne street, south | Pickering townships for the purpose extras, loose, ic; firsts, Mc; seconds, 2c. | Local wh lesale hay and Straw dealers 1agy from Roxborough avenue to Os- lof arranging a meeting of ers pDuster~No, 1 choamery, prink to dic; | are making. the following Juo1 ave Boulevard; Elgin street, north | of the councils of the said munici- | Neo 2 ereqien FeO, 5 Din ¥arnce, rip imoth ton $19.0. to 2000 side, from Rosborough avene sol Os palities and the Hydro Electric local ley, 2c; stiions, Zc. Old ree, 36; ras, ied ors» . d; Alice stre manager for organization purposes. ; s s, 28; side, ing ak avenue to east Cn pl ed to be on July 19th at oid Be." Ag of olan 130; Cadillac avenue, west| 730 pum. Standard time in Oshawa. | CHOMST™S ts, up. vvvreurrnrris Bid BEM lrt™ side, from King street east to T. E.| Carried, 4105 ths, 840 ; Ry. . sight-of-way; Cadillac avenue,| "A By.Law to amend By-Law 1043 + 2ew ; TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS east _ from King street east tO] 45 restrict the building of ae bye « : on the 'loronto Board of : Roger. street; Roger street, south| regidences on part of Simcoe St., was i the following quotations side, from Cadillac avenue to cast line| read three times and passed. . of plan 306; King street cast, south| The By-Law to provide the issuing D , side, from Bnd of present Jali to of debentures for gion & ibe road; Simcoe street, ) | money to defray the cost of in, a from Frank street to walk] and repairing bridges was given thir 1,30RONTC PROVISION PRICES do in front of Mr. Conant's house; Sim-| reading and passed. | following prices to, the trade: coe street south, west side, from walk |" "A By.Law to divide the Township| Smoked meats~Hams, medium, 32 to He; in front of Mr, Conant's house tolint; polling subdivisions for taking cooked ams, 3 Sei smoked , 2c; Thomas street; Simcoe street south, | votes was given three readings an iy bacon, west side, from Thomas street 10} pagged, clear bacon, 50 to 70 south line of Mrs. Frank Robson's |" A By-Law to authorize the payment ibs, og a5: Sights a 39; 0 iA 10 A 1 roperty; Yonge street, cast side,| of $700 to purchase lands to extend | 35" ie yyinelght rolls, $38.50 per barrel, rom Glidden avenue to south limit MacDonald gtreet bi: given three' Lard--Pure, tieroes, 16c; subs, y 1 ot A : » ; 1 . $s an v se 4 . 11 . ) it 2, Plan "Should Budget . Moved by Major Smith, seconded siescen, 13/3 to 145k; tubs 4c; pails, 14%; 'Alderman S. H. Jackson moved in| py Mr, Glover that the following ace |" Pork loins, 32; New York shoulders, 2%c;| 8. : al amendment to he seport Pog the counts be paid: pork butts, 28 i-2c; pork hams, 28 12, ves, 30; veslers steady, clagse to pave Bloor street be struc " ; ' Eh " ; , 000 Gd ite, J [ - . A, Wilson R.B. ARMERS' MARKE sheep, ml rh out: He said that all pavement ex ti) Wilson 2 st The, following 41s quotations real, sc. up choice, las Ag sis; penditure should be budgeted, and : effect on the eg i : that separate recommendations should] Roy Ratcliffe , Produce-- ots ofa is so le that a child select the best: A in f ious streets] Wm. Crowell i / gs, extras per dozen .. T= test tire simp even can Dr Boni. seconded the amend-} O. L. Woodcock oa | Te. firstey Des. dozen , LS IEASD PROD JOE Ts at L There are two main parts to a tire--the tread and the carcass. y Duele eggs, in 'December butier Sutures followed, reports