Women's Interests in the Home -- TEACHER HONORED Social and Personal Mr. Keith Wickens will spend the week-end and holiday at his home in Sterling. Y Miss Tasman of Unity, Saskatche- wan, and Miss Tasman of the Tor- onto Conservatory of Music, are visit- ing' Mrs, F. Daniel, Warren avenue. Miss Clara Hopper and Miss Eunice Nicholls leave today for Wasago Beach, where they will spend the week-end and holiday, Mr. and Mrs. U. Jones and family, Simcoe street north, are in Hamilton and Bond street, on Wednesday. There were about thirty friends pre- sent, who voiced good wishes for the continental trip, on which Mrs, Craig embarks today, " Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Burden, Divi- sion street, leave today to spend the summer months at their cottage at Bowmanville Beach. Mr, and Mrs. E. Wallace of Lon- don, England, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bradley, Simcoe street north, for a few days. Mr. Wallace is manager of the Shredded Wheat today attending the Schneider-Stew- art family picnic Jand, re-union, Mrs. Hugh Fitzsimmons, who, with her son, Harry, has been spending a number of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks, has re- turned to her Jrome in Detroit. Mr .and Mrs, C. S. Patterson, for- merly of the city and now of Tor- gute, were visitors in the city yester- y ox Miss Frances Shirley, King street west, leaves today to visit her sister, Mrs. PE. Gilbank of Perth, and her brother, Mr. Lloyd C. Shirley of Ottawa. JLo 7 Mr. and Mrs, Albert V. Swail, Masson street, are spending two weeks in Boston. "They were accom- panied by their daughter, Miss Har- riet Swail, who will remain for the summer. * * * Miss Mae Storks and Miss Muriel Draper left today for the Muskoka district, where they will spend the next week, * Mrs, A. Evans and Miss Rose Evans, Yonge street, and Miss Doris Dobney leave tomorrow for Buffalo, * where they will be the guests of Mrs, A, Hancock for a week. * % ¥ Mrs. T. Rockley Parker, formerly soprano soloist of St, Peter's church, Brockville, has taken up residence in Oshawa. Mrs. Parker will be wel- comed by the vocal fraternity of the city. ok % Miss Kathleen Elliott of Fort Erie arrived in the city today to be the guest of Miss Lois Mundy, Simcoe street north, over the week-end and holiday. yi Mrs. Etta B, Craig was the guest of honor at a farewell tea given by Miss T. M. E. Nash, corner Victoria ---- we------ Neilson's Ice Cream All the luscious flavors of sweet crushed fruits, skillfully blended with rich cream and fine cane sugar combine to give you Neilson's Cream. It's as wholesome and healthful as it tastes. Oorder from us for tonite's dinner. ol KARN"S DRUG STORE Next P. O. Phone 378 9 WE DELIVER summer service We announce a special Summer call for and de- livery service to cottages as follows: West: Oakville and in- termediate points. Northwest: Brampton and intermediate points. North: Jackson's Point, Orchard Beach, Grosse Point, and intermediate points, East: Whitby, Oshawa, Pickering, Pickering Beach, Harmony. Fair- port Beach, and inter- 'mediate points. . Phone and let us know 'when you expect to be at your Summer home or cottage and we will ar- range to have you put on our calling list. Phone as soon as possible, please. Phcne 788 a oar RL TRE Ba) VOWEL Dir [] [] A VER ER, 434 Simcae Street South Pp in London, Sng. 2 *, , "4 I'd Mr. N. F. McLeod, a member of the teaching staff of the Oshawa Col- legiate Institute, leaves at South- end to spend the summer at South- ampton, Ont. * * * Dr. Grant Berry and Mrs. Berry and child, Bond strect east, leave to- day for Presqu'ile point, where they will spend the next two weeks, Messrs, Clif Pound, Claude Watt, Jack Bond, Richmond street east, and Mr. Jim Watt of Winnipeg, left today to spend the week-end and holiday at Weslemkoon Lake, where they will be the guests of Mr. Don- ald Bailes, a : Mr. and Mrs, H. Roth motored from Heisler, Alberta, to Oshawa and were the guests of the latter's aunt, Mrs, C. Ackerman, and Mr. Acker- man, Drew street. The guests cov- ered the distance of 2782 miles in nine days and report the roads in good condition, * * In the account of the meeting of the Ontario Temple, No. 1, Pythian OUTSTANDING SMARTNESS An important detail of chic is Jabot frill slipped through bound opening at centre-front just below collarless Vionnet neckline, Style No. 188 achieves a graceful flare through box-plaited skirt, show- ing smart up-in-the-front wus. line. It can be made at a decid- el