Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jun 1929, p. 14

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The JAZ or Sods AOS Anticipating the Summer Holi Spectator Sports re Cleverly Conceived Their Smart Simplicity Is Deceptive, For Are A Skillful Combination Of Color, Line And Fabric. They Adopt Trends That Are New And Unexpected, But Delightful Active and Togs $.om"d i HERE we once purchased apparel that would be practical for sports wear, we now yearn to play the games that will permit us to wear the togs provided for the purpose. Failing this, we wear them any- way. And so it is that the woman on the veranda, who is amused or entertained, as the case may be, by the game in the tennis court, or the one who follows in the gallery during the golf game, Is as sportingly clad as the partici- pants themselves, The well-clad woman wears sports clothes at the races, and finds excuses galore for the smart things associated with this mode, even though the event is mot classed as sports at all. It is a tribute to the designers who have evolved these clothes, many of which are rapidly becoming classics along with the tallleur, Ruling All--The Sleeveless Frock Whether it be your intent to play tennis or golf, or merely watch the game, you will find your purpese an excuse for a sleeveless dress. But we may not mention this item without reference to another, the jacket, for it is the latter that makes the former pos- sible. We have, long since, yielded to the ensemble theme, and a frock without sleeves would hardly be a finished thing. Hence, the two garments. Real exercise demands apparel that is both practical and comfort- able, and the sleeveless dress is both. We see it more often on the court than on the links, but it is correct in both places. Its simplicity will be deceiving, for it will not show, at first thought, the {nfinite pains that have gone into its drafting and designing. With a jacket added, it will continue fits usefulness throughout the hours of play. For The Woman Who Golfs Where the woman who plays tennis almost invariably wears a dress without sleeves, the golfer is of two minds. And she has her choice of a one or a two-plece outfit--three, if the jacket Is counted. - There are different ma- terials for her purpose, of course, but certain ones have become fav- orites. Silk pique, silk jersey, wool crepe and flannel are approved, and the sweater is a garment of importance. With the vogue for the tuck-in sweater well established, the outfit made up of a skirt of wool crepe or flannel may be mentioned, and with it a tuck-in sweater is worn, and a neckerchief. Or a sleeveless sweater may be the choice, worn slip-over, and the jacket a feature, A two-piece flannel outfit, sleeve- less, has a 'cardigan jacket of striped jersey, and a skirt and Jacket of woolen has a silk jersey blouse, With The Necessary Jacket The lady who looks on will most certainly choose a jacket sult, And she will linger long over the cholee, for it will be a question hard to decide, which of the many! Flat crepe makes delightful outfits, the jacket and skirt of one color, and the blouse in a contrasting shade. The skirt and jacket may be of a fine printed silk--pin- points, and worn with a blouse of Georgette, and the blouse may be frilled. Shantung is a favorite, and one little outfit is made of plain Shantung with a jacket of dotted silk, the latter applied to the frock in a tie that laces. Another has a scarf and motifs of colorful striped silk, while a third has a jacket in a solid color, but all are of the same type of silk. All of the skirts have width, concealed in the many types of pleats, and tucks, scallops, but- tons and ties are details. For The Cooler Days Mention must needs be made of tweed, which plays so important a part when the day Is not so warm, and is preferred for the full-length utility coat that is a necessary part of every wardrobe, .There are two- plece frocks, with sleeves, made in| sports fashion and meticulously tailored, with strappings and pleats | and clever inserts to give the nec- essary fullness, There may be a coat, of course, If one wishes. Separate coats provide a back- ground for all sorts of frocks, more especially the fine prints that are so popular. Such a frock may even wear lingerie touches and not violate the spirit of the mode. Jacket suits of tweed, designed for wear with light-hued blouses, are popular, and knitted suits have their devotees, There are some lovely patterns and effective color mixtures in the knit fabrics, nota- bly chartreuse and black. You do not have to play tennis to Acugs ye, ol 7 riginally designed for Jutcpant us fa wear this sharming idle You might see any one of the three at seashore or country club--the ensemble of white silk pique with its sun-tan back, the sleeve- day Season KH] Daytime Frocks of Appear At Charming Ensembles Veranda At The Tea | dency to frilliness characterizes the less dress of printed chiffon, or the orchid crepe ensemble with its cape and fringes. EE The Tennis Frock T is a fashion all its own, the tennis frock, and so adaptable has it proven that it is. worn for many things other than tennis. As the season advances you will find youth wearing some form of this frock all day long, from morn- Ing until dinner time, though Mother may change to more. for- mal garb for afternoon wear, Mother, on the other hand, may do nothing of the sort, for the type is certainly comfortable and smartly attractive, Any number of these frocks, with a few well-chosen jackets, will make a complete daytime ward- robe. In a way they are all alike, for they are simple, straight, wide of skirt, sleeveless, and in many instances cut down deep In the back. 