The tread to grip the road. The carcass to withstand the strain, on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange today. Test any tread by pressing your hand on it. Does it grip? Test any ment, stating that the Board of| Frank Vallant , iii wg freien Werks had been requested to bring in| 8, Vinson ' y Dr creamery per patil ses radi hout th ion, hd a oom' Mtrtcd. a stretching the cords of which itis made. Are they springy, a paving program for the year, and| C, Farewell . Fruits and Vegetables-- y is had not been presented to| 'U. Goodman 50. Asparagus, 2 bunches carcass by igre" Rt alley v. 0. | Bectes bunches». go ug Bp mia lively, full of stretch? Ro open penn lake {ER fay 55 Ee BEE) ke hes tm tus on a Goodyear Tir at a Goodyear Selected anit Be RY 309.00 | Cabbage evr rees "This exchange will be closed until Mon: Dealer's. Feel the deep, sharp-edged blocks of the All-Weather Tread ap ish sea 9 HP Rowen, Cauliflower 025 day, July & A grip your hand as it grips the road. Use the dealer's cord-testing So derman Hast said that a full pav-| L. Luenburg N lta bE pound ....e... 075 173; do., new, 1,825, acon: machine and see how much a year Supertwist cord outstretches ing progtar should be presented, but| H. Conlin ".. : Leaf lettuce, three for . io eet oe ios. Datior. Sader Bos an ordinary cord. Even a child will ch the world's greatest tire." Bis Just year, holiday. Equs-totay, 41,60; In every town in Canada large enough to support a good tire dealer, {JUV RIP Chicago spot market--Butter, extras, 4c: there is at least one Goodyear Selected Dealer. standards; 4lc; tone steady to firm, Eggs-- 8 Head lettuce, each Ck foot Su rc, wat Goodyear means Good Wear was not contemplating exceeding the Geo. Marnien 5 Celery, per bundle AE two! mile limit for paying set up by| Glover Bros, : Grapefruit, two for . the council in committee, . T, Thompson : Lemons, per dozen i orted the Bloor street paving. - Fred Wilson i © Two Miles is Limit A. G, Ross ' a |Egatocs, bag... 08 Alderman Preston, chairman of the| Jas. Sissons \ Parsley, per bu . 005 Board of Works, said that the Board| S. Mitchell 3. Cress, three for .... rat 42; tone steady. Eggs, firsts, 31 1-2; tone mm, Street stocks--Butter, today, 120,010; last ear holiday; Eggs, today, 120,279; last year, oliday. Alderman Mason moved an amend- . Allin 3 Baninay, oe doen ment that a program for the year's| Ontario Tractor Co ; Robben, 3 bunch bese work on both paving and sidewalks| C. A. Wilson " 13.50 New pik Ag 050 should be presented. He could not| Alexander Bros, ; Green beans, 6-qt. .. es obtain a spies on his amendment, Jim Newton YX Green peas, 6:t. ..ocossvrarsens vere 3 a ar Ihe nd 0d ; and one of th t b Alderman Carnell queried what| Gordon Scott : I ea "The, ve My suding by ast of paving had been passed] Morey Cook : sprang into the driver's seat and vo far this year, the city engineer in-| O. Hubbard Weston climbed into the rear and iopming him that about 1,900 feet, at| H. P. Wilson _ y \ § u £ost of $25,000 had been passed. He| Dixon Gravel Co, "237. "TF URED re oo hor wfforted the Board of "Works re-|: 'Frank McNally \ nee the door of the car jumped avened Alderman S. H. Jackson also de-| F Hotingpam ag 0 Jak Just aa the automobile. siarivt ¢ that'a program should be pre-| W., A. Ormiston 0. 