saving, for the 36-inch size ou ly takes 3 yards of 40-inch mater- ial, with 3-8 vard of 40-inch cou- trasting fabric, pattern for wiich can be had in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust mea- sure. Guorgette crepe, flat crepe, silk pique, checked gingham, shan- tung, printed rajah silk and print- ed pique, are smartly wearable. Price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. We suggest that when you send for this pattern you enclose 10 fonts additional for a cqpy of our ashion Magazine. "It's just filled with delightful styles, including smart ensembles, and cute designs for the kiddies. . PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department. Oshawa, Ont. find + gents. Please send patterns listed below: size size essesensersesesesssncses BIZ€ cesvnsnenecass PETTY 20 cents each. d st o Wrap coin Caretolly, call ES . ERR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1929 ng (GIVEN POK SELLING OUR HIGH CLASS PERFUME ------- LR HOITARY BRUSHES MANICURE 887 We will give you sny of the above prizes . FREE for selling 20 bottles HIGH CLASSPERFUME, at specially reduced Send for them now as SPECIAL PRIZES are given for promptness. EASTERN GIFT CO. REG'D . 4875 ADAM STREET, MONTREAL. CAN. BY ASHBURN FOLK Miss Bernice Werry Made Recipient of a Presentation Ashburn, June 29.--Congratula- tions ars being extended to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Redman of Kinsale, whose marriage took place on Wednesday, June 26, at teh home of the. bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs, David Broome, north of Mrytle. Mrs, Redman is well- known, having attended the pub- lic school and church here a few YOArs ago. ' The Young People's Society met at the manse on Thursday night and after a social time the gather- ing was called to order by Rev. W. B; Mitchell and the teacher, Miss' Bernice Werry, who has served the section efficently for the last two years, and has been such a help in all branches of church work and the choir, was called to the Sisters, which appeared on this page yesterday it was omitted that one- half dozen linen tea napkins with hand made lace were donated by Sister Marie Schwartz, on which tickets were sold. Mrs, Harold Ben- son of the Queen City Temple, No. §, Toronto, a guest for the evening, held the lucky ticket. The proceeds were for the benefit of the /local Temple. * Mrs. W. R. Elliott and little daugh- ters, Jean and Doris are visiting Mrs, Eliotte"s honie in Guelph for a few days. * Ld * Mrs, I. E. Argue, Masson street, is leaving today to visit her sister, Mrs. John Linton, Wiarton, "ow a . The following leave today by motor for the Tuxis Square Summer camp on Lighthouse Island for two weeks: Leo. Glover, Arthur Wood, Lloyd Wood, L. Wakeley, A, Fleming, Jack Chamberlain, Ross Switzer, A. Wal- ker, George Brown, Jr, O, Camp- bell, Clayton Burnett, William Eddy, Alan Thompson, William Russel, Ralph Bell, Keith Hoehn, and Meredith Moffatt. They will be driven to the camp by Mr. and Mrs. A. Glover, Mr. .and Mrs. Elmer Gibson and Mrs. and Mrs. Wilfred Parkinson, who will spend the week-end with Mrs. I, B. Millard, Miss Brange will also be the guest of Mrs, Millard for the next week. Weddings MOODY--EVANS Dunsford, June 27.--A pretty wed- ding took place at Salem United Church Wednesday, when Elva May, daughter of Mary Jane and the late Simon Evans, became the bride of Herbert James Moody, of .Qshawa. Rev. J. F. Everson of Dunsford offic- iated, The wedding march was play- er by Miss Jean Elliot, The bride entered the church upon the arm of her brother, Elmer Evans, and was attired in a sleeveless white satin gown, the skirt being veiled in ruffles of silk netting, white silk hose, and satin shoes. She was attended by her sister, Migs Zeta Evans, The groom was supported by Watson Matheson of Lindsay, The couple will reside in Oshawa. SMITH--CORNISH The home of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Smith, Mary street, was the scene of a pretty wedding at six o'clock, Fri- day, June 28. 