'But in other ways they are not alike at all, which makes them interesting. Colors differ, and so do materials, and there is Infinite variety in detail, which all accepta- ble modes exemplify, The idea of the tennis frock came from I'rance, but it was the American girl that found it would do for other things than tennis-- for the beach, teatime. the Infor- mal dinner--if the fabric is right, and general resort wear. It ap- pears on the Country Club veranda. It is ideal for wear with a coat or jacket, when one motors, and it appears on the links, with or with- out a jacket. And it is an ideal house or garden dress. You will find it in plain colors, In prints, In stripes and in a com- bination of plain and printed ma- terials. You will find it In silk, cotton, linen, crepe and satin, In a way the material will measure its formality, but that does not al- ways signify. However, the pique frock could not dine out, even in- formally, where the model of washable satin could do so very well indeed, Distinctions without differences! The tennis enthusiast is sure to Include at least one frock of silk pique in her wardrobe, and more than likely it will be white, And she will have a frock of handker- chief linen, dotted, for Instance, or printed, the background white, There are clever little two-plece models with pleated skirt and tuck-in blouse, of silk pique or! Chuddah silk. Striped plque is smart on the courts--candy stripes | or regimental! Sleeveldss frocks of printed silk, boasting a frill or two, go out to, tea. A satin sleeveless dress, with intricate seaming, made like any other tennis frock, goes out to din- ner, and a motoring frock is done in silk jersey, but follows exactly | the same lines. { O play the game successfully, or to watch It with a con- tented mind, Milady must be impeccably dressed, down. to the last little detail, What the player wears the watcher does not, but both are charming in their appropriateness to purpose. True, the details of both garments and accessories are varied and versa- tile, but the line of demarcation exists, and the woman who is care- ful of effect will not be careless of that- line. If you take your tennis serious- ly, then you will spend much time on the court, and that means pro- tecting the head from the sun. You may do it with one of the fetching little bandeaus that are made of natural leghorn straw and bound with grosgrain ribbon, or with a hat, the newest conceit a chamois affair with a floppy brim that may be adjusted at the most | comfortable angle. Or it may be a cloche of straw or felt, or a silk bandanna. Footwear will be practical, of course, and in the classic manner --QOxfords for the golfer, even for the tennis player, with a difference in heels. Stockings of chiffon lisle will do for golf, but those of silk or chiffon lisle are preferred for tennis, Then there will be the ankle socks that prevent rubbing --of white wool, topped with color. They are worn alone, if your legs are sunburned, or may be a part of the stocking itself. Ohare are svecially made for golf and tennis, and they have perforations on the back. Jewelry is just a trifle barbaric, with fits wooden beads in many stranded chokers, or the ropes of beads of | C | the fullness of the wide legs shirred HE {dea of the Ing sult is notynew, neither is the beach pyjama, but never have the latter been offered in such variety as they are at present, and never have they heen so drolly picturesque. It would seem that thelr designers have, truly, gone back to nature, and adopted work clothes, reproducing them in fine fabrics and gay colors. Curlously the floppy trousers and accompany- ing shirt or jacket will prove be- coming. The avowed purpose of the pyjama suit is for sun bathing, and it follows quite naturally that it 18 worn over the bathing sult, The swimmer tops her one or two- piece suit with a smart outfit, and is ready for the beach, And that outfit had its inspiration in naval styles, in overall modes and else- where. But invariably the legs of the trousers are wide, and footwear and headwear are chosen to carry cut the general idea. Some of the pyjama sults have no reason for being other than thelr own interesting way. The tuck-in shirt on the model sketched might well be part of a bathing suit, over which the wide trousers have been drawn. Attention seems to have been directed to the trousers with the neat yoke and lor into that yoke. But the coat car- ries out the same trimming idea as the shirt, which explodes the theory. Gob's outfits, and they are near enough to the regular uniform sol that no one can possibly doubt their inspiration, are made of satin and silk and prints-and all sorts of fabrics that the Navy 'wots not] of!" And headgear is in the same | spirit, There is something unde- niably smart and attractive about a slender girl in such an outfit-- pyjama suits are the prerogative of the girl or the slender woman. | Another much exploited theme | is the overall pyjama. It is just | what it claims to be, a suit of overalls, worn over a little shirt or a bathing suit. It may be of rich material and' delightful color, but it keeps to overall lines. India cottons make attractive overall suits, and are seen In pyjama sets that use the coolie coat, The proper hat for wear with overall pyjamas 'is the broad-brimmed, floppy, rough straw model. There are adorable models in| %eutral colors, as natural rajah, beige, worn with a gay-hued coat, You will find that most of these outfits are supplied with some sort of a coat or jacket, so you can tan or not, as you deem advisable--or at least stop tanning ##® Little Things of the Sports Mode a larger size, It Ils a step away from severity, this wearing of jewelry with sports togs, but we have to admit that we rather like it. The kerchlef, or the scarf that Sports jewelry is in a class ensembles of choker or necklace, bracelet and earrings. woad basds.anse.and chrusancasa ase have illustrated, by itself, and is to be had in when vou wish, OE slips on over the head, in sun-tan lines, meets with approval, The lady who looks on while her sisters play may wear a knitted sult, casual in appearance, but in- tricate in cut. Or she may, if she prefers, keep to cool silks, or adopt flannel or tweed. Her suit will determine the