7,125.00 . er Faints at|""; rented. Last year, by passing pave-| R.F.Leck Union No.5 300.00 Anguished Fa . . Woes ure sumthing Which | sobbed and fainted away beside the BROUGHAM NEWS school on Sunday last, taking charge] Mr. and Mrs. A. Malcolm at ff ments Ju Diecomeal, too large an| A. Walvon S% ha : oe 'Discovery During Ride bide While tha Jo woud |neves tiny form of his son, of the review. Malcolm home, Grant Malcolm, i ar.osen Cone M. Cunninghaty 5 , Y : 'to Hospital Weston, who all the while was Mr. and Mrs. R. Rawson have tak-] Galt, at his home, the Haywof ft a . No, 4 250.00 whizzing along Queen street against ; ; ; ) we She ve Ee Sone, ad Bloor A ames SS. No red trafic lights and with Te at holding his hand over the hip gland}! Brougham, July 2--Brougham pu-|en an apartment in the Grey resi-| family, of Dunnville, with the B 4 Movement at ten matrkets--Butter, today, net in, 1,388,125; last year, holiday, Eggs-- today, net in, 15082; last year, holiday. C~0CO0ONCOC00eO~00C00000008 Sooo BRISUNNBUBRESNCLSRRIVIJRRR 22303 aitiAlderman Disney. Oshawa Times } i I i ay . sounding continuously, the nan |Of the right leg to prevent further | pils attending Claremont continuation | dence and are being welcomed to]cley family, Robert and Miss Feasl hen the amends was put 1 Municipal Work Supplies 2503 | Tiny Victim's Right Leg\wao nad opened the acor ortho bieding, shouted to P. C. Doote. schol re being, ongrailated on) ihe WUSEE, i wiiors were Su: a ie hos hes Shey D refer the paving of Bloor street back| O. Conlin Relief a Completely Severed-- ar Saped oyer and looked at tae | tle, but the latter, intent on driving | ""§" Secects i SHE PES Or 8 ity Ie BE rd wir) Sta, at thelr Oe : O dhe Jeice. it Yas dost, Alder | (FB, Shaw Reliek i tac "aclous figure of the child. The as fast as possible without becom was held by the W.M Sof St. John's{son and family with 'their parents, | Gowanda at the Holtz home, M upforti the amendment and Als ydro Electric St. Lights 40.08 and the man, curious to see the|heed. Stationary street cars were | p ST ] ; in, 4 . : - 4 ei 3 -_ 0 ih > £ ol the Shepherd lawn. This was | Miss Gammage; W. J. Brown with] Miss Brodie is spending her vad Soale iy Rbisney, Cp I ron % Toronto, July 4.--An organ- Jeatnres ene Yor, zehlly turned Jageed hi he wing side. red lights The frat ent 'along this line by the Brown alr: C. Oxi wij tion. vith her rey Mrs, Geo p 4 ' "4 " 20.0 { nkey perch- en slow down the car, |} bers of the W.M.S. who|the Holtz family, J. Cowie with] Philip. ro Jon ert, and Preston pl a Sy Sross " ou Etinder Wik 8 HEY ore ausuish burs from his lips which [and the warning roar of the horn Tratihed with their Re, i Wo Pave Saily with the Cos hg John Patterson is serio eport, ich carried . McKenzie ard even above the roar of|brought other cars to the side of | Frank Chapman, of Audly, kindly|ton family, Miss Gamble with Mr.}ill and her daughter Flora, is hon 2, without alt g Rr 7 Q Sal 30.00 .Queen street near On- " a ; r ) : 3 gut Wtesation So T Conti! Li ! 7.10 I Sram Rus night. Three-year- the engine, "My boy, my boy," he [the street to allow the car to pass. | gave his services to the Sunday|Holmes, Miss McKinnon at her home, | with her at present. GRIMES WINS 13 STRAIGHT Conant & Annis legal 291.14 | old Carl Kipploff, with eyes fasten- Pittsh Do. McDonald St. 846.18 |ed intently on the organ and tuo Pty tsburg, July 4.