1929, when Gladys Ella, younger daughter of Mr. T, G, Corn- ish and the late Mrs. Cornish, Albert street, became the bride of William George Smith, son of Mr, and Mus. Frank Smith, The ceremony was per- formed under an arch of orange blos- soms and evergreens by Rev. A. M. Irwin, pastor of North Simcoe United church, The bride, who was given mn marriage by her fdther, entered the livingroom to the strains of the wed- ding march played by Miss Doris Smith, sister of the groom. The bride was lovely in a poudre blue gown. The bodice was of blue silk lace over beige, while the skirt was of poudre blue georgette pleated. She carried a bouquet of Sweetheart roses, baby's breath and fern, The bridal couple were unattended. During the signing of the register, Mrs. Courtice sang "Because.". After the ceremony, a wedding supper was served to about filty guests. The groom's gift to the pianist was a gold-filled compact, to the soloist, a white gold necklace, The table was lovely with roses. After the reception Mr. and Mrs. Smith left on a motor trip through the Muskoka district. Mrs. Smith chose a grey and blue coat, blue hat and shoes and grey hose and gloves. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Smith will reside in Detroit, front and presented with an ebony brush and comb set. Miss Werry replied feelingly and thanked the people for their kindness and aiso their thoughtfulness to her during her sojourn here. Miss Hilda Cloughton of Chalk Lake, who has elso been of considerable help in the local plays and young people's society for the past two years, was then presented with a combination purse. It {is greatly regretted here that these two young ladies are leaving this community but all join in wishing them continu- ed success wherever their future lot may be. cast. Mrs, W, Cassidy visited with Myrtle friends during the week. The recent shower was very wel- come and should prove a great boon to the strawberries as well as to all other crops. Local deal- ers have been selling strawberries at twenty-five cents a box but as they become more plentiful the price will be somewhat lower, Rev. W, B. Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell are attending the wed- ding of a friend in Toronto this week, when Rev. Mr, Mitchell will officiate. Frank Fisher is assisting a gang of men to paint the .CP.R. station and elevator at Myrtle, Mrs. Herb. Fisher and daughter of Whitby visited relatives here during the week. School closed on Friday for the summer vacation. All the schol- ars were successful in their pro- motion examinations, CONLIN'S SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of the June examinations for S.S. No. 4 East Whitby : Jr. IV to Sr. IV--Frank Hoskin. Sr. III to Jr: IV--Gladys Blair, Louis Pogson, Lloyd Stork. / Jr. 11 to Sr. I1[--Florence Groat, Eddie Galka, Verna Selleck. Sr. IT to Jr. 11I--Josephine Galka, hon. Glen Hosklin, hon.; Frank Mc- Cann, Mary Egden. Jr. to Sr. II--John James, Blanche Blair, Wray Stork, Verna Brown, Evelyn Brock, recommended; Annic Egden; recommended. Jr. I to Sr. I--Jean Yecllowlees, Irene Davis, Orvel Selleck. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr--Ella Hoskin, Dorothy Davis, Audrey Woodlée, Marie Selleck. Jr. Pr.--(Bernice Blair, Ross Brown, equal); Douglas Jones, Myr- tle Davis, Edith Egden. No. on roll, 31. A. E. Smyth, teacher. Lunatics publish a paper at an asy- lum in Humberstone, England. There may 'be others.--Florence Herald. The Boston Transcript says Hoov- er's will not be a one-mon govern. ment. Not if Borah can help it.--Dal- las News. YRTLE SUNDAY SCHOOL ON PICNIC Joined by Manchester and Raglan at Lakeview Park Saturday Myrtle, Junue 29.--The Sunday School is holding a plenic at Osh- awa on the lake on Saturday when Raglan and Manchester schools will join in the merry making. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Chesholm and daughter, Mrs. Dave Leury, visited Rev. Mr. Swayne, of Fraser- ville, last week. Five candidates who are writing on their examinations at Brooklin this week. . Miss Jean Smith, of Oshawa, han been holidaying with her cousin, Miss Dorothy Rodd. The recent showers have proven patches. ' A pretty June wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Broome on Wednesday af- fernoon, when their only daughter Violet, was married to Mr. Clarence Redman of Kinsale. Promptly at 2.30 o'clock the bride proceeded from the home to the lawn &nd under a dainty arch of evergreens and roses, became the bride of Mv, Redman. Rev. M., Merriman per- formed the ceremony, Miss Red- man, sister of the groom and Ross Broome brother of the bride acted as bridesmaid and best man. The bride was daintily attired in white with flowing veil and carryjed a sheaf of roses. After a dainty wedding supper the happy coupule' left by motor for Toronto and De- troit, where they will spend a cou- ple of weeks with Mrs. Redman's aunt, On their return, they will reside in Kinsale. About sixty guests were present from Oshawa, Whitby, Kinsale and Ashburn, Will Cook and Frank Vernon, left with their two teams of horses on Saturday for Newmarket, where they will show them at the un. nual fair. Some of the farmers in this dis trict have some fine fields of al- falfa cut, and it is generally speak- ing, a splendid crop. PROMOTIONS AT PORT PERRY H.5. Complete List of Successful Scholars Is Given Below Port Perry, June 29.--Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk and family, and Mr. Owles spent Sunday with Sea- grave friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bougliner and Mr. and Mrs. Benn, of Long Branch, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Rose. - Following is the promotion list at Port Perry High School, Names are in order of merit: Form I to Form IT--S8ylvia Nind, Enid Wallace, Olga Lakey, Mar- jorie Pyatt, Sheila Maclver, Rob- ert Willan, Marion Tinsley, Walt- er Reynolds, Evelyn Somerville, Marjorie Real, Clifford Ward, Hughes Williamson, Albert Cawk- er, Alice Hayden, Fred Switzer, ho» bert Woods, Donald Wanchope. Vocational Agriculture--Mal- colm Black, Arthur Asher, Leo Burton. Vocational Household Science-- Dorothy Miller, Dorothea O'Neill, Iva. Reynolds, Jean Cumming. Form II to Form III--Hugh Nind, Violet Bond, Melville Lakey, Robert Cawker, William Lyle, Done ald Shepherd, Veda Ewers, George Tinsley, Storey Beare, Melvin, Wil- liams, Betty Bland, Margaret Black, Robert McMillan, Josie Not, Florence McMillan. Repeat year--Oscar Bradley, Ha- zel Jeffrey, Arthur Carnegie. Graduating from two year Vo- cational Agriculture Course--Hen- ry Dodd, Grant Orchard, Sand¥ Moore, Sam Masters. Graduating from two year House- hold Science Course--Kathleen Payne, Among those from Port Perry who attended the marriage of Miss Ronena Black of Scugog, to Mr. Maurice Frank, of Buffalo, on Wed- HAMPTON SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY (STANDARD TIME) « Sunday Services June 30. 10.30 am, and 7 p.m. REV. DR. FLETCHER, Oshawa MONDAY July the First 2.30 p.m. -- Sports in Hampton Park. 4.30 p.m. -- Tea served on Church Lawn 8.00 p.m. Entertainment. Play-- "Sonny Jane". By Hampton Dramatic Club. Orono Orchestra. Tea and Concert 65¢ Tea or Concert 40c Children--Either Tea or Concert 25c. | a great benefit to the strawberry |Harriso and the Com nesday, June 19, were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Parry and family, Miss Hilda Wallace, Mr, Cecil Hooey, Miss Mary Carter and Mr, and Mrs. mn. The funeral of the late Miss Sa- die Allin, .who died suddenly at the home of her sister, Mrs, W. Wilson on Friday, June 22, took place from the Church of the As- censgion on Tuesday afternoon. The service was conducted by the rec- tor, Rev. T. A. Nind, assisted bs Rev. P. G. Powell, of Blackstock. The church was filled to capacity with relatives and friends. Inter- ment took place at Sunderland, W. A. Evans has purchased F., Wil- liams' property, on Cochrane St. About 35 members of the Bea- ches Lodge, A.F. and A.M., Toron. to, paid a fraternal visit to Fidel- ity Lodge om Monday evening to assist R. W. Brow Gardiner with the installation of officers for the year. Mrs. Pyatt and Mrs. Allward were in Oshawa last Friday. : Miss Frances Mellow, of Toron- to, was home for the week-end. Clifford Vickery, of Toronto, is visiting his mother, Mrs. A. Vick- ery. . Mr. and Mrs. Bentley entertained a number of friends from Toronto on Sunday. Miss Gwendolyn Ettey, of Toron- to, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Ettey. Clarence Cook has purchased the house on Lilla St., formerly oc- cupied by Mr, Dodds and is moving there soon. g Mr. and Mrs. A. Snell and Dr. Snell, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. John Irvine on Sunday. Mr. Knox, of Winnipeg, is visit- ing Port Perry friends. Miss Jean Dunn, of Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ben Dunn. ' Miss Hilda Wallace spent the week-end with friends in Detroit. Dr. and Mrs. McMaster were In Oshawa on Friday. Douglas Lucas, of Toronto, was in town on Monday. Miss Mabel Ryan friends in Toronto. CONTINUATION SCHOOL IS MOOTED AT ENNISKILLEN Meeting of Ratepayers is Called to Consider the Proposal Enniskillen, June 26.--Mrs. G. Preston and Mr, and Mrs. W. Thoms, Oshawa, visited Fred Preston, Peter- boro, also friends in Lindsay and Omemee. Mr. O. Neil, Lindsay, and Mrs. Overland, Erin, were guests of Mrs. G. Preston. Quite a few attended the funeral of the late Norman James, of Bow- manville, on Saturday. Enniskillen choir motored to Nes- tleton on Sunday and assisted in thé anniversary services there, The CG. LT, girls took the choir's place here. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. Slemon, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shephard, of Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs, El- mer Dickinson, Sunday, Mr. Brown, of Lindsay, daughter, Mrs. Wm. Aion. Enniskillen played at Solina on Wednesday last, the game resulting in a scoreless tie. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Tamblyn and Mrs. A. Tamblyn, Orono, Miss Annie Thempson and Mr. George McLain, of Woodbridge, visited Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, on Sunday. A meeting of the ratepayers was called to consider a continuation school the coming year. There is a strong desire to give this chance to the young folk, as it is a great. dis- tance to any institution of higher education. The young people after the league presented Miss Edna Lamb, bride-to- e, with a miscellaneous shower cn Tuesday. Solina and Enniskillen played a league game on Wednesday evening, resulting 1-0 in favor of Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs, \V. Harder, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Stinson, Black- stock, and Mr. and 'rs, W. Cath- cart, Kendal, visited J. Freeborn, Mr. and Mrs, E, Pethick and son Howard, Toronto, were guests of his brother, S. Pethick. Mrs, Martin and daughter, Miss Jean Martin, Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of Dr. Ferguson, Miss Annie Oke and Miss Audrey Dorland are visiting the former's sis- ter, Mrs, Frank Spry, Rochester, The Women's Institute of Solina. is holding their next meeting at the home of Mrs, Russell Ormiston on Wednesday, Miss Marie Werry, Oshawa, is visiting Mrs. L. Ashton. is' visiting visited his munity SALADA has the finest flavour in the world and it costs only one-quarter of "SALADA" TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' Mr. and Mrs. T. Robbins, Harry and Miss Edith Hastie, Pickering, Miss Gertie and Miss Winnie Oke, visited Wesley Oke, Mr, and Mrs, Stanley May and Miss Beale, nurse, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Robbins and babe, Rochester, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robbins, Bowmanville, visited Mr, and Mrs. Frank Robbins, Quite a number attended the dec- oration service at Hampton on Sun- day. The young folk at Enniskillen are inclined to think that they have just celebrated the best picnic they. have had in years. In every detail it was an event to be well remembered, Saturday, June 22, was the date of the picnic. The vehicle, E. Ashton's truck, was driven by Orville Ashton, the former's son, and the young peo ple arrived at their destination, Caese arca, before three o'clock. After the arrival some of the girls went: for a walk, some of the boys got busy catching fish, and others rented costumes at the nearest store and went swimming for an hour. Oth- ers enjoyed motor boat rides. Towards supper time, folks who were unable to come during the after- noon, came in their own cars to help eat supper, which was an enjoyable treat. The party returned home a- bout nine o'clock. . ERE'S a watch you'll be proud to own -- with its finely engraved case, 15 jewel movement, radium dial, and latest style flexible link band. oy A IE EAG ---.. Created in honor of COL.CHARLES A. LINDBERGH] "BULOVA LE" And as Colonel Lindbergh said about his own Bulova -- "it keeps accurate time and is a beauty" --which is as great a tribute as can be paid to any watch. An exact signed copy of Col. Lindbergh's letter of endorsement, printed on parch- ment, accompanies each Lone Eagle Watch. A hundred other Bulova Watches for men and women. $25 to $2500. Listen in tonight for BULOVA Radio Time Announcements. | ' . BASSETT"S On Oshawa"s Main Corner Let us give you the most enjoyable summer 9 all your life IKE hundreds pik happy + women Vhouse our laundry services, you too may gain more the worries of pont in the Some Pane us ---- OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO. Lot thelAUNDRY Phone 2520 doit] n DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE Dolly BoBRY, COMFY AND bY, ANDERED THROUGH THE WOOD FEELING SAD CHICKY.CHEEPY R 'IT WAS DARK AND GLOOM THEY OID ' NOT KNow Tir Sher YD TEX bb C2 © 1, Rig Syatioan, toe. Groat rian sight sasrend THEY CAME To A CLEARING AND THE SUN SHONE So BRIGHT "THEY BEGAN T> DANCE 2 THEN THEY HEARD.A LITTLE VOICE CALLING, feneze ve! clieeg uP!