accessories, but there are many from which to choose, and one of the cleverest hats has a strap in back that is adjustable, making it easy to slip into, but smartly snug-fitting when on, The cloche is correct and so is the beret, if fit 1s becoming. Shoes have higher heels, but they are not too high--for the costume is still sports, of course, The Ox- ford type seems to be preferred, although the one-strap slipper is seen, And, of course, the spectator carries a bag, and it will, if ultra- smart, match the footwear, Flat pouches in odd shapes may be erlvelope type or may have handles. The gloves to complete the cos. tume may be either slip-on or two- button type, but they will be of doeskin, suede or capeskin, and preferably washable, for white, eggshell, beige and sun-tan are the preferred colors, Necklaces of sun-tan pearls are worn, or they may be of copper, the jewelry pleces, this metal considered very good with sunburned skins. Or onyx, galalith chrysoprase and like the | than one, | sports, | slaves to the jacket, in that they | plain jacket will be smart with pat- {must | the hub of the wheel of fashion, | of them already Formal Mien the Country Club Are Noted On The Hour. Sheer Fabrics Are Fashioned Into Intriguing Models That Demand Fine Accessories To Complete Them ASHION may not always seem especially for the woman who | would finish her day, once it| | has begun, without going home to | silhouette, dress, From lunch time on into| the evening, she will be engaged, | but her engagements will not be a success, If she is not properly clad, Materials, lines and colors all play their part in outfits that are "bridge' frocks in two ways, rather gince they are correct for the game, and serve to span the gap between daylight and eve- ning occasions, And there are models that are formal in a day- time sense only, and yet a third group that serve many purposes, but may hardly be classed as nor yet do they belong to the formal group. And playing its all-important part in the scheme of things, we have the jacket in some form or other, The Jacket New To Formality It has only been recently that the jacket has been associated with semi-formal and formal styies, But it has proven such a helpful little garment that it was bound to find its way Into every nook and cranny of the mode, so that there Is never a time when ft is, as a fashion, out | of place, And dresses have become | depend upon them to provide ele- ments that they have not, It completes the low-cut, sleeve- less tennis frock and the sleeveless dress of chiffon with equal apti- tude, although it will not be the same type of jacket, for jackets are all things to all modes. The gen- eral rule is finger-tip length, but it is not an unbreakable rule, few rules are that, nowadays. But severity may be the dominant note of the sports jacket, where a ten- more formal type. If You Sclect Them Cleverly A wise choice of this important item in the wardrobe will augment your summer outfit immeasurably. A striped or figured jacket will complement many frocks in plain color, if {ts color is right, and a frocks, but, again, color be considered, The jacket been variously described as terned has and the keynote to the entire fashion harmony. In recent fashion displays there have been many interesting models, some of them food for thought, in that they foretell new trends, many | And It-is not out of place to men- consistent, but it is adaptable, | tion, at this time, the subject of skirt length, for it Is, undoubtedly the most important detail of the Skirts are longer, and there is no qualification, and that length Is effecting sports end tai- lored things. The Georgette Or Chiffon Frock Probably the best-liked fabrics for formal daytime wear are these two old favorites, and now that weavers have given chiffon a qual- ity of sturdiness that it did not, hitherto, possess, it Is more popular than Georgette, for it is more 'in keeping with the spirit of the mode, It falls, adorably, Into | ruffles and flounces and frills, and we see these details on a very great many of the newly conceived formal frocks. Sleeveless, for the most part, these dresses have cape and bertha collars that fall over the arms, con- cealing the sometimes ugly upper arm. They still cling to the tight hipline and place their ruffles or flounces very low on the frock. Hems dip decidedly in frocks of both these materials, although silk frocks Incline to the straighter hemline, There seems to be an in- crease, rather than a decrease, of down-in-the-back models. The Use Of Capes And Deep Collars A smart uttle printed silk model has a cape that falls in such a way that it looks, when at rest; like a short sleeve, It has a deep edge of fine pleating which matches the pleated flounces on the skirt, It is formal enough for tea or bridge, but will not serve later than the tea hour, for it is semi-formal in its spirit. Frocks of this type will not have jackets for the obvious reason provided in the cape collar. The chiffon dress will have a jacket to match, or it may have a Jacket in a plain color. Where sports jackets are plain, the more formal models make a very great deal of bows and frills and scarfs. Some of the plainer ones are ap- pliqued with fine lace, a lovely complement to chiffon. An after- noon coat of transparent velvet is sleeveless, but has a deep, elbow length cape, scalloped at the edge. It is straight of line, the coat. -- tlie mm ------ There is something really new in gloves. Long lace handwear, somewhat in the manner of the lace mitts of olden days, is worn in the evening and at fash. fonable weddings. But they are really gloves, not half-gloves, and are to be had in white, black and well-established, the pastels. SS -- ESS ig a TT Beach pyjamas oi blue crepe with appliques in black. The legs etals, | stones may be worked inte | Risoan, : . aan of the trousers are wide Lima, - Tha ee and are drawn in at the yoked waists 1, ae ¥ | )

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