--Burleigh| Pp, G. Purvis Electric Exp. 110.00 {gancing monkey, toddled across the EE Tt wiht i cot Lot da semte sl 50 80) » 8 sburg| Moved b; r. Glover, seconded by tbound automobile, Ww 4 - s gathered 21 hits .off Sher-| Mr, Scott that this council do now uptkon. sereamitity jarred to a stop YOUR DOGS BITE? Jul - A Month oF & ecials THESE ACCIDENTS ol #0 defeat St. ouls, 13°to. 2. The |adjourn to meet again on Aug. 6,|¢0 jet the boy go past, and Carl We do not refer to the canine WILL HAPPEN While many of you our good friends, are enjoying a vacation or planning 'ir&te swats included two doubles | next at 10 o'clock a.m., Standard time little faster, past the : x mdithree triples. It was the sev-|in Townskip Hall, Columbus. foddicd a +1 Cer auto--and variety of "Dog" but the kind i A d y A mth consecutive defeat .for the P. G. Purvis, Clerk | {oye under the wheels of an. east- which produces those trouble- one, our Rexall Store is planning greater economies for you in household ne- 'ardinals. Columbus, July 2, 1929. bound street car. In the space of some corns and bunions. Rex- cessities and holiday comforts. Whether you shop in person or by phone you a few nds & crowd of men and all Corn Solvent gives sure and will enjoy a wider range of choice than may be found elsewhere, greater econ- re ---- -- === NB poe ang speedy relief. omy inducements in our numerous offerings and a conscientious desire to be of REAL service to you. . A -- : d d the crushed body of the . 3 is : Cf umcbagtom a, to's piace ot te 25¢ Bottle SAVE with SAFETY at your REXALL STORE 35¢ to $4.50 A . @ 9 J ig 2UQ blooe Was SPONine PLA GEORGIA ROSE BODY POWDER RE THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES nue; sw itil, but gently taking the Y-- 5 BODY POWER | 1 SEs 5 rvs. LE ( Why Drive a led figure into his arms, reshi f tf iy ret ul limou- But Play Safe ! iy OE $1.25 98¢ Don't be ibew ih > Dirty Car? : rink. 45 sine. with a Michigan license num= 3pecial cooling health 1 3 ° 1) og HS: " } ber. . A man and a woman in the | Liver stimulant and Vacation Time Specials gar drew back Wi dbuddees wien, Use French Balm 50 bath salt stomachie. Large 5). Wath it Without Water : ; : Rs is . pecial 59¢ CE + vvinvivi, in a Ji Snr : hg Having log ou to We How pleasant to bask in the Now you can keep your lean ; "Don't bring him in here," the sunshine with the shoulders aos as EY Shamiy pv an als woman told Weston. and arms bared but oh, the | | PURETEST RIKERS' a KOZAK cloth, wipe off all the i : : «I asked him to drive the boy to; painful after-effects. French MINERAL OIL 7 dirt, dust and mud in a jiffy. Try "For the boy or girl, to save their better shoes. We have hospital," Weston said, in later Balm will remove the sting of 5 j : . MILK OF MAGNESIA it for cleaning floors, windows An oil of highest quality and furniture, too. a large assortment of sand- telling of the accident. "The man overindulgence in summer 0 4 qual BEES The ideal Antacid (No. "9" DOZAR 1s srecially Woven and sals'in brown leather or pat: Bae hah ou Li sunshine and sooth the burn- for intestinal lubrication = Bl for old and young. Relieves treated -- keeps cars clean for | tent with good reliable, sewn lore , ing tissues. Take along a large and without taste or odour Se Souitipalion ral dyspopaia. : per 2 million people every time ..soles. Infants', Children's Still holding the boy in his arms, bottle. Good for mosquito 3) 9% She ir {oak 175 J nd Eek SOZAK "bth in and Misses. = Prices, Weston dashed across to the north' bites too. Regular 50c size. y ze . : washings . . . saves you $50 on a : side of Queen street, where his own $1.50 investment, - $1. 1. ing cif, a sédan, was parked. P.C. Special 39¢ ee 4 $1.00 .. $1.60 | Le Mm. Curious by- COLGATE'S BIGGEST DEAL OF THE SEASON ders milled d the | and all trae vay ri Rv i 2 large Tubes Dental Cream, sells for 50c regularly. 1 properly shaped 25c¢ TINY TOT TALCUM Teanis Shoes ol "Open the door," Weston cried, SUNLIGHT Tooth Brush, sells regularly for 50c. This $1.00 combination on 50 c ' ar ow ofr AY . sale for a limited time ONY. All fOr ...ovgnoiiiivirinssnsssiiviniesmacrirsinns ' 3 IFEBUOY BRAND. WW, 's good i d wi We sell the famous L 2 e Greatest Show On Earth is Jo 4 for the Sabi hare ' th every 80c pair Pure Gum { nothing but fost guality a Comin To This Section equipped vou need a pair of RUBBER BABY PANTS : goods and we stand babi || g Jury and Lovell's sun goggles. ; MENTHOLATED. LAVENDER QUININE HAIR TONIC BOTH FOR 50¢ a po i sali inglin % Bros. and Barun: & Bailey 50c to $2.50 Leaves THAVING CREAM sensa- Nourishes the roots of the hair, # : || Only Five Ring Circus in the World. tion after shaving. 50c for a giant stimulates blood 'activity. Use it 75 $ 9 65 "ll Thousand and One Wonders to be tube. Can of Lavender Talc FREE daily. Regular $1.00 bottle. 79 KITCHEN SPECIALS C.3. £8 25c CAKE JONTEEL SOAP | | with each tube. SPEEIAl er enismiieisnns STC d Alter all there is but one great circus. And GIVEN AWAY OPEKO COFFEE " Regular 60c Pound ........49¢ now comes the announcement that Ringling : Bros. and Dagnum & Bailey's "Greatest Show with every purchase of 'a 50c jar HIG SAVING IN ; She iad or "Sonders when 1 exh i Jontes] CUd Cream: DECORATED CANDLES RIKER'S ANTISEPTIS OPEKO TEA i he advance advertising car heralding the Jonteel Combinati Colored candles with sparkling de- An excellent mouth wash leaves the . Regular 86¢ Pound ee yungers a fon Smbination: Cream corations of silver and gold. 29 mouth tingling with freshness 79 Half Pos d y , Cc C un ersrenteetaae h Women's Shoes a : | avis De oe THE TWO FOR 50c¢ 50c value. Special Reg $1 bottle special One Pound ... hf g . . Coming on 100 double length railroad cars, i In patent leather strap or ties. Cuban or high heels. [}| carving its entire compjtment. of Seth nen B gh H. Jackson and Mason McLaughlin Coal Co, Relief ~~ 3.50 - May. Live face was turned. away from mm |ing involved in an accident, paid no | United church last Saturday after-|the Everest family, with Mr. and}Agnes Cowan, of Osli, with friend P Whether at home or on the road don't let that emergency catch you unprepared. Pur- chase your First Aid Kit now Types for all requirements. bo) {Bie Ler toon 6 68" $3.65 [| EEE EE TASTY When in Need of Druga "QUICKLY" Phone | $e Price .oeeecniisinrinn . c pon; Goliath, the five-to 'Sea Ele ant} FREE ; Hi Fg end TUT Ha i et SODAS AND JURY AND LOVELL DELIVERY TO i 4 eat. of tight = wire performers; Miss § Een ote, most famed <a fens [1 | (YNCHES SERVED ALL PARTS & | Ee res 'R.NEILL, Ltd. |-22) aon' % Resa Dug ser of me Here or ere cts shan ever KING EAST FOUNTAIN SIMCOE SOUTH ~ 12 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Colson mes | SODA FOUNTAIN | | prone 28 PHONE 68 CITY . - " Arcus is. the only. five-ring circus inthe ees UE PENS rd

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